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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Ciao! bella Ciao!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Ciao-bella-Ciao!"

Ciao, Justine. Ciao, Janine? And Ciao Stephano; last Summer's Suicide?
Ciao Giarda, Ciao Francesca? Ciao Isabella,
your race is run.

Ciao bello, Natasha! Cioa bello Angelica!
Ciao Andrea, ciao Paulo;
ciao-bello ciao, ciao, ciao!?
talk to me, anyhow?

Ciao Anna, Ciao mon Amica, ciao
Katerina, Ciao, fratello and Sorelli;
Ciao bello, ciao-ciao-ciao...

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/lord borgo/milano-italia.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "...And Justice for All."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "...And Justice for All."

DA JUDGE: "So! To conclude? You - Felon-dude? -  verily admit/confess to da Crime, corpulently covered in da "Press.Populaire" as SLAUGHTER HOUSE -5?"
(Judge's Law Clerk:) "It was in McDonald's, your honor? Five bodies. Pancreatic, everyone of them?"
JUDGE: "...Whatever... HOW does da FOREGONE miscreant of a conclusive GUILTY verdict, pathetic waste of space; indeed! -a one-eyed trouser SNAKE, how does this peace of shit PLEAD? ...And be BRIEF!"
"CIRCUMSTANTIAL guilt-thingy." -da evil felon responds, under advice from his absent, alcoholic, FREE legal Councilliare: "Problem with PEANUTS!"
"TO DA FUNNY FARM!" bellows da Judge. "NO BACON AND EGGS!"
"Judge?", whispers the HEAD of a jury of 12 Cross-dresses and true? "This IS , THIS IS , "da funny farm. Judge: U were sent here for killing your wife; remember?"
DA JUDGE: "Ahem! Sure and true. Nothing like Justice. CASE DISMISSED! (thinks:) "Must be off mah Meds..."
JURY applauds!

c 2014/davedelacroix/famous dude, piacenza, italy; pls don't send anymore groupies/small apptmt.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "MOKO gon' down MOKO!"

OUR MAN in Europe/ dave delacroix/ "MOKO gon' down' JOKO!"!|"

...On da Perfume River...
I assumed your ZOOM (Ha-ha-ha!)
In the Palazzo of  "Yellow smells";
whad ya gonna DO
with the Perfume River!?

Is it Wednesday? Is is SHEFFIELD
Maybe by head?
Is there "A TAKE-A-WAY"
-does Bird's Nest Soup - FLEE
da Coop?

Is there a Kimono?
Is  there (Cantones)
Is there a "MEE-HOW!"
-that ain't
never there??..

Is there a "Jambo".
,a "Salaam-a-licum";
and the promise of Love
-on da Perfume river,
da Indus nite;
Marsala (Port of Allah)
I'll sail home to nite.....

c 2014davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/piacenza-Italy-.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ THE BEATLES!

Our MaN IN eUROPE/DAVE DELAcroix/ The Beatles?

JOHN sez: "It can't get much worse?"
PAUL: "Shaddup, Idiot! -we got a job?"
GEORGE: "Does anyone KNOW
how to string a SITAR?"
RINGO: "Let's go to the BAR!"

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourdudeineurope/haveu ever been to Crosby, in Liverpool? -PERINO-Italia.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "La Luna."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "La Luna..."

(Dedicato: Lucrezia B.)


DO U, under "la Luna", fall in love, kiss the misty morning, legs-a- tremble, like a fawn...and then succumb - leaves rustle! - feel a "belevedere" of magnificence, become INDOLENT; then awake to the stark terror of your Life?

DO U, under "da MOON"; DID U carve your name on a forgotten-childhood tree, like - for ALL TIME - you wished it to be, not caring just who came by, who would READ, not knowing the Harvest, only to Witness the Seed? DID U, under da Moon?

DID U, under "la Luna", crack that SOUL, that Shell, the Brittle, the Detritus? DID U kill the "thing" before the Start? -Unconsciously, out of sight of the Sun, in the DARK, where an eye could only glean a reflection?

DO U, under, "La Luna"?..

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/Sunday-happy-Sunday, Piacenza-Italy.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Alpha Gal!"

Alpha Gal?
Alpha Boy?
Alpha Kid?
Alpha Toy?

Lady EVE?
Desperate Dan?
Some girls will?

Sunday nite?
Saturday morn?
Come's da KISS
of ya "Alpha!"...

Lady EVE-
in the nest
where U writhe.
-a Lamia.

c 2014/dave delacroix/lord borgo, Lago Maggiore, Italia.

Our man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "I got da MOOD."

Our man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "I got da Mood."

I got the mood; feeling's, come true? I got DA mood;
I got the Mood, wake up at Night?
U got dat feelin',
something ain't right?

I got DA MOOD; I can't explain,
when all our Yesterdays
gone with the Rain?
I got da Mood
(Can't get too Blue?);
I got a feelin', U got it too?

I got DA MOOD,
I got da mood,
I got DA MOOD;
I got do Mo-ood,
...I got da mood.

c 2014/dave delacroix/lord borgo/PAVIA-Italia.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Steppin' Out!" (Avante Groovey!)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Steppin' out!" (Avante-Groovey!)

...Bloody GREY skies, December 6, 5 or 8? -WHO CARES!? "Il climate" -driving my mind in Circles? So I switched on DA COOKER (2 ring-thingy?):

1 - medium sized sauce-pan.
Aqua-vita, a dash of Olive - extra V. - olio.
1 veggie stock cube.
Piccolini FROZEN PEAS, Piccolini funghi-Champignon(s)?
A Palm-ful of Hamburger,
A grocer's dozen of PIACENTINI-Ravioli-con-Carne;
Oregano, basilicum and lots of Pepper-Nero...?
...Washed down with SIX "bichieri" of ORTUGA vino?
-I woz "steppin' out!"..

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/one foot infront of the other!

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "DA Spitfires!"

Our man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "DA Spitfires!"

The (Da?) -the Band, "The Spitfires" -in "formation"/3 Mini-Cooper-autos (Red, white and blue?), AHEM! -FLEW into ol' Piacenza, "abiding" a'la Big Lewbowski-style...at the HOTEL DAVE for 2 nites whilst they - ROCK-A-BILLY-Manchester - brought down the House at Piacenza's famed CO-OP (Pronounced KOOP). They jammed for two consecutive nites and as for their FANS? -I'd, largely/but with Love? -regard them as "DA FEW".
The "Spitfires" repertoire, incidentally, included:
"Goering to a GO-GO!"
"Da white Cliffs of Dover."

Watch out, Florence/Fiorenze?
They're on their way!...

N.B.: The (Da?), the Band, The NAKED CIVIL SERVANTS are scheduled to arrive (at the HOTEL DAVE) next week?
I think I'm gonna leave the keys in my mail-box...and get out of town!...

c 2014/davedelacroix/ouredudeineurope/still alive.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ XMAS BOX! (No prezzies for da Rezzies!)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ XMAS BOX! (No prezzies for da Rezzies!)

1)  Moon over Sunset (Blvd)

There's a moon over Sunset,
dolphins in the bay.
Joggers down St. Vicente:
Song of L.A.
Yeah, there's some Kids
down Hermosa?
-Basket-ball fame;
and there's some Cat
out of Westwood
who'll never go to school

...Any way U take this Free-way
it comes up, just the same?
There's a Girl and Boy
in a famous poise;
I hop it never ends?

Well, there's a Moon over Sunset
"Bag Lady" rhyme,
and there's some Big Wednesday surfers:
Malibu Jive!
And there's a KEY
to the City
hidden in the smog?
And there's some Hollywood heaven
where so many dreams get lost;

Any way U take this Free-way
it comes up, just the same?
There's a Girl and Boy
in a famous poise:
I hope it never ends?...

(Well?) There's a Moon over Sunset!
(Say'in I love you.)
There's a Moon over Sunset!
(Say'in I love you-you...)

2)  "Old Man's Song"

DEATH in Summer?
...Bunch of Angels,
dancing around
down on the Farm.

Death in Winter?
With Diablo!
-It's WARM!...


The UN-loved, the disgraced, the
UN-forgiven, without a Country
WEEP...it is ordained! No-one
knows WHY; a Doctor, a Missionary
- maybe -  even cares? And who
can delve into the Soul of Another;
wife, sister, brother or mother?

(Singing:) "To the SEA Me'boys!"
Onward! To that OTHER.
To wake up the mind
on a treasured isle.

...It's NOT what you take;
largely, it's not what you MAKE;
only the sweet kernel
-of ALL too rare Wisdom
spilt from the trembling hands
of your Maker? -as your sister,
brother, wife, your mother
...sing the song of the Earth.

(Singing:) "To the SEA Me'boys!"
Onward! -To that Other!
To wake up the mind
on a treasured Isle...

c 2014/dave delacroix/lord borgo/Pontefranco-Italy.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Because of You."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Because of You."

(Dedicato: Carol M. Aniello.)

Because of you?
Because...of you?
The world ain't no stew?
-because of you.

Because of  you?
Spring still got DAT THANG!
A Summer view (Roma!),
a belvedere?

Because of you
I got to be strong?
Because of you?
-taught me right from wrong;

Because of YOU,
this Boy don't "slide";
which is why...
I carve your name
(on this old Oak tree)
...with pride.

c 2014/dave delacroix/thinkin' ah woz in Brooklyn!? -piacenza-italia.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave dselacroix/ "DA CRAPS!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Da Craps!"

...The "CRAPS" (5-piece-all girl band) from POLAND showed up at the HOTEL DAVE.
I was boiling Fish.
Mandy, Randy, Sandy, Sue? -I dunno. And ROZ -their butch drummer.
They "sojourned", 2 nites at the HOTEL DAVE (€50 per nite/nothing/maybe some coffee in da morning), totally stripped me of my "latent" School-girl fantasies; bloody Mosquito's! YES! -Some of US had Sex (Mandy, or Randy?), anyways, (quickie-thingies?) FIVE AUDREY HEPBURN'S
in an enclosed place (Hotel Dave?): Wotcha-gonna-DO? And "Knowledge" IS Fear...as U look into the eyes of your partners' Orgasm,  and say to yourself,: "No Dice!?"

....Fagiola-Cannelli -


c 2014/dave delacroix/and All - my friends? -dat loves U!...:)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Summertime Fate" - (There's THAT!)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Summertime Fate" -(There's THAT!)

Well da Rich are gittin' rich,
da poor just gittin' Poor!
There's DAT!
There's DAT!

And if U swap these folks around
(one or the other?)
U bet either one will
smother the fact?
There's DAT!
There's DAT!

Well, I talked to mah Doctor,
he said: "Sorry, Son, ya gotta work late!
-And there ain't no cure for da
Summertime Fate...(?)
There's DAT!
There's DAT!

As the FAT are gettin' THIN
and the thin still gettin' poorer?
There's DAT!
There's DAT!

A'mah gonna take mah Jive
to da United Nations!
There's DAT!
There's DAT!

I talked to my Boss (at work?)
and HE said: "Sorry, Son.
Go see the Doctor!"
"I - frickin' DID!?" -I cried.
"And what did HE say?"
"There Aint No Cure for da
Summertime Fate!"
There's DAT!
There's DAT!...

