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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...Mozzarella-Man!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Mozzarella Man!

He step Torino,
he step Bologna
he step Emilia
he commin for ya babe
he da, Moazzerelli
He whistles by Night
his Saxophone wail!
Mazzerella-Man, commin round

He down in Salerno
east tooooo BRINDISI
backtracks to Messina
and then Sicily,
his Grande Amica,
she puts her lips together
Mazzorella U BLOW,
Mazzalino dude, on the road!

Mazzarella-Man, TWO TONE,
da DUDE,
trilby hat, winkle-pickle shoes,
Italiano stripped-socks,
his Mamma-s Blues....
Mazzarella Boy,
ALL the joy that HOLLYWOOD
can Hasselblatt= a-Camera,
who sings his own Fellini  tune....

Ciao-babe! Ciao-babe! Ciao-babe Amore!

c2019,davedelacroix, Sciacca-sicily, via licata.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... Saturday Night.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... Saturday Night.

dedicato. Bela Jane Sheilds.

MY HEART is broken, my GIRL sailed away, she ran off with some RUNAWAY, never made it to shore, out on the Moor, where her body lies, her SOUL evanescent, a Saturday night!

There-s PROMISE, there-s Blood-ties, there-s KIN, there-s TRUTH and all the things that BIND me and U...BROKEN, asunder, a heart in chains and NO festive song, no WESSEX= refrain. The lamb doesn't bleat nor feral Cat MEEOW, no landsman refrain. No Intellect-HOW~!!! Nor Mandarin!

NO ADMIRAL in the King-s NAVY will give Sixpence for MY thoughts and what disdain I have for ENGLISH JUSTICE, over-shadowed by the one I love, a beer or 2, a Saturday night, wishing my fellow hung-to-be gaol- fraternity, a swift execution, far from the POX of sad Society! We DIE resolute! We DIE in Grace!

My Girl...A Stranger killed her on the Kings highway. But I am to HANG! And U, a Love-UN-delivered, con-cussed, yet Pirate the new Sabbath, that old time SATURDAY NIGHT, as  a bronze, heavy clock, strikes me nearer to HER and to YOU.

Can I, YOU, SHE, our LOVE let GO, a Saturday Night, fancy-free  or do WE GHOST Tomorrow, a GUILLOTINE that simply smiles in the shadow of our Sundays. Or do we wile away the days in wistful Poetry...

c2919,,,david Delacroix.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....LAST of the Mohicans.

Our Man n Europe, dave deacroix… LAST of the Mohicans.

MILK, BREAD, Tortillas, sugar, yoghurt, EGGS, prosciutto. Mouthwash, Chest-rub VICKS, toilet paper, stuff U need, aging man or time=past

Kisses, HUGS, to SAY I love U. Like KIDS hugging, playing on a beach. Later, Moms and Pappa will throw a towel around your shoulders. A billow of clouds or ideas, a le recherche.

After the LIDO, at the Hotel restaurant. We get to BEHAVE. ….Big People we get to meet at Loch Lomand, Scotland,  in some grandiose Jacobite mansion exotica.

David will be fine.
Manfred! Greta!
Vikings one and All!
By the LOCH amongst the Trees, they PLAY and Sing!

MILK, bread, PANNINI, hunger to know, tomorrows Kids. Like water flows. And Greta, like choice white wine. Manfred and I. The last of the forest Mohicans!

c2019. davedelacroix.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.....Bring back the KING!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Bring back the KING!

OLD WORLD, pre-Napoleon, Countess's ….on the DANUBE....Willem Haustein or his distant COUSIN, Countess=Maria who, OBSESSED with ETERNAL YOUTH. ….thinking Vampires, Paprika, pieces of ASS swirling, Leder-hose!...Gotta get CLEAN!

Some kind of RUNAWAY, Muslim Kid. SALAAM. Rock and Roll, MALE LOVERS, can WE be SALAAM!...IS IT IN the KORAN, if NOT, can we SHOOT the IMAN....we ask!...like a Runaway Soul, IN SHALLAH!

