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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "On the Border."

Our Man in Europe/dave Delacroix/ "On the Border."

(On the USA-Mexican border, Rumania, Hungary, Macedonia, Bulgaria; with a WINK from their Governments, transient Immigrants, Refugees...are "FREE GAME": SPORT!" -Licenced Murder... And WHO is financing this "Back-Woods-man-ship"? Aside, that is: a Fascist-Culture of HATE?)

(dedicato: Labella, from Senegal)

The ANGEL from the Border, quit singing. His NAME was Angel.  We pulled his chain. He was logging too much Overtime, just on one wing? Working down in Phoenix; hanging drywall, pounding nails, commin & fetchin', meaningless stuff and  worst place to be: an Elocution Esperanto-qualified Doctor-Intel-Science-Man, a Man with NO Logo T-shirt?  Just a Man? Just a Heart? Now reduced, with sand-swept streets, Burrito Mind and a South by Southwest going Ham and Rye that can make old Pancho Villa turn into Soul's RIBCAGE on some sad side of Paradise?.... He had a Buick. (His Cousins?)  He could only drive it if he had a White Dude in front in the car? We'd stop at Diners sometimes. Smothered Burritos, Taco Shells. The good Stuff! Washed down; Mescal, Dos Equis, RUM from the Islands?
YO Broken wing. Cyclonic. The Angel; from down on the Border. A smile for everyone he'd meet?  He opted to pick up our luncheon Burritos: SWAT Immigration Fascists intercepted,  threw him on the ground, spread-eagled, NO DIGNITY - for ALL that he'd found? - and kick ed his Ass - after weeks in a "Holding Cell" - back to BELIZE, South of the Border...

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Sciacca-Sicily.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "FABERGE EGGS!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "FABERGE EGGS."

(1) Bolshevik Fave!

PORT AFTER storm, rest after toil, death after life, doth greatly please?
(Spencer?) I cannot REMEMBER, dementia, after memories; and now
my life in a Frieze?
Pain after Love? Blood after a wound?
And a heart so given, so freely, now cold and diseased?

SOUL, after knowledge, CHANT after Song;
a Song U wrote
left hanging in the air?
An EMPTY seat, a silence, SHATTERED: A table bereft
of your SKULL-vacant eyes?

(2) White Russian fave!

LAUREN BACALL. Lauren Bacall: She was a sweet-sad-tomato
but her TEARS they flowed like Wine?
da Queen Boogie gal? The SILVER glace and the Pastel of your Hollywood conception?... She WRITHES elegance, some Immortal De vine?
Sweet Betty, Sweet L-B-C, Bela Lauren Bacall; Swimmi an' a Swammy:  and her tears  they flowed
like wine....

Port after storm; rest after toil, death after Life,  and Love -Sweet Louise; doth greatly please...

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Sciacca-Sicilia

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Sciacca-Sicily.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Our MAN in Europe/dave delacroix/ "CLOSURE: A Whiter Shade of Pale."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "CLOSURE: A Whiter Shade of Pale."

(dedicato: Miss Milli B....)

THERE'S NOOOO "Closure":  that  USA - 6 O'clock News-Jays-jive,
they love to PRONOUNCE?

"Mary-Jane, burnt to a CRISP;
her metallic Key-ring,
found by Brave fire-fighters,
recovered from Terrorist INCENDIARY,
will now give her Parents ....some "Closure".....?

if it feels like I or ten RUGBY GUYS are
constantly kicking U in your NUTS!!!?

Absolutely NO Closure for ANY Family,
VICTIMS, victims of Crime;
it AIN'T sublime (No Closure!)
when U bleed? (Stop up dah blood?)
Get off ya Horse Pilgrim an' drink ya frickin MILK!!!
(No closure.)
Only Time.

NO "closure" for the folks who KNOW the Score;
(Victims-Anonymous!) ; nobody wants to KNOW
or KNOW that IT'S YOU
who - like them? -watch it on T.V.; and NO VICTIM, lastly,
ever WATCHES T:V? They SIT, alone, Untill that HELL EXPERIENCE
quits - nerve-end - burning?

That "Closure" Psycho-babble on the
Six O' clock TV News?
Someone just got CRUSHED!?
Who can WATCH when U are
just tryin' to forget? And that WORLD
out THERE... selling Soap, like
a whiter shade of pale
targeting your vulnerability
in the name of Commercialism?

"YOUR Dog was run over by some Idiot, D.U.I?
Or "Binky", YOUR Cat; Poisoned by a neighbour?"
Arrests are forthcoming. Watch this Space.
(Now, back to these "Closure" Commercials!)

