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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Our Man in Europe: (Piacenza) Take 34: AL Zheimers & Me

Take 34: AL Zheimers & Me

I may be repeating myself...in this book/blog. It's hard to say; once you're a friend of AL.

(He's a) Funny guy. Chances are you knew him all your life? One of those dudes who nestles into your Society; occasionally, he has something intelligent to say, but, mostly, he just flows with your crowd...un-noticed.

He makes his "debut", of course, when you mature; habitually drunk, probably. And apes your words.
Other friends note the repetition, but because AL is a part of your "scene" they politely acquiesce and accept the Tragic that accompanies the genius. (small G.)

"We like the Painting, but the Frame SUCKS!" (their most likely thoughts)

Oblivious, dare you be? Lend the man some money, full knowing you will never see it again? Tell him your secrets; tomorrow's Front Page! Kiss and Tell? You wind up HIV Positive... He IS "your OWN personal Jesus"...

Who are you?
Why, Judas, of course;

AL, on the Cross, steals your Glory.

c 2012/davedelacroix/lord borgo/feb/piacenza/yup! -Happy hour!...:)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix: take 33: THE MIRROR

Take 33:  The Mirror

(for Lord Henry)

Oh! I reconnect with old pal Lello, Maestro Luthier and Musicman from my "Roman Holiday" days...who once saved me from dying of pnuemonia in a long ago, Swiss winter, whilst hitch-hiking.

He's, I guess, an old Rocker, Left-winger. Travels a lot. But a "Blue-Blood". Old money. His family owns some decadent Castle, mezzo-Italia, on the Le Marche-Adriatic coastline. Quite splendid, I'm led to believe...

He showed up jammin' in Piacenza's piazza Cavalli. I recognised his music from across the crowded piazza at once!


Adjourning to my abode, the HOTEL DAVE (€35 per nite/via Campagna), coffee, beers, vino and half a year's tobacco product - from the State of West Virginia - ensued.

Thus carousing, we mutually imbibed, paced my humble rooms, played "pocket billiards" and pontificated...as middle-aged men are apt to do when co-enjoining philosophical insights under the cloak of reminiscence; a poor method, I confess, for old friends to address Life's dissatisfaction.

Lello, as I, had (has) clearly aged...though I notice it only when I happened to glance at our reflections in my Hotel's large Art Deco wall mirror.

Mirrors are useful for that. They reflect a portrait which the Mind's true sense of one's physical being is largely blind...and how, in fact, the World sees you.

Anyhow, after some hours of "banter" which sufficed to exhaust our recent histories, wrap them in festive paper and tie them up with string, Lello asked me how life was treating me...now that I have relocated to italy?

I suggest he read THIS my blog-book for a complete update, adding that outside of the present Winter season, I was having a blast, money worries, of course; as always. Drinking WAY too much. Some minor health issues; no Dental plan.

"And?" he asked, during a pause.

"Well. My Italian is obissimal, as you know." I replied. "I'm really stretching my new friends conversational English language skills to the limit. Two of their number, now out-right, refuse to speak to me in anything OTHER than Italian...presumably, in the vain hope that I quickly become conversant not ONLY in Italian, but also in the local "Piacentino" dialect!?"

"The FOOLS!"

"Exactly!" I reply. "I tell them that such an accomplshment takes at least a year, and I? I have only been here 4 months...!"

Lello chuckles. He knows my flaws. Whilst HE has "the knack" and speaks several launguages fluently, I am the "laziest guy in town"; leastways, in the Language department.
(ask anyone)
Even in my School Daze, studying French, I volunteered to operate the class Tape Recorder which played repetitive sentences:
"Le chat et sur la mur",
"Monsieur Lefarge avez un grande tete", etc.,
so as to evade the tutor's scrutiny...and for which I was rewarded with glowing end-of-term report cards:
"David is very attentive and operates the tape recorder: C- Plus!"

