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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Our Man in Europe/USA, Belize, Dave Delacroix, aka, david michael oxley: :ANACREON in heaven! We SALUTE thee!" (Old British Navy Drinking Song, 1800s)


Our Dude in your Face! Dave Delacroix. "ANACREON!!!" (Ancient Greek Poet)

No retribution, no linger! No Saccharine, no indetermined, like a RIOT, no forsaken; ship-wreck Sailors, beaten-ashore by WRECKERS, no...REAL retribution. Only/Just? By kindness, boredom, indifference? Whose COFFIN-CLOSED scant of Guilt for fellowman or Porridge for a History-tale, pre BBC? Whose BRECKENRIGE in Scottland, Colorado, or the MURDOCH MYSTYRIES seeps into custom rites & Souls; WHISKY GALORE! Do DEVILS always Win, Maidens, always "de-flowered"; is anyone NOT a Bastard including the "...to the Manor-born"? No retribution, DEATH & the MAIDEN...whose love we pine, songs OF, forgotten SEA Shanties, ANACREON, we HAIL THEE!...but still her CURSE poisons your Seed? RAPE & pillage in an Ocean of mirrors?

c.Davedelacroix. 68th b-day arriviving, Oct. IN PAIN. Will continue with STYLE U Rockstars!

Friday, September 22, 2023

OUR RIGHTEOUS MAN in BELIZE, dave delacroix/david michael Oxley: "It's all over now Babee-Blue!"


OUR Man in Belize, "It's all over Now..."

"It's all over now Babee-Blu? It's all over, no Trumpet/7th Cavalry to save the day from those "pesky" locals; Vikings, GAULS, Aztecs, Mayan-bastards, Vandals, punks from Chicago-South-side, Darkies, the Homeless? Jury's still out on Albanians, Sicilians? Muslims catching a FLIGHT? Stress-City!

Its All-over NOW Babee-BLUE, the Color-blind, the SWINES with WEIRD Scottish or IRISH names/accents, how can U trust these bastards? Apparently, Egyptians & Israelis are the MOST mid-east Racist pieces of crap U can encounter regarding their immediate Neighbors? Both regard themselves as top of the heap? 

It's all, yowzah, all over, BABEE-BLUE until some PIED-PIPER of HAMLEIN shows up, grabs everybody's KIDS, take Em away so THE HATE can dissolve?  But what family would sacrifice their KIDS for WORLD PEACE?

It's all over now Babee-Blue? I got (diagnosed) weeks to live. No worries. It's all over NOW (for me) Babee-Blue...Dave-Adieu. Shallom U lunatics! Allah-Akbah? Quit Medaevil-masturbation! Hang the LAWYERS & BURN the PRIESTS!...Y-all might just make it.

Our Man in Belize. Dave delacroix/david michael Oxley, Corozal, Belize.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

OUR MAN in Belize, dave delacroix/david michael Oxley, "CASTAWAY."


It's not OVER dear Heart, though wagons of Time roll horizons into well-deserved oblivion, nor friendship vacuum and ambitions dissolve, fine-point, script into verbiage, no wit, joke, laughter, a cunning smile? ALL is UN-lost as it was never uncovered. Yesterday. Footprints. Beaches. Places for a campfire. Idiots and Sunsets. 

It's not over Cheri. Love's BLOOD clings to your mortal coil like sickly virgin olive oil. The stuff stone-ground heralded by yellow-tongued Vipers. U can meet them. Or maybe YOU. Are one? Do U slither?

It's not OVER, over, over, like a frozen un-crashing WAVE; an emotion that singles U out, extends U the spray... but will NEVER release U, to dance, shimmer, on a paradise beach where the braindead trace footprints... and then, yet, to withdraw again, the beach, out of reach?

It's not OVER my love? Never! Locked-eternal, as we R in Love's-THORN matrix? A Calypso in the AIR, unattainable like a shooting star!

c. 2023, sept. dave delacroix/david michael oxley, corozal, belize.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

OUR MAN in EUROPE, dave delacroix/david michael oxley; "old "SHEFFIELD" dude": "THE STIRLINGS in Sheffield on a Saturday Night!"


OUR MAN in Europe, dave delacroix/david michael oxley: "The Stirling's in Sheffield on a Saturday Night." (Song: There R few who bear such hardships as WE poor Grinders do?)

NOBODY GOT YA BOO-GA-LOO, non-EXPECTED? Counting village-lonely "Aston-Ville-Piano-recital", high school-lass, (Renee in Treeton) not a hope in heaven? As late evening I walked BY, saw her HELL, ya MOM's Council house thru lace curtains?  SAME-PLACE (Brinsworth) I practiced, damp, in wet, misery, YORKSHIRE Trumpet Scales in "DULLARD-mid 1960s", Parents gift of INSANITY back in the day? 

Damp, worthless, BADGE on your Whoosit;  worthless old School tie? ALL whossits bright & beautiful, and ONWARD U SCUMBAGS, "Christian-Soldiers", to BE a Pilgrim? Uncanny just what our forebears expected? Elton John faggot-dancers on top of a Birthday Cake? It always rains on Sunday? Auntie/Uncle whoosit on a SUNDAY, a savory Pork Pie? 

"That's a NICe piece of HAM Mary!"(Mary-my-Mum) Green salad. Bread & butter. Cups of TEA. After a morning drive in the Yorkshire dales. Old UNCLE, wounded, WW1. Shrapnel in his whoosit.  His GAL/Wife. I drew her portrait but highlighted her WRINKLES...didn't go down well. S-always hard to BE Van Gogh wearing a Xmas wooly JUMPER portraying a disjointed reindeer?

In West Riding, Yorkshire, 1966? : TONY JACKLYN, GOLF-Czar, BROCKLEHURST Car Sales, SHEFFIELD-WEDNESDAY/DEREK DOOLEY, "RAG 65" SHEFF-STUDENTS YAAAH! RUGGER!!! Saturdays. Cup of OXO/BOVRIL, footer in the Snow? NOBODY DIED, nor complained? WOOLEY-Socks. YARSA!!! No snot! Score a bloody TRY? MONEY!!!? Not on the KID-RADAR!

  IN RETROPECT: Maybe ALL U WOKES (2023-50 years later) like REPTILES were awaiting your DECADE-YAAAS!!!, SUCCUBUS? Like SHEFFIELD-TEXAS, USA. (Movie with Paul Newman). Where all the WHORES (non-smokers) become CIVIC leaders, in Silk & Shawls! JUDGE ROY BEAN!? JUDGE ROY FIGLIOLE!~!~~!!!....(C-C-C-C-Changers~!/David Bowie?) Maybe ALL Yorkshire-snotty-KIDS "murphed" into "dialect-attitude"?

