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Monday, December 31, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....MOUNT SINAI COWBOYS.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Mount Sinai Cowboys.

*for Gerry Franks. Jewish buddy who composed classic Jazz-tune, Metro-Girls.


I counted 347.
U R one short!
U wanna count them again...
U wanna waste my time...
I was just saying.

 We gotta get these-dem Steers Corralled.
Pretty much.
U wanna take the Rangy ones.
I thought we-d lasso the black and white Ones.
Leave the Colour-complex to the Gentile-Cowboys.
Pretty much.

c2018,davedelacroix, our man in the Kibutz, Sciacca-Sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix..... SOUTH on Sunday.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... South on Sunday.

Cruising-hanging-GROOVIN-getting loaded, UN-approved by the LAPD Over-seer-ers, the Tax-Payers-Fascist, Financed Dudes. BEEp-Beep! Think of a Rotund, swirling Flashing Ice-cream cone atop a black and white Sedan.

Don-t get excited U Misfits, badge and Gun ….COS I AINT there, your NEMESIS. White Boy, OR Black, going, WALKING, maybe ZIG-ZAG, but your Harmless mark!
And a great BOOG-A-LOO, San Francisco P.D. Your Rice-A-Roni big treat, soften the LUG in the drunk tank. What pours out of the Other-side, do U want a Lawyer or a Priest!

Neither SAN DIEGO, a tad inebriated, negotiating the Southern-end of the REAL EL CAMINO without speaking a Word of Spanish, on Interstate 5, wishing to DEFECT from Fiscal Tyranny to the Republic of Mexico.

Nope. None of those State-Nation-paid JACKALS can dis-abuse MY DIGNITY now...I pulled up my Pantaloons, and augmented my Sombrero. Went South on a Sunday. Said, Adios Amigoes! Arreverderci! Auf Weidershen! Au Revoir! CHEERIO!!! PARK A BANKSY SMILEY....And,  for better or worse, never looked back.

c2018,dec 31,ourman in Europe, dave Delacroix.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix..... Fortuna-Canzone, New Years Eve, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Fortuna-Canzone, New Years Eve, 2018.

He was DOWN on his Luck.
Could-a happened to anyone.
He was down on his luck,
nobody, nobody could-a predicted!
And on New Year-s Eve,
no Adam to bite
the apple of Fortuna.
He was down on his Luck,
a time, any time, any Joe.

SHE was down on her Luck.
Could-a happened to U or Me.
She was down on her Luck,
little fault, SHE, Life, either-way!
No kisses to give,
just innocent, God-s Glass Ceiling,
No bliss.
She was OUT  of the Game
sometimes, like WE.

And on New Year-s Eve
no Adam nor Eve,
outside of the Garden,
a Fortuna-Canzone, less we forget
Our Destiny...

HE was down. SHE too.
But ONLY this time...on New Year-s Eve.

c.2018, Dec.31. Ourmanin Europe-dude. Café Porta Palermo, Sciacca-Sicily.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...BABUSHSKA!.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Babushska!

By the the time I got to lake Bakyl, in Siberia, they told us to build Dachas. Freight trains arrived with Lumber but we DIDNT have Tools. At first it was a problem. Fortunately some of the LADS figured out how to construct a LATHE with local resources. ALL the time we were FREEZIN our butts off, NIGHT and Day. Day-time, of course, we shuffled around. There was a WOMENS Kamp-Lager, near-by. We never got to meet, just fantasized....


Thursday, December 27, 2018

Our Man in Europe, davedelacroix.....LOW PROFILE

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....LOW PROFILE.

She-s a Low profile GAL in the Dordogne, the one I love the most. and dosen-t BOTHER me, dont give UP her Inner Ghost, mine to HER or SHE to me, in Youth, Un-accountable,  except for the coldness of the over-seeing Clerk of Life with its tabled parchement and decisive Pen.

 She-s a Low Profile SISTA in Sicily,  who turns out to BE a MISTER when Times, Trouble, Yukky problems, an emergency, OMG!!!. Grazie Dio! MAIGRET!....She can figure it out! BASTA!!! A PERNOD, Monsieur, before I lose my mind!

I AM an Old Fashion Dude, in the USA,  walking Candle, white shamble suit, a Clochemerle-deranged, a sway into a personality, a Pipe, a glass of wine, a glance, an INNER idea, a kiss for your children, a salute for your Earth. POP Goes the Weasel! Nothing more or less, Me-thinks. But I am mostly loved.

Vogue-Culture! We focus on Ourselves yet NOT the stones beneath our Geography... ASK!!! Then where-in OUR hearts...pathos-questioning! Love-s spleen-bleeding, a SPECIE of Casualties.. The best of US STOICS revert to Drink...as in Roman times....and KEEP a low WHASSIT!!!.....Fish Soup, optional..

Meanwhile... She-s a Low profile, sits lonely upon a hill in an ancient Villa in Albania, vineyards-surround, yet every Festa-Anniversay KIDS with garlands, a-traditione, gather round to salute HOW COOL Low-Profile can be.
A Picnic. Munchies! Dancing...as a Therapy in  presence, Undiagnosed. And in the surrounding fields.... the Lavender blooms.

She-s a Low profile GAL. Someone, in many places... I know all too well.

c2018,davedelacroix, vicola la manca….NO heat. GAZ Cannista arrive mattina...BRRR...YO!!

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...By the time I get to Phoenix...

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....By the time I get to Phoenix.

dedicato ….Joanie Block and Carol Anielo. Mi Grande Americano Belladonnas...

By the Time I get to Phoenix...

By the time I get to Phoenix
Love, gone soft on the ground.
A Motel I never heard of
..a new-long-lost love found.
EAST of Common Sense
and WEST of getting outta here....
blond hair and a CAMERO
to Evermore...

By the time the Wichita Linesman
gets off the line, his KID
figuring, her Pappy built all the bridges
on Interstate 135...
and there-s a Kansas Smokin,
a Missouri Brew,
blond hair and  a Ford MUSTANG
maybe head-in South,
down to New Mexico!

Weather kicks IN,
TWISTERS take OUT the Ranch.
Refugees, folks out-lying
huddle at the County Court house....

By the time I get to Phoenix
in the USA or ANYPLACE,
East of Common Sense
and West of Getting out,

I wrote a little Note to my MOM!!!!.
Didn-t do any good...She was a staying.

By the time I get to Arizona,
New Mexico, out in the YARDS
of All we Know,
I will STILL sing a song,
I won-t make it long,

East or West,
blond hair...an EL CAMINO-drive-babee!

...and that Guitar-Pickin Song for evermore,
by the time I get to Phoenix
for You, always for U.


Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.... Palermo Town!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Canzone Sicilia.... Palermo Town!

*dedicato. Antonio Modica and Famiglia. Xmas Hugs!

U say Traipani,
I say Taomina!
U say Syracusa,
I say Agrigento.
...I-ll only LOVE U
in... Palermo town!

U Say Ragusa,
I say, oh-Sciacca!
U say Modica,
I say Messina!
...I-ll only LOVE U
in ...Palermo town!

I-ll ONLY love U,
a Siciliano canzone!...

c2018. davedelacroix,sciacca,sicilia.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Dane Law.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Dane Law.

*for Joanie Blok and Carol Aniello.

IT-S ONLY NICE with a big river, Orinoco, Nile, some Infestu HELL, mass-Tourista. It-s ONLY righteous with a Mountain, K-2, like Everest, polluted with Mountaineering paraphernalia..an Alpine TOILET!
It-s ONLY righteous, after a Dry Martini or 2, on New York City-s 5th Avenue....NOBODY LIVES THERE or IN London, PICCADILLY, the Champ es du Lyesee, the KU-DAM in Berlin. Even BERTOLDT BRECHT can-t RRRR around HERE to his next Whisky Bar in THESE Geo-Socio Metro Fuck-Ups!

It-s ONLY ...sweet Nice...when U sit inside your Hollywood bungalow with the LEGEND of Raymond Chandler-s Gumshoe ringing through your next, happy-hour  SCRIPT...

There-s Marlowe.
There-s Velma.
Sgt. Nalty.
Detective BREEZE.

Some Jewish drinkin buddy SLOMNE..I cant spell Yiddish...rose UP from his bar stool, takes a SING at me, folds, then asked me...I Did-nT SING him OUT... and HE yelled... U TAKE the DANE LAW....U TAKE the Dane GOLD!

….distant clarinet or saxophone.

I  AIN-T MARLOWE. But I tried, because, NEW in town, needed, in 1966, to ask him some questions-connections to the BEACH BOYS, music group.....Alas. He-d passed out! Which is WHY I ended UP in DECKER CANYON, Malibu, for the DANE Law. A JOY!...Who would have guessed it, I got Peace of Mind.... Naturally, One-s INNER-Marlowe has more to Say!

It-s ONLY nice.

c2018, xmas day,sciacca,sicily.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...The OUTSIDER Dude.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... The OUTSIDER Dude.

DESIGNER boots, latest APPS, Le Nuit-sans merci, kissin the Homeless Soiree, bags of Rags will never get U back to your INNER KID or long-lost Student days of sensual Anarchy!

NO Handouts, Poo-MWAH! -except from some Vecchio-Amore, maybe KEEP U from Kissin the Cold, that place, that gravitas, a Railroad of shunting LOCOS, night-filled with skeletal passengers vouching for their tickets, their Legitimacy, waved on fingers of pure bone....

 NO Dance OF THE DEAD, NO non-callusion. After-all, it don-t it make SENSE, I mean, deep down in your Gut!!!

And British ME and Malik, fellow Rockstar, maybe from Nigeria, professes to come from No-place, sucking on Guinness on a Sicilian-Straniere, cold Christmas Eve...inadvertently, and somehow conversant

with the Wisdom of the Universe, and the ghost, perhaps, of French author Albert Camus, smiling down....somehow.

c2018, dave Delacroix, ourmanineurope. Xmas Murphys pub, Sciacca-sicily...

Friday, December 21, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Chanson du Montparnesse.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Chanson de Montparnasse.

C-mon ca-va, ces-t soir
I-ll see U in the morning
C-mon ces-t ca...
C-mon Ca-va, ces-t soir.
I-ll love U till till Tomorrow
C-mon a e moi, et tu.

du tempes
Perdu, mon cheri,
a Paris
e toute-suite

C-mon Ca-Va, ces-t Soir
I-ll love U in the morning,
Allors! Ca-va, avec moi
avec tu.

PROBLEMS with Laptop VIRUS. FIGURE it out Kids.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....LAST CHANCE Studio 57 Disco Dance of the Dead.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....LAST CHANCE....Studio 57 DISCO dance of the Dead.

RUST LIMOUSINES, barely walkin, Wheelchairs, provided front-door, greeting M.C., strobe lobby-Saturday night.
M.C. provided Wheelchairs, pulsing Analogue, an NYC EAST-side Jive, bones, sinew, splatter on a long-since degraded mascara dance floor, a REVIVAL of the DEAD, misbehavin, UN-holy or plain jess gone South, silk scarves, flared pants, Marrionettes in Mini skirts. The depraved, the IN-different, lookin for handouts, SAME as it ever was, jess BOOGIE!!!

The Dance of the Devil, the UP=to-TRUMP!, that titillated, the l-ED ragazzi, North or South, Queens, New Jersey. Yet EVERYBODY, someday, sometimes, NEEDS to feel COOL. Alas, Until when the Doobie-doobie...comes tumbling down. Point Pleasant, maybe. Treasure Isle.