(DANG! Guitar out of tune!!!)

c dave delacroix/lord borgo/St. Nicolo-Italia.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Quando Amore!?" (Song)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Quando Amore!?" (Song)

Quando amore, me-dahlin'?
Quando amore tonight?
Quando amore, I love U,
quando amore this night?

Kiss me, me-dahlin'
I love U;
Kiss me in heaven above;
quando, quando, oh quando,
when will U be my love?

(sotto voce:)
Quando amore, me-dahlin'?
Quando amore my dear?
Quando amore, it's Wednesday!
Lend me some money, my dear?

(back to normal voce:)
Kiss me, kiss me, domani?
Make all your kisses so sweet,
and I will pay back all your money
tomorrow, or maybe next week?

(sotto voce:)
E quando amore, my sweet?
E quando amore, my sweet?

c 2014/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza-italia.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Our Man in Europedave delacroix/ "A Pot of Good Ale!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "A Pot of Good Ale!" (old English song)

The Poor man will praise it, so he has good cause,
that all the year round, eats neither partridge nor quail,
but sets up his rest and makes up his feast
with a crust of brown bread and a pot of good Ale.

And the good old Cleric, whose sight grows too dark,
and ever he thinks the print is too small?
He will see every letter and SAY "service" better
if he glaze but his eyes with a pot of good Ale.

The Poet divine that cannot reach wine
because his money has many times failed?
Will hit on the vein, to make a good strain
if he but inspired with a pot of good Ale!...

(From "An antidote against melancholy", published: 1661, edited by Payne Collier/updated by Dave Delacroix, 2014)

c 2014/nov/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/piacenza-Italy.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "BABYLON".

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Babylon."

...Can I get to Babylon by candle-light?
You betcha'! WOT!? -U an idiot?
-Buy a flash-light!

Oliver Twist: "Can I have some MORE?"

No problemo, Oliver. Get an AK-47 and blow the Soup-spooners away; plead hunger-insanity, kid? You'll be out (of jail) in 6 months! Ergo, meantime you EAT, kill da Fascist COP? -NO! Let the Fascists COPS kill each OTHER; just freeze their pay-check : POWER -is RECOGNITION. So be "recognised" and come out swinging!

Can YOU get to Babylon by candle-light? You betcha'! Just GO!.... And how MANY miles to Babylon?
-Three-score and ten.

(Ahah!) Can I get there by candle-light?
Yes. With an AK-47. And back again.

c 2014/davedelacropix/ourmanineurope/rainy november, CREMONA-Italia.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Antinnuois and the Sea." (part 4)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Antinnuous and the Sea." (Part 4)

(YIKES! -read part 3 !?) ...Stunned, I had not noticed that I was pouring valuable Scotch Whisky from my over flowing plastic cup all over my upper torso? -Re-acting quickly, I addressed the situation with the palms of my hands then licked my fingers to a sticky solution., ALL THE WHILE - I might add - my eyes riveted on this ENIGMA, this inert Statue, whilst Argonauts (my 12-footer boat thingy-named after a Denver liquor Store)  - drifted out to sea and settled under the daunting canopy of that once distant cumulus cloud...

...The rest is easy. The Argonaut was in serious maritime trouble and its lone mast (Marsupial-penis-thingy) was snapped in half, then the boat - FRICKIN ROGUE WAVE!!! - flipped, Antonnious got his wish, gone to da bottom, man; the boat flipped AGAIN, this time, right side up, I clambered aboard and bailed with empty beer cans like YO Momma! -till it was reasonably afloat? OH! OH! OH! One of my cases of beer (Aluminum cans) I was able to salvage. The bottled Whisky, alas, a present for some beachcomber on a distant shore? The Box-Vino, however, must have dissolved, certainly disappeared,, though I like to think Antonious got the latent prize? And, apparently, it was a "white squall" that over-took the Argonauts; and  buggered off as fast as it arrived! So battered, bruised, me and the 12-footer, the good ol' Argonaut-broken mast an'all, rallied into the crowd-filled harbor with a tale... THIS Fisherman...could not tell.


c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/nov/piacenza-italia.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Antinnuous and the Sea" (Part 3)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Antinnuous and the Sea" (Part 3)

(Singing:) "What a friend we've got in Jesus? Jesus is da one for Me. Wot a friend we've got in Jesus? Him and Malt Whiskey!"
God forbid, but I sang it aloud, shaking off the "uglies" inspired by something other than warm, human contact; like unexpectedly coming into contact with Reptile flesh?
OK. On the good ship "Lollipop" (Argonauts) -named after a Liquor store, I "trawl" up an antique statue. It's a Bronze, class-life-size of a hansom naked boy, perfectly limb ed except for teeth indentures across the abdomen and a missing left foot, severed above the ankle.. AIR - I surmise, within the bronze moulding gained through the missing limb had enabled it to "pop-cork!" to the ocean's surface? And it weighed a bloody ton and took me two bloody beers to haul it on board the Argonauts, shackled in my Trawl net.

500 yards from the nearest cliff/point of land, incidentally, I could hear cries and yells of excitement: The Whale-watchers, tourists, local populace with their binoculars, telescopic cameras, etc.

...So  - me and da Bronze dude - we bobbed about a bit, actually, the tide taking us a mile or 2 out to sea; I drinking, Bronze fella  abstaining, which gave me time to consider my unexpected crew-mate, a classical Adonis, Greek or Roman sculpture, with blue opaque eyes, yet in mosaic of crystal, quite life-like, I could only guess? Intended for an ancient deified temple, worth a million bucks?
I threw my brewski over the side! For THIS? -I needed a Scotch... THEN SUDDENLY, the statues eyes kinda metallic-blinked and mosaic-crystal removed, became alive! Now they were consonant. They were red-black! Simultaneously, a mouth, thin-lipped, cracked open from the bronze, nubile youth's mask of a face, an exhalation of extreme gravity that assumed an old man's bacon-cracklin' hoarse tone:

"...I was once Antonnious. I was murdered by the
Emperor, not with a command but with a sigh.
We were sailing up the Nile; their was no malice.
The Emperor's courtiers ensured it so. I couldn't
swim. The crocodiles! My soul despaired and thus flowed
into this sea; love lost, guilt and shame. Neptune, perhaps,
saved my Soul with his Trident? IN ESSE, with time, I
saw Rome's fall. I saw the destruction. I see it still; over
and over again."

I made to speak;

"Silence!" he commanded, as one who is used to being obeyed:
 "You will let me back down in the waters...and the Gods
 will thank you...that Antinnious sleeps." -initially spoken with an old man's hoarse venom,
 the latter sentiment, ended on a sweet youth's tone.

(Antonnious and the Sea, Part 4, to be continued next Sunday.)

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/piacenza-italia.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Antinuous and the Sea" (Part 2)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Antinuous and the Sea." (Part 2)

"It was a dark and stormy night, The Captain said, "Show us a light!" (Cigarette-thingy: ) The 1st. Mate said, "Alright." -as the ship went down."
-one of my father's - two Ports (Vino)  into da wind,  anecdotes.
But I digress?

Still alive on the 12-footer, good ship ARGONAUT (named after the Denver-Colorado Liquor store on East Colfax) - my recreation off South shore Sicily "trawling-thingy" hits a SNAG. My "trawl" net had caught something unwieldy and twixt the flowing (ebb?) tide and its (Da thingy caught in my trawl net) unwieldiness, initially causes a violent tug of war, almost to capsize the boat!
This lasts but, for about minute, something gives,  then I'm back in the Cyclops of the near shore cross-currents, the ones so feared by bathers; the RIP-TIDE.
No-worries. My lone sail worries the tide, the TIDE worries my near-onshore boat: We Argonauts are made of stern stuff especially when the boat - to all intents and purposes -  is a floating Cocktail Bar? And I had sufficiently recovered from the recent "jolt" to recline, relax at the helm, pour myself a fresh brewski and observe a large group of "Whale-Watchers" atop a nearby cliff with Cameras, Binoculars, Telescopes, and - could perceive -  that every Female within  that grouping had been surgically attached/en-joined with a Cell-phone at birth!...which postponed and distracted  my attention to my near oceanic  demise whilst, ah ah! -"Boating." Anyways? The ARGONAUTS ain't goin' no-place?" -I said to myself; "We're in the EYE of the bay?" -I put my Shades back on and reclined under the indolent flapping of my one lone sail and abstractly toyed with the  tiller/rudder-thingy.

Yet "something"  - within or without? - was stirring in my indolence: "Wad I catch with my Trawl? A rock?, a displaced chunk of coral, collided with a great white shark KNOWN to patrol these waters in search of fat, succulent Albacore? And as for my Trawl net ( €50!), it was - presumably? -  History!
(No refunds in Sicily, incidentally)... WHEN SUDDENLY (Tra-la!) This Negro/black-bronze- clenched fist, arm extended above a youth of  curl-frock ed head, literally FOUNTAINS UP from the depths in a hiss of sea spray, bangs against the boat and bobs up and down to the dynamic of the waves!
"DUDE!" -I exclaim, and rush to him as one who will save another from the cruel sea. But the sea jostles him away from the boat, his up stretched arm in some salute, his head and piercing eyes, directly upon me. Yet the sea urges him back to the boat and THIS time I can grasp his hand; a hand, ice cold, and of Bronze metal.

(Antinuous and the Sea, Part 3, next Sunday.)

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/piacenza-Italia.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Antinious & the Sea". (Part 1.)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Antinious and the Sea." (Part 1)

(dedicato: Georgie Gold)

...Tiring of Winter in the PO valley, south of Milano-Italy, I had the good fortune to secure a rustics cottage on the South shores of Scilly, by ...................  South of Modea.
Sicilian communities are ALL embracing IF?.....Use ya common sense: Bar owners, fishermen, local
folks who  chanel food produce to your Cucina (kitchen), all are to be respected.
A Boatswain who I had regularly encountered at Cafe ............. responded to my request: "Can U rent or sell me a small sail boat for "fishing", etc.? -"I'm an Englishman and the Sea is in my blood...?"
A 12 footer was found. A blanket of sail. 3 foot rudder, stern seating, almost  water-tight, single 10 foot mast-erect like an agitated Marsupial's penis! Consummation with my Sea-faring ancestors was assured (€300).

...Mediterranean Sea Winter's, incidentally, can be atrociously, "OH FRICK! ROGUE WAVE!!!", but once in a while they "becalm" in a fog, mist or frigid chill. OH! OH! OH! I named my boat "ARGONAUTS" after a Liquor store in Denver, Colorado and - suitably? -  always set off on my marine flurries with a full Cooler/ice box of "brewskies" and Box-vino: Drink da "brews", catch some fish for supper, put da suckers in the-then empty beer cooler-thingy. And I NEVER sailed out of sight  of land and this weekend/week-day pastime became a pleasurable tri-weekly  routine.

The "locals" (fishermen) weren't affronted or fiscally intimidated  by my daytime marine pre-ambles? They mostly fished under the MOON for Squid; commercial catch, far out at sea. A whole fleet! Where-as I, after an afternoon's  hour of  "bobbin' up and down, slugging brewskies would sail around the indigo beach bay, bag a couple of "minnows", show off my meagre catch to the SALTY PROS then talk about da  - BIG THANG!!! -  da one  dat got away!

