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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Our Man in Europe/Belize, dave delacroix: The Trashman Cometh!

 Our Man in Europe/Belize, dave delacroix: The Trashman Cometh!

MONEY!? Rip your heart out. The KIDS R threadbare, MEDICAL go n STARE, the DENTIST in AUSHWITZ, Dr. Mengele -Healthcare....The TRASHMAN, a-come for U?....

....I always thought the J.F.K. assassination was highly UN-democratic, the failed Trump-one, a comedy of staged-errors (the Trashman's Off-day?), the Ides of March R clearly overrated whilst rabid Russki-blow-Hards please take note? DANGER thrives in having NO brain.

DEATH loves a Crowd, fools & funkers sing the loudest, a Wailers-tune, an EX-patriot's retreat, always superior, a sinew-conceit to gild the lily? Ceasars & Czars; limited mortality.

AH! WOE to the Vanquished! The Trashman cometh, Time racing, U racing Time. Kettle Drums BEAT the Trashman's tattoo. Out there in CANCER no one can hear U scream. The Trashman cometh, today, if not for me then for who?

Today, in Corozal-Belize, a bunch of lads, hanging, back of the Trash-Truck, whistling as they go, throwing plastic bags into their truck, not knowing what or where but ABOVE the Trashman knows.

MONEY!? Rip your heart out. The story, OUR story, is Greed...on which the Trashman always feeds.

c.2025, Dave Delacroix, poet at large.

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