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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix esq./the FURTHER adventures of Johnny Love Muscle/No. 2: WILLIAM TELL OVERTURE

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/the FURTHER adventures of Johnny Love Muscle: No 2: WILLIAM TELL OVERTURE

During the holiday season, Xmas/new year, it's customary to blast out "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (Ze Beatles) or a myriad of Classical music; choral, symphonic, Mozart: yet, don't ask me how/why? -the WILLIAM TELL OVERTURE (Dvorzak?) always neaks in there on the radio play-list, somewhere?...

Historical background? -'Bout some - I dunno? - SWISS guy who pisses off the local Sherrif and has to prove his innocence (law & order) by/with a Crossbow, shooting an APPLE (?) off  his son's head from 3 thousand yards...? All to the sound of flutes, accordions, bagpipes & and beer belching! (He gotta fail). Still? He, WILLIAM TELL, accomplishes this feat.

Think "regionally", folks? In the Amazon, he'd have to use a bow and poisoned tipped arrow! In Tanzania, a great big frickin' spear! In OLDE England/France? a really long Lance! -later? a spiked Mace!!! In New York City, a Colt.45; in Los Angeles? -anything "semi-automatic"! (purchased in South-Central).

The fact that Wialliam Tell (of OVERTURE fame) -with crossbow HIT the apple and NOT his kid's head, is a miracle. Everywhere else? It's a god damn funereal.

c 2012/dave delacroix/our man in europe/dec/piacenza/italia

Monday, December 24, 2012

Our man in Europe/The FURTHER adventures of Johnny Love Muscle: dave delacroix/part 1: TRANQUILITY ANNONYMOUS.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/the FURTHER adventures of Johnny Love Muscle/part ONE:  TRANQUILITY ANNONYMOUS.

"Hello! My name is Dave. I've been NON-tranquiltity for 2 weeks!"
(HOORAH! -Dave!!!)
"...I first knew I was a tranquility sufferer when I lapsed into "higher deucation", started dating a CO-ED named WANDA and began reading Dostoyevsky?
Wanda, of course, left me me for some whizz-kid on Facebook called RALPH. She had a dog - Cockle-spanniel - ALSO called Ralph.
Wanda and Ralph (the Cockle-spanniel) now live in an Airstream trailer WITH RALPH (the facebook-dude) just south of Phoenix, Arizona.
Like I say; my name is DAVE. I'm working on NON-tranquility, and and have been "tranqulity-free" for over 2 weeks!

People I know - hardly friends? - keep dropping by my room at the MOTEL 6 (where I reside) and persistently; either want me to lend them $20.00, invest in  Rock-Cocaine, or go with them to BBQ's/late night parties?
Up till 2 weeks ago, I'd always "put my foot down!" and say, "Absolutely NOT. I'm Tranquil!"

Reading the complete works of Dostoyevsky, however, must have had some effect? The text is in Russian, but even an IDIOT can translate "Crime and Punishment"? -it's a Crime to write, and a punishment to read: -ask WANDA! -why, indeed, she probably left me/I yabbered, re. subj. mucho-mucho: (with the Cockle-Spanniel CALLED Ralph, she left me...) for that guy named Ralph.
Crime? Punishments? Idiots?...

Anyhow, things take time. It's only been 2 weeks. And with the aid of my psycho-therapist (Vinnie, the Rock-cocine dealer) who works out of the next room at the MOTEL 6; -daily BBQ's, late nite parties? -I DO believe I'm in "recovery"...?

"HI. My name is DAVE. I've been NON-Tranquility for 2 weeks!..."

c 2012/davedelacroix/xmas eve/piacenza/italia

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/rockstar/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle!/part 20: "Post Office Sketc..."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/rockstar/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle! -part 20:  "Post Office sketch..."

Scene: Italian Post office.

ME: "I want to pay my utility - gas/electric - bill?
CASHIER: "So give me the bill?"
ME: "I don't have one."
CASHIER: "You want to pay a bill that you don't have? Are you an idiot?"
ME: "Madame, I AM an idiot...but thinking of my immediate future, I figure I should pay my utility bill. It's Winter, after-all"
CASHIER: "Do you have any kind of "future" paper-work; a "future" bill?"
ME: "No Ma'am. Just MONEY:"
CASHIER: "Well, how much do you think you owe? I mean; have you left the lights on all month, the jacuzzi, bubbling; have - if you HAVE any children? - have they been splashing around in your customized-heated swimming pool...with rubber ducks and a pink - flotation - giraffe?"
ME: "Ma'am? I got nothing to do with giraffes."
CASHIER: "But you DO admit to:

1) Having a swimming pool?
2) A bubbling jacuzzi?
3) Children?
4) A pink flotation device that COULD pass as a giraffe?"

ME: "Ma'am? I got nothing to do with giraffes."
CASHIER: "Look!... Before I call my Supervisor..."

(to be continued)

Stock cubes: €o.35
Yoghurt: €0.25
Vino: €5.00
Latte: €2.00 (3 litres)
String beans: €1.50
Utility bill: €250.00

c 2012/davedelacroix/dec/piacenza/italy

Friday, December 21, 2012

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/handsome guy/lord BORGO/here comes Johnny Love Muscle!/part 19: .....For ZELDA.

Our man in Europe/dave delacroix/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle!/part 19: "...for ZELDA."

There is not a doubt in my mind that when Abe Lincoln delivered his speech: The Declaration of Independence, on the battlefield field of Gettysburg, where so much butchery had taken place...he had tooth-ache or crotch-itch?
There's NO levity, here, folks. Just an observation of the on-going Human condition...  Re. tooth-ache, etc.? YOU would have. I would have, too. It's a NO-brain er. Comes with the territory.
ABE probably needed a tooth-pick. All General Ulysses S. Grant could do was offer his President a bottle of Whisky!...?

Does the Soul get younger...as mind, body-limbs degenerate?
Universally, it's possible.

Once again, we "prep" for yuletide;

Where are the Claudia's, Carole's, Anita's and Zelda's of yest er-year?

Claudia would arrive with a new Tiffany table lamp.

Carol? A Yiddish tree, plus sweetmeats.

Anita? She would bounce out her best "chiffon" and dance the night away!

Zelda? She would bring her Heart and - like the Sun - BLAZE!...

Did I forget to mention Wanda?.. SHE would ignore the festivities. Instead? She'd find a quiet room and work feverishly, polishing her SURF BOARD (long one).

Unlike festive "tweakers" on Cocaine, THESE ladies had no USE for Shame...and spoke with intelligence.

WHERE ARE they now? Where!?... Dead? Buried? Living, perhaps, in that sad Stretch Limousine called Maturity? -under, go figure, the ALL SEEING EYE of that Clown in the sky?


Abe Lincoln.. Poor man. GREAT man. He lost his young, only son, to illness.
Why? And how can we thrive in the throes of such vicissitudes?

Menstrual nightmares?
Jeeze!? What am I gonna wear tonight? It's Christmas!!!!

...I think I'll wear "the Declaration of Independence"... for Zelda.

c 2012/dec/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza/italia.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/here comes Johnny Love Muscle/part 18: BAMBOO!

Europe thingy/dave/Love Muscle on the premises!/part 18:  BAMBOO!

Listening to Wagner opera is a tad like reading my Winter's utility bill. Verdi? Consomme for the starving. There's a hearty cruton in there, someplace. Alas, my spoon has no guidance system.
Italian Classical-music radio; the D-J's, worthy of the Flavian Colisseum (give them centre stage and hope the lions are hungry?): DEF.

The Chinese, who invented EVERYTHING twice outside of sexual abstinence are Dance Commanders. Yet whilst chop stcks are eco-practical, I will always opt for the logic of a fork.

BAMBOO (the cane)  comes to mind. It's a source of stored water, if fermented? -beer/vino; a construction material: a weapon!
My OWN focus is turning it into a "Still": Alcohol. An elexir for the mind and soul?
Like I say; the Chinese have already invented/discovered this Twice.

Listening to Wagner opera is a tad like reading my Winter's utility bill. Verdi? A consomme for the starving. Indeed, there's a hearty cruton in there, someplace. My spoon, alas, has no guidance system.

I just met Franzetta. She's Italian. She's young. She's an aristocrat. She likes Verdi. She's rich. She wears a decorious silk bandanna and has a "lamia" body.
I explain my penury, my €139.20 utility bill. (they'll disconnect me mid.Jan) She gives me the money, and then some. (there's some kissing involved).
My trauma is complete. Pay the utility bill or go by a truck load of Whisky?

Like I say; the Chinese invented everything twice.

c 2012/dave delacroix/lord borgo/piacenza/italia

Our Kid in Europe/dave delacroix/adventures of Johnny Love Muscle/part 17/ CHRISTMAS CAROL

Our kid in Europe/dave delacroix/here comes Johnny Love Muscle/part 17/CHRISTMAS CAROL

A broken clock is correct, twice, every 24 hours, IF - infact - Time... is anything. to go by: We walk by night..
Whisky'll make a blind man sing the Blues. Clocks? Re. that Whisky thing? -the Jury is "still out" on that one, though I have seen some crazy clocks!; not one of them can answer: "Ou sont les neige, d'anton?"

Beans: €.25 c.
Tomatoes: € 1.00
Pasta: € 1.00

A Drunk has Faith in beer. An Alcoholic, in Vodka. YOUTH? -in Tomorrow. The Aged? -in TIME...which, they have learnt to fear.
As for the latter? Clocks are "dread"; all Faith, instilled in childhood, is laced with fear. It's the Brandy in the Christmas pudding. Somewhere within, there's a coin, a three-penny bit, a silver sixpence... Actually, it's the only way to get the kids to eat Cake!?
Baby Jesus's nativity scene & Capitalism-greed go hand-in-hand. And THAT was back in the 1960's! Today? 2012? Instead of almost choking to death on pudding/discovering metal in your mouth, you're more likely to find yourself chowing down on a plastic Credit-card ($50 credit limit) awaiting - whilst staring at the Nativity scene/some cartoon on MTV - your signature...?

Still; it's an influence. Hopefully, one that penetrates "blank minds" and leads you elsewhere, than to the field of Lawyering (the brandy) or Politics? (Heroine, probably)

Mushrooms:  €2.15
Can of tomatoes:  €.0.99c
Spinnach/frozen:  €2.00

A broken clock is accurate, twice every 24 hours. Somebody once coigned it. Maybe they coigned it twice, just to get the message across? -We walk by Night...in the Light of Day.

Meantime? It's Time my "locks" (hair) gott'a trim!...:)

c 2012/dave delacroix/lord borgo/our man in europe/xmas/piacenza/italia

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Our Man in Europe/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle!/part 16: SUBAH AL KAHIR! (I repeat) SUBAH AL KAHIR!

Young Dave-in Europe/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle!/part 16: "Subah al Kahir! Subah al Kahir!"
(Screenplay/treatment for "Internet Cafe" Movie")

WOMAN SCREAMS (a lot) obviously in labour/giving birth/it's messy...on the floor of an Internet Cafe in Piacenza, Italy.
DANIEL, the young Manager, not supported by anyone in the Cafe "delivers" the infant. 2 of several - useless bystanders - faint/pass out. One "netter" keeps on typing/skyping, indifferent.
DANIEL holds up new-born, bloodied infant; looks into Camera:

(Daniel) : "You know? It wasn't always like this? It used to be a Business, a gift from my Dad - may Allah favor him in heaven - to my brother FANI, to me, so that we could raise our families and be free?

(FLASHBACK) Daniel's Dad, addressing both Daniel & Fani:

"Boys? I got us the hell out of Dacca (Pakistan). You don't remember. You were just infants haning onto your Momma's Sari. But TRUST ME, here in Italy, ya got a fighting chance. Ya DO right by the World? The World will DO right by you!... I bought into this "Internet thing". A shop. 15 work stations, 8 phone kiosks, coffee machine, desk-table, current years' calender which, you will note, is hanging on the wall to my right -as TIME IS EVERYTHING. So, go to it! Rake in the Clients, make lots'a bucks! And keep the bathroom clean!"
(Daniel & Fani click their heels and look obliquely in Dad's general direction)

Did I mention LOLA?

(Daniel) "So we hung out Dad's shingle: "Happy Time-Internet Cafe"... First day? NEMO. NADA. No biz.  Second day? BUFFALO STAMPEDE: Indira Ghandi and her many cousins, Mustapha from Morrocco plus lots of cousins, YELLOW ORCHID from Malaysia/runs a Dance Class down the street, HELMUT - go figure? - a German guy, operates the local biker outlet/is always showing up with Harley-Davidson parts and deserious of "Auto-cad" (re. bikes) with which - Allah-akbah!" - my brother FANI is conversant.

