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Friday, September 28, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....1,000 Times Before....

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....1,000 Times Before....

*for Brother Dylan..in Piacenza.

IT ALL BEGAN 1,000 SONGS before. Before Inception, before the WORLD, before BEER if THAT is remotely conceptual, a Freudian skip like Ducks N Drakes or a MOTH within, got inside a lamp, skeletal yet eternal, an UN-twining ballad of sacrifice... that spawned yet another 1,000 tunes.

It All began as 1,000 LOVES before your OWN broken heart decided, NO! NEVER AGAIN!!! -A Fool-s quest, HARD-WIRED in your breast, your Armour, that bullet UN-fired, sitting in it-s chamber reciting Shakespeare or Oscar Wilde as the sparks fly up-wards... or to kill the thing you love.

It All began 1,000 years ago. You caught a Cold/had to get off Time-s Highway. You MISSED the Boat, and WAILING, THEY SAILED WITHOUT ME!!!
Oh the laughter!
Oh the laughter!
And stamp your feet in rage into the next millennium, not for the FIRST time....but 1,000 times before.

c2018,davedelacroix, murphys pub, Sciacca,sicilia.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.....R U THERE!!!

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix..... R U THERE!

R U THERE Mister Universe, R U there... Cheerleader from Paradise to Post-Graduate my Spirit into Tomorrow, far from the madding crowd... It-s Sooooo hard to BE a SEX SYMBOL but I-m trying Mah best twix Alzheimer's, poverty, sudden Riches and a le recherche du temps perdu... WHO! What Fucker! If I cried OUT would hear me amongst the Order of the ANGELS....Rainer Maria Rilke...OR! GOE and catch a falling Star!...John Donne. Echoes of Rhythm, Innocence, stark terror, or Guilt that drives ALL, that drives YOU to your Sticking Post...if not beyond...

R U THERE Missus Universe.... R U THERE. The MAMA of Lust, Sanctity, Sweet Delores /Our Sista of Pain, U 2 steps UP, down 3, like skinny Fred Astaire, nimble, skeletal, in a Pre-ordained dance of Death, UN-account ably, the Hollywood masses applaud /OU SANS LES NEIGE D-ANTAN, Yesterdays snows, now UN-founded in a whirlpool of Avant-Suck-My-Vagina-Culture, destination-Unknowing, least ways not back to the WOMB, UN-signposted, same as it EVER was, same as it ever was!

OH! I was forgetting! That POSTAGE Stamp KISS, that LICK-KISS on the envelope. I didn-t keep it. I should have. A Testament. A Souvenir. A POST-MAIL of TIME itself...without which BEING is worthless, forgotten and defused... or sit with Billy Shakespeare, U IZ or not IZ.

R U there! R U There! R U There!


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....CHRYSTALIONE

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.....Chrystalione…

*dedicato Anna Cimo

ONLY the things dat U MISS, like Souvenirs in a foreign land... dat BANTER, an ASSURED HUG, that HELLO-thingy,   dat said, Unspoken...I Love U, or that intimate Cry, Understood, a plate of Pesci, funghi, pasta con Carne, a Casa VINO SICILIANO, or a  COGNOSCENTI, to respond, like Yesterday, a Crystalline of THOUGHT in a gesture, a twirl of a Dress, a SENOR, a Comandatore!....at your Service!!!  Communication.
And now a Bela-vista so NOW , so far away, U knew...in your Soul., avante Bela, Bravissio-Viaggio-Senorina….Gotta deal with the Bad Boys. Write Home. Write a Poem. But never to forget the URGENCY that said, I must TRAVEL and I am GREATER than from whence I began!....


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, WESTERN UNION and My Offshore, Super-Rich Banking Account.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Western-Union....and my Super-Rich, Offshore, Cayman Islands  Banking Account.....

