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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....WHEN ICEBERGS weep...Cities Drown!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... When Icebergs Weep...Cities drown!

*Intention was to compose a Children-s Song for future Eco-conscious generations.

When Icebergs cry
U wonder why
there-s too much
hot air
in this room

When Icebergs cry
and CLEARLY why,
don-t turn
or U will despair

….A Song, A Dance,
never-ending trance,
Pazzo Tarantella!
It may BE your last

When Icebergs weep
whilst U sleep,
when Icebergs weep
Cities drown!

c.dave Delacroix, Bar-Tabacci La Fernice, Sciacca, Sicily.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

OUR MAN in Europe, dave delacroix.....TANGO!, SENORE VECCHIO and MELISSA.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.....TANGO!, SENORE VECCHIO and MELISSA.

1.... Tango!

*dedicato. Ann-Marie Yaccobucci.

YOUR EMERALD eyes they touch my Soul, we twist IN-step, an IN-tellect, a turn, a swirl, a twitching HIP, a Lover-s stance...when U DIP.
 A CAROUSEL of Heart-s desire, an INCUBUS, a SUCCUBUS-fornication, a recipe for a DECEIT, a restrained KISS, a LINGERIE of my Dedication for 2!
A USURPATION of ALL Soul, a rite of Passage to keep us whole, a step towards Death itself, to breathe new life,
 TANGO! Have mercy! Have mercy on my Soul! Your EMERALD eyes, they bleed my core, we twist IN-step, a turn, a swirl, a twitching HIP, a Lover-s stance...when U Dip.

2....Senore Vecchio.

Senore Vecchio in the rain, stuttering walk, pre-amble, vecchio Walking Cane, flat cap, miss-matched suit-jacket, open shirt, baggy pantalone, NO umbrella and a grey Tomorrow, missing the Bambini, Sopra Morte, fratelli, Sorelli, scattered to the 4 winds....SINGING!
Quando Sonoria di Dio… Dove la bela di Vita...arriverderci...C-ome Cantastoria, Siciliano….I STAND before U with my vecchio cane...


GAL on her Cell-phone LOOKS UP, suspicion! NO! No-one to witness her DIZZING in cyber-space, in the hope of satisfaction, forlorn.
 GAL on Phone, Mind-dancing a tune where there ARE no Laws, no Rules understood...by her PAPPA, the next boyfriend or the Fashion-istas she meets, Phone to Phone at the local CafĂ©.
 GAL on a Cell-phone, a finger of GOD U-surped into GAL-Heaven and a Social Isolation of the bela Fauns in abstract carnivale!

c2018,Oct.23,Sciacca,Sicily,Cafe Porta Palermo *Bar Odeon., 2-3.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....A Hunters Moon.... Rembrandt in da Night.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....A Hunters Moon.....Rembrandt in the Night.

*dedicate Caterina at Vit. E Bar and  and Melissa at Murphys Pub and Miss X, Miss X, Miss X...

1....A Hunters Moon.....

Like Aggieville, KC V. KS!!!...USA Basketball,
a TAVOLA, a table in SCIACCA, Sicily… A COP!
2 English Language Teachers.
SPARE GAL and Larry, Curly and Moe
from Palermo...YO!
WHO-s the BEER for! Vino! Whisky!
WHO-s designing the STAGGER,
tomorrows streets, them Life details
and WHO get to KISS the COP,
BUSTED for Bad Quadrangles of
latent LAW, Smoking, NO smoking
with broken DENTIST,
the guy at your table
all-predestined like the tavola, the table,
a vacanza-notte, somebody WROTE
under a Hunter-s moon, late October,
when Love fails...despair comes too soon
like AGGIVILLE, Manhattan-Kansas,
Kansas State V. Kansas City,
the ROAR....and what U know! /IS SHE
your Babee tonight....IS SHE....your
Babee tonight.

2....Rembrandt in the Night.

Rembrandt IN his Night, tonight, WISTERIA,
eye to eye, a POUT, UN-screamed,
do we FUCK or FEAR...

Rembrandt, Night-light, candle flicker
on an ALTER of TIME,
time was as U IZZZZZZZZ.

