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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/the Naked Planet, No. 8: "Mr McCawber and the Holy Grail"...

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/the Naked Planet, No. 8:  "Mr McCawber and the Holy Grail"...

(...A loose interpretation of Charles Dicken's "David Copperfield" featuring Literary RAKE, Mr McCawber)

"...My DEAR Mr Copperfield, if only the "intrepidity's" of life's endeavors were so simple, then, BY JOVE! -I do believe: "something will turn up!"

"...For a brief span of weeks, inexplicably and unaccountably separated from my beloved Wife and several bambinos - who's names at present, escape me? -  I was inadvertently compelled by that felonious Devil - known to you All as URIAH HEEP - to partake in a ZURICH (Switzerland) Deposit Bank robbery whose fine establishment - it should be noted? - I had no previous affiliations?"

"...MISTER U. HEAP, Esq. had surrounded himself with a motley crew of Blackguards consisting of retired AL QUEDAH operatives, THE GRANDSON OF "the son of SAM" (a scurvy knave) and several "DE-frock ed" CROUPIERS from the town of LAS VEGAS where - as I understand it? - they are currently WANTED by that Colonial Law-enforcement Agency, the F.B.I."

"....My Dear Copperfield? I, pray, do NOT condemn me for falling a-foul of outrageous fortune whilst prevailing in Providence? ALACK! -The ZURICH bank heist was executed with the most eminent precision yet, whilst I personally occupied myself with stuffing bank notes into every available pocket on my person, HEAP and his devilish associates seemed intent on locating something OTHER than Coin!? -thus, feeling my present PENURY fully remunerated, I felt obliged to vacate this - ordinarily - OBTUSE situation, abandoning my "in-different" comrades of miss-fortune to their zealous enquiries, though, on my departure, I took possession of an antique chalice as a memento of my temporary lapse in respect to Honor, Virtue, and, otherwise, my UN-flagging respect for LAW and ORDER."

" And fortuitous, indeed,  was my departure's expediency as not two minutes - by the clock - ARMED Swiss authorities arrived and, according to the MEDIA, there was a gun battle, a short car chase, more gun fire; HEAP and his felons were annihilated!!!... Which was quite audible from the fine restaurant where-in I enjoyed my labors reward over roast duck and Chablis."

"My Dear Copperfield? -I can impeccably and duly report that Mrs Micawber and my several bambinos - whose names presently escape me - are healthy and well. However? -ILL-advised by several unscrupulous men of Business - I once again find myself bereft of funds and implore you to advance me the sum of €500, re-payable over a short, six month period with an adjacent interest rate of  six per cent,  which - I hope? - you will find commodious?"

"...THUS, from my recounted experience of my one - and only! - venture into criminal adversity, all I have to show for it is that singular, though ODD looking Chalice which sits over my humble hearth (fire place) which Mrs Micawber occasionally adorns with decorative roadside blooms; though, I am EVER confident, with the "morrow", something will turn UP!..."

c 2014/davedelacroix/lord borego/Candalesco-Ital.

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