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Friday, June 28, 2024

Our Man in Europe/BELIZE, dave delacroix: WHISKY!!!

 Our Man in Europe/Belize, Dave Delacroix: "WHISKY!"

My memory-kid-City GONE!!! Old friends, loves, history, some died, some died INSIDE, or refugees, still-life shells, Lamia-shed skins of their promise; great BOO-GA-LOO, but WHISKY don't change?

My DREAMS, PHEW!? Not even a breeze ALLOHA! Still the wild wind blows and that KISS-memory, success/failure rattles day/nights cage but WHISKY, on STAGE? U got it!? A lipstick KISS to brand U into Hamlet's Elsinore.

c.june,2024, davedelacroix,corozal, belize.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

OUR MAN in Europe/BELIZE, Dave Delacroix/a.k.a David Michael Oxley: "The marrow in your bones."

 Our Man in Europe/Belize, Dave Delacroix: "The marrow in your Bones."

It's always TOUGH when your DICK falls off & rudderless, back-up WIT fails U at the FARM-Auction Disco or what pitiful marketplace U frequent? It's always tough.

It's always a RUIN, travelling when U R NOT a "Traveller" UN-knowing just HOW to Hitch-hike, crash Pads-Kharma, steal lose change off the Dresser, bang up your Hosts willing daughter? There's always something?

It's always TOUGH when U DENY a FELLOW STRANGER hospitality, kick-Em off the couch, deny a cold night's needful comfort. It's WRETCHED when U can't explain? It beggars' belief!?

It's always TOUGH when U find (your) THAT gig, hanging ON by your fingertips to CONFESS U R still hanging on at the EDGE of Lifes CLIFF, a song of your Yesteryears, the marrow in your bones? 

It's always WICKED when U achieve a KIND of goal, yet no crowd roared, no-one, not even YOU noticed. Tickets SOLD folks, the madding crowd dispersed, a TROPHY looking for forgiveness? Just YOU come out, fists-akimbo, frosted in the Tropics!!!

C. Dave Delacroix/David Michael Oxley, Corozal-Belize, june 2024.

Monday, June 17, 2024

OUR MAN in EUROPE/BELIZE, "Panama (hat) in Bed.", dave delacroix/david michael oxley.

 OUR MAN in Europe/BELIZE, dave...the dude abides w/throat cancer.

S-Always TOUGH when your LEGIONS (Body) desert U yet aging genetics WILL prevail & leastways your LIBIDO prevails, Inter-Net PORN or a tropical Summer's Day will vanquish ALL Barbarian thoughts, dreams or rupture? Ask any TRUMP or sinking ship?

WHO, if U cried out would save U with bad credit, NO friends or a withering Blackmail Scheme, the ONE U got against GOD, speaking of which, have U RE-charged that particular battery: done something GOOD lately?

It's never too late to quit masturbating.

c.dave delacroix. Rotting with Throat Cancer, smoking, drinkin VINO; death, dominion, and git sum!! No worries. WISDOM circles our Kharma.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

OUR MAN in Europe, dave delacroix/a.k.a David Michael Oxley: "LADY from Cadiz."

 OUR MAN.....Dave, as usual"" "The Lady from Cadiz."

My GAL from CADIZ, cross-bordered Gibraltar and SERVED Paella. Fandango, GAETO, spun me my WALLET till, whatever was left?

 I didn't care. MY GAL AMORATI, nuzzled my NOSE in her breasts, SWORE eternal CANZONE and AFTER Sex I believed all the rest! 

MY GAL, Grande-Amore, we forgot her ROOTS where the GYPSY culture couldn't REACH, but Cultural-GYPSY MAFIOSA killed her at me feet?

My GAL from CADIZ, her SONG is not ALONE. SOUTH of the White Cliffs of DOVER Me-Boys, better leave this ROMANCE alone!

c.june, 2024. Belize.

Our Man in Europe/Belize/still gotta Pulse: 2024: The Last Crusader.

 OUR MAN in Europe/Belize, Dave Delacroix/Davd Michael Oxley...aged 68: The Last Crusader

BUGS GOTTA CLUE when U R fading, ask any Black Widow with a BUICK-6 or on highway 666 South of Durango, Colo, lookin DEEP into New Mexico, misty-morning, GEO-monuments rising like CITADELS, illusive, a Conquistadors El Dorado, headin' South 50-1000 miles to go like a Lover's HEART, un-requited, far from the Plaza with LOTUS, food, wine, an elixir of Coffee beans, a Tamale, GUITAR! Or all the things a CONQUISTADOR seeks? Poor Man. Poor ARMOR. Poor BIBLE that's pages ROT in the humidity, eating flesh a'la "creepy-crawlies" as we REJOIN in culture-tunes, "Stairway to Heaven (LED ZEP), Blowin in the Wind (Bob D.), I wanna hold yr hand (Beatles), or CRUSADER -Biblical Psalms, songs of DESPERATIONN? God knows even in Mexico? Bloody MUSLIMS!?....YAAAA! BUGS gotta Clue. In Shah Allah!!!....The Last Crusader!

c. dave I wrote this. Here's my FINGER!!!!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Our Man in Belize, dave Delacroix: "WIRCHA-WAY WIND!"

 I saw U go

U left me a note

on the witcha-way wind

U promised our love would never end

on the witcha-way wind

U healed my wounds, U made me whole, U kissed my soul

On the witcha-way-wind.

U saw me rise, u saw me fail

U saw a LIFE, but not to share

U grew & grew in my mind's eye

on the witcha-wind where love can die.

and Holy Man or wise man sing

love's-like upon the wing

O poorly love, or man & wife

on witcha-wing flight

to do or die.

c.2024. dave delacroix, Yo!

OUR Dude in Belize, dave delacroix: "TOBACCO!"


Our Dude in Belize, aged 68, dave Delacroix: "Tobacco!"

TOBACCO on the bedsheets, Vino-stains, once in a while a sliver of a lipstick-mascara kiss, a pout, a distinction or a get-out TAXI to take U out of here without your suitcase to Montmartre's steps?

WHO cries for Lover's-bereft, that fragile heart SCREAMING?

TOBACCO on the bedsheets, Vino-whatever stains-whatever! Souvenirs, the sweat, death's caresses of all our yesterdays...We draw mind's Helicopter shadows whilst smoking, gazing at the ceiling fan... DANCING long after we R gone?

Our man in BELIZE, dave delacroix, loves labor lost,2024, June in bloom. Yo!