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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/basement tapes, No. 7: MAGNET

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/basement tapes, No. 7:  MAGNET

(Authors note: No year - 2013 - would be quite "RAD" without an epistle from my co-writer, BLIND BILL, who lives in an AIRSTREAM trailer/caravan-thingy, with a SAT TV dish and a gal called FI-FI)

(here's his latest/one of my faves)


DA Magnet gone OUT
of my Magnet.
Does this happen to U?

Da magnet gone out of
mah magnet;
has it gone South!?

Frickin' MAGNET.!!!!!
-gone to Cowboy Mouth.

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo esq./piacenza, east of France.

Our an in Europe/dave delacroix/basement tapes, No. 6: BACK IN THE DAY

Our Man in Europe/dav delacroix/basement tapes, No. 6:  Back in the Day

Back in the Day?
U strut da stuff.
Back in the Day?
(Get out of here!!)
Back in the Day;
I got your Note.
Back in the Day?
-you Thought.

Back in the Day,
did the sun just shine
and lead, too,
intellectual windes?
Back in the Day did we kiss,
and that shield of love:
we miss?

Back in the Day?
"Tempest fugit!"
Back, all then;
we got to DO IT!
...And if/when I see U,
like-now, a shadow on a wall;
back in the Day
I fall?

Back in the Day?
I'm left, searching
and stealing
everything I got.
and it belongs to me;
-it belongs to U.

Back in the Day?
U strut da stuff.
Back in the Day?
(Get outta here!!)
Back in the Day?
I got your note!
Back in the Day?
-we fought.

c 2013/dec 28/davedelacroix/Piacenza-Italia

Monday, December 23, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/lord borgo/our man, EL DUOOODO: Basement tapes, No. 5: THE DEATH PETALS "

Our Man in Europe/davedelaroix/Basement tapes, No. 5:  THE DEATH PETALS:

...The above named "GOTH-metal" band (music ensemble) who, during the publication of "Our Man in Europe" have been a constant  "presence" during my EURO travels, now come FOR-FRONT; a brief History?  -they are from DONCASTER (an English-Northern-small town of minimal significance?) ASTER, incidentally, denotes the town's ROMAN origin. DON (Don!) is the NORMAN legacy/think William the Conquer er, AD: 1066!, and also the name of the local eccentric Bishop, SAINT DON, who self- bestowed "Saint-hood" and then went to live in  the local Turnip fields IN THE NUDE/still to be recognized as SAINT-TURNIP-DON by the Vatican?
Anyways, THE DEATH PETALS herald from such Historical/mystic lineage.... Thing about them!? -they keep showin' UP! And (GOTH-metal?) Ya got it! -they are UNIFORMED in Denim, wasting-black leather jackets, stud-belts and pointed boots! They ARE: "The Death Petals!", 1970's TIME-CAPSULE/3-CHORD Scoundrels...who will "knock-up" your teen-age daughter/steal loose change off the dresser/get by on Alcohol and Lentil Soup! OH! -one of them (the Bassist?) has a cellphone: an umbilical?...

XMAS 2013, they arrive in a battered "Carra-vette" (WINNEBAGO-thingy) at the HOTEL DAVE (35 euro per nite/big screen TV) in Piacenza, Italy, 3.a.m.,/bang on the HOTEL DAVE - picture - window, and I am awake: "Bienvenutte, RAGAZZI!"
They (The Death Petals) quickly survey the HOTEL DAVE then  pillage ALL food, victuals, BOOZE, etc., steal a couple of my USA ball-caps, take showers, BELCH, then sit around smoking Mary-Jane.
(It's only Rock and Roll)

...I understand. They are ON TOUR (They're ALWAYS on Tour).In Winter-Canada, they almost died of exposure in their Tour Bus! - Dem Alberta ball-cap, red-necks didn't lend a hand (no secret for International-experienced,  hitch-hikers?)
In NEW YORK, they (The Death Petals) almost died of shock! The JFK-Airport- BARNEY-FIFES (now called"Homeland-Security")  wouldn't ADMIT-dem into the"Land of the FREE and the HOME, supposedly, of the BRAVE"? and, by all accounts, in several other "free" nations they were beaten up by the local Cops, jealous boyfriends, ISRAEL didn't wanna know and the ARAB community has - I believe - issued an INTIFADA on "The Death Petals"!? -And why?... Because "Sunny-Suicide", the drummer, figured out that if you hold the COCOA-COLA LOGO into a mirror? -it almost looks like Arabic, which almost spells, NO ALLAH, NO MOHAMED....or, in FARSI? -NO MONEY, NOT FRICKIN' FUNNY!
People? I DO NOT KNOW: You decide? You want  Coke in your Rum and Coke? -be mah guest!!!
Anyhow? THE DEATH PETALS (Sammy, Rodrigo, Ahmed and Sunny-Suicide?) are, internationally, possibly, the most FAMOUS guests the HOTEL DAVE (35 euro per nite/big screen TV) has ever had?

Folks? There's more to tell. But THEY (The Death Petals), having just been kicked out of Milano are, apparently headin' SOUTH to Napoli. It's XMAS. They have some Christmas gig:

"DAVE? We jammin' - hush-hush! Some God-dad's Bambino's 21st! in Naples!"
"Ya think we're STUPID!?"

....When I get more info., re.The Dead Petals (alive or dead), I will pass it on...:)


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ze basement tapes, No. 3: "Put dat SUCKER on!"

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ze Basement tapes, No. 3:  "Put dat sucker on!..."

...It's bin a long day
and your Gal is away;
I say: Put dat Sucker on!
Don't mean a THANG
if you got no ZING;
Just put dat Sucker on!

You may be down, Albuquerque?
You may even be down in MAINE!?
-Follow mah advice,
and - you? - BE NICE!
But put dat Sucker on.

It might be a bottle
or a "smoke" or 2,
you may be an Arab
or you may be a Jew?
You may be an Atheist
or a BUDDHIST, too?
(but it don't matter to me or you?)
-just put dat Sucker on.!

And when your love comes home
- in her CADILLAC -
throw some party
in the old "Love Shack";
she sez: "Babee - music -

I say, "Put dat SUCKER on!"
I said: "Put dat Sucker on!"

...Well, it's bin a long day, but
now she's here to stay?

(Y'all singing:)
..."Put dat Sucker, ON! YO
PUT dat Sucker on...!"

the nite is long
that never finds the day (so put dat
sucker on?)

 Heaven or Hell,
who can tell; someone's a'bin messin'
with the signposts/I couldn't
find my way, either? -an like I say,
it's bin a long dang day:
HOT DANG! -Sweet Song?
...Just put dat Sucker on. Just
put dat Sucker on...:)

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/our man in europe/piacemza/italy...

Monday, December 16, 2013

dave delacroix/our man in europe/Basement tapes No. 2: DREAMWORKS

davedelacroix/our man in europe/Basement Tapes, No. 2:  DREAMWORKS

It's ALWAYS tough to tell the Truth with 3 broken ribs and a Luna-lamp nose, in pain?
Kidneys, spleen, in chorus? -Ya don't get this from DREAMWORKS; Celtic music, as yet to be totally corrupted by Hollyweird, perhaps tags its feet? Hands clap. Little girls, solo, do the Highland Fling, old bear Scot Rocksters clap, too, and hoot at the moon: bonny Lads play the "Pipes".
Is there any wonder no-one can WEEP, "When Johnny comes marching home?" -is played?

...Traveller, who pass on by? -remember.

It's ALWAYS tough to tell the kids you ONCE were a kid, with a detailed account of your mischief? And
that your "sweetheart" is the one you miss; instead, you married theirs, and, almost, your own Mother?
Kids here, are very sensitive and prone to "rock and rola!". Think it's LAME? Think it's YE OLDE SAME? -"Talk!" -ta me, mine  ol' Grande PA! HE, who got the JAG-a-rola! ...And I'M just carrying the frickin' tune!?

...Traveller, who pass on by? -remember.

It's ALWAYS hard to actually SPEAK when you are encased in an "iron lung" (3 broken ribs), and there's no-where to - literally - turn, and what song you HAD, probably, has already been sung; reminiscence, souvenirs, "diz-biz/dat-biz", did you kick in gear? -It's "whadda-ya-git?" and ALL your love and fears, and - YES!? - Where are all our yest er-years? -"Ou son les neige, d'antan?"

...Traveller, who pass on by? -remember.

It's ALWAYS tough to tell the Truth with 3 broken ribs and a Lava-lamp nose, from an  - ahem! - "altercation" with the New-town Locals?
Heaven knows; and sometimes, the pain?
Still, Traveller, who pass on by? -I wish you Progress...:)

c 2013/dec./davedelacroix/lord borgo/our dude in europe/piacenza/italy... Merry Xmas!...:)

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/BASEMENT TAPES, No. 1: "Can U git it!?"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Lord Borgo/BASEMENT TAPES, No. 1:  "Can U git it!?"

...New song from BLIND BILL who lives in an AIRSTREAM trailer (caravan-thingy) outside of Austin, Texas and who ALSO has a Rock star neighbor called NATHAN PAYNE (google!) who ALSO lives in a duplicate AIRSTREAM trailer (caravan-thingy) and hosts the trailer camp, community satellite dish out there on the west Texas prairies where men are men, sheep are nervous and every ones "trailer-gal" is either called "Fi-Fi" or "Wanda"! (A lot like Italy.) Anyways? Blind Bill's new song:  "Can U git it?!"

"Can U git it?!" -new song by Blind Bill (Austin Texas)

Verse 1:

"Can U?....
Can U?...
Can U?...
Is it Wednesday!?"

(2nd. v.)

"Can U?...
Can U?...
Can U?...
Is it  Wednesday!?"

(3rd. v)

"Is it?!...
Is it?!...
Is it'!...
Is it Wednesday?"

(4th. v.)

Before it's Thursday."

(repeat entire song until ya Mom switches off the power!)
...Personally, I think this is one of Blind Bill's finest songs...:)

c 2013/davedelacroix/december/piacenza-italia.....:)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and whispers, No. 9: Christmas Carol.

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 9:  Christmas Carol.

(dedicato, anno 2013: YOU!)

ODA got a new sweater
and Wolfgang a Car,
Paollini gotta new girlfriend;
TORNNO, he bought a new Bar!
An' if Saint NICK don't bring U nothing?
Relax: Here WE are!
Do you want to DO Christmas?
(tell me true?)
Like I want to DO Christmas
with you?

YAY: Do U want Christmas?
Like I want Christmas with you?
Do you want Xmas,
Like I want to want it with you?

FRIENDS come and GONE?
-people fade away; but
no-matter what? You-Me?
we're here to stay!
-sing us a song?
When THIS gig is OVER
we're sure to quietly  come along;

Do U want Christmas,
like I want Christmas with you?
Do you want Christmas,
like I want Christmas with you?