WHENEVER in NEED of a wild receipt from the USA or the FAR EAST my hands are sweaty, been broke for days, I-m ULTRA nervous and with THREE Money=BAR TABS riding my back, my FENG SHWEE Chinese-thingy....U got it. Under Surveillance, odd-ball side of Palookaville, my left testicle feeling POACHED!!!... Yet, in TRYING to SEND some piccolini CASH to a European Buddy in Need... the SAME WESTERN-UNION KHARMIC HORROR!
20 Questions. 20 Signatures.  20 questions about MEEEEE.....20 questions about YOU! I.D. Numbers. DESCRIBE yourself.... I-m standing HERE, u NAZIS  prick.... Describe the 50 Euro Recipient, dude….He has a wooden leg, parrot on his shoulder, sez AAARGH!!, repetitively.
He-s Bulgarian!!!
NO! He-s Romania.
Ensuing questions, favourite Polka, Waltz, Composer, many questions, am I a Philatelist, etc...Collect Stamps.

The Molto-Suck-your-foreskin PENIS CAYMAN ISLANDS, OFFSHORE BANKING system puts Western-Union to shame. They-d NEVER heard of W.U....Western Union.... I TALKED to Senore THIS, Senora THAT...Roboto/Accounto/Senor CAPITANO....

HOW MUCH do U want to place in his, your Offshore Account, Sir...

20 Euroes!

ThAT-ll do nicely, Sir. It-ll pay off your Cayman Island-Collect Call... Now! Fuck off! -U piece of Shit!...

2018, eave Delacroix, Sciacca, sicily

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.... UBER-MAN!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... UBER MAN!

*Big Yellow Taxi, re-invented.

No worries, babbee, git Ju to the airport
Me/da Uber dude.
Boy friend screwed U, last minute,
we dont give a crap
all is solid and sound.
Night or Day, or Day or Night
U got mah UBER
we-re just tight!
No worries Bela
I-m your pizza-Mazzarella
the Uber-Man.

U stuck out in NOWHERE
or in Ghetto-Central
I-ll crash in there
no despair,
or pick U up in the Prairie Wild
figure U for my long lost child,
I-ll get U to where U wanna go,
I-m da Uber-man.

she-s mah SISTA, she knows the World,
she-ll get U to UBER-POINT
and from there, babe
ANYWHERE U wanna Go!!!

No worries, babbee,
if U with Child, delivered babies,
once in a while,
some say I sing too much my song,
I jes want the World
to get along,
NO place I cant take U
no better WORLD we can make,
U just call,
there to pick up-UP!!!
I-m da UBER-Man.
A buck a mile.
The Uber-Man.
Helping U walk a Mile...then SOME!

c2018,dave Delacroix,vicola la marca,sciacca,sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....GENDER Suicide Note.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... GENDER Suicide Note.

*for Thea. It-s a Song...

….All bout Gender.
 All bout HIM.
 All bout Gender.
 HER. And whatever.....
Mostly Dude-A-RONI!
….The San Francisco Treat!

No Love
No Kiss
no Saturday Night,
no Bella
no USURP my GOD,
burning crosses
in the light of the night!

And no WARM,
no calm,
no see/through-face
just a serenity
beyond the reach
my finger-tips could trace
of THIS side
of Gender,
or decided to BE.

ALL about ridicule
sometime Fame,
hitch-hike cross rhe USA,
I-d do it again.

All about Life and Death
and all about Fear.
A kiss from a Maiden
marks Year after Year...

Ans All about Vanquished
killed on a whim
and all about Success
won on a whim,
like your kisses
lost in time,
some Gal up in heaven,
later, to sing
to hand out
a CAN-CAN dance Champagne!

c2018,davedelacroix,ourmanineurope,cafe fermi,piacenza,sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... SILENT SAM, USA Civil War Memorial-WALTZ!

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....SILENT SAM, USA Civil War Memorial-WALTZ!

*Civil War Silent Sam erected statues....Tribute to the Unknown Soldier.

*dedicato, Ragazzo Rebel E. Lee. Direct descendent of the GENERAL. We both raised a Glass in the Dume Room Bar, Point Dume, Malibu, California back in the 1990s...

Silent Sam...Waltz.

And welcome, my friends
WE find the World
UPSIDE down, again,
Australia is NORTH
and NORWAY-s gone South
with Cigarette Alarms
in every new built house!

Don't sally my Freedom
don't sally my Life
U Fascist-Socio-Body-Gestapo
I piss on your Knife!

Just pour me a Whisky
and we-ll sing that old Song,
And we-ll drink
TO the day that we die!