A whiter shade of pale.

c2017/dave delacroix/LORD BORGO, Sciacca-Sicily.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Sad-Saturday Night."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Sad-Saturday Night."

GUITARS, Jingles, jangles
will NEVER get U home again;
those, who sleep within God's Coverlet?
That Angel, sleeping by your side
awaits your Slumber
to decide your Fate;

and to awake WITHOUT wings
is a splendid affair, a blood-bath!
-without anaesthetic?...Not least
missing a Scrotum of Logic
culled in that dance-Romance,
delivered, as a dish...served Cold?

Guitars, jangles, jingles; Whistle
whilst U Work, UN-knowing: God's Coverlet
is a double-edged sword, RAZOR-SHARP:
Ask the Dying, who CHOKE
in their Self-worship
on a sad-Saturday night
who now pour wine, like blood,
on to the UN-certain Streets?


Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "SINGLE-MALT-MAN: Doctor WU-Sung-NO-HUNG: North Korean TYRANT."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/"SINGLE-MALT-MAN: Doctor WU-Sung-NO-Hung: North Korean Fuck-Up!"

(dedicato: Mahatma Gandhi.)

(Singing:) "Single-Malt.Man (Mr Ovaltine?)
in a Single-Malt land?
He's a Single (bunch o' Concubines?)
with a Single-Malt PLAN? He don't BLEND!?

Distilled a Life time, 5 - 25 years;
dat Single "Fruity-Tutti"

Single-Malt-Man AIN'T
awash in Diversity! A Mystery?
Fratricide!!! Did he ever  GO to University?
Picked on at School? (YO SHORTY!!!)

That Single "M & M", some say; "JUST
LIKE THEM!!!" -those Single-Malt Men,
Hitler, Stalin,  The Gang of 4! Those
Single-Malt-Men...with only ONE Plan!

c2017,march, off the coast of North Korea, on the Chinese fishing boat: "WUUUUUUUU!"...

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/"Belles della Casa."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/"Belles della Casa."

(dedicato: Tina Kova)

I got an' ol' Gal and her name is Sal;
she does my Shopping?
I got a Young Gal and her name's Sue;
she cleans my house?

I got a Gal she pours my Wine? -Sometime;
Her name is Eleanora?
I got a Gal, Computer Czarina;
I'm 'a GOGOL Lost Soul
in her hands?
Her name is Frankie.

I got many EX-wives,
some I divorced, or some
disappeared (Odd?)

I got an ol' Gal her name is Sal;
she does my shopping
(I?m a lazy guy, living in Sicily)
And  the young gal Sue;
(I'll introduce you?)

...she cleans my house.

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO, Sciacca-iSicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacrcroix: "The Guilty."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix "The GUILTY."

The Guilty? For transporting a GUITAR across State Lines for Immoral purposes?... SO has Internet Technology got in the way of my relationship with my Penis, like TUNING a SITAR with a hangover, a LATIN-PHONETIC, Midnight Omelette:

"Caesar adarat forte. BRUTUS adsum jam. Ceasar sic in omnibus. BRUTUS sic intram.?"
(Hoping U Geddit?)
It's not that I can't PUKE; it's that I don't want to? For YOU? And is that Guilt?

DO we have to be OLD work-folk English or IRISH being beaten, guilty of Life's promise, both trod upon on the road to PALESTINE; our Belles- Mothers milk, sustaining us in our decided entity of enmity, a conflict, a sinew, and so that WARS,  which assails the Provincial mind; confounding Youth, and its joyful conclusion? (Stay with me?) The Guilty? Who? Anybody DEAD?

RING DOWN ME BOYS...I've no Grudge to bear. Ol' Murhyr has a Bar. SO does Llewellyn. Either place, Guinness is good and the price can be negotiated? The merchants U deal with; and so U begin? (I'm turnin' Japanese?) Sweet Hannah? Marry the kid wearing my Fedora? I SWEAR I'll love U true?
Lost loves. Guilt. Lost Loves?

The Guilty, bein' beaten, UN-swerved, UN-tailored, in a fashion-house of Soul? Guilty of BEING there, a vacuum of nothingness, a new apartment without familiar things; sofa, mirror on the wail,, cups and saucers, a frying pan? What price a picture  of Ned Ludd or Bobby Sands; an Icon above the gas fire?

"To tell me, me MA, mah kids; tell em' who we AM? "And what squiggles in the bubbles of your sunset-intentions? Yours? MINE?", the ol' Grandma Sez:"The Guilty", the Noble, the Situation. And the SUNSHINE in the broken skylight; which sometimes, comes through?

c2017davedelacroic,lord borgo esq,,sciacca,sicily.a refugeee........