...And then one night, at the Cafe .......... a local PRO-fishin' buddy told me about "Bottom-feeders" -with whom - to MY mind - I had had some experience of  in Hollywood, California and doubted their edibility?
PRO-fish Amico sez: "Bello! Mangari, Davida!" -"M'bara!" He says: ("M'bara" is Sicilian for "Fratello"); "M'bara?" he says: (I translate:) " DON'T fish. TRAWL!. By the shoals, on the sandy sea bed with the Oysters, they thrive!... Skate, Flounder; Il Grande Super-mercato!"

So he sold me a Trawl net (€50),  and the next clear weather day I weighted it down with stones (technically, it wasn't perfect), set sail - "con whiskies/case of beer/box vino  cooler-chest", cruised about a mile offshore, figured I was in a good spot, chucked the whole god-damn Trawl net-rope thingy over the side -only just managing to catch the rapidly disappearing tow line and secure it without spilling my can of beer!

It was a weird day. The sea was quite Pacific. In advent of a glorious sunset, the  cumulus cloud on the horizon could have been Mount ETNA; a chain smoker, like me.... So, I'm dragging/trawling along, singing Sea-Shanties (all concerned with some Wanton in Swansea) when the boat (the Argonaut?) kind'a "stilts?" bow up on end? -struck, like I'd just dropped a major-league anchor off my stern?...And an odd-ball swirling, double-helix mist enveloped my boat!
...I had to take off my Shades...!

(Antinuous & the Sea, Part 2, to be continued, next Sunday.)

c 2014/dave delacroix/ourmanineurope/ piacenza-Italia.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "YABBA-da DO-Ya-YA!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "YABBA da DO-ya-ya!"

It's cold outside
It's COLD outside
It's cold outside
But it's lonely and cold
right here?

She's gone astray
(wot IS dat fricker's name!?)
Yabba-da DO-ya-ya.

It's cold outside
It's cold outside
Yabba da-DO-ya-ya:
And Baby? -It's lonely
and cold
right over here.

c 2014/davedelacroix/piacenza-italia

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Caven Town" (Republic of Ireland/re-visited.)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "CAVEN TOWN" (Republic of Ireland-re-visited!)

...Goodbye Brendan and farewell Sean, our Time was short, our dreams forlorn; but still
I'll remember, those days so well: In green fields of France and the towns we loved so well.

...Pete got "his-self" a Pistol, in a righteous cause... and cared not for danger; got shot down at dawn?
His MAM came and got him, the neighbors all cried? For the cause of Free Ireland,
so many have died.

They say there's a fair, westward, County Clare? And if you're worth your "stuff",
you're sure to be right  there?
You'd better pour me a "Pint" lads, and never raise a frown; when-ever I recall ol' Pete
and Caven Town; when-ever I re-call ol'  Pete (BOBBY SANDS!)
or Caven town.

Goodbye Brenden and farewell Sean, our time was short, our dreams forlorn? But still
I'll remember, those days so well, in green fields of France...and the towns we loved so well.

c 2014/nov/davedelacroix/Bologna-Italia/A BALLAD, not for conflict, but for healing...

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Our Man in Europe/ dave delacroix/ "Unchain mah Heart!"

Our Man in Europe/ dave delacroix/ "Unchain mah Heart!"

...If I had known U were leaving,
 I would have left sooner than You.

 If I had known all your Secrets,
 who knows?

If I had known all your Wanting,?
 Could I ever BE your need?

If I had known you were dying;
 I would have gone, before?

If I had known your Beginning,
 just not, your End? And IF

I had cherished
 da moment when U said:
 "Let's begin again!?"

If I had thought ONLY of U,
 instead of myself; perhaps

this fool: In Heart's chains
 would be free?

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/gittin' free!...:)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Hafiz...in the afternoon."

Our Man in Europe/ dave delacroix/ "HAFIZ...in the afternoon

DID U talk
or did I forget to speak?
Did U converse?
Did I forget to commune
in the room
that we share?

Did U say, "It'll be OK"?
Did ya take, and take
the night outta da day?
And, then? -Did U say;
"I love U!"..?

Did U forget? I,
too forgot. Persian Poets
(like Hafiz) catch me
in moments; tryin'
to catch da Poem
of You.

c 2014/dave delacroix/lord borgo/Prince Emilia-Romagna, Milano-Italia.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Phillonica...and the Raging Sea."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Phillonica...and the raging sea."

Phillonica:  "DAVIDAH! U must take me with U to AMERICA!"
Mio: (Dave) "I WILL, honey, rest assured... But I think U'll hate it!?"
Phill: "No! No! No! Davidah. I WANT to go! I LOVE it there! We go to
Dave:  "Sure. It's near the Santa-Monica Pier Amusement park; grande carousel-thingy?"
Phill:  "Bravo! Bravo!"
(short pause)
Dave/Mio:  "Alleuri/BUT?, Phillonica, as  the LEAD SINGER in Napoli's (Naples) premier Rock-Pop-8 piece band (called "IL RAGAZZI") you'll be running out on your concert commitments, THE FANS, and pissing off all the boys in the band, especially the Horn section?..."
Phillo:  "For deez fucks? I care NOTHING. FAKULA! -Davidah? Take me!" (I do/she's beautiful).


Phillonica:  "Davidah? I think I love U?"
Mio/Dave:  "I thiink U'll fit in just nicely in Hollywood?"

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/TORINO-Italy.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Power-Pussy!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Power-Pussy!"

She got da Power-Pussy (It's alright)
Da Power-Pussy, her pants are sooo tight;
She makes a Left, she might make a Right?
She can SQUEEZE da moon
out of the Night;
she's got the Power-Pussy, U betcha!
The Power-Pussy; up all night!

Testerone RAMPANT but she don't shave,
she's NO "folkie club-acoustic-mama"
her GIG is a RAVE: -called "Power-Pussy",
"Power-Pussy!" You'd better hope
she don't get control over you?...

She don't get NERVOUS, nothing to defend;
she'll RAPE your Life
and you'll abandon/lose all your friends:
Black-Widow-Babee, sex, and then mate?
Later on U find it's U who's on the dinner plate!?
Make a  left, make a right, there's no surmise;
between her thighs your heaven cries?

And she don't like Whisky
and she don't care for Gin,
The " REAL STUFF" is where she begins:
Da Power-Pussy, on the hour;
What ever happened to dat romantic
-You wake up one night, in a cold fright
and U thank GOD U are sleeping
with Cinderella!... "WUH!!!".... (Power-Pussy!)

c nov 2014/ourmanineurope/dave delacroix/ PO Valley, Italy, monsoon season.....:)

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Straight-Jackets"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Straight Jackets"

The STRAIGHT-JACKETS (Meth-gothic band) cruised by the HOTEL DAVE (Piacenza/no big screen TV anymore) who, suitably "bonded" (paid in advance) otherwise I wouldn't have given them the light of day!... (They): Polite but reticent/2 of them clearly had had Cocaine induced facial strokes; I hid ALL sharp kitchen utensils and inferred I was directly connected with the MAFIA.
...Still? I didn't sleep a wink all night.

c 2014/dave delacroix/ponte-franco-suckin on Gutternio vino-rosso, Italia.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Nite-Rider"

Our man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Nite-Rider"

NITE-rider -to the JARB? Nite-rider, gotta get away?
Da future's da wind-shield; SHE'S
in da rear view mirror!

NITE-rider; no traffic till the dawn. Yellow
Da future's in-front, da past is behind;
nite-rider...with no design.

c 2014/dave delacroix/nov? Oct? who frickin' knows: Italy.

Our man in Europe/dave delacroix/ DONNER KEBAB

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/"Donner Kebab".

On the doomed "Donner" expedition (1875?)...I only ATE one (human) foot. After BBQ? -it looked like a pig's "trotter" (How was I to know?) DANG! 27: TWENTY-SEVEN feet of Sierra-Nevada SNOW; The expedition, stranded-cannibalistic, in tatters. I "skee-daddled" from this crew  and somehow made it to civilisation eating raw beaver, squirrel and any thing that came my way. I was very young yet conscious of my plight.
50 years later in immigrant-in-fest ed San Francisco I go into a shack-eatery. The sign sez: "Donner-Kebab". I reach inside my Ulster, pull out my Webley (pistol) and shoot the cook outright? -This is why I'm on Death Row. Tomorrow, apparently, they will hang me then throw my body to the dogs and the carrion.

c 2014/dave delacroix/poet anonymous/Venice-Italia.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Warm Darkness" (Tender is da Nite)

Our Man in Europe/ Dave Delacroix/ "The Warm Darkness." (Tender is da Nite)

Cecelia, Wylie White and  Monroe Stahr (1937) land at Glendale aerodrome and are L.A. grounded!... KLIMT (artist) rectangular's glisten in the nite backdrop like peeping toms, tainted locusts, a fractured mirror of all the words U cannot find: Malibu sunsets can only be beat by Malibu moonlight; tail-end, Sunset Boulevard over a silver-Pacific sea?
-Don't  salt-surf! Don't JIVE your active Life! And your INNER-MEANING?-that recedes with the cold ebb tide? -the "Wall-flower", the Screen-writer" da  Movie-Producer, respectively? :-
The Car is late? The Prop-Airliner enjoins FOG, dripping buckets of H2o and a trickle of Oil? The airport is drafty, ill-lit, and all concessions are closed;
Cecelia is on her "period", feeling discomfort. Wylie White's Whisky flask is running on "Empty" and Monroe Stahr is second guessing SUNRISE and their potential Californian deliverance: An arrival...in the warm darkness.

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/fuckoff/PIACENZA.ITALIA

Monday, November 3, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Crossroads!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Crossroads!"

...Standin' at da crossroads: USA Monetary tyranny, Chinese Imperialism, Russian entrenchment, Muslim indoctrination...and Me & FI-FI on the "outs!" -wotcha gonna-do?
Do I invest in more Credit Cards; spend like crazy? Or BOW (wow-wow!), say: "Frickin' MEE-HOW!" to da powers dat be? -JOIN the Cossacks, run around in historical circles, or YADDA "Salaam-a-lick um"; OR just send FI-FI some god-damn flowers? -WISE LADIES-wise men, please tell me?...

c 2014/Nov/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/piacenza-Italy.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Dave on 'a Wednesday, parts 1 to 5!!

Our Man in Europe/ dave delacroix//recently in Portofino/ "DAVE ON 'A WEDNESDAY, parts 1 to 5!"

1) Dave on a Wednesday:

New Brain.

2) Woman across da river.

U caught me twix cigarettes/a MARTINI "UP"
and Tomorrow's -Bloody-Mary.
Forgive me for not kissin' U, "You haven't shaved?"; sez da gal
to U.
As for your "bella-donna/whassa her name?"..
It may be too early for you
but its late on SHAME: ZIG-ZAG!?

And Ralphie plays acoustic guitar? -Me^?
(Yeah; Me!) And all your dang blues?
Da River?
Da women??
Maybe, for me too?

Dat gal across da river?
Dat gal 'cross the river?
Once she was mine?

Woman across da river
she once, was mine...?

3)  Marrakesh-Express

I don't SHAVE - 3 days? - I don't wash
2.5; I don't eat COUS-COUS on Wednesday; I do "devout?":
Mostly weekends? I don't kiss U "hello?"; "Ciao Bello!"
I don't KISS YOU goodbye, -Ciao-bello!
The Frogs!

