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Friday, February 18, 2022

Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, N0: (?)...."The MONSTER in YOU."

 Our MAN in Belize, dave delacroix, No: Whoosit: "The Monster in YOU!"

         IS, IZ there any LOVE but YOUR love in this FEBRUARY night & DAy when colds dont quit and INTERNET hugs, distant, echo; my finger-nails-grime and the Hi-tech kids on London, Glaswegian streets dont even CO-Selfie? I must be lost, OBSCURE, that INVISIBILITY that haunted your GREAT-great-MOMMAS Corsetts! Who cries OUT pre-Wonder-Bra! Thoughts  NIPPLES are burning? Penile-erection slithers to obscurity; is there ANY whoosit? Got it?

IS, IZ, your LITERACY, gurgle, does it EXPLODE into a  RAVE or a JOB APPLICATION; All the lonely people quietly TURN in dark, WET, soiled EARTH; the shit that, go figure, pays for your terrible Sartorial Elegance?....Plaid?...a THREE chord Punk song?

IZ, IS your LOVE, the direction, your OLD shoes; Pappy gave Em to Ya?...Then WALK....Nobody EVER committed suicide in Loch Ness.....

c.2022, davedelacroix, LORD CORAZOL.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

OUR MAN in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 115: "Loves Few!"

 1Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 115: "Loves Few."

I CAUGHT YOUR DESPAIR in my racket, I sighed SUBMISSION and/but my design, would leave it up to U? Who could WIN? Who could lose? Loves few?

I caught your Insanity through that TELESCOPE of my OWN imperfect credentials, an Outsider, never to  know the intrinsic-diabolical chemistry, a relationship; boy meets girl: Me & U? Loves few? Who knew?

I caught your FLAW in my umbilical. I caught U when U BLINKED! I saw our/mis-matched Loves trust that feigns a MUST of all the things upon which our Love is made?

 I caught the frailty of Helene of Troy and gladly, my impregnable walls of TROY, no-longer mine. I stared into the emptiness of a loveless labyrinth.

I caught your despair, your exhaustion, your inner "coupe de gras", that grande illusion that all men wear like Chevalier cloaks that kill the "belle du jour", "le grande amore"; the killing of the thing they love, the Lady Elsinore? I grasped the NIGHT within our day. No happy gal or dude will sing of such a road, a path, whosoever walked this way?

I caught your despair in my racket, I gave vent to submission and/but my design, who could lose?....Loves few.

c.davedelacroix, feb, 2022, corozal, belize.