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/LORD BORGO/ "IN the STUDIO."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/LORD BORGO/ "IN the Studio."

1) The Cleaner.

Dead, DEATH, amongst Strangers, amongst "Cleaners", more than SUICIDE; a Guillotine, inverted--scream, to a "murmur", maybe a dispensation: A  "Diabolique".  DEAD BODY ON CAMPUS. And Notice? YO! Dead Man, dead stuff. a rotting,  an UN-toward Stranger; a  song of  the Doomed or  "roughage" in our mist? -GET SOME DISINFECTANT!!!!|

-Who writes this stuff? JANITORS? (Who had the HEART to write:) "Men of the Sea? Shipwrecked Souls, that's bodies are Ideas, torn and wracked, awash, incomprehensible, washed up to tickle your  Student-Tourist feet? A Mop and bucket; barnacle souvenir! Bar of SOAP! AWASH me' Hearties!" ...Poets, every one? MORE DISINFECTANT! And Kiss me, I'm Irish? Floral Airspray?

Dead, DEATH, amongst YOU, mirrored, tied to you PINKIE, your inverted Progressive? -EVERYONE KNOWS DEAD GUY! Didn't he masturbate, Naked, as WITNESSED on the Avenue; U, "Jacking Off! -like a Clown? (Now legend has it?) as witnessed by Miss Clone, driving on her way to "Baptists Reunited"?
We cannot reconcile ANYTHING!  But in our eyes; a semblance, a fashion-glint-SUCCUBUS, a POWER to break through that window of SOUL; momentarily, to Strangers, alive or dead, but a FLASH of our Virginity? Do we "Dine & Dash!" or Pay the bill?

Janitor-Jack-Off-Man, a Dude; maybe here in Colorado, he  hung out with KEROUAC?...And just WHO doesn't caresses her Vulva? What does your Penis do on a lazy, Sunday afternoon? -Swabbing the decks of your Eternity? Or mopping the over-polished floors of the College halls?

Dead, DEATH, and those DAMN flowers, courtesy of someone Else's THOUGHTS; lipstick-imprint: "How much?" (JO GREEN!?) -Just who WERE your loves?  Guiseppi Verdi? Becky Smarts, or MY Ass,  carousing? "My Belle, my love, My Gal."and,  "Leave her to Heaven?" -I always heard him humming?
On the Neap tide, I ventured to say: "Arrivederci, Mon Brave"? -the kind of Idyocyncractic Epistle; like DEAD and  DEATH, amongst Strangers, unknowing, a "diabloque";  in that lone,  black hole of Life.

OH! Son of a Gun had some savings: donated: enlarged School Library!.....:)


 2) "Ol' GATSBY!

The BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE at the table, with the candle-thingy, shared an Auto-mini, 5-Seat, -cushion-divan, en Suite. Everyone wore robes, elegant/Persian which, somehow, trailed, and got in the way of closing or opening  doors? The BEAUTIFUL people didn't say "Hello" at the table or during their visit to where-ever we were AT: They didn't say: "LAST TYCOON", or SWEAR they'd ever been to Hollywood; disconsolate. Beautiful, as  in the flash of an eye like a  Cultural Witticism. Just like A SKIN. Which was how they blinked? Collectively.
I was thinking of sharpening my Flick-Razor: "Ol' Gatsby!", But then
YOUR intrusion explained a metaphor. One I'd been looking for ALL my life? "SWISH, BIZZ-WAH!"
Lesser mortals would have said: "Hokey-Dokey!" Anyhow; someone ordered more Cocktails.


3) Pirates Cove.

There's NO Daphne Du Maurier, no Pirates Cove or Roundheads/Cavaliers, crossing swords in twisted fate or UN-towards love? It's just U in a World of ENGLISH conflict - put your Knickers back on! - and THAT I'll always want to protect? Like STUPID! Like  LOYAL! Like SENTIMENTAL? The songs of our Tribes. Our yearning. The Love INSIDE, inside.

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Sciacca-Sicily/IN DAH STUDIO

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Our Man in Europe/DAVE DELACROIX/"No Whisky for Jesus."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/"No Whisky for Jesus."

(dedicato: Pete Nalty)

No Whisky for Jesus, the Guy, whacked out, cross-legged, Pot-down, on the floor? His Gal, Magda, left long before with the "House-keeping" Gold? The Bar (Beer-Taverna?)  cuts off his tab?

No Whisky for Jesus at the Festival tonight; every body's happy, laughter, directed at life's  festival CRUX; nail left, nail right, hands and feet, RIFF-RAFF fed to the Lions; the People enjoin in "Line Dancing" to Infamy?