Gotta VIRUS on mah Laptop. Unable to SHARE....Like Zabrinski Point. A BLOW UP...……!

c2018, davedelacroix, murphys pub, frigid night, Xmas. A Dance of the Dead.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.....Hunting Song.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.....Hunting Song.

*I found this text in the Biblioteque, Bologna, Italy.

Hungarian Winter-s Hunting Song, composed c.1956. The translation from the German is mine.

Hunting Song....

Feodor by name and FIRE in my breath, my family HONEST-live on the tundra. The Cossacks, the Stalin's, the Nazis cut us to the few and then the Jews parlied what was left standing. We stand, walking RUGS, yet fashion abounds when a young Buck comes, my daughters, a courting. We sing of the FIRELIGHT we sing of our Fame, we sing of Tomorrow, sometimes Yesterday, but we never forget to KEEP all who we ARE, a GAETANO, a traveller, ever more....

c2018,davedelacroix,vicola la marca,sciacca-sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....BEIJING

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.....BEIJING.

*dedicato. Miss Chan ...and Lily. Both graduates of Peking University.

I was NOT in Warsaw when the Nazis STUKAS pounced! Not in CHINA-s NANKING when Man-s GENOCIDE Open-mouth,
Like in the WEST there are many VILLAGES. People like to figure out their GIG. U may be PERSIAN, VIKING or ZULU, fact is, IT is WHAT IT is....THAT thing, u iz WHAT u iz. Small gig. Some MOM weaves the Clothes. Some Grandaddy knows how to FARM or show the Kids, best place in the river to park a Float. And KNOW how to get the power of the WIND, the SUN, the Peace, under a full moon...but the lesser INTELLIGENT will Usurp for WANT, like an AUSTRIAN. Small Dick. Adolf Hitler.

I am NOT Crazy. I am not even in Love. But for a song FOR Beijing, I sing....MEE-HOW, forgive my Basso-Mandarin...Zserche/Zserche.

SONG. I will always Love U in K.C.

I will always LOVE YOU
in Kansas City
Don-t give UP on Ol Shanghai...
I will always love U
in San Francisco,
Send my love to mah Babee
in old Hong Kong...

c2018,davedelacroix,casa vicola la marca,sciacca-sicily.

Our Dude in Europe, dave delacroix, in indes gallante.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix, SLANG!!!...in In des Gallante.

There was a Lipsticks SPOT=lipstick, somehow, a glow of ORWELL, beside the Vino Rhone, Rhine. Maybe the Gestapo marched up and down. BASTARDS!!! DrANK ALL THAR cOOL wEINRHEIN, FOR WHICH, aURva, Mio, gals of choice danced in the Rheingau, played Pink Floyd, bobby Dylan back in 1989.

c2018.dave Delacroix,infixiated-germanica, northside of Weisbaden...and ALL the Gals we once knew.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....MARLENE DEITRICH and D.D.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... Marlene Deitrich and D.D.

*dedicato. Jude de Luca

F-WALLING IN love again
WOT am I to do
always end in Blues,
mi vita!
F-WALLIN IN love again
got dah Xmas Song,
guitar WAILIN a Yule,

LOVE-s always bin mah game
a 2 step or a Rag
yet winning the LOTTO
I got it in the bag!

F-WALLING in love again
another Year of Grace,
still kickin UP a pace,
WOT am I to do,
I can-t help it.

GALS ALL flock to Me
like Woks round a flame
all I can DO is
give Em a straight name.

F-WALLIN in Love again,
I should BE so Blue,
Wot am I to DO,
I can-t help it!

c2018,davedelacroix,cafe porta Palermo, Sciacca-sicily.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....UNION Soldier Boy.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....A Union Soldier Boy.

*dedicato. Cynthia.

In the 1860-s, there-abouts, in the WAR of the...USA... Southern States, leftover battlefields, Appomatix, Manassas, 2 white dressed  bonny daughters from a Virginia  homestead, nearby, in their Love or Innocence, LAMENTED and prayed over a casualty of War. ...They found some Kid. Some Cannon-fodder. The body of a Negro-Union Soldier in his uniform. These TWO young GALS hitched up their DRAWERS And SKIRTS, dug a trench and after singing WE WILL MEET IN THE VALLEY, buried the UNknown Soldier-boy with full dignity.

*from the annals of....old book I found.... The War Of the Republic.

c2018,davedelacroix,vicola la marca,sciacca-sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....A matter of Life and DEF.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... A matter of Life and Def.

*dedicato. Christian. Fellow Rockstar.

A matter of Life and Def, BEACH-BABY Bongo, nothing lasts except the GROOVE that is salve, balm to your journeying Soul.

GREAT BONGO-BOO- GA-LOO!!! She loves U! She loves U NOT!

It-s just a phone Number that will be RE-placed on this spinning planet, someplace, in OUTTA space...in a matter, a matter of life or def.

S-whay it always WAS. No need to fathom, Senore!

c2018, davedelacroix, café porta Palermo, Sciacca-sicily.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix..... Dance Commander!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix..... Dance Commander!

*dedicato. TATUM O-NEIL.....Paper Moon.

in your DWEAMS, Schemes, beneath
your Cappodino, the SEX
within your SHEATH, aimlessly

I was the DANCE-DUDE
who clipped your WICK,
made it ejaculate,
other-people, made it stick
when your PARIS wardrobe
somehow, gave it UP!

I WOZ DEE Aristo
who stole your INNER Slave,
who spoiled  the Christian,
God-s given EVE

Just fornication,
leave ME alone, my Sweet,
alone, as you, when We meet.
and I will Command....

c2018,davedelacroix, vicola la mara, no place home.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.....Cell-Phone Assisted Brain.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Cell-Phone Assisted Brain.

*A song, Canzone for your Inner Siren.

ASK ME ANY question
NO worries.
Gotcha number!
Directions to EL DORADO
or the only VIRGIN left in town,
Sonny! Don-t U worry,
I got her Cell Number,
24 hour Pizza deliveries too!
I gotta Cell-phone assisted Brain.

ALIEN PLANETS, elementary!
Outta Space! My Cell-dimension.
No Walkie-talkie-masturbation/SPAM
or yesterday-s Dolce Vita
recipe Einstein-Nino!!!
I got your PROFILE, babe!

So just TEXT me
with a SELFIE,
no need to MEET, facia e facia!
See U at the Café,
take a SEAT
no need to SPEAK,
TWITTER me Babee
it-s SO neat!
My Cell-phone Assisted Brain
will suckle your Cyber-Nipple- Cerebral!...

Beep-Beep! Sorry! Gotta GO!

c2018, davedelacroix, murphys,sciacca-sicily.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix..... DIAMONDS are Forever.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... DIAMONDS are Forever.

dedicato* William Houston, Count Danube, close associate of Lord Borgo, Comte di Sciacca, D.D.

Diamonds are forever.... U can=t beat the Hacker, any which way but lose, HE or SHE busy beating self-inflicted MEAT. U don-t understand this THING, this Hacker, a lonesome function, bass-cerebral, socio-dysfunctional....knows how to order a beer whilst locked into YOU, an Inter-net STALKER. Yup! THAT Guy! Maybe that GIRL!!!...Where U end is where THEY begin. Their FAVE SONG, Diamonds are Forever. James Bond soundtrack. Their Diamonds, alas, for what ever reason...better believe it.....are sometimes ME and YOU and, alas, without a Concealed Weapons Permit... And ON Parole in Michigan and Talkin-Walkin dah Strasse!!! JEEZE!! MUDDERS!!!...I keep my 38 in my Jockey shorts....just in case some Texan Wazoo gets too close to the Family jewels.

Bloody freezing! Just got done buskin.
Ran into Washington Jr, on Martin Luther Drive.
He jiving, DAVEY, U one crazy Mudder!
I say, Guitar-working!
Don-t U know we Niggers gave dat up a long time ago!....
I say. Maybe. But it STIll making money for Me.!
Diamonds are forever. U betch-a!

c2018. Altra-Lingue College. Sciacca-Scilia..

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Senore Houdini.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... Senore Houdini.

dedicato* Jason Eklund and Dan Case, fellow roving Minstrels...in the style of Woody Guthrie.

OH MAH GAWD!! The BELA who just WALKED ON BY. Holey-Moley, she left me long ago! OR some BIZ deal that Wall-Street-Crashed! My Blender! My Microwave! Bloody T.V., LAPTOP, re-possessed!....O sole mio.

 MURPHY-S LAW! Who could-a predicted!!! Not withstanding in the early morning mist... behind the Convent of the Carmelites... I DUELLED, drew first blood, MY GOODNESS, in a skirmish of Wits! NOW, the local Intelligentsia want my Prick on a Spit!

Where are the Songs of Spring! Aye, U-muddies! Where are they! And Fair-weather friends, now my pockets are empty, OU SANS les neige dantan in Today-s frigid constancy... whilst dead and gone, my BROS of yore...

OH MAH GAWD! The End. The Un-sweetened inferno of Tomorrow! Yet UN-like impassioned prose with a fouled TRUMP nose I DO NOT end it All. BUGGER SUICIDE!!!... But dodge judgement day, that Vampire-s Silver bullet... by just moving... to another Country.

c2018,dave Delacroix, café Porta Palermo, Sciacca-Sicily. December 8.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Our ManOur Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Navajo Gals!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix..... Navajo Gals!

dedicato* Stephanie 2 Rivers....Native American.  Director, Colorado Film Institute, Colo.,USA.

It-s COOL to be Nobody. Cant afford Fashion but I don-t wear rags. .

Its Cool to be Nobody. Cant drive a Mustang down 666, the Devils Highway. Why would I James Dean!...

It-s Cool to be Nobody. I don-t WANT what U got.

 It-s Cool to be Nobody, no handle, no Jew, WASP, Helmut, Calogero, no Polanski, no Irish, no Scot!

And by Scottsdale, Arizona, the Navajo Gals weave blankets for Winter..

It-s COOL to be NOBODY in England or France.
There-s an essence, a lame existentialism that will give U a chance to drive or DIVE and come up either-side of yourself.

 One who will pay the bills, the OTHER, who will just call Daddy! It-s Cool to be Nobody. It-s Cool.

It-s Cool to go Surfing...where-ever, Hawaii or Costa Rica. And join the preceding flotsam in a Hullabaloo, a high-five beach-Crush, if ever U knew, the Palmyra Love that never came true, stuck in some Surfers hostel with bugs, your best friends.
It-s cool to be Nobody. It-s Cool.

It-s Cool to be a Writer in old N.Y.C. With Cockroaches as neighbors and a local Bartender who says FREEZE, no Credit KID, get ya Ass to Tomkin's Square and buck up a dollar or 2.

 And a POEM a Rhythm might catch U some grime, some bacon and eggs, 99 cents!

It-s Cool to be Nobody out on the Inter-State.....Maybe some day...you-ll pass by Scottsdale, Arizona...hear about those Navajo Gals, weaving blankets ...which U just might need for Winter!


Our Man in Europe, dave delecroix....BOAZ the Jew.

Our Man I n Europe, dave Delacroix...... BOAZ the Jew.

THE ANGELS SING the thyroid exceeds you veracity. The bursting SPLEEN which U serve with cream, the dynamic of your slit dichotomy. At 5 Cents a pop, make a profit, then call me when U get home. And BONGOS split and stream the night, I cannot see what-s fair or foul for Me...and you this side, this side of You.
ALTRUISM SINGS for One and All and righteous Schoolboys-Girls ARISE, one and All, do we fight to SAVE the ONE and ALL, yet is the One and All not worth Saving....!!!...RAH! RAH! RAH!

