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Friday, June 29, 2018

Our Man in Europe...GASPIN FOR AIR IN A BOSCHE GAS ATTACK.....The Selfies.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix>... The Selfies.

The SELFIE in the 1914/18 WAR, in the trenches, this mans leg, a French man-s arm, a Yorkshire man-s HEAD, a Germans foot pulsating with blood, twinkle, twinkle little star. A Mother, Wife, Kids, whatever close friends, Karl/Heinz, the departed, but for a war time photograph, almost a SELFIE, on the battlefield. A last shot of Guilt! A SELFIE of who we ARE.
Now SO faraway, but for a SELFIE.
Somebody took on the role of a Righteous GUILT.

DO not go gently into THIS Goodnight. 3 Piece Camouflage suit  from Gieves and Hawkes, Saville Row, London, the preferred Tailor of Cambridge Spies. At best, flog the Vecchio Aristocracy who have Usurped this ENGLAND and now left ordinary, tax paying folks....who PAID with Money and BLOOD  in War ... to DEAL with an IMMIGRANT INFLUX.....CONTROLLED by Indus, Muslims, threatening the long time, barely sufferable Brit Class system....The Monkey holding the WRENCH!O Jerusalem, where have U gone ...and the BBC, otherwise known as Israeli Occupied Territory. Its enough to make U want to MIGRATE to Lebanon-s left bank, a toilet Rive Gauche!...

NO genius for SELFIES. on D/DAY, June 6th, 1944 when 19 years old kids, instead of getting to first base,, their first KISS, running  amok with young German lads. BANG!  Blood and GUTS! Brits, Canadian, American.....Young folks who answered their Nations call. Not too many Selfies were retrieved from the bodies, swaying this way, that, on the Normandy beaches red tide.

Last of the SELFIES, somebody, ALWAYS, wishing for more, maybe outside of War and Peace, my Waiter at Café Vittorio Emanuele, his SELFIE, his posh, push, importance... as I am of no consequence, this side of Paradise. And-OR THIS side of Midnight where a ragged Soul can reek vengeance....as it can  will...but only from the SKY in a tubular Selfie Obliuete.

And NOW on the banks of the river Seine, SELFIE City! U and Me. Me and U. And all the butter on our bread that Man and Beast can chew. My fathers, my Brothers CRY from generations past is still not buried, and neither is there a SELFIE to capture their SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...ONLY when we Dance!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix......ONLY when we Dance!

Shuffle/shuffle, moochi MOO, Za Za Zabgoo, Boogaloo! Stuff we used to DO, left of centre, instride out, a hat trick, bow, double cartwheel, lingerie en show!
Can I TALK to U... LINE DANCE BABY, can I catch U a while....Will U lend me your HEART, if not, 20 Bucks-will DO jest fine< as U can see...I-m in Love, just NOT in Love with U. OH!!! THERE goes my HEART with some screwball. He-s poorer than me, but off to lie on the beach, the sand and the breath of the sea.
I -ll get over it. U Betcha! The Damned Gig!

Shuffle Boogie. Slavery is Eternal. Slavery is Eternal. But ONLY when we Dance!


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, Songs, 1 to 5, Clitoris West of the Pecos!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix, songs, 1 to 5, WEST OF THE PECOS!

*dedicato. Rex Moser.


O.....OOOOO.....Sweet Serena, U R the BLACKOUT of my Love, I cannot remember when, my nose bleeds have BEEN so bad. Oh sweet Serena, is it YOUR Life, it is MINE, sweet Serena....U HOLD my Life. Pass da goddamn tissues!!!
O SWEET Serena, on the Euphrates banks, U hold my life in your hands...

2...Swing/Swing. dance Maria, fiddle dat Violin, and ya boys will joy, West Coast AHOY, for everyone, join IN. Dance and GIG Rebecca, Lucy sing out Wild as ALL the DOGS in Gods clear Earth come running at the sound! And dont forget dat sweet INFAMY that suckles in your Soul.

