"D&D": "Da Poodle."
...Another grey day in the USA - the TRIAL was at at a standstill. ADA Goldstein (Afro-American) was non-plussed which was not unusual.. The Judge? -fast asleep. The PERP's (Defendent) Attorney, Smith & Jones, wondrin' bout re-newing his BILLY-MORRIS TALENT AGENCY, Publicist contract, was vaguely interested. His fee? $200 per hour, but no luncheon expenses. The PERP? -Quite innocent.
The L.A. Times too had reservations, not only at restaurants Granitas and Spagoes, but couldn't opinionate at this point and didn't want to get SUED. "Sue" was the defendent. The Perp. She looked like Paris Hilton, but penniless. It was Trial-buster City! Did this Angelica, this GAL "poison" 10 people at the Malibu home of Wanda Duisberrg della Camarri or was she a PAZZI for the...
"D&D", nudged by the locals at the Santa Monica Hell Factory (division of LAPD), gave the matter some thought.
1) 10 VICS. Death by OD Amphetemain-rock Candy-Mountain.. .from KNOWN connection, Dr. Walspurgis, Sue's Uncle.
2) Dr Walpurgis had commited suicide. No chance of a statement.
3) Tenuous relationships with dead VICS. They argued fiercely over who was going to pay for PIZZA delivery! Ha-ha!
4) Malibu Catering staff heard altercation - swear on a "stack" - that it was MEAN.
5) Wanda-Duisberrg' Poodle dog, first victim - brief diagnosis - accordingly - "Dog croaked!".
6) In-house C.C.T.V. shows Poodle-dog meandering around guests lounging on floor with snacks and drinks.
7) Miracle of miracles! Poodle-dog revives. wags stubby tail, declairs hunger: "WOOF!-WOOF!"
It's a NO-BRAINER. "D&D", with C.C.T.V. evidence nails "Poodle-Dog" as MASS-KILLER. Apparently, Wanda-Duisberrg della Camarri had a "private stash". Ze ol' Poodle, well trained - party trick - s'posed to hand it out in his caninnies. YUP. Over Zealous. Still; benevolent. Case closed. Wanda bequeathes her millions to Poodle-dog. Poodle - and D&D, having saved her from the GALLOWS, pays D&D a lavish fee; adopts Poodle Dog.
This shit happens in Hollywood every 4th of July. Like justice for janitors.
c 2015/davedelacroix/Palermo-Sicily.
Travels/adventures of Dave Delacroix...saying "HELLO!" to the people we meet...And NOW featuring Non sequential excerpts from my new Book, MENU FOR MURDER. The D-tects name is D and D. Biz goin down in L.A., USA!
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