My discourse with the Cafe's clientele consists mostly of "Subah al kahir" (Good morning). Please use work station No. 9, whatever. That will be 1 Euro, 3 Euroes; do you need change? Grazie. And when the poorest of the clientele (Bosnian refugees) struggle to pay their bill? -Grazie, grazie, Dio! (thanks god)...


TO BE CONTINUED...... "Subah al Kahir/Internet Cafe" -including my (Daniel), my affair with ballerina, Yellow-Orchid, how FANI - my brother - becomes a Protestant and has a frustrated love affair with a female Bhuddist, how three - not very proffessional NINJA super-market robbers take refuge in the Cafe, culminating in a Swat team Cop stand-off and use our SKYPE service for free, how HELMUT the Biker comes to the rescue, the BUFFALO STAMPEDE, the necessary CAR-CHASE, the big SHOOT-OUT with semi-automatic weapons, and how I - sort of - become the hero of the day!.... (Honest!)
Did I mention LOLA?

c 2012/dave delacroix/lord borgo/dec/xmas/piacenza/italia

Our Rockstar in Europe/dave delacroix/here comes Johnny Love Muscle!/part 15: "CLAUDIA-PROPAGANDA"

Our Dude in Europe/dave-LORD BORGO/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle!/part 15:  "CLAUDIA-PROPAGANDA!"
(dedicato: to lead girl singer in, 80's German band, Propaganda)

Claudia-Propaganda? .. Still got this "thing" about her. Intense, blonde, wirey, big eyes: punctuated!

"Never look back!" -Dr Mabeus? And the THIRD time? "Don't be a fool!"/Joseph Beuys backdrop... Who counts Time? The Berlin wall? It got OLD. It fell down; something the Baader-Meinhof Gang couldn't puncture.... And the "comfort zone", your after fame retreat? Where are you now, Claudia?
Never look back. Nino Rota is dead.

Still. Did your EAGLE fly? Did - and, yes, you DID fly like the Sun! -your "sense of attack" to THIS day, makes me want to die...or cry in smiles.

Claudia-Propaganda? Still got that ZING "intense"? Disinterested air, aquiline nose, big eyes and nasal voice, punctuated, ever to enchant?

TIME sticks - Fellini movie - in a curious mosaic. Our (musical) legacy, alas, is in the hands of strangers, students or dilletants... So are our loves; our TRUE lives; but perhaps, not the line of our Dreams?...

c 2012/dave delacroix/dec. Piacenza/italy...:)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle!/Part 14: "Arrivederci, Mr Scrooge!"

Our Man in Europe/Dave Delacroix/Lord Borgo/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle!/part 14:  "Arrivederci, Mr Scrooge!"

I'd like - in advance - to NOT thank all my USA fans for NOT SENDING any advance-Yuletide gifts, presents, Red Cross parcels, etc.
My own gifts (to all 3,000 of them, especially those blondes down in Santa Barbara, California) which I've wrapped, addressed, duct taped, are awaiting Signori Giovanni Posto (the Mail guy who dresses like Napoleon). Xmas, for HIM is a stressful time. When an Italian Mailman "goes Postal!", watch out! He either reaches for his ceremonial Sabre/dress-thing/not sharp/but can wave it about OR - be doubly alert! - starts loading his Musket/Blunderbuss gun (takes a few minutes...) and can clear an entire Post Office with a single discharge!

Re. my Xmas parcel gifts to my USA fans? I repeat They are wrapped, addressed, duct taped, awaiting only the cost of the postage/stamps (pesky detail) and in view of my anticipation of actually NOT being reciprocated in my yuletide magnimanity, it's quite possible that I can give Signori Giovanni Posto a break, hold off to Spring (Primiaveri) or open them (the prezzies) myself on Xmas day and GUSH:
"Gee? Wonder what THIS is?"
"An old wristwatch/Doesn't work! Wow!"
"A battered paperback/Agatha Christie/"Why didn't they ask EVANS?" -Wow!"
Wow-wow-wow! - "A vintage DAVE DELACROIX - OUR TOUR 89 tee shirt!?" -Frickin' wow! I used to have one just like that!!!? -Amazing. Zanks, Santa Claws...?

MACKEREL (the Fish), incidentally, usually comes in a €2.00 tin can... For all "I" know, that's how Mackerel are born. The sea bed, apparently, is littered with them. Fishermen (dudes in rubbers) come by and "trawl" the suckers up in a heavy net, bypass the Cannery factory and park them on the Supermarket shelves.
I'm reliably informed by the ghost of MARK TWAIN -who resides on  a barstool at the Cafe Vespa/Piacenza , that it is indeed a lucrative business...  And if there are NO flies actually IN the Can with the blessed Mackerel? Don't eat it. (the Mackerel) It's not fresh. (According to Mark Twain)
Back to MACKEREL (the fish) I got 'me one. A CAN, that is... Been saving it since July. And if it hasn't quite turned into a bacterial-science project, THAT Baby's on my Xmas day luncheon plate along with the spuds and greens; served, quite naturally, with Chateau BOX vino Rose (dubious vintage) and a side saucer of COLMANS super-hot English mustard powder which, again, MARK TWAIN-Cafe Vespa barstool sage-dude - informs me you're supposed to mix with a little water (?) ...

My  "Budette" (female for Buddy) Carole - from the USA - left me a huge bag of it when she whisked by last October. It's pretty "narly". I've been doing "lines" of the stuff on my coffee table every 45 minutes ever since! My nasal cavities, needless to say, are history.

"Apres" Xmas lunch? Whilst oggling the unsent gift/parcels? If Mimi & Mimi DO NOT swing by for a "menage de trois" dessert, then there's always the T.V. (limited channel reception) which seems to be monopolized by T.V. airwave Pirates from Eastern Europe (the Dark Side)... Serbia. Albania (known to own at least 3 TV sets), Bulgaria and the BIG ONE: Italo-Rumania.
Outside of the Rumanian political news -which I can't make head nor tale of ...as I don't speak the lingo (bunch of beauracrats in suits/ditto world goverment/it's time for a fashion revolution/"tie-dies & bell bottoms/beads"?), air-time is  largely dedicated to "Soft-porn" always shot in the SAME horrendous block of flats, interspersed with lengthy Rumanian Folk songs/pop videos featuring Rumainian "Rock stars" who ALL play the Accordion/wear Gypsy costumes and do the "Eternal 2-step" on someone's back lawn... By the time the "show" shifts from soft porn to music videos, then reverts BACK to soft porn? Trust me. You're all fagged out.

Where was I? Oh yes. More to say. But I gotta go! From ME, Mark Twain and Tiny Tim? -Merry Christmas, EVERYONE!...:)

c 2012/davedelacroix/lord borgo/our man in europe/fuggedaboutit!....hugs!...:)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Our dude in Enrope/dave delacroix/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle!/part 13: LOW-RIDER.

Our Nephew in Europe (always asking for money)/ Here comes Johnny Love Muscle/DAVE de la Croix/part 13:  LOW-RIDER:

Low-rider? Don't ya spin your Hot-Rod wheels!
Tires on asphalt/Tarmac, got that Road-house feel?
Punch those gears till tomorrow. Tell Mary-Kay, someday, it's how you feel?

Come on down to Bakersfield, come on down-San Fernando Valley. Come on down to Denver town!
No fog.
No Warren Zevon soundtracks.
...Mary-Kay's kiss?
That's ALL you're ever gonna miss: Low-rider.

                        Low-rider? Keep your eye on that Highway line. Right now? -It's "arrow" straight. Someday, it'll SNAKE
...One hand on the wheel, one arm around Mary-Kay. She "boosts" the car radio, YOU crank up the Chrome.

(I'm NOT your Pappa: Ya gonna do alright.)

c 2012/dave delacroix/outta Modesto/Sacremento/Lodi/and then some...

Our Man in Europe/Dave-Dave/Here comes Johnny love Muscle/part 12: PRIDE.

Our dude in Europe/delacroix esq./here come your money-maker!/part 12: PRIDE:

Between her legs, perhaps, you never ventured? Her profile, once glimpsed, photographed your OWN mind; at the market, at the Airport, in a bar, late at night: Still, distilled, she favors your aging smile?
Who WAS she? Where did she go? Did she marry some SLO-MO? And YOU? -horrified!?

Where did HE go, she asks? HE, the MAN!? ...At the market. At the Airport. At the bar, late at night? "I would have given him EVERYTHING. I would have worn my best dress/my University diplomas! I would have suffered, I would have DIED for him!!!
I see him still. WHO was he? Where did he go? What road did he take...to that place where we BOTH could not go?

c 2012/dave delacroix/someone lend me eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Euroes
by wednesday/food parcels ARE an option...:)

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle/part 11: Twilight of the Gods

Our Man in Europe/Dave Delacroix/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle: part 11: TWILGHT OF THE GODS.

Two clocks/watches, both keeping time, two minutes apart, faithfully tick-tock.

Things to do?

1)   Groceries:

Muslim sausage
Frickin' eggs!
Basmatti rice


Go to "Corso Vittorio Emmanuele 11"  (street) and "strum" guitar for 15 minutes.


Go to Internet cafe and post "A'la recherche du temps perdu."  (No.56)


Buy Whisky/beer/smokes.


Go home (via Campagna, 89, Piacenza)/string guitar/load GLOCK 9mm handgun.


Ignore door-bell ringing.

c 2012/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza/italia....:)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix esq./Here comes Johnny Love Muscle!/part 10: "I LOVE LUCY!"

Our Man doobie-doo/dave delacroix/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle!/part 10:  "I LOVE LUCY!"

She says, "I love you." But I have my doubts... Her small nose is errect (Cocaine habit?) and draws her upper lip to a facial question. Michelangelo? -that leads to dark eyes; Carravagio? -which - collectively? - smoulders a'la Raphael?

It's hard to deal (always!) to DEAL with a Madonna. Maybe it's the thought of the on-comming bambino? -which is to say, the Adoration of the Magi, the Adoration of the Shepherds, the cows, goats, lambs, and ALL those frickers who got a Backstage Pass!?...which is to say? (Post Ephiphany?) Just WHERE do "I" fit in...in the frickin' renaisance painting? STAGE LEFT?

Meantime, in life's throng, I meet Lucy from Rio/Cuba/West of Madrid? She's a "belladonna", too. Pragmatic, got GLOCK 9mm. semi-automatic common-sense. When she turns her head, her Medici-brunette locks Whiplash!

Where do I go?

It's a NO-brainer.

c 2012/davedelacroix/lord borgo/rockstar/piacenza/italia

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Our man in Europe/dave delacroix/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle!/Part 9: CREMONA-MEMENTO

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle/Part 9:  CREMONA-MEMENTO

"To ANACREON in Heaven? We raise our glass to thee!"
(Old 1800's English-Naval drinking song)

Back to the subject of a DENTAL PLAN? I stilll hve some concerns. Yesterday? I bought TWO  round trip tickets from PIACENZA to CREMONA. One for ME, and an extra one...just incase my Alhzeimers kicked in... or if I had to catch the the train twice.

When you use an Italian railway station, incidentally, you're supposed to "punch" them (the tickets) in some yellow-slot-thingy: no-one told me/way too much for my brain.

So, I travelled to Cremona/ rode for free (...this Alhzeimers thing is starting to work out!), a tourist town where, according to local sources-people I met, was where Stonehenge was originally "in situ" (someone moved it!), 3 Giza Pyramids stood (someone moved them, too, or they eroded!), Romeo and Juliet "made out", (THEY moved on their own volition to Verona), the Borgias killed everybody, where the FORD motor Co. AND BOEING were founded, Tesla invented the "laptop"/ ALL Moon landings were launched from a nearby hillock, and the BEATLES cut their musical teeth in a Cremona cafe doing: "O sole mio".
It's a proud town.

Cremona's Basillica, built 1190, is,  of course, "to die for!" It houses the HOLY THORN (no jokes, purleeze!). However? For a.m. Vodka-Martinis/"My name is Bond; DAVE Bond: Double OH! -Bond; "licenced to chill" -BOND? -It won't get you 10 yards/meters past the Piazza del Commune (city square).... You're just another bloody tourist!... An a.m.  Bloody Mary?... Bring BLOOD.
 It's Florence on a shoe-string.