They-re pulling down STATUES
-a new Socio-creed
and pissing on Heroes
like Robert E. Lee
who fought, as his Right
just like SILENT SAM
that meant SO much
to folks...in their Day.

Just pour me a Bourbon
and we-ll sing that old Song
ALABAM, Mississippi and ME...
and we-ll drink
TO the day that We die!

fix North gone to South,
NO revision-ista!
to build a fake house,
take your LUMPS
and your GUTS
with all U have found,
yet keep.... your Powder dry!

Just make it a RYE
and we-ll sing that old Song,
not gone with the Wind!
A fife and a drum
a brave HURRAH!
And we-ll drink to the Day
that we die. And we-ll drink
TO the day that we die.

Now many a good boy from golden Arkansas
went off to fight not KNOWING War
and never, ever came back again,
for their MOMS....that Memorial...Silent Sam.

c2018,davedelacroix. For casualties of ALL Wars.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...RAIDERS of the Lost Caravaggio. Part 1....The Light of Day.

Our Man in Europe, Dave Delacroix...RAIDERS of the Lost Caravaggio.

 Part 1....The Light of Day.

Tony Russo, fellow Journalist,  EXPLAINED to me, Dave Delacroix. Bloody painting by Carra-whassit, RIPPED OFF by Mafia-scum-bags back in 1969 has never been seen since. Many things have CHANGED since 1969-Sicily. Business-respect, as it SHOULD be, now prevails. The WELFARE of the Sicilian NATION is paramount. The HONOUR of Sicily!...Yet the painting, the canvas...THE NATIVITY, by Caravaggio. St Lawrence, St. Francesco, in adoration. M.I.A. STOLEN.
Just WHO, for what, for WHY would ROBBERS deprive the SICILIAN PEOPLE of their HERITAGE....U wonder...
Dave Delacroix and Tony Russo do not REST....

Is this painting hanging on your Mamas kitchen wall...UN-knowingly....
Is this Artwork sitting in your secret Japanese vault....KARATE!!!!
Is this Icon of Faith stuffed, careless, under your couch....Ignoranti!
Is this canvas, too much for U to handle....for a few dollars more...Getting NERVOUS!

Raiders of the Lost Caravaggio. Dave Delacroix and Tony Russo.On the Case! No sleep till the light of Day!...

c2018,davedelacroix,our man in Europe,sciacca, sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...RAIDERS of the LOST CARRAVAGIO.

Our Man in Europe, Dave Delacroix...RAIDERS of the LOST CARAVAGGIO...

dedicato.  MANY Siciliano Amici.

In the NEXT days I will ...if the Sicilian THUG-MAFIA don-t kill me first....EXPLAIN the theft, disappearance of Caravaggio-s NATIVITY painting, with St. Lawrence and St. Francis holding the portraiture FORT which was STOLEN in 1969 in Palermo and until this DAY has not been on view for the rightful owners....the SICILIAN PEOPLE...

Watch this space. Friends are involved. We are the RAIDERS of the Lost Caravaggio!!!!


OUR man in EUROPE, DAVE DELACROIX....Punk-KID-Cloud!...

OUR MAN IN Europe, DAVE DELACROIX...Punk-KID-Cloud!...

dedicato. The last Hollywood-Jewish Talent Agent I never got.

gET DIS mOSES OFF mah cloud, some Joshua in a Punk Kid Cloud, pissed on me in Hollywood, BAD PSALMS.
Git me off the 405, inter=state, SHEIK YA BUIC!!! Frank ZAPSTA sez don-t eat the yellow snow! And ALL the World is SPRUNG like SPRING.
Eat Arabs. Eat Gentiles. Crunch a dollar bill in your mouth like cold ASH, Auschwsitz, Bergen-Belsen.
The HISTORY of MAN...is the History of GREED.

...And Hollywood Bella's from Iowa, Nebraska, Montana, Mommas, Grandmas worried sick, now dance, twist, sing a puppet song in reflection of Tyrants who masturbate with Cell-phones and UN-ME/TOO Movie Studio dynamic. The BELLAGORE prevails...The new OVENS are despair begot by skip-generations of arrogance, the succubus of history-s repetition.

