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Saturday, April 2, 2011

OUR MAN in EUROPE: dave delacroix: part 48: SWAT!

part 48:  SWAT!

She has Egyptian eyes, wears a "ponce-nez", uses a cigarette holder (to protect her eyes?)...and in her blonde, Germanic charm...exudes the bounty of -a great diet - and God`s miracle of Life.

So shoot me!

Last night, (out) clubbing...at MY age, goddammit!!?....hugging/swearing "eternal love/friendship"...with several women... ALL CALLED RALPH....balloons into a perfect Spring morning: It`s 24 degrees (2nd of April)
Summer, thank god, beckons.

We have BBQ plans: Marinated "Dead Bird", baked potatoes; corn on the cob?... Outta season, like your/mine Genius...and the day will bring...what it may.

Bugs are re-inventing themselves:


(Don`t ya just love Nature?)

Meantime? -Staying off the need for a Bloody Mary (with Tabasco, Celery stick, the white of an egg, black pepper or a MELLOW  chopped Chilli....)

(Don`t be an idiot; use a Blenda, `ceptin for the celery stick!)

...I ponder the plight....of those poor folks... (post earthquake, Tsunami, atomic melt-down)
in Japan.

At the Global Super-market, misery is on Discount!

I`ll give you a Coupon.

c 2011. our man in europe/dave-O... mit der Baroness Jutta von XXX/Rheinland/Deutschland/Apres April Fools day....:)