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Friday, February 28, 2014

Our Man in Europe/the IDES of March, No. 1: LOUIS THALBERG...

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/the IDES of March, No. 1:  LOUIS THALBERG...

FAY-RAY and the Gorilla (King-kong) were a big problem. FAY gave me - and LOUIS THALBERG: movie producer -  some headaches, but the boys in the "Gorilla" department sorted it out. -But let's FAST FORWARD: The "Chariot Race" in BEN-HUR was a logistic nightmare! We instructed the (cast of thousands) EXTRAS to hail: "BEN-Whatsit!!!" and the English "extras"/people, hailed: "IS IT TEA TIME!???" Later; post production/DUBB-CITY. No problem. But it cost us a fortune!
Closer to NOW? -"JAWS!" -Sharks have THREE Talent Agents and desire a grand buffet, usually consisting of Fish products. If you are in the BIZ? -smell your skin.
ALIENS? (Frickin Aliens!?) THEY are the worst. NO Talent Agents whatsoever; and they INSIST on 1st. Class, Inter-Stellar travel Coupons!!!?
Since then? TIM BURTON and his ilk (Johnny Depp) actually think THIS GIG is "fantasy"? WOTCHA GONNA-DO?
Louis Thalberg? Where have you gone!? Where HAVE you gone, Louis Thalberg?...:)

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