The Angels Sing... upon WHICH Choir, truth shall ring, the Militant Rabbis, Muslim Devout IMANS, then the working stiffs, or victims of the Holocaust, money-changers in an old Temple, MENTALITY prone to an ancient template....still yet, no Peace on Earth. COME Abraham! Come BOAZ!...Living MAN, like CYRUS, like SALADIN, a KURDISH KING!!!....Share the Keys to the TEMPLE, the Kingdom ...and let PEACE ring.....

In my travels, in the desert sands, I dropped my hand made cigarette. Some Arab kid stole it away. In Shah-Allah. 2 minutes later a Pasha invited me into his house for Coffee. Later, I changed some Currency at the house of Boaz.

c2018,davedelacrox, late at night, Sciacca-sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....A Room with a View.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...A Room with a View.

dedicato* Carole Maria Aniello.

A room with a view,
astray, azure!

A room with a view
within a hologram
that suggests an Umbilical
to All our senses.

A room with a view,
an Untoward, yet deciphered
in Codex
like a noble birthmark.

A room with a view
for Me, for You, just we two.

c2018,davedelacroix,ourmanineurope,vicola la marca,sciacca-sicily.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delcroix...SOMETHING WICKED this way comes.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacrix…..Something wicked this way comes...

MAY AS well be hung for a Sheep as a Lamb, my name, Juliez C., I annihilated ONE MILLION Gauls, but on the SENATE FLOOR, 13 Assassins!
May as well be HUNG for a Sheep or a Lamb, NAPOLEON, the millions who died in my name, notwithstanding, should MY GAL Josephine be tried the same, a TIT-Squeeze from Austerlitz!
My NAME, Richard Milhouse and NIXON and I, MIO, may as well be Electrocuted, a la fashion moderner, a SHEEP as a LAMB, Asian Holocaust, DE-forestation and 50,000 LADS and GALS +in their Graves! The Vietnamese, 10 times the losses!!!
Funny HOW messages, E-Mails, Volcanic eruptions, METEOR Cosmic-Earthquakes, arrive. But, once again, the PEOPLE ROAR, ALL is STUPID, by Man-s GREED, or Ignorance...and by the pricking of my thumbs, assured, no daunting, something WICKED this way comes.

May as well be HUNG, drawn and quartered as I am. Say WHA!!! Like the Veterans on EITHER side. Justice too late when we are....no more.


Saturday, December 1, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.... The Outside of Being.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... The Outside of Being.

The outside of Being, a vacuum of Space, no chatter, hardly any people, no traffic, War or Peace, just a pillow of existence...

The Outside of Being, entwined-Intertwined, like clouds passing by. Nor NO To-BE or not. No Hamlet-s poison sword or heartstrings to strum a path to dusty death...

Who or What challenges this Uncanny...beyond the grasp of seething greed...of Man-s History, below...

c2018,davedelacroix,vicola la marca,sciacca-sicily.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....NO SMOKING.... BRIGADOON...

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...NO SMOKING0BRIGADOON.

….*Glasgow Journalism, a tough RE-call from Italia, England, the Americas...CALLED to the BAR, an honorary Councillor, PROTEST,  Smoka-roni-Ban, in PUB or Taverna where WORKING MEN find a lone tweed pride and nirvana....As in Glasgow...

...A grand bust of Beethoven over the Music Shop.
CUrry on Gibson Street every Saturday night!
Macintosh Design and Poet McGonigal, DA CROW IS NIS ERE NOO!!!
And at the STONEHOUSE bar, try to make progress, in ONE lifetime, through 200 malt whiskeys of your INNER Choir...

AND U LADIES OF ABERDEEN, High Teas, Judge ROY BEAN, Sheffield-TEXAS, when the Town got respectable and, WHOA!!!...banned the BAGPIPES!...

I can smoke a PIPE in SEVEN YEARS to countenance your WIFFIE-Machiavelli in your HOUR, your gender, or legislate in the COLD winds of FEBRUARY,  me-thinks, my Dear, a frigid Spring, no longer in your STEAMIE ….yet ALL the World to conceive…in your Steamie.

c2018,davedelacroix, Italy.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Robinson Crusoe.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Robinson Crusoe.

...WELL, I ONCE was a LAD, about and abound in the West Riding of Yorkshire and BEFORE OXFORD or Cambridge town...I had 2 fancy Daughters. Yet I did not DESPAIR or cook up a HARE with Bambini on my hands. Me Mamma took care and I, for wealth and fortune would take to the Sea and  return to be Pappa to Me fancy daughters.

Alas, their Mama-s Love in Me did bleed, a faraway, disconsolate. And overseas no consolation as in the Americas I ran a-foul of pirates, divers hands and most foul diversity, years between.

And now AGED, grey, I return, clay pipe in my mouth. All me fancy daughters now full grown with families OWN. How will they find the man that USED to be...now here  to honour their Mama-s sad grave...

c2018,davedelacroix,vicola la marca,sciacca-sicily.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... Dostoyevsky.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... Dostoyevsky.

* dedicato Sergei

3 days without the Internet, gone with WIND, I decided to kill my neighbours. Inconvenient noisy fuckers, the Left-Side of Cool. Gals, ALL called PATTI, at the local MINI-Market, on my List. Gotta think about my BARTENDERS though. Takes SERIOUS thought. Not so much about a TAB, more about WIFI. Luigi, Capitano on a fishing boat down at Sciacca harbour, delivers the groovy PESCI, maybe we can put it down to a STORM and my Councillor, charging too much, fell off the piazza Scandalitto cliff. I-ve  been warning tourists bout dat FOREVER.....Still. My Destiny, my Dynamic may yet NOT go astray when I invite my CLOSEST friends down to local FOGGIA beach, not arriving myself, and a convenient Tsunami washes them all away! YUP! 3 days without Internet and the Devil makes works for idle hands, me-thinks, or SO we say!

c2018,davedelacroix,vicola la marca,sciacca-sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....GEORGES SIMENON.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....GEORGES SIMENON.

*dedicato. Isabel Pessora, Artist-Francais.

When EVIL came it caught me wearing TWEED in Winter, NOT Autumn, disparaging the little things, the minutiae, that make Life-s Cinq-quoi, Me and You... in Seasons of mists.

When EVIL arrived, NO Nero, no bianco, no MASQUE, no MASTA-BLASTO except only in a singue, blood,  the SCUFF of Conscience, a reputation, dignity gone South!

When LOVE has gone South EVIL rejoices. A Jailing! A Contempt! A Song UN-sung!!!

When EVIL came.. a chopped-off head, she put the BODY in the Freezer, ASTA LA VITA, she took the Insurance and PLANNED on a Mediterranean cruise, Autumn leaves and Muse...apparently, with me...

Allors! But it didn-t quite work out. The POZI-DRIVE-Screwdriver....Pick a Dog a Bone....Bloody fingerprints. And despite protestations of Innocence, OUTRIGHT INSANITY...

...those bastards HUNG ME by the neck without Shoes.... FOR U.

c2018,davedelacroix,vicola la marca,sciacca-sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Beirut Cafe.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.... Beirut Café.

*dedicato, Reese Mulligan and N.Y.C., Café Beirut. and CBGB-Umfug afficionadoes.

Did U EVER wear Hipsters
did U ever wear slant sunglasses-Noir.
Did U ever fuck ya boyfriend
with a French Tickler.
Did U ever go WAIL, Up-top
a Limousine, Jazz-scene,
Broadway, N.Y.C., or lower East side.

Did U ever WAX pregnant
at the Beirut Café, no NEED to ask
did U ever sing da Blues...
Did U ever Panhandle
on some WARHOL Champs d-Elysee's
or give your body
just to keep your Soul.

Did U ever wear Hipsters
like NOW, on a Saturday night
or wonder IF Yesterday, maybe,
had U in it-s Sights!
Did U ever kiss Tomorrow
like when the Packard failed to arrive
this side of Cool.

Did U ever RE-invent a FACE
or shake hands with Foes
just to...get along. Or BACK
to those Hipsters, Saturday nights,
back to Heaven, EVERYTHING
seemed Righteous!

Back to THOSE days
when everything BELONGED,
back to U, in focus,
U sang EVER Song, TRA-LA-LA!
...or this side of COOL
at the Beirut Café....

c2018,davedelacroix,cafe porta Palermo,murphys pub, Sciacca-sicily, November.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...Monte Carlo Casino.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Monte Carlo Casino..

*dedicato, Martina.

DIAMONDS or SPADES, the Non-accidental TOURIST-false-Waltz, demi-couture, SELFIE immortalizes a VACANZA, not suffering B n B-s, Whisky, waiters, belligerent Gals, Gigolos, with NO time of the day....AND lie in California, the Surfing Crews, socially IN-cubated by-tan, a twilight, night-time, NO HOPE for the Gal, Red Dress...I hope she HAS one...ALL is loneliness.
….It-s what U bring to the Table. IL TAVOLA!...and EXPECTING OF, not much but sometimes...in Paris, Napoli, a smile goes a long way. And the last Vacanza, 5 minutes, Usurped by your latent expectations, arises to drive it HOME as to where U went on a holiday... My Paramour and Me, I dare say, our hands adjoined, elegant and smiling, in Monte Carlo with diamonds and spades. On THAT card. Banco! Mai-Qui!

C.2018, davedelacroix. Sciacca-sicilia. Just back from the Cote d-azure.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...A WOMB with a VIEW.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...A Womb with a View.

*dedicato Carol M. Aniello.

A Womb with a View that never goes away, astray, azure!
A womb with a view, within a hologram that suggests
a hologram, an Um-biblical to All our senses. A womb
with a view, UN-towards yet DE-ciphered
in a CODEX, like a Noble Birthmark, a WOMB with a VIEW
of Me, of You, of we two.

c2018, davedelacroix,sciacca-sicily, vicola la marca.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...I Taught the Weeping Willow...

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...I Taught the Weeping Willow...

*dedicato Damon Wood.

I taught the weeping willow how to
sigh, sigh, sigh.
I thought I-d DONE with sighing,
today, I dunno why.
Roll on U flowing Highway,
I guess it-s DO or DIE,
what can it matter now,

I thought I-d rid the CLOCK of it-s
Time, time, time!
I thought I-d put my Future
all behind!
Roll on U flowing Highway
to Hell or past-beyond,
Dat weepin willow shot me with a Gun!

I taught the weeping willow how to
CRY -in bunches!....
Shook it-s branches.....
and WE all turned out FANCY!
Roll On U lonesome Highway,
I-ll see YOU in the SKY WAY!
All along that-s where
we all belonged.

I taught da Weeping-whatsit how to
Sigh, sigh, sigh!
I thought I-d done with Yesterday
it beats me as to why.
Roll on U flowing Highway,
I guess it DO or DYING,
what can it matter now, anyhow.

What can it matter now, anyhow.....

c2018,davedelacroix, Sciacca-sicily, café porta Palermo. Victorio-bartending.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.... NO bandana for Garibaldi.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix..... NO bandana for Garibaldi.

*dedicato Anita Thompson, Aspen, Colorado, USA.

NO bandana for Garibaldi
no LAURELS for Che Guevara,
no REVOLUTION for Vladimir L.
or a prairie in the sky
Doctor Hunter S. Thompson

NO kisses ever SO sweet
for the NEXT Strangers-Straniere,
no NEWS garners History
in OUR IN-between Life.

NO St. Crispin-s day, no bloody
No Appomattox,
the Blue and Grey have fallen!
No CHOIR, ever can distill
no balalaika. No balalaika...