My mother, I recall, was quite astonished, and of course, "I" was doubly pleased... as my poor "Mater" didn't speak a word of the lingo!

"But?..." asks Lello.

I explain: "Well, with this Winter season (the coldest in 200 years) I confess to sometimes feeling quite isolated and, whilst this is capital for Creativity, it CAN get a tad lonesome with no-one to Yak-Yak-Yak! And I DO miss my Denver, USA friends and loved ones. The ones, that is, who - since my departure - have NOT dropped dead or who arent feeling very well... Quite a few, actually."

"The BEST friends you can have; the Departed." says Lello.

"How's that?"

"They cast no future shadow." he says.

"Ha!" (perhaps)

"As for the Living?" he continues, "The ones who talk all the time are a joy because you can stay quite silent and give your brain a rest.... And the ones who - from either reticence or because they DONT speak English - say absolutely nothing at all; with regard to the latter? They are equally accommodating."

"How so?"

(Lello) "You sit. Swig beers. THEY sit. Swig beers. Nothing is said. You play some CD's. Nirvana. Bloody Pearl Jam. Whatever. And you have a good time."

"So true."

Lello continues, sucking on a fresh brewski: "...Rather like being 2 explorers, in centuries past, on a voyage of discovery. You're way out at sea. You're NOT sure just where you are... or where you're going. You're stuck on the boat. There's no-where to go...unless you jump-ship and become "chum" for the sharks. Ergo? After 3 months at sea, you've run out of  Cocktail Party "small-talk". There's absolutely nothing left to say. So you just sit around, polish off some brewski's, and whittle little wooden carvings, possibly, to trade with the natives who you may or may NOT encounter on some distant island; assuming, of course, they're friendly and DONT throw you in the tribal "crock-pot" along with some cocconuts and spices: It's a Cruise!"


Lello, at last, shakes his head and smiles: "Y'know, Dave? It takes YEARS to learn this stuff!?..."

"Capitoh!" says I, slugging a fresh brew.

"Dave?..." says Lello, finally, getting ready to take his leave, "We must do this more often. It' important."

"What's that?"


c 2012/davedelacroix/lord Borgo/piacenza/feb/I'm sooo late for Bongo Nite!...:)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Our Man in Europe: Take 32: "As the World burns..." (An Italian TV Soap Opera)

Take 32:   "As the World burns..."  (An Italian TV Soap Opera)

Ramona:  "Vicenzo? Do you REALLY have feelings for me...? (Pause) "...Or are you completely captivated  by your work in the illegal garbage disposal business?"

Vicenzo:  "Only YOU, mio cuaro! ONLY you."

Ramona:  "My daughter, from my third marriage; Francesca, as you know... is quite pre-occupied with saving the Planet,  the plight of SOME whales...and cleaning up the rabid pollution in  the campagna!"

Vicenzo:  "Bello! Magnifico!"

Ramona:  "...Which leaves her with absolutely NO feelings, NO emotions for ME!..."

Vicenzo:  "Oh, No! Santa Lucia!"

Ramona:  "It's true... Which is why I NEED to know that YOU love me. Only you, for only ME!...?"

Vicenzo:  "Of course, my turtle dove. It is YOU that I love. ONLY you. My illegal garbage disposal business? For it? I care NOT!"

Ramona:  "But THAT is what Francesca says!!!...?"

Vicenzo:  "She? Francesca? What does she say?"

Ramona:  "She says you are enviromentally apathetic, ergo, if your emotions do NOT extend to the love of the Planet, how can you have genuine feelings for another;  for ME?"

Vicenzo:  "Ha! Sweet, bello bambino..."

Ramona:  "So?"

Vicenzo:  "So, mio Cuaro?"

Ramona:  "...What we were talking about!...?"

Vicenzo:  "Ha! Si, my dove. Alluri!... Well, er? -Without my illegal garbage disposal business I could NOT afford to buy you expensive fur coats."

