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Monday, July 30, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.... A Christmas Carol.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix..... A Christmas Carol.

Tuesday night thru Wednesday morn...in the weary, English weather drizzle and rain. DAMP, sluggish, ill-dressed in cheap, off the peg Palazzo, non weather attire, MONEY dispersed on Unwanted provincial train rides, dark window Buses, ALL the misery that the British Isles climate  can conjour> More DAMP, Chill! Pregnant teen, Boy-GONE! In the NAVY, or an outright Scoundrel, a CAD< some Wager to Knock Up a serving wench from the Shires, a tale not limited to novels by Thomas Hardy.....SHE finds herself NEVER in exotic locations/ Eastbourne, Turnbridge Wells, Cheltenham Spa or Harrogate, the Watering Holes of the BRIT-antiquated, upwardly dysfunctional. Neither Ascot, Wimbledon, Henley or Glynbourne, the latter, where Operatic Heroines, such as she is, demise in such Poetic circumstance... and NOT in their wildest dreams clutching an Unemployment card! Utter oaths such as, Jesus! Jesus! I-m really FUCKED!!!
Indeed. No recourse to St. James, Mayfair, or  Kensington...but to DRONE into REDCAR, SKEGNESS, BARRY ISLAND in Wales, or Southend, GRAVESEND, situ eternal!

Her prostrate Corpse was discovered under Brighton Pier, low tide, by Major Gollinks, Royal Artillery, Ret., whilst dawn-walking his Golden Retriever. A Dog.

The CORONER, 2 days later, when he reluctantly initiated a post mortem at the bequest-instigation of the 2 young BOBBIES and their Sergeant, first on the scene of her bodies discovery...even IN Death, she exuded a charm, a beauty perhaps as RIGOUR had set in, accentuating her facial features into a display of a sad smile...the Coroner pronounced, and by this time, equally affected>

She died of Hopelessness, despair, Loneliness, Hypothermia, complications due to her Unwanted and Unsupported Pregnancy...and only 20 pence in her pocket!

Oddly enough, her Story made the Tabloids! Human Interest! An aged Foster Mother came forth, some bogus responses too, for Newspaper rewards, all discounted and later summarily prosecuted. Stalwart Non Alcohol Ladies raised a row, Brighton's, then Mayor, proposed a Statue be erected. The Unknown Woman!...Like the Unknown Soldier. THEN it was discovered that her Dalliance, ergo Pregnancy perhaps involved a Title close to the CROWN....!!!

The LID on this Case was promptly, and immediately SEALED. Enough said. This Unfortunate was condemned to Eternal Obscurity.

Truth be told...and HIRING practises in Public AND Business Pools are notoriously slip-shod.... a day-jobber at REUTERS half passed on a piece to a newly recruited Clerk at H. M. Governments Ministry of Information..... RIBALD HARRY....THE CROWN....Suspected PATER of Brighton Pier Lost Gal!!!

Needless to say, handsome Harry X, bartender at the Rose and CROWN in Faversham Kent kept a low profile for the rest of his worthless life!

c2018,davedelacroix,murphys pub, sciacca,sicily.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... IN Toilet Land.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix, In Toilet Land

*Apres Bruce Springsteens song, Jungle land.

...IN Toilet Land!

….EVERYTHING under the SUN, undone, Under U!

under the Sun
Under YOU.
Coils, entwined, Lamia-ic,
kitchen stove,
IGGY POP-s song, Passenger,
Neighbours playing dope frenzy
later, heroine Ecstasy
walls are THIN
and come dawn, Tompkins Square
1970-s, a CANNIBAL at large!...with
Icebox heads, limbs, collar bones,
the residue
of missing Runaways
whilst WE snorted Cocaine
mixed Martinis....
tossed Shots at the Cafe Beirut
whilst only the LONELY.
masturbated frantically,,
THIS side of Paradise.
on BLEEKER street.

Death Heads, Coke Heads, Drunk Heads,
little or none, between.
Who sings with N.Y.C. Angels,
Or the Belles of St. Mary,
Father Whatsit! A pedophile,
a frozen Margarita
checking on the loose and abused,
down in New York's Hells Kitchen
for his next Victim.
A Pollack, a Warhol, a Jasper Johns
hunting ground. And HOPE
it goes ANY which way
at now defunct CBGBs
a.k.a, The Toilet, WHERE
U discover All the Shit U Shat
in your OWN personal John!