Punk-Kid-Cloud. Just an Idea. SAY!!! I-m meeting Suzie down by the 7-11. We going Bowling later. Yo! Jimmies gotta 6 Pack. Dont tell Dad! Ya-Ya. I-ll fix ya bike tomorrow. My MATH sucks!...Help, maybe! .
No worries.

c2018,davedelacroix. Porta Sciacca.

c2018, davedelacroix. our man in Europe. OUTTA HOLLYWEIRD!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

OUR MAN in EUROPE, Dave Delacroix..... HAIR!!!!

Our an in Europe, Dave Delacroix..... HAIR!!!

....The 60s Hippie Musical...Re-visited.


Give ME a Beehive!
Give me a BUN!
Gimme some Dreadlocks
or Shirley Temple locks,
yet I-m a Dude!

Give me BANGS!
Or Elvis GREASE-flick!
YO!!! It-s important, ya Mu-da!

Give me a turquoise MOHICAN'S
that really kicks!
Or shave the LOT,
a polished skull
like an Auschwitz KID

head in to HELL, or sinew,
cool, Pony-tail
to tell the tale
of how I CLEFT
Capitalism-s foot!

Whilst UN-washed locks
from Eden to Amsterdam,
I SUCK the tune of
Tomorrow-s Socio-Kosher Hair
and with my THATCH or NOT,
demonstrate to the  World
that I AM
….but not THEIRS.

c2018,davedelacroix,vittoria-emanuale bar-café. Humid night. Sept. 19.

of Tomorrow-s HAIR

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix..... FENG SHIU PANINI....Sandwich thingy.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... FENG SHUI PANINI....Sandwich-thingy.

Dedicato. Thea Emerson-Manger. California-Girl.


U /Happy!
ME /Happy!
WE -Happy!
SOOOO /Happy!
Gonna skip the light fandango
babee, tonight!

I-m Grooving!
WE /Grooving!
ALL the Kids are
We gonna skip the light fandango,
babee, tonight!

Yet on those SAD days
when U feel U got NO place
a Whistle comes from OUTTA NOWHERE
to brighten up your DAYZE!!!

U -Happy!
MIO -happy!
WE -Happy!
SO -Happy!
Gonna skip the light fandango,
babee, tonight!


Yin and Yangtze
UP the river!
Brutal-beating SUN
on the Sciacca, Sicilian piazza
and the Café Porta-Palermo
ain't gonna deliver!....Me.

Absent friends, dead or dying,
NOW -lonesome HISSES
and the Love-s who GAVE
struggle in torment
to free themselves
from a FILING
in some other-s Heart-s Lost and Found.

And as WICKED comes
as Wicked goes
in TO dark corners of Memory,
to protrude, UN-faithful,
like lost souvenirs,
that STANK of loss,
when U say.... BANCO! -on one card.

In Macao or Las Vegas
the back street PAWN SHOPS
secrete, OOZE with hopeless treasure,
guitars, jewelry, Rolex watches,
lost donations of that dream of Tomorrow
and like ALL our lost tomorrows,
tarnished, glittering, UN-SOLD!

My FENG-WHASSIT is outta Wack!
My Yin and Yang
until, perhaps
of Yesterday....resound!
Or reverse its dinner-GONG
fading Tattoo.


U -Happy!
ME -Happy!
WE -Happy!
Gonna skip the light fandango,
Babee, tonight!

I-m GROOVIN....!!!
WE Grooving!
All the Kids are Swinging-
We gonna Skip the light fandango,
Babee, tonight!

Yet, on those SAD Days...when U feel U got NO place
a WHISTLE come to JAZZ UP all your DAYZE!

U -Happy!
MIO -Happy!
WE -Happy!
Gonna skip the light fandango,
Babee, TONIGHT!!!!!....

c.2018,davedelacroix,sciacca,sicily....Ou sans les neige dantan….

Friday, September 14, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.....Revolution.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Revolution!

I wondered lonely as a cloud. A BOMB went off in the BANK of ENGLAND. Nobody KNEW how much MONEY they had, queuing up with rich and poor and the Queen of England, Princes, Counts, Baronetes, Ministers, IFFY Bankers, all fighting in a queue, semi-disrobed, looking for some jewel in a lost crown. Screaming for a lost Civilisation.