(you stomp!)
I said: STOMP!
(you stomp!)
And Stomp for me ONCE!?
(you STOMP!)
(you STOMP!)
An STOMP for me TWICE;
(Hammond Organ goes into Screeching mode)

Singing: Do you want Christmas
like I want Christmas with you?
Do you want Christmas;
you're  one of the few.

(Sing along, folks:)

Do you want Christmas
like I want it with you?
Do you want Christmas,
oh Babee, I'm here,
so don't be so blue...:)"
Do you want Christmas
like I want Christmas, too?
Do you want Christmas?
Hugs and kisses to YOU....:)

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza-Italia: Buona Festa Ragazzi!!!!...:)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and Whispers: Song for Teheran.

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Cries and Whispers: No. 8:  Song for Teheran.

..."Asri lel ya yamali. Hadhi alek ya ibn Ali..."

....At the grandee palazzo, college, on via taverna, Piacenza, Italy,  last Thursday, I did play? Essentially, an IRANIAN student concertina, but I invited several wealthy Italian friends. Some wore robes. Some, wore a head-scarf? -The Italians? -Milano-fashion-istas arrived with a sense of Joy; and not before had I played to TWO diametrically opposed Cultures: I "did ma' thang"; the Italians laughed, fell on the floor, and drank copious amounts of vino whilst  my NEW Iranian buddies (50-half and half- both gender) were intrigued but DID NOT LET GO; less word got back to Teheran?
The only PERSIAN story I know, I quote from Professor Victor Frankel (he's FREUD No. 3/survivor of the Nazis death camps:)

"Death in Teheran" (Italians and Persians take note!)

"A rich and mighty Persian once walked in the garden with one of his servants. The servant cried that he had just encountered Death, who had threatened him. He begged his master to give him his fastest horse so that he could make haste and flee to Teheran, which he could reach that same evening?.. The master consented and the servant galloped off on the horse.
On returning to his house the master himself met Death, and questioned him, "Why did you terrify and threaten my servant?"
"-I did not threaten him;" said Death. " I only showed surprise in still finding him here when I planned to meet him tonight in Teheran..."

c 2'013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/our man in europe

Monday, December 2, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 8: Spannish moss.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 8:  Spanish Moss.

O Spanish Moss may this PO' boy enquire?
O Spanish Moss can I stall you awhile?
O Spanish Moss will you tell me your tale?
As late as it is, let's kiss and let's smile?

O Spanish Moss can you tell me WHO won?
My sabre is spastic, my Soul's over-run;
Was it like this for YOU, like it is for me?
O Spanish Moss are you Free?

O Spanish Moss will I ever Love again?
O Spanish Moss, your race has been won.
O Spanish Moss, don't give me "no while";
just think of me softly...in your breeze?

O Spanish Moss will you love me tonight?
O Spanish Moss, and all your INSIGHT:
Through-out the night? Holding you tight?
O Spanish Moss I remain...

c 2013/davedelacroix/Portafranco-Italy

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 7: "WE DONT KNOW!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 7:  "WE DON'T KNOW!"

...written/composed by BLIND BILL (from Austin, TEXAS)  and Dave.

Asked about Politics?
(Blind Bill:) "WE DON'T KNOW! WE DON'T KNOW!?"

Asked about Politics (again)?
(Blind Bill:) "WE DON'T KNOW! WE DON'T KNOW!?"

Asked about uncertain SPORTS results?
(Blind Bill:) "WE DON'T KNOW! WE..."
(he punches YOU in the chopper!)!?

Asked about ROMANCE?
But We don't...well? we just don't know."

Asked about the AFTER-LIFE?
(Blind Bill sez:) "Fill in the blanks:
"and keep it SHORT."

c 21013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/Candelesco-Italia.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 6: RADIO MARCONI - Italy!

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 6: RADIO MARCONI -Italy!

Song: "Starry, starry night?..." -"VINCENT" by Don Mclean.


Song: "The Sound of Silence" -Simon and Garfunkel.


Song:  "Candle in the Wind" - Elton John.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, Frickin' Alluree!!!"

Song:  "Killing me softly with his song" - Roberta Flak.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, Alleuri, god dam, Miss Alluri!!!"

....My nerves are shot.

c. 2013/davedelacroix/loprd borgo/piacenza/italia

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 5: Brief Encounter

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 5:  Brief Encounter

EVA-SOPHIE showed up at the HOTEL DAVE (€35 per nite/big screen TV/occasional Inter-net access/Cold running water (I write this by Candlelight) and she BLEW my mind with intentional "cleaverage" and astute vivacity. She also ZAPPED Paolo B's mind with witty conversation, so much so that he's donated HIS mind to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. (It's in America). Me too! -Gonna donate MINE if I can locate the Sucker.
That was last night. Next morning? It's snowing. I said it would.

c 2013/Nov 30/davedelacroix/lord borgo/St. Nicolo/Italia.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 4: "UKELELE"

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 4: "UKULELE"

Can U Ukulele me? I can Ukulele, too!
Would U like to Ukulele Me?
And I Ukulele U?

Everyone Ukulele's;
it's written in your Stars: It's UP THERE

Can U Ukulele? I can Ukulele, too.
Would U Ukulele ME?
Then I'll Ukulele U!

...Don't be alone with your
Don't FACE BOOK with the Crowd.
If U can Ukulele ME? -we'll go
Ukulele the whole goddamn Town!

Can U Ukulele? I can DO it too!
Would U like to Ukulele ME?
-cause I'd like to Ukulele U...:)

c 2013/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/ourmanineurope/BOBBIO, Italia...:)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 3: TROY

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/CRIES and Whispers, No. 3;  TROY

Andremache, don't despair;
Caliope, take down your wooden horn
or ALL the Ragazzi of Hollywood or Troy.

Kiss your Ass goodbye
when WE barbarians enter, gates;
seismic-troubled-bronze and sword,

and kiss
your children's Crack
upon the walls of ILLIUM;:

c 2013/davedelacroix

Friday, November 8, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/CRIES and whispers, No. 2: "MO and JO"

Our man in Europe/davedelacroix/Cries and whispers, No.2:  "MO and JO"

MO and JO, both COWBOYS
out on the Missouri prairie, dismounted,
cattle were corralled,
horses, lathered down.

(MO and JO's "PARDS")
had started the campfire;
Boys gathered to get warm
under a full moon, Big Sky...

Under the influence of WHISKY
MO launched into a recitation of
(Should it be repeated?)
JO countered with
(Should it be STATED!?)

There was a Campfire FIST FIGHT!

-they sang a verse
'bout how THINGS are
philosophically,  not meant to be?

ALL THIS, with MO and JO,
whisky and fisticuffs,
took place
under a Missouri, prairie, full moon
Big Sky.

NB:  Guardieff, Ouspenspensky,
 Popper, are famous
NOT in Hollywood,
but in the Forest of Thought:
Philosophy.... You can, of
course, GOOGLE!

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/GENOA-iTALY.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dave Delacroix/Our Man in Europe/CRIES and Whispers, No. 1: BHURMA SHAVE

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 1:  BURMA SHAVE

Some miss-beguiled JEWS just opened a Pizzeria
on my (via Campagna, Piacenza) street.
Some MISS-guided Muslims?
-they tried it last year and the business failed.

And then, some Miss-guided (lol) BUDDHISTS
gave this particular Gig a "shout!"; now,
they're reduced to Orange smocks
- "Harri-Harri-canzone" -and sandal shoes?

Like ME in a foreign INTER-NET CAFE
where, in fact, there IS no Inter-net,
who's shares the Inter-net room:

MY message is Important. -surrounded by
Miscellania-Ragazzi who
SCREAM messages to Nigeria, SENEGAL,
and bellow songs from the Qoran?

YOURS - your message -  is, alas,  not
so important;
You're DROWNED out by domestic fools
making long distance SKYPE idiot calls:
Megabyte-language of hope and desire?

If it was REALLY important, my Immigrant,
"Ragazzi-stranieri" friends?
You wouldn't leave HOME:
YOU'D BE THERE.... (...Let me think?)

...It's called BURMA SHAVE.

One of these days ama'h gettin' on back; don't-won't/
 GIVE -A - FRI CK:  (song-gone-song)
Then I'll be be back in your BURMA SHAVE...?

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/our man in europe/November 2013, Portofino..by the Sea...:)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Our Man In Europe/dave delacroix/CANT REMEMBER, No. 20: RED LIGHT!"

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/CANT REMEMBER, No. 20:  " RED LIGHT!"

(dedicato: A REX MOSER song...and goes out to CAROLE M. A....)

...Have U ever
 bin lonesome?
Have U ever
 bin Blue?
Have U ever gone
 some days
with nothin
to Chew?

Have U ever
caught the light,
the way
 the light catches U?
Have U ever
felt afraid?
That ends tonight...!

Have U ever
been Star-struck?
 in Denver every day?
And has for
your Bad Luck?
Some say
 it's SAD luck;

Have U ever
caught the Light?
The way
 the light catches U?
No need to be afraid;
Sweet Sista:
C'os that STOPS
No need to be afraid?
RED LIGHT, baby!
C'os THAT just stops tonight!

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/October/piacenza-Italy...

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Swansong Solioquy, No. 1: "A porch to the Sea..."

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Swansong Soliloquy, No !:   "A porch to the Sea."

HUEY P. LONG (famed USA Governor/Red-Neck/Southern Boy), ensured Alabama-Mississippi folks were entitled to ROADS, beach-front property, and "then some!" (Something like that) In Mississippi a colossus bridge was erected - in Huey's name -  which to this day conveys folks "East to West" and bares/spans  his name across "da big muddy", place where your grandaddy-hill-billy-Noodle, caught Catfish and discovered Hot Sauce? -the mighty  Mississippi river...

I met JO-LEAN/old Highway 10/a Road-House/Blind Adams on stage/Steel guitar/sweatin' under corrugated tin shack/old trees and Spanish moss? JO-LEAN? -she was outright CAJUN; folks hailed from Lafayette down in the Mississippi delta.
She was quite ORANGE; her hair? puse blond, with a cream coloured complexion, eyebrows close to melding? She spoke CAJUN: "C'mon, ca'va, Davide?"
I replied: "I git no need: Je suis, Delacroix."
We were one.
One hour later? -we Canoed - she was taking me to her Bayou home - TH RU the Bayou (swamps)... She, attired for this Canoe-ing occasion, wore a Texas Straw Cowboy Hat, denim dungarees, a Tee-shirt that growled thru over laundering/otherwise, it might have said "I'm COMMIE or GAY" or FUCK OFF DAVE? -Rattlesnake Mohican's (shoes)?  Did I mention them? Canoe-wise; she also knew how to steer.
She CHEWED tobacco, incidentally, and spat constantly.

As the sun was coming up...We canoe-ing, we passed some slumbering CROCODILES... Noticing my apprehension, JO-LEAN winked: "Dey ain't GATORS, Dave? Dey just CAYMANS; BBQ, if U get mah mind?" adding, "Cotton-mouths (snakes)? -U look for dim!" -her face, pungent with honest appeal. My OWN face, no doubt, was an ambivalent question mark?
(SHE-JUST-LAUGH) -as we Canoed into the Lafeytian, Bayou delta...

