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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, No: 13: "MUSSEL-TOV!"


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix: No: 13: "Mussel-tov!"

We ALL get to die at some point? Disease or the Ides of March? We all get CARRIED AWAY by some folks , minimum-wages/glad to bugger-off to the Tavern; there-s no DIGNITY in CORPUS-FUCK-UP; maybe a Lover shows up, glances at your RIGOR-MORTIS and tries to remember, fucking like Jack-rabbits listening to BIX BEIDERBECK or screaming to EACHOTHER bout paying the Manhattan Rent? Was it EVER cheap there, Jew on Jew?

WE ALL get the "Big-\kahuna", that seventh Wave of Life? The one that cleans out your domestic secrets, sad bank accounts, your forlorn dignity? Remember when U bought that DRESS!? Man!! That Suit! Ready! Some Rock N Roll? But it never  WHOOSIS; Tomorrow-s foil? And the Plans for Lake Tahoe, the Caravan, GO HIT THE ROAD and all that Spaghetti, that NEW YORK GOLD, outside of California where WE said "for sure!", our dream would come true, such a distant shore..?.

IN Soho (South-Houston) street, pronounced "HOWSTON", Rabbi Abe told me never to marry U? Rabbi Abe said the SAME thing to ME! I guess he knew? What did he know? Well, he had the Torah? Had he traveled? From Mulberry Street? There-s that. I guess he didnt know about America? Does anyone? Now that U mention it...And here, Babuska, we are!...Where!? Where we need to be.

c.davedelacroix., 2022, belize. UKRAINE DIARY.

OUR MAN in Europe/UKRAINE: N0: 11: "DEAR PUTIN!"

OUR MAN in Europe, dave delacroix, UKRAINE, No:11: "DEAR PUTIN!"

(ALMOST Beatles Song) "DEAR PUTIN, wont U come out tonight? DEAR PUTIN, come out and see your WARFARE sight? DEAR PUTIN: wont U come out tonight? And see UKRAINE URBAN RUBBLE, bodies in the Streets?

DEAR PUTIN, my CITY is so COLD, and six-feet-under, madres, KINDER so bold, singing of their INNOCENCE, a Z Tank, a CRUCIFIX, Dear Putin? Stop this tonight. (Kids singing of HOPE in City Basements.)

DEAR PUTIN, Mothers, Russia-UKRAINE say STOP THIS HATE; millions of Refugees now flee from your Hate? And whilst our GUITARs gently weep, another Russian/Ukraine Soldier LYING at your feet; Dear Putin, U R ALONE...tonight!

DEAR PUTIN, take your Money/Glory: GO!!!...

c.davedelacroix, 2022, mar.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Our Man in Europe, No: 10:Belize/Ukraine!,: "Zelinky-Song!"

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix: "ZELINSKY SONG."

WHEN I DIE, no worries. WHEN I AM BORN; Tell me? When I DIE, flowers, a PARADE, nothing I-d wonder bout, but when I-M BORN (ZELENSKY) please consult me? 

When I-m BORN U-d better tell me what the GIG IS, what COSTUME, what SPEECH; tell me da Gig? When I-m DEAD, NO WORRIES, my Wife, KIDS, will "YAY!" my Gig. Maybe my Neighbors, Maybe MY NATION; either way: I-m a UKRAINE MAN!

WHEN I DIE, no worries; I gotta BLOOD that knows bout EXTERMINATION; that CULTURAL DYNAMIC that I SHARE with UKRAINE, RUSSIAN, INTERNATIONAL-PATRIOT. and that NO TYRANT can kill...until the day I die.

A Pity the WORLD ONLY wantes to give me a Cadillac/get-out OF HELL -card or a Nobel Peace Prize?

(Childrens BODIES. Theatre. Maripol Theatre)

c.davedelacroix., Corozal, Belize. (Norwegians for Ya!?), Zelinkys Song!

OUR MAN in EUROPE, elize, Ukraine: No: 8: "Marie-Claude: The Doctor!"

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, Belize, UKRAINE., No: 8: "Marie-Claude." (The Doctor)

!915, "marie-claude (Doctor) saved my \montmartre life? \I was British, she was PARISIAN. The OTHER-GUYS (Germans fellas) were launching long rage CANNON -thingies?...My PERNOD was totally destroyed. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Marie-Claude and I, at the Bar had time to discuss this. We DUCKED mostly then fell in love?

1940: In Lyon; Marie-Claude: YOWSA! Jewish? Got her on a SPY PLANE to England. I was arrested/believed dead..