Ramona:   "I know."

Vicenzo:  "...Your grande, downtown appartmento!..."

Ramona:   "I know."

Vicenzo:   "...The Alfa-Romeo."

Ramona:   "I know."

Vicenzo:   "...Front row tickets to La Scala!..."

Ramona:   "I know."

Vicenzo:   "...Caviar for breakfast..."

Ramona:   "I know."

Vicenzo:   "...Money for the..."

Ramona:  "BASTA!!!"

Vicenzo:   "...I know."

(Short silence)

Vicenzo:   "How OLD is Francesca,  this day?"

Ramona:  "She's 13."

Vicenzo:  "Sooooo young....and yet...?"

Ramona:  "She an emancipated adult!"

Vicenzo:  "Ha!"

Ramona: "...By Court Order!"

Vicenzo:   "Capito. Si. Capito... And she has NO feelings for her bellissimo Mamma...?"

Ramona:  "Not one."

Vicenzo:   "Idioti!"

Ramona:   "Si."

Vicenzo:  "Then let us embrace!"

Ramona:  "Vicenzo!"

Vicenzo:  "Ramona! Mio cuaro!"

(They hug, kiss, then BOTH click on their seperate Cell phones and commence talking to OTHER people)


c 2012/davedelacroix/lord borgo/tues/more snow/off to Lady Bar for €1 vinos-and its ALWAYS Happy
 Hour; just on Friday? I jam out....:)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Our Man in Europe: Take 31.5: (Piacenza) Bon Appetite!

Take 31.5:  Bon Appetite!

...Food is NOT a Philosophy; leastways for THIS guy. A pleasant recreation, maybe, to be enjoyed and shared amongst my (your) - if you have any - most recent friends (on the road/travelling factor).

Those who CAN tolerate my (your) wacky Bohemian receipes and who do NOT succumb to food poisoning, HEP C., ate the bad grape, drank too much vino, forgot to say; "When!" -when you poured 'em the Grappa...well?
Desserts? JUST desserts?

"Some like it Hot!"
Some? -just Sweet.
PUR-LEEZE! (Can I have some more?)

You got it, numb-nuts!

Ollie Twist? Oliver Twist & Shout? HE'S A BITER!!!

You betcha!  -"Pass the Oporto. Feather up, young-un!"

A good circle at the dinner table will - take a moment from grazing - ALWAYS illuminate/illustrate to you just who your culinary bed fellows are. No need to wait fot the "belch".

Cleopatra & Marc Anthony once wagered, as in fact some more RECENT nouveau-riche Plebes have...on just how much money you can spend on one meal!


Dinner, I guess (including  a case of Chateau Petrus).

If it was breakfast? They'd be protein wiped out after the Caviar, Kippers, bacon, toast & Marmalade and a dozen Sunny-Sides-Up!

(Thoughts of Monty Python's "Mr Creasote" come to mind.)

When I was young(ER) I thought nothing if breakfast consisted of Bollinger & 6 oysters on the half shell.

Older now; a 6 pack of crap beer and some "Tuna Helper, SANS TUNA" somehow suffices; leastways, till I can hustle some old pal for a decent lunch!

In World War 2 England, food was rationed and British housewives, in addition to having to take care of the kids and put up with their miserable  - "I gotta bad foot otherwise I would'a gone an fought the Nazis" husbands...were subjected to sucking the "dick" of the local butcher JUST to put meat on the table...

Butchers? DON'T get me started! In times fair or foul; some with a sword? Some with a Ration card...

Every time I see old film footage of Churchill, Gen. Montgomery, Gen. Eisenhower or some prick wearing medals...I think of the sacrifices those un-sung heroes, those GALS made.

No medals.

Queuing for potatoes. Queuing for oranges. Queuing for a banana. Queuing. Queuing.

History? Art?

It is as well ALL film footage from that epoch is mostly IN black and white.