The BAYOU? -In the "Bayou?" -there's kind of a "dumpster-diving, life-style, VENETIAN Society. People live and thrive there? Floating houses, Floating HOPE: Hotels and "Rest Stops"; things "jest " FLOAT! -Oil lights are put on. Skiffs and E-longated Water-crafts all arrive "en cue" (word got out!) bearing Banjos, beer, and a confection of "edibles": "Mud bugs, Craw-Dads, Gumbo! -some of the folks put on a ROAST - in a SPIT - , probably "sweet and sour" CAYMAN", then the crowd get to singing: "Evangeline", ANYTHING by" Credence Clearwater Revival",  and later: "Evangeline"...

Naturally (?), as an OUTSIDER, I was put thru the GATOR BBQ-GRILL:
"How du U know ma Sista?"
"How come U know my Ex-girlfriend?"
"Are U gonna fuck my Mother?"
"My daughter is respectable; I hope U gonna treat her right?"
"She's my 3rd Cousin on my MOM's side! -If U screw her up
I gotta a SHOTGUN.... I also got an UZI!!! -I'm part Jewish!"...

JO-LEAN'S houseboat, with full utility, fridge, boudoir, Cucina, sofa, queen-size bed and big screen TV, in which she and I sojourn, "rocked!" - I guess? -to-and-fro for several hours and, presumably, kept the swamp critters (especially the CROCODILES) at bay?

SETH or LOIC (My Bayou TAXI Bro?) arrived, duly at 8.30 a.m. and "ferried" me back, close to a Highway, pointing: NEW ORLEANS.

JO-LEAN, on my leaving, wrapped only in a cotton shift/Mosquito net, and full-knowing that we would perhaps, never meet again, hollered out: "DAVIDE! BON CHANCE! -Watch out for the Cotton-mouths!?"
Her business acumen was impeccable.

...HUEY P. LONG (the Original Governator!) may NOT have ensured Mississippi or Alabama's rigtheous "beach view" (details! details!) but he KNEW-understood the "PO-Boys", JAMBALAYA, the DELTA GUMBO, Jo-lean and Me, and the HOME the "have-nots" crave with the strength of the mighty Mississippi river, and the RIGHT to a porch to sea.

c 2013/davedelacroix/Milano/itay....Bon soiree!...:)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH, No. 18: "YA DRUNK!"

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ZENITH, No. 18:  "YA DRUNK!"...

(...a love song)

(Singing:)  Oh, you're drunk, you're drunk
ya silly old skunk
from Dublin to Arnalee?
Whenever I drive U home at night,
we gotta stop so dat U can PEE.

I love dat dress you're wearing,
and once U looked so fair?
But now you're the TALK OF KILARNEY;
from here to County Clare.

Oh, you're drunk, you're drunk
ya silly old skunk
from Dublin to Arnolee?
Whenever I drive U home at night
we gotta stop so dat U can PEE.

And when I first loved U? Oh, my-
MAGGIE! -Waterford Crystal
never shone so fine, in Leinster
or Tipperary (!?).

Oh, ya drunk, ya drunk
ya silly old skunk
from Dublin to Arnolee?
Whenever I drive U home at night
we gotta stop so U can PEE.

And now we're getting "on"  in years,
I don't believe I can drive?
-the Black and Tans, served by the Pint
and Lithie Water undermines!

Oh, you're drunk, ya drunk
Ya silly old skunk
from Dublin to Arnalee?
Whenever I drive U home at night
we gotta stop  - several times! - so U can PEE.

c 2013/Oct. DaveDelacroix/lord borgo/SIENA-Italia...:)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH, No. 17: "...Sabatto Notte - Domenica Mattina..."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Zenith No. 17:  "...Sabato Notte - Domenica Mattina..."

CIAO, Ragazzi! Il mondo SUCKS!
-Via e Vita!
And then KISS
your Ass,  arrivederci.

CIAO, Ragazzi! No malati?
No stanco?
Pantalone, Avanti!
Amici, Signor  Berlesconi:
NO DOMANI -for U!!!

...Sabato notte - Domenica
Lunedi, amici: buono fortuna!...:)

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/CREMONA-Italia.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH No. 16: BAD LOSERS, No's: 1 and 2...

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ZENITH, No 16:  BAD LOSERS No's: 1 and 2...

No. 1:  "Last of the Rissoles."

(Originally an American literary classic, now an ART HOUSE "flick"-Musical,  featuring Exotic Male dancers!)

SCENE:  A Fish and Chip shop by Brighton Beach in England.


The Mohican's  (five of them)

The Rissoles  (five of them)

The film crew  (five of them)

Every ones dies...:)

Produced and Directed by Dave Delacroix.

No. 2:  "Othello."

Celtic by name yet black of heart? Your girl did twirl that song you hum?
"Marry me in the morning?" she cried. And yet, you killed her with an AXE
and then threw her body in the Well?

Oh well? Lack-a-day; oh well, lack-a-day; my Lady I did slay.

Did she bring you primroses? Did she bring you wealth?
Are you the Man that, once, so true, caught milady's eye?
And now she's killed...and buried in the Well?

Oh well? Lack-a-day; oh well, lack-a-day; my Lady I did slay.

A Force BENEATH; Iago, by name? -put the poison in my brain.
Naturally - what da frick!? - I put Iago to HIS own grave, but
my Lady-love, in temper, I could not save?

Oh well? Lack-a-day; oh,well, lack-a-day, my Lady I did slay.

My body OWN, now descends into a Well, with my Lady, I
will stay: Traveller? You who pass on by? Say a Khadish, a
solemn prayer, for my Lady-love; as for Me? -just pass on by.

Oh well? Lack-a-day; oh well, lack-a-day: My Lady I did slay...

c 2013/October/davedelacroix/IMOLA, Emilia-Romagna, Italia.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix@aol.com/ZENITH. No. 15: "Winners!"

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ZENITH, No. 15:  "Winners!"

Spin a wheel, DO the "PO-GO!"
-and then, tell me what it costs?
GO play Roulette, in Las Vegas
and confess that U have lost!

Like a moment, never ending,
can the Thief of Time reward?
And in death, that never-ending,
leaves the clothes that U once wore?

Catch the Spirit of your Season,
work the callous in your mind;
why did Easter come so quickly
like a "Lucky Stiff!" Gold-mine?

Did U spend it all on Lucia,
did you spend too much on May?
And did the she suck your tits
in a time... and tested way?

It's not for me to judge
just how U won or lost?
But in-between your "meaning"
we are forced to count the cost?

Lovers walk upon the shore
and leave graffiti in the sand
like an old soliloquy, played by
Sgt. Pepper's
(pretty lonely)
Hearts-Club band?

So spin a wheel, DO "The DORK!",
U tell me U have lost?
But it's ONLY Winners
who know what winning costs?

Fly a kite! And, as to Credit?
You are robbed just fair and square?
And the Kid that U once were
is no-longer there;

Sing a love song, write a poem,
and see what U will find?
-An illusion, when U remember,
and the Treasure we once mined...

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/PARMA-Italia.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH, No. 14: "FI-FI - DELACROIX - and FIF-FI!"

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/our man in Europe/ZENITH, No. 14:  "FI-FI - DELACROIX - and

Fi-Fi - and Fif-Fi (female Italian TWINS/one brunette/one blond) who've been "with me" for over a year, now never fail to amaze?... It's better I introduce them through AN OTHER'S perspective?... My "sorrella" (sister in Piacenza) FIONA happened by Saturday eve; we had tentative plans to carouse, but how - sometimes? - the shadow of "Amateur Night" (Friday) sometimes blights its sequential neighbour, and lethargy, alas, uncharacteristic of it's baptismal dynamic, plus, fiscal concerns negated-said social diversion?

FIONA? Rampant as usual, enters my chambers at the HOTEL DAVE (€35 per nite/big screen TV) and is astonished to find me "swathed" in "Jammie's", a woolly tartan night robe, Persian slippers; upon my head? -a tweed Coppola!
FI-FI (No.1) is barefoot, attired in a silk Kimono emblazoned with DELFT China legend, wafting my sweating brow with a humongous Peacock feather-fan that aerates the HOTEL DAVE (€35 per nite/big screen TV) reception area...
And FI-FI (No.2): Blond hair down her back to her butt, is attired in a LAVA LAMP SARI which - apparently? - necessitates an electric power-point connection to activate its florescence, plus, the need/with stipulation for wearing "rubber soul" footwear; in this case? -Uppers of Sandal-wood from the ancient forests of Thailand...?

I had had a long and busy day on the Inter-net, ingesting SPAM, Game-Challenges, F-book tittle-tattle and preposterous proposals from the WILLIAM MORRIS (Talent thingy) AGENCY in Hollywood?
FI-FI and FI-FI just KNEW my despair!... Like I said? My "Sorrel la" (sister) , FIONA, showed up, FRIZZANTE! Took ONE look at my - obvious plight -  considered calling RE-HAB, the CARABINERI (cops), a Scottish Uncle of mine (Angus) who lives adjacent to LOCH NESS and harangues the BBC with incessant/weekly sightings of "Nessie!", then thought better of it; hopped into my "king-size" bed, alongside FI-FI, whilst FI-FI (No.2/LAVA LAMP)  served up V-Martinis (UP!) and we all watched a re-run of the Dave Letterman show on the HOTEL DAVE -big screen TV.


c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/sweet October/piacenza-italia

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH No. 13: "Only the Lonely..."

Our Man in Europe/dave3delacroix/ZENITH, No. 13:  "Only the Lonely..."

(dedicato: Lucrezia Borgia)

Only the Lonely
read the info on a Soup Can?
Only the Lonely
get  "on-line"
and want the SPAM?
There goes Tomorrow!
There goes Today!
Maybe Tomorrow
some Love comes your way?

...And when their lonely
heart breaks?
-no-one will hear.

Only the Lonely?
-we've ALL been there, before?
Only the Lonely, ironically (?)
aren't afraid of Heavens door.
See you, September!
See you in May?
Catch me a whisper?
Will that girl come to stay!?

But when you're Lonely?
-Such things don't come your way.
... And when you're Lonely?
Such things, don't come your way.

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/happy birthday to ME/piacenza-Italy.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH, No. 12: Rimini Beach, 4.a.m. ...

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ZENITH, No. 12:  Rimini Beach, 4.a.m ...

"There's SUN coming up!" -says Delores.
"The Earth, turning?" -I proffer.
"...Now Sea above Sky!" -she says.
"Earth upon the Moon?" -I ask
"Dark, to cloak the Light." -she whispers.
"And the light of the Sun?" -I ask.
"A crystal in Space. A reflection."
she answers.
"Is that what you think
when I ride you, in bed?" -I smile.
"IN BED, my sweet David?...."
(she sighs:)
"...Is when the Heavens open...!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH, No. 12: GREYHOUND BUS: THE MOVIE!