Old PRE-Napoleon World. Old Danube=Contessa in search of ETERNAL YOUTH bathed in the BLOOD of 70 maidens or more, had them COMPRESSED in a MUMMY-IRON MAIDEN under whose blood she would shower. Historical. Documented. Non Smoking in Taverns, U BITCHES, can I kiss U.

OH GOD!!!...that WE LIVE....in a SOCIETY where CHILDREN are SENT to PUBLIC SCHOOLS like ETON or RODIN where their CHILDREN will be SODOMIZED....later to be elected to positions of British  Government....

OLD WORLD, sodomized-psychology. What is worse, the Carrot or the jagged Potato! HEAR THE DORMITORY SCREAM!!!
which as U know resides at left hand-jewish-preference circumcision..... Poor bastards!.....CAN ANYONE investigate, PREDITOR TEACHERS at High=End, Marlborough, Harrow, ETON.  These CESS=POOLS of HOSTILY and ENFORCED HOMOSEXUALITY!!!....Kids in Danger, grinding.

It-s a RUNNAWAY GIG. A runaway SOUL. Some clown said I couldn-t SMOKE in the Tavern. Maybe NEXT...I won-t be able to SING!
Please suck my Old-Yorkshire GOOLIES, U PISSEY PARLIAMENT. I AM an English Man. Bring back the KING! Bugger the Clerk with his Pen! Bring back a KING....

our man in Europe, dave Delacroix.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix..... RODEAN. U.K. Girls School.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix..... Rodean. UK Girls School.

NO PITY for the RODEAN who Scythes her TITS thru MEDEA or sucks your foreskin....if U have one...inside-out.

NO PITY for the JUMPER, Knee-socks, suspenders, the INNER-LAMIA...blh-blah-fish cakes, whose got dah COke who sheds her taxes, her INNER-fornication, a slither, term after term.

A BLACK WIDOW mate, local boy or janitor, curdles her succulent fangs. Geometrtry, Algerbra, hoary-tween thighs CLAMPED to suck out Day-s Headlights. The Fog of Sex!

WOE To the Vanquished! Virginity lost! Gene Autrey-s Saddlebags! Romance on a platter! The residual of her School Graduation, her last meal, whilst licking smile ...at your Entrance, silly boy, opportune.

c2019, dave Delacroix. Inspired by PUNK ROCK Song. Wanna....DUDE!...Go to Rodean!!!

Malibu....Surfrider Point.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....MALIBU, Surf rider-Point!

Last time I looked.... the Krauts were apologetic. Yet  Millions of folks incinerated like Kentucky Fried Chicken. Last time I looked, a Yin and Yang, why invade China...or TIBET...let People BE. Last time I looked I used to SURF in Malibu, California. NOW, apparently, I cannot...on THE BEACH...smoke WEED, smoke a cigarette, FORNICATE under da MOONLITE, crack a 6-pack, cruise twix  Point Dume and Surf -rider Point, NAZIS NO SMOKING on PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY....so WHY should we come....U PUSSIES. U Killed it ALL....u fucks, no capito. Is it that what your Male OR FEMALE righteous INNER-PUSSY CAT wants...MEOW!!! Is there NO WAY U can sit in your Torrance-Bungalow, Masturbate-frantically, smoke a whisky, and play your old 45s....

c2019. davedelacroix.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... PARIS-STATION... Baudelaire-s Tears!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...PARIS STATION... Baudelaire-s Tears!