Whilst NO kisses, ever so sweet
within our IN-between Life,
NO BANDANA for Armistice Day
or nameless Soldiers,
no Cannon Fodder... and YET
today, the record SPINS
and spins and spins
into a MOUTH of Disgust.

YO!!!...No bandana for Garibaldi
nor Ceasar-s Triumph.
ALL is an Illusion... RIGHT NOW!
Can I get a Sad SELFIE!!!!!...…

c2018,november,sciacca-sicily, café porta Palermo.Maybe it-ll rain. Maybe it won-t.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix......ABRACADABRA!!!...When Elephanys rumble...

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Abracadabra!!!...When Elephants rumble...

*dedicato Roger Armstrong and Jean-Paul Gautier, fellow Rockstars, R.I.P. -Denver Cogniscenti of yore.

When Elephants rumble, MICE squeak!
When Mice squeak, Elephants TREMBLE.....

Aesop's Fables run amok, a Pythagorean RE-count,
Hippocrates, oath-less. Plato-s Aristo, UN-recognized,
Boswell-s Dr. Johnson, Speechless! And WHO
amongst the Order of Angels
if I cried OUT -NOT a ONE! A stillness...beyond Silence.

How many miles to Babylon, 3 score and 10.
Can I get there by candle light...NO WAY!
ONLY in the GREEN ZONE. Or, how MANY
kliks to Yesterday, again, NONE! Tomorrow-s JAWS
upload a YAWL to swallow ENTITY
into Eternity absorbing even your last cries ECHO,

Kisses to Paradise. Passion divulged, divested, GONE,
a grease residual of a Biblical Feast, over-done. As
when Elephants rumble, Mice squeak! Yet when
Mice squeak, Elephants tremble
a Universal Congress, alas, where we kiss, kill and meet.


c2018, davedelacroix,Murphys Pub, Sciacca-sicily.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.....ELVIS has left the building!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....ELVIS has left the building...

*dedicato, Thespian, Movie Dude, drinking buddy...William Forsythe.

ELVIS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!!! And nobody knows what to DO!!! The GROUPIES, panties in-hand, stymied, Crowd-Control on the Las Vegas Strip, out of bounds< GUNFIRE ERUPTS from a Casino-Hotel window, SWAT TEAMS down at Doughnuts R US, Official Las Vegas... McDonald the Clown... RIPS off his costume in search of a new vocation, his INNER Clown...

ELVIS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!!! A Casino swimming pool of tears. Parking Valets, glove-less, hand out Car-keys, first come, first served. SOMEBODY got a ROLLS, somebody got a Porsche, somebody got a RAINBOW VW VAN, somebody got a Nevada-Highway thumb! It-s IN-explicable! The Shock and Awe! News-channel TV/Helio-s hover twix LVPD-Cop Copters ALL on Live T.V. over Interstate-15, a highway to HELL, back to L.A. that Elvis never gets to see.

Elvis has left the building, Senor. And according to Juanita Juarez, Chamber-maid, at Casino Ceasar-s Palace, it-s SUCCINCT. The night of the locusts!

c2018,davedelacroix, café porta Palermo, Sciacca-sicily.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix......PASSWORD.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Password.

I don't remember my Password
I don't remember your Name
I don't remember ANYTHING
can anything be the same.
I don't remember where we met
whether we kissed
fucked or had fun
on the run,
whether we went on Fuck-Book
photos, comments,
in the USA or Italy
and that Password-thingy
got me on mah knees,
should I respond,
the Internet ONUS
or some gig, like piano
in a stupid room,
Paris or New York City
a noisy street below
strangled by my own forgetting...

c2018, vicola la marca, Sciacca-sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....DON-T U WORY BOUT Dave Delacroix.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Don-t U WORRY bout Dave Delacroix.

DON-T U WORRY about Dave Delacroix
if U DIDN-T pass it ON..
for Green Kryptonite,
the Man can STILL be Superman.
U DID, don-t pass it on. U DID.

Don-t U worry if U HAD a message from GOD.
Elucidated, a VISION, a homespun intuition
whilst polishing your Dildo, battery-expired,
no cape-crusader in the sky.

Don-t U worry about Dave Delacroix,
here and gone, a devil
in the fog,
squawking expletives,

a broken,
walking wounded, breast-proud less
of all your Guerra-bitch-medals, bleeding
Self-Indulgence. And a Romance!

NARCISSUS reigns in Poetry, BIG GUNS
silence the monotony of Indecision.
LOVE, like a fool
advances to the trenches.

Don-t U worry about Dave Delacroix, my sweet,
no-longer YOUR succour love-s venom
or that walk-between
where-in all human thought and feeling

And when U arrive, don-t be embarrassed.
Your Credit Cards!
Perhaps, YET,
we will dance into the night!

c2018,dave  Delacroix, Sciacca-sicily.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave deacroix....Like a Sailor!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix..Like a Sailor!

CHOKING for God-s sakes on MEDIA, Musak,, football Encyclopedia, CELL-family PHONE in a lagoon where a Hannibal SHARK eventually...sniffs your Gentile foreskin, your lost TOES, the price of survival, UP-SIDES your MOOD. like a Sailor!


Saturday, November 10, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Catcher in the Rye.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... Catcher in the Rye.

*dedicato, Malibu budster-Cody, Dan Washburn.

don't ask why
Big Boys,
the Catcher in the rye,
big boys
don't need to wonder why
big boys SURF the SCREAM
big boys
fightin in a Dream.

Big boys
cant go Home again
big boys
don't return your Calls
big boys
lying in the sun
big boys
don't ever WHINE
big boys
they never die
big boys,
the Catcher...in the rye...

c2018,davedelacroix, café porta Palermo,sciacca-sicily. November.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....The Naked Persona.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....The Naked Persona.

SUN-BLEACHED STRADA on its grande tour, a Nano-Eternity, simpering for moisture. A STRAY...doggie...sniffing gutters of Infinity or worse. Albani-botteglia-Bottle trees STILLED, no whittling, no wither and the mezzo-giorno silence established. Not a murmur. Vecchio-Civita Nothingness, a God unto itself without purpose, logic, reason. Only its sun-bleached persona reigns.

And nary a sign of Man, chatter, as a Spider on my terrazzo Bar Odeon café table awaits its preys mortality which navigates beer glass, bottle, ashtray, cellphone, writing paraphernalia, smoking, and a mind in creative chaos.

Who UN-paints this Canvas!
Who UN-screams this Scream!!!

2 Hepcats appear! The Café-s adjacent Solar powered-malfunctioning fountain is the topic of conversation. A lone VESPA-scooter squeals across the piazza Carmine. A panoply of tourists butterfly, incendiary, and plant themselves at the next table. They order Pizza slices, Vino, Pellegrino beer and chatter Itineraries.

Yet the post-naked intrinsic vitality of the past naked moment remains to haunt the last of the Summer wine and all my Tomorrows, indivisible.

c2018. davedelacroix. Late October.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... Last Night in Town...

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix..... Last Night in Town....

*dedicato Princess X. IN Roma and the displaced,  by NAPOLEON in 1907, heir to the Throne  and lands traversing the Danube in Germany, Czechosolvakia, and Hungary....COUNT VON HAUSTEIN, WILLIAM 111, William Houston, fellow Rockstar and Media Tsar.

Last Night in Town...

LAST NITE in town, the NON-accidental Tourists, finally
spilling their guts, going home...false-waltz, demi-culture, SELFIES,
And suffering B n Bs, WHISKEY-wailers, belligerante, GALS with NO time,
day or night...for U.
Like IN California, SURF CREWS, IN-cubata, NIGHT, no hope for....fill
in da blanks., on vacation....COOL WAVE or a Grey White Shark, the Back Dahlia
on Sunset and Vine. Her Name is Lunanda! Tips, appreciated. Either way!

LIKE a SURFER I just wasted a WAVE yaking bout....a Poetic Dawn Patrol.
HERE-S a PHOTO of G and ME, Me and Z!!!..We are now FRIENDS on, yes, Facebook. And
LUKE the DUKE, King Surfer, now runs a BUSISINESS, says he can HELP me...send me 200 bucks, starter-money. I get  to walk the BOARDWALK into Hollywood Hell. So SMILE for ME Sweet David, she says andari, bela, we kiss. All my Heroes compounded ...in a siege of ancient Troy, somehow...GOD-s finger on your pulse.

LAST NIGHT in my latest Motel room I RE-strung my G-G-Guitar...getting chillin....Now that I am Old...HOW do I tell these Kids.. I-m the richest Guy in town....with ONLY 5 Bucks to my Name, or better still, a LIMP into a collective Future. Like an accident, an imposition, some Tourist-Ass on his last night in Town.

c2018,dave Delacroix,sciacca,sicilia.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.... IZZIE and DIZZIE!...a love song.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... IZZIE and DIZZIE...a love song.

*dedicato….Marc Pierson, fellow Guitar Strummer.

Izzie and Dizie.

LOVE song
just a LOVE song
the ONLY love song

COOL song,
NOT long
the ONLY song
of Love!

IZZIE, hot tune,
in love

on da WELCOME mat,
Izzie found Dizzie
at last
working an L.A. Strip joint!


And the little, gentle Lambs
skip, in the meadow. ANGELS
pluck on Lyres,

in the CITY, IZZIE
is in love with...U know who!
IZZIE gone Dizzie over YOU!
I said,
Izzie, gone DIZZIE
and over U.

c2018, dave Delacroix. WHEN IZ met DIZ...title track from the MOTION PICTURE, maybe with Warner Bros., starring JOHNNY DEPP, yet to be Produced, from Up-coming Dave Delacroix CD...U IZ WOT U IZ.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....LICATA STREET....Sciacca, Sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...….LICATA STREET....Sciacca, Sicily.

*dedicato Acussio.

Rest after TOIL, Death after Life, PORT after Storm...doth greatly please.... And in SCIACCA-Sicily, where NOW, 2018, I live, a town famed for the Italian CINEMA brouhaha, Pietro Germi-s Classic movie, Seduced and Abandoned, 1964, where-in every Sciacca-native takes pride, Lenny Amedeo, GREASE BARBER-SHOP, my OWN-this day Barber, a child in a crowd scene, and many more AMICI including Antonio Segreto, Maestro Dude at MURPHYS IRISH PUB in the Palazzo Inveges from where some movie scenes were shot, BAR SANTANGELO, also featuring in several Scenes, still thriving, vecchio-patroni Guys with Mega-Stories from whence to hence! Ancient Sciacca families, the Montalbanos, Segretos, the Cima, Bovina, many more...and the LICATA!

There are TWO main thoroughfares in Sciacca-old town. Via V. Emanuele...POSH!... and Via LICATA. The latter, traditionally used for Produce-conveyance into the town market, atypical medieval scene. Donkeys, carts, dogs barking, Ragazzi-crowds, jugglers, Priests, STUDENTS cajoling, the latter like today... and honest Folks, the families of the Fishermen who pioneered this ancient Magna-Greco locale, founded upon natural SPA ground waters and the bounty of the Sea.