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ZENITH, No. 12:  GREYHOUND BUS: THE MOVIE!


Flagstaff ain't got nuthin' on me. Kingman (town), ALL dem towns!
Rattlesnake 'round-up? (No such thang), Bronco bustin',
lasso and around?


Long since I gone  "dustin", my Duster;
the KICKERS (dem dat can?),
the TRUCKERS (dem day Will!),
who will pan your heart for gold,
yet fail to sieve the nugget
of your soul?
-Flagstaff ain't got nuthin' on me...


Is it still Wednesday? A triple echo?
Dat day/nite, TRUCK-STOP, C.B.'s
squawkin' with no sense of Time?
...U left me at the HORNY TOAD SALOON
down on 6th. Street, Austin, Texas;

I was - on dat Wednesday? - soooo
desolate, I took comfort/camaraderie
at the JACK-HAMMER (Gay bar)
and subdued 3-XXX vodka-martinis
along with the usual suspects
(mostly Interstate Construction workers)
and U never answered my calls!?

Is it STILL Wednesday? Is it?
Wednesday, again?
Out in the desert, with Satellite T.V.,
in our AIRSTREAM trailer;
where your Man awaits?


...Greyhound bus from Austin, Texas,
to Tennessee. Greyhound bus
to YOU from me;

Greyhound bus, all nite long:
-Greyhound bus - Little Rock (Arkansas)
to Kansas City, Missouri.

Greyhound bus to Albuquerque,
New Mexico;
down to El Paso; Greyhound bus
to YOU from me,
searching for U...


...I don't REMEMBER U. I don't.
Have you seen my shoes?
I don't remember you.

I CAN'T forget about U. Just
WHO U are?
I can't forget about U; have U seen my shoes?
Did U  go to New York City?
Did U  go to San Francisco?
...I don't remember U:
Have you seen where I left my phone?


Flagstaff, Winslow-Arizona, ALL dem towns?
They got nuthin' on Me.
(NO such thang!)
Bronco-bustin', LASSO
and "dustin' all around...

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/BRESCIA-Italia...:)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH, No. 11: "TOO Cocky in Nagasaki!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH No. 11:  "Too Cocky in Nagasaki!"

(dedicato, USA guitar-maestro; DAMON WOOD/recent  conversation with girlfriend FI-FI!)

"Dave? Should I?"
(I don't know)
"I'm in LOVE with him!?"
"Is he ANY GOOD?"
(I don't know)
"Wot should I do?"
"Any advice?"
(Wot do YOU think?)
"Well? He's kinda cute?"
(No shit)
"I think he's actually got a "real" JOB?"
(No shit)
"But he's COCKY!?"
"Too cocky in Nagasaki!"

(Does he play guitar?)
"No. He doesn't."
(Prone to Mathematics?")
"I don't think so...?"
(Does he run around, late at NIGHT, naked, wielding a Samurai Sword?)
"Not that I've noticed. He's CHINESE."
(He's NOT from JAPAN?)
"No. He's CHINESE. He's from Shanghai!"
(Do you?)
"Do I WHAT?"
(Do YOU run around, late at night, naked, wielding a Samurai sword?)
"Occasionally? -well; yes."
(So YOU-yourself, are COCKY?)
(Looking for a Cocky-Man?!)
"What's your point?...

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza-italia

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH No. 10: "In Canaan"

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ZENITH, No. 10:  "In Canaan".

In Canaan, somewhere
close to the Golan Heights?
-I did my active service:
A Jew, an Arab,
a Gentile with a left handed gun?
I shot him down.

I will never meet his brothers
or sisters who loved him so well?
I will never meet his MOMMA
who took care of him and loved him so well?

(I shot him down)

I will never meet his father
who had so many plans for HIS young boy?
I will never KNOW
- in my eternal sorrow -
that young boy's joy?

... In Canaan?

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza-Italy...

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH, No. 9: THE PIACENZA CRICKET CLUB (P.C.C.)

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ZENITH No. 9:  The  Piacenza Cricket Club  (P.C.C.)

(dedicato:  Mike - Machine-Gun! - Elkerton/a True Ex-Patriot)

...IT WAS INTENSE. (Really!) Sunday afternoon, blazing sun. The BRITS up against the PAKISTANIS, on Piacenza's "village green"/grassy spot next to Renaissance crumbling city walls?
National pride was at stake!
Opening "innings?" -the Pakistanis bowled against the Brits (I was Captain of the team); ergo,  my nerves were on edge even if it WAS only "6-a-side" and we were ALL wearing "Whites"?

...WE (the Brits/mostly Italian) were "UP" to 50! -getting ready to "declare" when Pharney (Pakistani name/ opposing team Captain) bowled me out fair and square:
So we stopped for Darjeeling (tea). Then? THAT'S when it got really interesting? The "crowd" (5 people) were going wild! The PAKISTANI team CREAMED US: 50 - 51, with a last "under-arm" ball , again, by Pakistani team Captain, PHARNEY - whose NAME will live on in Cricket professionalism-infamy!!!
I was devastated.
But? -relax, BRITS. My Lawyers are on the Case. THIS is going to Civil Court.

c 2013davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza-italy.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH, No. 8: "Goodnight, Irene."

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ZENITH No. 8:  "Goodnight, Irene."

When it WASN'T fun anymore?
When I went Left, and U went Right?
When YOU said "Yes", and I said,
maybe, or maybe I said "No", or
"No big deal"? -just a strange encounter
in some airport, railroad station
or at a bus stop in St. Germaine Du Pre;
it was raining?

The GODS make fools of us all:
This restaurant,
this cafe; and
this patio, over-looking the Seine
where Apollinaire once walked,
wounded, and drank a Pastis?

When it wasn't fun anymore?
I looked into the slits of your eyes?
And I self-deceived; when it wasn't
fun anymore.

Irene? -goodnight.
Irene? -goodnight.
Goodnight, Irene, goodnight, Irene;
I'll see U in my dreams...

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza-Italia.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH, No. 7: The Great BRITISH Education/Exam system...

Our Man In Europe/davedelacroix/ZENITH No. 7:  The Great BRITISH Education/Exam system!

 "O" Level (ordinary)
 "A" level (advanced level)
 "U-D" (University Degree)

SUBJECT? - English Literature;  (using Wm Wordsworth's poem, "I wandered lonely as a cloud..."

"O" LEVEL exam.

"I wandered lonely...as a cloud...and I shot an arrow in the air? -the BITCH fell to ground in Berkeley Square?"

"A" LEVEL exam.

"I wondered LONELY as a cloud, and I shot an arrow in the air! -Took down a Wood Pigeon, by Jove! We stuck its carcass on the school dormitory wall!"...:)

"U-D"/University Degree LEVEL exam.

"I shot a frickin' CLOUD, then I had these extreme feelings of GUILT! So I started masturbating, frantically!"

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/well enough educated/piacenza-Italy...:)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH, No. 6: "Greensleeves"

Our man in europe/davedelacroix/ZENITH, No. 6:  "Greensleeves"

...Ran into JOHNNY PHELAN (Irish fella), World traveller and BANDOLEER, on a Pilgrimage to ROMA. He crashed one night at the HOTEL DAVE (€35 per nite/big screen TV), Piacenza, Italy...
So. Post- pasta-pesto!  plus  vino, late into the night; guitar in-hand, a Guinness in the other, he strums - with HIS TEETH! - belting out:  "Greensleeves"
(a walking-talking, singing "renaissance"  BLUES" number)

GREENSLEEVES (talking bit!)

Don't forget? Less WE forget? -the forgetting?
Don't lend a hand, don't lift a hand?
Nor give a hand, unless U got a spare to share?

Don't kiss my lips, boy or girl? Don't sail
the SEVEN SEAS for something more?
If U DO?
.....Send me a bloody postcard!

GREENSLEEVES  (singing bit!)

Greensleeves? - all my joy? Greensleeves? - my heart's delight?
Greensleeves? -  with all my soul? Greensleeves? - your heart of gold;
And a Whisky for me in the morning.

....He, (Johnny Phelan/Irish fella)
World traveller and BANDOLEER? -he was long gone
when I awoke at the crack of BRIGADOON? -CASH, (€35, left for me on the coffee table);
an atmosphere of "good groove", and THIS:

"Greensleeves? all my joy. Greensleeves? -my heart's delight?
Greensleeves?? -with all my Soul? Greensleeves? -your heart of gold?
And a Whisky for me in the morning..."

"....Don't forget? -less WE forget; the forgetting..."


c 2013/sept, '13/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza/italy...:)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH, No. 5: "After hours..."

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ZENITH, No. 5:  "...After hours."

The ashtray is full, your SMILE devours, "after hours". There's a toothpick 'round here, someplace; wotchagonna DO...
with those "freebie" matchbooks, bar coasters, and the minutes U cherrish;
this SIDE of 2. a.m., "after-hours"?

Is it STEEL in your heart? Or the lack of a Goal? Did HE who make the LAMB, forget U?
-did he not make U whole? And, as for that matter? - any of we mortals? -did he choose our clothes?
-the ANSWER, perhaps, lies in our Souls...?

The ashtray is pickled; it's righteousely full! Your KISS prevails, and devour's all our LUST;
this time? After hours;
the bar,  is closed?
And, strangely... I feel complete.

c 2013/davedelacroix/our man in europe/piacenza/italia...:)

ur Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH. No 4: LONDON CALLING!

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ZENITH: No. 4:  LONDON CALLING!

"London, calling! This is the BBC. LONDON CALLING!. The following messages are IN CODE so that our enemies (who-ever they may be?) won't have a clue?

1st. message: goes out to JACQUE (name/location-with-held):


2nd. mssge:  "PIERRE (he's FRENCH) wears a Green Tuxedo!...

3rd. messge:  PIERRE!? -The Violins  of Autumn/not June 6th. are quite sonorous. (P.S.? Did U get our first messge?)

4th. messge:  Alphonse has a BLUE moustache! I repeat! Alphonse has a BLUE moustache!

5th. messge: Are U receiving me, Pierre? I repeat! Are U receiving me, Pierre!?

6th. messge:  "I can't find my way to the CHIK-FIL-A!... I repeat: "I can't find my way to the CHIK-FIL-A!?"

Last message? - "THE RAIN IN SPAIN FALLS MAINLY ON THE PLAIN; and Pierre wears a GREEN moustache!..."


c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza-Italy...:)ù

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Zenith: No. 2: Wednesday's Child

Our Man In Europe/davedelacroix/ZENITH No. 2:  "Wednesday's Child..."


Wednesday's Child? Will you come on home?
Wednesday's Child? Don't U feel alone?
Wednesday's Child? It's up to U?
The WAR is over; it's up to U.?

Wednesday's Child? U can feel all alone?
Wednesday's Child? -feeling, sadly, alone?
Wednesday's Child? Will U love again?
-the War is over; it's up to U?