3....I remember MAMMA. An East Coast Prairie tune, a busted husband, a bunch of uncles, Sistas, brothers, cousins, PEUBLO, some hole in Colorado, where a Gal...took her stand...and said, TIS A PRIVELEDGE to LIVE in COLORADO.... So FUCK U!!!!!!!!


C-mon now Misty, Misty, Misty, let the feelin come tru
I said YO Misty, Misty, Misty, can da feelin BE tru
Is there a MOMENT, Mojo, Mojo,
Is it UP to U
C-mon now Misty, Bela, Misty, I-m in Love with U.....


It  was ALWAYS tough, West of the Pecos, it always WAS, white boy with a Guitar, always, some how, on MY way to San Antoine, Brassos, Mescalinos, Madres with kids, giving me a Ford Truck hitch hiking ride...now the focus of the acceptable new Fascism....


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, Tucumcari to L.A., South of the Border...

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix, Tucumcari to L.A., South of the Border.

...... Mah NAME is Juan, my WIFE, Juanita, mah bambinos, their NAMES, do U want to know...came lookin for a JOB, a LIFE that aint hurtin, my name, Don Juan.... The head of my Family.
My name is JUAN, a cousin of Americanos from Tucumcari to L.A, South of the border.

My name is JUAN, my WIFE, Juanita, makes those Chilli beans and rice, Burritoes, Tacos, Fajittas, Enchiladas. And I got the Gold to open a Roadside Cantina/Diner. The KIDS, whose names U dont want to know...will wash the dishes and make all things so....

My Name is JUAN, my wife, Juanita. my kids, Lucia and Manuela. Americanos from Tucumcari to L.A.,  South of the border.....IN AN I.C.E. IMMIGRATION CAGE!!!!!

On God-s good EARTH who makes it So!....


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....SUCK my MOSEL and Fondle my RHINE.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix, .....SUCK my MOSEL or fondle my RHINE.

Capitalism IS Racism. Glad we agree. In Deutchland, in Germany, on the banks of the Rheingau where the good WEIN comes to be. The ROMANS made it and  2,000 years later, my friends and I get to get fucking up, a WEINACHT Konzert in some German Kibutz, a suite of rooms in some classic Wiesbaden Pallast, German Kaiser flair, with wine, we thought we-d gone to heaven, yet just suck my Mosel, suck, my Rhein, as young as we were...in the Rhinegau. A Bakers dozen, and  an extra bottle in every case!

Got their names on the tip of my tongue! The Vineyards! And Party Folks, Hashish smokers, hipsters, wont last long. I brought a Picante spice Jar, I set it on the table, invited one and all to sing my song. Gerwurtz, we sang, YO! and all day long to suck on their Mosel and fondle their Rhine. Poems, Guitars, faded Youth, years gone by, a challenge to UNearth ANY Truth...less a Song trickles out of your memory...

After many years a POKE from beyond. A call from UWE, a Rheingau Bruder. Hey Dave, I got married, come visit, good fellow!

Good Fellow. Alles klar! That HOOKER Pipe U chiselled out of a CHIANTI wine bottle was a work of Art!!!!

c2018,dave Delacroix,sciacca,sicily.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Our MaN IN eUROPE, DAVE DELACROIX....just wot u selling me!!!


Just what U selling...on a Saturday night, just what U selling on the beach in broad daylight, just what U R selling, I ain't hooked on U, just, what IS... U R selling> strange brew. And WHAT U R selling, least ways,  give me something I can cling to!
And at Days end, not a Soul insight. No Politician, no DO/gooder, no Banker, no LAWYER, no Doctor who can prescribe the antidote for all the LIES, the Judas Kiss, which, should U get to miss will still account for MY or YOUR Confession in the World-s great SOMEHOW!

Try to BEAT back your path to Virginity if U can!!! I WAIL this dichotomy on a weekly basis.