I ran into fellow SHAKATERRO Accusio L. We drank a few this and a few that. And maybe figuring, has I had sojourned in Sciacca these last few years, told me of his great-uncle ANTONELLO LICATA, a King amongst the Sciacca Fishing fleet who, back in the twilight of the last Century SAILED to SWEDEN and returned to Sciacca with a Fishing vessel powered NOT by SAIL but by an oil-fired engine....!!! Yet ALL Sciacca fishing vessels were SAILING crafts so the COMMUNITY descended on the harbour-porta, demonstrated, throwing ROCKS, detritus at this Cultural affront! There was a GREAT brouhahas! Yet Antonello...LICATA...won the day! He discharged a SHOTGUN...into the air!...momentarily quietened the ragazzi down...and convinced the Sciacca-fishing-fleet Community that with this new boat-powered-ENGINE, in a hurricane, violent storm, etc., UNLIKE with SAIL, the Fishermen, Community loved-ones, would return to Port SAFELY.
There was a lot of CHATTER, naturally... And  now, almost a Century later, Antonello-s great Nephew Accusio, promises to come by the next days for lunch with an old family Photo Album of those grand days of change!... My Goodness!!!!

I LIVE in Sciacca just off the via LICATA.... Death after Life. Rest after toil. PORT after Storm....doth greatly please. And SO it seems!


Rest after TOIL, DEATH after Life, PORT after Storm...

Friday, November 2, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....DA NEXT MOTEL.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Da Next Motel.

of your AMAZING, awesome Love,
Suicide is outta bounds.
It-s pissin down with rain
and just WHOOOOOO
wants to die in this damp,

this SIDE of your ballistic, AMAZING
awesome Love...can U
LEND me some MONEY,
maybe just Texas, maybe NEW Mexico,
the next Motel...

THIS SIDE of your Greyhound,
ballistic, awesome, AMAZING Love...
OUR 1st Love, the One that lasts!!!
All our Yesterdays
bleeding WEST at best.

c2018,davedelacroix. Tucumcari,Texas. Hitch-hiking to California.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....WHEN ICEBERGS weep...Cities Drown!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... When Icebergs Weep...Cities drown!

*Intention was to compose a Children-s Song for future Eco-conscious generations.

When Icebergs cry
U wonder why
there-s too much
hot air
in this room

When Icebergs cry
and CLEARLY why,
don-t turn
or U will despair

….A Song, A Dance,
never-ending trance,
Pazzo Tarantella!
It may BE your last

When Icebergs weep
whilst U sleep,
when Icebergs weep
Cities drown!

c.dave Delacroix, Bar-Tabacci La Fernice, Sciacca, Sicily.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

OUR MAN in Europe, dave delacroix.....TANGO!, SENORE VECCHIO and MELISSA.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.....TANGO!, SENORE VECCHIO and MELISSA.

1.... Tango!

*dedicato. Ann-Marie Yaccobucci.

YOUR EMERALD eyes they touch my Soul, we twist IN-step, an IN-tellect, a turn, a swirl, a twitching HIP, a Lover-s stance...when U DIP.
 A CAROUSEL of Heart-s desire, an INCUBUS, a SUCCUBUS-fornication, a recipe for a DECEIT, a restrained KISS, a LINGERIE of my Dedication for 2!
A USURPATION of ALL Soul, a rite of Passage to keep us whole, a step towards Death itself, to breathe new life,
 TANGO! Have mercy! Have mercy on my Soul! Your EMERALD eyes, they bleed my core, we twist IN-step, a turn, a swirl, a twitching HIP, a Lover-s stance...when U Dip.

2....Senore Vecchio.

Senore Vecchio in the rain, stuttering walk, pre-amble, vecchio Walking Cane, flat cap, miss-matched suit-jacket, open shirt, baggy pantalone, NO umbrella and a grey Tomorrow, missing the Bambini, Sopra Morte, fratelli, Sorelli, scattered to the 4 winds....SINGING!
Quando Sonoria di Dio… Dove la bela di Vita...arriverderci...C-ome Cantastoria, Siciliano….I STAND before U with my vecchio cane...


GAL on her Cell-phone LOOKS UP, suspicion! NO! No-one to witness her DIZZING in cyber-space, in the hope of satisfaction, forlorn.
 GAL on Phone, Mind-dancing a tune where there ARE no Laws, no Rules understood...by her PAPPA, the next boyfriend or the Fashion-istas she meets, Phone to Phone at the local CafĂ©.
 GAL on a Cell-phone, a finger of GOD U-surped into GAL-Heaven and a Social Isolation of the bela Fauns in abstract carnivale!

c2018,Oct.23,Sciacca,Sicily,Cafe Porta Palermo *Bar Odeon., 2-3.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....A Hunters Moon.... Rembrandt in da Night.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....A Hunters Moon.....Rembrandt in the Night.

*dedicate Caterina at Vit. E Bar and  and Melissa at Murphys Pub and Miss X, Miss X, Miss X...

1....A Hunters Moon.....

Like Aggieville, KC V. KS!!!...USA Basketball,
a TAVOLA, a table in SCIACCA, Sicily… A COP!
2 English Language Teachers.
SPARE GAL and Larry, Curly and Moe
from Palermo...YO!
WHO-s the BEER for! Vino! Whisky!
WHO-s designing the STAGGER,
tomorrows streets, them Life details
and WHO get to KISS the COP,
BUSTED for Bad Quadrangles of
latent LAW, Smoking, NO smoking
with broken DENTIST,
the guy at your table
all-predestined like the tavola, the table,
a vacanza-notte, somebody WROTE
under a Hunter-s moon, late October,
when Love fails...despair comes too soon
like AGGIVILLE, Manhattan-Kansas,
Kansas State V. Kansas City,
the ROAR....and what U know! /IS SHE
your Babee tonight....IS SHE....your
Babee tonight.

2....Rembrandt in the Night.

Rembrandt IN his Night, tonight, WISTERIA,
eye to eye, a POUT, UN-screamed,
do we FUCK or FEAR...

Rembrandt, Night-light, candle flicker
on an ALTER of TIME,
time was as U IZZZZZZZZ.

Elsa Manchester, wife.
Charles Laughton, Rembrandt,
1950s UK movie,
now DEAD Thespians
who conveyed the In-between

like Rembrandt
in the flicker of an Eye.

c2018, davedelacroix, paralysis in one arm. using vinegar to cure. Sciacca, sicily.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...TEXAN, TEXAS LAMIA.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...TEXAN, Texas Lamia.

*For Jim Foltmer.

WICKED HIZZ-kiss, hypnotic EYES that go in con-centrifugal dynamic, rid me of all my suspicions and your lies, whilst your coils gather, my nether limbs, a sweet caress, a come-on-baby whim, to find myself in the coils of your control without the last option of, before I suffocate, Masturbating frantically over someone who doesn't look like U  or wearing a Sporran or Kilt, the last chance at a Highland Fling!...Stuff like that!!!

I MISSED U in EL PASO. I MISSED U in DEL RIO. In Brownsville, by the border, Sweet Juanita. And I, too, DEPORTED from the Land of the Free, UN-COILED from a SOCIETIES advocated Tyranny, Yet Tyrannies to COME awash in Man-s endeavour, and WHERE-EVER we may ROAM!!!! Like a WICKED KISS
 A Wicked Kiss.
 Hello to the NEW Devil.
POLISH the Fucker-s HORNS!

It-s the OLD ONE U will miss.

c2018, dave Delacroix, bar odeon, Sciacca, sicily, rainy day

Our Dude in Crazy NOW, dave delacroix....upSIDE dOWN.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....an AMERICAN....upside eden

*Brian Pavlik. My USA Buddy.

Upside  EDEN, ADAM got TITS, EVE got a DICK and the STAR of the Show goes HIZZZZZZZ!
Upside Eden, Adam in Counseling, EVE in Jail, a DUI, that molto Lamia Control trail....like EL Paso, Texas.
Local Sheriff SEZ, jest a couple o-kids, lost their Cell-phones, forgot how to kiss.

c.2018. dave Delacroix. In MIND, West of the Pecos!

OUR Man in Europe, dave delacroix... PRANZO-POSTS, 1 to 3... No Inuendo, etc.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....The Pranzo Posts, 1 to 3.

*dedicato Sarah B. Solo in Tennessee, USA.

1....NO Innuendo.

NO INNUENDO under Albani Botteglia, Bottle trees. NO Innuendo on a grassy lea. No innuendo, NOTTE, sights and Sciacca-Sicily sounds. No innuendo, the LOVE we have found.

No innuendo, frolic on a beach, a swim, a KISS, where Lovers meet...
No innuendo in a sad Goodbye, no need to EVER wonder why...

NO INNUENDO in a photograph, that joyful SELFIE, it never lasts! No innuendo in a FURNACE, love-s despairing Night! No innuendo, Bela, arrivederci Innuendo.

2....JIM MORRISON-s last Song.

THE KILLER AWOKE before dawn! He CHECKED his Cellphone!
Message. from DAD. He responded, LEND ME SOME MONEY!!!
Message. from Madre, he replied, LEND ME SOME DOLLARS!!!
And THEN, the KILLER...Jim...who had found a REAL Job in a Rock Band...
PUT HIS NIKE'S ON!!!!….An he WALKED on down dah HALL! YEAH!
He walked on down the Hall, found the BATHROOM...All Clear.
This....THE END.

3.....Empty Rooms....A Song.

A Dart lies fallen...on the Bar-room floor.
Never hit the Dartboard....never made a Score.
And don-t it SEEM like...something U seen before,
or maybe FELT...but there-s always more!

A Girl she stands ALONE...waitin for the Midnight train.
Don-t U know-it never worked out! -so
she-s going Home again. And don-t it SEEM like
with your every Throw-Away! With your every pair
of Old Shoes!

One of these Days...I will show YOU your Life.
Trapped in an Old Man-s face
or Imprisoned like a...BATTERED WIFE!
There-s no great DOOM...there-s no great Tale.
Just days of empty rooms...Just days of empty rooms.....

c2018,davedelacroix. 3 Pranzo Canzone, BAR ODEON, Sciacca, Sicily, 2018, October.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....The House of Mirth.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix, The House of Mirth.

It-s SO HARD to know when U R the Belle of the Ball, your Village, Town, City, frills and all. It-s SO hard to know or understand people who SUCCUBUS and crawl at your feet. Likewise, it-s so hard to devour ROTTEN fruit, pass Caviar or dainty Canapes, the Loves U knew, NOW, no longer pounding at your Virgin door...

IT-S SO hard to exclaim...I LUV U, when barely a hoarse whisper, your thyroid throat will do. It-s so hard to travel 3rd Class and the Pullman Waiter, dismissing U, drinks your Pale Ale. It-s so hard to REMEMBER that HOUSE OF MIRTH where Life-s Infancy was once so fancy free or to kiss a Princes hand, now withdrawn.

c2018,davedelacroix,sciacca,sicily,bar odeon.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...DID I miss U...

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....DID I miss U...

DID I miss U in Portofino, did I miss U in BRAZIL, did I miss U in Costa Rica, mi bela, sole-amica! Did I miss U in old Torino, in Bobbio, on the road to Rivergaro! Did I miss U in the Veneto where WE first fell in love...please answer...and U don-t...which is WHY I hate your Guts, you-re GONE, our KIDS are NUTS in N.Y.C and L.A. And my HANDS on a GUN, I SURELY would, physically, but I-ve already SHOT myself in the foot!

DO U remember Vansee, BERLIN, where we whispered ICH LIEBER DICH...and NOW, Lawyers, like VALKYRIES swarm to peck at the chest of Prometheus, the Patron Saint of Divorcees, one of those Greek God dudes. Legends, smothered in Hummus and Ouzo!
Did I miss U in Monte Carlo, did I miss U in the Dordogne..I drink of a cup of your Love, my sweet, and sing Love Songs ever more.

c2018,oct. davedelacroix, Sciacca, sicily, bar farnese.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....IZZY!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....IZZY!

*dedicato fellow Artist Patrick McClellan Allen and Bela Reza Hyatt. The King and Queen of Park County, up by Fairplay town, Colorado, USA.