I wondred lonely as a cloud. Allah-Akbah, GOD-Wills-it!. SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY F.C.! I-ve heard these CHANTS before!....

c2018, davedeLACROIX, Sciacca, sicily.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Quartet Spleen.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Quartet Spleen.


KILLER DOG on your trail. USURPED
your mental wail
it wails, and it wails, and it wails,
Since WAX was Chief of Police!

Dead Souls! Dead, quite, Cadaver, NO WITNESS
for the Lady.....in the Lake.

And SO it comes around
a sweet mistletoe,
a Day in the Sun
but everyone gets to KNOW

Yucca-cactus, bleeding blood
and all the things
under Chevrolet hood,
humming. cussing, spitting,
Detroit's finest!
A Conscience that never goes away...
And when it COMES
to kissing
Lord knows I should know better!



Don't GIVE your Patina away
Bela Senorita
Let the Bravoes SWEAT
give U a ring, pluck a Guitar,
a canzone Romantica….

Don't give your Virtue away
sweet Bela, its all in the game
for that one Bravoes fame,
who-ll leave U in shame,
less your Pappa,
your fratelloes ...go to Jail.

Don't give your Love away,
Il Caro, ALOOF, in a flight,
a dance, a canzone, a
tapestry MAMBO!....

ALLEURI! Yet some, decades, long distant night,
you will RUE the day U CLOSED
favours Door

For NOW,
No-one comes, lightly tapping
at your door,
a Passion-Interest
gone for ever-more.

Dont give your Love, mi Amica
un-less it-s DOMANI you see.


California, Topanga Canyon, Gold-digger Bela's!

Bela's in da desert! Bela's in da Canyon!
 California, time and space,
with whithering Bourbon, Whisky wiles, a broken Guitar belonging to some HAS-BEEN they once invested their Heart, like a gathering of MISS HAVERSHAMS...Dickens....looking for a PIP with Great California Expectations...How SWEET Life-s Rivers run.

Bela's on the PRAIRIES who-ll knit your brow, organize a DOOM, come too soon, kiss your sweet Youth, whistle, uncannily, like a forgotten tune, INVIOLATE, yet THEIRS, like black widow spiders, apres, consumption,
not sure. EAT U
...or let U prevail.
 Oh yes. Such creatures scamper around loneliness.
Their MEAT
….. is the forlorn.

Bela's in the City, PERFUME, HIGH-HAT and Click-heels, a smatter of DIATRIBE
beyond your comprehension.
Its ONLY the Fashion-ista-BROKEN
in search of GOD, or Love, or Perfection....
I wash my abundant long, Anglo-Saxon hair every 2 days. The REST of me is decaying.
For LOVE... I am in despair.


UNDER THE RADAR, my Gal got my NUMBER, jeez don't I ever get to MASTURBATE on a Wednesday afternoon....in Private!
U, Yes U!!! U don't KNOW the meaning of HEART BREAK, too late for TERROR when your fellow CAMBRIDGE FELLOWS find out U AIN'T GAY....!!! WOTS WONG WIV DIS HUOMO! -said with a lisp.

UNDER DA MOONBEAMS, guilty of POETRY, tried to HIDE IT under somebody Else's pillow punting on the god damn river, trying NOT to look too POET-SWINBURNE, too dreamy, yet bumming money for a drink, or stealing a bus, double-Decker ride, what-s to become of MIO, Post-Grad style...

UNDER THE COLLEGE TOWERS of ILLITERACY, those glittering Prizes, not for Me. BADDA-BING! BADDA-BOOM!....I boogied lonely as a cloud.

UNDER THE RADAR, my Gal ditched me. She joined the Commies or the Drama Society. Said she wanted to be Free. Somehow, it all works out. I quit my Studies, moved up North to the Derby shire Dales. Got a job as a Farm Labourer…. Under the Radar.


Monday, September 10, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....GOD's LANDFILL.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix….God's Landfill.