Just WHAT U R selling, day for night, just that PRISM, double take your light! Just what U R selling, not on MY horizon, just what U R selling, blow kisses to the SUN. Just what U R selling, not NOW and never WHEN...just SELL it to somebody ELSE..like just what U R saying, tonight.... Selling what never belonged!
Still... Showing UP with a Dom Perignon, Babee, wont get U favors, but it MIGHT get us drunk!


Saturday, June 16, 2018


oUR mAN IN Europe, DAVE DELACROIX, ....BY DA Time I GET TO phoenix 1 TO 3.

iN tuscon Arizona, OUTSIDE OF THE city, HAVE u EVER MADE LOVE IN THE COOL, 6.AM. I-ve heard it from Transients, I-ve heard it from drugged out Taxi drivers. I heard it from WACKO Spiritualists. NEVER from Gals who own Ground Coffee Shops where smoking a cigarette is a SIN, though they WILL park U a sandwich, give U eye contact, complain about the last RAINBOW Gathering. Too much nakedness and Gin.

Upstate California, I was invited to some VECCHIO hippy house, deep in the Red Woods. No beer. Just, YO! and Cheers. Couldn't WAIT to depart. Old Hippy Gal WARNED, I say, WARNED my driver, host, BETTER WATCH OUT FOR DAT GUY. HES EVIL!... Mio.

I met NINE/NAH in Pacific Palisades. Righteos middle aged Gal yet in the clutches of a Wanna/be Chef scum bag who had her enchantered, perhaps to this day... Back in the 1970s JIM MORRISON was her neighnour. HE FOLKED OFF to Paris, promptly DIED but left his pet dog, ascant. NINENAH had to try and adopt it. Couple of Meally Doggo brunchies. She RE named it George. One week later George commited suicide under the wheels of a Milk Truck. True story.

By the time U get to Phoenix these memories will be invisible. Nevertheless they are true, I say to U.

c2018,davedelacroix, Sciacca,siciy,june,2018.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, MENU for MURDER, MICHELIN STARS!!!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... MENU for MURDER....MICHELIN STARS!!!

Chef on Chef, Cook on Cook, cucina or kitchen, personal kitchen KNIVES fly like darts, Parisian Critique, Dijonais, Lyonais, Strasbourg, Alsace Penis! Medium or SERVED...Wiggly, do NOT hold da HORsES, the  radish saUce!!!
d.TECT. Arthur Lambardo....on Probation from GLASGOW P.D. sez. Let the  Waiter, Jean Luc, poor bugger GO!...out of his league, I guess. but experienced enough to nudge D and D from L.A., USA, surrounded by GAELIC drinkers, himself, wearing a VELCRO vest and WISHING  he was back in PALOOKAVILLE nevertheless had...like a GOOD Investigator...had a memory for Names, folks MURDERED,  in Paris, in NYC. Food poisoning. Questions.
Maestro Saucier... Smothered in 1000 Islands salad topping. No hope of resucitation. In the City of Lights.

In the SHADOW of celebrity Chef, TV Host Anthony TONY BOURDAIN-s suicide the Gastro Community goes thru some TRAUMA looking for a Resurgence, a re vitality, a Cucina Culinary Amphetamine ...looking for or dat A.B. star. Just WHO pissed in da SOUP, at LA COUPole Café, Tratt, Restaurant laced with Herbie Nightshade, some Belladonna,,,a coverlet of saute BRIE, a FONDU provided by an Unknown intelligent  HERB Aficionado or an Agent of the Michelin Blue.... Not probable. But D and D, private dd detective wouldn't just  dismiss  ANYTHING concerning  the  FASCIST arrogance of the  Michelin BLU Escargot!!!
Loire, Seine, luncheon Invitations. USA Poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti. All the Rivers I have known.... D and D sat by the banks of the Seurat river Seine. Gave it some thought.
Quite alone.

