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Friday, February 28, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/the IDES of MARCH, No. 3: "D.B.COOPER"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/the IDES of MARCH No. 3: "D.B.COOPER"

"JEEZE, LADS!? -Big problem with dat Parachute and all dem money bags? Figured I'd spread some of dat "lucre" around for the local gals/clowns; and  like confetti at a Shotgun wedding, a sack of BEN FRANKLINS fluttered to the ground. And it was quick thinking at 4,000 feet: Ya had to BE THERE. -No "Heli-pad", no nuttin'; bloody FORESTS. Dem F.B.I. Barnies? Yup. I knew they'd be on my trail. But have you ever seen a BOB-CAT wave its tail?
20 years later, Miami Beach, sittimng by the pool with Floosie "JO-ANNE-LEE; she exclaimes: "YO!!! D.B.!!"
"DON'T call me "D.B"!!!" I scream.
"O.K. "ARNOLD"; she corrects herself. "...Catch a LOAD on dee M.T.V. - Bank notes discovered on river sand bank, etc., etc., D. B. COOPER-MILLION DOLLAR airline heist!... Money's showing UP on river banks!!!?"
I SQUEEZE myself a new Martini, EXTRA DRY.
"Jeeze, Lads!?" says I; ..."As you up-state locals appear to be "in the money?.. Maybe I'll pop up there someday and have a brewski with the Boys!?..."

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