Wednesday's Child? -got little to give?
He/She gave it ALL, for country and Kin?
Wednesday's Child? -a 1,000 yard stare?
-but still a sparkle over your Star?...

Wednesday's Child? Will U come back HOME?
Wednesday Child; cos' - U'er not alone?
The WAR is over; I whisper to U?
-This OLD Wednesday Child
knows just how U feel...:)

c 2013/davedelacroix/piacenza/italy...:)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ZENITH, No. 1: LUPE

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ZENITH, No. 1:  LUPE!

...Is LUPE gonna turn your head around? Is SHE the one U found, is she your TURN-A-ROUND?

"Stick your Dick in the Wind." -she says.
 -"Better  GO-GRIFTER!  DO Blackmail, rob a bank or 2! Try your hand at REVOLUTION (Politics);  learn how to TANGO...and (again) stick your Dick in the Wind!"

LUPE? She lived in Paris, London, Rome, St. Petersberg and Malibu under various pseudonyms: WANDA, HOLLY de VINE, Countessa de CANOGA, and - to this day? - I carve her name with pride.
"GO-GRIFTER!" -she'd wail. And I re-quote:
"Go DO blackmail, rob a bank or 2. Try your hand at REVOLUTION (Politics), We'll DO the JANGO; I'll show U the ropes!" -yes. I carve her name with pride.

LUPE (pronounced, LEW-PEE), a gal who can CURRY your LATTE? She was elegant and "swish"; a shadow of YOUR style. Her motives? -no matter. And her BETTE DAVIS eyes?

Some notable moments of her life of which I'm cognisant?... She FORGED some "personal checks", signing them: "Elizabeth Regina" (Queen of England) at the Savings bank of Virginia City, Nevada. HARRAH'S CASINO, at Lake Tahoe, was quite another story as old-man HARRAH, having passed away, was replaced by Wall Street "bean-counter/actuaries", so LUPE was cornered with "executive suite" expenses/gambling debts, hounding her across-cross-town, to the California-Nevada border; a loser's archipelago, on the shores of Lake Tahoe, where we met: LUPE, in her turquoise evening gown, wicked Parisian shoes, Peacock feathers, protruding from her auburn locks, LANVIN handbag, too; harnessed by a chain of pure gold.

I rescued her from an obnoxious taxi-fellow, paid for her INTER-STATE (3 miles) taxi ride, paid for her breakfast, then bought her a pint of ale!

-Lake Tahoe; Across the state line (Nevada), all the kids who work the Casinos (California), drink there. Nevada. It's "Tango Anonymous, Baby! And it's - where no punters fear to tread? - a lot cheaper... So 6 hours later, after drinking a KEG, I get her (LUPE) a seat on a pal's G4 (private jet) to Burbank, Los Angeles, and THAT was that. BUUURRRTTT! -in the "village" of Malibu, where I resided, we would meet many times later.

ONE memorable occasion? She invited me to an expensive "repast" at the Malibu landmark, restaurant, BEAURIVAGE, (BRV). So on the "anointed day" I fore-went the daily lunch-fest, courtesy of the Malibu/Cross-Creek,  HOMELESS, munchies dispensary, (Peanut butter-jelly sandwich, can of V8 veggie juice, 2 aspirin,  in a brown paper bag) and dutifully arrived at the BRV - wearing my "Sunday Best" , fashionably 10 minutes late to find LUPE, amidst a host of "celebs",  already knocking back her second "Gibson" (Vodka-onion thingy).
Things looked pretty good. TATUM and McEnroe were in evidence. CHER was holding court. Gary B. was in the parking lot tinkering with his "Harley"; Nick (Nolte), sitting quite alone, nursing a fruit juice...
Anyways? LUPE secures a prominent "table pas deux", so we adjourn from the Cocktail lounge and commence:
""ANYTHING U want, Davida!" LUPE commands. "I owe U for Lake Tahoe."
(No problemo. I'm starving.) -as the waiter arrives.
"Consomme, vinaigrette salad." I gush; "Fillet mignon, etc.; dessert? -I'll think about it... DOM PERIGNON, of course? -to kick-off with!"
"Certainly, Sir!" , responds the Waiter. "And Madam?"
"CAVIAR plus!"" retorts LUPE. "Everything else? -I'll think about it later. And please uncork a bottle of Chateau Baron Rothschild; the "62" Bordeaux."
"Mais qui, Madame!" beams the Waiter.
He's just sold a vino worth $1200!  -which is when I started to get a tad suspicious...?

A week later, whilst imbibing at Malibu's best kept secret, THE DUME ROOM atop Point Dume, with Dean Stockwell, Jan-Michael Vincent, DANA, the bartender and  "the usual suspects", I relayed my LUPE-dinner experience, pointing out that whilst the cuisine was superb, the service, impeccable, on tasting the the ROTHSCHILD '62 (expensive vino), LUPE declared that it was "corked!" (undrinkable!) and that ANOTHER - free of charge - should be served IMMEDIATELY. She also emphasized her credentials! She was Lupe-Maria-Isabella de la ROZZA, Baroness Canoga (Park?), Vicomtessa della Rossini (my great grand-pappy was a Composer  from Pesaro, Italy; U may have heard of him?), and she remonstrated (a'la tizzy-fit!), and SO loud was her harangue that even CHER - holding court - quit talking about herself, TATUM and McEnroe started giggling, and Nick (Nolte) from as far away as the cocktail lounge, ordered himself a DOUBLE fruit juice just to calm is nerves! All the while? -Gary B. is still outside in the parking lot tinkering with his "Harley"...?

SO! Upshot? Several waiters congregated. The Maitre-D was summoned. Even the CHEF showed up! (?) The Maitre-D, once cognisant of the fracas, duly tastes the $1200-a-bottle-vino...and GRIMACES!
It was  NOT the BRV's finest hour.
Anyways, I (Moi) am  - seemingly - uncannily oblivious to this commotion, whilst knocking back Dom Perignon and gorging on my most excellent fillet-Mignon, and a  deal is struck twix LUPE and the BRV. The BRV, gallantly, would replace the dead "62" and furnish an "excellent" Chateau Neuf de Pape, free of charge, with complimentary Armagnac's, post-dining?
.........LUPE was still gorging on CAVIAR at-table,  when I bade my farewells and sort refuge to embark on a "digestive coma" in nearby Paradise Cove!

THUS, the story, I relayed to THE DUME ROOM "ragazzi"...
"HA!" Interjects, ever alert/in the know/ DANA-bartender: "But, Dave? Your buddy, LUPE, hung the entire bill on Gary B.'s tab... $2,000, I think. WORD has it that she ALSO bought CHER a "Shirley Temple" and everyone else - except Nick (Nolte) who was drinking fruit juice - galoshes of vintage Champagne! Then she hooks up with Gary B. (Who had finally finished tinkering with his "Harley", and got him to ride her up the coast to Santa Barbara on that very same night...?" DANA pauses for gossip-breath;  "..And he didn't know NUTS till he showed up for cocktails, the very next day...?"
"So where's,  (LUPE) where is she NOW?" -I gasp.
Dean Stocky and Jan-Michael Vincent, simultaneously, raise their (fruit juice) glasses, roaring: "GONE TO TEXAS!!!"
(Avante Napoli)

A few years later, I got word of a LUPE sighting, as happy-as-a-lark, walking barefoot, carefree, amongst the piazzas, grande strada-glitterati of - in fact? - NAPOLI... Word had it that she was reduced to only THREE credit cards, but she prevailed, but - alas - now,  "passed away" in her prime.

People come... and people go.

"DAVIDA!" she'd pronounce: "GO GRIFTER!"
(She never quite officially acknowledged me as a Poet)
"DO BLACKMAIL!" -she'd harangue. "BE a HIT-MAN for the Cammora! Rob a bank or 2! Try your hand at REVOLUTION (Politics)! Learn how to MAMBO!" And (HER words, not mine:)... "Stick your Dick in the Wind!"

..................Is LUPE gonna turn your head around? Is SHE the one U found? Is she your TURNAROUND? -"Stick your Dick in the Wind"....:)

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/our man in europe/St. Nicolo-Piacenza, Italia...

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No. 13: DEAD BIRD

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No. 13:  DEAD BIRD

DEAD BIRD? -in a golden cage? And all alone?
She must fly?
DEAD BIRD? -she sits and she thinks
of her World, alone?

One day DEAD BIRD; she must fly!
One day DEAD BIRD; she must fly!

The sun comes up, the sun goes down
(is anybody on the inter-net?)
and just WHERE WERE U
when you weren't around?
Can't find my socks, and is it true?
in a golden cage?

DEAD BIRD? in a golden cage? And
all alone, she must fly?
DEAD BIRD? -she sits and she thinks
of her WORLD,

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza-near Milano-Italia.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No. 12: The Irish Rover

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No. 12: The Irish Rover

(dedicato: Johnny Nallen; owner of NALLEN'S Irish pub, Denver, Colorado, USA)

Goodbye Brendan, and farewell Sean?
Our time was short, our days forlorn?
But still I'll remember and NO-NEVER forget;
green fields of France
and those towns I loved so well.

They tell me, westward, there's a Fair
over in County Clare,
and if you're worth your "stuff"
I'll be sure to see you right there?
So kiss me Maggie, and kiss me Dermot;
for just where I am bound
no-one wants to know.

A Cardinal sin, gives the breath of Life.
Hold onto your loved ones, hold onto your wife.
And beat the drum slowly:
NO-NEVER, no more!"
You travellers, who pass on by?
Say a "kaddish" for me
and I'll wish you a prayer.

Goodbye Brenden, and farewell Sean?
Our time was short, our days forlorn?
But still I'll remember and NO-NEVER forget;
those green fields of France
and the towns we loved so well...


c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza-italy...:)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No. 11: "Bacon and Beans"...

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No. 11:  "Bacon and Beans"...

(dedicato: Sehnor Patrick Allen)

Riding herd on the "Chissum" trail,
no TV, just lots'a steers.
Cowboys get lonesome
but then there's the GRUB;
oh Lordy, dem bacon and beans!
(CHOIR:) "Dem bacon and beans!"

Now U may be handy
with a Colt-45, in
some bar-brawl
or with a husband who's wronged?
But hold onto your pistola
- don't wet your pants -;
WHUPS! -dem bacon and beans.
(CHOIR:) "Dem bacon and beans!"

So I went on down to TINY TOWN,
Reno, Nervada, and lost a "wad".
So I played on credit,
they asked me to PAY?
-which is when I remembered;
WHUPS! -dem bacon and beans!
(They all fell dead)
(CHOIR:) "Bacon and beans!"

Now Aristotle (Greek guy)
and Plato, too
did their darn'ist
to get at the Truth. And
NO surprise, the answers are?
WHUPS! -dem bacon and beans!
(CHOIR:) "Bacon and beans!"
Oh Lordy; dem bacon and beans!...:)

c 2013/davedelacroix/Porto-Fino, Italia...