Under the Sun
Where U begun...

into One.


Thursday, July 26, 2018

our MAN IN europe, dave delacroix, KISS MY FORESKIN!

OUR MAN in Europe, dave Delacroix....KISS My Foreskin!

(dedicato. Suzie Homewrecker)

….I hadn't SEEN rUTH IN 30 YEARS, HEAD OF OUR Class, back when, short trousers, stuck with JUST GET ME OUT syndrome, Sheffield ART Museum, almost as resonant as nearby Rotherham Museum. One of them had a STUFFED Polar Bear!...OH! NO!!! NO Yearning. No Unvanquished, no Kangaroo! No D.H.Lawrence fuck Up World. Just Kids, kissing in the shadow of the Icelandic, stuffed Polar bear. Mammoth. Stinky. And All!

I hadn't SEEN sTEPHAN Reynolds in a while. My Gal, Anita Johnson, connects with the local POLICE, said HE was a Bohemian Bad Lot. One of those WAR of the ROSES dynamics. Steve-oh! was from KNUTSFORD, Cheshire.
Too young to figure it out. Saw him once in Piccadilly Circus. We went DOWN to WARDS IRISH HOUSE, now gone. Under EROS statue, he lubricated long since closed passage ways with his vomit.
Funny how that works. Old friends. Dick friends. Cain, Abel, Romulus, Remus. All eNGLISH Schoolboys endeavour NOT to break the Tradition.

Yet NEW folks, new jokes. new clothes, new spokes CRASHING YOU into new RAZZ, stuff U never ever really, ever want to hear…OR, Suzie...Existed!

I think of the 1976, Chelsea, Kings Road, highly educated, TITS and CUNT, Porn PUNK Lingerie, wicked, twisted Sister, outside of the Pub, begging, stretched, torn, fishnet stockings for less than the dye for her Purple hair. fUCK ME dAVE!...Always, when I had it, a 50 pence piece, I gave, and for my grace….Must'a bin crazy….always walked away.

I havent seen RUTH in 30 plus years. She gotta coupl'a Kids running round, someplace in England. Its NO Shakespeare. Probably THOMAS HARDY, might even be William Blake. A future to an Understanding.
Forgive me if a chew on a blade of straw, lying in a meadow, not unconcerned..but pre-occupied.


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.... ZONE!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.....ZONE....Apres un Poet Francais, G. Apollinaire.

*dedicato Carol Aniello.

...Into the Unsound, a breeze, girls dresses flutter, Pigeons scatter in collective cowardice, a lone Vespa scooter winnows, till silenced. A Mama-s stark call! KIDS! Pick up the Laundry! Grit flies. Kleenex eyes, a homeless fly settles on my bichieri Vino Blanco. A SITU, not unlike the Nativity....whilst BURSTING thru, the last Sunday timetable auto bus, disgorging chatter, shopping carts and mopping brows.

Into the Unsound, the evening Sweat, Il Passegiare thronging antica, cobblestone streets....OH, just where lies Sweet Robin, the passion of Youth, that IN silence, now promenades under a sliced lemon moon...

U got a Nickel.
I got a Nickel.
U got a Dime.
I got a Dime.
U got TIME!
No. I gotta Rental.

Into the Unsound, wondering, as they say, Tomorrow never comes. U can make a Bet! And as true as Troilius OR as false as Cressida, an unexpected breeze!...Say! Fellow traveller, just what links our Unsound zone...to lead us weary, bleary eyed into the dark beyond...

c2018,davedelacroix,cafe porta Palermo,sciacca,sicily.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....LIZZIE BORDEN

Our Dude in Europe, dave Delacroix....Lizzie Borden!

When Lizzie SAW...killed Momie... what she had done... How does it GO...She, with an AXE gave  Daddy 41.
 I-ve always considered the AGE of 41 to be Unlucky. 27 is bad too. Lotta rock stars never make it through. I blame their girlfriends, in some cases, boyfriends. Hangers ON whose names, like them, are poignantly insignificant. Wondering where they NOW live, or just how. Bottom feeders SURE to show up on Parish registers, barking at some local Pub... I knew Jimi, Me and Janis OR JIM and ME had sex or better still,  I was IN the plane when Jim Croce or Buddy Holiday died. Luckily, I had a parachute, the day the Music died.

Milk, butter, Beer
Yogurt, bread
Dish wash Liq., Lemon J.,
Chicken, Tomatoes!
Maybe under $30 with Coupons.

