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Friday, February 26, 2016

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/"MONEY..."

Our Man in Europe/ dave delacroix/ "Money..."

(Dedicato:  Guitar Maestro: Paul Z. Zermeno)

"...When the money runs out, when the Money runs out, will U still love me...this side of the "Big Adios"? When Love runs out will WE still share a Whisky, smokes/tobacco and kisses on the cheek; when the money (last resort) runs out? Will U still YAK like I'm JOHNNY REB - No conversation? And kick me in the NUTS, re-calling some Patriotic War, swear to da COPS: "It was in Self-Defense, Dude! Dave was plastered! - I took him down!" as the LAPD Ninja Swat Cops, swooping down in a HUEY  (Military helicopter)  "reiterate" - BASH-BANG!, no questions asked?... YO! When Dead Presidents (Dollar bills) have disappeared, like symbols of HISTORY,  thus - sweet child - I will BE.... And all my fair weather friends, "Gone with the Wind", as.the money goes South, and the WORLD - not just ME, finally gets some Peace: when the money goes South and ceases - in value - to be.

c 2016/davedelacroix/LORD BORGE Esq,..Modica-Sicily/I live next to the Castille. NO HUEYS. NO LAPD!...:)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The UN-Wanting.."

Our MAN in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The UN-Wanting."

(Dedicato: Baroness-Bergheim-Erfkreiss)

"Your Cell?
Your Number?
Your condom
which  I didn't
get to use?
 -another matter.

Your kiss
your warmth
and your HUG,
not to be?

Cheek to cheek,?
-The UN-wanting,
and that WE
would never
meet again
(Life or Death?)
...IN Life or Death.

Only a "Cell" number,
 (1-800-Cold Love).
An unwashed penis,
an UN-douched vagina,
hosed: And the
sitting in our kernel;
Virginity Cry??

(Again:) "Your Cell,
your number,
and that UN-used condom -
a "cell",
which we sense, share,
or shame to feel?

Only the UN-born,
free and - technically -
"Easy" speak MAGIC?
Like a  poem -
a poster
on a teen-age kid's bedroom wall.

c 2016/Feb/Italia/LORD BORGO- Dave delacroix. (Rockstar).

Our Man in Europe/ dave delacroix/ "TWO nites in Tunisia."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "TWO nites in Tunisia."

(Dedicato: Muslim dude/ 3 in the morning/ cold night/picked me up hitch-hiking in wet desert/drove me from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Denver Colorado, USA and gave me a pad to crash!... In Sha-Allah!)

 (Muslim Brother:) ;
 in sha allah.
 Fadwina, Bedwina,
 spreads her legs then says,
(Give me some EU ROES!)
 kiss me, kiss me, my love?

 But as for paradise,
 Eden, no more?
 the breath of God,
who whispers:
  Who ARE the Infidel
but U?

The brother, the sister,
 the father OR the mother?
(Dove Allah? A whisper?)
...Without passion, inner guilt,
 In sha allah, I travel?

Torino or Morocco? Soccer score:
One to One!?"
In shah Allah:
Edwina sucks my Ego.
But she does not pay my bills?
(In sha ALLAH!)
And YOU do not advance Civilisation!...?

Mussel-Man, Muslim GIRL;
Two nights,
two days: smokey Coffee,
Hooker pipes,
a Tapestry; SHOCK MIRROR!
Your inner music,
evening prayer,
we share....in sympathy,
two nights in Tunisia
...and in sha Allah.

c 2016/davedelacroix/modica-Sicily.

OUR Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Yesterday?"

OUr Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Yesterday"

(In 2 parts: In ITALIAN; aspito! and ENGLISH!!!)


 D'ove sono i mieu amici
di ieri? D'ove la festa,
and where, my
amici riposi?

D'ove sono i miei amici?
Oggi! Stanieri e mondo?
D'ove Belladonnas,

D'ove sono i miei
vecchio amici di ieri?...


Where are all my pals
Our Festival! Where!?
And where, my friends,
do you live, today; dead'
Haning with some
New England
Chicken farmer?...

WHERE, Amigoes, DEAD
Caught outright,
swimming the Rio Grande?
And the "Belles"
the Loves
and price of your Heart,
yesterday, today,
tomorrow, under the sun
and the Vino,
we no longer share?

Where are my old friends;
of Yesterday?...

c 2016/February 27/modica-Sicily/Spring is here-back to da beach!...:)

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Go, catch a Moon-beam..."

Our Man in Europe/ "Go, catch a Moon-beam..."

GO and catch a Moon-beam, that Moon-beam?... Moon-beams don't LIE, like U, like Me, yet day or night and with EVIL INTENT, hackers, parasites, thieves who prevail? Socio-Computer Syphilis Dudes: (I dunno?) - Let us FIGHT!...?

