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Monday, December 16, 2013

dave delacroix/our man in europe/Basement tapes No. 2: DREAMWORKS

davedelacroix/our man in europe/Basement Tapes, No. 2:  DREAMWORKS

It's ALWAYS tough to tell the Truth with 3 broken ribs and a Luna-lamp nose, in pain?
Kidneys, spleen, in chorus? -Ya don't get this from DREAMWORKS; Celtic music, as yet to be totally corrupted by Hollyweird, perhaps tags its feet? Hands clap. Little girls, solo, do the Highland Fling, old bear Scot Rocksters clap, too, and hoot at the moon: bonny Lads play the "Pipes".
Is there any wonder no-one can WEEP, "When Johnny comes marching home?" -is played?

...Traveller, who pass on by? -remember.

It's ALWAYS tough to tell the kids you ONCE were a kid, with a detailed account of your mischief? And
that your "sweetheart" is the one you miss; instead, you married theirs, and, almost, your own Mother?
Kids here, are very sensitive and prone to "rock and rola!". Think it's LAME? Think it's YE OLDE SAME? -"Talk!" -ta me, mine  ol' Grande PA! HE, who got the JAG-a-rola! ...And I'M just carrying the frickin' tune!?

...Traveller, who pass on by? -remember.

It's ALWAYS hard to actually SPEAK when you are encased in an "iron lung" (3 broken ribs), and there's no-where to - literally - turn, and what song you HAD, probably, has already been sung; reminiscence, souvenirs, "diz-biz/dat-biz", did you kick in gear? -It's "whadda-ya-git?" and ALL your love and fears, and - YES!? - Where are all our yest er-years? -"Ou son les neige, d'antan?"

...Traveller, who pass on by? -remember.

It's ALWAYS tough to tell the Truth with 3 broken ribs and a Lava-lamp nose, from an  - ahem! - "altercation" with the New-town Locals?
Heaven knows; and sometimes, the pain?
Still, Traveller, who pass on by? -I wish you Progress...:)

c 2013/dec./davedelacroix/lord borgo/our dude in europe/piacenza/italy... Merry Xmas!...:)

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