WHO SHRIEKS YOUTH! Who "MORPHS" U?  WHO makes the LEAP?  -Ya "Boo-ga-loo!!!" (That Cat with a Uni-degree in Philosophy, mowing a Civic-lawn.) A SEWER-rat TYKE, a HUMAN-LEAGUE, a DEF LEOPARD or that GAL, that KID, outta "nobody's-god"; NOBODY GOT YA BOO-GA-LOO, leastways, not THIS Saturday Night? Sheffield-Wednesday. Clock. Calendar. That School Gal, lonesome practicing her damp-room Piano Scales. And her Classmate...MIO...who got to rule his World by tripping the light-fandango WITH a whiter shade of whoosit!?

Yup. I gotta GO. My time is not over. Whatever happens! Don't walk away Rennee!

c.2023, Corozal, Belize./DAVE; S-WOT, age 67, I got. Lads & Lasses. We OWN our Time!

Saturday, August 19, 2023

OUR MAN in EUROPE, dave delacroix, "ESSO-BUSSO!"

OUR MAN in Europe, dave delacroix/david michael oxley: "Esso Busso!"

 I GOT MAH SNEEZE down on mah knees, with U With U, babee w/U, tell me TRU" or whisyh away on a promenado? Your Alreado!... Your KISSES-STICK, you make it LICK in BUFFALO or PHILORADO? U Sing your Smile, your Boo-ga-loo. a wanna-go-BLUE, don't tempt me? A Mississippi Riverboat comin to get Me? I got my Sneeze, checkin dah breeze, better I climb, give Up or "V" a Sign: Arriverderci!....Tra-la-la. Fools die young. CLOWN-MASKS!....in your Mirror? HELLO!!! Bonjorno- yesterday...IS-what we GOT. S'what WE wrote. U got ya SNEEZE, encapsulated. TIME-demanded to your Skeletal-SOUL bereft of Soul , past explosive VERSUVIUS. A pyroclastic flow. Who SREAMS for their last KISS? Better STILL! Make an intellectual LEAP, a new idea? Teeth & TITS; Esso-Busso!!!

c.davedelacroix,,david michael oxley...

Thursday, August 17, 2023

OUR MAN in Europe/BELIZE; "A recherché U Bastards perdu?"(Chanson-Francais)


Our Man in Europe/BELIZE: "A recherché U bastards perdu?" (Song/Accordion acomp.Chanson-francais).

OUTTA CHAMPAGNE, outta Champagne, what am I gonna DO without U? Outta Champagne? Outside your LOVE, and those CREDIT-CARDS we USED so... above U?

 Outta Champagne, wine's wisdom prevails as we BENTLEY carouse the "Continent" when U R outta Champas, smokes & a DAME? Jeeze! U R fricked! Caviar on TOAST in our Gaetano-fireside?

(Song Refrain): A la recherche BABEE, a SOIREE-boogaloo and our codex WORD is a noggins fool, a slip, a sly, a pas de Deux, a fashionista, a ferra-gosta kiss? A sentimental bliss? Do we LOVE or DIE?

Outta Champsies, outta vino-Barolo, out of the "rendezvous"? U never wanna talk about? When I met U/ Outta Champagne, we/and I never got to string my Guitar! Al la recherche my Love, U bitch-perdu!....Mi amore?

c.davedelacroix. Corozal, Belize. Aug,2023./Could be SUNG by Maurice Chevalier or Nicola Puleo-Sciacca-Sicily.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023



So THERE I was, half naked, in the Forest. NO DRUM tobacco, half a bottle of STROTH, a 6-pax of Stella-Artoix,, NO ERECTION, hanging out near Hettesletiahalsimhaim, a shithole Ville near probably where YOU live? TODAY'S GERMANS R SO disappointing? I pity the KIDS upcoming?

c.dave delacroix/JOY to the World!

c. I gotta Gibson Guittar in Ludwigshafen, so waz ist lose?

OUR MAN in EUROPE/BELIZE: Dave Delacroix: " KOSHER-INC!!!!"

 OUR Man IN EUROPE/BELIZE: Dave Delacroix: "KOSHER-INC.!!!"

IT'S ONLY FATAL, U SCMUCK, when U FEEL, that Symphony, that Kosher Deal; it doesn't matter how she FONDLES your BALLS, or predicts betting-scores or decided on Sunday/Cricket-Whites what should U wear? IT'S ONLY CRICTICAL if U SWEAR U say "Liebling" and give her that "Ich Lieber-dich" stare, compounded, sing ya love-mumbles? 

It's ONLY fatal if U FAIL. Failing? Who cares. Big deal? WEAR something Cool!!! Leastways, at the END of your tether, GRISTLE & GRIN/Thorsten Veblen philosophy then sing me a Billie Holliday song? Catch-Cool-Can in our highs & lows; anytime!!!

c.davedelacroix. Alive & well in BELIZE.

OUR MAN in EUROPE/BELIZE, dave delacroix/Daivid michael Oxley, age 67 NOW IN AL HANDS where my BLOG is BEING CENSORSED. (Too much fun?) The HITCH-HIKER!!!


Our DAVE in FREEDOM, Dave Delacroix, "hitch-hiker!!!

Couldn't guarantee the WI-FI but we we still had Masturbation. The BUICK? But we still had the Radio! The DASHBOARD:  The WORLD-TRADE-TOWERS? 

"...I met my $60,000 baby at the FIVE & dime." She'd switch from soiled/Levis to Armani, portofino to Blackpool, Caviar to Fish & Chips, who in the Order of Angels would cry out, BITCH! Gimmie your Credit Card!!!?

I met my MILLION-DOLLAR-whossit at the "5 & D", some wicked kind-a rendezvous, some say, on the sly? And CALL ME if U want the BIO; ya fashion YA fashion, streamline!

IF U ever get to St. Louis. By the river, SING. It's a place? I been there too. But had to get back on that Highway, hitch-hiker-shoes. Just a "hitch-hikers shoes', babee, I aint good enough for U.

c.davedelacroix, belize. 2023

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Our Man in Europe/Belize, dave delacroix: "Our Green & Pleasant Land."

YAZZA: Our man in Europe/belize/dave delacroix: Our Green & whoost!"

(dedicato: Leigh Overall-Gibbons/London Stock Market/Hugh O'Neil-Chase-Manhattan/Wall St.)

In memorial: Michael Durliat, R.I.P.

GOD KNOWS how U met her. Porn-star, Paris-Night Club, lodged in her CLEAVERAGE, sweating-U & HER? What a way to die? Sex-suffocation! (Bout THIS? Ask Bill Houston: YOLANDA from Egypt?): Songs R written putting da shame to:

Did U DIE in the Gears of a Combine-Harvester, the Shark's - Hawaii jagged tooth? Surf-board-City or eating TOO MUCH Spam? Did U die of DESPAIR, that Gal, never was there, like LAMIA, a snake, u-lost, absorbed in her reptile coils that sucked your throat?