Standing alone, Gare du Nord-Paree, thigh striped stockings, green and beige, pink hat pins, knitting-needles to  keep da HAT from blowin, a DEFENSE in the Station-s INFAMOUS PAN-HANDLER-BEGGAR breeze,
….She BEATS OFF the Station FLIES till her rendezvous, 5 minutes late, but enough to distress. IT-S SLIGHTLY BETTER than the GARE de EST. SHE, your wife, girlfriend or daughter... owns a Shoulder-bag-CLINGING!!! At the Gare Du SUD, maybe her Virginity!...So HARD, aujourdhui, solo...to catch a TRAIN...out of this PARIS she once loved so well, to Limoges, Toulouse, Lyon. Some place from this Paris-Station, UN-Policed... Civic HELL!...Or Baudelaire-s tears and a sad... invitation to a voyage...

c.2019, davedelacroix.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.....Empty Ring.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... Empty Ring.

dedicato. For IZ. A Chanson....a la Francois Villion.

I don-t know what I done
I don-t know if I should,
I don-t know if I should kiss U.

I don-t know how it feels
cutting FILM on a floor,
a Celluloid-memory-stew.

I don-t know how We-d ACT
if it all came back,
a haunting of Yester-year!

I don-t know how we-d SWING
put a Diamond in your ring,
I don-t know
just how I-d feel Blue.

I just got a payin job
a singer in a band,
when I Sing, when I sing
there-s U.

An TIME, always furtive
gathers up Our rhyme
and curdles
our Tomorrow. Go figure!

There ain-t Nothing I don-t KNOW
Ous sans les neige d-antan,
a Poet and his pen, ADIEU.

I don-t KNOW how We-d Swing,
but Tomorrow....has an empty ring
whilst YESTERDAY sings so True!

Come walk with Me a-ways
we-ll find a Love that sways
and point Me to Tomorrow-s horizon!

c2019, davedelacroix….vicola la marca, Sciacca-sicily.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...Tokyo Rose.

Our Man in Europe , dave delacroix.. Tokyo Rose.

dedicato,  Matt O-Neill

Nobody love ya without NO shoes. Your Accountant tore UP your Credit Cards, the Finance Company towed away your 4 x 4 GMC-Dream liner truck. Your Apartment at the Balli-Lai Coconut Grove beach thingy is now a Youth Hostel, F.L.A.

U OWN 1 pair of Sandals, 2 pair of Beach pants and 3 Shirts emblazoned with Chinese OR Japanese  Cryptos of Love, Peace, I LOVE Mt. Fugi, Lotus Blossom... or the name of the ONLY Jap-Gal U ever sometimes....in your Peril... loved, TOKYO ROSE.

....Like U, maybe... I tried to decipher..... Jeeze!What can  I Do;;;;make a Film-Noir Beach tent=movie for ME and my next VELMA. KILL ME NOW, but 7 Samourais… rushin to da Cavalry rescue on a volcanic beach! KABOOM!      JEEZE! I need to just get a JOB!!!....Noodles. Nobody loves ya...HIC... without no  Shoes!...Tokyo Rose...Life is a Submarine! WHAT IS THAT CAPTAIN! I CANT MAKE IT OUT! WHAT IS THAT CAPTAIN... I CANT MAKE IT OUT!....beep. beep. beep. Did I DIE with your Voice!...

6 Months LATER. SHE picks me up, STRETCH LIMOUSINE on Pineapple Grove. I, the same, SHE is NOT. Nobody loves U without no Shoes. Stuff we deal with. Occasionally, a Friend to confound! A Ghost! A Thief! An old Radio Echo. MURDER in the Skies. And Tokyo Rose, somehow, inspiring, or  maybe, those old Tee-shirts...we buried in the sand...but she drives me into some Key West Bar and at some point I start to believe her. Such as I am.

HELLO-Babee. This is Tokyo Rose!

c2019, davedelacroix.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...Some kind of Blue.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Some kind of Blue.

Nobody is nervous, piccilini peckto penis, vagina, upper clitoris, ringin like a church bell, homos fox-a-hunting, come blow your horn and WHICH way U turning, either way is despised,  Rodean Lesbo, and THIS IS WHAT u GOT...Some Ruling Class Malfunction....nice accent...does She Fuck!...Knickers by a Career-side....I got a Job in Multi-Media BIZ in London, SOHO. Pappa owns da building! A Café Lunghi. Strike! ...Some kind of Blue.....In the coils of Love-s Lamia I reach out
yet her coils smother my aspirations whilst I madly STAB at her tattoo!