Civilization: Who won, who lost...under the SCREAM of Society's torch- light affected-moral-Jurisdiction? Fed to the Beasts, Crucifixion, hanging; or some gizmo: the Electric Chair?

NO WHISKY for JESUS, his Soul, last seen a the "Potters Field Saloon" ordering countless "Shots", Though penniless, his Spirit, his Mind, on Magda; his BODY, crucified - thinking of Magda - splayed on Calvary? Yet, alas, not HER but HIM?

He took a long time to die that night. Twisted & Turned, Rock & Roll-ered, re-inventing Scriptures and Wisdom of old?
"Mumbo-jumbo": so Judas told me?

No Whisky for Jesus; the morning after? He was SOOOO fricked up, looked like CRAP and quite dead;  we carried his Ass to an adjacent "Heartbreak Motel" before MAGDA returned to check-UP on his "condition" and grab "Shekels", the gratuities, for his poems and a Night's worth of songs, and his Philosophy... of Common Sense, at the Pub?  But we carried his Ass? We got him out of there.

No Whisky for Jesus; Poor sod. No Whisky, my Brother. No Whisky, : no more MORE, though your name now resounds throughout History?

c2017/march 16th/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Sciacca-Sicily.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Tabasco Man."

"....Tabasco Man!"

(dedicato: Patrick Clelland Allen)

He don't like Whisky, he don't like Gin, he don't like dem 60 year old toothless Gals spreadin' da RUG, he don't like Politicoes shaking his hand, nor NON-Smokers on the road to TOTAL Cultural Prohibition, no Public - Intellectual - Masturbation, Pasta on Rye, Spinach-souffle in their Vegetarian minds? He got NO time for!
Just where were YOU when the lights went out? That ASTEROID of Gentility? Switched off Cyber-space!  Circumsizin' God's Son? ...,ANYONE needs to be Crucified, except Me and mah Pals on a Saturday night!? I "CALL IT!" - A Tabasco Man!
Some like it HOT, some, Mild, morning dew, so they can figure OUT all that's untrue, or worse: debatable? NOT -Tabasco Man, who'll keep stingin' your Soul?
Don't fix THAT: fix YOU! Anyways U look it's a Curry, pic ante, a jealousy, a GREEN EYE, that spies on Lifestyle- U: so splash it's eyes with Intelligence, WISDOM: Fankula! Kiss the Murderers dagger: "WE don't wanna know! - My Tabasco Man. Tabasco Man will set U Free! Least ways; that's what I thought, felt, when the boys threw me on my cot and, apparently, I fell asleep, not-with-standing groovy ideas for tomorrow?

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO in robes/Sciacca-Sicily.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Belles of your Life..."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Belles of your Life."...:)

I have fell (be-fallen) in love 1,000 times (with Bartenders: all Women), but Maria at "Bar Odeon" (Sicily) takes the Crown, as she reminds me that I AM a King?...There was Francine in PAREE at "Les Cafe Rendezvous des Amis", Montmartre, Mary-Lou at the "Longhorn", Austin-Texas; LOUISE (I think she was a Dude?) -at the "Jackhammer & Anal Lounge", Venice Beach, Los Angeles, and as for Molly McQuire at the "Sheep-Shearers Arms" in merry olde England; did she NOT add an Irish sparkle?... Barbara (Bella!) at "The Bank" in Denver, Colorado; knew MANY a Patron's Soul, true and true, like Belle-Marie in the "Jacobite", Montreal, awash in a frigid Winter?
How "OFT'" I think of these "Belles du Jour/Noire (after 10 Vinos) and wonder how they're doin'? -Hoping they're "Home & Dry", still Lovin' so ...within their own families in clover?
SO! COME ME' BOYS! And Salute da Bartender GALS in your "Royal Progress": Living SOULS who - if only momentarily - U have loved, those Belles of History; the Sugar to your Genetic? And in your last will and testament, to whom, I hope,  U give good notice?...:)

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO, Sciacca-Sicily.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "CANDIDO!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Candido!"

(Apres Voltaire: Philosophy? -The World Sucks!)

