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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.... Mosquito!

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... Mosquito!

Dont KISS ME tonight MOSQUITO. A=sa little black, white, Chinese, Mexicali gal. I just started my Periods, but the BOY of my dreams wants ME, escort! We go to the DANCE tomorrow night. Its REAL important. It MEANS my Life!!! Tomorrow. Please BUZZ in my Sister-s room.
Dont kiss me tonight SWEET Mosquito. On Sunday, my Confession. Is that enough! And when the SUN rises, a palata di aqua. U can share it with my Aloe-vera plant on my windowsill. His NAME is Don Quioxte. Its from a Book. I-m still awaitin for him to grow. The Sunscreen you-know.
Dont KISS ME tonight Mister Mosquito. Tomorrow, I must SHINE. I go to the Dance!...

c.2020, davedelacroix. Ever-selfless.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Our Man in EDurope, dave delacroix...KANSAS CITY

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.... Kansas City.

dedicato. Wesley, Liberty and Wayne.

ALWAYS TOUGH...taking my shirt off...yakking with the COGNISCENTI, or the
NON-Cogniscenti ...this side of GROOVEY or BLM, how to wreck OTHER PEOPLES STUFF, Cars, Property, maybe SOMETHING they worked hard for. U smash it UP!
Reminds me of Miss Claudia,  or some DUDE who broke my Sister=s  heart. The kind of THING U wanna CUDGEL with an AXE but life says NO because U know its NO and when the LAPD say, put ya Ass on the ground U dont mess around, U just DO.
Always tough...taking my shirt off, with a Girl or a Friend. Everybody-s handling, everybody got a Star Agent. Somebody gotta kiss, some folks loaded with a SIGH... pull a 38, a UNIFORM dies!! But nobody SINGS that Black N White Song except the Piper in the Police Cemetery.
ALWAYS TOUGH, always A-feared. Always TOUGH. Always A-feared. USED TO BE, dont break the LAW, U OK.....But only for Whiteboy, maybe not even that, for Blackboy in Kansas,  Kansas-City!...Mammas either-way, WAIL.


Friday, June 26, 2020

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...All the Kisses.

Our Man in Europe, Dave Delacroix... All the Kisses.

dedicato. Marquis Jean Debats.

That BUTTERCUP, that PAPPILION, that Surprise, that GOOD cup of Coffee, that UN-expected...I Love U!
That GIG, That Kiss. Infatuous, INFAMOUS, a cup of-  tear Ya frickin HEART-OUT. The DIVA fucks ya INTESTINES! And U get to live!!! Black-Widow-Bitch! Call the POPE!!!
Meanwhilwee, back at ze Ranch...That Buttercup. Gone South to RIO with ya Credit CARDS, ya Virginiity, ya Pocket-book, names EVERY Virgin U every knew TWIX Tuscon an Alberqueque. NOBODY ever had those Numbers. Maybe the BIG BOYS back in Nevada will take care of the Prolem. And Roadsters, Kickers and Cowboy Angels KNOW all the kisses, but mostly,  the SHADOW of the Devil-s Angel when it comes for U. All the kisses mean nothing. Nothing to U.

c.2020.davedelacroix....presently exiled in France. Situ. Norm.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... All the Guitars...

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... All the Guitars.

That tinsel Cadillac, Las Virgines Canyon, backsides-Malibu, getting a CLEAN getaway to the San Fernando Valley. Almost Murder-One!
Saint FEE-mando must a been a pretty important Guy. I check my Detective Smart-phone. Like  whassit, Saint, bugs and stuff. BIRDS in the sky, maybe. THIS ONE, the multitudes chose Housing Plots. The Plot THICKENS. But that was in 1955 when all the Guitars...in tune.

