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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/The Sundowners, No. 23-25: Duet for Three...

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/The Sundowners, No. 23 -25: Duet for 3, then U and me:

(dedicato: Carole Aniello)


An orange, a kiss and a KIT-KAT (choco) bar,
olive oil-extra virgin, vino bianco; then
 DAVEY back on da road again?

NO Canadian-Joni Mitchell - perfect - Maple leaf?
 NO L.A. Jews talking GRIEF (Historically?),
this side of Paradise...by the rivers of Babylon?
And NO despair except DA DESPAIR:
Davey's on da road again?

Do U LEAN, tower-PISA, by necessity?
Someday? ZOOM skyward? Steven - Da Horror! -King?
Or spill ya guts!?...like an orange, a kiss,
a KIT-KAT (choco) bar,
olive oil, vino bianco;
and Davey...back  on dat damn highway?

IS IT WEDNESDAY? -a question -frequently asked.
A "mittwock", that IN-BETWEEN?  YO!
Try not to scream! -That orange, that kiss,
KIT-KAT emporium...somehow, roots U out
from where U begin:

SCREAM, WAIL & SCREAM (share it with your neighbors!)
a "delivery"; like Davey...back on da road again.

"YA Mommie should know?"

(Canzone/song: for a forgotten rock-star.)

Your "inspiration", DEAD! And UUUU,
almost, too?-looking pale. A Canzone,
written in the fury of Youth,
dang-celebrated! -now?, almost forgot; but DIVA-UUUU,
or - just simply? - No Place Home?
-running on "empty"?
; dat ol' "inspiration" slips out of your mouth, now closeted
(back room bar) where ONCE thousands crammed
for a song/canzone that "devilled" peoples Souls,
now buried, dead and long-gone
...but for the echo of a memory?

WHOA! -Some bought LP's!
Queued 3 days for tickets in the rain!
T-shirts? WOW! Posters on bedroom walls ...like rain?
-Dat Gals first orgasm! Dat kids' "Johnny-Love-Muscle",
 inspired; by UUUU?.... Then (Tra-la-la!)?

...Heard 'bout your suicide.
Heard 'bout your O.D.
Heard bout your messy divorce (Yoko No. 16)...

(Help me here, brother/fill in "da blanks"/not
 to be confused with one of mah fave
 bands/old enough to be your grand-kids?)

...From Life, UUUU went to live in the desert/campagnia.
Uhuh? And U never came back:
 Rock & Roll Oblivion.

...As for the Canzone? The song? Your
"Lend me $20!" in the key of A minor?
 -I get asked by new kids all the time.

I reply: I dunno, Man. Ask your Momma;
 ya Mommie should know...

c 2015/DELACROIX/off to Sicilly...:)

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