Elsa Manchester, wife.
Charles Laughton, Rembrandt,
1950s UK movie,
now DEAD Thespians
who conveyed the In-between

like Rembrandt
in the flicker of an Eye.

c2018, davedelacroix, paralysis in one arm. using vinegar to cure. Sciacca, sicily.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...TEXAN, TEXAS LAMIA.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...TEXAN, Texas Lamia.

*For Jim Foltmer.

WICKED HIZZ-kiss, hypnotic EYES that go in con-centrifugal dynamic, rid me of all my suspicions and your lies, whilst your coils gather, my nether limbs, a sweet caress, a come-on-baby whim, to find myself in the coils of your control without the last option of, before I suffocate, Masturbating frantically over someone who doesn't look like U  or wearing a Sporran or Kilt, the last chance at a Highland Fling!...Stuff like that!!!

I MISSED U in EL PASO. I MISSED U in DEL RIO. In Brownsville, by the border, Sweet Juanita. And I, too, DEPORTED from the Land of the Free, UN-COILED from a SOCIETIES advocated Tyranny, Yet Tyrannies to COME awash in Man-s endeavour, and WHERE-EVER we may ROAM!!!! Like a WICKED KISS
 A Wicked Kiss.
 Hello to the NEW Devil.
POLISH the Fucker-s HORNS!

It-s the OLD ONE U will miss.

c2018, dave Delacroix, bar odeon, Sciacca, sicily, rainy day

Our Dude in Crazy NOW, dave delacroix....upSIDE dOWN.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....an AMERICAN....upside eden

*Brian Pavlik. My USA Buddy.

Upside  EDEN, ADAM got TITS, EVE got a DICK and the STAR of the Show goes HIZZZZZZZ!
Upside Eden, Adam in Counseling, EVE in Jail, a DUI, that molto Lamia Control trail....like EL Paso, Texas.
Local Sheriff SEZ, jest a couple o-kids, lost their Cell-phones, forgot how to kiss.

c.2018. dave Delacroix. In MIND, West of the Pecos!

OUR Man in Europe, dave delacroix... PRANZO-POSTS, 1 to 3... No Inuendo, etc.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....The Pranzo Posts, 1 to 3.

*dedicato Sarah B. Solo in Tennessee, USA.

1....NO Innuendo.

NO INNUENDO under Albani Botteglia, Bottle trees. NO Innuendo on a grassy lea. No innuendo, NOTTE, sights and Sciacca-Sicily sounds. No innuendo, the LOVE we have found.

No innuendo, frolic on a beach, a swim, a KISS, where Lovers meet...
No innuendo in a sad Goodbye, no need to EVER wonder why...

NO INNUENDO in a photograph, that joyful SELFIE, it never lasts! No innuendo in a FURNACE, love-s despairing Night! No innuendo, Bela, arrivederci Innuendo.

2....JIM MORRISON-s last Song.

THE KILLER AWOKE before dawn! He CHECKED his Cellphone!
Message. from DAD. He responded, LEND ME SOME MONEY!!!
Message. from Madre, he replied, LEND ME SOME DOLLARS!!!
And THEN, the KILLER...Jim...who had found a REAL Job in a Rock Band...
PUT HIS NIKE'S ON!!!!….An he WALKED on down dah HALL! YEAH!
He walked on down the Hall, found the BATHROOM...All Clear.
This....THE END.

3.....Empty Rooms....A Song.

A Dart lies fallen...on the Bar-room floor.
Never hit the Dartboard....never made a Score.
And don-t it SEEM like...something U seen before,
or maybe FELT...but there-s always more!

A Girl she stands ALONE...waitin for the Midnight train.
Don-t U know-it never worked out! -so
she-s going Home again. And don-t it SEEM like
with your every Throw-Away! With your every pair
of Old Shoes!

One of these Days...I will show YOU your Life.
Trapped in an Old Man-s face
or Imprisoned like a...BATTERED WIFE!
There-s no great DOOM...there-s no great Tale.
Just days of empty rooms...Just days of empty rooms.....

c2018,davedelacroix. 3 Pranzo Canzone, BAR ODEON, Sciacca, Sicily, 2018, October.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....The House of Mirth.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix, The House of Mirth.

