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Saturday, January 4, 2025

OUR MAN in EUROPE/now BELIZE, Dave Delacroix (a.k.a. david michael oxley esq.): "The Mariachi!" (Bandolero)

 Our Man in Europe, Dave Delacroix: The Mariachi!

(Dedicato: Jason Eklund/Bandolero-his CDs on Utube)

The Mariachi!

The STAB, the POKE, the GIG, the stroke, the hug, the KISS, the digital MISS, that wish, YOUR INNER that goes, not beyond a laptop/phone message, a SMILE, Chanel No.5, a memory in psycho-whoosits, may as well be AROMA-Cat food?

That LAMB CHOP, succulent in a photo, steaming FRIED-VEG, carrots and all, the thoughts U get, masturbating-frantically, when U try to remember, like birds coated in an Oil Tankers shipwreck, stuck in some seashore hell? Lament!?

The Wishbone, XMAS dinner, the blood of ANY Martyr U care to choose on a Cross, big "X", T-Bone crucifix, fashions change, the dialogue-weary, the outright desperation of AGE, from golden times, when a Dime was a Dime, songs-sung, lauded Mariachi, guitar, sombrero, smiling disappears?

O-LORDY, encore on Encores will the applause never end, the Plays debate of the Plays DEBATE before Act 111 is over, the costumes disrobed, the fevered brow, wan, the flower, BUBBLY popped! The adulations, crowd, the Fife, Drum-Timbrel, a Mariachi, out on his alley-ear? 

A LIMOSINE to carry a DREAM some place and ALL "groovies", Society's fleeting embrace; a torn WISDOM upon a face, dressed in Yesterday's rags, icons-tinsel, lines, cosmetics, souvenirs of mountebanck, Mariachi, engulfed by the highways once commanded?

Laid low the fervent Lover/Knight, subdued the Soldiers of the Night. Song begets Songs to wrench-sense from dark to light! A Mariachi to sing your tune? NET, radio, Vinyl, Jukebox, an echo, the whisky-dram from the next, cheap-ass motel room ...soundtracks your destiny.

c.davedelacroix, jan 2025/corozal-belize.

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