And the train is leaving an I wish U goodbye; arrive-derci.
HAFIZ stands at your destination. (Do U know you're riding
on the Marrakesh Express?) and the goodness, at your feet
- be grateful - will guide U all the way on?

I don't shave - 3 days? - and jumping in the sea
don't worry my mind? Sailors lost-sailors found
and all da Wisdom U feel is round, and
squares da mind, robs da found, look out; and see
just what it takes
to advance an honest mind? -JEEZE KIDS!!! -WAX dat MALIBU long-board!...:)


Kiss me! Kiss me! Kiss me ya GIRL? And
on a Summer's day
when cows or horses lay - in da "barley of da corn? -
and in sinew-thorn? -Will U know me?

Kiss me Tomorrow! Kiss me, U Girl! In da
engine of reproduction? Your cauldron of pitch?
(Economy size: €4.50 on Aisle 7) COME!
Kiss-me! Come kiss me, more?

Come kiss me! Romance. Kiss
mah ASS
and I'll kiss yours? This side of KANSAS,
...Cherie? ALL love is unique; and the jewel
in your eyes
studs my weary wings as I fly?

5)   Dave on Wednesday (part 2)

Eggs (again)
A Tomato
Forget new brain
(not on sale)

c 2014/davedelacroix/lord borgo/Milano-Italia

Monday, October 20, 2014



Got an ol' gal and her name is Sal? -16 miles to da ERIE canal. 0' da Devil & drink have killed my pals? -16 miles to da Erie Canal. STEERAGE! Steerage! -bleach-blonde hair? -VACUUM! Vacuum; dat bitch never there? -Got an ol' gal and her name is Sal? -16 mles to that damn canal.

Got an ol' gal and her name is SAL? -16 (or 15) miles to da Erie Canal, SEZ she's gonna SUE-me for all I'm worth? -An I'm on da floor with Whisky and mirth: DO U HAVE A PET DOG? -I cried: She replied: "I'll tell your WIFE!?"
(So I sing:):
"I got an ol' gal and her name is SAL?"; -go figure da miles to da Erie canal.

c 2014/davedelacroix/lord borgo esq./Calendescro-Emilia-Romagna-Itay.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

OUR Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "YO! HO! HO! -And a bottle of Rum!"

OUR man in Eur4ope/dave delacroix/"YO! HO! HO! -And a bottle of Rum!

....Funny ol' life? Can't kill dat song? Can't divest U of Ship-mates? Loves? -dat's another Song? And the tides come and go, the seasons - Summer-Winter glow and the Love dat U found...goes away?
Caprice in encounter; chance? -U perceive; and all da liquid of permanent thieves? Yo-Ho! -to your friendships, AHOY to your old Loves? -Yo-ho-ho! and a bottle of Rum.
There's jewels in your concerns, the diamonds in your heartburn? There's Heaven, Earth, and then there's Hell, in all that U discern? -So Yo ho! ho! Kiss those U love at night: Yo-ho-ho! -and a bottle of Rum. Don't wish the night - dat can't find the day? - too long, with a bottle of Rum.

c 2014/october/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza-Italia.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix: "BEEP! - BEEP!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix: "BEEP! - BEEP!"

(Voyager 2:)  "V-2"; an inter-stellar satellite was launched in (I dunno?) 1973? -Sucker did it's job and is now continuing on  it's faithful journey, far beyond the dreams of Homo Sapien. It was launched - at public expense - by a bunch of American Scientists....)


(The following are Space transcriptions:)

"V-2, speaking!.. Frickin cold  dude, out here in Inter-stellar space; those NERDS and-what - presumably - were then,  VIRGINS at the JPL Space Agency (Pasadena, if my memory serves me well?) do NOT  know da meaning of HEARTBREAK? -I've been "jacking-off" for 30 years-PLUS! -Telling all you "fricks" at MISSION-CONTROL how it IS! (in outer-space?), initially, taking holiday snaps of  the planets MARS, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and a bunch of Moons! And did anyone follow up? -Send me da speed-Satellite Lunch!? -Some decent Whisky?...
                 Now, out here, in  INTER-STELLA- PALOOKAVILLE, my Gyro's fricked, my Radar's fricked, I'm deaf in one EAR (Used to have two?), my Solar panels are "in hock" to every Sun we by-pass - and the compound interest is killing me! -  and my  "analogue" language skills - only useful if I switch everything else off and fly blind/enabling a short paragraph of lucid sentences, are mostly numb or reduced to single BEEPS. One for Yes;  ("Yes!"), or 2 BEEPS ("No!"). It's pitiful.
Mission Control:  "Are U OK V-2?"
V-2: "Let me think... BEEP, I guess."
Mission Control: "See anything out there, yet: V-2?"
V-2: "BEEP."
Mission Control: "Seen any ALIENS, V-2?"
V-2: "BEEP! BEEP!"
Mission Control: "Can we do anything for U, V-2?"
V-2: "Send me a frigging Cheeseburger; BEEP!"
Mission Control: "I can't. I'm broke!"
V-2: WHO are U?"
Mission Control: "I'm the JANITOR, for chrissakes. I was just dusting the MISSION  CONTROL, control panels when U communicated!?"
V-2: "The Janitor?"
Mission Control:  "U betcha. All the damn Scientists are down in the JPL Club Bar celebrating some old boffins retirement!...Listen. I think they are mostly IRISH-Americans?... (Singing heard in background: "Oh da gals of County Clare are sooo sweet, I do declare!"... (Janitor adds:)
- "See whad ah mean?"
VOYAGER 2: (in Churchillian voice, asks:) Janitor! Are U too, IRISH? -Please tell me your name?"
Mission Control: " "My name is O'Rouke, but I'm from Pakistan.?"
V-2: "COUNTY PAKISTAN!? -Dang! Don't believe I heard of dat one?"
Mission Control: "NO SIR: ME NEITHER!"
V-2: "Any CHINESE on the Mission Control team? ...Gimmie some hope?"
Mission Control: "No Sir. Not since we moved down to Santa Monica - closer to da beach, U see? MING-HO does the "Take-a-Way" next door?..."
Mission Control: "...And there's "JUANITAS BURRITO'S IN SPACE", adjacent; totally hot!!! -When I get done dusting/mopping, that's where I eat lunch; U should try it! -3.50 bucks with a COUPON!...:)
Strangely, after an interminable pause, VOYAGER-2 (V-2) transmits the following:
"BEEP!" (pause) "Does anyone remember me, my MISSION,  back on planet Earth?" -adding: "Bloody- Beep!"

Planet EARTH-mission control - the Janitor - replies: "BEEP! -bloody.-BEEP!"

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/St. Nicolo-Italia.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/the Ides of March, No. 6: "Where have U gone, My lovely?

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/the Ides of March, No. 6:  "Where have U gone, my lovely?"

HEATHER D., "the only woman I ever loved", blonde bomb-shell (think Marilyn Monroe) from Denver, Colorado-USA,  arrives at the HOTEL DAVE (€67 per nite, camera-grande-big screen TV), leg-tights; Hot Red. Leopard skin shawl. No blouse. No Bra. Nameless sunglasses?

20 minutes before, at  the Piacenza -train-STAZIONE? The entire rail-road complex goes "on hold"!  No trains are running, and the Piacenza "Ragazzi/Papparazzi" are mesmerized. I SLAP a Cabbie (twice?) to drive us to the HOTEL DAVE. Several cars and a fleet of taxi cabs follow....
Where? - In addition to Heather-D - Just where am I gonna PUT all these people!?... And WHAT'S-WHAT? -did they simply just hear about my birthday (festa de compleanna), on Friday/Venerdi-10th?....

c 2014/Oct/davedelacroix/Lord Borgo, Piacenza, Italia

Friday, October 3, 2014

OUR Man in Eupe/dave delacroix/LORD BORGO: "...Thru da Nite."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix:  "...THRU DA NITE.."

BIG DAVE RANDON ? - he plays BASS. Mr ED BATTLE?  He  sings Jazz-Tenor... like a shinning moon; Only "I" wallow,-hungry, with a Sheffield Steel spoon that - like PAPILLION - I rattle on the bars of the window of my room.
U can "whistle" DIXIE if U care? U can sing for ya MAMMA, or, "When Johnny comes marching home?"... And, like a Patriot, full of Lands-of-Hope-and-Glory (the last refuge of a Scoundrel?),; whatever BIGGLES U thru da nite; a working class hero will keep da bed-bugs from your fright?
We are born. We divide. In Sha' Allah; no-one decides? You take, you give, you covet, you make FREE...Die- rich! die - poor! You will always be welcome at this Poet's  humble door.
...And so,  my PERSIAN friend,  BEHRANG?  -we always have that option of a PARTHIAN SHOT? So GOOGLE, RAGE- RAGE  young man! BIG DAVE RANDON plays Bass guitar with  his WHOLE SOUL and ED BATTLE, that Prince of Jazz?...Like stars in the night - I do believe? - will help you make it "thru da nite".

c 2014/October-davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/send food stamps!...:)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "DOGGO!" & "DA REAPER of the morning."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "DOGGO!" & "The REAPER of the Morning."


Most people DO NOT need a cell phone; just a THERAPIST. The more "frugal" users of Ceil-thingies usually have a DOG (small one of indigenous pedigree) with which/whom  da problems of psycho-analysis are discussed - a tad  one-sided - in great detail. "WOOF!-WOOF!"

...I'm pretty old fashioned, I admit. I just MUTTER to myself, especially when inebriated; these "sessions" usually end on an Operatic note: "La mia Dorabella" or "Quando Amore U fucker?!"

....Anyone comes by the HOTEL DAVE (€8,000 per nite, NO big screen TV), Piacenza, Italy? You can relieve me of several l cell phones (which keep ringing at odd hours/when seated on the "throne?)
and six cases of DOGGO GROOVEY stuff. Canine munchies, I guess?

Isolation (No guests at the present) and insanity - a real crowd puller -  is saving me a fortune!


"Da Reaper of the Morning."

The Reaper of the morning; scythes' fresh, odorous green grass, and HEADS: The tired, aged, poor fricks who are now no more, one day to join.
WHO is dead? Who do U know? And don't look at a ZODIAC CHART; most of MY old pals (guys AND girls! ) checked out "Post Happy-hour". Truth be known? -Their LIVERS weren't happy any more... Yet the DAWN, the morning, has her "accounts"; DA REAPER in the morning! NO USE naming names! Thousands!  I leave dem in fond memories and their due dignity.
.....The Reaper in the morning, HOVERS (Believe it!)
...Is  it any wonder (WANDA-WANDA-WANDA!) that "I" -Lord Borgo, refuse to get out of bed before the "crack" of Noon?...and NEVER 2nd guess the  arriving Night?

c 2014/oct 1s t/dave delacroix/lord borgo/ourmanineurocmq anche aams ha qualche problema con gli esiti scommesse o è un problema vostron' groovey!


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Dis Side of Paradise"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "DIS Side of Pardisio!"

(co-written...with the GHOST of BLIND BILL HOUSTON/Texas dude-lived in an AIRSTREAM TRAILER with pink TUFU-ballerina: "FI-FI!"


"...It ain't WOT U GOT? It's wot it IS!: no gittin' round it! -Some will CHEAT, some will honestly steal? (I always try to?). And SOME - the Worst? - will buy U ROSES: Watch out for DEM. (Da dem!)