GO, catch a Moon-beam, my Love, this side of Paradise? Whilst Mongrels fester or  Cannibals, chewing on the BONES of their INTER-NET Loneliness? Damn-emotionally- EMACIATED!!!?

And how come? ( A case of:) NO DICK WHEN YOUNG perhaps? Or just plain Psycho-sexual inadequacy?  " Mommy didn't commit INCEST! -I was disappointed! My Penis fell off and some-one stole my Surfboard/Marcie from PalosVerdes doesn't love me any more, she's got a dripping Labia for that Homo-Lifeguard named BRAD-Syndrome? (And I don't wanna talk about it!")?" -Your neighborhood Hacker.
Do we suck their Hacker DICKS, or just Sing: "It's a long way to Tipperary? -in a Minor chord?

And how come these hackers (local or international/ low income bracket) are "all" SMALL PENIS DUDES??? ...Not Gals? ... (Google FBI Small -Dudes-Dick-Inter-net Felons) It's gotta be Classic Freudian reading? (Half a sad chuckle?...)...Hacker, thieves, scoundrels; and your best friend who finally stabbed U in the back? Ya pissed him off!!..YO! Right now? HACKER-CITY! -Whilst Elysian days float, simper, whisper, but nothing SOUNDS, alerts or SCREAMS U from your living Dream? (A Hacksters fantasy!)... Put a frick'in VIRUS in your Kharma!!? -BEWARE... This DOG can BITE!

Un-reported Inter-net Suicides? Instigated Murders? Rapes by Inter-net Proxy? Blackmail? Don't want statictics? Don't ASK!!!

Go, my Love, and try and catch an ascending Star? DO IT!!! Ha-ha! EX-PATRIOT INTER-NET "Person!"  Only the Lonely, UN-fettered, get this far; the rest is  TRUTH, and after that?...It's  just plain cheap whisky? Reality SPAM! The crap that the "Hackster" cannot DIVINE, never mind, Access!?
GO; catch a Moon-beam, my Love, and fly, upwards, with noiseless wings: "I" will hear U. ...I will hear U....And I will follow."

c 2016/dave delacroix/LORD BORGO/modica-Sicily./February. NO SURF at St. Pierre!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Our Mam in Europe/dave delacroix/ "THIS WAY!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "THIS WAY!" (Viaggio, viaggio, Ragazzi!")

"Ragazzi. ragazzi, viaggio! L.A. Freeway?
No dice! Auto-Strada? English Motor-way;
 and give me a kiss! Take one too!

 The Concrete Interstate, New York to Los Angeles
 TAKES the "Tricks"!
 Tricks, in DISTANCE,
 tricks in Miles,
 tricks in ya WHILES,
 tricks thru Nebraska,
 Aggie-Ville, KANSAS
 down to New Orleans, UP to Montana!!!

 DO U KNOW the way to Sanno ZAY,
 Brooklyn, or upstate ALBANY?
 Do U know the way to COLORADO?
...I certainly don't?

 Mississippi, Louisiana, F.L.A.?
 Places ya heard 'bout with little to say?
 The People U meet, the Folks U garner..
THIS SIDE  of U; and..the good
 and BEST  side of U?

THIS WAY, my brothers and Sisters!:
 Beat me UP anytime U want: TRAVEL
..broadens the little Grey Cells!?

And like ME,
 U become a VICTIM
...and a lonesome KID... of Wonder....
 Ragazzi, Ragazzi, Viaggio..

delacroix...2016, modica....Some time LORD BORGO, Viscount David Michael de L'Oxley, b. 1955., West Riding, Yorkshire, England.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ USA FASCISTS.

Our Man in Europe/ dave delacroix/ USA Fascists.

Dedicato: "Cowboy & Patrick Allen: Kings of the Rocky Mountains.)

ARE USA Fascists restricted to employment SOLELY at Customs & Immigration, CHARLOTTE, North Carolina International Airport ( from where I was deported/ sent back home on my own dime)  or do they extend to Atlanta, Georgia, where Lello from ITALY, with his  wife and 5 year old daughter were rejected, money saved, now blown...for a holiday? Or JFK, New York, where CAT STEVENS, AMY WINEHOUSE were refused entry? GOD KNOWS whats going on in Detroit or Chicago!!!? DAVID BOWIE's dead: But as a "Futurist", perhaps he could elucidate?...
Numb-Nuts people hiring policy, minimum wage, NO BRAIN an asset. (Look like Barney Fife?) Government supplies the uniform; ATTITUDE: paramount! And "Y'ALL welcome to the land of the brave and the home of the free."?... The bottom string of a Society; where fascists lurk and excise their power...Where YOUR Fascists lurk and excise their Power...
And as for sending knick-knacks , bits and bobs, food stuff, like spices, maybe a jar of Dijon mustard for the folks? Your Fascists YEARN. Positively!... Stickers on receivers parcels: "OXO CUBES not aloud in USA!" Let's see THEIR Civil Rights intruded upon when their Law-Enforcement SPAWN (FBI, CIA, NSA)  kicks down their front door, and finds "Custom-Confiscated", all the  "bits and bobs", cluttering their pantries,  and say: "PUT THE WEAPON (excuse me?), PUT the DIJON on the Ground, Customs  (HA!) & Excise Man!!!"... But, alas, that would be governmentaly incestuous; no? Fascism works in the dark, from within. It may not be exposed to the light; and THAT is the nature of Fascism.

davedelacroix, 2016/A European.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Ides Of March."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/dude in Europe: "The Ides of March."