Friday, September 13, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No. 10: 3 GHAZALS.

Our Mam in Europe/davedelacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No 10:  3 GHAZALS (3 songs)


In Israel, I gave U my scarf.
In Syria, I gave U my shoes.
In Jordan, I happily gave my shirt.
In Lebanon, I lost my credit card
in some nite-club.
In Egypt, I passed on the words
In Iraq, I gave them my song.
In Iran, like a pesky school-boy
I whispered to the Mullahs:
"In sha Allah..."
And, now, I walk, bereft, naked,
and try to understand the WONDER
in my fellow-man's eyes.


Bring me your Warlord.
Bring me your fire!
Bring me your divinity;
bring me your desire?

Of late? Have U examined
your soul? And
is it any wonder
we fall in God's shadow;
East of Eden?

Bring me your bounty!
CRY OUT, Ghalib.
Lend me your words!
Lend me your Justice!
Share with me, the KEYS
Tomorrow, peace
but today? -the World.

East of Eden, bring me
your Warlord.
I will baptize him
as a boy;
joy, O joy! O joy!
Till when we cease.


By the rivers of Babylon, there wasn't much to do. We mostly ate dates, played cards... I asked my Uncle (who was lounging nearby) "wotchagonna-do?" He answered, "By these rivers of Babylon where WE now sit, I remember Zion." and sighed.
"Zion?" I asked.
"Your past." he replied.
"Is my PAST, important?"
Uncle Zion: "YUP!"

By the rivers of Babylon, there wasn't much to do. I was smoking Pot, my cousins were drunks, Uncle4 Zion was ALWAYS pinching young girls asses. Young boys, too.
The local King, named CYRUS, said, one day: "You are FREE. You are free. Go away."

5,000 years later...I still miss sitting by the rivers of Babylon and eating those dates.

c 2013/davedelacroix/piacenza-italy...:)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No. 9: LIONEL from LIVERPOOL...

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No. 9:  Lionel from Liverpool...

Lionel, from Liverpool (contacting me), courtesy of the INTER-NET; that Social spider's web of infamy, a stalker's paradise, and home of THEE most insidious blackguards who soil God's creation (that would be the planet?)...Where was I? Oh-yes! Lionel from Liverpool showed up at the HOTEL DAVE (€25 per. nite/big screen TV, WI-FI? -I think?) Anyways; Lionel (from Liverpool) who I haven't seen since 1975, when, as bambinos, we jammed at the Gazebo Pantry-bar IN Liverpool, and wailed songs by the DUBLINERS, WISHBONE ASH...and most notably? -songs by the band: THE LIVERPOOL SCENE -featuring Michael Moorcock, the SCI-FI author). Their great contribution to the encyclopedic world of Rock & Roll consisted of an anthemic canzone, entitled: "DO THE WU-WU!" -which, retrospectively, raises ALL kinds of obstacles. For example? Just WHAT - on reflection - IS "the WU-WU"? And should an epithamy (spell, cos dis computer don't know dick!)  occur, am I still - at the age of 57, going on 19/mentally,  am I still able to DO "said" WU-WU" dance-acrobatics? That is to say, without the need of a handy wheelchair, 2 qualified Medics, and a stand-by "FLIGHT FOR LIFE" frickin' helicopter?
Where was I?... Oh, yes. Lionel from Liverpool showed up at the HOTEL DAVE, Piacenza.
As for the rest? -fill in the blanks.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/High Noon in Piacenza No. 8: BABY-DOLL

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/High Noon in Piacenza No. 8:  BABY-DOLL

BABY-DOLL, Suzi-Home-Wrecker,  and Elie?... It has recently come to my attention that, YOU,  the above said, three fellow misfits/rock stars have NOT in fact invaded my domestic situ, HOTEL DAVE, €25 per nite, big screen TV,  in seven score years (of late).
I am distinctly perturbed.
In one of my last DREAM conferences...with ABRAHAM (Lincoln) and HILARY (Clinton) who is buddy-buddy with ELEANOR (Roosevelt) - SYD VICIOUS was serving drinks -we ALL came to the same conclusion: Their (Baby-Wrecker-Elie) parents have them cloistered in some retirement home (no electric guitars!) less they stray with some huckster "toy-boy" (In Wrecker's case? -most likely!); Elie, gone Shanghai!
...I, for once, was speechless. Ask my dead mother?
SO. Subject to para. 3, SECTION 8 of  THEE OLDE PUNK ROCKERS ACT (of 1976), an Act, I point out, passed by the U.K. PARLIAMENT? -I suggest (Baby-doll, Wrecker and Elie) you IMMEDIATELY do laundry, pack your beach bags, locate those DUCATS you've been squirreling away...and get on a jet-plane
to MILAN (It's in Italy)
Nuff said.
Winter is Winter, anywhere, BUUURRRTTT!? And less we forget?

"Ou son les neige, dan'ton?"

c 2013/davedelacroix/sept/PARMA/italia...:)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

ur Man in Europe/dave delacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No 7: STAGECOACH

Our dude in Europe/davedelacroix/Highh Noon in Piacenza, No. 7:    STAGECOACH

(Old Cowboy Movie-1940's,  with John Wayne, reggie: John Ford)

Stagecoach. Out west, with bella-donna DALLAS, the RINGO KID, Doc. BOONE, Curly, the Sheriff: "ALL ABOARD TO LORDSDALE!"
...Not to MENTION Miss - genteel - Mrs Mallory, Johnny Chan (card-sharp) and Bernie Maddof (Banker); also, a whisky drummer.

From Denver, Colorado to Kansas City on a Greyhound bus? -if a fellow passenger doesn't  freak out on CRACK /decapitate U?  -then U can actually get "intimate" with "buttock pain".
It's a tad like on a jet-plane; your ASS is in pain but there's no free-peanuts? A flight to Albuquerque, somehow comes to mind, but the Greyhound bus wins all prizes... Was it the Burritos? or is it/FAST FORWARD! -"...But we gotta GET TO LORDSDALE!"

-which is in Kansas-state, Arizona, TEJAS, or New Mexico? And  the RINGO KID? -some dude on a mission, and  bella-donna DALLAS with  butterfly eyes?

Cut a long story short? Doc Boone delivers a BABY, courtesy of Mrs Mallory, nicknamed "Little Coyote", and dem "pesky" Native American Indians/GERONIMO/who never got the William-Morris Talent agency to come on board, ATTACKED, then the 7th. Cavalry saved the day!

In conclusion? Bernie Maddof went righteously to JAIL and in an act of compassion, the Sheriff and DOC BOONE sent Dallas and the Ringo Kid on their way.
It's a god-damn bedtime story. None better.  All the highways THIS ol' boy has travelled? Got cognisant! Chowed dat "backi"! The wind sings ALWAYS "Meriah"! The wind also sings: "Don't go South!"
And dat's NO messin'. NO MESSIN'!


c 2013/davedelacroix, sept, Lordsdale...:)

ur Man in Europe/dave delacroix/High noon in Piacenza, No. 6: SOUNDBYTE

Our Man in Europe/davede3lacroix/High Noon in Piacenza,

Dave Delacroix,
Poet, Songwriter,
at 3.00 a.m., precisely,
last Sunday morning
with Miss FI-FI
(from France),
of  cirrhosis
of the BRAIN....?
And "I" should know;
'cos AMAH Dave!

.FI-FI is still grieving?
Should I call her?

c 2013/davedelacroix/Milano-Italiano/FI-FI INSISTS we publish DIS!...:)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No. 5: " ...In the afternoon."

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroiox/high noon in Piacenza, No. 5:  "...In the Afternoon."

In the afternoon, your breathing sighs; infrastructure?
The smoke from my cigarette, gathers
in the the light of the Sun.

There IS no greater Peace.

c 20134/davedelacroix/our friend in europe/...Wish-a-way!

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No. 4: JOHNNY THUNDERS and me...

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/High Noon in Piacenza,

 No. 4:  Johnny Thunders and Me.

Johnny died in some New Orleans crap-house-Motel.
"I" died in an Italian, Roman foundation, Renaissance palazzo!
...There's NO justice, Johnny;
ask the SAINTS
with whom U dwell?...

c davedelacroix/2013/ourmanineurope/guitar-singing!...:)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No. 3: HIJACKERS FROM THE HIP...

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No. 3: Hijackers from the Hip!

City, city, city of light? The City, city, city, city; gone VISTA!
Blind alley Blues? -catch'a "fortuna" when it comes to U?
City, city, city, catch my Light! -City, city, city? -catch my Light.

Hijackers from the Hip? Swimming pool; why don't ya take a dip?
The RACE is ON, and I'll give U a tip; hijackers from the Hip: it's a funny 'ol trip!
-in this City, city, city of Light...

City, city, city? -don't U let me down. Ask me ANY questions
and I'll sing U a CROWD!
Indian Summer, tropical sun;
I'll give U a break and SHOW U just where
the Wild Boys run?
Hijacker from the Hip; hijacker from the Hip.

c 2013/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/Imola-Italia...:)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix(Highj Noon in Piacenza, No. 2: "When the rain comes..."

Our Man in Europe/davedeòacroix/High Noon in Piacenza, No. 2:  "When the rain cxomes..."

your gig?
your gig?

Did u kiss?"?

Does u kick?
Does u make it stick?
When the rain comes?

Did u dig?
Did u dig your Gig?
(let me hand u my
And then?
,,,let's go free.

c 2013/davedelacroix/fuckin inter-net cafe.... RIMMINI.Italia

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave - rockstar - delacroix: HIGH NOON IN PIACENCZA, No. 1: TIPPERARAY!!!...

Our Man In Europe/davedelacroix/: High Noon in Piacenza, No. 1:  TIPPERARY...

U were wearing BLUE? I, (guess?) in BLACK, and twixt the TWO we caught the news and the favor that we keep?
It's a LONG way to Tipperary; airports are the LAST place lover's should ever say goodbye!? -better an ocean-liner, tear-stained handkerchief, the TITANIC-Blue-Star Line?
"Relax, Kid! NO icebergs on our horizon, 'cept in our cocktails?"
IT'S a long way to Tipperary, and it's a long way TO GO? GOODBYE!!! -your plane is ascending
whilst "I" descend to Milan's Bar GATTO!? And (cocktails?) "Flights of Angels"/I ordered TWO? -one with chocolate, the other, vanilla; and it's a long, long way....DAMN, honey!? -let's just SING IT!!!?=??

"It's a long way to Tipperary? It's a long way to go!
It's a long way to Tipperary, to the sweetest girl I know?
Goodbye, Piccadilly? Farewell Leicester Square? It's a long, long way to Tipperary, but my heart's right there!..."

...U were wearing BLUE? And "I" (go figure?) in BLACK.

c 2013/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/HIGH NOON IN PIACENZA....:)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix, No. 36: MILANO-FROID: Allessia...

