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Friday, December 31, 2021

Our Man in Belize, dave Delacroix, No:105, the Great Silk Road.

 Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 105, the Great Silk Road.

I AM THE GHOST of the Old great, Silk Road; my Canvasarai transpired into eternity, the Marco Polo's so many, who graced the Court of the Great Khan, the Commerce-Passports with which we enjoined, to Europa, Australasia, ALL were dynamic to what WE know as U & Me; Merchants, Lovers cast upon the seven seas?

I am a Ghost, a PROPHET, of all U know, the words of wisdom which U now, perhaps enjoy, deify or DEFY to wage WAR, that gristle in LOVE'S Meat which U abhor and wrap-TARTAR on your impetuous saddle as U invade that which U cannot own nor covet in your death?

I am the GHOST of the Old Silk Road. I shiver, WHISPER, shudder all that U will... and pray, on that long, long journey, that  journey's end, the HEART U left behind...will find U again?

I AM THE GHOST of the ORIGINAL Old great Silk Road; My splendour, like stars in the night, testament my grateful humility. A Canvasarai in a sandstorm-Mongolian desert. Wrought with turmoil/Angst! My grit. And my ancient resolve! The Great Silk Road. Memory hovers; as for my lost love, I await her where I lie,

c.2021/31 dec. 2021/davedelacroix.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Our Man in Belize, Dave Delacroix, No: 104: "Mississippi Queen!"

 OUR MAN in BELIZE, Dave Delacroix, No: 104; MISSISSIPPI QUEEN

(apres MOUNTAIN/Band...for Marc Pierson)

YOWSA, there goes my BRAIN, arms & legs sure to follow; the ONLY WOMAN I EVER LOVED culled me into a TOLSTOY Cull-evermore! What could go WRONG/what was EVER to go wrong, the bad-twitch of my heart, the TREMOLO of a genius thought? 

How/just did I become Love's BAD BASTARD where Pappas/COUSINS/6 generations LATER still wanna GROUND my Soul into dirt? Surely, I wasn't that bad? Surely, I too had a heart? Tradition is ONE thing but a CURSE; we gotta talk?

Sweet 16 and SPLENDOUR-in-the-grass, they made a movie; the GAL an emotional victim, bloody SALLY straddled my ass!?

Must-a been tough METABULIZING-SEXUALLY in the Cities; Country-matters, no such scruples; Natures call. Nature, free!?....No Country for Tee-total-ers or obsessed Sanitary/Non-smoking Pads!? The STENCH of ARISTOCRACY whisps through Social-Cannablism: English garden Parties/grinding dentures! 

A le recherche du temps perdu; SHE was my Mississippi Queen and I was her Mississippi Gamblin'Man. 1960's Yorkshire, England. I played CRICKET and she laundered my Whites! (Spell bloody MSSI!)

And NOW, on death's door, MELLANOMA, or "failed-Dick-Syndrome", I worry History with this epistle like all good Poet's should; thinking the Chain-Smoking/whisky-slugging ANGELS smile?

c.2021, dave delacroix. Fuck U WOKE-folks!!!!....late nite post.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

OUR MAN in BELIZE, No: 103: dave delacroix: OLD Belize Music Man!


Our Man in Belize, No:103: dave delacroix: Old Belize Music Man!

I ran into an Old Music Man in Corozal-Belize, long ago in a Seaman's tavern; outside of playing a Hand-Accordion; he told me many love stories, I thought they were just  a wheeze..?

Just ONE-MORE Senorita, just one more Belle-de-jour, just one more English Rose just one more Belladonna...Just one more BOOGALOO, Yo Babe It's only U; my one and only True, my love's heart!?...Drunken words to that effect?

He didnt beat about the bush, his SEVENTY years or more, a Gentleman never discloses intimacies, this old boy never closed the door? And I soon became exhausted with all the tales he'd tell and if we'd never meet again I'm sure he'd go to Hell!? But his "encounters" countered for something more? Leastways, his Stories, I listened?

How he captured, off CAYE-something, a Pirate's ship, delivered twelve maidens to BELIZE CITY, drank toasts with all and HAD everyone? Or serviced IN-fertile Captains gals/kept a low profile? Bed posts were CARVED, not by HIM, but by his Initials!? Songs were SUNG/quickly outlawed? Gallant Gals resorted to Convents or shipped back to Portugal?...