CELLPHONES, APPS, Quiz stuff, headphone cables, PASSWORDS, all be TOLD, Dead Souls. Gogol! God's Landfill.
Cavalry Charges, Military PHALANX, Barbarians. Aborigines, CRUSH, God's handful! OR...
Broken promises, Deadbeat Loves, a call to Arms, where PUSH is PUSH and SHOVE is SHOVE!
…..I SEE no evidence of smart Gals whining for the NON Alpha'Man…

I wandered amongst God's Landfill. Lots of TRASH, lots of Jokers, boys and Girls alike, asking me if I was staying, could I put them UP for a night…


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

OUR MAN in Europe, dave delacroix... A Day in the Life.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... A DAY in the LIFE.

No morning BLOW JOBS, NO bacon and Eggs....

Let me START again.

It-s always incredulous, in RUGBY, when in SCRAMBLE U make a TRY, SCORE a goal, your first, and quite unexpected, U R the RUGGER DUDE, IL CAPO, never fails to swirl in Life-s sub-conscious and sustains your inner confidence for the rest of your life!
Maybe it-s an English thing!

IN SICILY, the town OF Ribera, RIBERA....tattooed Costas, my buddy, from RUMANIA, sucking on Grillos, Siciliano Vino Biancos, was proposition with his GAL on a Café Terrazzo by TWO Bravos... Give UP 30 Euros!
Why 30....
Fuck off! Fight ensued. Problem WAS Carlos is from ANOTHER dynamic. I KNOW. He pounds the two Bravoes, they run OFF, come back with TWENTY MORE!
Restaurant, Cafe People ENSURE Carlos and his GAL get on a bus out of town....to SCIACCA, where I live. WORD HAS IT, Scumbags of Ribera Bravoes are actively seeking Carlos here in Sciacca. A Siciliano Juvenile vendetta.
Carlos, Milano University Student, on VACATION with his GAL for 2 weeks, is presently HOLED UP on my Terrazzo. Sleeping bag. Puppy dog. Girlfriend who shows UP now and then. Tutte bene!
Heading back to MILANO on the 10th.  His Birthday!
Stuff like this...he-s 21...happens all around the World every day!.... I must be losing touch.

NO morning Croissants, no Cannelloni!! Afternoons!

CRASHING with Vague-connects up in Humbolt County, |North-Redwoods California, odd-folks, Hippies, GUYS BUILDING THEIR LOGWOOD CABINS, clearing Cabin space yet worried bout the Environment... In the AFTERNOON of my LIFE, how come I tolerated, or enjoined....a Story of the ROAD, Guilty as charged. HAPPY TRAILS was a common Wood inscribed sign, of a Redwood Ranchero. 500 dead Redwood trees without a voice.

I was ALWAYS hitch hiking UP and down HIGHWAY ONE, California, like an Automaton in the benevolent clasp of Samaritans, ...purveying Songs and Words, the CRUX and the GUTS, pot-boiling, I still yet had to understand. To THIS day. The idiosyncrasy, the inner ORGASM of THOUGHT, yet to spew its GUTS, worthy of, worthy of Anything!
A death in the Afternoon, pictorialized by a Hemmingwayan bullfight would have been too YOU! Die of thirst in the heat. Freeze to death in the Cold, cold, Cold.... I knew these things.

BLOOD COFFEE, some place in Oakland. A THEATRE. They wouldn't give me a FREE cup. Pissed off I stormed down to the San Francisco bay with ONE EYE on the SKY... Full moon.....I only had a Quarter, 25 cents, So I wrote the Song, SOMEONE SLIPPED A QUARTER OVER YOUR MOON.

Someone slipped a quarter
over ya Moon.
Someone said, I love U
way to soon,
highways LONG
an its a lonely ride
yet the stars
are as bright as bright
someone slipped a quarter
over your moon.

And Oh how, my heart wails
Full Moon never seems to fail,
came over here on a Wagon Train
strange how things...stay the same.

Someone slipped a Quarter
over ya moon.
someone said
I love U way to soon

The highways long
and its a lonely ride
don't despair, baby
I-m by your side,
some slipped a quarter
over your moon..... Someone
slipped a quarter
over your moon.....

c.2018, dave Delacroix, Sciacca, sicily. A day in the Life of Dave Delacroix. Age 63.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....BEETHOVEN-s 9th Alternative Sympathy. The MARSUPIAL.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...BEETHOVEN-s 9th. Alternative Sympathy. The MARSUPIAL....in 4 parts. THE KANGAROO!!!!