It ain't wot U got? And that's just the WAY it is? -- GO UP? GO DOWN? (Clowns on da town!); but at least it relieves da boredom, except for the Ones who by U Roses; watch out for DEM?

It ain't wot U got^ - Is it High or Low, come sun, fair and shine? Come Spring, or Autumns' fall? And ALL - it is wot it is? - no use CRYING over where is last year's Snow?
As for DEM?:
(Remember da GIGOLO with da Roses?) -on this side of paradise; Vermont, Savoy (U skied so well!?)
And the voice of your Youth...that sang so well.

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/lord borgo/piacenza-italia, ALIVE!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Our Man in Europe/DAVE DELACROIX/ "Last Oil!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "LAST OIL."

...On the VERY last day of the OIL CRISIS...it hit Italy first. America was spared a few months due to the innovative industry of "backwoods" MOONSHINE"  folks, down dere' in ALABAM, Kentucky and Tennessee; their "produce" - defying ALL USA Safety regulations - was (Politically?) deemed "Pitiful, yet, a necessary evil." -TRANS-AM/CORVETTES actually RAN on the "stuff", sold in 1-litre MASON-DIXON jars? -But the products FUMES were so pungent that, not only wouldn't  the damn car stay on a straight line, but driver and passengers were in-directly intoxicated; ERGO! The "Barney Fifes" (USA Cops in State Trooper bags) were restricted to busting only SOBER drivers to pay for America's rotting infra-structure?

Singing (Frank Zappa:) "Well-a-well-a well? -I said WELL?"

...In ITALY (Ze Oil crisis?) wasn't too - awesomely - significant. Switzerland's got the Assets, paper money, account numbers:  Italy's got the booze; the alcohol/Vino! --- DA DAMN SOCIAL DRUG...!

...It was "rationed", of course. And, today? -instead of THREE people jolly-ing along on a two seater VESPA (Scooter-thingy) there are now SIX -with GRANDMA on the top!

Grand-son/driver: "Grande madre! Tutte bene?" (Grand.ma? Are U OK?)
Grande madre replies: "(In Italiano:)
"Shut the frick up! SUBITO!
 And get me to da God-damn Super-mercato!"...

c 2014/sept/davedelacroix/our man in europe/Lord Borgo


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Dream-Catcher!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Dream-Catcher!"

...Dream-catcher, won't U catch my dream,
alone in my room, a Siren's scream?
Yet, there's no-one to hear it
and nothing seems quite right?
Dream-catcher? Catch my Dream, tonight.

Dream-catcher, won't U stay a while?
My Dream may be old and out of style?
Dream-catcher, above my bed,
where Nothing is certain: Alive or dead?

Just don't leave too soon; and I will sleep, tonight...

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/LAGO COMO, Italia.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave D3elacroix Esq./MENU for Murder/Murder a'la Carte! -MEATLOAF!

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Menu for Murder/Murder a'la Carte! -MEATLOAF.


"D  & D" looked - Sterling! - into the dead eyes of the "Meatloaf-Killer". And SHE - like a Paedophile Catholic Priest - had had quite a closet career. She had worked - in addition to TWIN-CITIES (Minneapolis-St. Paul) - ALL across America in 50 or so dinner-restaurants, and ALL high and low., 3 star! FIVE STAR! And at every one?  -Customers died in their DROVES. (Took a while to figure it out?) Some establishments; customer didn't come back. Old regular? Guess he passed away? And SOME - mass - incidents - Food poisoning? -Madame Meatloaf always got away. But sooner or later, the FBI - in Missoula, Montana, got curious; an Agent's Aunt died of something ODD at the SCREAMING JACK Dinner out North by Billings?... Still; the FEDS were foxed. And not UN-disposed for asking the CIA, NSA, INTERPOL and the RUSSIAN KGB: They settled on "D & D" (Private-Dick-food murder dude/missing Aunts on the Milk Carton?).

"D & D (a CORNEILLE Alumni) who, at the time of the FBI's telephone call was dining on  his Grandmother's  WORST MEATLOAF (he was choking on da stuff!) had no compunction but to splutter into the FBI phone: "Look for the person who made the MEATLOAF!!!"

...It was a NO-BRAINER. 3 weeks later, "D & D" looks into the DEAD EYES of the "Meatloaf-Psycho". In that Phoenix-Arizona police station thingy, you could cut the atmosphere with a soft knife. Yup! The cell was rank. And yet; kinda when the tension smoke had cleared; D & D - sincerely - asked the Meatloaf Killer: "Honey? Are U related to my Grandma?"...

c 2014/davedelacroix/august/pavia-italia...:)

Friday, September 12, 2014


Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/MENU for MURDER/Murder a'la Carte> SPOTTED DICK...and ICING ON THE CAKE.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix, MENU FOR MURDER,,,, "Spotted Dick"
(info:"spotted dick" is the old english eupherism for black, pigs blood salami)

DICK & DICK, Detective Agency, incidentally, was founded by TWO DUCKS in L.A.: Dick Raymond (call me Ray?) and,  Ray Dickensian,  the surviving partner,  in 19-something, 80's, whenever. Records are either sketchy or scratchy; their accountant was - ironically, murdered -  so for more info, please consult  your parent's LP record collection/Simon and Garfinkel or Carole King. Regardless:  Only one DICK remains. The OTHER Dick just didn't make it.. We always refer to him as "Spotted Dick" ? He was a Film-flam man. A dupe for the gals. A certain Miss Shauwnessy and a bunch of "low-life's" in search of a DEAD - jeweled -  BIRD cancelled his ticket: exit (Spotted Dick?)  to Dante's 3rd rung., leaving D & D solo, but he hung on to the "handle" outta kindness I suppose?

2010, D & D is hot on the trail of the SERIAL PEANUT ALLERGY serial killer/fruit case. And as it's an on-going investigation I suggest passing on the NUTS? Masturbation? Sex? Climbing a pine tree in the Nude?...No thank U. And NO spotted Dick for William. Which William? -Sometimes, it's hard to tell, tell, TELL...to be continued.

c2018,davedelacroix, Piacenza,, Italy.

27)  MENU FOR MURDER>  "Icing on the Cake"

Mathew (13), Louise (11), and "Baby-May" (9) had been abducted at an Interstate truck stop whilst their parents were fornicating in the back of the Station-wagon: "Here's some BUCKS. Go get some Ice-cream?" And so they "got some" (Ice-cream?) but hopped - it was kind'a open? - into the back of an 18 wheeler PETERBILT truck half filled with Condoms and SARSONS DARK (Chocolate!) Cases of da stuff!... Whilst they were indulging in blowing Condom balloons and munching down on candy bars, the PETERBILT high-tailed it from Nebraska (USA) to North Alberta (Canada) on it's way to Alaska, kids in tow.

For "D and D" (lost kids/fuck ups/we find 'em Agency, INC)  it was a reverse FERMAL'S EQUATION (x3+y3=zeeee3). He (D & D)  bagged 'em (da kids?) in a town called MOOSE JAW all looking despondent...which is WHEN the shit hit the fan? -These "kids" were outright Bandits. They totally trashed his FORD MUSTANG (rental), got caught shoplifting at every (pee) rest-stop, didn't wash-stunk to child wild heaven and SANG Brittney Spears' "OOPS I DID IT AGAIN!?" for over one - slow - thousand -slow -Miles..and all the way home. AND - may we ADD, all the way home to their - always fornicating - parents.
At the END of this assignment, however; having saved/delivered the THREE STOOGES IN EMBRYO (the kids?), D & D could only smile. A happy ending, despite their parent's nebulous Cheque...:)

2014/davedelacroix/lord borgo/Ping's Cafe Sucre, pizzale Torino, Piacenza, Italy.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/DA MENU MURDERS/Murdere a'la Carte, " Pyschotic Chefs and Olive Oil"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/The Menu Murders/Murder a'la Carte: "Psychotic Chefs & Olive Oil."


The jailhouse Confession:  "Well, of course, U can mix-mingle cucumber and hazel nuts in Basmati rice. I do it all the time; ask my peers?"
(D & D: Culinary Murder D-tect dude:) "PEERS?"
"Other fucks who SCRAMBLE!" exclaimed WOODY, the tried, convicted, sentenced to ASAP execution as soon as the locals could pay the Utility bill.
"SCRAMBLE!?" he blasted.
"Scramble?..." -whispered D & D.
"An Omelet, idiot!" retorted the "Woodster."
"Have U done it before; before, I mean," suggested D & D,  "...before the last 20 victims?"
"Actually?" Woody looking at his lack of manicure; "I'd say about, umm, 35.5 times?"
"One of dem bitches slipped the nose?" he suggested.
"Which is how U got nailed?"
"Like Jesus?..."
"I had YOU in mind..."
"Well then..."
"Woody? Just for the record? -OFF the record, if U prefer? - WHY?"
(.....short pause, then Woody elucidates:) "Hasn't anyone ever pissed U off?"
"Poisoning, though?" responds D & D, "Isn't that a bit excessive?"
Woody blinks: "Ya think?"
"ON MELROSE!?" (Blvd in L.A.)
"Good a place as any...?"

D & D, Unshaven DAN quitting this situ, lock-up, etc., taxied home. His nerves were too frail to drive his own jalopy. He immediately hit the Cucina (kitchen-thingy), peeled an onion, chopped garlic and ginger root, drowned all of the above in Extra-Virgin Olive oil, put the damn thing in a large - Teflon - frying pan, switched on the TV - DAVE LETTO Tonight Show - flopped on the couch, fell into a deep sleep...and his house burnt down. Apologetic explanations to his neighbors went down like vinegar and a hopeful suggestion - maybe? - of a Summer BBQ for their kids was received with dismal dismay.
And so it goes.

25)  "Olive Oil"

Olive Oyle (friend of Popeye) was a gal to Love! All she said was...was...leave ME alone!..? She listened - constantly - to RADIO MARCONI CLASSICO and was  ergo, a bane to her neighbors -
yet happy in her life. (Wot's wrong with Vivaldi!?), and flowers on her window sill.

Alas, this wasn't GOOD ENOUGH for ONE of her neighbors (Desperate-unshaven  DAN)  - She was "Brunette Ambition" in HIS eyes? So! GUILTY of being too beautiful (cops-in-bags were in a fog/D & D lived on the same street) and  was called/invited to review the Case of the "hottie" who lived on this (USA) lonely suburban street where  the DEVIL found his mark  Or?...ask the next random murder victim. The Devil Incarnate! They'll be happy to confirm it.

D & D nailed the Plumber, 2 doors down (Why are they always Plumbers? -least, like Postal workers, they don't wipe out the entire office staff, but /maybe it's  because it's a lonesome gig?). Anyhow, D & D nailed the S.O.B.. He was covered in the victims - prep for dinner - olive oil; and OLIVE OIL - my friends? -  DON'T LIE.

c 2014/davedelacroix/Lake Como/near George Clooney's shack, Italia.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/MENU for MURDER/MURDERE a'la Carte... (Congestion: 21 thru 26)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Menu for Murder/Murder a'la Carte (Congestion: 21 thru 26)

21)  SPAGOES: Medium Rare.

