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Monday, September 20, 2021

Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix: No: 51: Minestrone.

OUR MAN in BELIZE, dave delacroix: No: 51: MINESTRONE.

A DAYZ sans RAGE, a day where hugs and kisses prevail, a day of HEART, a day that starts WITH a new Start? How does curdle your Minestrone of Yesteryear? Get me a WITNESS!!!

A KICK INSIDE, that bambino who announced, I am ALIVE; who can forget the GIG, the UNCTION of your first embrace, your first kiss, the Babee, carried?

A DAYZ without NIGHT, that twilight,  that "joi da vie", that carriage ride in NYC Central Park or Paree-Bois de Boulogne, or Jekyll & Hyde in a London's HYDE Park where after midnight DOGS BARK and/ OR your shadows have no fear to tread? Cept the guilty pleasure of your OWN intrinsic-human  elexir?

Who WAILS for the immaculate conception? Better still?...

c.2021, sept. dave delacroix....."All shook up!"

Sunday, September 19, 2021

OUR MAN in BELIZE, dave delacroix, No.50: Love Unlimited!!!/Corozal-Belize.


Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No.50: "Love Unlimited."/Corozal-Belize.

WERE U DANCED, were U kissed, was that in Corozal-Belize? Were U thrived, were/when U ruled the World, was that in Paris-France? Were U schemed, were U dreamed, was that in St. Petersburg, in the RUSSIAS, and were/when U lived or died, escaped the revolution or the FIRE, was that which drove U to me?

Were U DANCED, in a trance, when you CURSED or sprayed In-flections; that BUZZ that stings to break the wings of all adversity? Were U in flight with broken wings or vows, the kind of junction that kills the Cat's MEOW; did U curtail a LEGEND, did U INvent a Mask of Demitrios, the CHORUS of all mankind?

WHEN U DIED, though rumors abound, CAVES, lockets, Archeologists finger your itinerary in zealous pursuit of your BONES with salavic broth, a leer, a jest. that CONSUMATION of U, Love, yes Love. U!... NAMED!

When U despaired of mortal coils, did U take wing? A universal-visitation leaving your.....when U disappeared did U curdle a fond regret; the death of your spell or an INSIDIOUS regret? Even wise men and fools have yet to frame your symmetry?....Poets yet chant your POW-WOW! And all Lovers shunt in frenzied participation twix love and war.

Where did U dance my Lovely? Genetic Queen of Paradise and Despair? Were U once danced too?

c.2021, sept. dave delacroix

Monday, September 13, 2021

Our Man in Belize: dave delacroix, No: 49: ENGLAND-2021.

Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 49: ENGLAND 2021.

"OH my CHILDREN how can I lead U?"

Oh my Children how can I lead U, Lead U into terror & destruction? A Gunpowder Plot, negotiations with the ARMY/General Staff, over Coffee with that Prick-Chairman at the BANK of ENGLAND or several eminent investors of exotic Golf Clubs; all told AND in UNISON, perhaps the shit might fly whilst the ROYALS internet-ZAP their wealth to the Cayman Isles or Guillotine REES-MOGGS fly away?

OH my Children, who will pave your ROADS whilst rushing hoards stream "High-Street, smash windows, wreck your Lexus?" Who cries for the Bookseller/nobody shopping? Who cries for the Sally-Army Gift Shop? No-one donating? Just YOU, ya CAUSE and the RAVE down the Street and a SOCCER HOOLIGAN, the man, ex-policeman, in the violent street?

Oh my CHILDREN; wotcha-gonna-DO with them ATOM SUBS, sitting in the bay? Oh my CHILDREN how can ANYONE MAN/WOMAN lead U? No Prince, no Cavalier can REDEEM U from your plight? And all our tomorrows till dusty death debate our collective Night whilst CLOWNS/democracies-Usurpers sit on Britain's Parliament's throne?

c.dave delacroix.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No. 48: "Charlie."

Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No.48: "Charlie."

When the BOY KICKS or wipes U away... or the GIRL, in some scoundrels bed, or the friend who WASN'T, stabbed U behind, or a Political Cause, Usurped, left U, again, behind, and the Umbrella-Bank for a LOAN says "NO!"/when it rains or the "Times they R 'a-Changing" left U without a SONG, left U in the DRAIN and EVERYONE suddenly got that "thousand yard stare"; then U "CHARLIE", Charlie, can U lend me a Dime? Cause Charlie, Charlie  just don't SURF. A dude, a GIRL perceived with no spine! Charlie: the Boy, the Girl; circling OUT of time?

Maybe COOL in your 20's, 30's, 40's-GALORE but U'd better find your fixture in the WORLD'S  "Musical-Chairs" of your Folklore, that INNER-song where U belong, that VERSE, that CHORUS which GOD gave ya, C'OS Charlie, Charlie, U out on your own and Life's regrets assault your TIME like Piranhas!


When the Girl or Boy kicks, the GAL (or boy) says, "Hey Slick? Get outta here!" When the WORLD turns UP-side down and U got no Inter-net? Who U gonna cry to? To whom do U sing?...Maybe your last selfish thought? And all the WORLD, outside, goes around and round. Hey Charlie? "Hey watch Me, MOFO: I walk into my rainy oblivion!!!"

c.2021, dave delacroix.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No.47: "I-ACCUSE!!!"

Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No.47: "I-ACCUSE!!!" 


I Accuse the USA. Cheerleader at the Rodeo!

I accuse CHINA!...Sweet Lady serving Tea.

I accuse Russia-Babushka!

I accuse the U.K. CRESSIDA, london Chief of London-Police!!!

I ACCUSE your SOUL; In shah allah or WHO in the ORDER of Angels hears these words!?