It-s SO HARD to know when U R the Belle of the Ball, your Village, Town, City, frills and all. It-s SO hard to know or understand people who SUCCUBUS and crawl at your feet. Likewise, it-s so hard to devour ROTTEN fruit, pass Caviar or dainty Canapes, the Loves U knew, NOW, no longer pounding at your Virgin door...

IT-S SO hard to exclaim...I LUV U, when barely a hoarse whisper, your thyroid throat will do. It-s so hard to travel 3rd Class and the Pullman Waiter, dismissing U, drinks your Pale Ale. It-s so hard to REMEMBER that HOUSE OF MIRTH where Life-s Infancy was once so fancy free or to kiss a Princes hand, now withdrawn.

c2018,davedelacroix,sciacca,sicily,bar odeon.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...DID I miss U...

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....DID I miss U...

DID I miss U in Portofino, did I miss U in BRAZIL, did I miss U in Costa Rica, mi bela, sole-amica! Did I miss U in old Torino, in Bobbio, on the road to Rivergaro! Did I miss U in the Veneto where WE first fell in love...please answer...and U don-t...which is WHY I hate your Guts, you-re GONE, our KIDS are NUTS in N.Y.C and L.A. And my HANDS on a GUN, I SURELY would, physically, but I-ve already SHOT myself in the foot!

DO U remember Vansee, BERLIN, where we whispered ICH LIEBER DICH...and NOW, Lawyers, like VALKYRIES swarm to peck at the chest of Prometheus, the Patron Saint of Divorcees, one of those Greek God dudes. Legends, smothered in Hummus and Ouzo!
Did I miss U in Monte Carlo, did I miss U in the Dordogne..I drink of a cup of your Love, my sweet, and sing Love Songs ever more.

c2018,oct. davedelacroix, Sciacca, sicily, bar farnese.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....IZZY!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....IZZY!

*dedicato fellow Artist Patrick McClellan Allen and Bela Reza Hyatt. The King and Queen of Park County, up by Fairplay town, Colorado, USA.

IZ it Yr beginning
Iz it yr END
Iz it Yr Futurama
Iz it Yr Blend,
latte, Nero or piss!

OF U, in tune, a mood, a thing, a DANCE
into a Night or a K-K-Kiss, a HUG
a subliminal-thingy that says
is ALL I-m worth...

IZ it Yr Intuition
Iz it some Parental THANG
that starts with Music
then ALL falls down!
Left U with a ZING!!!


IZ it SOME kind of Yesterday
Iz it some kind of Today
IZZY some kind of Tomorrow
that never GOES away
Iz it Yr beginning
and as for your Futurama,
a Yesterday
where all Tomorrows belong.


c2018,davedelacroix,murphys pub, Sciacca, sicily.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...3 dark Sonnets.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....3 Dark Sonnets. No. 1.... YAZOO!

Can U YAZOO the Yazoo, can U boogaloo dah BOOGALOO or tell me where, YES! Your YESTERDAY, stuck in an office, waylaid on a factory floor, encumbered by paperwork, certificates of LADEN, documents, triple-signed to ever more, like the pressed leaves in your NOW daughters colouring book, a future Diarist, Puberty, sexual liaisons with the local boys. Yet NOBODY knows how to YAZOO the Yazoo...better than U.

Can U play Fife and Drum, tap your feet, a MORRIS MAN, Salute, pontificate, HOW-d those GERMANS, from what INSIDIOUS Culture... whistle DIXIE and send their TEENAGERS off to TWO WORLD WARS... ever repeating, TOMORROW-s shores, Kremlin, Gooks-ville, Yo! No P.C.! The Muslim DALTONS, Jews off the Reservation, and a Pied Piper to lead them ALL into the Hell of their making, whilst planet EARTH, for now, slumbers still...to the sound of Man-s YAZOO!

Can U YAZOO the YAZOO with the FUCKER who lives....next door to U..... Better still. Can U quit Blowing...

c2018,davedelacroix,ourmanineurope. I-m seriously depressed. Will SAVE the other Sonnets for another time. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...\Long legged Bela from Palermo...