Yup! U got it! Pretty busy at the Office! God KNOWS how we-ll pay the Rent!...Some blue. What Kids do......

c2019,davedelacroix. Holland Park. London. Tryin to behave.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Back on the Booze!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Back on the Booze!

Back on the Booze.
He-s back on dah Booze!
SHE-s back on da booze,
Everyone-s back in the tank
tryin to find a Shoe that fits!

Back on the Booze
Back to da BLUES
Reflections in a tune
of a mirror-cracked.

Back on the Booze
Nothing to lose
cept a world ling-since gone
so back to School,
She-s gone boog-a=loo
from here to kingdom come!

Back on the Booze.
He-s back on da Juice!
Everyone, back on the Booze!
Tryin to find a Shoe that fits...

c2019, davedelacroix, vocola la marca, Sciacca-sicily.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....The Fugitive.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... The Fugitive.

Wicked BITCH, trampoline, LIFE!
or G>P,
Unction, effervescent
sweet Primrose Hill,
the kind U get to OWN,
a day without a knife

but nothing stays still-CLEAN CUT
like Murder 101
Detectives on site
Ambulance commin
no extra BODY, not yet,  in sight

KIMBLE, yo, a Doctor,
BABEE delivered,
called it STEVE
after  da COP
first on da scene
and in the wisp of a NIGHT
a shadow recedes....

It aint nothin but a DAYDREAM
an HOLISTIC wooze
when the Cops wrap it UP
say U drank to much booze
but I gotta hankering
an a WHOLE lotta THANKIN
who came by that night...Yessiree!

c2019, dave Delacroix, march 20. kids  birthday.


…..SURE GLAD we buzzed OFF from that Egypt-Pyramid-building-psychosis and went HIGH-LIFE to Nubia where NOW, UN-heralded, I sing my river  NILE Song, drinking, chain-smoking under the Sun. A Song, long forgotten. A Song of my distant Fathers. Tutte pazzi, in Aramaic, or maybe Greek. .the words we speak. Yet! SURE GLAD! OZYMANDIAS, tutte=monde, no GREED. 3,500 B.C..HAPPY DAY!

And  our many SONS, now Kings of Cyprus, Crete, Ionia...I get messages once in a while. ALWAYS I advised them CHANGES COME...the Gods, or who knows, but take a care because Tomorrow, friend or foe never knows as  OZYMANDIAS, or where NOW my bones lay...beware the ICONS of Yesterday as a kiss upon your lips  yet can deliver U...

Naturally, ANYONE who Fucks with my SACRED TOMB, ETERNAL CURSES...their DICK will fall off, my GHOST will FUCK their WIVES whilst sleeping....and their CAMELS will never be Fertile!!!

OZYMANDIAS...has spoken!

c2019, dave Delacroix.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.... ALWAYS MARRY A SMOKER!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... ALWAYS  Marry a Smoker.

a Smoker will be fine...in ENGLISH
FOLK SONGS, your head, no AXE
nor thrown
into a bottomless WELL,
either way....a festa for Lawyers
and no Whisky for Jesus
on a Saturday nite...city lites blinkin.

ALWAYS marry a Siciliano GUISY, Sicilian
and KEEP Tobacco-right. One Eye on Pappa
and the Other on the Day.

best thing U can think of,
KID, VIRGIN, Bella-to-Be
and ALL the things

where-with U can shape THIS World....
Pappa-Dave....your ADVICE
is no good to Me....

Always Marry a SMOKER, my Siciliano
Bella, my Song. The REST

c2019,davedelacroix, our man in Europe.