Appartment blocks with FORECOURTS. Nobody EVER played Tennis in these places. Sign outside. NO MOVIES.If U were in the business, DRESS DOWN. Try to look like a CHINAMAN who needed to leave America. So the sign said. Actors, Actresses mostly  ploughed on their Cosmetics at the SWCHWABBS...spell!  It=s Yiddish!... local 7-11, drugstore. The wall telephone there, constantly, where ALL the Guitars....sometimes SING.

BODY ON THE BEACH! Body on your Couch. Sorry-Officer, the gun just WENT OFF. Can U arrest me in the morning. My Attorney-s in a Meeting!  Too late for the Tattle Edition. MYRAH, my Agent says to look like a grieving Widow. Is THIS OK... My Affidavit is YOUR Affividavitoh and you SEE that Guitar on my wall...By Itself, it plays Misty!

There=s a million dollar BUBBLE coming out of my mouth, you got IN-ONE, you got SOUTH, spare me the Coronor, the body-bags. Jeeze! Switch OFF those...Your... flashing lights. The Blonde is Dead. Names-numbers from her Pocket-book. Did I PERSONALLY know her. HELL NO. Wrap it up here Boys. Get me a Ham on Rye. Yo! 15 Minutes. Turn off that frickin Siren. Somebodies Wife. A Guitar, someplace....

c.2020, davedelacroix

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... Song of the Moon. Chanson de la Lune.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....MOON SONG, Chanson de la Lune.

...Our Man in Europe got his OWN ragged Song, aint gonna howl at a Georgia Moon, aint NO LYNCHING, no WHITEBREAD Boogaloo...like an UN-educated, Dyslexix Song of the Moon. Graffit my History, HERE-s your Shoes, Bro, under that MOON which succours or rancours your Medievil rancour and Soul. U wanna Dance! Be my guest.

Song of the Moon which, NIGHTLY, enters my room, cries-yesterday, whispers a tomorrow, resonates, for WHOM the bell tolls... comes ALL too soon. U, Me, Bro, Sis, Mom, Pops, Granny, Oppa, lonesome, on his way to the Post Office. Medals, not displayed publicly on his chest. Stuff he don-t PROCLAIM, the KNOWING, his Integrity.
Gonna RUN HIM DOWN!!!...or later, tear down HIS Monument...

Who HAILS the Moon, that CHANT, popular SONG-SLOGAN, grafittied! Everyone knows EVERYTHING except how to hold down a Paying Gig. A Job! ANECREON, greek Poet, in heaven-we raise our glass to THEE!...in lieu of the inadequacy, idiocy and hypocrisy of our Elected representatives  who see the same Luna display but cannot SPELL Boogaloo!...WAZ DAT U HEAR!... Sorry. just ME scratching my Nuts!

c.2020, davedelacroix.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, Paris-Match!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... Paris-Match.

dedicato. Amis... Jerome Decloss et Isabella Pessoa.

Paris to France! How ya doin Babee! Paris to |France, How ya doin Babee!
I got Ya Heart, Un Coeur, that boogaloogie, Madelaine, L-Opera, Chand da frickin E-llyses, that Belle Epoche!
C-mon CA-VA, with Me, C-mon CA-VA.
Inspecteur Maigret detecting my Crime. I smoked, drank too much Absinthe, partial to day-tripping to the Tourraine. So I got BUSTED, speaking Perfect French, sans Cell-phone-cute girlfriend, YSL -rive-gauche jonny depp-noir-whatever-wearing sang-froid stained calvin klein under-wear. Bloody Gendarmes, Les Closceaus!-gonna give me the Electric Chair sans VIN!!!...Pithy stuff on the Police Report. Naked with AN ERRECTION. The Papparazzi were disappointed. The river Seine...too cold.
So wha!
So Wha!
C-mon Ca-va!
GEE! And there is ME in St. Germaine Du Pres, intellectually masturbating, looking for Apolinaire-s ghost who died from his wounds from the First World War! Forgive Me. I-m looking for his ZONE. S-WHAT we Poetic Neophytes R S=posed to DO!
...and your high degree.

c.2q020, davedelacroix, ourmaninfrickineurope,age 64.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... Malibu.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... Malibu.

if U don't make it Babe
It don't matter if U missed dat PROM,
LAUNCHING da Queen Mary,
heard it SAILED away,
Long Beach, San Pedro, L.A.,
but YOU get to keep your Saucer eyes!