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Long legged Woman from Palermo...

*dedicato Anna Cimo

SHE WAS only 16, she was only 18, and, DANG! Didnt I fall IN LOVE! But when she asked me to VOTE Republican I just knew that she wanted ME for my Body!

She was only 16, I was ONLY 15, the right time to fall in Love! But she was TOO SWEET, being a Diabetic, so I said Goodbye to love!

And as for your ever-lasting legs...to your honey, sweet Bela from Palermo!!!!
Mi SUCCUBUS... the Local Ragazzi, but not MIO ...
Forget... Tomorrow! O SOLE MIO, etc.

She was only 16, a Screen Fellini, how could I ever know! She was only 16, I was only  15, a LOLLITA...Imaginari...bela serata!

Sole 16! Sole 16! Sole 16! ….Arriverderci!

…….Arrivee con Vino!

2018,davedelacroix,murphys bar, Sciacca,sicily

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....The Crescent Moon.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... The Crescent Moon.

HOW MANY miles to Babylon
3-Score and !0.
Can I get there by candlelight..
Yes! And back again.

How many MOMENTS
to say I love U
in the words of HAFIZ,
a Persian Poet, Sub-rosa
or how many YEARS
till Mid-East Peace,


How many Sun Rises
till Man-s LOVE
conquers ALL,
2 wrongs don-t make a Right
and the night is LONG
that never finds the Day!

How many miles to Babylon,
Arab, Muslim, Jew!
3-Score and 10
a Hittites WHIM!
And nothing-s Old, or New...

How many miles to Babylon
3-Score and 10.
Can I get there by candle light…
Yes. And why not!
All the way back again...

How many miles to Babylon....

Does ANYONE want to GO ...under a Crescent Moon...

c2018,davedelacroix,sciacca,sicily.Oct. 9.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....CELLPHONE SONG.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... CELLPHONE SONG.

*dedicato to the Rich Punk KID, yakking on his Cellphone,  driving his Daddies BMW who almost ran me down, didn't stop, on the via Lacata, Sciacca, Sicily. Beyond Menace, Me-thinks. Could have been an old Gal with Shopping bags....

Cellphone Song.... Cogniscenti and fellow Rock Stars will easily guess the Melody.


Have U ever been Lonely
have U ever been YOU,
gone and lost your Cellphone
just STUCK and SO blue...
Have U ever been Star-struck
to find out WHAT U R,
all alone without a Cellphone,
that-s WHO U R.

Crawling under the blankets
late at Night
NO Communication,
no Cellphone-candle light!
Introduction to Nightmares
of HOW Life used to be,
somebody stole your Cellphone
and left U with....TO BE!

Have U ever gone DRIVING
WITHOUT your Cellphone...
Cyclists feel SAFER,
Bikers free to roam!
PEDESTRIANS! A New Confidence!
-less YOU get a Twitter-Shock!
Fatal Traffic-STATS go down a mile
when your Cellphone-s in Hock!

Have U ever been Lonesome,
ITCHY-Twitter-less, NOTHING to do...
Have U gone stark raving raving MAD,
No-one-s phoning YOU!!!
Yet, did U THEN find yourself a SELFIE
inside your OWN mind...
Alas, Sweetie-pie, NOT A CLUE,
it-s been such a long time...

Have U ever been Lonely
Have U ever been YOU
Have U ever, facia e facia/
face to face, whispered,
Babee...I Love U.....

c2018,9th October,porta Palermo café,sciacca,sicily.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...Unknown Region.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Unknown Region...

So! Buck Up!... AS I WAS happily skipping along in my Print dress, striped knickerbockers, red shoes, Azurro Boys shorts-Leder-hosen, humming WHOOPEE-DO in those good old SWISS Alps, trying to RE-decide my Sexuality, with one hand on my ATM PIN number, the OTHER on my Rubber Duck, like Wagner-s SIEGFRIED.... I wondered, as YOU would, on an alpine Glacier of Thought.....Internet Valkyries all over the place! What-s an old displaced Neder-Saxon like me to do! Yup. Be SWISS. ALPINE. Damn things, the ALPS, THRUSTED out of the Earth-s core like a Euro-erection, Spermiating SNOW. Idiots have been skiing on them for over a century in hopes of....It-s downright Pagan!