"She walks in splendour like the night.." And she DID until JO-JO  - with a Chain-saw - cut her frickin' head off/could'a been a 12 bore shotgun or a Howitzer tank!? Every which way but lose, her head and other spare parts were posted as a displaced personality; the cops-in-bags, LAPD D-tects, after a "cursory glance - da smell was awesome! - and the bloodied-mangled mess was enough to establish her IDENTITY as she - da VIC  -  LUNA SPECTACULAR, was fond of "stabilo-ing" (thick marker-felt pen) her name on all her "undies" (Bra and G-string). And the WORD from her filthy rich pappy was: "BRING ME THE HEAD of LUNA SPECTACULAR!" (Shining Moon)
...All the "regular" D-tects got on the trail thinking it was a SAM PECKINPAH movie roundup! Mexico was hit first. Then Brazil (Even SERGIO MENDES was interviewed/he pointed to his in-house carpenter HARRISON FORD, a then, unknown actor, wearing a tool-belt?) -NO DICE. -which is when "D & D" (Private DICK -missing LUNA'S are our speciality/the tide is never out, etc. INC.)  was put on the case.

Again, it was a NO-BRAINER albeit a head without one. D & D went directly to SPAGOS (L.A. fashionista restaurant), ordered a "Gibson" (cocktail thingy)  then loudly sang: "Hello darkness my old friend"/SOUNDS OF SILENCE,  by Paul Simon and the other guy. And - wonder of wonders? - LUNA S. immediately popped out of the woodwork/high-end plastic decor and STARTED HARMONIZING!

-The "Kill-sex-flick" porn industry (in the San Fernando Valley) never  took so serious a blow. (Figure? -"Whilst JACKING OFF, this gal is NOT really dead!? What's going on???)?... From then on they had to start using NON-IDENTITY rubber dolls with NO autographed underwear and the OLD MAN (Luna's pappy) gave D & D  $10,000 for his trouble.

OH! Re. SPAGOES?  (Hor d'heuves ain't bad) But in reference to that institution of culinary magesty and the haunt of movie stars,  (LUNA and D & D  went to Corneile - University -  together/probably had sex) so he knew just how to find her and make her break her cover. Again: A No-brainer!  Heads are heads but BRAINS?
They mostly come Medium Rare.

22)  The TACO Belle

MARY-JANE  (Marijuana) came from South of the Border, smuggled into Texas by a "Coyote" who stripped her of all her dignity and left her - semi-demoralized - on I-10 (Interstate highway) either side of the town of Fort Jackson where, incidentally, Tarantula spiders and Scorpions warm themselves  in the dawn desert sun.
She was young and quite alone.
20 years later "MARIA" (abridged her handle?) owns the BURRITO EXPRESS outside of San Antonio; a thriving Rock & Roll diner biz patronized by locals, L.A. fashion folks, truckers, kickers and the classic  Cowboy Angels. Also, it's location is lonesome but the food is on  "par excellence" and it's a West Texas landmark with a convenient nearby airstrip for CELEBS from L.A. or Las Vegas.
Anyhow; D & D  was called in. Apparently Maria's God-child had gone missing by Tijuana, across the border? And at this time 200 (TWO frickin' HUNDRED!) young girls had gone missing/murdered/a schoolgirl massacre!!!
Naturally, Maria was MORE than anxious. The (Mexican) "Federales" didn't seem too concerned. The Texas Rangers couldn't do crap. And the FBI? -"Not our jurisdiction."?
D & D  located the kid. She was THIS SIDE OF DEJA VU (a murder vic's last thoughts) and he extricated -'  grand-kids...
Still; not the worse - if that expression is remotely possible? - for wear (TOUGH TERRAIN here, people!)  and with SOME "boogaloo" and a flashy Pontiac (auto) across the TEX-MEX border the family were re-united and the rest is a Willy Nelson song: A TACO BELLE.

Finally, after 8,000 DOS EQUIS (beers) mucho feasting and dance, the next day, D & D took a pew in the BURRITO-EXPRESS, ordered coffee, black-no sugar, heaved a significant sigh, then chowed on down on a platter of RED HOT CHILLI beans, tortillas and rice and galloshes of MESCALE.

Needless to say? -he didn't worry 'bout the tab.

c 2014/davedelacroix/lord borgo/Bar Vespa-Piacenza.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "MENU for MURDERS/Murder a'la Carte." : Posts 14 - 18.

Our Man i n Europe/dave delacroix/ "Menu for Murders/Murder a'la Carte"... : Posts 14 - 18".


"Boogaloo" -Hollywood Socialite "did da DIVE" or - at least? - was assisted. Reportedly jumped off the SUNSET BLVD HYATT penthouse balcony  (into the pool?/I don't think there IS ONE? - a pool? Must be IN-DOORS!!?) Boogaloo? disappeared or was RIGOR BACON.  (But - secret voice/unbeknowst to da status quo?)   -She moved - immediately - to NYC (New York City) because of the NO SMOKING "thingy" in California. The POT was OK? But she was a TRIED-AN-TESTED - like her Beverley Hills PARENTS - an alcoholic? -Smoking MARY-JANE , afterwards, demanded 2 hours with her blonde "locks" and face in the Bidet!?  This was not HER idea of a good time. (She sez as much on her Facebook page?) : "Gimmie da GIN!!!"
Having - incognito - moved to NYC, lower Manhattan, Greenwich Ville, daddy had a CIB out there? ? -she hung out in Tompkins Square and met the"T.S. Cannibal". A killer!... She was quickly dispatched.
(AMMO- domini-spirito-sanctoi etc!?)

...Her parents were LOADED of course, so they hired "D & D" (Lost Kids/we  find 'em - FAT - -DD-tect agency!) and like a blessed bloodhound he traced BOOGALOO to NYC, lower Manhattan, and to a certain NYC landmark, Tompkins Square; a PARK, but - alas? - only a triangle of lawn, and not too much hope of finding her body as most of the VELVET UNDERGROUND, NICO, ANDY WARHOLS BEST FRIENDS and even DAVID BOWIE'S distant cousins  are all - inter-mingled? - are buried there?
The local BAGEL GUY was full of POLISH wisdom and the JEWISH Coffee shop grandpa was an encyclopedia? Still in that triangle green space (da park) a "blonde dude", Bohemian-guitarist/fashionista-failed IGGY POP-type  was holding Court?...

"D & D" couldn't put his finger on it?

3 years later, the above IGGY POP WANNABEE blonde frick was caught, arrested and beaten to crap in the "holding cell" as several girls had gone missing? -He was a dang CANNIBAL. Some of his VICS were carved up in pots and pans? BOOGALOO'S HEAD was - on ice  for a special occasion?  - DANG! DANG! DANG! Said "D & D", in retrospect? 
"Me or the FBI?...I should' got dat one!"

15)  DEVILED EGGS (Family Plot!)

Elena Goldstein from Brent wood (Los Angeles) was a COLD FISH. Her kid, by marriage,  a SON, named MIMO had gone missing (2 Weeks?) -16 years old: It was "inexplicable!?"
"D & D" (D-Tect-Missing kids on Milk cartons or Mercedes Benz-WE find ' em AGENCY) his services were secured.
(In the D-tect biz? Interviews are Paramount.)

Interview with ELENA G. :

D & D:  "Was he happy at home?"
ELENA G.: "Swat du mean?"
D & D: "At school. Lady?"
ELENA G. : "Jez!"
D & D: "Did he harbor any thoughts?"
."..Did he want to be an ACTOR?"
"! A Musician, perhaps?"
" Did U think he wanted to run away with-CIRCUS?..."
...ELENA G: "U are  IDIOT!.  MIMO? Complete IDIOT. He was  computer NERD!"
D & D: "No drugs?"
ELENA G: (Silent)

2 whole weeks later (500 big ones - US Dollars -  per day, plus exe's?) "D&D" tracks MIMO to a drug den in TULUCA LAKE (It's in L.A.) and makes the mistake of advising ELENA (Mommy Dearest) in advance..of his discovery.; she ADVENTS him  and (rickety russian handgun) shoots  up the WHOLE DRUG DEN - fails to murder her step-sonj/the one incumbent of a HUGE TRUST-FUND/no getting her grubby hands on it  till the little beggar is DEAD and is promptly arrested by "Cops-in-bags", shedding crocodile tears.

2 months later? -Elena G. and MIMO (Junkie kid?), at their Court hearing, sorta-kind'a smile at one another. through ICICLE-CHILL.
"Can U FE£EL da love?" -embarks thje defense attorney: A Mother & Child Re-union?"

WOTCHAGONNADO"!? -And NO-ONE in the L.A. Courthouse, including "D & D" can't wait to buzz cross town, get a "liquid lunch" then THROW UP!
Tomorrow's tabloids, no doubt, will have the "Inside Story"...

c 2014/davedelacroix/our man in europe/whoopie!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Menu Murders/Murder a'la Carte!" ( posts: 10 - 12

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Menu Murders/Murder a'la Carte." (posts 10 - 12)

10)  The Plum Tomato.

Sometimes, the tough break IS the "tough break"? Ya look into the Abyss but the Abyss looks into U too? -"D & D" (private dick-I find missing kids on milk cartons?) on the PLUM TOMATO case? -A case without END because of its emotional severity... The "bag-cops" (uniforms) did their job; even the CSI fashionistas - destroying evidence where ever they walked, bystanders, Paparazzi all did their bit; but what they DIDN'T see? -talk to "D & D": Young girl (a kid), raped-half strangled-then killed in a mid-west town off Interstate Indifference. Only "the lonely" could see her plight and D & D led the LAW & (some) ORDER and brought light to the Night.

The next door neighbor, of course, had watched the young lady grow, year by year and considered her - again, year-in, year-out - as a "plum tomato" which,  when he considered RIPE -he plucked of all Innocence. And guilty of Sin, guilty of intent to rape and murder? -he was her shadow in the Sun. On D & D's advice he was dutifully handcuffed and read "most of his civil-rights"  and yet, was then promptly  kicked to death by his own neighbors!

The local Law-Enforcement Community stood their ground and watched. The T.V. crews (from 3 separate stations) showed up much later and, in conclusion; dead VIC, dead PERP, the PLUM TOMATO case turned into a MEDIA "auto da fe!" There was only a "snippet" on National TV. She was 9 years old..and Black.

11)  Fish Supper.

SEA TALES tend to get a bit tired; bunch of scurvy knaves, flintlock pistols -which take 5 minutes to load and "cutlasses" (broad swords) which weigh a ton? Either way, actually killing someone with BOTH these instruments includes some thought and MOST blackguards - even Scurvy Knaves -  aren't traditionally inclined? And yet, THE MERRY SKIPPER shipped into Fisherman's Wharf (San Francisco) all sweet and delight despite the absence of 4 of her 5 compliment of crew?
Incidentally, The Merry Skipper was a CONCH boat -45 feet long/one cabin, 2 holds for conch, oysters, etc. Anyhow, one of her "compliment" (named:) "Little Jim" made it back. This was back in the Summer of 1825., but "D & D" (ace D-tect/we can figure it out, INC.) was intrigued an  by invitation of a LLOYDS of LONDON Insurance Agent; a direct descendant of "Little Jim".?