Luckily, I ran into Francis, Mario, RALPH! (whatever!), a "Luthier"; (makes Violins) -the Violin industry IS  a Cremona trademark: Stradavarias/Amati, etc. (NOT Armani!) The City - in THIS respect - has a long, proud and true tradtion and hosts over ninety independent Violin workshops.
You FIDDLE? -you BUY in Cremona. Fuckers with batons, dressed in tuxedoes are everywhere!

Stuck - in Cremona - for lunch? Try OSTERIA ARIANNA, 2 blocks N.E. of the Basillica; "via Ugolani dati" (street name) You'll be fine.

 Just DON'T mention my name....:)

c 2012/davedelacroix/piacenza/italy/Natale arrivee!...:)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Our Man in Europe/ Dave Delacroix/ Here comes Johnny Love Muscle/ Part 8: Salami or Death/GO WEST YOUNG GAL!!!

Our Man in Europe/davedelacxroix/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle: Part 8: SALAMI or DEATH./GO WEST YOUNG GAL!!!

Salami, or death, my Sweet, on the "Aventine (hill)", Roma?... Do you Soprano and spread your wings?... We garner sadness thru' lack of Faith; your challenge, reaches, not below, the joy you sing?

But the Joy you sing? It's eternal, gal!  I knew you when you were some snot nosed kid. I knew you as a "Deb". I've KNOWN you thru ALL your Wars! And, now, till this Day? -I know you when you're - in the eyes of your OWN Tiger? - , impatience, gone West!

"GO WEST, Young Man!"

Nobody EVER said:  "GO WEST YOUNG GAL????"

...........I FRICKIN' DO!!!!!!!


 Doll!? Don't accuse ME of being a Phoneix? OR an Arsonist!!!...I've been busted and broke seven times over! -My last Zippo lighter? -I saw in 2009.

I get the Prize., my love, for you, is All.

It's possible - as "time passes by" - some clown'll dig us up. Archaelogists are, alas, a necessary virus. The Ignorant need to be aware of their Yesterdays.. Whatever!. Some clown will discover us. You, me, our pals? (Did we eat Cheesburgers, etc.?) -they excavate our marble statues?.. Our columns of faith? Our Thorsten Veblens' concept of conspicuous consumption!?... Lord knows? Every one who owned a pair of Levis is guilty of that!?
Maybe, back in the 1940s, Mussolini's mass excavations - in Roma/vecchio terra, missed you and me?
Good news? Our statuesque arms are intact and we STILL get to decide if we hide our passion with a robe?...
Perhaps, like the Greeks, faithfull statues of our passion; shipwrecked? Our image? we sank in a shallow sea?  Our limbs? Marble statues? Resting on Poseidan's deck? DEAD, yet still crazed with Living, beckoning, lustful JADE eyes; 2000 year later, discovered by a diver, and so it goes?

c 2012/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza/italia -near France or Morrocco/do we wake or sleep?....:)


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Our Man in Europe: Dave delacroix: Here comes Johnny Love Muscle: Part 7: "...This side of BERLIN."

Love Muscle thingy: Part 7: "...This side of Berlin."

Girl? I just burnt my finger on a Gauloisse cigarette. My nails smell like coffee.
I have NO place - as usual - to go: HOT SAUCE! -don't ya know it!?
And HELLO!? - now? Who amongst God's Angels - if I cried out? -  would
hear me in Heaven.com.?

...I can do more-less, though, less-more, than I can do.

Girl? German? Blonde, cropped, tee-shirt, shorts, legs "in infanatum", smart Car, but mostly, bycycle? Passion? But where do we go from here?
On a Bycycle?

The Autobahn?...

This side of Berlin: HOT SAUCE!  If you marry me, where will we go? Where do we belong?
And that Bycycle thing?


She's got a job (whatever), she's got a DOG (What's YOUR function?) "WOOF!-WOOF!"
...Never trust a woman on a bycyle; leastways, not on the Autobahn.
 The WALL  (the Berlin one) came down. I used to throw ROCKS across it! I sprayed-painted my Name and a dozen infamities/graffitti boog-a-loo!
Maybe HER name showed up, too, by way of Freudian slip?

How do we deal with LOVE, now, today?
 -Same as Yesterday, my Sweet....
I just burnt my hand on a smouldering Gualloise. My nails samell like coffee. And I have NO place - as you know - to go; don't you know?

Nothing's changed; for the meek & mighty, the smart & dumb, the blessed and disturbed, the Free & Gone; and those satiated; those who STILL go hungry: - on THIS side of Berlin.

c 2012/davedelacroix/Piaqcenza/italia/I need £20, yesterday in legal currency.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Our "polite" Man in Europe/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle/part 6: "Marie-Claude a' Paris"

Our Man (polite man) in Europe/here comes Johnny Love Muscle/-I dont win the NOBEL PRIZE/Part 666:

"Marie-Claude, a' Paris..."

"I'm a Doctor. I don't get sick!"
she says, brushing back her long, auburn hair, and directly straightening her "medicalli" business skirt.
Naturally (she's a Doc.) I want to tell her my aches and pains; she? -how difficult IT IS to learn Flamenco guitar....?
We are equally at a loss/thank GOD for Vin Rouge & Calvados.

Children? Yes. On both sides, plus? -we both smoke like chimneys.

Brassai/Miguel Cianca? -those photo Maestros, one day, will arrive to shoot-the-"Shoot!"
-a'la black-white-silhoutte photos, outside of 'Cafe Rendezvous des Amis', Montmartre...
 A hundred years later, some kid/student will see the pixs (we end up on picture postcards), gets inspired and writes a frickin' Poem...!?

...Me?... (present tense) I'll be quite dead....
 Marie-Claude? She'll stick her tongue out, to the student, to Brassai & Miguel.
 "Bah"  (or "Merde!") she'll say:
 "I'm a Doctor!... Unlike Davide?... I DON'T get sick!"...:)

c 2012/davedelacroix/Piacenza/italia/This is THE END of this book-blog/arrividerci ragazzi!!!!...:)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fuck off and DIE YOUNG in Erope: Here comes Johnny Love Muscle: Part 5: "BLACK-JACK-USA"

Our DUDE in Europe/here comes Johnny Love Muscle/ BLACK-JACK: USA

Funniest thing? White boy Cop (under 35) will RUN your ass to jail  "in a new jawk minute" for being stoned, drunk, and, especially BACK-CHAT!?
Some kind'a "Boot-camp training thing?"

BLACK (Afro-American) COP, for the most? He's gone down with LIVE & LET DIE; on a riot scene? -he BEATS a Drum/sez: : Let the Guy jive. Let the guy let off some steam!"
(It's Night & Day; USA)
-in Greenwood Ville., North Caraolina
In Denver, West side, in NYC, too.!
Seattle!? You keep going?.

I've seen a BLACK-JACK surrounded by FIFTY neghborhood folks, all excited, some drunk, some wailing! ...And I've seen it calm down. Cause what's COMMIN' down? BLACK-JACK knows (Grew up with the stuff!), KNOWS what's going down...

Salate. Salute- Salute.

c 2012/Imperal Hihness, Lord Borgo/piacenza/italia....

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle/Part 3: "City of Nets"

Our Man in Europe: Here comes Johnny Love Muscle: Part 3:  "City of Nets".

Catch Witch? -CAN-CAN! Can do? -in a City of Nets; music, ensues? -delivered by GNATS: great teeth, bitch? The rest of YOU is a wreck.

Hoping to crack areobics-work-out/Johnny Love Muscle/ who you married? -don't turn to fat...?

(Good day for a hanging...?)

Red sky at nite? -shepherds delight.
Tomorrow? We go Topless. We drink too much!!!
Smash the glass, mio Caro? -that holds us back.?

Go to Byzantium. Go to to Hollywood.
(Spelt with an "H".)
I'll Keep smoking. Keep smoking.

Do we sleep or wake? (whilst SCREAMING?)
Do we wake or sleep?

Catch Witch? CAN-CAN!, can-do?
In a City of Nets
That do not catch our fall?

c 2012/davedelacroix/lord borgo/Piacenza-Italy/HOTEL DAVE...and then some...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Our Man in Europe/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle/Chapter 2: "3 SONG Night.

Our Man in Europe/dave the dave/LORD BORGO esq./Here comes Johnny Love Muscle: Chapt. 2:  "3 SONG NITE."

...Chapter 2: "3 SONG nite".


Now? When I was a boy, happy amongst the boulevards, content in mirth; Tacos, Burritoes, Salsa/weekly clean-under-shorts, Los Angeles Soul, by the river, the Canal, did I know where to go?

Now? When I went to Griffith Park, Juanitta saw stars! (School trip) We dream't of Ventura, Malibu; some prick said: "I saw Nick Nolte on Melrose!"  We beat him to shit!

When I fell in love with Tonya - in a place called Woodland Hills -  I changed my name to Sherman (Oaks) and polished my Surfboard.

Now?... When some "homie-daddy-O" sez, "Dave? U got wheels?" -I respond (sans handgun): "Relax, Amigo":- alas? -and NOT till then, nor fife & drum!

Now? (Ahah!) When I was a boy, happy amonsgt the boulevards, content in mirth; Tacos, Burritoes, Salsa/weekly clean under shorts-Los Angeles Soul:
by the river, the Canal, did I know
where to go?

2) ARMAND DE ST. JEAN (apres un chancon et EDIFF PIAFF)

Predictaby? The Gypsy lady steals your Soul. Your lost wallet is a foregone conclusion.

You look like a fool with your head buried in her skirts!? That she OWNS your mind!? -is "ditto". There's no helping you.

(Moment. I'm trying to roll a cigarrette)

3)  "NO FUNNY!"

I have Noooo funny in me. Middle of the nite. I eat RAW BREAD. U painted your "pasties" orange-lipstick-bulls-eye/left pink nipple & more raw.
My toes? They go: Claw-claw-claw...in ecstacy
whilst minds soar.

I have Noooo funny in me this Friday/Saturday morning. (If it's good? Don't define it!) The cariacature of our lives, evil sculptured, church steeple-"ad infinitum", sins our eternity (U think?) Consequences are an after-thought; and "GRAZIE DIO!" -we fornicate.

I have Nooooo funny in me, now that Love is won, or love is lost. A Roncevale/Alamo (my friends passed on) at such a cost; who counts? (No-one; certainly, in Las Vegas).

U leave the room. The blinds are drawn. How do U think? How do U stink? -here, on Desolation Row?

c 2012. davedelacroix/lord borgo/Nov./On a lighter note? Miss FIFI from Albani came by and rearranged my furniture....:)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Our Man in Europe: DAVE DELACROIX: "Here comes Johnny Love Muscle!" -chapter 1...

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Here comes Johnny Love Muscle, No. I:   "Where Angels fear to tread..."

SHE: I'm very dissapointed.
HE: So am I.
SHE: Can you improve?
HE: Can you?
SHE: You left Los Angeles...?
HE: Malibu.
SHE: Same thing.
HE: You look like shit!
SHE: Do you need money?
HE: Actually? Not at the moment.
HE: ...Government thing. Euro-Patrons, etc.
SHE: Buy me lunch?...
HE: No problemo. ... You gotta credit card handy?

c 2012/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/LORD BORGO/just bought an electric fire/€35....

Monday, October 8, 2012

Our Man in Europe: Dave Delacroix: No. 20: "FLY SWAT!"

Our Man in Europe: Dave Delacroix, : WATCHTOWER: No 20:  "FLY SWAT!"

I win - yet again - the "Noble Prize" from those guys up in FINLAND.... This time? -for inventing the New & Improved  Dave Delacroix- "FLY SWAT".
(I put aerial wings on it.)
(.....On that PLASTIC thing you kill bugs with)

Apparently, (like TNT) it's  a weapon that will stop ALL WARS and induce People to to quit squabbling and sit down and have Lunch.

Alas; the Cooks, the Waiters - even the "Bus-Boys" - want to sit at the "big table"; so despite WORLD PEACE, war, inevitably, breaks out.
People start "lobbing food!!!?"
Mio? I grab a "Doggy-bag" -as a Poet should - and run like hell!

(Damn! I forget to take the Prize!?)

c 2012/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza-Italy/surrounded by sniffing women who obviously caught the sniffles from their kids at Kindergarden/ASHOO!, ASHOO -have ANY of these people heard of a SIX PACK or a decent bottle of WHISKY!?....:)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ WATCHTOWER/No. 18: TANGO!!!