He died  in Corozal, age 75; and I was ASKED to identify his Corpse, a worn out "thing" they had upon mortician's a slab; but out of my EYE I noticed a "Squirrel" activity, centre-corpis beneath the Medic blanket, I guess he still had something to say: All Men have regrets?....

Just one more Senorita, just one more belle-du jour, just one more English Rose which the ORIENTALS wish to score? Just one more  Ebony Queen, just one more Boogaloo; that Belladonna, the angler's dream; or BUT the one that got away!?

c.2021.davedelacroix. ourmaninbelize.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

OUR MAN in BELIZE, No: 102: "The Finger."


When the finger on da button CUTS OFF your Internet/ Telephone Call, same FINGER wags at U and says; "We're done?" When the finger of YOUR LIFE raises A VOTE but no-one see's it, the FINGER U waGGED TO SAY, "i'M DROWNING!?"

When the FINGER indicated; a GAL says "NO!?" or the FINGER that's stuck in your craw, but U don't KNOW just how to deal with it? That figure-TAIWAN, to CHINA sayin LEAVE DEMOCRACY ALONE; how do U stop their fighter-jets intrusion Zone? Invasion or RAPE of Nan-King?

When the FINGER points at RUSSIA or the USA; how anyone of YOU gets the GIG: Let's leave each other ALONE, and the FINGER, that INNER FINGER, wagged by INNER GOVERMENT "Sswines", lookin for  Promotion? That Reptilian Osmosis in EVERY Government, left UN-checked, for too long?

When the FINGER wraps itself round a YAMAKA, a BURKA, a noble Arab-head-dress; who cries ALLAH to shed blood, the Prophet of Peace? "NOT!" -says U know WHO!?....Mohamed. By  all accounts, a dude with whom U could, maybe not drink a Brewski, but have a good "Chin-wag"!?

WHEN THE FINGER grasps CONTROL of ALL men's logic, OUT of Man's Control, just WHO in CHINA, land of Eternal Peace, will apologize: When the FINGER on the button starts WORLD WAR 3!...

The FINGER my Lady traces across my naked breast writes POETRY, more than MAN can say?...

c.2021, dave delacroix, belize.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Our Man in BELIZE, dave delacroix: No: 101: Kitchen Floor.

Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 101: "Kitchen Floor."

dedicato: Michael Durliat, esq.

A LONG DAYS DRINKING into night, that reservation, that residual of broken streaming, the O.K. Coral of your AWOKEN, where ghosts, nightmares wanna strut their stuff and the LIFE-REWIND tape of your memories come at U with a CLUB or inject yesterdays GUILT, the bum deals ya made with a Countess, a Society Belle, maybe a HORSE ya loved, a Maid?

A long days DRINKING, nobody who CARES would give a hoot without a Bill-fold, maybe a 2 week reputation, a clean pair of pants, or last nights hash-brown U can hold? And NOBODY loves U, seems like the last thing that CARED was the DOG U left on the Plantation, got wild, shot long ago? Remind me; Battle of Waterloo?

A long days WHOOSIT, EGO in control; beat down with RAGE then say "SORRY" for one or 2 days which don't even wear THIN in REALITY town, no babe wants to KNOW U when the money runs out and the CAPOS, Taxi, Valet, WIPE-YA-ASS groupies?

I wonder, wonder for THEM and U? 

A long days Drinking. Some COUSIN sent U a telegram from New York. Your "entourage" all a-glee but slipping on the hash-house kitchen floor!....Somehow U come clean.

c.2021`, dec. davedelacroix.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Our Man in BELIZE, No: 100: "How I lost mah EDEN Virginity."

 Our Man in Belize, No: 100: "How I lost mah EDEN Virginity."

.....IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT, the MATE said, "Its Alright!" Fortunately, in the Bay of COROZAL -BELIZE, the ship's BOSUN had a MACHETE and HAS I was wearing flannel trousers/pantalone, when the "SWARBY Knave" had ETON-COLLEGE intentions/pre-quest-ANNAL-rights of passage to a GIG in the UK CIVIL SERVICE, had \Obviously been exercising his REMONSTRANCE PENIS on the Belizean Natives, 5$ BZD a half hour, naturally, what could I say; Personally, I was SAFE? Yuk faggot City? And, sleepy-ME; just when I thought I'd found EDEN?....HELL in EDEN: UPS. No worries. SHIT DELIVERS!!!....Where's U at Christopher Columbus!???...The LAST HETRO! ...Overseas-Faggots in BELIZE abound!...PUKE!...Targeting, like EPSTEIN, the innocent?...Shoot on sight!!!!..How I LOST my TOLERANCE for ......U fill in da blanks!