My name is Candido. My TUTOR (I was a Gal or Boy of 7?) always said, "Don't inhale!" and "Life sucks!". I was just a Kid, a Gal, giving it all away? Nevertheless, I had my own TAKE on El Tutor's Philosophy; it was somehow ingrained, genetically, that LIFE "sucked"; and secondly? "Don't sweat the SMALL pieces, nor SWALLOW Truth  outright?
My TUTOR, apparently, on a mission to inaugurate a doomed to fail - financial-Pyramid scheme - in Albania - was killed in the dissolution of Tito's Yugoslavia. His Mistress received and  took charge of his only surviving left leg/no recompense, in a small box: her requiem on a 4 string Ukulele: "Life Sucks!" I was there at the Interment whilst disciples, colleagues,  aficionados uttered sacred words! References to Vlad the Impaler (Where are U now?) stuff. I should'a sold Tickets to! But I - as we now know? - I would'a lost my shirt? Still? There was much I didn't understand? Fortunately - Life? - I was "seconded" (SEE-CON-DEAD) to Mexico, the border, TEJAS, New Mexico and it didn't mean a thing? Long tall White boys taking Pot-Shots at me, Mexicali Mom and Kids, twix swillin' Budweiser's atop their Chevrolet 4x4s to put the Philosophy: "Life Sucks!" right off the tracks? And right then (Kids blood spattered head on my desert-Levi lap) I looked up and thought I recognized my TUTOR sporting a Clark Gable moustache? YO! UNDER FIRE from "Homeland Security Rednecks, my TUTOR, gesticulating, running for his life: "Life - Yup! - Sucks!?" My name is Candido: I still wasn't gonna buy it? (Life sucks?)

WE "Cognoscenti", we-"DEJA-VU", we've seen all this JAZZ before? Maybe? Or an inherent propaganda for smart Cats? A Cocaine-Mile high, then landing, somehow...in gay Paree? (Paris-France?) To drift along the Seine?
"Cafe, Monsieur?"...or, "GUILLOTINE, fucker!?"-same old Song: Life sucks....time and place...if you're a Victim? And in the Place de la Concorde, the HATE, I can still smell the thirst for blood? Vive la Revolution! My TUTOR? So much for his words. And so much for Liberte, Egality and Brothers?
England wasn't much better; peeling potatoes for "Fish & Chips", add salt and malt vinegar and wrap in yesterdays NEWSPAPER, yesterdays Tabloid? U Munch on down whilst reading about how Life sucks? -So I decided to become a Journalist! Happenstance, on my way to the new job I ran into a group of UN-employable SENEGALESE "refugees" (Refugees from perfect beaches, palm trees, fruit growing on trees, a Babe-a-rama) who assured me "LIFE SUCKED!" even in a tropical paradise? And I believed every word thus qualifying me for the Newspaper's position of "Foreign Correspondent" Thus, I took up my new ADJECTIVE? Certainly not a Pro-noun.

In SHANGHAI; it sounds a bit odd, but everyone sounds "Cantonese" (Chinese -lingua), especially the Europeans? They regress, I guess. Minimize their English, French  or German: "Sound like Chinese Waiter!, no bow? IT SUCKED!!! Japan? Much the same? Convenient for the Guillotine? Moscow, Russia, sucked too. (Didn't get to St. Pete's). Fleas & Borsch, tits, sweaty cleavage, crotch and caviar: U don't know da meaning of heartbreak!? And BEHOLD! My TUTOR: "ALIVE!?"-minus one leg? We embraced. I immediately asked him about how he felt about losing his left leg? (A rhetorical question). He told me his story of survival yet, whilst constantly slapping my face, left to right, and at some point - due to his facial administrations - I lost consciousness - after many travels...he'd discovered GOLD in Patagonia then blew his wealth on a LONE card game (Texas Hold'em) in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; SCREAMING! -"U Know WHASSIT!?" (I was losing consciousness?)

Later after much discussion, he wanted to know about my travels in Portugal, Spain and ancient Greece? I was reluctant, considering his Philosophy: "Life Sucks!"? I didn't want him to denigrate the Positive of my experience? So - experiencing severe scalp itch at this time  I en crouched my tales in symbolism's of Vanity: "Portugal is Psoriasis, Spain is Byrlcreem and Greece...?"; and left him to decide... at which he immediately wagged his amputated leg-stump at me and said, perhaps, after-all, I was his Protege, a Plato to his "Whassit?" in the Philosophical School/Academy: "Life Sucks!" -Once more, we embraced!

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" I remember crying aloud; "I didn't mention Lotus-Blossom, Inge, Enola-Gay, Giada, some of the many women in my travels; but the ONLY women I ever loved, Sweet-Louise, she constantly beat me over the head whenever I reminisced about my TUTOR, so much so that I had to get rid of her, and now, in truth, ALL ALONE, the big sky of Spain's high sierras above me; the blood red-rust of God's earth beneath: "Life truly SUCKS!" A backdrop of windmills, Dragons, Villains, Damsels in distress -STILL to be SAVED; saved from a World that sucks! All THIS I now see! My name is Candido!!!.... But my Tutor never heard my vows; he, I eventually realized, had left me...  a long, long time ago.

c 2017/march/davedelacroix/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Sciacca-Sicily.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "SOUP CAN."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "SOUP CAN."