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/WATCHTOWER/No. 18: Tango.

I sit/jam with the local "bravoes" who strum/drum their guitars in the Piazza Cavalli; add (?) Angel voices, their nubile gals? -who chorus...and the World is good.

Canzone d'more? Canzone d'morte? Songs of despair? NO MATTER! -castenets appear. A Marracca! Tripple ESPANA hand-claps. Some-one Videos (wants to put it on U-tube. com) A passing bella-donna? Emeerald evening dress? She kicks off her heels, spasms PIAZZI "centrale!", then starts dancing!... The "bravoes" respond with gusto: Music that peels the skin off your Soul, then (it) swallowed, "double helix" down your spine.

The "bravoes?" Medium-raw, strum Flamenco. The Emerald Lady? She kicks her heels into the air! And I? I, enjoy the illusion that I command the Dance.

c 2012/dave delacroix/lord borgo/Oct-and Tango...:)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Our Man in Europe: WATCHTOWER: No. 17: "She walks by night...."

Our Man in Europe: WATCHTOWER: No. 17: "She walks by night..."

She walks by night, Satin skirt and heels. She walks by night; for YOUR sad love.
She walks by night; lipstick guile. The tears of a CLOWN cannot claim her glory; an EVIL EYE? -no-way-Jose! -can frame her symmetry.

Personal Gods? (where's that frickin cell-phone!?)  -does she call? Heroines from a bygone Age; or a Biblical study? A study that defies LOCKS that new keys, in fact, DO UNLOCK; yet, that that no new lover can penetrate...?
Incomprehensible is the name of "access".

She is JUDITH, careless. In one hand? A righteous sword. In the other? The decapitated head of Holofernes.

She walks by night...for YOUR sad love. In the morning, she will fold her Satin skirt: To her still sleeping bambino, she says: "God bless. God bless."

c 2012/davedelacroix/lord borgo esq/piacenza/italia...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

OUR MANBO in EUROPE: Watchtower: No 16: Dostoyevsky v. Tolstoi

Our Man in Europe: Dave Delacroix: Watchtower: No 16: "Dostoyevsky v. Tolstoi" (famous conversations-in a bar)...

(T.) "My WOMEN are all tragic."

(D.) "So are my brothers."

(T.) "Vodka?"

(D.) "It's a crime."

(T.) "It's a punishment."

(D.) "Actually? It's a potrato."

(T.) "A potato?"

(D.) "VODKA!!!"

GOGOL walks, unexpectedly, into the bar
(Happy Harry's Borscht Saloon)

He sez: "ANY DEAD SOULS in here?... 
"I'm making a list!"

c 2012/davedelacroix/lord borgo/"I'm on Facebook!!!"/piacenza/Italia/big gig at CIRCOLO RECREATIVO VIK/sept 29th: be there or die youngish...:)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Our Man in Europe: DAVE DELACROIX: 'along the Watchtower: No. 14: "The Road to Rivergaro."

No. 14: (Watchtower) "...the road to Rivergaro."

The road to Rivergaro? Catch the wrong bus? It'll take you SOUTH of your mind. Don't depend on the weather, and the small villages that you pass...have seen you a 1,000 times before.

Out of your "Gulf Stream". thus;
:you arrive upon some distant shore...along with ALL your baggage - NO "Phoning Home E.T"- - and quite alone.

The Road to Rivergaro, SOMETIMES utters your name. At the "Galateria" where you hosted three young girls whose OWN road has yet to begin?.
You languished in Life's General-ship. Your nubile Soldiers lapped expectant, at their iced cream cones.
There was some chat/variety TV show background.
(Just WHAT do they call these entertainmens/when they DO: can we ressourect the NAZIS to wipe them out!?... The T.V. Shows, that is?)
"Are you Jewish?" -she says?
"Am I Jewish?" - he says..
 "Well!?!" she demands.
(the Talk show)
...Yakkin' in Italian, of course.

 The GULF of General-ship is an abyss. Pass an IDEA from one to another? It becomes distasteful, anathama, a Promise, a Switchblade, a JOB,  a MISSION, 3 years at COLLEGE!!!... or an engagement ring (costing about €20,000) which YOU DON'T GOT!!!......till, of course, you get to the "Road to Rivergaro"  ...and  possibly,  till/when  SHE or HE  beckons you:; "encora-encora!"  sirens:...and claims your name.
And claims your fame.

 c davedelacroix/lord (sir) lord Borgo/ sept- 12/magnifico cavillieri-pls send costumes"""...:)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Our Man in Europe: WATCHTOWER: No. 13: The Shadow of our Sins.

Our Man in Europe: WATCHTOWER: No 13: The Shadow of our Sins,

...Less you stab yourself in the arm or leg, a predictable wound and a permanent scar; the wounds in the mind, unseen, are epidemic. Heads steer the body and yet, perpetual, blood flows. There's NO bandage, no TIME, but ONLY time, Timeless, and NO cure.

In this Hospital of a Life the Patients have taken control.. Doctors? They just mop the floors and fill out Questionnaires. The Spastic advises the Athlete, the Novice, the Sage; The Fool, the King!
Emperor Napoleon once consulted a local shepherd on "the lie of the land" and decidedly LOST the battle of Waterloo.

My old, dearly departed Mother once told me: "GOD works in mysterious ways...and our SINS carry long shadows."
Like most folks who are lucky (?) enough to experience the Autumn OF life; I sit in the shade.
Oddly? I get to laugh a lot. and, God-damn-it! -if I don't keep gettin' to meet O.K. personalities; the stuff of Life's Inspiration prevails.

No need to write me, "Y'all!" My Moral compass MAY be "out to lunch"; but in the "Shadows of my Sins", the Almighty - perhaps? - figured I paid MY half of the bill....?

"OH! Fuck me baby! OH! Fuck me baby!"
(Beatrice from Calabria came by)
"OH! Fuck me baby! OH! Fuck me baby!"

c 2012/dave delacroix/lord borgo esq./piacenza/italia/feelin' groovy.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

OUR MAN in EUROPE: WATCHTOWER No.12: "Spatchelor!"

Our Man in Europe: WATCHTOWER: No. 12: "Spatchelor."

I break down (twice). It was a Thursday (Sheffield Thursday? -Nope).  I go buy - in lieu of my "grande Americano Amici" arriving: I go BUY a Spatchelor (€1.97) to flip the "SUNNY SIDES UP!" (eggs)... Actrually, in my Euro-Exile I've become quite "deft" with a table spoon "con oile di olive".
I was always flippant.
There's that.
....I'm trying to remember the 1970's when every cool cat wore Kaktans, had Sitar music rusting on thee olde "La Stereo", and an abode swampt with the ozone of brown rice mixed with Cinnamon sticks. Incense candles, of course. Pour it ON! What WERE those people thinking? And - lol - where are they now?...

My next (2nd of 2) breakdowns included breaking one of Italy's Cardinal rules. I went out "busking" on Piacenza's main pedestrian drag during the Holy THREE hour lunch break.
Cops showed up. In droves. In THIS instance? The CITY cops, NOT the Carrabineri. The CITY cops, has I've previously mentioned - in this book-blog - are akin to "Barney Fife" and allowed ONLY to carry ONE BULLET - in case of rabid Nuns - in their dress uniform pocket.
Anyways; they show up. Apparently I'm disturbing the beoguiosie whilst they Siesta: the Barney Fifes/CITY cops siren skid-screech, onto the scene in their HOT ROD "Smart Cars", jump out, then with legs akimbo, draw and aim their - unloaded - Glock 9mm's, aim them at ME and start yelling: "PUT THE WEAPON ON THE GROUND!!!"

I was a tad confused. I had no weapon. My Spannish guitar (€35) I placed before me and put my hands over my head in complete sardonic subservience.

Cut a long story short? I confessed - to the Barney Fife's - to being callouslly flaglant as to Italy's "Siesta" laws/customs and that INDEED I had a "concealed Spatchelor" in my "piccolini cucina/kitchen" which, given my liberty, I would produce at Police HQ (IL QUESTURA) on Monday-ish.

c 2012/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Piacenza/Italia/August 1st. Monsoon, kiddoes. But cool...:)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Our Man in Europe (place near FINLAND): watchtower: nO. 11: "richard lll" APRES, bILL sHAKESPEARE...

oUR dUDE IN eUROPE: nO: 11: WATCHTOWER: "Richard III" (apres Billy Shakespeare....)

Sheffield Steel, Newcastle Coal, Derby Porcelain and all the the good "bitter" (beer) the towns of the (river) Avon can seduce that WE, Sons of History, fans of Sheffield Wednesday (soccer team) and the NOBLE game of RUGBY -can produce.

It's "seasons of mists and mellow fruitfulness"; ask anyone? Xmas is around the corner: "What clock? What a'clock!? Do I hear ticking?"

Lately, whilst - in lieu of money - I've been throwing people's wrist watches BACK at them, people seem dismayed. They are, perhaps, far more intelligent; more than I can suspect.....?
My gal, Sylvia? She just laughs. She has a GYRO that defies time or space. She's an intelligent woman. When she laughs, she echoes: "Sheffield Steel, Newcastle Coal, Derby Porcelain and ALL the good brew that U can meet. WE ROAR!!!

"WE are the prisoners of the world." she says; wrapped in an exotic silk robe/smoking a "fattie".

The next morning? (this IS a true story). Alas, alas, alas! She is gone. Quite dead.... Cops/Ambulence/coroner, etc.

She left me, only with a PEN.

"In THIS dream kingdom, your kiss, pillows and gentles
far from the callous world of indifference.
Outside? MINDS SPIN.
Let them."

A Stretch Limo!!! A Stretch Limousine!!! Half my Kingdomn for a "Stretcch!!!"

c 2012. davedelacroix/LORD BORGO esq./Piacacenza/Italia/found a new brew outlet for Sundays on the Via Roma....:)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

OUR MAN in EROPE: "WATCHTOWER": No. 10: "I win the Noble Prize, again..."

Our Man in Europe/WATCHTOWER: No. 10: "I win the Noble Prize, again..."

So; well, whatchagonnado?... I win the Noble Prize again (third time) from those guys up in Finland.. It's a blessing. I need the money. I'm also ALL out of writing paper and reduced to writing on book flap-jackets: Shakespeare publications are my fave. At the back? There's gallosches of "note" pages. "Billy's" work, of course, is just full of quotations. (I know. I know.) but, remember, there's "gallosches" of note paper in the back!

...I knew/met an interesting guy in JACKS-FLA (Jacksonville-Florida), long time back. Think hot/humid/palm meadow bugs/Spannish moss/iced beers on the veranda..... He was a Wizard. Played a sonorious guitar (Fender Strat) and had a beautiful - with Soul! - mother. I thought of her like a big sister; we clicked.... Whilst a guest in their Savannah type mansion abode, "Momsie" and I used to buzz off (whilst the Wizard slept) every Sunday morning, cross the "DRY" County Line to go get a Bloody Mary. It became a tradition.

...Sunday morning? DON'T "go" to Chapel: GO TO CHAPEL. In this case - across the DRY, aforesaid, County Line: a tavern called THE SIX PACK, THE SOAK AND SUDS, or DON'T TELL MY WIFE I'M HERE! (Burritoes: $1.00!!!)

One Sunday morn, the bar-gal looked particularly glum. Momsie  and I  both enquired...?
"My Uncle," she said, dewy eyed, "LEE VAN CLIFF/Spaghetti Westerns/Movie Star..." (we held our breath) "...just died...."

My FIRST thought was to put out an A.P.B. on Clint Eastwood. Plus! I knew where he lived! (Carmel, California: he's the Mayor of the town, for chrissakes!)...and is KNOWN to weild a MAGNUM handgun which, when discharged: "Will blow your head KLEEN OFF!"...
Yup. YOU got it. I stayed mumm.
"Lee's dead?" -Momsie.
Sadly, the bar-gal nodded.
"Was it Cancer?" I, as it were, optimistically enquired.
"No dice, Dave (she knew my name) came the reply. Adding: "3 months ago some Quack told him if he didn't quit smoking & drinking "U'er gonna croak!"
"And?" asked Momsie.
"He went cold turkey. Felt like shit. 3 month later? Dead."