Back at  Cafe LA COUPOLE...dans Paris, D and D lavished praises on the Champignon de la Pries and  the Maitre-D finally broke down over a bottle of Poillet FUZEE and  the GLAZED LoBSTER. ...Killed his Lover! The Saucier! Age old fashioned. Old Waiter. Nubile Saucier. An Affair de Ceour. Manslaughter. MANS LAUGHTER!.... Not funny.  GAY!  For Gays too!... Gendarmes  showed UP, D n D skipped the Confessional, also the  Bill. La Coupole kept its Michelin Stars! Bon Appetite. Menu for Murder. MICHELIN Restaurant Stars Unaffected. The boulevards throng with tourists....
Yet perhaps the ghost of Theophile Gautier, from the 1820s.... wearing his famous Scarlet waistcoat,
is skipping along down the rue de Madelaine...wondering the imponderable...unlike the Nightshade of D and D, back on the beat, USA...looking for the kids, their faces on your Milk Carton. Some OTHER kind of Michelin Stars...

c2018,dave Delacroix, Montparnasse, Paris, France.

c2018, dave Delacroix, Sciacca, Sicily.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

D & D: "The Great Vino Conspiracy..."

D & D: "The Great VINO Conspiracy"

(...In England, France, Spain, Italy & Germany.)

BE-BOP-A-LOOPA! The "heat" was on. The French went "Escargot!", the Germans: "Mein Gott!" and, "Mein Mutti Gott!?". The English? - "Excuse me. I have a carrot stuck up my arse, but later - after anal surgery - I will consult with the Prime Minister?". The Spanish? -"OLE!"... The now famous "Blamange-Switchblade" killer (outt'a Connecticut) was running amok in Europe giving classic "ugly American tourists" a bad rap.
INTERPOL: "Disturbed."
MI5: "Concerned."
Deutsch Polizei Praedizium: "Schiess!!! Aber? Alles klar Der Amerikaners fix it!"
And so Socio-Politico pressure on...

Don't ask me why/how? The ODD COUPLE, Detective Sergeant Ed Greensleeves with "public over-seer, Private Dick, "D & D" were lassoed with matching black "wheelie-bag" suitcases, round trip TIX, crap exchange U.S. dollar -per Diem expenses, a brief "briefing" and a pat on the back along with: "One of our serious rogues is pissing off the "Cousins"; Wanted dead or Alive. Mostly DEAD. This is "Texas Hold'Em!...Don't let Uncle Sam down. Greensleeves? U get promotion! "D & D"? -We overlook your next FOE-PAHS and don't pull your Private Dick ticket!... Do us proud, boys! Here!
Read the file. Perp's name? "Thelma-Lou". He's a cross-dresser from Brownsville-Texas. You'll recognise him, no problem. His hair parting is on the "wrong" side and his Tex-Mex accent has a limp?..."

2 points of note: Prior to "steerage class" airlines from LAX (Los Angeles), then chateaux "La Guardia", N.Y.C. where D.S. Greensleeves and "D & D" connected; "Yo, sport!" "Fuck off and die young!", then a hand shake, "D & D" took time off to research the "Blamange-Switchblade" killers' background where-as D.S. Greensleeves did NOT; reliant upon European Police colleagues up-to-date reports... Ignominiously, they both squirreled into the FAT BURGER with wings and flew to merry ol' England which, surmised "D & D", the "Blamange-Switchblade dude might find a tad small?

