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Friday, June 28, 2024

Our Man in Europe/BELIZE, dave delacroix: WHISKY!!!

 Our Man in Europe/Belize, Dave Delacroix: "WHISKY!"

My memory-kid-City GONE!!! Old friends, loves, history, some died, some died INSIDE, or refugees, still-life shells, Lamia-shed skins of their promise; great BOO-GA-LOO, but WHISKY don't change?

My DREAMS, PHEW!? Not even a breeze ALLOHA! Still the wild wind blows and that KISS-memory, success/failure rattles day/nights cage but WHISKY, on STAGE? U got it!? A lipstick KISS to brand U into Hamlet's Elsinore.

c.june,2024, davedelacroix,corozal, belize.

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