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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our Man in Europe: dave delacroix: Part 60: Mr Norris Changes Trains.

Part 60:   Mr Norris Changes Trains.

"This is the End; beautiful friend, the End..." (jim morrison)

A surprise for you? A surprise for me, also. This vignette of a blog-book was conceived as a Decameron of (100) wacky travel tales...and yet, from June 2010 thru now, July 2011, I find "the times they are a`changing" and, alas, my music/songwriting career - once more - is sucking me down the worm-hole of vocational exigency.

As for this blog-book? -It is a shadow of a living time. And YOU (blog-book reader) and I have been shoulder to shoulder throughout!

Regretably, 2 of your number have infact "passed on" and - faraway - I was unable to attend the funereals and mourn amongst mutual friends and loved ones... Yet, in lieu of, I actually WENT (where ever I was on hearing the sad news) TO CHURCH...and paid my respects...which were much expanded by the churchès grand pipe organs and the chanting of the faithful.

Tears flowed.

Of note, too, is that the bereaved`s FACEBOOK pages still stand and are now filled with the lamentations of friends, theitr parents, their children!... And to discover the departed`s last days, their final activities, their thoughts?...one has to scroll back page after page (of a myriad of condolences) until you can once more hear their voices... At which point, like a visit to Pompeii, your senses are beguiled.

There are, I believe, 500 million Facebook sites/people-postings, and I wonder of what percentage, like my 2 friends, belong to people who are no more?
There is, indeed, a cyber-space Cemetary, and perhaps a top corner-page, black angle stripe, should be posted as a testament to the person`s mortality status?

We are born. We grow. (we post on Facebook) We live. And death?... A black stretch Limo...in which ALL must one day ride...circles the block, the town, your Life...and is ALWAYS "on call".

I saw the Stalker (see part 39: Stalker) the other day: Artemis Blagovich-Smith. He was passing through Hildersheim/lower Saxony, where I`m presently engaged in recording the song: "This Train" (google on u-tube) and shooting yet more music videos.

He parked his uninvited ass at my patio table at the Cafe Ubersee.

"Hey Dave! You still kickin`?"

"Whadaya need, ya prick?" I said, tersely. -I think, however, I smiled.

He too; a sometime musician. Small concerts. An ocassional busker. Always looking like a million bucks; orders champagne.

"I missed your concert at the Summer of Love festival...?" he ventured.

"Too bad:" I said, getting ready to leave.

He asked: "How was it?"

"It rained."

I stood to leave, then having second thoughts, decided to linger... and ordered another beer.


Going back to my dearly departed, I look at the "Stalker-roni" and question the Almighty`s wisdom in CULLING some of the nicest members of his flock SO EARLY, whilst permiting an interminally long life for cretins like Artemis...and the world`s tyrants, for that matter!...?

What gives? -O Great One!

Perhaps the answer/ wisdom is clear? For you must always, er...admire?...leastways "acknowledge" your Nemisis. They exist because YOU do.
Otherwise you relapse into Hate, which...as you know...is a toilet bowl that leads to no place good.

Yet even HE (Artemis), who I might (wishful thinking) never encounter again, and like my "dearly departed" friends...gone forever...this Blog-Book too, passes into Time`s tapestry; for now.

No doubt (or maybe NOT!) some future fresh-faced student of Literature/blogging will pick through it - as an exercise to pass the time of day - and try to identify the "illuminae" of whom I have written?

(Some, incidentally, are quite well known)

Future Editors, doubtless (lol), will have a "field day" with my use/abuses of the English language!

Meanwhile, until the next time? I leave you with a final morsel concerning a very disturbed young man...and a very distinguished lady, who is at present, preparing a bounty of food.

(Judith`s Special)

c 2011/july 7/our man in europe/dave delacroix/on the road to Nordhausen...to play a biker gig