2022: In KYIV (Keev) Marie-Claude (Doctor), bombs-falling: MORE scared than ME; we hugged our sandwiches/AK-47-s.and hugged each others FLAK jackets!...Wishin WE were in Montmartre? Our walking sticks, we WAVE!.. for our Grand MAMA....in 1915!


c.dave delacroix./for Ukrainian & Russian Friends!/FREEDOM OF SPEECH!

Our Man in Europe./Belize/UKRAINE: No: 8: The CZAR!"


Our Man in Europe, Belize, UKRAINE: No:8: "PUTIN-The CZAR!!!"

THIS SIDE  of CZAR; that benevolent FUR-capped "Uncle" who will fix your FOOD, your "Borscht", your GIG: A Beatles Song: "Back in the USSR" or Momma never had to worry bout SOUP in the Market; Borscht, when she DANCED in "Prospeckt", your town or mine?

This side of CZAR; when COULD I SPEAK FREE (2022), who ARE these TYRANTS who smother my SPEECH; I speak for my MOMS, my PEOPLE who stopped NAZI TANKS with their Blood? Do I not deserve Respect?

THIS SIDE of CZAR and the BLOOD of my Sisters/Brothers, longside WE fought, 1941-45, now U destroy my house, my sofa, my TV, my KID; a REFUGEE and I must bear ARMS -gainst my RUSSIAN-COMRADES of Old? Who decrees this CANABILISM....Your Kremlin?....Let me know? WE R Refugees (Bombs! Bombs! Missiles in Ukraine!)....Let UKRAINE, be free.

Dave delacroix. /be well my Ukraine/Russian friends. Spread the NEWS of the WAR-horror!

Sunday, March 20, 2022


 OUR MAN in Europe, Belize, UKRAINE, No:7: "Da BALLOON."

WHEN DA BALLOON GOES UP, (Ukraine-Russia); sorry kids, dat Egg-Mac-manwich AINT no more and its no good me driving to your SCHOOL cos ya School aint there any more? Dads outta a JOB cos the Job gone "Whoosis" and that SUN-TAN U getting wont wear a way too soon.

WHEN DA BALLOON goes, GONE UP, ya Mama filled the "Deep-Freeze"; got Peas, frozen fries, BURGERS, we should be OK for a while? Junior! No need to cut the grass, doing it by itself and the local 7-11; no worries. They died or already left?

WHEN da BALLOON goes up? Dont ask me WHY? I didnt VOTE for any of those SCUMBAGS who sent Missiles in the sky? But, Hey? I kitted out our Basement.

c.2022, dave delacroix.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, in Belize, UKRAINE: No.5: "Mother Courage".

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, in Belize, in UKRAINE: No:5: "Mother Courage." 

When your coiffeur is DONE, when your Tits droop and that Dick or Saddle-bags stand testament to your Maturity, a GIG U never thought to see, "Ou sans les neige, dantan?" yet faced EVER with infernal Tomorrows, worries, Kids, Grand-Kids, WAR & PEACE; how to treat a Wound, BURN, SHELL-SHOCK a-la-UKRAINE, remembering a Song of your Mammas Youth, maybe?

When your CLOTHES, wracked to RUIN, underwear, FEMALE-products at the PHARMACIE, now shelled & destroyed, but U must BE BRAVE for the Kids, Young Wives, post-natal, shivering in fear and YOU, like MOTHER-COURAGE; no job for you, a glance at your bracelet, a Soldier, in yester-years War he gave to U? They NEVER come back. Dead in carnage. Brave lads who danced for your affection?

When your finger-nails, crippled with cold and all sanitation for the Young & the Old is despair and the WEAKEST cry, scream, yet the naturally BOLD, Kids, Soldiers, TEENS rise UP and say, "Tomorrow-s Our Day!" your SKIRTS surround in one final HURRAH!...and the rest, liberated, is how they find U...

c.dave delacroix. March, 2022. (Death to Putin-Tyrant).

Our Man in Europe, Belize, UKRAINE, No.4: Pontius Pilat. (Putin-Madness)

Our Man in Europe, Belize, UKRAINE, No.4: Pontius-Pilat (Putins-Madness) 

PONTIUS PILOT dont WASH, cant WASH my hands, hospitals, THEATRE-BOMB-SHELTERS, no protection. BODIES on the Kyiy Streets. BODIES in the LAND: MY Apartment, my Sofa, my T.V. BLOWN UP! Will Vlad Putin pay me? My damned Car! Wrecked! But mostly, my WIFE & KIDS, dodging Missile/bomb attacks? Can they make it safely to Poland/?

Tough GIG to FIGHT my RUSSIAN BROTHERS; we-together defeated the NAZIS, now, like CANNIBALS we R faced, reluctantly, with each other: No-one wants to SHOOT!