Did U DIE in the City, a London-Taxi hit and run? London BUS? Economy-kill? GOD KNOWS what furrows U plough in your provincial, cocktail-pharmacy where Gold-Diggers thrive in a hive of Vagina-rewards? Songs of Love? -Don't be stupid! Tanqueray & Tonic!?

GOD KNOWS the racketeer, from YALE, RUTGERS, HARROW, Eton, or plebian Schoolgrounds that SODOMIZE the "Game of Cricket" and all "fair play", displayed in a LIFE perchance, cut short & thrown away. Sunday "whites" bloodied, Tea-time over HELL? Testicles-cringe?

GOD KNOWS the new CENTURIONS, the CAPTAINS of us all who survey BETHLEHEM'S debauchery in England's Green-whoost? WHO CRIES OUT for the Mice that infest your Regency houses and that scatter at your feet? Or our long-lost, pre-Industrial ENGLAND that whispers in your dreams where MEANING dissolves in a Blakean canvas?

GOD KNOWS how U met her. Did U die out-right? Or enjoy the slither of her coils?

c.2023, davedelacroix.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Our Man in Europe, Belize: dave delacroix: "...After the GIG."

 Our Man in Europe/Belize: dave delacroix: "..AFTER the Gig."

(dedicato: Mark J. D'agostino)

After the GIG, the stink of metalic: microphones, mic-stands, cables, amplifiers, beer-soaked Song-lists, broken drum-sticks, Coffee-creamer-dust (pyro-technics), plastic beer cups-spilt, the detritus of CONCERT on a Stadium stage, BAR-hell, a rehearsal room; the lacklustre retreat from a potpourri of creative divinity and ALL the SCAMS of ROCK N ROLL leading to disintegration, self-abuse, incriminations, jealousies, betrayed allegiances, Love's abandonment, NEW romances or a stolen drum Kit, expensive Microphone, lighting-rigs or a cherished Gibson guitar?

After the GIG, THE WAG CLUB, Soho, London,  I ALONE went into Chinatown ordered Jasmine Tea & a Won-Ton Soup. Fired by the Band? The Lead DUDE, now, not so? A piece of my heart died that night. Little did I know, decades repetition, till I went SOLO. On my Songwriter's TWO FEET, I - in many other Countries - prevailed and performed/sang-fearlessly, "canzone e canzone" and made Delacroix's mark?

 Alas not ALL Poet's stories are so successfully bitter-sweet...after the Gig?

c.davedelacroix, ourmanin europe/belize/2023

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Our Man in Europe/Belize: dave delacroix: MALIBU, homeless with a Spanish Guitar?

 OUR MAN in EUROPE/Belize: dave delacroix: MALIBU, Homeless with a Spanish Guitar:  

What dd U EAT today? Were U roaming CRAMPS like a Vampire in NYC lookin for "something" to EAT? In a city; HUNGER. Easier to get a glass of Fentanyl than a HAM on RYE? DUMPSTER-DIVING ain't what it used to be. (I'll get back to U)

What did U EAT today? That DREAM fluffy bread-roll laden with sliced HAM, tomato-slices, butter/mayo, Dijon? EQUAL to LOVE'S first bite? Back beyond starvation, the gruel roads that now deliver U into physical-hysteria, to grope for a throw-away biscuit in a Malibu parking-lot?

What did U EAT today, a KNUT HAMSUM, a KAFKA without a "Menu de Jour" in faraway spoilt Paris. A bottle of Vin-de-table, That Cafe de perfume to drive U to eat ROCKS, SEAWEED, the rags that U wear? Malnutrition. Emaciated! When U stare at the GUITAR that carried U to this abyss and succored-WAIL as-to the next Song U might compose in MALIBU, this land of Stars?

A paper napkin. LOL. Flutters across the parking lot. A $5 bill! Next minute? Dume Room Bar. BOB DYLAN sitting, next chair. I un-load my $5, hunger-gone and buy a whoosit of Budweiser! My Spanish Guitar? In a corner, in the shadow with my hunger.

What did U eat today? Ask me tomorrow. 

c.davedelacroix, all our yesterdays.

OUR MAN in EUROPE/BELIZE: Dave Delacroix: "Who moved my Cheese.?"


Our Man in Europe/Belize: dave delacroix: "Who moved my Cheese?"

(dedicato: Isabel Pessoa)

WHO STOLE my CAMERBERT, my BRIE? Who RE-WROTE my FANDANGO, who decided who'd it BE and I want LAWYERS, HER surly-knave-friends, those bastards wo insinuated their "slime" into MY international-groovy-life? STAND UP!!! PIX on FB! WHO stole Paris, London, Venice, Cologne, Belin, ROMA!!! (Gal from the past.)

Who stole my "Boog-a-loo", my passion, endeavors, my ADVENTURE? WHO "Wiggled", who "Machiavelli", who TIME-GNAWED across my "La Boheme" existence? And NOW!? Who is wearing my LEVIS, who is playing my Guitar? Which BASTARD is singing the songs we loved so well? Is he IRISH, CZECH? 

WHO STOLE my WINDOW, who TOOK my TOMORROW? Who entwines the rhymes we use to worship, chorus and adore? Who wear yesterday's clothes with a Tomorrows promise that WILL, like us, in its infancy wail, SULK, revere our Time and pass on to Poets, in their own Time, Brie & a baguette. A vin-rouge. Who moved my Cheese? TIME.

...S-always TOUGH when U R on the tail end of a love-affair?

Abientot mes-amis. Dave delacroix, Corozal-Belize.

OUR MAN in EUROPE, dave delacroix: "In the Nude!"

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix: "In the Nude."

... IN THE NUDE OF YOUR CLITORIS ringing like a BELL or that OLD SOLDIER sticking his "Righteousness IN-DAH-WIND", who amongst Rilke's-Angels will cry out on a tropical wind's-day when Palm-trees sway? What INNER-moron will CRY-AGHAST-for-SHAME you skinny-dip buttocks or INCENCE - sans salad-dressing or BBQ sauce; just WHO wails?  Who SCREAMS on the BBQ Pit, the Chicken or the RIB? Lobsters? A few farewell notes?.... Always tough to be on the lower end of ANYBODY'S food chain? Nobody's. Immigrants. And THOSE at peril upon the Sea? ...NAKED: In the nude? Some make it. If only!?

c.2023, davedelacroix.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

OUR MAN in EUROPE/BELIZE; "All I got is this..." (Pied-Piper.)

OUR MAN in Europe/Belize: "ALL I got is THIS..." (Pied-Piper)

 ...All I got is THIS, Priest, Iman, Rabbi; this piss-poor WORLD this piss-poor GIG U left Me? I was BORN before your ASS and NOW I got ALL THIS FUCK, the planet going South, ISLAM-TRANS-GENDER-fuckers, the NEW KIDS on the Psycho-conscious-blocks? MUST I tolerate as YEARLY they fleece, undermine, BLOW-UP my kith & kin? WHO MOVED MY CHEESE!? -My Arab, Jewish, Christian friends too?