Naturally, I was outraged. SO was Momsie.
My Noble Prize (3rd time) for INTOLERANCE? I like to think extends not ONLY to organized religion, Scientologists in general, Jack Daniels mixed with Cocoa-cola, a Police man without a Classical education...but ALSO to that classic "Professional Opinion" dispensed by Doctors, Dentists  and reasonably sober Airline Pilots.... It's only OPINION, mind; not a DICTUM.
OK. Now? Let me tell U a story.

c2012/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza/italia/days of wine & utility bills....:)

Monday, August 20, 2012

OUR MAN in EUROPE: WATCHTOWER: No 9, NUMBER NINE: "Dark as the Grave..."

OUR MAN in EUROPE: "WATCHTOWER": No 9: "....Dark as the Grave."

Dark as the grave."

Dark as the grave where-in my Soul is laid: "I'LL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU!" -she once, but, yes: demanded (?)... These days? -I just whistle a tune. ANY tune. "I will rule the frickin' World!" -sez I; a young
guys aspiration... IF, again, "these days" I can conquer a Friday nite bar with an old Spannish guirtar? -I thank "Y'all!", in bunches. The Fashions change but the faces, uncannily DO NOT!
There's always some - next town - "guitar-drummer-punk" who says: "YO! YOU are NEW to the "Scene..."
Again? THESE DAYS? I say: "Buddy? - like I've been telling these punks since the 1970's - I AM THE SCENE." ....-unlikely to add (though desperately tempted) "As dark as the Grave... where YOU are surely bound.... and, as we speak, where-in my Soul is laid."

c 2012/davedelecroix/lord borgo esq./piacenza/italia/inter-net cafe/about to strangle the Arab who is CRYING with gusto on the Scype to his mother in Addis Abbaba. (it's somewhere south-east of Israel.)....(:

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Our Man in Europe: "WATCHTOWER": No. 8:   ... GANDHI.

My heroes have NEVER been Cowboys. I've met a few. They're as dumb as a sack of hammers (like me).... Who's YOUR big hero in history? Tough call. Like naming your "fave" song, singer, actor or movie. It's, alas, encyclopaedic!
To be flawed is Human.
Back in the days of "yore" ALL "hipsters" had a picture of Che Guevara on their wall. The girls?... THEY
had it "gilt framed", bedside.
 (I always felt a tad "miffed" by this)
Today? PLANET fellow Man/Women? If U DON'T have a picture of MAHATMA GANDHI (sans gilt frame) in your house (assuming U HAVE a house) then U are missing something....
Like I say: My Heroes have NEVER been Cowboys...excepting that greatest Cowboy of them all:

c 2012/davedelacroix/piacenza/hotel dave/€25 per nite/big screen TV/Italia

Sunday, August 12, 2012

OUR MAN in EUROPE: WATCHTOWER: No. 007: Foreign Correspondent.

Our MaN IN eUROPE: watchtower: nO. 007: fOREIGN cORRESPONDENT...

(Well!?)....  DO we WILL... or DO we WON'T?....
 It took a very expenssive, English education to get me here. Like Desscarte (spell?), "I DRINK therefore, I AM".... And "bienevuto!!"....
 Fortuanately, like "U"... I walk alone. It's how it is.. We, as artists,; we don't lick the plate: we lick the spoon!... and wishing "all our yesterdays" DONUT (donut!?)
-don't come home too soon.
 Voulez-vous? Under the Moon? Voulez-vous? Would "U", too?

-It's a Saturday nite/Sunday morning question. Go figure it out........ By-the-bye? Ya probably got this post figured: Send food stamps, a spatchelor, a Pink Giraffe; but no need to write.

c 2012/dave d. lord borgo/piacenza/italia....:)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Our Man in Europe: WATCHTOWER: No. 6: "...No sleep till Brooklyn."

Our Man in Europe: WATCHTOWER: No. 6: "...No sleep till Brooklyn."

No sleep till Brooklyn. No sleep in "memento."... Am I chasing U? Or are U chasing Me? Am I "fresh?" Am I cool? Is THAT how U see?..... (let me just make a note)........................................... Killed Bhudda the other day. (I made a note of it) She wanted to "move in", into the HOTEL DAVE (€34 per nite/big screen TV) but I caught her at the front door with: "Is it Yesterday, yet?"......... I sent her on her way........... Then, later relaxing, soft lights & sofa, bathrobe/Martini-chill-stoogie, I PLAYED on "ye olde laptop" juke-box: "Do U know the Way to San Jose?"

c 2012/davedelacroix/34 degrees & luvin' it/piacenza/italy/near france, I guess...:)

Our dude in Europe: WATCHTOWER: No. 5: "FRANK IFIELD".

Our Man in europe: WATCHTOWER: No. 5:  "Frank Ifield"...

What ever happened to Frank Ifield?..... Australian, 60's pop singer fella?... He had a big "hit" with the song: "I remember U!"..... Is he dead? Was he gay?.... Guess I'll have to drag my lazy ass off this bar stool and go "Google"..... or, maybe not? I enjoy an untidy mind. Answers to half-assed questions invariably alert U to your own self-degeneration. For now? It's enough that "I remember" FRANK IFIELD, who, I guessed, succeeded...and try - as a Music-man - to walk in his shoes.

c 2012/davedelacroix/piacenza/It's in Italy.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Our Man in Europe: WATCHTOWER! - No. 3: "Foyne Haven"

Watchtower No. 3 "Foyne Haven."

...Back "in the Day" (the 60's), the GRAND NATIONAL of the U.K. (like the Kentucy Derby/BIG horse race thing...) -the best of the best, horses AND jockeys, lined up at the starting post, all respendent............ The Queen (QE2), rich Arab sheiks, business cats, men of power, all gathered: the stakes were high!............. Out of all these pedigrees, full of blue-blood razzamatazz and Thorsten Veblens "Conspicuous Consumption"......poor old FOYNE HAVEN (the horse) had to be carried on a stretcher to the course's starting post............. FOYNE HAVEN's Jockey (the rider) also had to be alerted that the "race" (the GRANDE NATIONAL) was about to begin....... Irish fella, I believe. Wrote Poetry in his spare time. Unshaven. Chain smoking, and knocking back Single Malts in the Clubhouse.......... Anyways, they got his Ass OUT of the bar, told him NOT to chain smoke whilst "in the saddle" ("It's being TELEVISED, for chrissakes!?"), and?... And DON'T whip poor ol' FOYNE HAVEN too much as FOYNE HAVEN - getting along in years -  is a tad sensitive and/OR unlikely to respond WITH SPEED in any case?...

So. BADDABOOM. The Starting pistol is fired. The race begins. ALL the "thoroughbreds" (the horses) zoom off down the track/race course.

Ol' FOYNE HAVEN? He...he kind'a circles at the Starting Post for a minute. The JOCKEY? (the rider) Him?... He has a last drag on a "funny cigarette" then prods his mount (FOYNE HAVEN) to get on after all his fellow equestrian kin...who are by now a thousand away!
And so it goes.

The GRAND NATIONAL course (race track) is punctuated with rather high hedge-like hurdles. The horses have to gallop then LEAP over these fences/hedge-obstacles, then again gallop and repeat the exercise.
It's, actually, a tiresome affair and from the spectators point of view -  unless you're a betting man or totally drunk on Rum from Trinidad - a Mathmatically inane proposition.

The "gristle", of course, is the Betting. Everyone, even Grannie Smith, puts a bet on just which horse will win the race. Big money. A Lotto!...... Anyways; Starting Pistol! POOF!, The Race begins, ALL the "thoroughbreds" (fast horses) bugger off down the track. FOYNE HAVEN, as I say; stumbles around a bit. His Jockey - wearing shades and taking a LAST "toke" on his "funny cigarette" - finally gets going and together they go in search of the "thoroughbreds".... Meantime? The RACE is ON! It's fierce. Money/horse flesh at stake. Stud fees. ALL THAT stuff. It's a hot day, too. The crowd is goin' nuts. It's like a Soccer game in Brazil or Argentina! The Queen (QE2), the Arab Sheiks, the bigshots in business? They? They've all shed their dignity. The heat, the sweat, the  pounding hoofs, the LASH of the jockey's whip? God! It's almost sexual!!!!

...........About 2 hurdles short of the race's Finishing Post, ALL the "thoroughbreds", shoulder to shoulder, packed together like Wolves; they collide, brutally,  whilst taking a hurdle......  Man o'man! It's Equestrian carnage. Broken limbs. Blood. The wild neighing of horses. Jockeys - who are not especially articulate - crying: "FUCK, OH  FUCK!  FUCK! OH, FUCK!"..... Most of these "thoroughbreds" have to be "put down". Their riders (the Jockeys) are quickly hospitalized, though some of their number elect to go into an insane asylum......

Meanwhile, poor ol' FOYNE HAVEN and his hapless - now, completely stoned  - Jockey-fella come clunking along; pausing, incidentally, at EVERY hurdles-fence jump thingy BEFORE actuallty jumping it. But along they come, clunking along 5 minutes after the "thoroughbred" debacle.....

If my memory serves me well, I think both FOYNE HAVEN and his rider gave the adavance carnage a brief look then proceeded to go on and - wheezing! - cross the finishing line.

This particular GRAND NATIONAL (Horse race thingy) I recall because I had an Aunt in Sheffield, England - long since passed - who actually betted on FOYNE HAVEN and won a bunch of money. She was, like me, a bit of a Gypsy 'cept SHE could/would read your Future from the array of leftover tea leaves in your tea cup..........

Did she forsee the outcome of the Grand National????

Oh yeah.

............................c 2012/davedelacroix/lord borgo/Augusto/piacenza/Italia

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Our Man in Europe: WATCHTOWER: No. 3: "Come back, PREACHER!!..."

Our Man in Europe: WATCHTOWER: No. 3: "Come back, PREACHER!!!"...................................

Comes a Pale Horse....and a Pale Rider....... People close their windows, when I pass by, and lock their doors...... Children, however, dance gaily, like Spring in the lap of Winter; innocently, they touch my knees, not knowing Life's Devil that I with-hold....to later, perhaps, touch their minds...when they, older, alert, find, whatever twists' a mind....?................................................................................................ Comes a Pale horse... and comes a Pale Rider; an equinox, premature; that STIGMATA of ALL Youth, that drags them away, from loins to tooth..............................................................................Bienvenuto! Bonjour! Howdy-doo-dee! -and with a whisper?..... There's alaways more...........................................................Comes a Pale Horse, and comes the Dude above......... "COME BACK, Preacher!?" she hollers to the silent mountains. "Come back, Preacher!?" -one & all........................................................................

c 2012/davedelacroix/piacenza/italy/i think it's August: send money....:)

Our Man in Europe: WATCHTOWER No. 2: HAIR! - by Silvano.

Our Man in Europe: WATCHTOWER: HAIR! -by Silvano......................................................................

All U Los Angelenos? All U New Yorkers?... Catch a plane to Milano. Go 30 minutes South?... Piacenza; home of "di Casa Silvano" hair salon.... The Maestro, a gypsy wizard, SILVANO by name, dances the room like a "will o'the wisp" a'la "snip-snip-snip!".... He dosen't just CUT/style hair, he makes U look and feel like ELVIS!!!!.... As for the girls?.... He captures your OWN self-image, un-awares; on the WATCHTOWER? -trust me: you're debonair, if not to DIE FOR!!!!?......................................................................................

(SILVANO's Hair salon for GIRLS & Guys: He works out of  a Pallazzio on the via S. Giovanno, Piacenza........ Mention MY name? - U might get Rock & Roll discount!....:)................................................................................................

c 2012/davedelacroix/piacenza/italy/Nobody, BUT NOBODY, except SILVANO can make ME look like Jack Kerouac (and ELVIS), but lord knows? -he did it!...:)

OUR MAN in EUROPE: The Watchtower, No. 1: "In the Heat of the Night."

Our Man in Europe: THE WATCHTOWER, No. 1: "...In the heat of the night."

....In the heat of the night? -U languish & tight skirt, wraps an aching Soul and restless, long limbs; displayed........... U tilt your head; blonde tresses tumble & eyes "sloe-Mo"- Cassandra-stare........... Lightly breathing, your breasts challenge: Does your heart wake or sleep?........ People come & go. Only YOU will decide just what you lose or keep.......? .... Outside the HOTEL DAVE   (€35 per nite/incl. big screen T.V.) the Italian traffic rises to honking frenzy!!!...... There are so MANY, many,  voices....... Yours? - I do NOT forget - in the heat of the night.

c 2012/davedelacroix/hot july/piacenza/italy/yabba-ayabba-dooooo!!!!!:)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

OUR MAN in EUROPE: HOTEL DAVE: No. 35: "...The killin' Moon."