Police Constable Noddy Holder was busy beating up some local "Yobbo es" with his truncheon when introduced to the visiting American law enforcement representatives. D.S. Greensleeves offered to assist, but to no avail: "No problem, Sir." responded D.C. Holder. "Just quietening the LADS down. ..Ambulance on its way...Don't step in the blood."
Courteously, this "Limey"  P.C. gave the "Yanks" a tour of the nearby "Blamange-Switchblade" crime scene. A farmhouse. C.S.I. victim's body lines chalked on stone slab floor. The blamange had long since evaporated/dispersed; black blood stains still prevalent; three VICS. Mom, Pop, and pet dog, a Cairn terrier. And all around the crime scene, the room choc-o-bloc with bottles of home made wine.
Elderberry wine.
Rhubarb wine.
Cherry wine.
Gooseberry wine. All marked by month and labelled. 30 bottles FULL. One, on the kitchen table, two-thirds empty, aside, a used wine glass...
"He killed'em then hit the booze." observed Greensleeves.
"He killed'em...then celebrated!" - surmised "D & D".
P.C. Noddy Holder, alongside, picked up a bottle, smashed it against a wall...and merely took a slug.

Next stop? -Gay Paree! A crime scene, repetitive of merry ol' England. Gendarme Pierre Defarge. "C'est la vie!" He complained - munching on a creme croissant - about the waste of pastry...Blamange? Who knows? "Je mon fou" -he gestured to yet another bloody mess, created by Man: "C'est la monde, mes ami." -But Greensleeves and "D & D" weren't buying it. The crime scene was cluttered with Grand Cru Vin. Expensive Vino Shit!!! Mamma-mia!
Chateaux St. Julian
Baron de Rothschild.
Chateaux Margeaux, etc. Again, the collective booze wasn't trashed (broken in rage?). Only ONE bottle of claret, two-thirds drank...an accompanying glass...
THIS TIME, however? Blamange splatter on a large wall mirror: solidified. And serious evidence!
The " boys were on the fucker's trail.

Gendarme Pierre must have had a wife because prior to zipping down to the Eternal City (Roma) on the "Blamange-Switchblade's trail, the Paparazzi got word and  sniffed out the rotting corpse of a good news story. Which is when - at Charlies de Gaules (Paris) airport - the shit hit the fan! Greensleeves caught one - ironically - in the left sleeve of his jacket; "D & D"? -Solar-Plexus: Wheelchair City 'till the next Mardi Gras: Absolutely NO aerobics!!! ...Greensleeves was devastated, remorseful, feeling he'd failed to protect his "partner". "D & D" - philosophically - HALF devastated (until further-temporary paralysis notice), and the PAPS (Paparazzi) who, initially had labelled them as "Dumb & Dumber" now hailed them as "Alias Smith & Jones"...?
...Like the Fat and the Lean, "D & D" got the glitz; celebrity starlets flooded his hospital suite, press photos, gift packages from little ol' ladies from Pasadena/Clichy, free booze up the Wazoo...whilst Detective Sergeant Greensleeves wandered the cobbled streets of a Paris that Brunei had photographed decades before; friendless, and Jack Daniels.

"D & D", protesting humility, immodesty and pleading a night off from the celebrity glare stipulated to the PAPS that the following Friday night would be his "nighty-nite, peace and quiet, quality time-mantra night evening? NO Paps. NO T.V. interviews. NO surprise Starlets with bouquets and eternal free sex! Nutt'in!!!
Greensleeves, pounding the beat read the press and took the hint!
...2 weeks "in dock" (hospitalized), the Paris Gendarmerie were otherwise righteously diverted with Civil Strife and Terrorist threats at Charles de Gaule airport and Maxim es restaurant, both! ERGO, "D & D" felt and WAS consciously exposed... In Los Angeles, fan mail - for "D & D"? - was UN-heard of. "D & D" however, even half paralyzed, was still a Gumshoe. He sifted through the bric-a-brac of adulation. One fan caught his eye. And he had an inkling the son-of-a-bitch might do a Cameo?