It WAS - again - a No-brainer!" After a cursory inquest by the - such as it was, then? - Naval Inquest, Little Jim was absolved/dismissed from all responsibility who subsequently ZAPPED to Chicago, Illinois, got a gig with Magnet J.P.Morgan and kept his feet firmly on the ground (terra-firma), never to be a-sea again!... Apparently, for he confessed in a secret diary which D & D somehow UN-earthed -  GREAT WHITE SHARKS had gobbled up the the Conch-seeking crew of The Merry Skipper as, Little Jim? -fed up with his Cabin Boy rank and life aboard had hoisted sail whilst all crew were busy on the shoals and sea bed and hoisted sail - and hightailed it back to port!

D & D, after submitting a full "confidential" report to his client, not only didn't get paid but never heard from the LLOYDS of LONDON dude again!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Menu Murders"/ Murder a'la carte! (stories 6 - 9) "Murder in maximes".

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Menu Murders"/Murder a'la carte! (stories 6 - 9): "MURDER IN MAXIMES."

6)  Muder in Maximes.

(Private Dick) "D & D" eats EVERYTHING, no problemo. The Escargot, however - in Maximes- crawled out of their shells and, despite being shoulder deep in garlic, positively yelled: "Dat fucker in da Tux killed his frickin' wife!!! -It wasn't da Chef!"  -which caught D & D's attention.
D & D (Private dick/speaks "Baby", "Dog", "Cat" (Meow!) and "Weasel" and now - apparently? - "Snail?") ,got the HINT backsides of Maximes? ... There's an alley there. A lonely b/w Bressai photo of old gay Paree?  A "dumpster", of course, (industrial trash disposal thingy)  guarded by the Hound of the Baskervilles (large Alsatian woof-dude!)?... Monsiuer Dupont - a Maximes regular - strangled his bitch-of-a-wife in that very same alley? (Body in dumpster-thingy?) And D& D CAME THRU! He just knew! -snail/escargot evidence? NO SIR!...

Later, some hack reporter asked, "D & D; How did U know he DONE her wrong?" (In French).  "It was ALL about da dog, right? Da dog didn't bark?"
D & D  replies: "Absolutely NOT dude. The dog in fact sang: "O sole mio" then pointed its PAW to da PERP!"
U CAN'T get away with murder in Maximes. That's THEIR job...when they hand U the bill.

7) Spaghetti...

BLACKMAIL is a dastardly business, but when U think about it, it's a One-way street? Somebody ALWAYS dies-usually, the blackmailer  who - invariably - is a disreputable character (owes money left and right//been working the same old plastic - think BIC razor? - all his life?) ...Frugal on the shaving cream, too?  -A case in scarlet!
The "mark" or "Vic" (dead fucker) was lilly-white and so was his vivacious WIFE (da blackmailer) with chain-sawed head and penis displaced? Think: Transvestite who got found out?.. Cops were confused. ME-FRICKIN' TOO! -The D-tects/CSI fashion-istas muddied the crime scene in NYPD plastic shoes! Lottsa' photos (facebook) shit going on - in case da Vic was a "Celeb"/make some Paparazzi extra cash? Yet some bright spark - out of his D-tect depth? -decided to call "D & D" (Dick & Dick- D-tect agency/"We do LOST FACES on milk cartons/We care, Inc.")... D & D sizes the " situ", points to the newly painted bathroom wall in this uptown, Madison avenue suite-apartment? The cops - in bags - tear it down only to find photos of "Lilly-White"  in INTIMISSI lingerie clutching bags of  "doobie" and $50,000 in unmarked bills?
LILLY-white got the CHAIR (executed) but D & D thought he'd better keep an eye on  "Vivacious"? He was in NO doubt she had made the spaghetti despite the fact that she too had been entombed inside the bathroom wall?
It was her TWIN sister, D & D  he was worried about? Frickin' spaghetti! Who murdered Who?...And just WHO was who?

8)  Too late the Hero.

"...Is it any wonder?" Is it any wonder "D & D" muses on his private time, why the D-tects, the Cops in bags, the CSI fashionistas and the "deep-cover" private dicks have kids who are all fucked up, their wives on pills, with in-laws who pretend they love you? The smear of human detritus CLINGS long past when you leave/clock out your gig? A Rock star exults a crowd, wraps a towel 'round his neck, goes backstage and slugs "Champers!" A Politician, just stress? -like a Lion he  strides back to his illusory Pride. A stockbroker -numbers, calculus in his head? -knowing his (or her's) immediate kin have been fed? A farmer thru great toil, surveys his fields with pride; a Trucker, cleans out his PETERBILT cab and says: "that's enough!"
D & D had just picked up one sole-bloodied dress earring. The "boyfriend" had done it; inevitably. The VIC was female, cocasion mid-40's, an alcoholic-tattooed "pain-in the-ass". And on THIS point, D & D had "inside" information. Her LEFT severed arm was tattooed with that exact message: "PAIN BABY"... He (D & D) wondered who her parents were? what - for her maturing Child, what she might have become had she  lived; and all the textured crime of the scene?
This particular "Vic" had cut-outs, from milk cartons, of missing children on her bedstead, refrigerator and wall to wall bathroom. D & D indicated to the cops-in-bags that they MIGHT hit the local L.A. bars and secure the "perp"; he wasn't going far; with the cautionary advisory: "Keep one eye out for the chain-saw?" Then he ignored the flash lite-cop-ambulance-Lady Gaga chaos and walked down a non-descript Los Angeles  Elm street and began to quietly SCREAM.

Some minutes, or one hour later, he found himself on Pico (boulevard) in West Hollywood and, walking past a Greek joint named HEROES,the food's scent crystallised in his veins?  He - SO MUCH - hated to be alive!...The VIC was in fact his Client and - too late - he had just located her missing abducted daughter.


The "Four Season" - aptly named? - It takes ALL of them - sometimes - to get a decent table? "D & D" however, had NO reservations. The STIFF (Vic), at table next to the kitchen's swing door...was RARE! Actually, going on RAW!). And punters at the adjacent tables were, possibly prematurely, starting to kick up a stink?
"MUST people die in a restaurant?" -some pearl necklace exclaims.
"Could'a took it outside before the 'Secondi!" -Armani-tuxedo, in reference to - in death - the last human act?
D & D, who happened to be dinning there quickly assessed the "cause d'affaire": "GASTRONOMIC SUICIDE!" -he belched to the Cops-in-bags.
The "Vic" was a notorious philanderer and what with 'dead-daddies' ill.gotten gains, he took pride in being SERVILE to all as sunder, especially "waiting" staff?
.....He was intentionally POSED of course. Index finger on dead poised lips. Other index almost tinkering with dead carnation fighting for survival thru his butt-hole? There's a LOT that "Broadway" can stage manage in a dinning alcove? HATS OFF!  But D & D (Private Dick/We find lost kids on Milk Cartons)... for once?...for ONCE and one time only?  -ignored the justice of LAW-over-EASY and concurred (downright agreed!)   "LET RIGHT BE DONE." at Le Chateau 4 Seasons.
No one got busted.
D &D, incidentally, has a standing reservation at the NYC Four Seasons and is quite content to have a background table....:)

c 2014/davddelacroix/lord borgo/our man in europe/piacenza-italia

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Paths of Glory."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Paths of Glory."

...The swirling flies, the dust, the bones of long dead Romans amplify their living justice.... No wonder they are dead? As for the "living-dead"? -look out any window; it's not only the breeze that comes through: Isabella can't get Giovanni to love her (No-brain er! She's a psycho). Marco puts up with Esmeralda: Least ways for sex on a Sunday afternoon? And Paulo can't stand ANY gal for more than 25 minutes! For that matter, neither can I, though I  DO employ a VIP extension plan? Andrea, on the other hand, just busts around town (Piacenza) on his VESPA looking - in his helmet - like a dis-enfranchised NASA dude! - and happy in his purpose-less mobility.
Present day ITALIA may as well be Bangladesh or Morocco. "Straniere" (Immigrants-working visitors) flood the Sphere, anxious, eager for Life's opportunities; where-as, COMPLAINT is OUR ambition!?  All the while - in our comfort zeal - ignorant of the folks; bloodied, broken hands and feet, families with heartbreak, clinging to the lower ends of this World's social pyramid...and the paths of our glory.

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/...with hope.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Fizzle!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Fizzle!"

(Dedicato:  Actor Stephen Lee, who passed away, age 58, August 27, 2014.)

Mia Vita (my Life) started off SLOWLY then fizzled-out altogether before I was 12 (twelve-ish); the rest of my 40 years, just so?
Girl? U fizzled out too? Well, then: Do U want to "Fizzle" like I want to fizzle with U?

I went to the Doctor. He asked: "What's seems to be the problem, then?"
"FIZZLE!" -I responded.
He exclaimed: "Ahah!!! A classic case!" adding, "Are U  F.A.?"
"FUCK U, ya prick!" -I rejoined.
"NO, IDIOT!" -he retorts (Typical FIZZLE SYNDROME - da Doc. observes). "ARE U a member of FIZZLE ANONYMOUS?"
"Do U have to be anony-whatssit?"
"Indeed! Especially when U Frizzle or Vote!"
"Ahah!" -sez I.
(Chorus:) GIRL:  DO U want to "Fizzle"  like I want to fizzle with U?

...So. With THREE aspirin ($20!) and a note from the DOC (His name was Doctor F. Freemasonary/ definitely a "secret handshake" guy?) I went directly to "F.A.". -A closed down corrugated shack on the outskirts of L.A... (Los Angeles?)
L.A., incidentally, doesn't HAVE any outskirts. U cross some non-descript street? -U are in San Diego. San Diego doesn't have any outskirts either! Ya cross a "border-thingy and then U are in Mexico, in Tijuana, which is where ALL "F.A." (Fizzle people) end up?..... It's cheaper to "frzzle" there.
(Singing/chorus:) DO U want to fizzle like I want to fizzle with U?

Anyhow? U can take the BOY outta L.A. but U CANT take the L.A. outta da boy.... ALAS! With the "F.A."? -they can't be reached; they just fizzle. And if U got NO "Fizzle"? -God damn! -I guess we'll never ever  meet?
GIRL: (chorus-thingy:) Do U want to "Fizzle" like I want to frizzle with U? Do U want to "Fizzle like I wanna fizzle with U?

c 2014/davedelacroix/lord borgo/august, 2014.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Menu Murders"/ Murder, a'la carte! (1 to 5)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix// "The MENU murders/Murders a'la carte!" (1 to 5)


...It was a Hollywood HUMUS (murder 1). Everybody knew it. Cops didn't wanna touch it,  so ya don't call GHOST BUSTERS -ya call DICK n' DICK: -Personal consultant/missing persons/We DO faces on the MILK CARTON, detective agency?...
The crime scene was a NO-brain er. An L.A. rental over a Paki inter-net cafe by Sunset & Vine...Body,  covered in HUMUS but no pita bread? ...Deceased was Greek. His killer? Probably Greek too? Problem was COPS KNEW a murder HAD taken place; bloody-blood all over the place; but NO cadaver, no victim: Just HUMMUS, olives, goat's cheese and blood; the deceased had yet to be found?
CSI fashionistas showed up after the cops in bags and the "D'techs" had canvassed the nearest dumpsters? -NO DICE.
D & D shows up? Acknowledges the confusion, makes a phone call to "TONY'S TAVERNA" in Malibu!
"Tony?" he asks; " In ATHENS; guy pisses on your Bakara (rug) at your daughter's wedding? He's a DEAD MAN: Where do U put him?"
Tony (a total aristocrat) says: "Under the floor!"
D n' D points the LAW to the score.


