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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/basement tapes, No. 7: MAGNET

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/basement tapes, No. 7:  MAGNET

(Authors note: No year - 2013 - would be quite "RAD" without an epistle from my co-writer, BLIND BILL, who lives in an AIRSTREAM trailer/caravan-thingy, with a SAT TV dish and a gal called FI-FI)

(here's his latest/one of my faves)


DA Magnet gone OUT
of my Magnet.
Does this happen to U?

Da magnet gone out of
mah magnet;
has it gone South!?

Frickin' MAGNET.!!!!!
-gone to Cowboy Mouth.

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo esq./piacenza, east of France.

Our an in Europe/dave delacroix/basement tapes, No. 6: BACK IN THE DAY

Our Man in Europe/dav delacroix/basement tapes, No. 6:  Back in the Day

Back in the Day?
U strut da stuff.
Back in the Day?
(Get out of here!!)
Back in the Day;
I got your Note.
Back in the Day?
-you Thought.

Back in the Day,
did the sun just shine
and lead, too,
intellectual windes?
Back in the Day did we kiss,
and that shield of love:
we miss?

Back in the Day?
"Tempest fugit!"
Back, all then;
we got to DO IT!
...And if/when I see U,
like-now, a shadow on a wall;
back in the Day
I fall?

Back in the Day?
I'm left, searching
and stealing
everything I got.
and it belongs to me;
-it belongs to U.

Back in the Day?
U strut da stuff.
Back in the Day?
(Get outta here!!)
Back in the Day?
I got your note!
Back in the Day?
-we fought.

c 2013/dec 28/davedelacroix/Piacenza-Italia

Monday, December 23, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/lord borgo/our man, EL DUOOODO: Basement tapes, No. 5: THE DEATH PETALS "

Our Man in Europe/davedelaroix/Basement tapes, No. 5:  THE DEATH PETALS:

...The above named "GOTH-metal" band (music ensemble) who, during the publication of "Our Man in Europe" have been a constant  "presence" during my EURO travels, now come FOR-FRONT; a brief History?  -they are from DONCASTER (an English-Northern-small town of minimal significance?) ASTER, incidentally, denotes the town's ROMAN origin. DON (Don!) is the NORMAN legacy/think William the Conquer er, AD: 1066!, and also the name of the local eccentric Bishop, SAINT DON, who self- bestowed "Saint-hood" and then went to live in  the local Turnip fields IN THE NUDE/still to be recognized as SAINT-TURNIP-DON by the Vatican?
Anyways, THE DEATH PETALS herald from such Historical/mystic lineage.... Thing about them!? -they keep showin' UP! And (GOTH-metal?) Ya got it! -they are UNIFORMED in Denim, wasting-black leather jackets, stud-belts and pointed boots! They ARE: "The Death Petals!", 1970's TIME-CAPSULE/3-CHORD Scoundrels...who will "knock-up" your teen-age daughter/steal loose change off the dresser/get by on Alcohol and Lentil Soup! OH! -one of them (the Bassist?) has a cellphone: an umbilical?...

XMAS 2013, they arrive in a battered "Carra-vette" (WINNEBAGO-thingy) at the HOTEL DAVE (35 euro per nite/big screen TV) in Piacenza, Italy, 3.a.m.,/bang on the HOTEL DAVE - picture - window, and I am awake: "Bienvenutte, RAGAZZI!"
They (The Death Petals) quickly survey the HOTEL DAVE then  pillage ALL food, victuals, BOOZE, etc., steal a couple of my USA ball-caps, take showers, BELCH, then sit around smoking Mary-Jane.
(It's only Rock and Roll)

...I understand. They are ON TOUR (They're ALWAYS on Tour).In Winter-Canada, they almost died of exposure in their Tour Bus! - Dem Alberta ball-cap, red-necks didn't lend a hand (no secret for International-experienced,  hitch-hikers?)
In NEW YORK, they (The Death Petals) almost died of shock! The JFK-Airport- BARNEY-FIFES (now called"Homeland-Security")  wouldn't ADMIT-dem into the"Land of the FREE and the HOME, supposedly, of the BRAVE"? and, by all accounts, in several other "free" nations they were beaten up by the local Cops, jealous boyfriends, ISRAEL didn't wanna know and the ARAB community has - I believe - issued an INTIFADA on "The Death Petals"!? -And why?... Because "Sunny-Suicide", the drummer, figured out that if you hold the COCOA-COLA LOGO into a mirror? -it almost looks like Arabic, which almost spells, NO ALLAH, NO MOHAMED....or, in FARSI? -NO MONEY, NOT FRICKIN' FUNNY!
People? I DO NOT KNOW: You decide? You want  Coke in your Rum and Coke? -be mah guest!!!
Anyhow? THE DEATH PETALS (Sammy, Rodrigo, Ahmed and Sunny-Suicide?) are, internationally, possibly, the most FAMOUS guests the HOTEL DAVE (35 euro per nite/big screen TV) has ever had?