When Lizzie SAW what she had done. Mommy dearest!!!...The Postman changed his route!


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, EL NINO!

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, aging White Boy....EL NINO!

...Somewhere to sleep, somewhere to Find, somewhere the Peace...in a drunkard's mind< somewhere to JOY, somewhere to Say! Somewhere, a Boy, now a Man in decline.

Somewhere to FLY, somewhere to die, somewhere ANOTHER rises above!
Somewhere a Kiss, maybe a Promise missed! Somewhere that Boy, left behind. OR
someplace a Place, someplace a FACE< some time El Nino...

Sometime to sleep, sometime to rest, somewhere to find that Jewel in your Hope, and in someplace forgotten, the least likely place..... in Time-s Tapestry, in the spark of your Space.

Somewhere, SOME PLACE, to keep your Soul. Some TIME, to keep it WHOLE. Some Bela you knew, some Life fit YOUR Shoe, without retribution, without a STORM, without El Nino!...YES!!! SENZA El Nino..No, no. Il Neroni.

There-s a place for US. And in tranquility. A place for US to sleep. Perhaps in the LAP of El Nino.


Sunday, July 15, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...APRES midi dans le Piazza.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....APRES midi dans le Piazza.

Breeze, intermittent
Pigeons scatter
Old man Pepe take 30 minutes
to cross the square.
Some IDIOT, quickly Silenced!!!  Tries Cellphone Internet
senza headphones, now

The piazza Fish market
CLOSED, Café terrazzo, laissez-faire
and seagulls, long since SWARMED
to the shore...a scant mile away.

Apres midi dans la piazza
under a bleaching sun,
Bela Maria closers
the Bakery shop. Her wannabee boyfriends say
 she smells of Cinnamon and Jasmine!

She is Untouchable.
 Her Mother is again pregnant
with a Sister to come...


Saturday, July 14, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....ARE U going to EDEN....

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...ARE U going to Eden...

*Composed on the occasion of USA President D. Trump-s visit to the U.K.

Piazza della Signori
are U going to Eden
UN/usurped by PROLE views
sanctioned by 50%
of the Powers that Be
Ignorant of their subservience
to quicker Bucks and quicker minds...

U take the DANE gold
U get the Dane Law!
U take the Cake,
U-d better eat it!
Or rebel<
May as well get HUNG
for a sheep as a lamb!

Are U going to Eden...
Do U Know which way
in the decades that await,
the distaste
of your favourite Curry.
Angels SING with your Heart
but cannot carry U.

Ciao Bela!


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...M.I.5. on da Rocks.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...M.I.5 on da Rocks.

Extract from secret, TOP whassit Comm.... Da Russkies have had St. James Tailors GIEVES and HAWKES bugged for YEARS. Most of Saville Row, probably NAMED after serial Paedaphile Jimmy Saville, THAT we finally know about.
Consenual SODOMY in the British Government, RAMPANT, we can deal with that in  BRITISH INTELLIGENCE but BOOT and Co, Gentlemens Hatters and the renown WHITES CLUB, thought to be filled with rich WASP Yankees with no Pedigree...now infested with MUSLiMs and WITH WHITES...the Club... we can hardly issue a DEE NOTICE suspecting anyone without a Foreskin for Treason!...On the other hand...

More to follow.


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...The River Flows.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... The River flows.

On the way to Ol Calcutta, turning South to sweet Madras..I chopped the onions, garlic, raw Ginger, ground it in a jar.
Bellas in Saris laughed at me then fixed my Kitchen Hareem.
The river flows. The river flows.

I had to dice Tomatoes, Bell peppers. Grind with spices, Marsala, Tumeric, Paprika, looking  disinterested. Maharajahs tried to interest me in a game of Polo.
The river flows. The river flows.

BHARARTI introduced me to the use of OIL, stainless steel pans and serving plates, Aristocratic display, side dishes of Popadoms, Chiparti, stuffed PHarati.. Onion Bhaji!
The river flows. The river flows.

BASMATI rice, unbeatable when I hear S. Hazara Singh play his melancholy Guitar...! The river flows. The river flows.

And NOW, left with a so-so date at a disinterested Curry House, an Incense stick to park an atmosphere and a le recherche du temps perdu, an American way of saying....I didn't have a Clue!
The river flows. The river flows.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...Jeruslelum....Spell dat sucker!!!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Jerusulem …


Rabbi. If we dont eat each other…
Iman...We will eat Ourselves....