OUR Man in Belize, No: 99: WE ALL get to Die

OUR MAN in Belize, No:99: WE ALL get to die

WE ALL get to DIE, rich or poor, worthless or COOL, pretty ladies ALL in a row, the Attitude-Gentlemen, flipped at their GIG. Heroes, Heroines, Loves-lost, that ALAMO; mortality encroaches and kisses U goodbye?

WE ALL GET the big-kahuna; COVID/OMICROM, what a PISSER just when we figured the LOTTERY; its ONLY the numbers ya gotta figure: Numero-zero? YOURS? (Sniff?)

WE ALL GET TO CROAK; how'd ya wanna go? In a War-time Trench, hitch-hiking across SIBERIA, or in the arms of your MILANO-babee asking if U want an extra glass of Milk?

We all get to Croak, DIE, mostly, miserably. Surprise?

c.2021, dave delacroix; in Milan with a Milkshake.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Our Man in WHEREVER, No: 98: Jonathan Swift's Curse!


Our Man in Where Ever/BELIZE, No: 98: Jonathan's Swift Curse!

WHAT  FACEBOOK don't SHARE your whims N' wiles, your "memes", your kisses, grunts, your Inter-net UNCTION; which ANGEL cries out for U? Kiss, happy, SAD  or whatever? Is your LOVED ONE in despair, or hanging in the OUBLIET of psyberspace, that kiss-remembered? Last year by the Factory Wall, last GROPE on a Cambridge Pont, last GIG, faggots too, that got your last very BRITISH promotion?

1) Operation Madeleine; despite CAPTURED Girl  AGENTS morse coding back to LONDON, missing INTENTIONAL code-omisions, HQ responded, don't forget to INCLUDE the Omissions? Agents subsequently executed by German-Nazis.

2) The CHARGE of the LIGHT BRIGADE./ZULU movie Perfect Military DISASTERS. Bodies for HUMAN BLOOD.


Strange? Today? I cannot SHARE ANYTHING on Facebook! Fricking Chinese? ....Maybe nearer to HOME so my BUTCH Gals/Bros insinuate?.... JONATHAN SWIFT curse?... Gulliver's Travels; The SECRET or the DISCIPLINE: Which END do you crack a Boiled Egg!?

c2021, dave delacroix.

Friday, December 10, 2021

OUR MAN in BELIZE, dave delacroix, No:97: DEAD GUY.

 OUR MAN in BELIZE, dave delacroix, No: 97: Dead Guy..

WHEN U GOT TO DIE, amazingly, more than expected, people came out of the Woodwork. Old Paramours, old Loves, dudes who owed U MONEY, quashed debts on your DEATH but paid their "respects"...this was in England"? People flew in, not in SPITFIRES, but nevertheless wanted to commemorate/make sure U were dead; it was that kind of whoosit?

WHEN U GOT TO DIE, predictably, that Fashionista-SALSA, U had trolled Latin Countries. At the APRES-DEAD-DUDE gathering at the "CROWN", nearest pub to dead body grave there were MANY "OLES", "AUGURI-BASTARDO!" and "SLANGE", your Irish Banshees (all 2) who had trolled U on the Internet/lost contact in Bulgaria when u ran off with a Gal called "IFFY"?

At the "Reception "IFFY" (showed up) blurted out YOU were NOT DEAD; Moms and "serious Aunts" went into paroxysms, Tuxedoed Pall-bearers tried to keep a straight-face? -they knew your "Ways"? But the Multitudes, the MEDIA were a tad conflicted on as how to...after 6 jovial single malt whiskies...to proceed? Texting was, at least, hurried and confused?

Somebody FAMOUS croaks; wotchagonnado? WHERE's da MONEY? Film-maker?

When U gotta DIE, sometimes, choiceless. We ALL go at some point, maybe, 2021, a 70 year round ticket? Anyhow, "IFFY" cast dispersions on the deceased "mortem-actual". NEWS, to my dismay and it got out? Everyone wanted to INVEST in his residuals and, technically, ensure his eternity. Still ALIVE!?

 This really pissed me OFF because I knew for a fact I'd STABBED the sonofabitch through the heart 2 weeks earlier and chucked his corpse in the river Lithe in Dublin?....

c.dave delacroix, corozal-belize.

Our Man in Belize, Dave Delacroix: No:96: Iguana Breakfast!