To the SOUTH, along came the Renaisance.An Italian CLOSET of creativity and War. In the early 1500s Popes Alexander, Julius and Leo X all considered the Alpine region as NON LUCRATIVE, due to its sparse population, people being fiscal slaves, prone to FAITH in lieu of Life-s enigma, those ALPINOS with NO apparent wealth, Un-worthy of the Fiscal Fold and....chasing those bastards up those god damn mountains, deemed fiscally Godless. And tradition has it that the SWISS were pretty much vagabonds hailing from a mulligatawny of races, influences including...and transit ROBBERS of ….

As for the Cuckoo Clock and the Swiss Army Knife and RUCOLA cough mixture...just like the soon to be depleted WORLD OIL reservoirs, the Swiss Banking dynamic...Arriverderci. Its ALL gone OFFSHORE. The SECRET was once the Secret. But now it-s not a Secret....any more. It-s a NEW insidious OPEN secret where-in the World-s Fiscal Wealth lies....NEVER IN THE FIELD OF HUMAN HISTORY AS SO MUCH BEEN PROVIDED BY SO MANY for so few...

On this Blog I get a lot of HITS from NO COUNTRY, just an Unknown region. Could be KIDS fleeing the War in SYRIA, Immigrants on inflatable rafts sailing from North Africa to Southern Europe in search of a better life. Somebody got a Cellphone! Some Mezzo-Americano swimming across the Texas Rio Grande...probably drowning. Stressed out. No Milk today!.....in the Unknown Region.

This Blog gets a lot of Hits from the Unknown Region. My name is Dave...and I will keep on writing.


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... THE NAKED CITY....There are 36,000 Storia in the City of Sciacca...

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... THE NAKED CITY...There are 36,000 stories in the City of SCIACCA...in Sicily.

HARD-WIRED to Rock N Roll
hardwired to LOVE
hardwired to the FEAR of Music-Biz Snakes,
a business full of Reptiles...

Hard-wired to say, LOVE ME DO
or BE a Stranger in the Night
the Alpha Man, which WAY
but GO WEST young Man..

...avoiding the Fagots, sexual predators,
that INSTANT coffee of insidious
to which I ALWAYS said....

….for SOME obscure reason
Unbeknown to YOU, U SCUMBAG
I am...an Artist...I-m HARD-WIRED
to be A ROCK-Star... Your
nearest relative  last heard
just caught a Cold.

Last heard, HARD-WIRED
I think of my loved ones
hard, pretty-much Wired
in ALL we do.

In Sicily I-m HARD-WIRED
yet with a smile...Rest after toil...Port after storm,
Death after life....doth greatly please......

WOW! A Caravelle, full sail,
like music.... sailing on an Emerald Sea...JEEZE! I KNOW
one of those Shipmate Scally-Wags! He owes  me a bloody brew!!!!

There are 36,000 stories in the Sicilian City of Sciacca. THIS has been one of them.

c2018, davedelacroix,sciacca,sicily…

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Song-Canzone....PALERMO.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Song, Canzone....PALERMO

*No sleep till Brooklyn-No dormire, riposare, arivee Palermo...composed in my BEST Anglo-Siciliano, Italiano Lingua. Molto Rock N Roll. A SLOW Canzone-Romantico.


NO DORMIRE, riposare-Arrivee Palermo
no dormire, riposare, arivee tonight
no sleep, no rest, till la Strada-Lunghi!
No dormire reposare, arivee Amica!
Il CHORALE di Dio, la Luna!

No dormire, riposare, arivee ma Bela!
No dormine, no riposare, no arrive,
no dormire, no riposare, no arrive
my Highway, long and hard

No dormire, no riposare, no arrive
yet through the wind
and driving snow...I see Palermo.....!

NO DORMIRE, no riposare, no arrive
mi bela….BASTA!!!! Amore... Con Guitar...
…......I come home to U.

c2018,davedelacroix.sciacca, sicily. Dedicato to Pietro and Vivia. Salute a Palermo. SORRY about the Spelling!