Our Man in Europe< dave delacroix....GOGOL B. Love!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix,,,,GOGOL Bordello Love.

dedicato. Leonardo, Duc di Modica, Sicily.

And the Night OWL
LIONS-tootin away!

Giraffes  are STUMPY,
U GOT me somehow, Babe,
ya got Me today.

LOVERS! Off to WAR!!!
Soldiers, jeeze! -shakin hands!
UNBEREAVEABLE!!! Politicians

...sing a song of sixpence
a pocket full of rhyme,
somehow U got my HEART,
ya got Me, Babe, this time.

c2019. davedelacroix. café porta Palermo. Sciacca-sicily.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... Wyoming Song.

Wyoming Song.

dedicato. Dan Randolph.

It-s not like I-m outta MONEY
but if U can lend me a 5, a 10, maybe 2
It-s not like I-m out of a PLAN,
kicked the CHEVI to Scrap
and the Cheyenne-Apartment-
Rent is due.

It-s not like I-m OUT
it-s just the way, sometimes
things, just DO
It-s not just like a MEMORY,
because our Love is New.

It-s not just like,
maybe, for U BEFORE,
some way, MY sleeves
rolled to the bone
and all my Yesterdays,
a North Country linesman phone

Gotta-n excuse, a prairie tale,
a Wyoming in my Soul
It-s not like I don-t have a buck,
maybe best leave us alone....

...when we have the Stars!


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, The Witness.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix, the Witness.

ddicato. Rebecca, Lawrence, Mark. Fellow Victims, Sheffield Social-Services.

WHO KILLED our Whole Truth! WHO KILLED our Joi de Vie!  WHO KILLED your Saint Patricks Day! Who KILLED Saint David, who KILLED the GIG, for WAR or the PEACE U were meant to STAND UP for....and all the Babpipes, fifes and drums and MORRIS dancers, Folk-singers, a-Balladeers.....who TRIED to kill U. Ous sans, Cheri..

Pretty Hair and Knickers clean, a CHILDHOOD home, COLLECTIVE. Your OUT-ABOUT, School-Resume, your DYNAMIC....Selective. With a suppressed HEART who knows not where in the FRIGID Northern-English air, not far from DICKENS World-s despair...to KILL TRUTH!

O Sailor-s far and WIDE, U R SO Lucky. The Kids U left behind, DO YOUR SAILING! There is nothing worse to see than your Kids-left in drudgery, like a Shipwreck out of sea...with no hope of saving. With no hope of saving. And left in the hands...the hands...of deviants...or Sadists!

Who killed your whole truth. Who killed your JOY! Who killed your Saint Patrick-s ROI, who maimed St. David, who killed our JOI da Vie. Leaving, a departure, no responsibility. Just WE KIDS as Witness.


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Our Man in Europe dave delacroix....DOWNTOWN!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... Downtown!

O Jamboree! O Jamboree!
Carry my sad Ass home... Rent a Truck!
And a Brewski Round
 for ALL my Memories,
a Round for SHEFFIELD,
my old town!
O Jamboree, o jamboree
this good OL BOY is gone to ground.

O Jamboree, o jamboree!
My GAL is dead and gone,
nuttin much to celebrate,
a Love, a Kiss, a Song!
A Jamboree for Yorkshire Lasses-Lads!
A Whisky for mah Soul!
O Jamboree, o jamboree!
I-ll SEE U all Downtown.
Someday, ALL..downtown.
Someday, ALL downtown.
Where we GO to rest...


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Laura.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... Laura.

A Siciliano Kid, didn't KNOW what she KNEW...a 12 years old, moms and Pops, their love gone cold.
Don-t hear from them, except... when they  cry LAURA!
Cried Laura.

 I heard when THEY were kids, Moms and Pops, an 8-track recording, they played Hippie songs, kissed and loved, made play on Foggia-beach....and conceived LAURA. Me.
Cried Laura.

And THRU-entwined, as GOD divined, here comes ME and what am I supposed to do. Poke around with School Homework. Look PRETTY at Family events. A Carnivale!
Cried Laura.