They Launched Space=X.
Alas, no Champagne-send off
like a bunch of QUAKERS
Outta-Space! Wonder WHAT
Saturn, Venus or Mars
gonna MAKE of these squeaky Misfits!

I have NO experience, Doll
I-just holdin ya hand
Lonesome White-Boy,,
reading-writing, composing
how I say MY QUEEN
and wondrin what-s BEST
to DO the best for U.

It aint no dang, nobody-s business
Me-Sherman Oaks! U Talucca Lake!
Maybe we elope  to MALIBU,
folks gonna raise hell. I got $500!...

c.2020. davedelacroix.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... Cnhanson des Gendarmes.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... Chanson des Gendarmes.

dedicato. Inspecteur Maigret!¬

ZA_ZA!!! Rioters-Looters! ZA_ZA!!.. Attend-Intellect!!Cut DOWN your PROSTATE, show US your DICKS, SHOW us your TITS, make it Loud! COPS LIVES MATTER TOO! And SHOW me your FANNIES, MORE Tits, FASHIONISTA-boogie-woogie! Pandemic-MASKS! The Mask of THE RED DEATH, that DOOBIE that sez TRASH MY WORLD,  an Invitation to a Voyage! ...My little World, the One I bought INTO...Balzac, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, as we speak, turning in their graves! C-mon Ca-va...Theophile Gautier in his red waist-coat hurrahs VICTOR HUGO! Change the World!
It echoes to U....Allonze-Mamma! ZA-ZA!...not forgetting the Boys in Blue who |BUST your RAPIST, drag that DRUNK MUTHER off your back, CATCH the CREEP who BURGLED your HOUSE, OFFICE, STOLE your Credit Cards, SMACKED your DAUGHTER in the MOUTH, tried to FUCK YOUR WIFE in the Supermarket, STOLE your Automobile....etc. Boys in Blue. They got FAMILIES too. C-mon Ca-va! C-mon ZA-ZA! C-mon CA-ZA!!! A Salute. A Chanson des Gendarmes. Encore!

c.davedelacroix, 2020, june. 

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...SLOE-2020 Blues.

Our Man in  Europe, dave dwelacroix, SLOE-2020-Blues.

dedicato. Jerome Decloss….young guy.

////////lonsome tune....

Maybe SHE-ll CALL YA
Maybe HIM too,
 maybe U-ll Call me
Maybe U-ll send a MESSage,
put on my best shoes,
everybody-s got a PARTY DRESS
NOT invited to.

Amah looking Pretty
borrowed ny Sista dress,
painted a LINE-thigh
to mah shoes!
I aint Rebecca,
I aint Nancy Drew!

A thousand YEARS,
a Song of SONGS
that story, life-long,
A menstruation,
a SCREAM no Bubba
wants to know.

I GOTTA shriek
I-LL CUT YA gizards Out,
an maybe U phone Me
Don-t ya forget bout ME... YOWSAH!!!
You-s better lend that $20!

repeat 1st resurrection!...singing...

c.2020, davedelacroix.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....The Looters!

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... The Looters!

dedicato. Family Floyd.

They can hurt my Body,
 they can Burn my Store,
 they can Wreck my City
 but they can-t LOOT my Soul.

They Shoot a LIE
 in the name of Truth,
and yet that TRUTH
 stings their rancour to the core!

They can Defy Intelligence,
 Man-s Self-respect
 and Media-Dwarf
all the GOOD that sustains
 a Child-s kiss,
 a Brother-s Hugs,
 a Momma-s Care,

 but NEVER will they LOOT our Souls!

c.2020, june-noir, davedelacroix.