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Thursday, June 20, 2024

OUR MAN in Europe/BELIZE, Dave Delacroix/a.k.a David Michael Oxley: "The marrow in your bones."

 Our Man in Europe/Belize, Dave Delacroix: "The marrow in your Bones."

It's always TOUGH when your DICK falls off & rudderless, back-up WIT fails U at the FARM-Auction Disco or what pitiful marketplace U frequent? It's always tough.

It's always a RUIN, travelling when U R NOT a "Traveller" UN-knowing just HOW to Hitch-hike, crash Pads-Kharma, steal lose change off the Dresser, bang up your Hosts willing daughter? There's always something?

It's always TOUGH when U DENY a FELLOW STRANGER hospitality, kick-Em off the couch, deny a cold night's needful comfort. It's WRETCHED when U can't explain? It beggars' belief!?

It's always TOUGH when U find (your) THAT gig, hanging ON by your fingertips to CONFESS U R still hanging on at the EDGE of Lifes CLIFF, a song of your Yesteryears, the marrow in your bones? 

It's always WICKED when U achieve a KIND of goal, yet no crowd roared, no-one, not even YOU noticed. Tickets SOLD folks, the madding crowd dispersed, a TROPHY looking for forgiveness? Just YOU come out, fists-akimbo, frosted in the Tropics!!!

C. Dave Delacroix/David Michael Oxley, Corozal-Belize, june 2024.

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