Dad needed a Bicycle, MOM, she needed...why should I care, a wardrobe of Promise, a Cougars Lair...
So don-t U forget about ME. The Kid YOU, yes YOU... stuck in your Tree. Some Kid meant to BE!
Cried Laura.

A Siciliano Kid, 12 goin on 14...DONT know what she KNOWS, what she Knows... She dosen-t HEAR  too much from her folks... like the SEA pounding upon the SHORE, an endless repetition, a tunnel-forlorn.....except when THEY cry for LAURA!

Laura, sweetie-pie! Come and MEET this new-cool-Guy!

c2019, davedelacroix

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...original song...CROOKED MAN!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Original Canzone....CROOKED MAN!

It takes a Crooked man
to walk a crooked mile,
but I ain-t crooked-walkin any more.

It takes a worried dude
to sing a worried tune,
but I ain-t gonna sing da Blues, no more!

…..It takes a Pride to fall
before he can RE-join
his Kith and Kin
who need a helping hand...

It takes a Crooked man
to sing a crooked song
but I ain-t Crooked-singing, no more.

It takes a Crooked man
to walk a crooked mile
but I ain-t walkin-crooked anymore.
Oh I ain-t crooked-walkin, no more!

c2019, dave Delacroix.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... EAT DA BIRD!!!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...EAT DA BIRD!!!

dedicato. Michael Wright, Michael Cristol….My F.L.A. Bros.

Eat da Birdi, Eat Da Bird! She Said, Eat the BIRD! But I didn't have dah Heart! Powder on the dresser.  She said EAT DA BIRD, Eat da Bird, but it wasn't IN Me. She said EAT DA BIRD, eat da bird, I was goin No place. At a loss,  I hitch hiked out of Flagstaff, Arizona, sayin goodbye to those killer HOT WINGS at the Motel Casa Encenado. Got to playin Guitar in L.A. Could-a been worse. Could-a been a mental Truck-Stop post-mortem Tucumcarri!

c2019. davedelacroix, West of the Pecos. 

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... BRIGADOON...A Dagger in mah kiss.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... BRIGADOON. ...Dagger in mah Kiss.

dedicato. Prince Harry.

….Succubus, LAMIA, coils round mah Soul. There-s LIVIA with poison who thinks I-m her Goal. There-s a Worship Mamma-mia, a bow to your Saturday night, but for ME, there-s something misty, this BRIGAHADOON, this Saturday night.

There-s a WINDOW, like Snake-eyes that U can see thru. No Extra-special-magic, nor GO singin dah Blues. It-s a Moment of Internal Cryin, like look to your KIDS-signin, Succubus, LAMIA, her coils round THEM!!!. And but when she-s FED, Kids DEAD, hearts-broken...she slithers away.

Dagger in mah KISS, I killed her away. An Anaconda-Boa, she sublimely dancers away. Camouflage, Disco-at-large! Driving her latest Victim-s Posrche!

Succubus,  Lamia, COLD, swinging hips. That now knows to beware the Dagger in my kiss, me-thinks. My Kids are Protected.

O sing of Succubus, LAMIA, coils round FLESH. There-s LIVIA with Poison who thinks I-m her ZEST. There-s a STARK-LAMARK, a bow to Saturday Night but for MIO there-s something MISTY this Brigahdoon. This Brigahdoon.

Singin. Oh Tra-la-la! Fife and Drum ….and a Violin! O sing of Succubus.

c2019,March.davedelacroix, Sciacca-sicily. I CANNOT believe, here in Sciacca-Sicily TWO Tabacci have NOOOOOoooo PEUBLO Tabacco. CHEAPSKATES. No INVESTMENT. Guess, after all, I gotta move to the OVER-REGULATED-BREXIT UK. Fornication, for the Over-60s...ON TAP.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... SALLY, free and easy.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... Sally, free and easy.