IZ it Yr beginning
Iz it yr END
Iz it Yr Futurama
Iz it Yr Blend,
latte, Nero or piss!

OF U, in tune, a mood, a thing, a DANCE
into a Night or a K-K-Kiss, a HUG
a subliminal-thingy that says
is ALL I-m worth...

IZ it Yr Intuition
Iz it some Parental THANG
that starts with Music
then ALL falls down!
Left U with a ZING!!!


IZ it SOME kind of Yesterday
Iz it some kind of Today
IZZY some kind of Tomorrow
that never GOES away
Iz it Yr beginning
and as for your Futurama,
a Yesterday
where all Tomorrows belong.


c2018,davedelacroix,murphys pub, Sciacca, sicily.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...3 dark Sonnets.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....3 Dark Sonnets. No. 1.... YAZOO!

Can U YAZOO the Yazoo, can U boogaloo dah BOOGALOO or tell me where, YES! Your YESTERDAY, stuck in an office, waylaid on a factory floor, encumbered by paperwork, certificates of LADEN, documents, triple-signed to ever more, like the pressed leaves in your NOW daughters colouring book, a future Diarist, Puberty, sexual liaisons with the local boys. Yet NOBODY knows how to YAZOO the Yazoo...better than U.

Can U play Fife and Drum, tap your feet, a MORRIS MAN, Salute, pontificate, HOW-d those GERMANS, from what INSIDIOUS Culture... whistle DIXIE and send their TEENAGERS off to TWO WORLD WARS... ever repeating, TOMORROW-s shores, Kremlin, Gooks-ville, Yo! No P.C.! The Muslim DALTONS, Jews off the Reservation, and a Pied Piper to lead them ALL into the Hell of their making, whilst planet EARTH, for now, slumbers still...to the sound of Man-s YAZOO!

Can U YAZOO the YAZOO with the FUCKER who lives....next door to U..... Better still. Can U quit Blowing...

c2018,davedelacroix,ourmanineurope. I-m seriously depressed. Will SAVE the other Sonnets for another time. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...\Long legged Bela from Palermo...

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Long legged Woman from Palermo...

*dedicato Anna Cimo

SHE WAS only 16, she was only 18, and, DANG! Didnt I fall IN LOVE! But when she asked me to VOTE Republican I just knew that she wanted ME for my Body!

She was only 16, I was ONLY 15, the right time to fall in Love! But she was TOO SWEET, being a Diabetic, so I said Goodbye to love!

And as for your ever-lasting legs...to your honey, sweet Bela from Palermo!!!!
Mi SUCCUBUS... the Local Ragazzi, but not MIO ...
Forget... Tomorrow! O SOLE MIO, etc.

She was only 16, a Screen Fellini, how could I ever know! She was only 16, I was only  15, a LOLLITA...Imaginari...bela serata!

Sole 16! Sole 16! Sole 16! ….Arriverderci!

…….Arrivee con Vino!

2018,davedelacroix,murphys bar, Sciacca,sicily

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....The Crescent Moon.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... The Crescent Moon.

HOW MANY miles to Babylon
3-Score and !0.
Can I get there by candlelight..
Yes! And back again.

How many MOMENTS
to say I love U
in the words of HAFIZ,
a Persian Poet, Sub-rosa
or how many YEARS
till Mid-East Peace,


How many Sun Rises
till Man-s LOVE
conquers ALL,
2 wrongs don-t make a Right
and the night is LONG
that never finds the Day!

How many miles to Babylon,
Arab, Muslim, Jew!
3-Score and 10
a Hittites WHIM!
And nothing-s Old, or New...

How many miles to Babylon
3-Score and 10.
Can I get there by candle light…
Yes. And why not!
All the way back again...

How many miles to Babylon....

Does ANYONE want to GO ...under a Crescent Moon...

c2018,davedelacroix,sciacca,sicily.Oct. 9.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....CELLPHONE SONG.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... CELLPHONE SONG.

*dedicato to the Rich Punk KID, yakking on his Cellphone,  driving his Daddies BMW who almost ran me down, didn't stop, on the via Lacata, Sciacca, Sicily. Beyond Menace, Me-thinks. Could have been an old Gal with Shopping bags....

Cellphone Song.... Cogniscenti and fellow Rock Stars will easily guess the Melody.


Have U ever been Lonely
have U ever been YOU,
gone and lost your Cellphone
just STUCK and SO blue...
Have U ever been Star-struck
to find out WHAT U R,
all alone without a Cellphone,
that-s WHO U R.

Crawling under the blankets
late at Night
NO Communication,
no Cellphone-candle light!
Introduction to Nightmares
of HOW Life used to be,
somebody stole your Cellphone
and left U with....TO BE!

Have U ever gone DRIVING
WITHOUT your Cellphone...
Cyclists feel SAFER,
Bikers free to roam!
PEDESTRIANS! A New Confidence!
-less YOU get a Twitter-Shock!
Fatal Traffic-STATS go down a mile
when your Cellphone-s in Hock!

Have U ever been Lonesome,
ITCHY-Twitter-less, NOTHING to do...
Have U gone stark raving raving MAD,
No-one-s phoning YOU!!!
Yet, did U THEN find yourself a SELFIE
inside your OWN mind...
Alas, Sweetie-pie, NOT A CLUE,
it-s been such a long time...

Have U ever been Lonely
Have U ever been YOU
Have U ever, facia e facia/
face to face, whispered,
Babee...I Love U.....

c2018,9th October,porta Palermo café,sciacca,sicily.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...Unknown Region.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Unknown Region...

So! Buck Up!... AS I WAS happily skipping along in my Print dress, striped knickerbockers, red shoes, Azurro Boys shorts-Leder-hosen, humming WHOOPEE-DO in those good old SWISS Alps, trying to RE-decide my Sexuality, with one hand on my ATM PIN number, the OTHER on my Rubber Duck, like Wagner-s SIEGFRIED.... I wondered, as YOU would, on an alpine Glacier of Thought.....Internet Valkyries all over the place! What-s an old displaced Neder-Saxon like me to do! Yup. Be SWISS. ALPINE. Damn things, the ALPS, THRUSTED out of the Earth-s core like a Euro-erection, Spermiating SNOW. Idiots have been skiing on them for over a century in hopes of....It-s downright Pagan!

To the SOUTH, along came the Renaisance.An Italian CLOSET of creativity and War. In the early 1500s Popes Alexander, Julius and Leo X all considered the Alpine region as NON LUCRATIVE, due to its sparse population, people being fiscal slaves, prone to FAITH in lieu of Life-s enigma, those ALPINOS with NO apparent wealth, Un-worthy of the Fiscal Fold and....chasing those bastards up those god damn mountains, deemed fiscally Godless. And tradition has it that the SWISS were pretty much vagabonds hailing from a mulligatawny of races, influences including...and transit ROBBERS of ….

As for the Cuckoo Clock and the Swiss Army Knife and RUCOLA cough mixture...just like the soon to be depleted WORLD OIL reservoirs, the Swiss Banking dynamic...Arriverderci. Its ALL gone OFFSHORE. The SECRET was once the Secret. But now it-s not a Secret....any more. It-s a NEW insidious OPEN secret where-in the World-s Fiscal Wealth lies....NEVER IN THE FIELD OF HUMAN HISTORY AS SO MUCH BEEN PROVIDED BY SO MANY for so few...

On this Blog I get a lot of HITS from NO COUNTRY, just an Unknown region. Could be KIDS fleeing the War in SYRIA, Immigrants on inflatable rafts sailing from North Africa to Southern Europe in search of a better life. Somebody got a Cellphone! Some Mezzo-Americano swimming across the Texas Rio Grande...probably drowning. Stressed out. No Milk today!.....in the Unknown Region.

This Blog gets a lot of Hits from the Unknown Region. My name is Dave...and I will keep on writing.


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... THE NAKED CITY....There are 36,000 Storia in the City of Sciacca...

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... THE NAKED CITY...There are 36,000 stories in the City of SCIACCA...in Sicily.

HARD-WIRED to Rock N Roll
hardwired to LOVE
hardwired to the FEAR of Music-Biz Snakes,
a business full of Reptiles...

Hard-wired to say, LOVE ME DO
or BE a Stranger in the Night
the Alpha Man, which WAY
but GO WEST young Man..

...avoiding the Fagots, sexual predators,
that INSTANT coffee of insidious
to which I ALWAYS said....

….for SOME obscure reason
Unbeknown to YOU, U SCUMBAG
I am...an Artist...I-m HARD-WIRED
to be A ROCK-Star... Your
nearest relative  last heard
just caught a Cold.

Last heard, HARD-WIRED
I think of my loved ones
hard, pretty-much Wired
in ALL we do.

In Sicily I-m HARD-WIRED
yet with a smile...Rest after toil...Port after storm,
Death after life....doth greatly please......

WOW! A Caravelle, full sail,
like music.... sailing on an Emerald Sea...JEEZE! I KNOW
one of those Shipmate Scally-Wags! He owes  me a bloody brew!!!!

There are 36,000 stories in the Sicilian City of Sciacca. THIS has been one of them.

c2018, davedelacroix,sciacca,sicily…

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Song-Canzone....PALERMO.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Song, Canzone....PALERMO

*No sleep till Brooklyn-No dormire, riposare, arivee Palermo...composed in my BEST Anglo-Siciliano, Italiano Lingua. Molto Rock N Roll. A SLOW Canzone-Romantico.


NO DORMIRE, riposare-Arrivee Palermo
no dormire, riposare, arivee tonight
no sleep, no rest, till la Strada-Lunghi!
No dormire reposare, arivee Amica!
Il CHORALE di Dio, la Luna!

No dormire, riposare, arivee ma Bela!
No dormine, no riposare, no arrive,
no dormire, no riposare, no arrive
my Highway, long and hard

No dormire, no riposare, no arrive
yet through the wind
and driving snow...I see Palermo.....!

NO DORMIRE, no riposare, no arrive
mi bela….BASTA!!!! Amore... Con Guitar...
…......I come home to U.

c2018,davedelacroix.sciacca, sicily. Dedicato to Pietro and Vivia. Salute a Palermo. SORRY about the Spelling!

Friday, September 28, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....1,000 Times Before....

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....1,000 Times Before....

*for Brother Dylan..in Piacenza.

IT ALL BEGAN 1,000 SONGS before. Before Inception, before the WORLD, before BEER if THAT is remotely conceptual, a Freudian skip like Ducks N Drakes or a MOTH within, got inside a lamp, skeletal yet eternal, an UN-twining ballad of sacrifice... that spawned yet another 1,000 tunes.

It All began as 1,000 LOVES before your OWN broken heart decided, NO! NEVER AGAIN!!! -A Fool-s quest, HARD-WIRED in your breast, your Armour, that bullet UN-fired, sitting in it-s chamber reciting Shakespeare or Oscar Wilde as the sparks fly up-wards... or to kill the thing you love.

It All began 1,000 years ago. You caught a Cold/had to get off Time-s Highway. You MISSED the Boat, and WAILING, THEY SAILED WITHOUT ME!!!
Oh the laughter!
Oh the laughter!
And stamp your feet in rage into the next millennium, not for the FIRST time....but 1,000 times before.

c2018,davedelacroix, murphys pub, Sciacca,sicilia.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.....R U THERE!!!

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix..... R U THERE!