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid, no. 37:  ALLESSIA

We walk the LINE, nuttin' U can DO;
U swear sweet vengeance; it's all U can do?
We walk the LINE, in a ring of fire,
we walk the line: Goodnite?

And, then, you UNCROSS your limbs,
like Yesterday?
Where do U go? Oh where do U go?
U disappear, into the NIGHT?

When will I see U again; but TELL ME
where do  U go?
Your fingers linger into the night;
...just where?
Just where do U go?
Just where do U go?
Just where do U go?...

c 2013/davedelacroix...August, '13

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/milano-froid No. 36: "BOBBY SHAFTOE"

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-froid No. 36:  "Bobby Shaftoe"

(Olde English folk song)

Bobby Shaftoe went away
riding on his pony.
He'll come back and marry me,
my Bobby, Bobby Shaftoe.

Bobby Shaftoe went to sea
(I guess, gone and sold DAT pony?)
Will he come back and marry me?
my bonny Bobby Shaftoe.

Bobby Shaftoe LOST at sea
and I am all soooo lonely!
(So now?)
Bobby Shaftoe ON my knee,
my poor old Bobby Shaftoe.

Bobby Shaftoe went to sea,
riding on his pony.
He'll come back and marry me;
my Bobby, Bobby Shaftoe...

c 2013/davedelacroix/song-writer-dude/URBINO, Italia...:)

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid, No 35: "These foolish things..."

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid, No: 35:  "These foolish things..."

dedicato: Carol Maria Aniello. (with pride)

DEEZ foolish things
is what I just do.
Deez foolish things
for me and for you.
Deez foolish things
make everything right?
Deez foolish things;
a warm bed at night.

Deez foolish things?
Can I carry your weight?
Deez foolish things,
all thru the night;
deez foolish things,
a wedding bell rings?
Deez foolish things
are your light.

Deez foolish things
go down HISTORY.
Wherever U turn
there's NO mystery.
Holding you tight;
the LOVE got it right!
Deez foolish things
are YOUR light
my Sweet...?

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/URBINO-Marche, Italia...:)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid No. 36: VESPA

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 36:  " VESPA!"
(adult material)

DID U suck his Dick?
Did U suck his prick?
Did HE suck your TITS?
Did he? Did he?

Did SHE catch your "wile"?
Maybe, lonely-HEP-CAT outta style?
Did she "fellatio"
in the sinew of your Gold?

Did he scratch his balls,
after the shower,
and then walk away?...
And never return?

Did he write your tune,
for U to remember;
a sad memory?

Did U dance the "chance"
WITHOUT romance?
Did U find NOTHING
in your ever-searching Searching?

(meantime?) ...Some kid-GAL
with a VESPA scooter, wearing
white, goldfish, bowl helmet,
and  got WAY too much chat?

"Ciao! Ciao! BELLA CIAO!"

...Get used to it.

c 2013/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/URBINO. Marche/Italia...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Our Man In Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid No. 35: HOLOCAUST!

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid No. 35:  HOLOCAUST!

Is your holocaust buried here...in "Wounded Knee" or "Sandy Creek", or "AUSCHWITZ-Bergen-Belsen"? And does the EARTH, drenched with blood, sinew and bone, spit back conscience or SOME semblance of retribution?

JA! YA-HAY! JA! YA-HAY! -just WORDS to cover evil deeds; THOUGHTS bleed....!
So cut off my EAR! Cut OUT my tongue! Cut off my RIGHT! And cut off my wrong.
It's nothing, today. It's all in the past.

Is your holocaust buried here? In "Wounded Knee" or "Sandy Creek"? Or in "Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen"?
-NO forgetting all our yesterdays. And NO forgetting all our yesterdays.

c 2013/davedelacroix/LORETTO/Italia...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid No. 34: Best game in Town

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid No. 34:  Best Game in Town.

(dedicato, CAESAR-LILLY)

TRA-LA-LA, LA-LA-LA-etc...

Ya got miles to go
and the Violins of Setptember
whisper your name.

WE are quite alone. OUTSIDE?
-cicades buzz
in sexual, frenzy-restraint.

All the MILES ya gotta go?
$1,000 a' pop, or priceless
whilst U sleep?
And whether War or Peace,
the latter? -we crave;
lulls U into the DEEP?..

...as U drink yourself
into an early grave: the TOWN CRIER:


..Whilst "hello-goodbyes"
can reach - an impossible - sky?
-It's STILL (it's still)
the best game in town.

So let's sing of old  Las Vegas!
Let's sing of old NEW YORK!
Let's sing to ALABAMA!
-and that faithful moon that shines?

Ya got miles to go, the RECORD shows
there's a song that's got your name?
The BEST game in town
(Remind me!!!)
is when I hear your Name;
is when I hear your name.


c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/Loretto/IL MARCHE-Italia

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid, No 33: ON THE BEACH

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid No. 33:  On the Beach...

YOUR "Off- shoulder-clingy "T",
 don't cut no ICE in THIS town, Miss Lonely?
 Gigolos "run" your nipple perspective
 through their libido giga-counter
 and sweat, heavily, as do U perspire?

FRED Fellini has filmed U here
 under CINZANO beach canopy, row on row,
 'mongst denizens,
 the great unwashed RAGAZZI who, seemingly,
apply sun-tan lotion,
 splish-splash, (in the SEA) then go.

NO PLACE FOR JOE GREEN! (Giuseppe Verdi)

And as for MIO? -living and dying, as we speak,
-do we wake or sleep?
I PEEP at U,
-bathing costume? NO bathing costume?

Whilst the OLD and the young
 seek eternal Youth
in Ponce de Leon's GLOBAL SPRING;
bambinos butterfly, make sandcastles,
ARE irreverent
to remind the Sea... of its eternity
....on the beach.

c 2013/davedelacroix/PESARO-Italia...:)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Senta/ (Song:) "DEM GALS"

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 32:  "DEM GALS!"

(dedicato:  FIONA)

(LA-LA-TRA.-LA-LA, etc.)

Is she, is she, one of dem gals?
Is SHE, is she one of dem gals?
Would ya MOMMMA fall over?
Are U kids in-clover?
Is she one of DEM GALS?

Does she SING "pretty swell?"
Does she KISS...and don't tell?
Is she one of dem gals?

Is she SWEET in the moonlight?
Is she as fresh as a breeze?
In troubles, will she
stand by your side? Your HEART!?
-does she have the key?
Is she one of dem gals?

Is she one of DEM GALS?
-who'll love U morning-night??
Would ya MOMMA fall right over?
Are you kids right  in-clover?
Is she, is she, is she... one of dem gals?


2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/IMOLA/Italia...:)

Friday, August 2, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 31: High wind to Jamaica

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 31:  High Wind to Jamaica

Once upon a time, the kids
seemed happy
and Mom and Pop
got along;
the Iced-cream vendor
(who'd trolley by)
was FAT, dispensing
at six pence a'pop
and wasn't a paedophile.

Once upon a time, there was
in the water
and Mamma ALWAYS
had "sumptin'"
cooking on the stove;
the boys sang BAYOU
on the patio
and things seemed SO much
in the YAW of your JAW;
all the days gone down.

Down? Banjo? Mandolin?
...the echo of your sweethearts
piano lessons, hesitant,
staccato, yet wrapped
on a hot summer's eve?
And your grandma's soft wail:
"Did the family turn out so right
or wrong?"

Banjo? Mandolin? GUITAR!?
-in ALL tomorrow's Blues;
that inate fever, unleashed;
to become
a sea shore breeze,
that sets a sail
to a high wind to Jamaica?

c 2013/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/piacenza/Augusto/italia...:)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid: No. 30: Sibling Rivalry!...

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid; No. 30:  Sibling Rivalry...

(Dedicato: GIADA)

Is it UNDERSTOOD that we hate change? And...is it understood, along with Fate, with resentful smile-that courts the wiles, of thoughts conceived, genetic yesterday?

Is it understood that U and I will ALWAYS harmonize on roads that lead to "Loch Lomand"? -with twilight or a morning dew, as a pictorial; whilst a  Bandoleer (like ME, like U?) sings his/her song, and then in WISDOM -is gone?
Is it understood why we disperse to DIVERGE.. in an attempt to MURDER our diversity?

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/our man in europe/piacenza-italia

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 29: "Five & Dime"

Our Bloke in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 29:  "Five  &  Dime"...

I hate walkin';  lord KNOWS, I've hiked many'a mile? ...since SUZI-BABE  (or was her name Lucy?) broke my drunken heart?... But TODAY? -there's:  "NO flies on ME mate!", no SHARKS in the acqua-lagoon? -Money's tight, but I sleep at night: No howling at the MOON!?

(We interrupt this stream/RIVER of consciousness with the following message:)

"It's OFFICIAL. I lost my Punk-rock SHADES. I lost my HILLBILLY straw hat!  (I'm devastated!?)  And? To BOOTY!?... My FLY SWAT is gone missing....IN SUMMER!!!!!???

Yup. Metaphorically speaking?  -it's CHEAPER to shop

 at the Five & Dime.

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord Borgo/Great Expectations/piacenza/italy

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 28: "IS.. U.. IS..?"

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 28: "...IS  U  IS?.."

IS U IS? ...Or, IS U AIN'T?
Catch DAT train
or can SHE wait?
IS she COOL?
IS she IS?
with some FIZZ?

or.. is she SUN?
with a BUZZ?
Is she IS?
Or is she MURPHY
with some FIZZ?

IS U IS? -Is U Style?
Is U lonesome?
Can-can: catch a smile?
of your fate?...

And IS - SHE IS? -

...will she wait?

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/ourmanineurope/piacenza-italia

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/rockstar/Milano-Froid, No. 27: "Smoker-Girl"...

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/needing a haircut/Milano-Froid, No. 27:  "Smoker.Girl"...

Love me  when I'm RICH?
You'd  better love me
when I'm POOR;
or you'll know the reason why?

If  "they" can BAIL OUT all the MAJOR BANKS
and the ENTIRE
"they" can certainly afford...
 -to bail out ME!?

"Smoker-Girl?" Come sit by my side
 U'd better fasten your seat-belt
'cause it's gonna be a bumpy ride!...:)

c 2013/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/piacenza/italy

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 26: "Encore"

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froids/No. 26:  "Encore"...

CATCH DAT window, scratch DAT curtain
give your LIFE an extra SPIEL?
Some ol' guy, up in the sky?
-knows exactly how U feel?

-kiss the ENCORE
of your moment,
like an ever changing Wind?
Then call me:
and sing your song, again?

Is it August? Is it July? DO (or can?)
U even care?
And what became of
-except an empty stare? -that
your tomorrows
in reflections of your past?
-catch that window to your Soul?

And sing your song again...?

Old SINS cast long shadows,
new Hearts
cast their OWN chimes; the
RAGAZZI roars:
"SO DO IT AGAIN!", or smile,
or grin, again?
-It's the ONLY
card ya gotta play;
some FOOL designed it so?