RED SKY AT night, Shepherds delight, red sky in MORNING, Sailors take warning, kisses from MIO, equally ALARMING, bela-Sally, free with ME.
Roses R red, Violets R Blue, GOOD MORNING AMERICA, I still love U, and SALLY, free with Me, with kisses, I love her So.
Something Old, something New, something borrowed, something YOU...Sally still free and easy, with Me...With Me. Somehow-Today!
Red sky at night, Shepherds Delight, red sky a Morning, Sailors take warning, kisses from North to South, sometimes, it-s how it goes. Sally, free and easy.

c2019. davedelacroix

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Our Man in Europe, Dave Delacroix, ...from MENU for MURDER, Corpus-Delicious.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix, from MENU for MURDER...Corpus-Delicious.

BIRD-s NEST DELICIOUS! Crowded. Aromatic. An architectural, UN-found Veil!  The Regis Apartment building, straight out of B-W Hollow-weird Lost and found. Home to 10 dollar nites, whisky-dragonettes, failed Sushi Chefs, Satin Dolls,  they all drank next door at the Blow Fish HAPPY BAR off Van Nuys, San Fernando valley, back-in da-day, today! Place like THAT U don't expect handguns. Nope!...Culinary knives. The Sino-Asiatic cognoscenti pride. People U don't mess with. Mix in some Cantonese, WOK mentality, General Tsao attitude, no Cantonese. Strictly Mandarin! Yup. No Curry-favour, rather, throw Diece-Rice in the back room. Every city in the USA has one. A satellite ethnic boogaloo. A Jack Nicoh-SAN Ready to Wear!   L.A.-s where they make the Movies so IT gets to be renown. D n D, P.I., Lost Kids and Found, called in by Chef Xia en Lai., actually his OWN apartment landlord, 3 connections-cousins down, for missin kid Lee, Lee wanna be Movie Star, Culver City! Go see!
Subsequent Mee-How, Ciao=mein investigations turned up bad boogie for Chinese family. He wasn-t abducted. LEE wasn't dead. He-d turned out GAY and was struttin his stuff thru a West Hollywood Talent Agency and apparently, getting bit-parts in some Korean-War sitcom and for the most part, writing Poetry and having a good time, living in Santa Monica where the debris meets the sea, hanging out at local bar, the Anal Lounge. Used to be called Canal Lounge but the Bar-neon lost it-s C.
 Naturally, D n D, P.I., Kids Lost N Found,  assured XIA en LAI and family, KID NOT DEAD, gone-Samurai, wishes NOT to be contacted but will connect soon, will write to his Mamma-san, earliest, etc. From there on out D n D, P.I, Kids lost N Found, never got BANKSY SMILEY whenever he dined at XIA-s restaurant. On the Other hand, he never felt little warmth before. Still. The food  was always exceptional. In conclusion, for WARMTH, invariably, and customary, he-d head over to Pacific Pallisades and the dependable House of Lee. Yup! Same name. That-s L.A. for ya!

c2019, davedelacroix.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... WITCH in the Window.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Witch in the Window.

A WITCH IN the Window, LIGHT in the Other, tonight. A REASON to expand, a fear, to shroud. Or a kiss to deliver, AMORE! A YO! to cheer, a NAY to Yesteryear...a kiss TOO, a love to regret....As we R as playful to the GODS as dolphins in the sea. U and me.

A SOLO in a choir, a Film-noir, do I DIE, but not until the ending. The girl, the boy, twix fingers holding your Carnivale-Purple hair...Passion on passion Usurps, between. A Lamia beast versus Hollywood Dragon.

A Witch in a window, a heroine in the light, a bedazzle, an Epiphany, a DNA double-helix, a MIGHT, a departure, a long lonely trail to TINSEL TOWN. And all the glitter U found crumbled in your Theatre. Or a soliloquy. A dance in the meads. A kiss. Not even a 1,000 yard stare.  That silhouette, a redemption-DEGAS figurine, that Giaconda smile, the Witch in the window. A shadow. Where Love grieves.

c2019, davedelacroix, café porta carmine, Sciacca-sicily. bartenders....Nino--- and Francesca. The only Woman I ever loved.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.... CIGARETTE!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... CIGARETTE.