OUR MAN in EUROPE: Hotel Dave: No. 35: "...The Killin' Moon." (Notes, 21 July, 2012): ......Went to Lady Chan's LADY BAR, via Mazzini, late Friday night (skipped my usual Fri. night/happy hour gig due to a bout of "perenial" Malaria which I picked up in Kenya), but despite having the (malarial) fever, I had "molto" brewskies & Vino at the HOTEL DAVE (€35 per nite, incl. free coffee) but I'd ran out of cigarette papers and Lady Chan's LADY BAR is also a "Tabacci", hence my late night mission............. Arriving (at Chan's), the usual suspects - guys & several girls - are (Fri. nite!) in festive spirits but expound shock/horror on the Denver-Colorado (USA) BATMAN MOVIE premiere masacre by some kid with a massive ordinance of weapons, a'la the Columbine School shooting tragedy............. "DAVA!" they herald me: "U from Denver?"......... (Me:) "Sort'a."........ (They:) "Big shooting, Dava! Asassino!!!!! BAMBINO con bombs in il casa!!!!?" -they harrangue......... (I pause for breath, but THEY continue:) "DAVA!... U from Denver?"....... (Me:) "Sort'a"... and order a double whisky.......... Meantime/meanwhile, and NOT to make light of this latest Colorado tragedy.... TWENTY THOUSAND Muslims are masacred in Burma. Men, women, children: It's a HOLOCAUST!...........but, not at THE BAR, a peep - re THIS - out of anyone!?... Apparently, in OUR Western "civilization", if the victims are poor/got no oil or mineral reserves, it's not NEWSWORTHY..... THE KILLIN' MOON........................ (TWENTY THOUSANDS DEAD SOULS, for chrissakes!).............................. The Chinese say, "May U live in interesting times."... With refence to THIS, my best ever journalistic report? And sadly, in reference to the above HORRENDOUS/HORRIFIC and despicable events?... If it gets MORE interesting, I DO believe I will opt to "depart"....... I?.. You too, maybe?... We are all out of tears... and THE KILLIN' MOON hovers................ The next day? There's a morning rain. Out of respect, I play NO music. My house is stricken with grief...... As the World STILL turns; perhaps, tomorrow - I hope to GOD! -the Sun will rise? c 2012/davedelacroix/sad July/piacenza/italia/for DANIEL & FAMILY, May God keep U well...:)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

OUR MAN in EUROPE: HOTEL DAVE: No. 34: "La Marseille"

OUR MAN in EUROPE: HOTEL (€30 per nite) DAVE: "La Marseille".......................... ...It's (think) 1942. A bunch of top Nazis get together in Vansee (little 'ol place outside of Berlin) to decide just WHO - genetically - is related to Bernie Goldstein; some guy from Munich/watches too much Soccer/insufferable fella/let's get rid of him!....... ........... NAZI No. 1: "We need to GAS his left foot!"........ NAZI No. 2: "NOOOOOO! We need to GAS his RIGHT foot!".........NAZI NO. 1: "The Soccer thing?..." ...... NAZI No. 2: "You betcha!"........ NAZI No. 1: "...I dunno, man.... I wanna gas his left foot. You? You wanna gas his RIGHT foot....?"...... NAZI No. 2: "So?"...... NAZI No. 1: "So he DON'T get to WALK at all!..."..... NAZI No. 2: "...Uhuh?..."...... NAZI No. 1: "...So he don't get to MARCH TO OUR TUNE, (adding) Dick-breath!"...... NAZI No. 2: "...There's THAT.".......................................................... Whilst this "conference" prevailed, in Auschwitz, a "concentration camp" just outside of Nuremburg, 30 French girls - who happened to be Jewish, gypsies or lack-a-day Skateboarders, stripped of their necklace, earrings, ALL DIGNITY, surveyed naked...by eyes of evil, were borne foward in a stinking frigid dawn, then hustled into a GAS CHAMBER to their death...... To their LAST breath?... They sang, with gusto: "La Marseille".................... Some songs are not JUST songs: LESS WE FORGET.... Don't U...................... ................................c 2012/davedelacroix/july/piacenza/Italy.


OUR MAN in EUROPE: No. 33: BLACK DAHLIA........................................ ....I have a Bee in my bonnet.... I sing a song for a victim of murder.........Los Angeles, back in the 1940's..... She was fair but her flight was fancy; she was quite alone in the world with no-one to help.... Her hair was brilliant and sleek brunette. Her teeth "not good" and she had "infantile genetalia" (It's ON record)........ Her TRUE love, a USAF fighter pilot died fighting the Nazis; yet still, she advanced to immortality as the "Black Dahlia", by her despicable and tragic murder, later coyned by those scumbags in Hollywood: "The BLUE Dahlia", the movie, starring Alan Ladd........................... One night, getting no luck, she split a spiffy L.A. hotel bar, down by Hollywood & Vine....She wore a floral print dress, broad black belt and tight, white, ladies blouse; her limbs, tanned, I'm sure: she WAS demure...... Into the humid Californian night, she was never seen alive again........................ Some psycho butcher gave her a ride, strangled her, then carved her limbs, pride by pride........................ I have a Bee in my bonnet....Those missing kids - who USED to show up on your USA Milk carton...but DON'T do these days cos diary revenues plummeted because! - well, like the Black Dahlia; the Lost, mostly, deceased, societies unsung Hole; Delacroix, as no doubt you (WE DO!) weep......................................... For my new Italian friends? -I say "buona fortuna!"... Their children enchant the Earth... I? I fall breathless at their feet whilst THEY circle mine............. I have a Bee in my bonnet... When IT dies, probably, so will I. Meantime, the belladonnas, their children, cuckle and coo on the steps of the Palazzo Gottico. And, being the hot month of July, bronze limbs abound................... The Bee in my bonnet? OK. For now, I give it to U. c 2012/davedelacroix/Piacenza/Italia (in memorium: R.I.P sweet lady...)

OUR MAN in EUROPE: HOTEL DAVE: No. 32: "Helpless"

OUR MAN in EUROPE: Hotel Monsiuer Davide: No. 32: "Helpless!"....................... ....I took my laundry to the Laundra-MAT...... Somehow, I lost 2 pair of Boxer shorts (striped!) and came home with 2 pink brassieres.......... Can someone PUR-LEEZE help!? ........c 2012/davedelacroix/july/piacenza/HOTEL DAVE-€30 per nite/Italia.

Monday, July 16, 2012

OUR MAN in EUROPE: Hotel Dave: No: 31: "...I WIN the NOBEL PRIZE (again)..."

OUR MAN in EUROPE: HOTEL DAVE: No. 31: "...I win the Nobel Prize (again)..." .................... So; I win the NOBEL PRIZE, again... This time? Actually, for THIS: OUR MAN in EUROPE...the BLOG!!!... It's actually a Book, but those NOBEL guys - up in FINLAND - I guess, are trying to keep up with the - tech/art form - changing times....!.... If Alfred Nobel was still kicking, he'd no doubt pass up on Dynamite (his invention & claim to fame) and invent the "Lithium Sonic Laser Beam" thingy....or TIME TRAVEL.... He would ALSO expand his namesakes Prize categories to include CUISINE; first winner; doubtless: Anthony "Tony" Boudain...for his meticulous research (into) and re-invention of "Steak Tartare"..... Either Anthony (Tony)....OR the old gal who came up with the idea of the "HOT CROSS BUN!"..... I mean? -JEEZE!... And whilst we're on the subject of expansion/extension/progression....?... Sorry, folks. I digress.... Actually, on thoughts of munchies, I think I RE-gress.... It's characteristic of ALL Nobel Prize winners.... After getting the award and blowing all the money in some Bar, U pawn the Tuxedo, suit thing, then spend the rest of your life expecting a free lunch!............................(Singing:) "one a penny, two a penny; Hot cross buns!"............................c 2012/davedelacroix/the month of Julius Caesar/Piacenza/Italy/HOTEL DAVE: €30 per nite/bring shampoo & a spatchelor...:)

Friday, July 13, 2012

OUR MAN in EUROPE: Hotel DAVE: No. 30: Song for the Siren

Our Man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE (€30 per nite): No. 30: "Song for the Siren"...................... Predaetors DO like still waters... Crocidiles, sharks, the insidious.... If your best friend has the time to consider your living habits? -he/she, is a reptile waiting to strike.... Their "gift" of friendship is their first taste of the bite...of U.... Why are they so?.... DOH! Reptiles do not acknowledge Freud.... (And U can ask them!)... Ask them to spell his name?... It always comes out as Fred, Frud, Freebie-Dweebie (look in the mirror!), or...DEAD............................. Predators like still waters, Girl... Sometimes they run in packs or swarm in circles like sharks, waiting - as always - to bite!..... Luckily, U were born, smarter than "they", or Me (U, at least have a dental plan!)and UNLIKE Me, are not addicted to JETHRO TULL records....?... DOH!?............ This "bloody Mary" morning?... I ran into bella-donna Deborah. As always, she looks good (Milano-fashionista) She flies high! She is "internally" illusive!.... NO predator - grazie Dio! - will ever chain her sky................................. c 2012/davedelacroix/lord borgo/hotel dave/piacenza/italy/hot July!!!...:)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Our Man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: No. 29: "On this side of the Moon".

Our Man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: No. 29: "On this side of the Moon". JULIA?.... She dosen't PLAY the guitar...be it a Flamenco, a Bach cantata, or Sergovia.... She makes the guitar DANCE...and "rapture"; this side of the Moon............................. Like all "good" artists, she understands Life's "under-belly". Her choice of material, she address's, adroitly. She IS infact, "Minnestrone"...and, righteously, expect YOU to apply a coating of Parmessan/pepper Nero...whilst SHE "curries your guile"....?...... Beware! In a creative kitchen? -do NOT arrive without Spices.., On this side of the Moon..................... ..............Notes on Julia?.... There is NO "mangiari"; there's no vino. MINERVA does not speaks her name. Her fingers - as noted - spider, on the guitar fret board. Her Fame? -it's you!... U got WISDOM!?... She's the whistle in the tune that no-one forgets...but, probably, always regrets (encora): on THIS side of the Moon................... Cadenze & rapture?.. It's a "sancture", a "cosa notre" (our biz) mile!.... Our feet, in love? -are tired, but our shoes?... We flick OFF! We CURRY every Mile!....on this side of the Moon........ Lastly?... Should U get the bug? A guitar? A flame? And your fingers, perhaps, too, spider, on the guitar fret board, but with an inner flame, constantly, like JULIA, to beguile; there is NO disgrace; THERE IS NO DISGRACE: on this side, on this side: on this side, on THIS side of the Moon. c 2012/davedelacroix/HOTEL DAVE/Piacenza/Italy/July...I think...?

Monday, July 2, 2012

OUR MAN in EUROPE: HOTEL DAVE: No. 28: "...Always trust your Stalker."

OUR MAN in EUROPE: No. 28: "...Always trust your Stalker." Ol' "pal", Artemis Blagovich-Smith, recently released from an Italian jail (credit card-fraud), now on some "vague" kind of parole, re-appears on the Piacenza (Italian) scene.... He, apparently, is absolutely NOT welcome/wanted/invited (back) to Bologna, Ferarra, Rimini, Cremona, Pisa, etc., etc. And positively EXCOMMUNICATED from Rome.... Some "Papal Bull" thing...... Anyways; he's back! -hogging the steps of the "loggia" at the Palazzo Gottico.......... Did I mention he has beautiful teeth?..... U got dental problems?... Go ROB the 7-11 (local store), get caught, busted, spend 6 months in the "slammer"?... It saves U $28,000 and, again! -apparently?, even in Italy, they give U $100 to catch the "optional" bus-ride into town when you're set free!.......... They say that Crime dosent pay, but for some?... It IS a lifestyle and DOES take care of that pesky Dental thing............. Where was I?...... Dental thing?..... Artemis B.S......?..... Oh yes: He (Artemis) has decided - a tad late in life - to become a "prolific songwriter" with a specific focus on re-writing JAMES BOND movie soundtracks........ He showed me a list of song titles; those pesky lyrical contents, to be composed at a later date...... Check 'em out!......(from his list:)...... "YOU ONLY LIVE THRICE!"....... "DIAMONDS ARE FOR DICKHEADS!"...... "GOLD-BUGGER!"...... (I liked that one)....... "THE PRICK WITH THE GOLDEN GUN.".......... "CASINO SOUR."...... (Sound like a cocktail, I guess.)...... "QUANTUM FRICKIN PHYSICS, ASSHOLE!" (my personal favourite)....... And so on, and so on............................. I, getting on in my years, begin to see that just about EVERYONE has a Stalker...... It may be your best friend; U may have MARRIED one!..... It's someone close, for sure....... The trick is to identitfy him/her....and accept the "cretins" existence....... Once acknowledge?... U can ALWAYS "trust" your Stalker.... They are often just a benevolent mosquito; yet still: a Mosquito!...... Enemies & friends?..... Now, THAT'S a "Crap-shoot!"....................... "FROM RUSSIA WITH GLOVES...".......... OK, Atemis. I grow weary. I think - if U don't mind? - I'll take a loooonnnngg snooze....:) .......................................... c 2012. davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza/italy/suns, today? -has got it hat on! -grazie dio!...:)

Friday, June 29, 2012

OUR MAN in EUROPE: HOTEL DAVE: No. 27: "....On THIS side of the Moon..."