It-s ONLY interesting if U R somehow involved...like a Jew or an Arab who SOLD his camels to SALLADIN in time of War. As if to bring DOWN Jersulelam, some Mid East shit hole of absolutely NO geographical WORTH, compact with NO HOPER ZEALOTS all believing in the ABSTRACT where/in their circumcised Homburgs, subjugated Gals enjoined, brainwashed EGO testament to a cultural down whirlpool of insidious primitive PENIS Hubba Hubba.. A Spiritualy incestuous KIBBUTZ of world sanctioned Cultism!
Rabbi. If we dont EAT eachother…
IMAN. We will eat OURSELVES...

I am getting OLD. I dont CARE for your HATRED. I was born in England. Dont care for what U  YOU ALL CARE for.
My reasons are personal, non violent, none of YOUR FRICKIN business. If I can. I will visit.

Lackheim, In shah allah. Peace to ALL.

…..Can anyone recommend a good, reasonably priced Hotel…Dont need breakfast, just a late night cocktail lounge. Not sure of the Gig, folks. Suggestions welcome.


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....English, Italian....FENESTRO OPERTA...

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Italiano, Englesse…..Finestro oPERTA!

dedicato. Charles Baudelaire.

C,mon sera, bella notte, mi bella,via Lacante, Sciacca, Siciliano...c,omi sera, piazza Scandalito, avante mi amica, e buono fortuna!
kiss me...
C-me Guigno Bela Bela!..... Sono stanco, c-mon richiesto… E sono in viaggio, il Vita swirling  circolo a cuore...a Romeo, a sole ...all alone.
Like your Phone!
Your Café table Uninterested 1,000 yards stare, so glad we met!

C-mon sera, Bueno notte, il sentinele, all along the Watchtower! ...It torre emozione, a disperato per te. Arrivederci Heloise...lost at sea, a mare, il monde ascendi!!!
Per me, il fenestra operto. Kiss Me! Kiss Me! Heloise, Abelard, kisses sweet.

The window is open and the AIR bares within, sounds from faraway.

2018,dave Delacroix,montmatre, paris, café select.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....QUIET days in Clichy, quiet days in Sciacca.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...QUIET DAYS in Clichy, quiet days in Sciacca!

dedicato. Phillipe Germak, a Parigi.

Quiet days in Clichy. Quiet days in Sciacca, Sicily by Chiesa St. Margahrita, piazza Carmine at the BAR ODEON and EVERY passing belladonna wants to exhibit her thunder thighs in an avante garde suggestion of Pussy show! Lonely gals. Even the ALMOST blind Priest Panhandler...with the unproven dodgy left leg....knows which way the wind blows&lt; GRILLO Vino Bianco! Whilst the Bottegla Albani ...Bottled Trees...give the optical illusion of giving U a nudge!....How bout dat!!!

Quiet days in Clichy, quiet days in SCIACCA by St. Margahrita, piazza Carmine at the bar Odeon...the Solar powered ancient fontana...Fountain dribble...suddenly goes into EXTRA GUSTO spraying Bar Odeon patrons with its AQUA SPERM!
People dust off its unexpected droplets. Bravoes. Gigolos. Capos! And Tourists alike all eyed/funneled into Desire, Unlearning, seated in hot sun ecstasy in imitation of the fossilized statuary that they are, possibly, in some future archeologist eye, yet to become.

Bonjour! Bonguigno! Aur revoir! Averrederci! Asta la vista! Ou sans les neige dantan. O sole Mio! A le recherche du temps perdu. And a B&W photo, 1950s all rolled into one.

Un atra, Donnatella! Send me another Nastro Azzura!

c2018,Guilio, Sciacca, Sicily.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, 2018 MANIFESTO for GLOBAL ART.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix, 2018 MANIFESTO for GLOBAL ART.

dedicato. Karl Marx.

Overtures of Devils and Gods, the very stuff to sink ya Soul, gathers Unseen in diversity from Macro to Caligula in defiance to Empirical Sound that BURSTS Spleen actuality and wipes out Memory and leaves the slate of History clean. A splinter, here, a bone, there, a frail Machiavelli to tapestry the Story, the Epic, the GIG, rights and wrongs. Only THINKING makes it so.