Pontius Pilat, where R U? The Children of Russia AND UKRAINE say STOP this MADNESS!!!


Sunday, March 13, 2022


 Our Man in Europe, Belize, ukraine: MESSAGE to UKRAINE REFUGEES.

I HAVE a VILLA in COROZAL, BELIZE. Connect with British High Commission/EMBASSY here or DIRECT on Facebook/or (BZ) 633 3338,,,,we have Accommodation for TWO (group) families. I am a British Subject. By THIS BLOG U can say I KNOW U. U R welcome for temp. retreat. Hugs!!!


Monday, March 7, 2022

Our Man in Europe/Belize/Ukraine, No: 2: "The Night before." (Putin-s Promises.)

Our Man in Europe/Belize/Ukraine/, No:2: "The Night before." (Putin-s promises.)

Never trust a Word I say from the Night before? Never kiss again the Man U made from the Night before? Never hold me to the Truth or call on that LOAN, or spend your Youth on the Word of that Man from the Night before.

Never whisper sweet-nothings in your pillow-dreams to the Man from the Night before? Never DEPEND on your FLIGHT, your Tomorrow with the Man, the Night before? Never promise your Soul, your Virginity, your Tomorrow-s Gold; never again do you look the Man in the eye from the Night before.

Never count you Chickens, already gone, with the Man from the Night before? Abandon all your exotic Plans with the Man from the Night before; never issue a WRIT; he-ll find a disguise that-ll never fit? But don-t U cry; U R not alone.

Never trust a Word I say from the Night before? In Vino-Veritas, but then dismissed by a hangover of Wails that decry his provost declaration! To let U know, a pocket-book of memories: All bets are off in a dawning realization that leaves the Believer quite torn! And forlorn.

c.2022, dave delacroix. 

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Our Man in Europe/Belize/UKRAINE: No: 001: "GUITAR!!!"

 Our Man in Europe/Belize/Ukraine, dave delacroix: No: 001: "GUITAR!!!"

I strummed a chord, I saw your face and FOOL that I am the rest is History? I strummed a chord on my guitar, it resonated, love and war? Nations WAR-D, People sought PEACE and all the time I just hungered for your face?

I strummed a chord, resonant!!...It resounded beyond my countenance? I strummed a chord ...only for YOU and gave a lesser World a feud?

I strummed a guitar, a GIRL, she sang the words; her sound, lost in WARFARE, her beauty-distressed?

 Her SOUL lies on a battlefield, MAULED-deranged; her petticoats now bandagers for TEEN-AGERS who-d live on the NET, now wounded, freezing to death, thinkin of MOM!!!?

I strummed a CHORD, no guitar for ME again. I cry OUT to the Angels!?

c.davedelacroix., Corozal-Belize. BEWARE the IDES of MARCH!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Our Man in Belize/Europe; dave delacroix: "Beware the Ides of March."

 Our Man in Europe/BELIZE, dave delacroix: "Beware the Ides of March."

"LOOK! I-m NOBODY! I can barely afford a bloody (sic) TOGA. I make my DUCATS selling Women, SLAVES, Fish, the occasional Gladiator, a sloe-eyed Youth for a Roman Senator-s after-noon pleasure; I swear on CONCORDIA that, if I had KNOWN... I-d have gone UP-Country, Trivola, Lago Nemo, some place; even the Fields of Mars!? Now they got me in the FORUM: Bonfires, BLOOD, every where; nuttin to DO with me? The IMPERATOR, CEASAR is MURDERED!!!...LAWYERS are on my CASE; Centurions GUARDING ME; apparently I was on the "Grassy knoll"? I will incriminate NO-ONE but by doing so, NOT doing so, alas!!!...My Lawyer advises me/gave me a sharp dagger!..."

c.dave delacroix.

OUR MAN in BELIZE, dave delacroix; No: 118: "NO LOVE for MR LONELY."

 OUR MAN in Belize/Europe, dave delacroix, No: 118: "NO LOVE for MR LONELY." (Ukraine)

Survive or DIE, on either side what poor SOD gives his life? Farewell MOM, DAD, Wife or KIDS; I am but CANNON FODDER for another Mans plan? Nobody attacked my FARM, the cow in the barn? Who needs her Milk; Will gladly share?

SURVIVE or DIE; a FOREIGN wounded Soldier staggered wounded into my yard. My two daughters dressed his wounds but it was too little too late.

GRANDPA, World/WW2 weary, coughed and choked and cast a vengeance eye. He had seen this before. Yet he did not protest when his two lady grand children gave this foreign Soldiers a respectful burial and summoned an Orthodox Priest to bless the fallen Man-s sanctity.