Catch DAT window, draw the curtain,
give the LIFE U have
an extra SPIEL!;
whilst some ol' guy,
UP in the the sky;
knows exactly how U feel...?

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/oue man in europe/piacenza/italia

give the Life U have

Friday, July 5, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 25: Leopard Skin Shoes

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 25:  Leopard Skin Shoes

(dedicato: Fiona)

He wined  (maybe WHINNED, too!) and DINED ya; ya got
under his skin; sublime, Divine?
-he could not miss.
Is it your future? The past DON'T last (it haunts!)
Wotcha gonna-do
with those Leopard Skin shoes?

Monte-Cristo? Monte-Carlo? -or, whatever his name?
NO lasting affair, as fleeting as FAME.
He sunk his "tube" into your "well, left EARLY
the next morning, feeling "righteous"; U, feeling like HELL
on one of those Friday nights
or Saturday Blues; wotcha gonna-do
with those Leopard skin shoes?

It's ONLY Tomorrow. TODAY don't care. If U'are my SISTA?
ya got a BROTHER there; in this skeletal dance we grow
and give a "Finger!" to the Devil
and the hell he's in.
So put on that make-up! Put on your cool gown!
Put on your dancing shoes!
'cos we're going to Town!!

And those Leopard Skin shoes?... Can go sing the Blues.

c 2013/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/piacenza/italia...:)

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 24: KOKA-LOLA

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 24:  KOKA-LOLA

"SHE got ALL I need. SHE got sum wild, wild CAT;
this side of Hawaii (Ukulele, too!)
She sings U to slumber or an afternoon DOZE?
Jesus Christie, have mercy, when she DISROBES?

So come along MARIA, my turtle-dove;
to JERUSALEM first
and then, to love.

BE-WITCHED anxiety, OUT of control?
This Gal drives a LAMBRETTA (scooter-thingy),
runs pedestrians down.
will haunt U ALL your days,
on the wrong side of Palestine
whose heart's on a scale?

But come along, Maria! My sweet
To Jerusalem, first
and then, and then?
-to Love.

c 2013/davedelacroix/july'13/piacenza/italy...:)

our man - JOE BINGO - in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid, no. 23: SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY

Our Man in Europe (JOE BINGO), Davedelacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 23:  Sheffield Wednesday

(Nothin' like waiting in-line at an Italian Post-Office to PAY THE ELECTRIC BILL to absolutely KILL all creativity?)

"Sheffield Wednesday"

"Don't cry for ME, Sheffield Wednesday?
The truth is I really, really DID try
to score DAT winning goal?
-I quit smoking for TWO whole weeks,
did some "push-ups" -I told my (last)
girlfriend: "NO SEX till Tuesday!", but (but?)
ALZHEIMER'S got me on ma'knees?

Don't cry for ME, Sheffield Wednesday?
I shaved off my "side-burns" OFF-SIDE;
I wanted World Peace,
and, maybe invite BOB DYLAN
over for tea?

Don't cry for me...in Margarita?
(worth his Salt?)
is gonna burn ya!
on a Saturday night?
-BLOW OFF the Electric bill,
drink Guinness, whisky
and play guitar all night?
...Pray, pray, pray?
Don't cry for me, Sheffield Wednesday.

c 2013/july/davedelacroix/handsome guy/piacenza/italia

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 22: SARDINES

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 22:  SARDINES.

(New POEM from BLIND BILL who lives near an
ALL GIRLS COLLEGE, just South of Austin, TEXAS
. .. .It's called,"Sardines";
published, with kind  permission:)


DO SARDINES actually come
Is it true?

HOW COME they (the Sardinia's?)
got the "franchise"? Were questions
ASKED? Did they consult
me or U?
(to continue this line of thought?)

WERE questions asked in CONGRESS?
-were there secret  tape
recording? -did the N.S.A. KNEW!?

(how could they? They only have ONE official
cell-phone/the other 5.000
 are for personnel use
...which they constantly monitor!)

So; once AGAIN, I ask
DO SARDINES actually "Sardine?"
and is ANYONE actually monitoring
their long distance phone calls?
...And...IF NOT!? -Why?

(Bill?...I'm falling asleep....)

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/our man in europe/piacenza/italia

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-froid, No. 21: "Flamenco"...

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid No. 21:  "Flamenco..."

DON'T GO Flamenco,
Il Matador?
wants U ONLY
but then?
-she wants more!

No matter how many BULLS
U've vanquished/arena
-she WILL Fandango
in HER own time;

and castanets
will accent her rhyme,
under a percussive Moon
,,,on a hot Summer's night,

but TO YOU
-not a Stranger!
-her Gypsy eyes
-every sensuous move:

We sing: "Vaya con Dios!"

Don't GO Flamenco,
the bull in the ring?
-is U.

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/our man in europe/piacenza/italia...:)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Il Nostro U'omo e Europa/Dave Delacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 20: Whisky Canzone

Il Nostro U'omo e Europa/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid, No 20: Whisky Canzone

If U go down to the Woods, tonight
U'are sure of a big surprise?
If U go down to the Woods
U might wanna close your eyes?
For Jeremy, the SUGAR PUFF BEAR
is sporting FREDERICK's of HOLLYWOOD
but U'll have lots of tales to tell
to MA and PA
in the morning...:)

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/ourmanin europe/july '13/piacenza/italy.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid, no. 19: SOUTHBOUND TRAIN

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 19:  Southbound Train

Welcome to JESUS, Sist'a or Bro? -after a Lifetimes-debauched?
But now U know?
A kick-start, tomorrow? A kick-start, today?
Whatever's good for JESUS
can come my way;
on that Southbound Train, on that
Southbound Train.

I saw U in L.A., or I saw U in KEW (Gardens);
not quite the Garden of Eden, but an experience,
and a heck of a view.
Did U see me in Milano, or, maybe sweet Paree?
Whatever's good for JESUS
is good enough for me;
on that Southbound Train, on that
Southbound Train.

Is it Wednesday or Friday? I never can tell?
Are U good to the last DROP of blood, or Love
you ever will spill?
Is there any reason, do we have reasons to care?
-when all we've got is Logic
and JESUS aint there?
-on that Southbound Train, on that
Southbound Train;
on that Southbound Train, on that
Southbound Train?

c 2013/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/piacenza/late rainy June/Italia

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 18: "Let it Be."

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 18:  "Let it Be.".

(dedicato: John Scace)

...I was gonna cash-out? I was gona stay Cool?, and I thought - like y'all? - I'd paid all my dues?... I was hanging outt with DANNY Washburn, in the town of Malibu; he was looking for a (FIRE EXIT?) beach-side hacienda? I was LOOKING, like him, but without a care?
Some REAL ESTATE LIZARD with (oddly?) a neck-brace, invited Danny for SEX on XMAS day ("It can be such a lonely day, don't u think?") She ALSO did NOT invite ME to stay?
(Yo, Bitch!)
..The neck-brace might have been fun?

I was gonna cash-out? I was gonna stay Cool? I thought I'd paid ALL my dues? At my local ITALIAN/Piacenza - "Hi-end" - bar, there's VICIOUS Pirahnas with TITS, who figure - in a nano-second? - just who U are? Yet when they find out about my "Twist & Shout" and discover I AM in fact a MILLIONAIRE? It's all I can do to - con Glock 9mm - to shoot them in the knees, to stop them banging at my door!

I was gonna cash-out! I was gonna stay ALL sooooo Cool;  and happy to be some lonesome gal's fool? (Obviously, that's not working.)
It AINT no mystery just what we see, just the ENVY in your eyes?
It AINT no mystery just what we BE, and the feelings - true or false? we cannot hide: So
let it be. And? ...So let it be.

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza/italy...:)

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/MILANO-FROID, No. 17.5: MARBURG LU!

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/lord borgo/MILANO-FROID, No. 17.5:  MARBURG LU!

"DAVE!? -I gott'a CUNT.
Dave!? -I gott'a CUNT:
Dave!? -I gotta CUNT.

"DAVE?... I gott'a MIND.
I gott'a MIND.
Dave? I gott'a  MIND, MIND, MIND
and a MIND!"

"Dave? I gott'a SOUL; I gott'a
SOUL. I gott'a big-time
(But please don't tell my parents?)

"...IS THIS why U and I
always combine
with your DICK (small dick)
(OK; encora:)

c 2013/davedelacroix/june, I guess/somewhere in Italia...:)

Our Man in FROID-MILANO-FROID, davedelacroix, No. 16: "No socks for JESUS"...

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroiox/lord Borgo/MILANO-FROID, No. 15 or 16...: "No Socks for Jesus"...

(New Song from BLIND BILL - who lives in TEXAS, or nearby;


No Socks for Jesus;
got no firkin shoes?
No socks for Jesus;
got "Dem" no-socks blues.

At the SUPER market/mercato
But the price they're/is/are/
(at the Super-mercato?)
is asking quite a lot?

So there's NO socks
for Jesus?
Maybe a LEFT one
(or maybe a RIGHT?);
but only ONE
for U and Me;
no socks,
for Jesus...

(Sing-a-long now!)

No socks for Jesus?
-he's got no frickin' shoes!
No socks, for Jesus?
-Got DEM: "No socks Blues..."

c 2013/davedelacroix/rockstar/gonna go to heaven!!!...:)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Milano-Froid, No. 14: INTERNET CAFE

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/MILANO-FROID, No. 14:   INTERNET CAFE

The boys sing out "In sha-Allah!"
old men: "Asslam-O-alaikum".
Their wives and daughters
of the fold,
whisper from HEARTS
(U don't hear them?)
-a message resounds, REGGAE,
and a bamboo canzone SHOUTS!..
in the potpourri,
where THIS boy plays;
at the Internet Cafe.

There's tragedy, there's foreign
news, a SINEW of mankind?
There's happiness, a CHILD is born!
-there's quite nothing on your
There's HOPE and PEACE,
there's Family news
to share,
there's ALL the longing,
cause we're not there?

...There's the Yesterdays
that WE couldn't share
...at the Internet Cafe.

I'm wearing BLACK, SHE wears
a veil, a SARI, AC-DC?
She E-mails her Papa, Momma, too,
where even some HOT SHOT KID
lets down
his fashion-ista BLUES?

So faraway!!!!
- the LOVE we crave,
in this - a message? -
I hold no sway?
...But amongst the throng?
I can do no wrong;  at the Internet Cafe.


Sweet Lorraine, I know
nothings quite the same?
There's no-one to blame!
Sweet Lorraine.

Sweet Lorraine?
Somethings burning on the Cross!
Perhaps it's ME (and just WHERE
are U?) who's  lost?

Sweet Lorraine? (FULL CHOIR!)
Sweet Lorraine?
U find me in the morning?

Sweet Lorraine... It's OVER.
We got nothing to gain
except a Song.?
Sweet Lorraine? (FULL CHOIR!)
Sweet Lorraine?
-a song, a song.. for U.

c 2013/davedelacroix/piacenza/hot june/italia...:)