*A quattro Musical Piece, dedicato, to Doctor Marie-Claude who sips Grande Cru Vin Rouge at the Café Rendezvous des Amis, Montmartre, Paris...Loic du Vallvert at the Bar! Salute!... Allors! Chanson du Populi, Canzone di Ragazzi, Songs YOU already know but with a different Lyric..... A salute, Mes Enfant!...
Its in FOUR Movements. Relative states of Inebriation. Conducted by Dave Delacroix. Age 63.

1..... Scars of Your Love.... Irish drinking song.

I-ll sing of a time
and I-ll sing of a TIME
when MEN were SMOKERS
and GALS, refined!
Unto the Heavens
they-ve ALL disappeared
but I-ll sing of
the scars of your Love.

NO strings on ME Banjo!
No Tea-Kettle drum,
no suicide blanket
to fall when U done,
a Fife, a Timpani,
to HERALD your Dove-s flight,
but I-ll sing of
the scars of your Love.

GONE to Dublin
New York or PAREE,
a kiss, a cuddle
before U set sail,
I-ll ask for Nothing,
those sweet memories
and SING of the Songs
and the scars of your Love.


I-ll sing of the Scars of your Heart,
I-ll sing of the Heart of your Love,
I-ll sing of the scars of your Heart,
Eternity sings of your Love!

I-ll sing of a time,
and I-ll SING of a TIME
when MEN were SMOKERS,
refined, unto the heavens,
now disappeared
and I-ll sing of the scars
of your Love.

2....Snappa-Wappa-Wappa!..... Old time Radio Broadcast, 1920-s Song.

SHE-S a Snappa-Wappa-Wappa!
From Albuquerque.
A Snappa-Wappa-Wappa!
She-s a Snappa-Wappa-Wappa!
From Boulder, Colorado.....WHA!
A Snappa-Wappa-Wappa
from ME to U.

But IF U see her in the morning, pining for her Daddy or long lost boyfriend, back home, like a FAUN, prodding the forest dew... U can ONLY hope to meet her in a Shakespearean Sonnet, at best, charming, dis-arming...and her Kiss is Cool. An intense loneliness. Who DARES to walk this walk...

She-s a Snappa-Wappa-Wappa!
She-s a Snappa-Wappa-WACKA!
Maybe she-s from L.A....!!!
YUP! She a Kiss-divine!
A walking SHRINE....methinks!
And, so the story goes...
IF U EVER meet
TRY to be A DUDE
Its what U feel, YO!
Right down there... in your HEART!!!

3...….HOMELESS LOVER..... Sang to Blu I-s My Way, orig. song composed by Barry Manilow.

...I did mah thang, I was lone, U held me tight, felt for my wallet.

OK. romantic version.

I did my thing, I was alone
U held me tight, U kept me warm
I did my best, I wrote a song
*where was my Wallet!!!
I travelled FAR and for SO long,
U saw the Promise, in my eyes
between Ourselves, NO disguise.

People frowned. Sad lonely Clowns!
No matter. I did it My Way.
*still cant find my wallet.

TO the Manor Born, a stupid lore
I got away, without reservation.
I jammed thw World, I saw it TRUE
like a Homeless Lover.
There-s Nothing left
*no wallet
WE are DEAD and gone...
Our Legend roams, Critics disputing,
Our Hugs, a KISS,
a glance in time, MY WAY!


Homeless Lover WHERE have U gone!
Gone, gone, gone to TUCUMCARI!
Homeless Lover where have U gone!
BURY MY HEART in Canoga Park!...

4...….. GAME OF JONES!

...Work in Progress. Mix the Martinis and MIND your step!

c2018,davedelacroix,cafe porta Palermo,sciacca,sicily,sweet September.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... THE NIGHT the Internet Died!...

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... The Night the Internet Died!...

*dedicato. Carlos Javani Akis.