...Don't kill me, my Sweet? Brother? I'm not worthy of that knife...in my back....of your hate? And Mamma? Molto Oregano in the pasta before the word: "Famiglia" id no more?"
Olio di Olive. Pomordoro, too. Tutte. I will save for you? And the Strada? The Streets that men and Idiots  walk? Don't ask me to explain...where Elephants walk? It's only the thunder around the throne and the Ides of March...

Monday, February 15, 2016

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Beacon."

Our Man in Europe/ "The Beacon."  (in 2 parts:)


"...DA beacon U call HOME? No Life- no cell-phone, no inter-net, no connect, the Beacon: No Life?
NO kiss before a fuck and no hug, no hug, no hugs?
Only the beep, beep, beep: No Beacon, no cell-phone: No Life? "Aspito, babee! Phone! SHADDUP BITCH; I'm "in conference!?..."

(OK Ragazzi. Vienni dentro/ KICK butt Broncos!!!)


The Beacon.

The beacon (warm fire) -U call home:
no life (what lies?),
ALL is loneliness?
No Cell-phone
no Inter-Net,
the beacon of Life?

No KISS...before
and no hug, no hug;
no hugs....?

-Little "beeps".

And that GIRL U knew
-She died, of who knows WHA!?
But U knew her
She was your Auntie's kid?

- bad Saturday! -
cries OUT!?
on Main Street
in Pozzalo, Sicily?

Ave Bella-Donna's,
Senorini, senoritas,
hookers and friends;
Ave old Soldiers: Young soldiers
like U and Me;
Alas, we become eternal...

c 2016/dave delacroix/LORD BORGO/ Esq./Palermo, Sicily

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Earthquake."

Our Man in Europe/ dave delacroix/ "The Earthquake."

The earthquake that DIDN'T
make the news?
-Like U and me, this side
of paradise,
on a lone, Saturday night;
and that KISS:
"...Well; goodnight?"

That WAR where no-one died,
Peace without joy -in any
neighborhood, come to call:
"Pax vobiscum"? And echoed
mindless steps
to where we stand, stood,
sat or sit?

That Love, inside a window;
a "camera segreti?
A quiet room, where
we circled,
un-raptured: Then a TREMOR
on a distinct afternoon;
left ALL forgetting?

c 2016//davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Modica-Sicily.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Our mAN IN eUROPE/DAVE DELACROIX: "...No lo so?" (I don't know?)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "...No lo so?"... (Italian: "I don't know?")

(dedicato: Daniela-bella)

"D'ove e la pace
o la guerra?
-No lo so.
D'ove e Intelligenza
nella Strada deli ragazzi?
-No lo so.
e d'ove  emore
in nell bella Epoca?

D'ove Antonio?
-nel mare del Vino!
D'ove Leonardo;
Amico! Il Gaetano!
D'ove Lucrezia, mio amore
in cielo?...

D'ove Stranieri,
lost upon the sea,
and ALL their hopes:
-In il bella epoca:
......mio cuore,
-per favore...

c 2016/davedelacroix/modica/Sicily: My best Italian...

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix: "KATZE!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix: "Katze!"

"...Didn't get your way?"
"Didn't FIND your way?"
"Didn't - BIGGLES!/Dat
son-of-a-bitch! -
score the winning goal?"

"And U didn't whisper
in sweet Suzie's ear
to spread her legs
and devour?"
-Some RUSTIC did!!!

"Didn't SAVE
the drowning, Millionaire's
kid?" -Sucker drowned. Not
a DIME. Just wet
pantalone: "Fuck off
and die young!"

"And your GREAT Acting
gig; FELLINI movie,
left...on the cutting room
No Vaticanno - PAPPA
for U, babee; too
damn devout?"
Meow! Meow! Meow!

"Nor Politic grandeur OR
incestuous Blue Bloods?
Not'a one in sight
to Knight the Cavalier
of eternal night?
YO! Meow! KATZE!!!

...Only a Summer's day,
out in the Shire;
and the people,
the people that U meet?

Meow, meow, PURR.

c 2016/davedelacroix/back from the dead/modica/sicily.