(dedicato: Andy Warhol, R.I.P.)

Wuhrer Beer, x6................................................................................12.55
KIWI Fruit.........................................................................................1.32
WUHRER beer..................................................................................6.00
ORSON Whisky................................................................................8.50
Brio latte (milk) x6.............................................................................3.00
Veroni Proscuitto...............................................................................4.65
Kraft Mayonaise................................................................................1.99
Crai. Butter........................................................................................1.99
Shopper's bag:...................................................................................0.10.....
Toatal: ...................................................................................................?

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Sciacca-Sicily.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Songs of the Dead."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Songs of the Dead."

(dedicato: Stephen Rendall, my Kerouac, and his Mom, bella Joanie.)

Songs of the Dead ringing in our ears, singing a Song that We cannot erase? Anthems of Culture within-which, their rise and their fall, known so well  to Granny's, Mama's, Papa's, one and All...in their Time? Sung by a Heroine, a VOICE, Maria Callas! (A Ghost?), CARUSO! And for your Soul; a CHANT, a poem, a chorus, a name, carved with pride, a benevolent scar upon your heart?

Songs of the Dead, ringing in our ears, now, in collective despair of those living, Ourselves, our future, where Angels confer with Attorneys, doubtful, and  fear to tread?

Songs of the Dead, ringing in our Memory, singing a song that we cannot erase? Where Angels Tap-dance and where All our dusty yesterdays end: Songs of the Dead: "Mary-Lou -GOT/Shot her Man!?"

Who, amongst the Order of the Angels would/can hear me? Poppies, row on row: a multitude of graves? WHO, or what SCREAM can perceive me or be HEARD by a Stranger who perhaps, might Salute on passing by my resting place, and "Go tell the Spartans!", tell my tale? Or YOURS!?

Songs of the Dead, keeping on ringing, sang, and sung whilst the Living hurtle forward to a perfect symmetry, writing Songs... into that oblivion, or that eternity which rests within our souls?  "U got my Numba!?"

("I met mah Million-dollar-babee at dah Five & Dime!/There'll be blue-birds over da White cliffs of dover....")

Songs of the Dead; songs of the Dead, unlike your Creators, please do not R.I.P.....

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO Esq./Sciacca-Sicily.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "No Sleep till Eden."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "No Sleep till Eden."

(dedicato: Thea...)

NO SLEEP till Eden.
No sleep till Brooklyn.
No sleep till the City of Angels;
no sleep till I find U?
(And I've got such a long way to go?)

The great American Dude...picked me up in Illinois, headin' West;  hitch-hiking, me and my guitar, and the Dude, on his way to Susanville, California,  to shoot/kill his gal who'd (according to him?) "done him wrong"!?..... When U trail the USA Interstate highways, sometimes, THIS Gig is sometimes NOT extraordinary.  Me? Lonesome Guitar. Headin' West. A ride from some Maverick who makes no secret of his destiny, a passion to kill, murder; least ways, blood will be spilt? Mary-Lou: "A'mah commin' ta git U!" -I drive and I drive thru the Night!? (BITCH!!?)
The Dude drank Beer. We bonded. (Bonding with Murderers has saved my hitch-hiking life, several times?) All across Nebraska. No Cops in the rear view mirror. Picked up a hitch-hiker or two, too. Gave everybody a ride. They ALL yakked some philosophy under an unbeknown canopy of the dynamic of the Dude, steering his Camero? I kept my logic, toxic,  till Cheyenne-Wyoming. A bleak Nebraska night, succumbing to a Colorado dawn? And dropping me off, I didn't bug the Dude for "Coffee Money"; I just said: "Eee Well, Raccoon!" Dude responding: "Eee Well, Raccoon!", we were both drunk as Skunks? HE drove West, I hitch-hiked South into Mile High City (Denver). Caught his action on CNN, 2 weeks later...

No sleep till Eden.
No sleep till Brooklyn.
No sleep till the City of the Angels.
No sleep till I find U?
(And I've got such a long way to go?)

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/sciacca,sicily.

NO SLEEP, this side of Detroit. No sleep, Chicago, South-side? Kansas-Missouri State line, maybe this time?

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "IN Hollywood."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "IN Hollywood."