OUR MAN in BELIZE, Dave Delacroix, No: 96: Iguana Breakfast!

ALL WE DID was make excuses, blame it on the OTHER guy, his MOTHER, or the KID? All we did was whine and SHRIEK, that BETRAYAL our Inner God from whom we cannot fail, a Lawyer or 2 to make it sOOO so smooth? I didn'a DO IT; must'a bin U? Nobody ever gets to know the truth. Every body Lies!

ALL WE DID was follow OUR JUST GREED, the one the DEVIL gives U to ensure your COLD FEED which, according to Charles Darwin (Charlie?), the Iguanas eat (cold feed), stuff  it down then sit on a hot ROCK and the stuff COOKS in their reptile belly?...Pity TRUTH?...And just where it comes out...nobody wants to know.

c.2021, dave delacroix. Corozal-Belize.

OUR MAN in BELIZE, dave delacroix, No:95: MARLOWE, Private Dick; R.I.P.

Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 95: MARLOWE, Private Dick, R.I.P.

When Private Detective P. MARLOWE died WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE turned in his grave; COPS, FRAILS, HOODS, Pimps, OLD LIQUOR Hollywood SISTAS fumbled for a Single Malt? Faggots galore, renegade BANKERS on the run, the iconic FUGITIVE in search of a one=armed-Ivy-League FRAUD masquerading as your Mother-s Uncle sans/wearing Lanvin No.11: the only lipstick a porter on the Sunset-Limited Amtrak train would Closet-wear inside a rail-cubicle? Carey Grant, maybe, North by Northwest!...Asking for a GIBSON?

WHEN DICKSTER-PEEPSTER Phillip Marlowe bit the hard shoulder of an Under-developed San Fernando Valley 405 OFF-ramp, CITIZENS munching down at the BIG EATS DINER, the adjacent Drive-In movie lot, that pseudo-English Tudor Motel/drug store when prophalactics cost more than a 30 minute room, only the Pontiac Valet would have given a damned if he hadn't been murdered by the Hat-Check Gal who in-turn was murdered by the French Concierge? The Organization? City Hall?  Better results than Betty Ford!

When scumbag-PEEPER Marlowe, once KNOWN to hover in exalted circles; Bel-Air, Beverly Whoosit, hosted by Hollyweirds finest as a puppet-on-a-string, like GATSBY'S minions, but IN L.A. they play for keeps, every dual-annual generation of talent, scum, STARS, plus scum agents who value "sang-froid"; blood for Gold Bars and/or who muddies the KISMET, the showcase Cocktail bar, mixed IN a little too much ragamatoo 

 (Marlowe, what WERE U thinking?) or deprives the slavish GUTS of the Voyeur-Audience-locusts?" Crime murmurs! Crime Cicadas! Then: Ring-ring! Ring-Ring!"..."Sorry; this is Charlene? No. Mr Marlowe, right now, is out of the Office!...Would U like to leave a message?... He never ASKS for Names and Numbers?..."

c.2021, davedelacroix, corozal-belize.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Our Man in Belize/HOLLYWOOD, No:94: NO WOKE in Hollywood, Manh!"


SOMETIMES THAT JOCKEY JEWISH TALENT AGENT can't help U? Certainly, U don't want HIM/DYKE bulldog to put U in bed at night? U R s-posed to HAVE ONE, every which way, so the WILLIAM-MORRIS AGENCY says? But DOES HE/Miss Shapiro have to crawl into your bed like a PIKANESE, some bird to be fed? Not paying RENT and every Night, audition, auditions?

NOEL COWARD: Don't put your Gentiles on the STAGE Mrs Worthington!

I'm getting pretty tired about THE JEWS. Bloody MUSLIMS too? If I run across a BHUDDIST he's getting a PIZZA in his MUSH! Last I heard nobody was Nobody as the World turns? Traditions/Attitudes R TEN-a-penny! Rampant TALENT must be crushed less " leetle" Agents lose their jobs? In Hollywood? ...KIBUTZ. ....Must I lose my foreskin? HOLLYWOOD.....IS...RASCIST......AGENTS......No WOKE in Hollywood, Manh!? The SLIVER. S-what U get. SLIVER? 

If U have $100. ZOOM!!!....Do U know the way to San Jose?

I wandered lonely as a cloud. Must I leave my foreskin on Sunset & Vine?

No worries. Untouched! I wrote a Song!

c.2021: dave delacroix; EXECO: William-Morris AGY: John PTECK where R U!!!...