JUST WANTED A CIGARETTE, fuck U! I just wanted a Smoker-roni -dude! I jess gotta-HAVE...make U CRINGE sweet-babee, AH GONNA Smoke all over U.
And thru da HAZE can U PHASE your FASCIST, body-Nazi Blues, rules, outside of my Zipper!

JESUS! It-s not like we live in Black-Shirt ENGLAND....I know a GUY who plays SLIDE!!! He-s gotta a pad in Kreusburg, Berlin, don-t cha-know! Non-Smoking Goose-step!
Still....It-s an OLD song...Just wanted a Cigarette. Fuck U!....and KEEP an eye on U.

c 2019. dave Delacroix.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... SANPIERI

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...  Sanpieri. a canzone.

dedicato. Siriana, Leonardo, Beppe.

That DAY on the beach, Sanpieri-Sicily,  a primavera, before everyone IN Sicily decided it was their VACANZA Trash-Can, my eyes cut the figure=line, upper-breast, bikini line, simmering sun-blessed, lime-green, subtle! A LAMIA Queen, her coils, not  abrupt, but rustled! ...
In-expected, U sad Dude!...now I say to myself. I approached.... In Sanpieri. And so it goes...canzone.

c2019, davedelacroix.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... CLEOPATRA at da Market.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... CLEOPATRA at the Market.

MILK, Yoghurt, Tomatoes, HAM, Cornflakes, SHROOMS, Brie, VIM-toilet powder, DRAINO, T.P., Beer......not forgetting, New Coffee Pot. Marco-Antonio broke the last one. New Combe. Scrubbing brush !

c 2019, davedelacroix, sicily.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Chain Smoker!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Chain-Smoker!

NO WHISKY for JESUS the Disciples get TOO fricked OUT, No Jesus for the Whisky, the Solemn, the Devout! No VINO for the Apostles, the SISTAS of Mercy, Domenicans, Franciscans! And NO WHISKY-Jesus, a FIFTH!!!...except for Me, alone...

NO COGNAC, Jacque! No Gin, JIMMY! No Vodka, SERGIE! No Mercy for Me! No dynastic-worldly ADMINISTRATION to govern what THIS natural-born Chain-smoker will DO!..BODY NAZIS please suck mah foreskin...and have a Nice day!...And Smokeroo!

c2019. dave Delacroix. Vicolo la Marco, Sciacca-Sicily. Smokin-away!!!...I can just FEEL their body/cringe...LOL....Ho-hum.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix..... LIVIA-s Kiss.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... Livia-s Kiss.

dedicato. Bela Jude Delorca, Amica- Scrittori.

SWEET LIVIA IN your bloom, competing Bravoes for your Ariadne Thread that led to heaven, conquest, a squirming, bucking, citadel of gold, U HELD like a fortress NOW where NO Lecher fears to tread!

Sweet LIVIA, growing bold, but Gigolos, your ONLY fold...to THIGHS wrapped-rapture, intensive desire, one bright morning, ILLUSIVIO! A twinkle in a cruel twilight!

SWEET LIVIA, growin old, only long lost Babees to resurrect your cold-fire. In TIME, Vespa, GODDESS of ROME-s eternal flame IGNITES whilst  U CRIPPLE along the Scare Via to the Circo-Maximus where, ENCORA! AVE! The Sacrifice! The Games!.. Where you began!

R.I.P. SWEET LIVIA, unto THE GODS, receive your SOUL, lunghi-vita to your Legacy, and a Caligula-s kiss to send U to Pluto-s door.

c.2019, davedelacroix, café porta-Palermo, Sciacca-sicily a carnival.