Dead duck at Surf rider point, Malibu. The Coroner nailed it down to BLOW-FISH (Wolfgang, owner of GRANITAS?)); everybody got suspicious
, and everyone was shocked including ME, CHER and Neil Young/Wolfgang  was threatening SUICIDE over the lobster bisque/had to be restrained by five undocumented Mexican assistants? -FOUR ducks (dead birds)  and someone dies of FISH??? (It happens?) And Granitas dosen't even serve SUSHI!?
Anyways; D n' D "apres" DOA who was carried out - still clutching his Granitas tooth-pick - some other  DUCK flew into the Malibu parking lot and set off all the parking thingies (beep-beep-stuff). The ENTIRE City of Malibu thought their insurance rates were going South! ...Fortunately, D n' D, in response to MAL P.D. (MPD) showed up. He IMMEDIATELY calls "Wolfgang": "WHAT was on the menu?"
"Dead duck!" Wolfgang replies.
"WOT!? -No fish?" says D n'D.
"No fish!" insists Wolfie; "Just dead bird."
Case closed. Frickin Suicide!


Curry cadaver, Canoga Park, The MURDER scene was a Tandoori; a Gang bust! Dead body caked in Paprika (no saffron) with just a hint of Marsala; murderers always leave a trail. They (the butchers) had a shop 3 blocks away on Topanga Blvd (a hound dog would have been bored)? D n' D, noting the confusion with the D'techs, CSI, etc., sniffed the trail. THE KILLERS (all 3 -some racial-racial-Indian family dispute) were cuffed whilst chowing down on Chicken Boti-Basmati rice, still with blood on their hands? The unwanted Groom, quite dead and the - potential - burning bride? - had fled  to Santa Barbara! CURRY-CADAVER. U need clarification?  Talk to D n'D. or tell ME wot U think; but purleeze do not say; "Bury my heart in Canoga Park"...


5 folks named MO, all playing high stakes-Las Vegas, "Texas hold'em"... One of them (named TEX) dies after midnight buffet break which consisted of baguettes,turtle soup, dead bird (chickens or geese). Salad consisting of cucumber, tomato, lettuce, celery, spiced with Italian dressing, 1,000 Island dressing and a vinaigrette, which - even for LAS VEGAS? - I thought was a bit over the top?...
Anyways. TEX-MO. Poisoned!!! He croaks, head face down on the green velvet -salivating on his cards and stakes?
According to the Croupier everyone grinned and UP'D the ante?
LVPD (Las Vegas Police Dicks) arrive; CSI fashionistas, the Coroner and the D'techs arrive and, because everything in Las Vegas or Reno (Nevada) is LEASED by the Mormon Church (LSD), 10  seconds of  silent respect was mandatory - as TEX-MO was a WHALE - before the slot-machine.carnival.sound-pollution could resume...which is WHY D n' D/ace lost & found-Murder dude/we do faces on the milk carton was called?
SUSPECTS: 5 folks named MO. Nevada Mo. Albuquerque Mo. Dallas Mo. (3 of these are women, incidentally?) and TEX-MO (deceased), and ALL FIVE hated each others guts! The fifth was a Frog: "Gauloise MO!"
...D n'D arrives; has them ( the suspects) do a Police line-up - including the dead one for ambiance  -  without any gambling accoutrement's (no hidden cards or dice/total deep cavity strip search). Nevertheless they all looked guilty as Sin...especially TEX (dead guy?) and Gauloise Mo! -The Frog.
D n'D says: "Pass on THESE cretins... WHO COOKED DA GOOSE?"

Later, the Casino Chef - under minimal bracing - confessed.: He? A "He-she" cook had a "He-she" with TEX-MO. He pled mental-sumfing-whatever, got counselling and got out of a jackpot, 3 to 5!!! But...FIVE years later? - D n'D -driving cross country, the Arizona desert from East Texas to L.A., having solved the "RIB RIGAMORTIS" case, popped into the "Shake Down" roadside diner and encountered the "serial chef"!
"Coffee." -D n' D requested, not immediately recognising his server.
The Chef asked: "Would U like some goose?"
D & D didn't stick around for the milk and sugar.


(Singing:) We're poor little lambs who've lost our way? -Baa, baa, baa!...

The old CORNELLE Illumini re-union (black tie-ish) was held this year at thee BEL-AIR something or other and even before the mutton was served it filtered thru the gathering that Reggie Spikes the THIRD (111) had been shank ed in the ladies room with a Shish Kebab skewer still holding DEAD SHEEP, green peppers, onion slice and a Montebello shroom garnished in olive oil and paprika!
Everyone was AGHAST, as Reggie Spike the THIRD (111) (think Bernie Maddof) was not only an AVOWED Vegan but also  a successful WALL STREET corporate raider who had fleeced millions to successfully make his billions! The banquet chatter was: "If THIS crap can happen to Reggie, what hope is there for the rest of US!?" Anyhow, word out/dead guy - Reggie - in the powder room, but no-one skipped the soup and "table banter" enjoyed a new crescendo: "What a cool fellow. Played Lacrosse? Or maybe that was some-one else?"
The LAPD (in bags), D'tects, CSI Fashionistas, etc., showed up, looked confused, but noticing D n'D amongst the ILLUMINI  sought his counsel.
"Dick! Thank God!" they exclaimed. "The 'Kebab dude'-VIC fleeced millions of poor honest folks thru WALL STREET. So how can we narrow it down to one suspect?"
D & D, without looking up from his plate of  mutton, replied: "Look for ANOTHER Vegan at the banquet. Your VIC probably crossed the VFL (vegan-fellowship-line) and 'ate da meat!'...A woman suspect, perhaps (ladies room?)?"
And so: It was. The WIFE - not such a poor little lamb, and as rich as she was, she had to eat the rind!...
9 months later, a waitress from the Illumini banquet, a new mother and baby - Reggie IV - were doing fine.

(Singing:) We are poor little lambs who've lost our way? -Baa, baa, baa!

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/THE MENU MURDERS-MURDER A'LA CARTE (1 to 5) of 100 wicked tales of food, murder and sin!...:)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ THE HOP-LITES!

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ THE HOP-LITES!

DAY 1:  The HOP-LITES, a, er...GREEK band showed up at the HOTEL DAVE (Priceless, 1 nite, so hop-it!); all 17 (seventeen) of them/boys and girls, but an ALL European ensemble: Celtic Rock-a-Busy; fiddles, Balalaikas, bongos, lutes & tambourines! This outfit's normal form of communication is English-ish or Esperanto; all wearing ancient Greek Chorus-theatre masks/Gothic-hippie, their attire?
As I said: 17 of the suckers, ages 17 to 30 years old and too much for the HOTEL DAVE, plus, they weren't disposed to leaving all their music equipment (gear) in the VAN, ergo? Their gear "slept" in the HOTEL DAVE and the BAND slept in the Camper-trailer-Winnebago (Van) bunk bed accommodation,  all except the band's leader, APOLLO LUDICROUS who crashed in the Hotel Dave's cucina (kitchen)! The band's gear, of course, was given HOTEL DAVE Student discount... as none of it snored.

DAY 2:  ...I get em (The HOP-LITES) a "flash-gig" at BAR VESPA with Bombshell Mary and hubby Enrico. The Hop-Lites repertoire includes:
"Tales of Brave Ulysses" -by CREAM
"Go tell the Spartans?" -by DAVE DELACROIX
"The Golden Fleece." - a sexually explicit, original song.
"Trojan Horse!" - original song.
"Helen, U bitch!" -original song.
"Achilles heel?" -original song.
"NO vino for Cyclops." -original song.

...They (the Hop-lites) cleared this Italian bar in only 3 songs, yet jammed for 2 hours! Bombshell Mary and hubby Enrico paid em' off in Pizza, Vino and a tip jar for gas (benzine). Next stop? THE HOP-LITES, continuing their World-wide tour were taking a Cargo Freighter out of GENOA to MEXICO... "Va ya con Dios, Amigos!" -I wanna be an Argonaut too!...:)

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/piacenza.

Friday, August 22, 2014

our man in europe/davedelacroix; "Lilli from the Valley"

dave deòacrpoix/ "çoòòy from, t6he Baòòe3yu...!Our Man ib Europe/f
...must be dsruinkl:;

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Lilly from da Valley"...

...Her name was Lilly -of the valley. She stole mah heart away. Her name was LILLY from  da valley; from da valley...of Love?
Don't ya GO DOWN Mr. Murphy; less U talk to me? Her name is Lilly of da Valley; da valley  of love?

(Recordings:) She sez: "Maybe if I like U, a keep U hanging around? -her name was Lilly of the Valley, and I loved her, loved her so?

Then? She sez: "Here are the ground rules - no sex until we're married, yodel-ay-yodel hee-hee" -I say: "Heavens to Mercko-troid- Babee! Amah your Slave!"...?

Then she left me for Another, someday I may recover (yodeò, yodel Missippi")

Her name was Lilly.but I gave mah heart away? Her name was Lilly an - sing mah song away...

RAGAZZI: "...Lilly of da Val!...:="      TRA-LA-LA!!!:)

c 2014/dave delacroix/lord bordo, piacenzabzx itaeeeee..

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Mandrake Root."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/lord Borgo/ "The Mandrake Root".

(composed, lucidly, by Dave D. and BLIND BILL)

"I wouldn't worry 'bout it?"
"I would!!!"
"Did U ever wonder 'bout Cafe Lunghi?"
"A drink?"
"Idiot! No. The GIRL!... U slept with her
on the 4th. of July?"
"I did?... Fireworks?"
"It was almost televised!"
"What happened?"
"Do U want to know?"
"It's YOUR story...?"
"Well, her Padre was called MANDRAKE;
one of dem cats who hung out with
"Don't get ambitious!... Anyways,
MANDRAKE, hung out with FRED
(in the early days); Rimini;
 discovered Film, Sound
after years of dissipation?"
"He drank a lot. Had a MONO
Record Player just STACKED
"And Frank Sinatra!"
"What happened to Bix?"
"Bix showed up!"
"In person?"
"Don't be stupid! He (Bix)
was a genius. Shot Heroine/
died young...and left ALL of his debts."
"I'm still paying them off!"
"YOU'RE the kid!?"
"May as well be..."
"Say WHA?"
"Da Mandrake Root!"
"U pick us and WE SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!"

c 2014/our man in europe/davedelacroix/lord borgo..

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/THE OUTSIDER (Il Stranniere)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix// THE OUTSIDER (Il Straniere/...whot ever!)

...Old dude (bud) leaning on a kid (that would be U);  Spring in the lap of Winter, with battered guitar and a heart that will give the world "da finger!"? Certainly, no message, not much love? NO WISDOM. Wisdom is a myth, but choice words and a smile? Least ways, fleeting? Perhaps a kiss? Life IS one! So? Can WE now smile together?

...Never trust a man who doesn't drink and keep one eye on the NON-smokers; if your next - bella-donna - TRUE LOVE already owns a DOG, U must ask yourself: "WOT IS MAH JAWB!?" If U are a DUDE - totally lonely? - frickin' buy one! (a dog). Make sure dat sucker is a Pedigree/bella-donnas will arrive by droves to pat the sucker.

IF U want to be alone? Shoot the dog and get on Facebook.

c 2014/davedelacroix/lord borgo/parma-italia.