Cleopatra and Marc-Anthony? Forget the romance. They had a "just" end.

....Today, I ran into €20.00 I didn't expect. I went to the Macellaria (butchers) on the Via Campagna and bought €4.00 of beef for Ghoulash.
I paid the bill. I smiled. I didn't say "thank you".

The butcher said, in farewell: "Bon appetite!"

c. 2012/february/davedelacroix/lord Borgo/too cold to busk/fridge full of goodies/Ten Year After: "I'm goin home!"...:)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Our Man in Europe: Dave Delacroix (Piacenza) Take: 31: ARMANI

Take 31:   ARMANI

(a quick note to (Thespian) Steve St. James:

...Am expecting you in Italy sometime in Spring, but, god forbid, Summer comes; I will still be enjoying ONLY palpitations (Shakespearian 0nes; full of quotatyions), and thoughts of Beckett, Brecht & Oscar Wilde.

Still looking forward to seeing you AND the WIZ-kid, Katie (avec violin), do some gigs, and generally have a "hootie-tee-toot" (thing).

Steve? I DO know that you in fact OWN TEN ARMANI dinner jackets...so when you DO come...I expect you to bring 3 of the suckers, just in-case; so when you go back home... you can leave TWO behind....in my safe keeping....:)

The nearest airport, apparently, is Milano (Italy).

All you need to do is get off the plane and say; "Bongiorngno, Mother-fucker!"

You'll be fine.

c 2012/davedelacroix/lord Boprgo/piacenza/january/gotta go; its Happy hour!...

Friday, February 3, 2012

Our Man in Europe: Take 3: THE GOD-CHILD (A brief history of the Mafia)

Take 30:  The God-Child   (A brief history of the Mafia)

THE GOD-CHILD (father)


(Roll Nino Rota "The Godfather" movie soundtrack...)

LITTLE BIG MAN: "Y'know?",

to his 3 compadres/talks like Christopher Walken;

"I have a stone in my shoe...?"

HIS 3 COMPADRES; who comprise of Curly, Moe & Larry:

"What can we do, God-Child?"

L-Big man: "You, and ONLY you can decide for me. WE are about to get closed down... Should I pay the

Gas bill, first? Or should I pay the Electric bill?"

Curly: "The Gas bill!"

Moe: "The Electric bill!"

Larry: "These are tough decisions... Has the Water bill been paid?"

Everyone spits.

(to be continued)

ACT 11: The GOD-CHILD   (roll Nino Rota movie soundtrack)


3 COMPADRES: "Yes, God-Child"

L-BIG-MAN: "I have a stone in my shoe..."

3 Comps:

Curly: "Oh no!"

Moe: "EGAD!"

Larry: "What can we do!?"

L-B-MAN: "I'm not quite sure if it's Monday or Tuesday...?"

Curly: "It's Monday! "

Moe: "It's Tuesday!"

Larry: "Actually, I think it's Friday!"

L-B-MAN: "You see what I mean?"

3-COMPS: "Ha! Capito! ..."

(to be continued)

ACT 111:  THE GOD-CHILD  (roll Nino Rota movie soundtrack)

LITTLE BIG MAN: "I have another STONE in my shoe..."

3-COMPS: "Oh! No! No!"

L-B-MAN: "Indeed."

3-COMPS: "Santa Maria!"

L-B-MAN: "Luigi telephoned from Napoli...Big problems...Business is very bad....They are going to close down his Pizzeria!..."

3-COMPS: "Mamma-mia! Oh no!?"

L-B-MAN: "Alluri! No problemo. We send him some money! ..."

3-COMPS: "Bello! Bello!"

L-B-MAN: "But I STILL have a stone in my shoe!..."

3-COMPS: "No! Oh, no!!!"

L-B-MAN: "Who the fuck IS Luigi?..."

(to be continued)

c 2012/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza/italy/feb/it snowed/send red cross parcels