R U THERE Mister Universe, R U there... Cheerleader from Paradise to Post-Graduate my Spirit into Tomorrow, far from the madding crowd... It-s Sooooo hard to BE a SEX SYMBOL but I-m trying Mah best twix Alzheimer's, poverty, sudden Riches and a le recherche du temps perdu... WHO! What Fucker! If I cried OUT would hear me amongst the Order of the ANGELS....Rainer Maria Rilke...OR! GOE and catch a falling Star!...John Donne. Echoes of Rhythm, Innocence, stark terror, or Guilt that drives ALL, that drives YOU to your Sticking Post...if not beyond...

R U THERE Missus Universe.... R U THERE. The MAMA of Lust, Sanctity, Sweet Delores /Our Sista of Pain, U 2 steps UP, down 3, like skinny Fred Astaire, nimble, skeletal, in a Pre-ordained dance of Death, UN-account ably, the Hollywood masses applaud /OU SANS LES NEIGE D-ANTAN, Yesterdays snows, now UN-founded in a whirlpool of Avant-Suck-My-Vagina-Culture, destination-Unknowing, least ways not back to the WOMB, UN-signposted, same as it EVER was, same as it ever was!

OH! I was forgetting! That POSTAGE Stamp KISS, that LICK-KISS on the envelope. I didn-t keep it. I should have. A Testament. A Souvenir. A POST-MAIL of TIME itself...without which BEING is worthless, forgotten and defused... or sit with Billy Shakespeare, U IZ or not IZ.

R U there! R U There! R U There!


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....CHRYSTALIONE

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.....Chrystalione…

*dedicato Anna Cimo

ONLY the things dat U MISS, like Souvenirs in a foreign land... dat BANTER, an ASSURED HUG, that HELLO-thingy,   dat said, Unspoken...I Love U, or that intimate Cry, Understood, a plate of Pesci, funghi, pasta con Carne, a Casa VINO SICILIANO, or a  COGNOSCENTI, to respond, like Yesterday, a Crystalline of THOUGHT in a gesture, a twirl of a Dress, a SENOR, a Comandatore!....at your Service!!!  Communication.
And now a Bela-vista so NOW , so far away, U knew...in your Soul., avante Bela, Bravissio-Viaggio-Senorina….Gotta deal with the Bad Boys. Write Home. Write a Poem. But never to forget the URGENCY that said, I must TRAVEL and I am GREATER than from whence I began!....


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, WESTERN UNION and My Offshore, Super-Rich Banking Account.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Western-Union....and my Super-Rich, Offshore, Cayman Islands  Banking Account.....

WHENEVER in NEED of a wild receipt from the USA or the FAR EAST my hands are sweaty, been broke for days, I-m ULTRA nervous and with THREE Money=BAR TABS riding my back, my FENG SHWEE Chinese-thingy....U got it. Under Surveillance, odd-ball side of Palookaville, my left testicle feeling POACHED!!!... Yet, in TRYING to SEND some piccolini CASH to a European Buddy in Need... the SAME WESTERN-UNION KHARMIC HORROR!
20 Questions. 20 Signatures.  20 questions about MEEEEE.....20 questions about YOU! I.D. Numbers. DESCRIBE yourself.... I-m standing HERE, u NAZIS  prick.... Describe the 50 Euro Recipient, dude….He has a wooden leg, parrot on his shoulder, sez AAARGH!!, repetitively.
He-s Bulgarian!!!
NO! He-s Romania.
Ensuing questions, favourite Polka, Waltz, Composer, many questions, am I a Philatelist, etc...Collect Stamps.

The Molto-Suck-your-foreskin PENIS CAYMAN ISLANDS, OFFSHORE BANKING system puts Western-Union to shame. They-d NEVER heard of W.U....Western Union.... I TALKED to Senore THIS, Senora THAT...Roboto/Accounto/Senor CAPITANO....

HOW MUCH do U want to place in his, your Offshore Account, Sir...

20 Euroes!

ThAT-ll do nicely, Sir. It-ll pay off your Cayman Island-Collect Call... Now! Fuck off! -U piece of Shit!...

2018, eave Delacroix, Sciacca, sicily

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.... UBER-MAN!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... UBER MAN!

*Big Yellow Taxi, re-invented.

No worries, babbee, git Ju to the airport
Me/da Uber dude.
Boy friend screwed U, last minute,
we dont give a crap
all is solid and sound.
Night or Day, or Day or Night
U got mah UBER
we-re just tight!
No worries Bela
I-m your pizza-Mazzarella
the Uber-Man.

U stuck out in NOWHERE
or in Ghetto-Central
I-ll crash in there
no despair,
or pick U up in the Prairie Wild
figure U for my long lost child,
I-ll get U to where U wanna go,
I-m da Uber-man.

she-s mah SISTA, she knows the World,
she-ll get U to UBER-POINT
and from there, babe
ANYWHERE U wanna Go!!!

No worries, babbee,
if U with Child, delivered babies,
once in a while,
some say I sing too much my song,
I jes want the World
to get along,
NO place I cant take U
no better WORLD we can make,
U just call,
there to pick up-UP!!!
I-m da UBER-Man.
A buck a mile.
The Uber-Man.
Helping U walk a Mile...then SOME!

c2018,dave Delacroix,vicola la marca,sciacca,sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....GENDER Suicide Note.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... GENDER Suicide Note.

*for Thea. It-s a Song...

….All bout Gender.
 All bout HIM.
 All bout Gender.
 HER. And whatever.....
Mostly Dude-A-RONI!
….The San Francisco Treat!

No Love
No Kiss
no Saturday Night,
no Bella
no USURP my GOD,
burning crosses
in the light of the night!

And no WARM,
no calm,
no see/through-face
just a serenity
beyond the reach
my finger-tips could trace
of THIS side
of Gender,
or decided to BE.

ALL about ridicule
sometime Fame,
hitch-hike cross rhe USA,
I-d do it again.

All about Life and Death
and all about Fear.
A kiss from a Maiden
marks Year after Year...

Ans All about Vanquished
killed on a whim
and all about Success
won on a whim,
like your kisses
lost in time,
some Gal up in heaven,
later, to sing
to hand out
a CAN-CAN dance Champagne!

c2018,davedelacroix,ourmanineurope,cafe fermi,piacenza,sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... SILENT SAM, USA Civil War Memorial-WALTZ!

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....SILENT SAM, USA Civil War Memorial-WALTZ!

*Civil War Silent Sam erected statues....Tribute to the Unknown Soldier.

*dedicato, Ragazzo Rebel E. Lee. Direct descendent of the GENERAL. We both raised a Glass in the Dume Room Bar, Point Dume, Malibu, California back in the 1990s...

Silent Sam...Waltz.

And welcome, my friends
WE find the World
UPSIDE down, again,
Australia is NORTH
and NORWAY-s gone South
with Cigarette Alarms
in every new built house!

Don't sally my Freedom
don't sally my Life
U Fascist-Socio-Body-Gestapo
I piss on your Knife!

Just pour me a Whisky
and we-ll sing that old Song,
And we-ll drink
TO the day that we die!

They-re pulling down STATUES
-a new Socio-creed
and pissing on Heroes
like Robert E. Lee
who fought, as his Right
just like SILENT SAM
that meant SO much
to folks...in their Day.

Just pour me a Bourbon
and we-ll sing that old Song
ALABAM, Mississippi and ME...
and we-ll drink
TO the day that We die!

fix North gone to South,
NO revision-ista!
to build a fake house,
take your LUMPS
and your GUTS
with all U have found,
yet keep.... your Powder dry!

Just make it a RYE
and we-ll sing that old Song,
not gone with the Wind!
A fife and a drum
a brave HURRAH!
And we-ll drink to the Day
that we die. And we-ll drink
TO the day that we die.

Now many a good boy from golden Arkansas
went off to fight not KNOWING War
and never, ever came back again,
for their MOMS....that Memorial...Silent Sam.

c2018,davedelacroix. For casualties of ALL Wars.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...RAIDERS of the Lost Caravaggio. Part 1....The Light of Day.

Our Man in Europe, Dave Delacroix...RAIDERS of the Lost Caravaggio.

 Part 1....The Light of Day.

Tony Russo, fellow Journalist,  EXPLAINED to me, Dave Delacroix. Bloody painting by Carra-whassit, RIPPED OFF by Mafia-scum-bags back in 1969 has never been seen since. Many things have CHANGED since 1969-Sicily. Business-respect, as it SHOULD be, now prevails. The WELFARE of the Sicilian NATION is paramount. The HONOUR of Sicily!...Yet the painting, the canvas...THE NATIVITY, by Caravaggio. St Lawrence, St. Francesco, in adoration. M.I.A. STOLEN.
Just WHO, for what, for WHY would ROBBERS deprive the SICILIAN PEOPLE of their HERITAGE....U wonder...
Dave Delacroix and Tony Russo do not REST....

Is this painting hanging on your Mamas kitchen wall...UN-knowingly....
Is this Artwork sitting in your secret Japanese vault....KARATE!!!!
Is this Icon of Faith stuffed, careless, under your couch....Ignoranti!
Is this canvas, too much for U to handle....for a few dollars more...Getting NERVOUS!

Raiders of the Lost Caravaggio. Dave Delacroix and Tony Russo.On the Case! No sleep till the light of Day!...

c2018,davedelacroix,our man in Europe,sciacca, sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...RAIDERS of the LOST CARRAVAGIO.

Our Man in Europe, Dave Delacroix...RAIDERS of the LOST CARAVAGGIO...

dedicato.  MANY Siciliano Amici.

In the NEXT days I will ...if the Sicilian THUG-MAFIA don-t kill me first....EXPLAIN the theft, disappearance of Caravaggio-s NATIVITY painting, with St. Lawrence and St. Francis holding the portraiture FORT which was STOLEN in 1969 in Palermo and until this DAY has not been on view for the rightful owners....the SICILIAN PEOPLE...

Watch this space. Friends are involved. We are the RAIDERS of the Lost Caravaggio!!!!


OUR man in EUROPE, DAVE DELACROIX....Punk-KID-Cloud!...

OUR MAN IN Europe, DAVE DELACROIX...Punk-KID-Cloud!...

dedicato. The last Hollywood-Jewish Talent Agent I never got.

gET DIS mOSES OFF mah cloud, some Joshua in a Punk Kid Cloud, pissed on me in Hollywood, BAD PSALMS.
Git me off the 405, inter=state, SHEIK YA BUIC!!! Frank ZAPSTA sez don-t eat the yellow snow! And ALL the World is SPRUNG like SPRING.
Eat Arabs. Eat Gentiles. Crunch a dollar bill in your mouth like cold ASH, Auschwsitz, Bergen-Belsen.
The HISTORY of MAN...is the History of GREED.

...And Hollywood Bella's from Iowa, Nebraska, Montana, Mommas, Grandmas worried sick, now dance, twist, sing a puppet song in reflection of Tyrants who masturbate with Cell-phones and UN-ME/TOO Movie Studio dynamic. The BELLAGORE prevails...The new OVENS are despair begot by skip-generations of arrogance, the succubus of history-s repetition.

Punk-Kid-Cloud. Just an Idea. SAY!!! I-m meeting Suzie down by the 7-11. We going Bowling later. Yo! Jimmies gotta 6 Pack. Dont tell Dad! Ya-Ya. I-ll fix ya bike tomorrow. My MATH sucks!...Help, maybe! .
No worries.

c2018,davedelacroix. Porta Sciacca.

c2018, davedelacroix. our man in Europe. OUTTA HOLLYWEIRD!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

OUR MAN in EUROPE, Dave Delacroix..... HAIR!!!!

Our an in Europe, Dave Delacroix..... HAIR!!!

....The 60s Hippie Musical...Re-visited.