The Night - Eternal! - when the Internet died, after-SEX-phone chatter took a dive, reverted back to smoking cigarettes and mumbles, WAS IT GOOF FOR U!...
The Night the Internet died KIDS gathered at street Cafes, at tables, holding, caressing like dead babies in the palms of their hands, useless pieces of Intel Plastic, looking sad... nobody spoke.
The Night the Internet died SOME Kids took up Hand-gliding, Guitar lessons, Drama Classes, Abstract Science, domestic activity, Cooking, Carpentry, Interior Design, gossiping whilst helping Mama hang out Laundry on the terrazzo, ALL took an UP-ward turn as invitations to Dinner at Home re-established, became, at first a reluctant Norm!...Minimal conversation.
PLASTIC trash LANDFILLS, of course, grew off the scale!!!...The Night the Internet died.

The Night the Internet DIED, people went on Vacations feeling UN-stability, became MUMMERS, WATCHERS of foreign, local, busy, living, working, smoking, drinking Vino folks in piazzas, trattorias, bistros, cafes at night< NOBODY KNEW WHAT TO DO!!! Nobody knew what to SAY! Nobody knew HOW TO SHARE! -for the Folks back Home...in their travel vacuum! SOME Tourist Pricks just wanted their money back!
The Night the Internet died a corroding GAP protruded like a festering scab of a Life-s TIMELINE, spotty at best, a POSTCARD. How does that Work...moment...A Post Office! THUS, a Mental Dark Age, the subject psychosis for debates to come of 1st Class Refugees, exclusive Cruise Boat People and the RE-integration for lost Kings of the Sun.

How WAS it for U, honey!
I CAME twice, but No Selfie!

c2018,davedelacroix, ourmanineurope.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...DA IN-SECURITY MAN....

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.....Da IN-Security-Man!

Idiots coming into the Pub, gotta pass me by, DRUNKS busting into your Wedding, Garden Party, NO PROBLEMO, OR the Psycho-Anonymous STALKING you, no worries! And its because I am there...in lieu of the serious brutal bouncer wrestler dude, Off sick, that I prevail. I-m head to toe dressed in black but SITTING in the Security dudes chair, looking distracted but cool.

NO WORRIES! The IN-SECURITY-MAN!....Sometime wearing pink helmet, plastic, incidentally, Turquoise uniform, carpet slippers...Hooligans, Raging Nuns! Oddballs! HE...Mio!...Will sort them OUT! Kierkegaard, Kant, Nietzsche, Karl Popper, the lot! Sometimes GOD!!! -hugging or TALKing them to DEATH!!!
I am the IN-Security Man!....looking perpetually NERVOUS!

Background.....He lives with his MOM in the San Fernando Valley, read a lot of Paperbacks, 1 bed apptmt, no swimming pool, only his Old Maid Mom who knits him sweaters just in-case he moves to Alaska, gives him occasional advice, loneliest SOD west of the Pecos. Paid up membership in the TEENAGE ACNE RECOVERY PROGRAMME..... IN-Security Man!


Bruce Springsteen....Best Minder I ever had had! Kept his mouth shut!
Ozzie Osbourne...Mixed my best Gin Fizz!
Madonna.....He handled the aperitivoes whilst I KARATED my Bel-Air mansion, burglar-intruders!

When your BIZ goin- South! IN-Security-Man! BEHIND the Bar or AT the Door! In-Security-Man! He-ll dance your WORRIES into Never-never Land!

…..It gets worse. Employment opportunities are starting, surreptitiously, to include International Politics, USA-North Korea thingy. Apparently, the WORLD needs an UN-conventional Bar Door Bouncer! Some-one with FEELINGS. The IN-SECURITY-MAN!

c2018,davedelacroix,sept.foggia beach,sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...Lights of Cologne.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Lights of Cologne.

…..Whats THAT U drinking, dear
the day was long
the night so clear,
there was nothing to say
that couldn't-t wait.

the Waiters are ALL askew
I guess its down
to U and Me,
only a Fool
would leave THIS late.

And don't ever ask Me
if I-mm out of Cigarettes,
don't ever feel I-ll wait!
Lights of Cologne
shine in your face...

Lights of Cologne
shine in the night
saying something ain't wrong
but something ain't right
and don't ever SAY
you-ve been here before.

I AM alone
but its better than LONELY,
your famous Cellphone,
U know U can call me,
the message reads
Come On Home!

And don't ever ask Me
if I-m out of Cigarettes
don't ever chance to Fate,
Lights of Cologne
shine in your face.
Lights of Cologne
shine in your face....

shine in your face...at da beach, splish-splash!