LORD BORGO and the BARON de DANUBE (a.k.a: dave delacroix and Bill - the Rake! - Houston)? As U are aware "Mon frere" (Mon Brave!), there have been some changes since NAPOLEON unseated your Visigoth dynasty and, as it were, UPLOADED mine, with the result that NEITHER of us are left without a CASTLE to call our own?
I know. It's pitiful. U have aristocrats GOUT. And I? I live in DOUBT! And yet, and yet, "Mon Frere"? U must provide me with the NEXT paragraph for which, in Hollywood, I give U leave....:)

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO,Sciacca,Sicily.

Our Man in Europe/ddave delacroix/ "Old GAL"

Our Man in Europe/ dave delacroix/ "...Old Gal."

(dedicato Maddy Prior)

(Olde English Folke Song:)

There waz 'an ol' Woman who lived in da Woods?
(Wheena-wheena-Warned ya!)
There waz an Ol Gal who lived in da Woods;
down by da river, Corn-ya!!

She was fair, but she had a Tongue:
(Whenna-wheeyah warned yah!)
Don't get married to dis fair Gal,
down by da river: Warned-ya!

She had a love, he died as so;
(wheena-wheena, warned ya?
Left her all his money and his  Gold
down by the river, Miss Warned-ya:

She had a BABBI, six feet tall
(Wheena-wheena warned ya?)
She chopped his head off with an Axe
down by da river Warned-ya.

There waz an ol' Gal who lived in da woods,
(Wheena, wheena, warned-ya?)
There was an Ol Gal who lived in da Woods;
down by the river Corn-ya! Down by the
river Corn-ya!

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO, Sciacca-Sicily.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/LORD BORGO: ""Mia Amore?"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/  Mi Amore?"

MI PERMETTI DI CANTARE LA TUA VITA?....Mi permetti di cantare la tua Vita? Mi Caro, adesso, Vecchio, permisso; let me sing a song of your Days?... Taunt limbs, gangbusters, bella Viacchi? Bikini, Rimini, Goddess: Silencio: Il Bouche: silent Kiss? A Glance, a Sideways look, a contemplation that TRANSLATES into Love? Mio Caro, adesso, vecchio, the diamond in your Eye still  rivets my soul and  "Pappilion"  our years?
Sing OUT LOUD; a kiss, a loving Whisper; and forgive me:  O' mi permetti di cantare la tua Vita?. Asperto, Amore.; Canzone. ...

(It's a song. Mostly caroused in the Italiano-Siciliano language.)

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO, Sciacca-Sicily.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix: "FACEBOOK LOVE."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "FACEBOOK LOVE."

(dedicato: Guitar-Man, REX MOSER)

...I was AT a Birthday (Festa di Complianno) party...I'm writing this by hand; NO Official-Dom, 'cept the stamp from the Ring on my Pinkie? Which like a ring from a King of England, as in past times, a warrant for your HEAD upon an executioner's block?
Under TORTURE? Who SWEARS?  A FURNACE! Dance! Who JASPERS, dies, dead, and then makes SWEET lyric and be-moans the other side? (Your Publicity/Facebook/Timeline?) A torture? Burning flesh whilst an " In-fra tri-cide"? And LET that dynamic fondle your Intimacy;  King takes Pawn. Bishop, Knight, King losers crown; Queen menstruates? Check.mate? Like an engagement? And  Brother eats Brother. (YUMMY-YUMMY) Intellectual Cannibalism. (There's actually a sea-gale going on outside my window?) COME! TAKE DOWN YOUR HORN, CALIOPE"! -John Heath-Stubbs! Come, you roving  Minstrels! Come U Bankers! Come U JEWS of Solidity! Come U MAIDENS: Smile?... (Sweetie-Pie?) And if nothing else; join my hand, sweet maidens. Come SMILE. Come, "Bella's! Join my hand? In the Dance -if U dare? Fall upon your knees, like I; and give your Life away...as in  the year of our Lord, 2017, at a Birthday party.. with  a host, hosting, with absent-Facebook friends: absent? (Whoopie-Doo!) And reap what you thnk sown? And reap your Facebook Love. And no-one's there?

c2017/davedelacrix/LORD BORGO/Sciacca-Sicily.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "ZIPPO!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "ZIPPO"!

(dedicato: Paul Z. Zermeno)

The ZIPPO cigarette Lighter, that I always filled, a present from a Mexicano-American friend, which I've never lost or threw away, still lights my Night and encompasses my - sometimes? - vanquished Day in this present World queue of an IMMIGRATION of Souls? And just WHO do I share it with; Man or Beast, in the HURDY-GURDY of Political confusion...where the light flickers, Hope, and then: OUT?...

