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Saturday, August 17, 2024

OUR MAN in EUROPE, now BELIZE, DAVE DELACROIX/david michael oxley: "A Guitar for a Year."

 Our Man in Europe, Dave Delacroix/David Michael Oxley: "A Guitar for a Year."

A KADISH for my Kibbutz, a prayer for U, that HOUSE of Soul, carried in trust,

God's gift from birth to Life's resound, that wheels thru Peace, War, Love, despair,

 life-long defiant in its fragility?

A Kadish for my Kibbutz, that Temple to your Soul, a Wailing-wall, a WELL of Souls

for ALL God's Children?

WHO tempers recognition with worldly desires, WHAT the Man, the DEVIL,

to dictate divinities synchronicity!?

A Kadish for my Kibbutz, now remembered, waxing in Eyes-fondness

passed clash-swords, spear, Glory or Shame: A Guitar in a Year

left fretting, SWEATING upon the stage of eternities' Yesteryear...


c. Davedelacroix, Aug. 2024; Old throat Cancer-NEW Painkillers. Yo!

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