OUR MAN in EUROPE, Dave Delacroix, "The Year of the Snake."
WHO KNOWS your Love, that kick FOOT-pedal that drives U to disaster, LEARNING or despair? In Movies? Fritz Lang, Kurosaka, Fellini, Ingmar Bergman, Truffaut, Kid with the latest "Selfie"? My latest daydream!!?
Who knows your Love, in Japan CHINA, bloody Europe awash with UN-requited tales that cry "Mercy!" The year of the Snake, crawl, slither, pucker-up? Isolde-Abelard lost in dust. Romeo, Oh Romeo lend me your Cellphone!?
Who knows your Love, LOVE: that Stalker-emotion with a Sculptor's knife to carve the wrinkles on your brow? Brainwashed with Scriptures, Quaran's, Buddhistic religious chants make ROBOTS of us All! HAFIZ (Persia's Shakespeare-Poet), will Islam's zealots let his verses flow again?
Who SINGS of Loves residue that rests in your Soul to fester regrets, all the things that made U whole? CLASS_SYSTEM, India or England, Cricket, playing "the Game", Social repression? The RING U gave, did U get it back?
Who knew your LOVE on 42nd St., New York whoosis, Love's Song. When the new-year ball dropped, the YEAR of the SNAKE. 2025. HOPES kisses, time after time. Souls ROIL in tombs & graves, voices hoarse yet cannot be heard. A pre-paid dance: the year, LAMIA, within us the snake!
c.davedelacroix/david michael oxley, jan. corozal belize.
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