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO, Sciacca/Sicily.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/"VENTURA COUNTY LINE."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/"Ventura County Line." (Parts 1...and 2)

1)...."Neptune's Net."

She don't like Whisky, she don't like Gin, she don't like Vodka or What's just "IN"? She's a Nightmare, SPACE-CADET-Babee, she'll arrange your DIS-arrange...and KILL your TAB in Malibu? She don't like SIRLOIN, she don't like FISH: "HENDERSON'S IS MURDAH!" -She "Clams" a great dish? HOMICIDE at da CASA OF LEE (CHINESE!!!), she'll CRACK da "Buffalo Nuts" between ya KNEES; she's ya California Nightmare: Gimme some Bourbon, PURLEEZE:
"See ya in Santa Monica!"
"See ya in the ROCKFORD FILES!"
"See ya up at NEPTUNE'S NET!"
See ya, Babee; on the Ventura County Line? Perhaps NOT?... (Singing: "O' sweet Kimberly...tra-la- in Paradise Cove.)


Ma'h Babee, gone and left me wiv TABASCO! My Babee left Me...All HOT, an' late at nite? She's gone, now she gon'  "Jockey's" some other Loser's plight? My sweet JORDAN; I howl at da Moon? It's always tough...on the CUSP of a Brigadoon? There's some "forgettin'", there's Language problems; how U KISS, do U MISS the target: Her, Her, or SHE? An' don't U go WACKIN', U Bystanders: Be a NEGRO, Mulatto, ALBINO, sing da Blues on ya UKULELE and/or CRY? I drank da Whisky. I sang the Blues: the Clouds?...Covet me and U?.... DON'T ya WAIL all night till Sun, Moon, Stars and Light DOUCHE!!! There's SOME forgetting, (Naturally?)  take a Highway, 66 or 101? And  HOW U DID KISS; do U miss HER, or her, or SHE, that SHE... in your obscurity?

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/sciacca, sicily.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Ghosts, Nightmares, and da Gal I left behind...by Sonny-Blu-Weavil."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Ghosts, Nightmares, and da GAL I left behind....by: Sonny Blu-Weevil."

WAKE UP, little SUZI, wake up? Wake up little Suzi, wake up! We BLEW ya daddy's credit card on a long-shot in Las Vegas, crashed his "Caddie" on his "Puttin'" lawn and did a "Yard Sale" with his furnishings; then I got U pregnant and my Mohican got kind'a droopy, but when Pop comes home from his business trip ya  just gott'a wonder what he will say? Wake up little Suzi! Wake up little Suzi! It's time to get GONE!. DO Las Vegas on our own; and aren't U SO glad U met me?

WAKE UP little Suzi! Wake up! Wake little Suzi, wake up! The Motel wants the Rent? Sellin' Earrings to the "Deadheads" and that occasional Pot deal: Gone South since Techno RE-arrived and Pot is LEGAL in Colorado? Jeeze! My Birkenstock's are History!!! -Ya don't know the meanin' of Heartbreak!? Wake up little Suzi! It's time to move on!

WAKE UP little Suzi, wake up! Wake up little Suzi, wake up!? -I'm calling/texting from a Nevada, desert Diner? I teamed up with a HIP-HOP/Country and Western-Guitar Act on their way to Austin, Texas, SXSW music fest., lugging AMPS, feedin' the Singer Pills; hope U and the baby are fine; gott'a an unsolicited NO-Interest credit card too! Just bought some Cowboy-Brogues! I'll be "Yahoo-in'" with U soon!? Wake up, little Suzi! Wake up! Wake up little Suzi! Wake up for''''' Me!

c2017,march/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Sciacca-Sicily./worst dang I ever wrote!


Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Traveller."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Traveller.."

When I left New York City I missed the Sirens.
When I left Denver, Colorado, I missed the longhorn whistle of the prairie-freight train.
When I left Paris I missed the confusion?
Or Venice;  the lagoon waters, lapping on my Palazzo steps?
When I left Mombasa; the cries of the Boys, out there, destroying the Kenyan reef in the morning ebb-tide?
And when I left L.A., the Freeway ROAR, next door, traffic  headin' to some Paradise, somehow integral, yet UN-found?
When I left Berlin, only scars of a great War, impressions, intrusive, where once  Evil ruled supreme? Nor Hermitage; where icy cold fingers cannot reach; such souvenirs resound?
When I left my home town in England I didn't miss a trick, taking it WITH me without and within?  Yet when I left YOU or U left ME; an inverted sovereignty prevailed, that's heart - to this day? -  palpitating, still  drives a traveller...further on.

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Sciacca-Sicily.