ALL I resemble is a CRUMB, a powder-wig-paramour, an INTERNET monitoring every word I type? PROOVEY-baby U R not a ROBOT, masturbation-city "Hang the D.J".: Singer Morrisey outta work? Or Dylan Thomas, "DEATH shall have NO-frickin Dominion!" WHO, WHICH, WHORES, JACKELS scream...we (nazis?) we have been here before? Everyone's a ZEALOT in conflict when their testicles are CRUSHED. S-happens!?

ALL I GOT, 2023, and more; ISRAEL!!!...PALESTINE!!!   No gravy on your Yorkshire Pudding! Plenty of COOL "empty spaces" world-wide to RE-invent or spill blood over, historically, as IS your, alas, historical want? SO-Now, GO THERE: WE can send some blankets, band-aids, a couple of doctors; but BEST we send a PIED-PIPER to take your CHILDREN away to redeem U from your Cultural HATE....Educated, to grow with Love? And your HATE, dying by Yesterday's blood & carnage, a force of Nature; who wails for that blackness dying in the lake? Not forgetting, U religious clerics might be out of a JOB?

c.2023, davedelacroix/ourmanwherever/belize/life's kibutz.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

OUR MAN (Dude!) in EUROPE, dave delacroix: "Green, green the rushes-OH!" (IRAN).

 Our Man in Europe/Belize: dave delacroix: "Green, green the grasses-oh?" (IRAN).

Green, green, a hashish toke, a Virgin, splendor in the grass? The awoken DRUNK rustling-curbside with the sunshine on face spewing love songs till the next Tavern, or biblical-Iman hypocrites carriage ridden daring snide-stares, left or right, mostly at women? Green, green, the HIBJAB-POLICE, strutting their main street-testicles? Whereof the Ministry of Balls!? SCISSORS!!!

Green-green the rushes grown in CROMWELL's age, likewise in ISLAM, against the LAW to have a good time? BACHUUS-enraptured-testicles-billiard-balls across GOD's EARTH; Who, in the Order of the Angels, Rilke's CHORUS hollers thru religions paper-scriptures whose stalwarts/custodians, like "bits & bobs" SHAPE-SHIFT into their base, skeletal hollowness? "Take the Bitch out back!? In Shallah!!!' in 2023, and so it goes, in IRAN, etc.

c.davedelacroix, ourmanineurope/belize,  July-2023.

Monday, July 24, 2023

OUR MAN in EUROPE/BELIZE, dave delacroix: "IF I am forgotten?"

Our Man in Europe/BELIZE, dave delacroix: "If I am forgotten."

(dedicato: Amori Sylvia-Freiburg-Germany)

As I curled, twisted, THRONGED, acted diabolical, treacherous, sycophant-lunge to beg forgiveness, CRAWLED, succored, wailed, spun wiles, told jokes, spat-and-hissed, GUFFAWED at FATE, torn my fave T-shirt to pieces, SWORE I'd kill myself or blow UP the Houses of Parliament, still U even-eyed my despair which left me with no place to run?

As I POGO'd, LERCH-danced, thought of a new tune, Poet, an ENTIRE Play, a Book-SAGA, a complete-CONDENCED History of the WORLD, its foibles, great love stories, Romeo & whoosit, Isolde & Abelard, Jimmy & sue in Manchester, Boston, Lyon, Torino, Copenhagen, with triple-guitar, HARPS, true as Trollius & false as Cressida; whotchagonnaDO when all I got is bluff or BLUE?

As I wallow in schemes, themes Kit Marlowe or sweet WILL would awash hands, worse still in Diver's hands, Villion, Blake, they SCREAM the IRON in the turning of life's screw, iron-maiden-clasped to seep guilt's blood on cold-stone floors that tortures love's liar & fool s like a fitful Harlequin?

Who EVOLVED the rascal, fool, the villain in your heart? Who frets and/or paramours, indelicate across life's guilty stage: Debutantes swirl? Partners glean and lie?  Who steals your heart?  Sadness, bitterness. Or a song in your Soul? Forget HEARTS! If I am forgotten, if I am forgotten in my hour of need? Bela don't forget me? But then, as I forget you, best still, as time goes by? Our forgetting is our Love.

c.davedelacroix, our man in europe/belize/july-2023

Saturday, July 22, 2023

OUR MAN in BELIZE Europe, Dave Delacroix: 2023! In OUR fatal year.

 Our Man in Europe, Dave Delacroix...lone bloggie-gunslinger/age 67" "2023" In our Fatal year.

(dedicato: John Ptek, William-Morris Talent Agency)

2023: In OUR fatal year.

IN OUR FATAL YEAR longevity stayed drunk, listened too much to THE CRAMPS, BBQ was ASS/vitriol hysteria, STRESS, Putin's masturbation? Yo. Dinasaur's don't get ELECTED? A SPY? A common TAXI-DRIVER (Putin) . A Kremlin legacy: what do U expect? IVAN the T. Stalin? Bunch of crooks. Same in Washington D.C. ($$$). Jeeze! U let them walk in? Ditto: Haircut, smooth-tie. Hood-sodomists?

In our 2023 FATAL YEAR, body giving OUT, brain-under-drive constantly LONELY in a World giving each other Prizes/awards like NERO singing whilst ROME burnt, never mind the planet? Nobody, eventually, gets to laugh. Real Estate-thingy. Somebody made a buck, built a swimming pool for his bitch-bikini-kid?

IN our FATAL year, perhaps, 2023 when every MEDIA STAR is/R dropping like flies, saying "Earthly-goodbyes." and, ALAS, replaced by WOODEN-TOPS ....WHO,  if we cried out amongst the Order of the Angels?  Hello? Where have U gone, BITCH  ! Joan Crawford? "CAN U DANCE!?" Are U the NEXT AMY W> Can we issue instant tears pack/gotta good line in Black? Video. SELFIE! (We crowded the Selfie, so it didn't work out!)

IN OUR FATAL YEAR a destiny, CONTRIVED, approaches, that curdles brain, heart & SOUL to riddle Male, Female and ALL the other Ones who sail the Seven Seas, as before, to face (Homer) our OWN inner monsters, a mind ship-wrecked upon tomorrow's shore; a SONG without notes and sparse lyric, a HARP to find and a JOY to re-invent? CALIOPE! Take down your horn. See what MAN can do? Monotone recitations of Shakespeare's whoosit, the order of the day; is it COKE or Fentanyl, no-one recalls? Let the stretch Limos roll! After-all. 2023. WotchagonnaDO?

In OUR fatal year, strung out on/in a TIKI beach-Caribbean bar. As before, yet after, Poets forever sing whilst complaining is optional. YUP. There's THAT.

c.davedelacroix, our man in europe. 2023, Corozal-BELIZE.