Give ME a Beehive!
Give me a BUN!
Gimme some Dreadlocks
or Shirley Temple locks,
yet I-m a Dude!

Give me BANGS!
Or Elvis GREASE-flick!
YO!!! It-s important, ya Mu-da!

Give me a turquoise MOHICAN'S
that really kicks!
Or shave the LOT,
a polished skull
like an Auschwitz KID

head in to HELL, or sinew,
cool, Pony-tail
to tell the tale
of how I CLEFT
Capitalism-s foot!

Whilst UN-washed locks
from Eden to Amsterdam,
I SUCK the tune of
Tomorrow-s Socio-Kosher Hair
and with my THATCH or NOT,
demonstrate to the  World
that I AM
….but not THEIRS.

c2018,davedelacroix,vittoria-emanuale bar-café. Humid night. Sept. 19.

of Tomorrow-s HAIR

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix..... FENG SHIU PANINI....Sandwich thingy.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... FENG SHUI PANINI....Sandwich-thingy.

Dedicato. Thea Emerson-Manger. California-Girl.


U /Happy!
ME /Happy!
WE -Happy!
SOOOO /Happy!
Gonna skip the light fandango
babee, tonight!

I-m Grooving!
WE /Grooving!
ALL the Kids are
We gonna skip the light fandango,
babee, tonight!

Yet on those SAD days
when U feel U got NO place
a Whistle comes from OUTTA NOWHERE
to brighten up your DAYZE!!!

U -Happy!
MIO -happy!
WE -Happy!
SO -Happy!
Gonna skip the light fandango,
babee, tonight!


Yin and Yangtze
UP the river!
Brutal-beating SUN
on the Sciacca, Sicilian piazza
and the Café Porta-Palermo
ain't gonna deliver!....Me.

Absent friends, dead or dying,
NOW -lonesome HISSES
and the Love-s who GAVE
struggle in torment
to free themselves
from a FILING
in some other-s Heart-s Lost and Found.

And as WICKED comes
as Wicked goes
in TO dark corners of Memory,
to protrude, UN-faithful,
like lost souvenirs,
that STANK of loss,
when U say.... BANCO! -on one card.

In Macao or Las Vegas
the back street PAWN SHOPS
secrete, OOZE with hopeless treasure,
guitars, jewelry, Rolex watches,
lost donations of that dream of Tomorrow
and like ALL our lost tomorrows,
tarnished, glittering, UN-SOLD!

My FENG-WHASSIT is outta Wack!
My Yin and Yang
until, perhaps
of Yesterday....resound!
Or reverse its dinner-GONG
fading Tattoo.


U -Happy!
ME -Happy!
WE -Happy!
Gonna skip the light fandango,
Babee, tonight!

I-m GROOVIN....!!!
WE Grooving!
All the Kids are Swinging-
We gonna Skip the light fandango,
Babee, tonight!

Yet, on those SAD Days...when U feel U got NO place
a WHISTLE come to JAZZ UP all your DAYZE!

U -Happy!
MIO -Happy!
WE -Happy!
Gonna skip the light fandango,
Babee, TONIGHT!!!!!....

c.2018,davedelacroix,sciacca,sicily....Ou sans les neige dantan….

Friday, September 14, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.....Revolution.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Revolution!

I wondered lonely as a cloud. A BOMB went off in the BANK of ENGLAND. Nobody KNEW how much MONEY they had, queuing up with rich and poor and the Queen of England, Princes, Counts, Baronetes, Ministers, IFFY Bankers, all fighting in a queue, semi-disrobed, looking for some jewel in a lost crown. Screaming for a lost Civilisation.

I wondred lonely as a cloud. Allah-Akbah, GOD-Wills-it!. SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY F.C.! I-ve heard these CHANTS before!....

c2018, davedeLACROIX, Sciacca, sicily.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Quartet Spleen.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Quartet Spleen.


KILLER DOG on your trail. USURPED
your mental wail
it wails, and it wails, and it wails,
Since WAX was Chief of Police!

Dead Souls! Dead, quite, Cadaver, NO WITNESS
for the Lady.....in the Lake.

And SO it comes around
a sweet mistletoe,
a Day in the Sun
but everyone gets to KNOW

Yucca-cactus, bleeding blood
and all the things
under Chevrolet hood,
humming. cussing, spitting,
Detroit's finest!
A Conscience that never goes away...
And when it COMES
to kissing
Lord knows I should know better!



Don't GIVE your Patina away
Bela Senorita
Let the Bravoes SWEAT
give U a ring, pluck a Guitar,
a canzone Romantica….

Don't give your Virtue away
sweet Bela, its all in the game
for that one Bravoes fame,
who-ll leave U in shame,
less your Pappa,
your fratelloes ...go to Jail.

Don't give your Love away,
Il Caro, ALOOF, in a flight,
a dance, a canzone, a
tapestry MAMBO!....

ALLEURI! Yet some, decades, long distant night,
you will RUE the day U CLOSED
favours Door

For NOW,
No-one comes, lightly tapping
at your door,
a Passion-Interest
gone for ever-more.

Dont give your Love, mi Amica
un-less it-s DOMANI you see.


California, Topanga Canyon, Gold-digger Bela's!

Bela's in da desert! Bela's in da Canyon!
 California, time and space,
with whithering Bourbon, Whisky wiles, a broken Guitar belonging to some HAS-BEEN they once invested their Heart, like a gathering of MISS HAVERSHAMS...Dickens....looking for a PIP with Great California Expectations...How SWEET Life-s Rivers run.

Bela's on the PRAIRIES who-ll knit your brow, organize a DOOM, come too soon, kiss your sweet Youth, whistle, uncannily, like a forgotten tune, INVIOLATE, yet THEIRS, like black widow spiders, apres, consumption,
not sure. EAT U
...or let U prevail.
 Oh yes. Such creatures scamper around loneliness.
Their MEAT
….. is the forlorn.

Bela's in the City, PERFUME, HIGH-HAT and Click-heels, a smatter of DIATRIBE
beyond your comprehension.
Its ONLY the Fashion-ista-BROKEN
in search of GOD, or Love, or Perfection....
I wash my abundant long, Anglo-Saxon hair every 2 days. The REST of me is decaying.
For LOVE... I am in despair.


UNDER THE RADAR, my Gal got my NUMBER, jeez don't I ever get to MASTURBATE on a Wednesday afternoon....in Private!
U, Yes U!!! U don't KNOW the meaning of HEART BREAK, too late for TERROR when your fellow CAMBRIDGE FELLOWS find out U AIN'T GAY....!!! WOTS WONG WIV DIS HUOMO! -said with a lisp.

UNDER DA MOONBEAMS, guilty of POETRY, tried to HIDE IT under somebody Else's pillow punting on the god damn river, trying NOT to look too POET-SWINBURNE, too dreamy, yet bumming money for a drink, or stealing a bus, double-Decker ride, what-s to become of MIO, Post-Grad style...

UNDER THE COLLEGE TOWERS of ILLITERACY, those glittering Prizes, not for Me. BADDA-BING! BADDA-BOOM!....I boogied lonely as a cloud.

UNDER THE RADAR, my Gal ditched me. She joined the Commies or the Drama Society. Said she wanted to be Free. Somehow, it all works out. I quit my Studies, moved up North to the Derby shire Dales. Got a job as a Farm Labourer…. Under the Radar.


Monday, September 10, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....GOD's LANDFILL.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix….God's Landfill.

CELLPHONES, APPS, Quiz stuff, headphone cables, PASSWORDS, all be TOLD, Dead Souls. Gogol! God's Landfill.
Cavalry Charges, Military PHALANX, Barbarians. Aborigines, CRUSH, God's handful! OR...
Broken promises, Deadbeat Loves, a call to Arms, where PUSH is PUSH and SHOVE is SHOVE!
…..I SEE no evidence of smart Gals whining for the NON Alpha'Man…

I wandered amongst God's Landfill. Lots of TRASH, lots of Jokers, boys and Girls alike, asking me if I was staying, could I put them UP for a night…


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

OUR MAN in Europe, dave delacroix... A Day in the Life.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... A DAY in the LIFE.

No morning BLOW JOBS, NO bacon and Eggs....

Let me START again.

It-s always incredulous, in RUGBY, when in SCRAMBLE U make a TRY, SCORE a goal, your first, and quite unexpected, U R the RUGGER DUDE, IL CAPO, never fails to swirl in Life-s sub-conscious and sustains your inner confidence for the rest of your life!
Maybe it-s an English thing!

IN SICILY, the town OF Ribera, RIBERA....tattooed Costas, my buddy, from RUMANIA, sucking on Grillos, Siciliano Vino Biancos, was proposition with his GAL on a Café Terrazzo by TWO Bravos... Give UP 30 Euros!
Why 30....
Fuck off! Fight ensued. Problem WAS Carlos is from ANOTHER dynamic. I KNOW. He pounds the two Bravoes, they run OFF, come back with TWENTY MORE!
Restaurant, Cafe People ENSURE Carlos and his GAL get on a bus out of town....to SCIACCA, where I live. WORD HAS IT, Scumbags of Ribera Bravoes are actively seeking Carlos here in Sciacca. A Siciliano Juvenile vendetta.
Carlos, Milano University Student, on VACATION with his GAL for 2 weeks, is presently HOLED UP on my Terrazzo. Sleeping bag. Puppy dog. Girlfriend who shows UP now and then. Tutte bene!
Heading back to MILANO on the 10th.  His Birthday!
Stuff like this...he-s 21...happens all around the World every day!.... I must be losing touch.

NO morning Croissants, no Cannelloni!! Afternoons!

CRASHING with Vague-connects up in Humbolt County, |North-Redwoods California, odd-folks, Hippies, GUYS BUILDING THEIR LOGWOOD CABINS, clearing Cabin space yet worried bout the Environment... In the AFTERNOON of my LIFE, how come I tolerated, or enjoined....a Story of the ROAD, Guilty as charged. HAPPY TRAILS was a common Wood inscribed sign, of a Redwood Ranchero. 500 dead Redwood trees without a voice.

I was ALWAYS hitch hiking UP and down HIGHWAY ONE, California, like an Automaton in the benevolent clasp of Samaritans, ...purveying Songs and Words, the CRUX and the GUTS, pot-boiling, I still yet had to understand. To THIS day. The idiosyncrasy, the inner ORGASM of THOUGHT, yet to spew its GUTS, worthy of, worthy of Anything!
A death in the Afternoon, pictorialized by a Hemmingwayan bullfight would have been too YOU! Die of thirst in the heat. Freeze to death in the Cold, cold, Cold.... I knew these things.

BLOOD COFFEE, some place in Oakland. A THEATRE. They wouldn't give me a FREE cup. Pissed off I stormed down to the San Francisco bay with ONE EYE on the SKY... Full moon.....I only had a Quarter, 25 cents, So I wrote the Song, SOMEONE SLIPPED A QUARTER OVER YOUR MOON.

Someone slipped a quarter
over ya Moon.
Someone said, I love U
way to soon,
highways LONG
an its a lonely ride
yet the stars
are as bright as bright
someone slipped a quarter
over your moon.

And Oh how, my heart wails
Full Moon never seems to fail,
came over here on a Wagon Train
strange how things...stay the same.

Someone slipped a Quarter
over ya moon.
someone said
I love U way to soon

The highways long
and its a lonely ride
don't despair, baby
I-m by your side,
some slipped a quarter
over your moon..... Someone
slipped a quarter
over your moon.....

c.2018, dave Delacroix, Sciacca, sicily. A day in the Life of Dave Delacroix. Age 63.