OUR MAN in BELIZE, dave delacroix, No: 93: The Sailor's Widdah!

 OUR MAN in Belize, No: 93: : The Sailor's Widdah!

The SAILOR'S WIDDAH from shore to shore, Atlantic swell or Pacific ROAR, the last thing that her Sailor Man would YORE has he watched his shipmates washed over board?

The Sailor's WIDDAH, that lonely gal ..who now sings songs about HER brave young Man ,who plied the Seas for Gold, for LORE, and sent back his story to the Widdah, Miss Eleanor.

The Sailor's WIDDAH, bewitch some say? A JONAH, if love comes a Sailor's way? And yet she carries in her womb, the promise of that Sailor's wound?

Ashore-ashore; Writers-galore!? My Eleanor; gone from thee? The cruel Sea took it all away from me.

c.2021. davedelacroix, corozal-belize.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

OUR MAN in BELIZE, No: 92: The (Berliner) ORCHESTRA.

 OUR MAN in BELIZE: No: 92: The (Berliner) ORCHESTRA

Like NONE, like MOST, 1933, the ORCHESTRA:

Strings: Ludbecker hated Schaff. Never paid him for new Violin strings. Horsehair bow? Unpaid. Artist debts are unforgiveable. NEVER borrow a book. Only LEND it with a Deposit! Musical stuff? Like stealing someone's Soul? Musicians DO this on a daily basis. Welcome to Hollywood?

More Strings: Lachnau hated Schneider because he'd banged up his daughter, the happy-go-lightly-Fraulein Sally/bosom, economy size? A likely Quartet? Lachnau had married Schneiders Mother (?)...Quartet?

Woodwind: THIS gets interesting? Fabio and Deiter, Flute and Clarinet; never to be re-united after HELMUT (Basoon) refused to engage in a musical menage de trois chamber music project; Unlikely you ask, but true? Chamber Pots were THROWN!...Ask the Landlady! Songs of New Colon!!!

HORNS: Herr Valmach & Herr WEISDORF, both portending to be actual DUKES were locked in horns at first sight? Horns-primeavel: tuba, cornet, trombone; a TRUMPAH internectiscide. Orchestral Canabilism! Cafe Weimar barred all 3 of them! Lonely-tuxedoed, mustachioed strasse-Olden...now senile?

PIANO GAL; Jewish missfit, Mutter-Gutter-Maria. Prone to nose bleeds on the ivories? Age 58. Berlin born & bred. Sexless. Known throughout Charlottenburg; no Giggilo had a chance? Or maybe...Gerontaphalia? Choices? Piano lessons?

Conductor: ZANTS van Heppleheimer, from Hollande. Conducted a few Fritz Lang movie soundtracks. Considered a "failed-failed", but NOT HE -he said? The KONIG of KREUSBERG with his above stella ORCHESTRA he bored the Tears out of the Tiergarten and more but became a temporary legend and the toast of der UBer-Volks on the KU-DAMM with "der leider": "Liselle uber mein Ass", orchestrated.....in 1933 Nazi Germany. 

NOBODY in the ORCHESTRA survived the Nazis holocaust  but I like to think, when ever I hear an old Tea Garden Party/minimum Park Orchestration that their INNER-GIG, joys, fits and potential hopes RESOUND in History...I sing of THEM less there is only silence.

c.2021, davedelacroix, corozal-belize. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

OUR MAN in BELIZE: dave delacroix, No: 91: "QUO VADIS?"

 OUR MAN in BELIZE: Dave Delacroix: No: 91: "QUO VADIS?"

Quo VADIS and other bloody road signs I've ignored? That bloody road sign/HEART-sign; who cries for the miss-directed FOOL who WADDLES into oblivion? The WORLD is FLAT so I sail, being ABLE to afford a MERCEDEZ-BENZ to drive off the WORLD'S frickin edge, and why not? I gotta coupl'a extra BUCKS, lines of COCAINE, two blonde RUSSKI Bimbos who'll go with me, why shouldn't I prove...the fastest way to CATHAY is in your HEAD? Chinese fricks don't give a damned/happy for the Yankee Dollar? Who would'a guessed the GLOBE would have become a CHINESE Laundry?...MUSLIMS in Concentration Camps! Even the JEWS are REALLY pissed off!!!...lol....(Please? NO woke.) Quo Vadis?

c.dave delacroix, 2021, corozal-belize.