"Lucky bastard!" -mused Greensleeves.
"Lucky me got You, Ed." - "D & D."
"How'd U guess?"
"Hit the books!" - "D & D" coughed. "Hit da books before we left Gotham!"
"Bubba-Blamange lost his shirt in Napa Valley, North California wine country. Pinko, too. His boyfriend committed suicide.  Must a been a bad Vintage. As for victims? Who knows. Wine aficionados? Maybe he got'em off Facebook? Who cares..."
"The Blamange?" -asked Ed.
"Creme de la creme, Ed. Ritual crappola. Beats me;" -adding, "Did U see the creeps future VIC list in his notebook?"
"Nope?" -replied Ed. "I must'a missed that whilst I was bludgeoning him to death in pursuit of saving your life!"
"Right. I owe U one. He came pretty close with that switchblade."
"Didn't get U with the Blamange though?"
Raising a Gran Cru Chateaux Margeaux, "D & D" said: "There's that!"

c 2016/davedelacroix


"D&D": "Da Poodle." ...Another grey day in the USA - the TRIAL was at at a standstill. ADA Goldstein (Afro-American) was non-plussed which was not unusual.. The Judge? -fast asleep. The PERP's (Defendent) Attorney, Smith & Jones, wondrin' bout re-newing his BILLY-MORRIS TALENT AGENCY, Publicist contract, was vaguely interested. His fee? $200 per hour, but no luncheon expenses. The PERP? -Quite innocent. The L.A. Times too had reservations, not only at restaurants Granitas and Spagoes, but couldn't opinionate at this point and didn't want to get SUED. "Sue" was the defendent. The Perp. She looked like Paris Hilton, but penniless. It was Trial-buster City! Did this Angelica, this GAL "poison" 10 people at the Malibu home of Wanda Duisberrg della Camarri or was she a PAZZI for the... "D&D", nudged by the locals at the Santa Monica Hell Factory (division of LAPD), gave the matter some thought. 1) 10 VICS. Death by OD Amphetemain-rock Candy-Mountain.. .from KNOWN connection, Dr. Walspurgis, Sue's Uncle. 2) Dr Walpurgis had commited suicide. No chance of a statement. 3) Tenuous relationships with dead VICS. They argued fiercely over who was going to pay for PIZZA delivery! Ha-ha! 4) Malibu Catering staff heard altercation - swear on a "stack" - that it was MEAN. 5) Wanda-Duisberrg' Poodle dog, first victim - brief diagnosis - accordingly - "Dog croaked!". 6) In-house C.C.T.V. shows Poodle-dog meandering around guests lounging on floor with snacks and drinks. 7) Miracle of miracles! Poodle-dog revives. wags stubby tail, declairs hunger: "WOOF!-WOOF!" It's a NO-BRAINER. "D&D", with C.C.T.V. evidence nails "Poodle-Dog" as MASS-KILLER. Apparently, Wanda-Duisberrg della Camarri had a "private stash". Ze ol' Poodle, well trained - party trick - s'posed to hand it out in his caninnies. YUP. Over Zealous. Still; benevolent. Case closed. Wanda bequeathes her millions to Poodle-dog. Poodle - and D&D, having saved her from the GALLOWS, pays D&D a lavish fee; adopts Poodle Dog. This shit happens in Hollywood every 4th of July. Like justice for janitors. c 2015/davedelacroix/Palermo-Sicily.

Our Man in Europe, Dave Delacroix....COMPADRES INTERNATIONAL, Our Man in Europe....

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Compadres Internationale, Our Man in Europe.

ALL U Cool Cats, bastards, Misfits, Philosophers, Poets, Bi Polar Rock stars, travellers, fashionistas, groovy Cookcachoo boogalini.... From Peru to Portugal, Ukraine to Philippines, Australia to Finland, from Russia to America,, Latin America, Brazil, Slovenia, South Africa, and SO many more!... My warmest SALUTE. Thank Q for Jiving your KARMA with this Blog.... Can I HUG U ALL!!!!!