Friday, July 21, 2023

OUR MAN in BELIZE, Dave Delacroix: "STUDIO DOOR.", 2023

 Our LAD in Belize, Dave Delacroix: STUDIO-DOOR

(Song/1930s:) How'd U kiss a rainbow, under dah MOON, how's U kiss an illusion, Love-s tomorrow, how'd... U kiss Yesterday, a treat, a sorrow, how'd U hug a MEMORY, better beware, someone Else was there? (I'm in love!)

How'd U stammered the drama, what where U wearing? A Glove? 2023?

How'd U kiss a Rainbow, a STAR up above, on the boulevard, U circled? How'd U gonna explain to Mom & Pops; gee folks (wait for my E-mail?), no worries, SHE owns half of NEW JERSEY!?

How'd U kiss a NAKED-PLANET, wants an extra Toilet-Roll? How is/will Love prevail in 2023? And HOW do I PAY, whatever,, at this C-DOOR for - 2023 - Tourists in this heat wave?  Better still? In CANADA, CALIFORNIA, NYC, NEBRASKA-etc; n my travels? WHO, WHO,, (BBQ) WHO will welcome OUR KIN through their Studio Door?

How's U kiss a RAINBOW, a Friend-in Need in Alberta, Saskatoon, Winnepeg, Canada's hitch-hiking highways of  travelers-doom; how'd U kiss your STETSON when U R home, a Cabin, alone?

Friday, July 14, 2023

Our Man in Europe/Where-ever; No.1: "All that FOREVER."


Our Man, Dave Delacroix, (in Belize) "...All that Forever."

GO! GO! WILD KING! GO for forever? SLASH regrets with your SWORD, Knitting-needle, CARD-TRICK, a joke at the BAR? GO-GO and from yesterdays-HURRAH make Tomorrow be bold?

GO-ALLEZ! VAI! ALL Princes, Hamlet or the DEVIL nocturn Ing your worthless-spine; WHO sings of your yesteryear or that "Coat-of-Arms" yet to be inscribed? HARK!

ALEZZI-Don't stop for that delicious cup of COFFEE or that GAL, winking, her song in the wind? Once too I was a fool?

GO! GO! Wild Child, boy or LADY; SHE who UN-locks hair from a Castle-stair and invites her own surrender and all that forever signals HER or (sharing) your Love's deliverance: Love's BELL knows NO vice or gender and all that Forever?

c.ourmanin europe, davedelacroix, July-2023

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Our Man in Europe, daave delacroix:SEARCHING?

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix,  "SEARCHING!"

(dedicato: Sylvia in Frieburg/Germany.)

HAT was my thought? I guess I lost it? In TOULOUSE, Breve, LYON or St. Hillaire? I lost it when I eat? Did I have SMOKES? Lonesome-Garcon?  focused on BEING a Traveller? Suddenly, LA BELLE DANS MERCI, a cousin-connect for ALL the feminine voluptuous lilthing, as IN LILING.  It's always tough when U have to say: BOOG-a-LOO!!! (Some gals will never gander, yet look like a Goose?) And there's YOU, leaving "apres-sex under the Greenwood Tree" in the same cloth, miserable, looking for your next PERNOD. In the RIVER, an archeological FIND. SCUBA kids, Kids with Fishnets searching...

c.our an in europe/dave delacroix

OUR MAN in EUROPE, Dave Delacroix; 28th-JULY, : "ADELE."

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix: "ADELE". 

dedicato" Isabel Pessoa.

FANNY told me bout  one of those FUNNY-BUNNIES, Margarite, there was no Going-HOME, Francine, a boathouse by St. Cloud but only if her Grand-papa  did not rearrange her blouse, sailing to LOIRE'S eternity, little girls-apprehensive, Lilly's on the SEINE, impressionist. expressionist the still water flows? Yet these flows?

 The TIDES come IN, the tides...do what they decide? ARE your panties, hers too, wreck less, pointing to a LOIRE groove, something, like a foot-in-a-shoe? TIDES in, tides out. Salute amour! Victor Hugo in search of daughter ADELE?    Or maybe shadows of domestic yesterdays? A DEVIL in search of a Paters-Worldly crutch? Or the IN-bred Devil, mortally designed to fandango into a tarantella, song & dance DEE-FYING all reason, not with-standing, ADELE above, with LOVE? And makes FOOLS of us all!..as she paints our Wall, grafiitis my Mind, upsets.....Like Adele, at this moment I have nsso voice. JE SUIS le hombre?

FANNY...told me about Montparnasse, Baudelaiire, dead bodies. We went tthere.It was cold & damp. All the ORIGINAL BLACK IMMIGRANTS (!960-70

c.davedelacroix, 2023.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

OUR MAN in EUROPE, dave delacroix: "WOLFIE-MUSLIM-WOLFIE, come back home mon frere?"


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix: "WOLFIE-Muslim-Wolfie, com back home mon frere?"

WOLFIE don't SHAVE, WOLFIE don't wipe his LIPS after every SUP of GRUTS, that GRUEL that he savors? WOLFIE don't got NO pret-a-porta, Champs de lycée GRIN, he just promenades and shoots the nearest GENDARME n the chin? WOLFIE burns ya CAR, ya Cool, BAR,  he strangles your INSPECTEUR CLOUSSEAU who just wants to go home to see his WIFE, KIDS, but WOLFIE won't leave U alone. He got no money, barely an apartment, a bitch, pregnant who thinks HE'S the bees-knees, but WOLFIE - VIVE LA FRANCE - is gonna TAKE U DOWN; S-WHAT WOLFIE DOES. WOLFIE's gotta a "HOODIE", he can CLIMB the concrete U have made. An architectural APE! Shoot him or cage? For WOLFIE its DEATH or NO-ESCAPE!...but he HAS a ROOF?

In pont St. Cloud. I enjoy a glass of wine, far from the madding crowd? Life, always hard. But I can WORK to see my family get by. Wolfie never got that! ISLAM was always a barrier. "In shah-allah!"

("Wolfie was my Muslim-Bro. We were HOMELESS together on the Paris Streets/shared much.)



OUR MAN in EUROPE, dave delacroix (in Belize): "CALIFORNIA-UNPLUGGED!"


and I am alone?

The INTERNET crashed

what do I do?

Maybe I gotta THINK

but that was SO long ago?

Whose gonna fix my Service

On such a Winter's day?

I went into a Church

I found along the way

they didnt have a Website

I began to pray?

The AL preacher wasn't THERE

I prayed, anyway.

(Wish I was in Idaho!?)

All the phones R gone

and I can't find a toilet!?

a Tampon-machine

on such a Winter's day!

On such a Winter's day.

c.davedelacroix, our man in europe. California-unplugged.

OUR MAN in EUROPE, BELIZE, dave delacroix/david michael oxley: "PUTIN, Frederick of PRUSSIA" & the Brandenburg-Concertos CODEX!