Folks? There's more to tell. But THEY (The Death Petals), having just been kicked out of Milano are, apparently headin' SOUTH to Napoli. It's XMAS. They have some Christmas gig:

"DAVE? We jammin' - hush-hush! Some God-dad's Bambino's 21st! in Naples!"
"Ya think we're STUPID!?"

....When I get more info., re.The Dead Petals (alive or dead), I will pass it on...:)


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ze basement tapes, No. 3: "Put dat SUCKER on!"

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ze Basement tapes, No. 3:  "Put dat sucker on!..."

...It's bin a long day
and your Gal is away;
I say: Put dat Sucker on!
Don't mean a THANG
if you got no ZING;
Just put dat Sucker on!

You may be down, Albuquerque?
You may even be down in MAINE!?
-Follow mah advice,
and - you? - BE NICE!
But put dat Sucker on.

It might be a bottle
or a "smoke" or 2,
you may be an Arab
or you may be a Jew?
You may be an Atheist
or a BUDDHIST, too?
(but it don't matter to me or you?)
-just put dat Sucker on.!

And when your love comes home
- in her CADILLAC -
throw some party
in the old "Love Shack";
she sez: "Babee - music -

I say, "Put dat SUCKER on!"
I said: "Put dat Sucker on!"

...Well, it's bin a long day, but
now she's here to stay?

(Y'all singing:)
..."Put dat Sucker, ON! YO
PUT dat Sucker on...!"

the nite is long
that never finds the day (so put dat
sucker on?)

 Heaven or Hell,
who can tell; someone's a'bin messin'
with the signposts/I couldn't
find my way, either? -an like I say,
it's bin a long dang day:
HOT DANG! -Sweet Song?
...Just put dat Sucker on. Just
put dat Sucker on...:)

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/our man in europe/piacemza/italy...

Monday, December 16, 2013

dave delacroix/our man in europe/Basement tapes No. 2: DREAMWORKS

davedelacroix/our man in europe/Basement Tapes, No. 2:  DREAMWORKS

It's ALWAYS tough to tell the Truth with 3 broken ribs and a Luna-lamp nose, in pain?
Kidneys, spleen, in chorus? -Ya don't get this from DREAMWORKS; Celtic music, as yet to be totally corrupted by Hollyweird, perhaps tags its feet? Hands clap. Little girls, solo, do the Highland Fling, old bear Scot Rocksters clap, too, and hoot at the moon: bonny Lads play the "Pipes".
Is there any wonder no-one can WEEP, "When Johnny comes marching home?" -is played?

...Traveller, who pass on by? -remember.

It's ALWAYS tough to tell the kids you ONCE were a kid, with a detailed account of your mischief? And
that your "sweetheart" is the one you miss; instead, you married theirs, and, almost, your own Mother?
Kids here, are very sensitive and prone to "rock and rola!". Think it's LAME? Think it's YE OLDE SAME? -"Talk!" -ta me, mine  ol' Grande PA! HE, who got the JAG-a-rola! ...And I'M just carrying the frickin' tune!?

...Traveller, who pass on by? -remember.

It's ALWAYS hard to actually SPEAK when you are encased in an "iron lung" (3 broken ribs), and there's no-where to - literally - turn, and what song you HAD, probably, has already been sung; reminiscence, souvenirs, "diz-biz/dat-biz", did you kick in gear? -It's "whadda-ya-git?" and ALL your love and fears, and - YES!? - Where are all our yest er-years? -"Ou son les neige, d'antan?"

...Traveller, who pass on by? -remember.

It's ALWAYS tough to tell the Truth with 3 broken ribs and a Lava-lamp nose, from an  - ahem! - "altercation" with the New-town Locals?
Heaven knows; and sometimes, the pain?
Still, Traveller, who pass on by? -I wish you Progress...:)

c 2013/dec./davedelacroix/lord borgo/our dude in europe/piacenza/italy... Merry Xmas!...:)

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/BASEMENT TAPES, No. 1: "Can U git it!?"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Lord Borgo/BASEMENT TAPES, No. 1:  "Can U git it!?"

...New song from BLIND BILL who lives in an AIRSTREAM trailer (caravan-thingy) outside of Austin, Texas and who ALSO has a Rock star neighbor called NATHAN PAYNE (google!) who ALSO lives in a duplicate AIRSTREAM trailer (caravan-thingy) and hosts the trailer camp, community satellite dish out there on the west Texas prairies where men are men, sheep are nervous and every ones "trailer-gal" is either called "Fi-Fi" or "Wanda"! (A lot like Italy.) Anyways? Blind Bill's new song:  "Can U git it?!"

"Can U git it?!" -new song by Blind Bill (Austin Texas)

Verse 1:

"Can U?....
Can U?...
Can U?...
Is it Wednesday!?"

(2nd. v.)

"Can U?...
Can U?...
Can U?...
Is it  Wednesday!?"

