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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/The Naked Planet, No. 1: Lassoo Larry and Francine from France.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/The Naked Planet, No. 1:  Lassoo-Larry and Francine from France.

There are SEVEN BILLION stories (2014) on the NAKED PLANET.

Tough days for Kids trying to make it in this indifferent world where Families barely coherse, jobs are transient, a world running out of OIL, "Prohibition" on Tobacco - in SOME backward countries - and Spin-Doctor-Governments; last thing on their minds: "Doing good for the PEOPLE"?
A man, a woman, a boy and a girl? -Lord knows; if  it's hit or miss? -But if U don't PLAY, the "pick-up-truck or old Sedan will NEVER run.. and rust never sleeps.

Lassoo-Larry, "Low-Ranger" on the RODEO circuit-totem pole, finished the Winnipeg Rodeo event on his back with three broken ribs and metal pins in his knee joints. Inter-acting with a long-horn steer - who was having a particularly bad day - Lassoo-Larry bucked and bronco-ed till - almost - the cows came home. The Rodeo crowd swore it was the best thing they ever saw; even Old Timers "gave it a chew"?...  The good folks at the Rodeo "took care of their own". The HAT was passed; Lassoo-Larry's AMBULANCE was Police-escorted to Winnipeg ST. ELSEWHERE hospital, no expense spared, the Kid would be alright, but his Rodeo days were over.

Francine (from France), with distant relatives in Montreal (Canada), got the hell out of Dijon (It's in France) for some other kind of life. With a Nurse's training, employment was low-paid but consistent. -Passed Quebec. -In turned at Winnipeg's ST. ELSEWHERE hospital, and at the end of the annual Grand Rodeo she was called upon to assist the latest rodeo casualty, Lassoo-Larry.
They fell in love.

FIFTEEN years then passed 'em by. They got married. People like Lassoo-Larry don't BUY a house, they BUILD one; twix that and a gig tossing auto-transmissions around at the local gas station, like old chicken bones: "the best years of our lives"; holidays by Grand Canyon, holidays down in the Argentine? A different kind of Rodeo; Lassoo-Larry (and Francine) in ELYSIUM, loved life and prevailed.

Francine, alas, succumbed to Breast cancer, suffered greatly, but eventually passed, peacefully  away leaving Lassoo-Larry with two fine sons, WACO and ARMAND who are now both major players in the Rodeo business of both North and South America.
Lassoo-Larry? -I ran into WACO at the Phoenix-Arizona Sky-port. He relayed: "PA? He's pretty quiet, Dave, these days. And always busy around the ranch... AND; ya' know? -But he's always got that DAMN SMILE on his old scrawny face?..."

There are seven billion stories on the NAKED PLANET. This has been one of them.

c 2014/davedelacroix/piacenza-Italy.

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