Friends. I will be posting non sequential pieces from my new book, MENU FOR MURDER. Murder a la Carte.....Its a bad ass Rockford Files of little merit. Tony Bourdain just hung himself. Supermarkets in Italy are called CRY or DESPAIR.  MY biz is to keep it warm. For U and Me.

c2018,davedelacroix. Sciacca, Sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... Port after Storm.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...PORT after STORM.

*dedicato Bamba, Chris Conroy, from Ireland, County Clare.

Port after storm, rest after toil, death after life... doth greatly please. When the Guinness ran out, nothing left to Smoke, no Belladonna in sight I SCREAM or crack a joke! And all our yesterdays lead to dusty death, no Bus, no Taxi, no Helicopter, no Limousine, nor the need to tip the pilot, driver, chauffeur. And no coin for the Ferryman, the latter bastards have been cleaning up far too long! I want them hung!!! Whilst the BEREATHED, busted out of Destiny, constantly defecating into a BLANK Utopia. Unkissed, Unloved, Uncaressed in an Entwined bitter twilight< for HERE lies So and  SO, pissed off a few, maybe MANY. Drank himself to death! Hung on till the LAST like a Miser! And then became a tarnished Angel. They BURIED his ass in North London's Highgate Cemetery twixt Karl Marx-s tomb and Susan Bonner's happy grave site. Seemingly, like SOMETHING, happy, gay, like the 1960s...
And port after storm, rest after toil, death after life, CHAUCER says, doth greatly please.
YO! Pass the bloody PORT!!!!


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....LOU REED Unspoken

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....LOU REED Unspoken!

....Now, when I was a poor Cellphone addicted shepherd boy, minimal WI FI, some of THIS Mutton shit crossed my mind...
SINGING, Dat POE BOY excuse for a beef Panini, that GIG when the Sushi still got an UN refrigerated heartbeat, that 4 string Guitar, a YAMAHA,  out of tune that still  SINGS!!!!
Just one of these Days, perhaps, we RELAY, the SITU that comes with our CREDO, stripped down...takes a bite out of time...layers of an Onion. Makes U cry ALL along the way. Lou Reed. Such a Perfect Day....
Now, when I was a POOR Cellphone Shepherd boy...the REST, back track,  is in your HEAD.


Friday, June 8, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...LISBETH SALANDERS last Fuck.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Lisbeth Salander-s last Fuck.

Always TOUGH when U cant find that illusive condom when the BABE, spread eagled, goin GO! GO! GO!....but its NOT the Gal, its YOU and the many ghosts of your dreams awake U from Sleep into your Living memory....and all U R left with is a pictorial of Skeletal dances of People, clothed in skin, the things that used to BE...

Skinny Maid.

Skinny Maid...this side of Paradise. Skinny Maid, LEE/vied, pony tailed, chilled, no immediate relations, sucking on a Rollie cigarette...at the Scene of the Crime whence U buzzed off a ya Gal, ya Paramour, left a Partner, flying, lost in the wind in London, rainy streets, or NYC Orchestra traffic, YELLOW CABS, or Paris Escargot FARTS that sustain the Eiffel Tower!

Skinny Maid, O Sole Mio, Unsung, birds in Tuscany trees almost lament, Simon and Garfunkels ZE Sound of Silencio, her secret worship, that Social Umbrella to keep YOUR rain away. And HER, far apart from You...

Skinny Maid, Gigolo target, yet she can recite the BLESSING from the Koran, right to left, alone in a Montmartre Hotel, her Vibrator, no batteries, saving her UNGST for when she meets YOU on some Riviera Vacanza, U saying Suck my Penis, she responding, not part of my plan.... TAZZORING U.,
do U Sleep, awake, or lose your Foreskin....

Skinny Maid this side of Paradise, Unkempt, backpack, Credit Cards, Tours Euro Vacation SITU...and FINDS U ...like a newly laid EGG....albeit, within the caresses of a skinny maid in...where else...Monte Carlo. And all that awaits.


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....SHIRLEY TEMPLE and GOD

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... Shirley Temple and God.