 OUR MAN in EUROPE/BELIZE, dave delacroix/david michael oxley: "PUTIN, Frederick of Prussia & the Brandenburg Codex."

Hardly surprising a CLERK & HIS PEN, Ludwig-Waldheim slinks neath European history, a SPY, an associate of not only Giacomo Casanova but the Count de St. Germain (his Tailor?) Back in the "trash-days", no Urinals, no pont-du-defecation s-where "business" stench PLUS amore & intrigue prevailed? The "Affair du Collair", a storm in a teacup like a Russki WAGNER revolution?  Alas, thus like the family Rothchild, (banking-blah) the BACH-Mafia's tentacles exuded their Politico-Social-Monetary influence in Music-Codex?...Many a Codex-Courier met his "slit-throat" reward for screwing up on the Harpsichord?...Stories I could tell/U don't wanna hear the heartbreak? "Air on a G. String" now synonymous with: "Cold-revenge" SERVED-COLD comes to mind? ("WE TRIPPED the light-fandango!?) As U know Johan-Sebastion had a TENTACLE of kids all well versed in Music, rain or shine and sublimated their presence in all the Courts of 18th Century Europe including the U.S.A. where Unlike most U & Me they managed - by Piano playing ALONE! - they got a GREEN CARD which presently eludes most Mexicans or folks from Guatemala despite the latter having Classical Music skills? But back to J.S.Bach? The BRANDENBURG-CONCERTOS! (Codex-analysis!?) Like PUTIN... Freddy from Prussia (receiving Brandenburg codex) put a lid on it. Back in 1700s-blah nobody heard these immortal symphonies till all dead & gone. And as an  EMPIRE (any Empire) is only as strong as its SECRETS. A Twilight zone? Or a Naked City? Welcome to YOUR World. "TICKLE-TINKLE little PIANO? In NYC there R eight million Stories, in OUR WORLD, do the numbers!...THIS as been one. PUTIN, Freddy the Prussian, U & Me. What's to worry? We trip the light-fantastic!

c.davedelacroix, our man in europe/belize. 

Friday, June 23, 2023

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix/david michael Oxley, : NO WORRIES, Mes Enfants!

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, david Michael Oxley, : No worries-Mes Enfants!

No Worries! We R nobodies' big cheese? No Fragonard, no Kase, no Lady Camembert? No Double Gloucester, bipolar? No worries! U cannot usurp the THRONE, that WELP, that SAC, that SAC, that Gig U might one day to call your own? That LOVE, that SCENT, that WEY, when false loves, rinsed and washed away? No worries: love is a CHEESY affair? One minute fresh, next, open the windows? How DOES a fair maiden fair when her Suitors R full of diary love? N o-worries. We R nobodies big BRIE, just bells that ring in outside tonality, the grasp/greed/possession of another's alien enchantment! Does Winter denounce Spring!?


Friday, June 16, 2023

OUR MAN in BELIZE, dave delacroix: Carve her name with pride.

 OUR MAN in Belize, dave delacroix: Carve her name with Pride.

As she WALKS, low-hand waves attention aside, her UN-stealth preamble, a gentle promenade? Her loose-fitting dress-skirt, flutters, fashionista before "fashionista" was re-invented? Her demur, a Baudelaire/to SHE who is too gay resonates and 1.000 eyes EN-pointed, leer, gaze, STIFLED, hypnotized-by, glory in her progress? No-WITNESS cannot be affected, butterflied, as she transgresses, the room, the Strada, the Piazza, your imagination?

She never LOOKS at U. Her gaze, inner-absorbed, to confound your existential frenzy?

Carve her name with pride. Carve her name with pride; this ENIGMA, first prize of envy, jealousy, the spoils of WAR, the Vampires of Anarchy. Carve her name with pride. Carve her name with pride. The Anne Franks. Victims of basic cruelty & indecency and ALL Mothers who have SONS who perpetuate criminality...Guilt perpetuates & Histories Tomes BLEED! Carve her NAME as U would your mother's own? And carve her name...with Pride.

c.2023, davedelacroix. Our man in belize.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, REFUGGEE; "On any Tomorrow."

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix; Refugee: "On any Tomorrow."

In dah BEAT...of your LIFE?  Whistle, Song, CHANT U can rhyme? In da BEAT of that life ya got, in the BEAT, someplace inside? Nobody can TELL, nobody outside a Wishing-well gonna come clean in dah BEAT of your Life?

In dah BEAT of your Life. Bus Ticket, Crashed-plane, Ships-ahoy? Hitch-hiking to the South of Maine? In the Beat-HEAT, wotchagonna-DO?... Not a feather in your pillow, your HEAD crashes into You? In the BEAT of your Night? Nightmares? Least of your worries.

In dah BEAT of your NIGHT, unfiltered, UN-blinking, frozen, sterile that ICES your "Happy-Hour" and scoops REGRETS, spoonful, into your waking hour that harrows the bone, withers the Soul and wails at your sad emancipation, kissing an ERA, a history, a perspiration on a window, wiped/dusted clean on any Tomorrow.

In dah HEAT-BEAT of your Night? Drums ROLL, circle into your INNER-eternity?

c.2023, June. davedelacroix, corozal-belize.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Our Man in UN-Bereaveable, dave delacroix: "MOJO-LOSER."

 Our Man in UN-BREAVEABLE, dave delacroix: MOJO-LOSER!

...GOT MAH MOJO working at the Lost & Found? SISTA-wicked throws a SHROUD, a shadow, a silhouette, a profile?

GOT Mah Mojo working, a tropic smile; don't makes sense in PHILLI, Detroit, Chicago, the streets I used to pound...like a shadow?

GOT mah MOJO, atop of a tree, a symbol, a get-out clause in the EYES of my GAL; s-where I used to BE?

Got mah MJO BEE to BE or not to BEE? Got my MOJO....I'll get back to ya?

c.2023. davedelacroix,corozal,belize.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix; "Tom Browns Schooldays."

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, "Tom Brown's Schooldays." 

When TIME stood still the Dickens died, that English-snarly-working-class all-encompassing OPINION went to it's Post CLASS-SYSTEM, HOMO-English ALL BOYS-faggot GIG, dead-PENIS, dead ANUS, fuzzy; Prostrate, does anybody - clean butt-hole - CRY?...Harrow, ETON, suffer your Bambinos, what price GEOGRAPHY, ELOQUOTION, SODOMY at $50,000 a year? Maybe TAPE IT to hear yr babies ANAL scream?

As for Carpet-crawling, RODEAN, who's to say IMPOSED boogaloo? GODZ! Let us out O here!

c.2023, davedelacroix, ourmanineurope, totally-tired o ya ENGLISH school shit.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

OUR MAN in BELIZE, dave delacroix: She SWINGLE on dah Reef.

 Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix: She swingle on dah Reef.

Corozal, Belize, Ebbtide where land & sea give parting kiss, she paddles/saunters NET in hand collecting "le fruit de la mare" for some absent lucky hound, not there, to witness her majesty? She swingles lithe-some, a bend or a bow and all God's design on show. To SHE (BAUDELAIRE) who is too gay? From the palm spotted beach I hope this Vision never goes away. She swingles on the Reef, a symphony of Nature that beguiles, and an innocence, too soon corrupt, an Ideal eternal!

c.2023, dave delacroix, Corozal, Belize.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Our Man in Belize, dave Delacroix: The Grand Illusion.

 Our man in Belize, Dave Delacroix: The Grand Illusion.

(dedicato: USA Veteran/Viet-nam/Cambodia/Black-Ops....even TODAY I cannot share his valiant name.)

...In my fatal year...didn't consult with a DOC, stayed drunk, listen too much to THE CRAMPS, BBQed my ass-off suffering hysteria with PUTIN'S Cold-War mentality: DINORSAUS. Top Jobs. Go figure? Ignorance walks down every street.

(The Grand Illusion)

In my fatal year, body giving out (age 67), BRAIN on Under-drive and, EMOTIONALLY, constantly obscurely isolated in a World-Culture repetitively giving each other PRIZES.?...When do WE get to laugh? An Oscar? A WALLY? Maybe a Ralph!?

(The Grand Illusion)

In my fatal year, BIG SLEEP-CITY-horizon; "troubles-goin/troubles gone!" (Church Bell-ringers chant!) and, perhaps U-d expect SOME sobriety, leastways moderate linguistic masturbation (a Parthian shot?) instead of today's NEWS: 20 Mass (USA) shootings on a Memorial long weekend Holiday? EH?...

(The grand illusion.)

 In my fatal year, the PAST of a Past ...when we made sweet Love and VOWED, something above all we R and craved a Tomorrow, that splendor in the grass where dignity prevailed, and an Honest-Joe IS an honest Mayor and when round was round and all FAIR SQUARE and no more WARS for our children's tomorrow?

(The Grand Illusion.)


c. Our man in belize, dave delacroix. 5/30/2023

Thursday, May 25, 2023

OUR MAN in WHOOSIT, dave delacroix, Transgender-Typist.

 Our Man in DOOM CITY/2023/Dave Delacroix: "Transgender-Typist".

It all started when I was a transgender Alpine Dancing Girl; Accursio-dress-fandango (had to speak German) and mandatory BAVARIAN Beer-Whoosit.? There was a DUDE named HELMUT. He introduced me to BELLE & SABASTIAN....I thought it was a BRIT TV show? Afterwords, (WORDS) it went South; have U ever loved a FILM-Producer, that PEOPLE-CHAMELEON imposter U - outside WORSHIP, a Pedophile's Male/little Girl Madonna who likes to slip his hand inside your SKI-PANTS? And LATER we R educated; their SICKNESS HAS to BE passed on? DO WE too pass it ON!!!? NOT-AMIGOES!!!

This IS a "friends" testament. Possibly a MOVIE that will never be made/Spielberg/Traufaut/Ridley Scott, all those scumbag/big eared UK/L.A. Talent-Agents, their mothers & Uncles. And that INNER-Auschwitz of Western Culture which through (them) just basic greed prevails to this day?

It ALL started when I was a fricked-up SKI Kid. I didn't fit the bill? Then I composed MENU for MURDER, a series of ....better still? READ the BLOG: MENU for MURDER/MUDER A La CARTE. by dave delacroix TYPED UP by FRANCINE X a Transgender Typist!?

It all started....! Life's PIRAHNAS. A Khibutz. 

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/I wondered lately as a cloud?

Our Man in Europe/Dave Delacroix in BElIZE: 2023: Lynn, Susan & Dave. (1970)

 Our Man in Europe/DAVE DELACROIX/Belize: 2023 LYNN, Susan & Dave (!970)

(dedicato: my daughter, Leigh)

SINGING (16 yr olds/all 3) the tomorrows KISS OPENED, sitting in a backwoods BAR/PUB, where nobody goes except the late-Shift, the SLAVE YORKSHIRE Steel-Sheffield workers who, Friday night BEER stamp their Sheffield FEET on an Upper deck BUS after the Pubs have closed, Kids a-bed, Wifey, long since renounced her late-50s/early 60s groove, STUNG into reality-poverty like a Coal-Miners Wife? Yet Lynn, Susan (Levi-Teeshirt clad) & Dave in Doc Martins/BOVVER!?

Singing now ALL, ALL, ALL ya UK Grandmas so UK so fair who DANCED to BUDDY HOLLY & a bunch of sweet Airs; I see them, I remember, their passion of YOUTH when we danced the FANDANGO a Salute TO our YOUTH? All HAIL! Inside your beginning? All HAIL.. Hug ya Soul? Tomorrow! That KISS....opened? For LYNN, Susan & Dave! A trio of TEEN-offshoot; ONE to America, One to Riches; the third, disappeared that still lingers in their minds?

davedelacroix, corozal, belize: OUR MAN, over-seas.... doing something. But (age 67) not forgetting?

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

OUR MAN in BELIZE, Dave Delacroix: "The Mirror."

Our Dude in Corozal-Belize, Dave Delacroix: "The Mirror."

(dedicato: Litzia Perez)

 When the Master, TIME, killed... U start/STOPPED Loving, heart-broken, thrashed-round ICON Boy or Gal? When INNER-blood-tragedy enacts? Lost Kid, murdered Wife, no-one within REACH of your despair, Poets-worthless even IF U have half a brain-no-one expects? (Not happened yet?) Family grave OR the Killer's face on TV?

When the master, TIME, takes U back home, a Stranger's vista, years & years? Just what can U curdle from Yesterday's mementoes? A kiss? A face? ...that GAVE U the Kiss, and/or kissed again, her face, her LIPS to succor your immediate satisfaction? (Perfume?)...or His! His! His? "Ou sans les neige dantan?" (Where R the SNOWS of yesteryear?)

Can U love her yesterday like she loved yourn, a celluloid, a kodak, she-he, he-she; who screams Time's paradox into our cold today? As for weeping, DO U remember? Does SHE remember U? The holiness of Youth, Love, aspirations-like Atlantis, lost beneath the wave of our endeavors? Plato? Would he write a Postcard that made sense? (Perpetuate rumor/myth!?)