OUR MAN in EUROPE: HOTEL DAVE: No. 27: "...ON THIS SIDE OF THE MOON." ....On THIS side of the Moon?....There is no "mangiari". There's no Vino..... Minerva, (Roman godess of, whatever) speaks your name..... Your fingers?.... Your fingers SPIDER on the guitar fret-board. Gutiar, guitar gutiar, and inner shame........................on this side of the Moon...................................................... U got the Wisdom?? -U'er the WHISTLER in that TUNE!..... The one that no-one forgets, but always regrets......on THIS side of the Moon...................... CADENZE & RAPTURE: It's a "sancture".... A "Cosa Nosta" (our business) and a mile; our feet are tired....but our shoes?.-...... Quite new....... Infact, frick U!... We do that every Mile........... Still?... Julia?... Your finger SPIDER on the guitar fret-board.....and constantly beguile (love those loud pantalones!)..... on THIS side of the Moon. c 2012/dave-Lord Borgo-Send Money/dental plann/somebody hugs Miss Molly-my ferril cat....she olikes milk in the morning/Piacenza/HOTEL DAVE/Italy.....near France.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


OUR MAN in EUROPE: HOTEL DAVE: No 26: APOCALYPSE, NOW!... (...This is the end, my only friend, the end...)............. I peek thru the Venetian blinds.... I KNOW they're VENETIAN cos I bought 'em from a guy from Venice........ (Once more).... I peek thru the Venetian blinds.... PIACENZA (Italy)...... I'm in the HOTEL DAVE... (€35 per nite), via Campagna...... Outside?.... LUIGI; munching down on pasta, salami, coppa, insalata; getting stronger; sucking down good vino, getting satiated....... Me?.... Just me & and a bottle of "Jack"....getting thinner, getting weaker................................. I really needed a "mission"....or some Gal with big bazookas............ (A knock at the door/door bell thing)...... It's the Utility guy... He's here to cut off the Gas...... "What are the charges?" -I ask. ...... In Italian, he replies: "Don't be a wise-guy, Dave. Open your frickin mail!"... ...adding; "Sure hope U like Salad...."...... "Salad?" I ask.... "Yo big-boy." he replies.... "It's a dish outta Napoli. Frickin cold. dude!".............. (...This is the end, my only friend, the End....).............. .................c 2012, June/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO -with NO Gas/Piacenza/Italy.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

OUR MAN in EUROPE/HOTEL DAVE/...."The Sidewinder".

OUR MAN in EUROPE/HOTEL DAVE/No.25: "The Sidewinder." .............................. .....The "Sidewinder" came by last nite... Leather, lace, Diamond-back jewelry.... We enacted the "usual pallarver"...which DOES infact include the application of strawberries and double cream...... If U are out? (of cream)...use vanilla yoghurt....... Anyways? "apres la fest", both of us (me & the Sidewinder), heavy breathing/chain smoking, I posed the question: "Babee?... You're 27 - I think - a frickin Model in Milano, NO noticeable Cocaine addiction; footloose & fancy free...... BUUURRRRTTTT!?... One day? U will be a little old Italian lady, crinkled, rumy eyed and dressed in black?... Then, what?................... SHE?... Wise beyond her years, replies: "Dave?" (Me) "Yes?"... (the Sidewinder) "Dave?... (she keeps sayin Dave...) "Dave?... I'll look a GOD SIGHT better than YOU; plus?... I'll go thru 3 husbands, 3 divorces, 3 MAJOR financial settlements, buy a VILLA in Calabria, get me a "toy-boy", eat ONLY the "finest" and probably DIE in the company of faithful servants who - AND THEY'D BETTER! - will WEEP when I depart....?... (she says).. (She then pauses).....(so do I)...... "And U, Dave?"... she asks.....?... (I pause. So does she).... Eventually, I reply? : "I GOT YOU BABE!"......

Thursday, June 14, 2012

OUR MAN in EUROPE: HOTEL DAVE: No. 24: Do U remember ROMA?

OUR MAN in EUROPE: HOTEL DAVE: No. 24: Do U remember ROMA?... Do U remember Roma, my Sweet?... I showed U the "Mouth of Truth", the Temple of Venus...and we dwelt on the Immortality of the (river) Tiber........... I took U hiking; the Via Corso... We ascended the heights to the "Belvedere"...then?..... That Summer storm!?.... We ran thru the rain like Children...till we sought sanctuary in a cafe on an ancient street.... And traffic splashed...."poppolo" hullabullo...."piccolini mangaria"...and ALL the "ragazzi" U could wish to meet!....who fell at your feet, beguiled......!:) ....................Do U remember Roma?... U wore blue: farewell, my Sweet..... c 2012/davedelacroix/our man in europe/piacenza/italy....:)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


OUR MAN in EUROPE:HOTEL DAVE: No. 23: MONA..., Her name?....was Mona.....(Italian)..... Blonde?.... Certainly...... I met her at the Cafe Giusto-Gusto (so good?..they ALMOST had to name it twice!).......................She -MONA - served me a Bloody Mary..............an empty Suitcase......................and a bottle of Luck.............. I gotta "spare", People!?....Jess let me know..... c 2012/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Piacenza/NO dental plan/Italia...

Monday, June 11, 2012

OUR MAN in EUROPE: HOTEL DAVE: No. 22: "Bean Pole Rag"

OUR MAN in EUROPE: HOTEL DAVE: No.22: "Bean Pole Rag"..................... ....What IS your position on the Bean Pole?... Are U young, gifted & black?... Are U sublime and full of Life?... Do your eyes tell "Blackjack" lies?.... Do U - when you DO kiss - kiss and lose your breath?... Are U always alone in a crowd?.........................What's the size of your shoes?.... I may have some spare!?..... Your "Frizzante" magic over-flows, which is what I suspect; which is what I have heard?........................................... U have a Talmud, U have a Khoran, a "Family Bible"; U have a PLAN.........and yet?...U ponder your place on the "Bean Pole", like me, like U....in this family of Man.......................(demonic SCREAMS from 1,000 Children ensue.......!!!!!) c 2012/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/OUR MAN in EUROPE/Piacenza/Italy/June as June...


OUR MAN in EUROPE: No. 21: "Dear Jesus..." (Jeeze! Ah'ma all outta paper!?....I guess I came here in a Matchbox...all the way from China!...) DEAR JESUS?... Hoping U have more attention span than a Gnat? (English Mosquito).... Me too, for that matter..... As usual? I'm IN LOVE... Nice gal. Good family. Medium height.... My Attorney - as we speak - is busy doing a Credit Check/checking out her recent past.... She's a "Goya", a "Naked Maja".... If she CAN'T cook? I don't care.... I can.........She SMOKES like Mount ETNA (my initial attraction). Drinks Vodka like a Sponge. .. (Whether sponges actually DRINK Vodka is inconsequential...)....... DEAR JESUS? I KNOW U will understand!....... Dear Jesus?....(to be continued).........................EGGS: €1.23......PAPRIKA: €0.85......TOMATO JUICE: €0.75.........MORE VODKA: €8.47........Oregano & Pepper "Nero", I already got............................. c2012/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/our man in Europe/Piacenza/Italy: SURFS UP, kids? -and the weather is groovy....:)

OUR MAN in EUROPE: HOTEL DAVE: No. 20: "Say it with Flowers...!"

OUR MAN in EUROPE: HOTEL DAVE: No. 20: "Say it with flowers...!" ...It's a pre-requisite; most - me-thinks - women Doctors... had terrible fathers... which is why they retreat from REAL life - other than seeing YOU -, embark on that career, and pick up an accessory called a husband, usually?...a subservient, skinny guy with a decent income............... Most MALE Dentists? Outright Sadists...and "control" freaks who, obviously, like to poke around in the mouths of strangers.... An EQUAL, functional inanity... A tad like Airline Pilots (the sober ones) ...who, like Dentists...say: "I am in control, prick!...Don't ask questions, prick!...I can really frick U up OR crash this blessed plane (the thing with wings) any time I want to!"........ Most FLORISTS? (my favorites) ALWAYS look like Agatha Christie/demonically Grand-maternal... and ARE conversant with a myriad of Herbal poisons!...........Doctors? Dentists? Airline pilots?.... Above all?.... Watch out for the Florists!....:) c 2012/davedelacroix/Our man in Europe/Piacenza/HOTEL DAVE/....I think it's the month of June....?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

OUR MAN in EUROPE: DAVE HOTEL: No. 19: "...Like a Fool."

OUR MAN in EUROPRE: DAVE HOTEL: No. 19: "...Like a Fool." The sun reflects off your "Raybans".... Eyes? They ALWAYS glint when meeting: "Hello, Goodbye or, till when...?" The swish of your skirt, when U arrive & sit; like a fool? -I fall at your feet. Did U ever go to Los Angeles? Did U ever go to Paris, sweet Montmartre? I MET U, before, in Mombasa!...on a long, lost lonely nite. The sun reflects off your night-shade. I venture and enter your mind. (Catch my breath!) STILL? ...The swish of your skirt when U arrive & sit? I fall at your feet...like a fool. I fall at your feet...like a fool. c 2012/ourmanineurope/davedelacroix/"pour mon accountessa, Carole-Marie"/may all things be good/am REALLY worried about my Utility bill!...:)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Our DUDE in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: No. 18: CANNES Film Festival

Our buddy in Italy: HOTEL DAVE: No. 18: CANNES Film Festival Once (yawn) again; the Cannes Film Festival....in CANNES, South of France... (....) .... Once again?... -despite Johnny Depps pleas?... I didn't go... (....) ....Truth is?.... I got CANNED at the "Cafe UFFA", in Piacenza....with Mark Twain & F. Scott Fitzgerald.... Leastways?... That's what they SAID they were called (neither of them spoke English).... Plus?... THEY were buying the drinks!....:)

Our Dude in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: No. 17: Pictures of Lilly

Our man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: No. 17: "Pictures of Lilly" Have U ever been to Cathay, my friend?.... U follow the whistling wind.... Right there!.... -on your horizon..... When U need rest?.... It will beckon U, yet, onward.... Temptation, after-all, is everything?.... Have U ever been to New Orleans? "Day got Pyramids. Day got Papillion!" -it butterflies in your head. .. And there's NO cure; it's WHO U are; smiles, surround.... Have U ever been to Byzantium?... Your Greek, black eyes, smoulder... Did I see U in Memphis?... A child of Elvis; softly, sadness, does your heart beguile... Your Sist'a, Minerva, carries Poetry in her sails... She sweeps Oceans with her breath... YOUR heart, too, troubles the Eastern skies... U tap your foot; thus! -the Song becomes U!... Have U ever been to Cathay, my friend?... Xanadu trembles in thoughts of U...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our Man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: No. 16: "Sympathy for the Devil".

Our Man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: No !6: "Sympathy for the Devil". ...Only BAD luck...will save your Soul... It's, actually? -sometimes priceless... You get to Fool the Devil!... I got an E-mail from "his very Self", the other day... Unlike me? -he didn't ask for money; just sympathy... I replied, advising him to write to The Rolling Stones c/o Mick Jagger... As yet?... NO re-reply. c 2012/davedelacroix/Lord Borgo/HOTEL DAVE/Piacenza/Italy

Monday, May 14, 2012

Our man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: No. 15: "Broken English".