*dedicato. Frederick Pinel,  the Lads at Café Rendezvous des amici, Montmartre, Paris, France.

...Conversation......Smoke EM if U got EM.....Its NOT O.K. to stubb ya Gitanno French Cigarette on the Champs delysses...unless U R Me. I-ve been DOING it, half a CENTURY like a GOD,
territorial, like a dog pissing on a tree
and ALL the Gods, the Kids love me, Shirley Temple, USA, French Ambassador. What a Gig!!!

Its NOT O.K. to STEAL a candle from Note Dame, big church thingy, Paris, France. Like London, England. MOST real French folks MOVED OUT long ago! Sureat, Renoir, ALL the good lads saw the Cultural Immigrant future...and went sailing down the Seine. U poke a Mosque by the Eifel Tower....Small Penis aspirations, plus no foreskin, wotchchagonna do, like pissing on MECCA...no respect. Enough said, ALLAH  aurevoir... VIVE LE FRANCE!!!

Smoke Em if ya got Em. Shirley Temple and a God. A French Mans Café! Bonjour! A Maintenon! A Rimbaud. A Beaudelaire! And a Life, a French, European life.....  and the joi de vie ...that used to be and our human legacy, Unpoetic...as Nothing EVER will stay the same ...except the Wine.

Shirley Temple and God. A filagree. Or Gold, Frankincense and Myrr.. A Spannish Moss. Yet with eyes to see. U and Me.
A Conversation. Please do not let me be so alone...


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...SAY GOODBYE to WANDA!!!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... Say Goodbye to Wanda.

Say goodbye to Wanda, your Arizona swimming pool,
your Condo...and KISS all your OTHER sweet Nothings, badda boomerang,
Sven, Gwen, Wolfgang...and all of the gang.
Say goodbye to Wanda...your Chevrolet, your OTHER.
It might be a Plane.
It might be a Train
It might BE a Taxi,  a BUS,
some fuck on the sidewalk,
some Sonofabitch
not a moment too soon,
Eternity YAWS!!!!
Somehow, after U are all DEAD, my Soul lingers on the porch.
Say goodbye to Wanda. And by the Olympic swimming pool.
Say goodbye, for U... to Me.

c2018, davedelacroix, Eureka, North California, USA.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, the B.B.C. ... ritish Broadcasting Corporation., Shepherds Bush, London.

Our man in Europe, dave Delacroix,.....The  B.B.C.!....

CO WRIITEN with Dave A. from County Clare. The Only POET I ever believed in...other than Y.B.Yeats.

-British Broadcasting Corporation Shepherds Bush, London. NATIONAL SCAM ARTISTS.

Always a BIGGIE. U meet 2 wannabee aficionados bout Guitar, songwriting, poetry, or how to preserve Wine or make Spaghetti. Like becoming a MASON, the Masonic Lodge, cutting off your foreskin, becoming a JEW or backside, accepted for a JOB at the B.B.C., the British Broadcasting Corporation , Israeli Occupied Territory, which the English population SMUCKS have been ENFORCED BY LAW to FINANCE for the last  80 years!....SO see how U SUCK.
Still. BBC Pensions. Somebody ALWAYS gets WACKED , Jews, non Jews, or the Uninvited. Its a dumb down DEAL all that U know, ALL that U feel..... faced with the inconsideration of naivety reserved for the FEW, Yids, Masonics, token Anglicans. The free pages of National Geographic!
I-m waiting to get INTRODUCED.....to FUCK U. Oh Baby! Gonna HOUND YA like Old BBC ZION NAZIS!!!!... I want my T.V. Licence money BACK....SLURPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!
Commin to get Ya!
THE BBC.....I want my MONEY back. And U can Suck my Foreskin!!!!!!!!!!!
But at the END of the DAY, like John Lennon.....I read the News Today....

c2018,davedelacroix, Sciacca, Sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix, THE BBC. Shepherds Bush, White City, West London.