A Genghis Khan, a dynasty, the early Christians whine and how, double, mono, Spirit, any which way that could CAST a Spell, who donned the Sybil's crown, an Astronauts helmet, Life after Death, to spread the disease of subjugation, TRIBUTE, your TAXES to feed the solvency of History, the ONLY History< Mans Greed!

Whilst dumb/ass Poets, Painters, Sculptors advance under the hood of fiscal tyranny, nothing, more or less devil pronged to point us on our way, to a moral, empty nest,
Ave Caesar! Ave Padre! Ave WALL St. greed! Ave the SEED of our self destruction! Ave WANT!!!! So sad. Greed. Global contagion. To see U on your knees...

Overtures of Devils and Gods double HELIX entwined to their undoubted destiny and the sucking thumb that every Baby KNOWS speaks louder than words.

c2018,davedelacroix.Murphys Bar.Sciacca.Sicily.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, MENU for MURDER, D n D Detective Series, THIRD DEGREE Picante Justice!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix, MENU for MURDER, D and D., Detective Series. THIRD DEGREE PICANTE JUSTICE!....... 1 to 3...

1. Mulligatawny Mambo!

SHE got to MAMBO, HE got to Mambo, U got to Mambo, my dead Grandma may rattle a skeletal foot in HOPES of a Mulligatawny Mambo, a picante spice pepperoni, some place East of Guadalajara or Madras or some South China Sea sauce...Always TOUGH though, fucking UP. Nobody shows up with the Shrimp. No alibi. A Busboy waves around yesterday Crimp! A legal delivery, painful! Lost 1,000 island Shrimp Cocktail whassit!!! Culinary Innocence or Dictatorship, any which way...that SOUL VISTA to your OWN looking glass Heart....

Josef Conrad couldn't have nailed this better. D and D, Detective GOT the Pesci, boulebais discount, downright SLURPED as  distastefully, the Gig, and what WAS and what IS, whats LEFT of Cordon Blue IS the Saucier mysterious characters, PLURAL, even if they went to Culinary Academies.....Take AWAY the COOK, leaves only the Sauce!....
Was the COOK a SAUCIER, or was the Saucier a COOK!!! Questions!

There-s SO much MURDER in the kitchens of Restaurants from Roadside Diners to the 4 Seasons in NYC.! Every WEEK some Chef has been, IS found, in an overlooked Deep Freezer! Naturally, the Industry fails to mention this when presenting U with a Marbled, Nebraska Sirloin. But don't worry. D n D, detective, hunting down lost kids,  has seen it ALL, a zillion times....whilst trying to locate LOST KIDS, food outlets being primal search zones.  Yet, in pursuit, Kitchen Murders, half the time he let it swing or gilded the lily, least ways to the Cops in Bags. A CRIMI de Passione! Arguments about Sauce ingredients, just HOW to present Baby Back Ribs SENZA BBQ sauce. Stuff like THAT and that yet to be documented, mysterious Case in Louisville, Kentucky NOW, famously known as the Case of the 2,000 rings of the ONION. SHUSSH! Indeed! Spare me from explaining. Too many digressions. No lost kids found.  Yet better elucidated So....What happens when U put CHEFS, Irish, Scottish, English, French, Pakistani, ALL MAESTROs in the SAME Grande Hotel Restaurant Kitchen....Somebody ends up being Mulligatawny! Yet, that age old confession... might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb... never surfaces.
We live in despicable, insidious, and mixed spice times!!!

The Hotel Employment Register kind-a covered it. Employees are KNOWN to depart. The F.B.I, local Barney Fifes. 4 out of 5 five Chefs mysteriously disappeared. Jobs on obscure Millionaire luxury Yachts, etc. No doubt. the REMAINING Maestro CHEF, Vinod Hazara Bai swore on a STACK, everything, Tutte Bene!!! Cops in Bags from MISSING PERSONS, CHEF DIVISION, all over weight, were initially mystified. Whilst D n D, detective dude, feeling jaded by recent news of Anthony...TONY....BORDAIN-s- Swiss Suicide, aside of looking for some missing L.A. Kids, suggested to the Swiss Gendarmes a CUCINA BERMUDA TRIANGLE, advised them to save their Police notes, possible Movie Franchise, get an Agent, etc.,  give the remaining Maestro Chef, VINOD,  THE EYE, and with lack of any pointed Evidence advised all and sundry NOT to order the Mulligatawny Soup ON SPECIAL and promptly dined next door!

c2018, dave Delacroix, Sciacca, sicily. MENU FOR MURDER.