Our Man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: No 15: "...broken English" WOLFGANG, from (go figure), from Germany showed up at the HOTEL DAVE (€35 per nite) with money and a smile; definitely a "preferred" customer... ...Gave him the tour (of Piacenza). We had a blast... Last nite of his visit? Wolfgang: "Dave?", Me: "Wolfgang?", Wolfgang: "The DWIVERS here...", Me: "The ITALIAN drivers?", Wolfgang: "PWEESE don't inter-Wupt me!", Me: "Are nuts!", Wolfgang: "Ha!", Me: (I say nothing), Wolfgang: "But VHY Dave, on KLEINE STRASSES (small streets) do DEY DWIVE BIG Mercedez autos?", Me: "Wolfgang?", Wolfgang: "Ja?", Me: "It's a choice of Mercedez Benz, dude; or a SMART CAR!", Wolfgang: "ZE FOOLS!!!" c 2012/davedelacroix/got toothache. Dental plan? -Jim Beam.

Our man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: No. 14: Witness.

Our man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: No. 14: Witness IT'S OFFICIAL!...I have NO sense of Time. (alzheimers, I think?) Neither does my new girlfriend, Beatrice (or Consuella), aged 40-ish, medium height... We ARE very much in love, but? -neither of us know what day it is! ...Can we get a witness? c 2012/davedelacroix/lord boog-a-loo/piacenza/Italy.

Our Man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE, No 13: "There's a high wind to Jamaica!

Our DUDE in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: No 13: "There a high wind to Jamaica..." There's a high wind to Jamaica. Look at yourself, girl; You're sailing on the breeze. Sooo far you've come, and a long, long way to go (with heaven's blessing). Did U ever meet Elvis? No?... Me neither. But he's in your heart; your Soul, and, sometimes, your sad eyes. There's a high wind to Jamaica. ...Soon? -we gotta go. But until then? C'mon now! We savor the skies. c 2012/davedelacroix/Piacenza/Italy/for Angela.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Our Man in Europe/HOTEL DAVE/No. 12: "Have U ever been to America?"

Our Man in Europe/HOTEL DAVE No. 12: "Have U ever been to America?" Have U ever been to America? We're poor, but we DON'T close. Have U ever been to America? We DON'T look down our nose. (Plus? We DON'T charge €10.00 for a burrito OR €4.00 for salsa!) JEEZE!!! Have U ever been to America? The home of the Brave. No-one's actually free; look at me! Tell me what U see...! Your eyes, your nose, your suspicious smile; confound you, girl! Traveller? -who pass on by? Tell the kids we GOT to Be. c 2012/May/dave delacroix/Lord Borgo/Piacenza/Italy

Friday, May 11, 2012

Our Man in Europr/HOTEL DAVE/No. 11: "The sale of the Spitfire".

Our Man in Europe/HOTEL DAVE/No 11: "The sale of the Spitfire". ....sunny afternoon, Lady Bar, patio cafe, strada (via) Mazzini, Murretti brewskis, etc; cigarettes burnishing the "porta.ceneri"... Across the street? Business. One yuppie - really bad yellow tie (think Tom Brokaw in his teens); the other? Italian suited. €200 shoes. One? The seller. The other? The potential buyer. The SPITFIRE (Triumph, UK Auto-car/think, '55 Corvette) in Racing Car RED; born to boogie & a young guys Wet dream. Up for sale. Priceless? You betcha... Named after THAT which was piloted by "the Few". Founded in ledgend. From REAL History...who we DO salute so respectfully; defenders of old England from the murder in the skies. c 2012/dd/italy/"less we forget..."

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Our Man in Europe/HOTEL DAVE: no 11: "Spannish Moss".

Our Man in Europe/Dave Delacroix....at THE HOTEL DAVE: No. 11: "Spannish Moss".

Johnny Depp?
Busy guy.

Jim Jamusch?
(Is that a Polish name?)
Hanging with Tom Waits.

Nick Nolte?
Family man.

Jan-Michael Vincent?
Down in Alabam.

Gary (the Busey?...but, incidentally, a kick butt drummer)
fell in love with a gal called Harley

The damn "Longbord'?"
It's gettin kind'a crusry;

but I gotta pen, paper and a bottle of. "Jack"
some beer chasers

and the "Sun's commin' up".

c 2012/davedelacroix/May?/Italy/Thanx to TOM WAITS/U owe me a beer/Did U ever meet a Woman called  Sinead McMurphy?...or RILEY?... .....ME neither. Must'a bin 2 OTHER fellas...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Our Man in Europe/HOTEL DAVE/No 10: "She circles the Moon"

Our Man in Europe/HOTEL DAVE/No 10: "She Circles the Moon..."

She circles the moon.
Her wings?
...are NOT ornate.
Her Heart is THUNDER.
Actually? She's Circe & the Devil

Her voice?
A Siren's scream;
that will take U
to emptiness.

Her Goodness?
A harvest.
Her Soul?
A nest.

She circles the Moon;
"Same again, Dave?"
she says.

The rest?
U can guess.

c 2012/May/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Piacenza; composed @ Lady bar, via Mazzina:  "The House of Chan."

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Our Man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: No 9: "No regrets"

Our Man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: No. 9:  "No regrets."

TROTSKY, Flavio...and my  3 Ex-wives
came by the HOTEL DAVE the other nite.
(Pretty late)

Mucho "yakking"
and Vino.

My neighbors? -due to my Lifestyle
Are reasonably alienated.

My 3 Ex-wives?
Beautiful as ever.

(Trotsky, Flavio & my 3 Ex-wives)

...Write TWO new songs:

"Bring me the Head of a Chicken Burrito"


"YING & frickin' YANG!"


When  we got tired of  "composition"?
We put on Edth Piaff,,,on the laptop-jukebox.

and "cranked" it on up.

EVEN my neighbors, who, "alas"
were getting NO sleep?...


c 2012/davedelacroix/May/Piacenza/Italy/If U visit? Remember the Food Parcels....:)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Our Man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE (€35 per nite): No 8: "Gone with the Wind."

Our Man in Europe, Dave Delacroix: HOTEL DAVE: No 8: "Gone with the Wind""

Has anyone seen...my old friend
St. Paolo?
Seems so long ago
We broke the bread.

Has anyone SEEN
my old friend Francesca?
She flies like the swallows
that circle in the sky.

Has anyone seen my old friend
Last seen? Lost in a bottle
of broken dreams.

Has anyone seen
the World that was promised?
-lilting in Progress
and gone with the wind.

...Meantime? At the local Cafe, via Mazzini, Piacenza?
the "ragazzi" gather, corks are popped, glasses are "chinked"
and Signori Fabio
launches into a Verdi aria

with gusto!...:)

c 2012/davedelacroix/please address me as LORD BORGO/Is it Wednesday or Monday?/All suggestions are gratefully welcome/Met some gal from Bulgaria...Hubba-hubba; but old enough to be my grand-daughter.... Still? Ya gotta smile....:)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Our Man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: No. 7: A Murder of Crows

Our Man in Europe; HOTEL DAVE: No 7:  "A MUD-AH... O' CROWS!"

OK....Am lookin' like a Shaggy Dog.

There are TWO ways we can go with this:

Go "Rasta"?

Or Skinhead...?


I "strive" to take the path of Least resistance.


c 2012. davedelacroix/Lord Borgo/Piacenza/Italy, of course/East of Eden.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our Man in Europe: HOTEL DAVE: take 6: "Eagle in a Cage"

HOTEL DAVE:  "Eagle in a Cage"

...Watched the above entitled Movie on my laptop; 'Bout Napoleon in exile on St. Helena... Fabulous cast. Ralph Richardson, as always; beyond excellence. Billie Whitelaw; predictably superb. And U see just WHY John Geilgud is CALLED John Geilgud...?
The young(er) supporting cast... amongst such Thespian "illuminati", rally, predictably.
A work (the film), also predictably;
Hollywood & the "masses" passed on by.

ART rarely conveys such strategic moments of World History...so succinctly.
This work does just that....and bleeds,
like an "eagle in a cage".

Yesterday was the 1st of May. "May Day".
 In Italy? A public holiday. All the shops were closed.
Couldn't buy Smokes. The only 2 business's open?
The Pakistani Inter-net Cafe...and the HOTEL DAVE.
It rained ALL day.

The next day? (I think it's Sheffield Wednesday)
The sun came out.

c2012/May/Piacenza/davedelacroix/Lord Borgo...Our Man in Europe/Hotel Dave (€35 per nite)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Our Man in Europe/take five/ "DO U know how to whistle?

Hotel Dave: DO U know how to Whistle?

It's Market dfay, (again); Piazza Cavalli.
Last day in April.

I sing of Deborah. Italiano fashion-ista: Bella-donna!
Every time I see her?
New outfit; right out of Milano; spectaculo!

She's a "Desperate Housewife"
who never got married;
Everyone loves her for it...

She's "debonair", probably?...goinmg nowhere.
It doesn't matter: She's LIFE.

When, someday? -she's a little old Lady?
She will have NO regrets.
Do U know how to Whistle?

You just put your lips together
and blow.

c 2012/davedelacroix/Lord Borgo/Inventor of Mental Taxi-dermi, etc.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Our Man in Europe/HOTEL DAVE/part 4: "Ciao Rigazzi!"

Our Man in Europe/HOTEL DAVE/part 4/ "Ciao Ragazzi!!!"

AGAIN, yet again, I have been reported DEAD.....!?

Again?.... I'm not. (sic)

THIS time...by LIBERTA...the "big Kahuna" Press 'round these parts, out of Milano. (big city in North Italy)

Apparently, I died on the Via Borghetto...in Piacenza, last Monday at 2 p.m.

(JEEZE!!!? Who the hell dies at 2.p.m.?)

And I quote:  "Bianco dude, age; 55; NO "legable documents.....a Ukelele....wearing Red shoes..."

Friends? RAGAZZI!? ....I will NEVER die wearing RED shoes.

"N'uff said". Now? Please pop that Cork; yours sincerely?

 -the Grateful Dead.

c 2012/April/Piacenza/HOTEL DAVE/via Campagna/Hoping my USA buds heard about thee "Rock Star Discount" at the HOTEL DAVE... (€35 per nite/ask about our "Rock-star Discount")


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Our Man in Europe/HOTEL DAVE/part 3: Piazza Cavalli

Part 3: Hotel Dave: Piazza Cavalli

...Spinning my wheeels... It's "Politico" day, here, Sunday, 22nd April...in Piacenza.... Sun came out/went to "super" market (the size of an Amish kiosk) and bought milk, beer & vino.
Some "Cat" named Paolo Minnestrone is running for office. (Gave ME a mean stare!)
Distinctly Mafiosa, I think.
Marquees, in the Piazza Cavalli; errected, buntings, boog-a-loo.
Probably? (Paolo) "Il Duce!"...has an E-mail address.

Bought milk, beer & vino. Sun came out. Politico day (giorno). Marquees, buntings. Some "mini" basket-ball courts/netted; all errected.
Not an Afro-American...or for THAT matter; not a SOUL who looks/speaks like Matt Damon, in sight!?
But? Right there; errected, right under the Romanesque arches of the Palazzo Gottico....?  Boing-boing-boing! Frickin basket-ball.
A tutorial on Machiavelli, Da Vinci, the intracies of the concertos of VIVALDI?....This, I could understand....?

The "bambini" (Italian kids) go at it, collectively, (the mini basket thingy) like Junkies at a free Morphine fest.
Like I say? -the sun came out. "Cougars" parade the Piazza with their hounds; cannine or otherwise. It's - per norm - bycycle City. Smart Cars, designed for the mentally challenged,  fight over parking spaces. Paolo (the Politico) shakes everyone's hand except mine. Indigenous music, inter-spersed with "Vote for ME m'fricker" orchestrates the solubriously piazza dynamic.

(My mind wanders...) One LONE piece of advice I can give to "mio vecchio Americano amici"...IS? -when U visit, if it's HOT?....walk on the shady side of the street.
Whichever STREET U are on is of NO consequence.
If it's NOT (hot)? Go FIND a Street where there's - leastways - a ray of SUN; then?....walk down it. In Winter, you will thank me.
Meanwhile? Sunday. (Domenica) Politico Day. Went to the "super-market. Milk, beer & Vino. Free coffee, coutesy of "The Good Woman of Shechswan" (spell?) via Mazzini; Lady Chan.
Like I say... The sun came out.

I think I need to lie down, now.

c 2012/april/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/piacenza/italia/NEVER trust ANYONE U love....on Sunday....:)

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! hugs to Carole & Molly.