When the MASTER "Time" kicks his GIG into consciousness, we fold/ORIGAMI, eat Sushi, imagine "epiphanies" on a daily basis. Gaetano (Gypsy) dresses, incense-sticks, quit taxis/opt for hitch-hiking/get the bloody BUS. When TIME kicks IN the Usual-Suspects/friends pale in life's mirror. Only ALONE, mostly the soul-abyss U OWN. A" sais e vous!" Put a RIBBON on it! If U smile? A guile-Un-wrangled! A mirror, a self-reflection, bloodied, and I will see U there!

davedelacroix, may 23, corozal, belize.

c.dave delacroix. OUR MAN...SO FAR...WITH U....on the Planet. Hugs/kisses; Corozal-Belize.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Our Man in Belize, Dave Delacroix, "OLD Bastards/OLD Schools"

Our Man in Europe/Belize/dave delacroix: "Old Bastards-Old Schools."  (Eternal ENGLAND in its ROT)

OLDE Bastards Old School, SODOMY Institutions, Ol' Tom Brown's School days, Lesbo-Rodean,  or Eton or Harrow, GOOD-GOD how culture prevails; gotta send that SNOTTY outta my Manor, dat "BRITICH", off to RODEAN; little bit O'luck she'll be a DYKE and cost me NIX in my Nether-life? I SING her SONG, her Mothers/Grandmothers song, painted by Gainsborough who knew how to hunt?

Sing me a SONG of WHISKY; 2 Nudies confronted by an eloquent Snake? (A hunting horn?)

Away, away, the fox and pre-square? Hunt with the DOGS to run down the prey! Away, come HUZZAH, U pitiful, U sentimental, U futuristic come out of your Silken Closet; no seamstress will declaim your intent or sentimentality? Old  bastards, old schools masturbate into their tweed, tartan, jeaves, Hawkes, Turnbull, Assers & all (for a dandy) London's yesteryear's (BELLS?) nine tailors?

Oh SCREAM for the INTEL at the "legal" WIG & PEN across LAW COURTS, Pink Gin? The legacy (Pre 1966) when HOMO-BE-WIGGED-FAGGOTS would  hunt down Piccadilly C., SHEAMUS from the POGUES to suck their legal foreskin?

Lucky me. Not my GIG.

Dave delacroix. LORD BORGO. 2023. Our Man in Europe/USA/presently: BELIZE.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Our MAN in BELIZE, Dave Delacroix a.k.a David Michael Oxley/both pseudo reprobates on Facebook (age 67): Portraiture/KODAK

 Our Man in Belize, Dave Delacroix/David Michael Oxley.....Portraiture/KODAK

Vanity, vanity all is whoosits? Pecker-nose? Cross-eyed? My love how THUS do I describe THEE bloody-Ing thy Johnathan Swift under-garments or saturating Giacomo Casanova's silk stockings? What STENCH, what amore that these two Romantic Vampires portray your inamorato? What Fragonard (painting) Up-skirt or, your swan-like neck by Watteau and a pity Van Gogh who never had his cheese WITH a biscuit but then, it's all bout "Howdy-doody"?

WE wander lonely as a Cloud. U got it! Some Schmuck will always try to shoot us down? I guess it's their pitiful job? Let the UN-Romantic wallow in their sodden souls? Alas we cannot or SHOULD help them less they KODAK copy to our dignity?

c.dave delacroix. Aged 67 and filthy-rich at last? HUZZAH-GALS & LADS!

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Our MAN , DELACROIX, DAVE; Pontificating, 1 to 30 DYNAMICS in Verse...



in the sky

and my LIGHT

by Sunrise, said goodbye?


I sing a Waitress


I stall a Lover's kiss,

I whitchin-hour that 

life-love miss

where someone says

lend me $10?

I KISS your world

goodbye, just as well

I lost my Passport

like the hover  U

enthused to be your 

suitor, that fool,

any fool

who fell at your feet;

I sing that Coca-cola eyes, the WAITRESS

who desired my luncheon eyes,

un-observed, a mangrove.....(ideas here welcome?)


The last PAPPA natal, wardrobe went to skids, shock-horror, the Kids!? He drank too much, bloody chain smoker, coughed up his guts ON a Roman-Jewish Questionnaire, they NAILED him to a cross?

The lasr Pappa Xmas busted by his association of serial boulevard Prophets & Clowns AND all the DO-givers who rattled their Gold & Pearls crying twist-shout, in a NUT the Rabbi-Cognoscenti screwed him to a Crucifix?

The last PATRONE-show, the last Winter-Guru, they plagiarized his Gift, ripped off his best hook-lines, made a fortune; effigies, logos, even today poor-pappa silently SCREAMS; who cries out for this YOUNG wacko who in the TEMPLE of Jerusalem trashed their obsession with Gold?


A high whoosit from Santiago, the wind blows into COROZAL bay; Pirate treasure/2 fathoms light, a high wind, emeralds, pearls, Dubloons, Pieices-of-8 at your feet? A high wind from Jamaica, a conundrum into COROZAL bay; lazy tides, Palms-a-swaying, MAYAN temples, CERROES: the MAYAN lighthouse: "Lost & Found!"

A high wind from Jamaica, a KREOLE-lingua, that Coffee-skin kiss GO boog-a-loo with ancients, Espaniole1 Francais! ENGLISH! Pirates, Privateers, BUCCANEERS! And all manner of crafts-way-laid awaiting future discovery by TOMORROW's pirates with Metal Detectors  for tides to reveal Yesterday's spectacular!


NUFF for now. Hugs!

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix: Who knows where the times GOES, No. 1: "NO PIZZA for DINO?"

 Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix: Who knows where the time GOES, No.1: NO Pizza for DINO?

I wandered lonely-bastard as a fricking whootsit. NOBODY saved my Pasta, my Macraroni, my Ass so careless, wonderin, 3who cares (brainless) if they (brainless) don't care for Mio? A TARRANTELLO for DINO, importante, my ninas-sorelli will sing my song? No education, no college, but my acquiline NOSE exhorts them along when I steal an amicos Auto or SHOOT (in the back) a famiglia-fretello (a consigliano), drive-by IL POSTO, cross the line so Capo Dino shines? Ave Maria. Ave Maria. 

davedelacroix, corozal, belize, 2023

Friday, May 5, 2023

Our Man in Europe, Dave Delacroix: 2023: The Year of the Dying

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, 2023: The YEAR of the DYING?

ALL MEN R mortal, all Consciousness dissolves, that last Gin & Tonic, Pastiche, single malt, whatever your poison that found it's WORM-burrow into Personality-NIGHT-flight to hook U to the other side?

Who heralds your "Kiss & Tell", a drooping penis, Gene Autrey's Virginial saddlebags, tits on parade, exposes still dressing like a Schoolgirl, who laughs, smirks, grins? Rodean-Lesbo or Eton Sodomy? All men R mortall, GALS too. But WHO/WHICH do U MARRY/have KIDS, send Em off to your old Zoo?

The YEAR of the DYING, movie-stars, ROCK-Stars, Icons SOCIAL-WHIRL; a rustic-tailored-plaid. As we scrambled for Histories IDIOM, a succinct belonging. That acceptable MEDIA blowjob?

davedelacroix, corozal, belize.