(3rd. v)

"Is it?!...
Is it?!...
Is it'!...
Is it Wednesday?"

(4th. v.)

Before it's Thursday."

(repeat entire song until ya Mom switches off the power!)
...Personally, I think this is one of Blind Bill's finest songs...:)

c 2013/davedelacroix/december/piacenza-italia.....:)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and whispers, No. 9: Christmas Carol.

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 9:  Christmas Carol.

(dedicato, anno 2013: YOU!)

ODA got a new sweater
and Wolfgang a Car,
Paollini gotta new girlfriend;
TORNNO, he bought a new Bar!
An' if Saint NICK don't bring U nothing?
Relax: Here WE are!
Do you want to DO Christmas?
(tell me true?)
Like I want to DO Christmas
with you?

YAY: Do U want Christmas?
Like I want Christmas with you?
Do you want Xmas,
Like I want to want it with you?

FRIENDS come and GONE?
-people fade away; but
no-matter what? You-Me?
we're here to stay!
-sing us a song?
When THIS gig is OVER
we're sure to quietly  come along;

Do U want Christmas,
like I want Christmas with you?
Do you want Christmas,
like I want Christmas with you?

(you stomp!)
I said: STOMP!
(you stomp!)
And Stomp for me ONCE!?
(you STOMP!)
(you STOMP!)
An STOMP for me TWICE;
(Hammond Organ goes into Screeching mode)

Singing: Do you want Christmas
like I want Christmas with you?
Do you want Christmas;
you're  one of the few.

(Sing along, folks:)

Do you want Christmas
like I want it with you?
Do you want Christmas,
oh Babee, I'm here,
so don't be so blue...:)"
Do you want Christmas
like I want Christmas, too?
Do you want Christmas?
Hugs and kisses to YOU....:)

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza-Italia: Buona Festa Ragazzi!!!!...:)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and Whispers: Song for Teheran.

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/Cries and Whispers: No. 8:  Song for Teheran.

..."Asri lel ya yamali. Hadhi alek ya ibn Ali..."

....At the grandee palazzo, college, on via taverna, Piacenza, Italy,  last Thursday, I did play? Essentially, an IRANIAN student concertina, but I invited several wealthy Italian friends. Some wore robes. Some, wore a head-scarf? -The Italians? -Milano-fashion-istas arrived with a sense of Joy; and not before had I played to TWO diametrically opposed Cultures: I "did ma' thang"; the Italians laughed, fell on the floor, and drank copious amounts of vino whilst  my NEW Iranian buddies (50-half and half- both gender) were intrigued but DID NOT LET GO; less word got back to Teheran?
The only PERSIAN story I know, I quote from Professor Victor Frankel (he's FREUD No. 3/survivor of the Nazis death camps:)

"Death in Teheran" (Italians and Persians take note!)

"A rich and mighty Persian once walked in the garden with one of his servants. The servant cried that he had just encountered Death, who had threatened him. He begged his master to give him his fastest horse so that he could make haste and flee to Teheran, which he could reach that same evening?.. The master consented and the servant galloped off on the horse.
On returning to his house the master himself met Death, and questioned him, "Why did you terrify and threaten my servant?"
"-I did not threaten him;" said Death. " I only showed surprise in still finding him here when I planned to meet him tonight in Teheran..."

c 2'013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/our man in europe

Monday, December 2, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 8: Spannish moss.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 8:  Spanish Moss.

O Spanish Moss may this PO' boy enquire?
O Spanish Moss can I stall you awhile?
O Spanish Moss will you tell me your tale?
As late as it is, let's kiss and let's smile?

O Spanish Moss can you tell me WHO won?
My sabre is spastic, my Soul's over-run;
Was it like this for YOU, like it is for me?
O Spanish Moss are you Free?

O Spanish Moss will I ever Love again?
O Spanish Moss, your race has been won.
O Spanish Moss, don't give me "no while";
just think of me softly...in your breeze?

O Spanish Moss will you love me tonight?
O Spanish Moss, and all your INSIGHT:
Through-out the night? Holding you tight?
O Spanish Moss I remain...

c 2013/davedelacroix/Portafranco-Italy

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 7: "WE DONT KNOW!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/Cries and Whispers, No. 7:  "WE DON'T KNOW!"

...written/composed by BLIND BILL (from Austin, TEXAS)  and Dave.

Asked about Politics?
(Blind Bill:) "WE DON'T KNOW! WE DON'T KNOW!?"

Asked about Politics (again)?
(Blind Bill:) "WE DON'T KNOW! WE DON'T KNOW!?"

Asked about uncertain SPORTS results?
(Blind Bill:) "WE DON'T KNOW! WE..."
(he punches YOU in the chopper!)!?

Asked about ROMANCE?
But We don't...well? we just don't know."

Asked about the AFTER-LIFE?
(Blind Bill sez:) "Fill in the blanks:
"and keep it SHORT."

c 21013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/Candelesco-Italia.