Travels/adventures of Dave Delacroix...saying "HELLO!" to the people we meet...And NOW featuring Non sequential excerpts from my new Book, MENU FOR MURDER. The D-tects name is D and D. Biz goin down in L.A., USA!
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Monday, November 29, 2021
Our Man in Corozal, dave delacroix, No: 90:
OUR MAN in COROZAL, dave delacroix: No. 89: "SHEFFIELD."
OUR MAN in COROZAL; dave delacroix: No. 89: "SHEFFIELD."
Across the GIG, Sheffield, across your heart, across the slimey canal, the river DON where U hear splosh, sink, then seem like nothing; that last taste of honey, bubble UP, that renaissance of abstract ART? Or at the GRAVES ART GALLERY, aptly named; Squirrel-squid, encompasses your PRIMITIVE; sez: where WE began? MUM's hands worn to BEATLES music bone? I was PUSHED in thr River a Skin-head/got Typhus for a week? I SEE this punk till the day I die, his ASS is mine! Sheffield promise. I'll kill his kids!?..Brooklyn NYC, no worries. Thought of becoming a Painter?
ACROSS, brutally, slings, bloody Cross-bows, your bloodied INDUSTRIAL heart, awaiting some Skeleton at the factory door? What GRIT romance or vanquished dis-memberment...on 2 legs...can U find JOY at the Sheffield RAG Market, abolished, incorporated...and almost IN SITU, designed, but IS no more? What Sheffield CRETINS, for wealth, designed it SO? CASTLE MARKET?...Or the outlying Mansions and Manor Houses, demolished by local property predators, sights and scenes, on bicycle I would, in "old England" explore? All seemed polluted or demolished? Archeology in Britain-1960s wasn't valued?....Love to WOKE THAT money trail?
Across the RIVER DON, Student, 1966, clean it UP-Project .The SONS/DAUGHTER thigh-high, pulling out industrial TRASH from the River. SHEFFIELD. The last English-Industrial "SHITHOLE"; the last "URBAN RE-MODEL". 1960s STUDENTS were ABSOLUTELY COOL.
Up/commers/wannabe Students would connect out CAMPING-WEEKENDS in the PEAK DISTRICT; they mostly studied PHILOSOPHY and mostly ALL ended up as Gardeners, Sanitary Workers, "kept-men", or joining some obscure LUTE band?...They HAD... these Students...the honour of Graffitti-ing the Central Bus Station ARC by X by! No one complained. Upper deck BUS passengers enjoyed the "YA!!!"...Not EASY to have a "YA!" in B/W grimey 1960s England on TOP of the Bus Station? "RAG-65!!!"....For NON-Brits, "Rag-Day", the day University Students collect CHARITY MONEY/Rattle Coin boxes, permitted to have a good time. Mischief, within reason Ok. S-posed.
People LIVED. SHEFFIELD. They had a couple of LYONS TEA SHOPS, JEWISH CAFE, next to the Victorian City Hall... In the CITY HALL? Like Washington D.C., USA, cluttered with MONEY FOLKS, like today, toe-rags. Across the GIG, cheap-ass High rises were built & collapsed, SOCIAL WORKERS invaded to "Fix" whatever good old Hippies were protesting to be done; most of Em got the frick out ASAP . The Hippies/college, buzzed off? The FIRST TV Cable outfit was launched! I played a song or 2 IN a "TV STUDIO!?... SHEFFIELD. The original STEEL TOWN dating back to mention in the "Canterbury Tales.". Me and HUMAN LEAGUE!
No worries. Even in MY lifetime; JOE COCKER, Def Leopard, Human League, Metabelious-3, Cabaret Voltaire, Thompson Twins, correct me if I am in err. Every COMMUNITY ejects its "bright sparks"; S-way it is? SHEFFIELD, the INCUBUS: The Pastoral, the INSIDIOUS INDUSTRIAL, the later SOCIAL lies at a Survivors feet.
c.2021, dave delacroix,our man in Corozal, always homesick I guess.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
OUR MAN in COROZAL-Belize: No.88; "In a Tight Corner".
Our Man in Corozal-Belize: No.88: "In a Tight Corner".
Greatest pick of BAND line-up of ALL-TIME; personal choice? SHWAT!! ...recovering from blow-to-head, includes dudes/dudettes from Strawbs, Jethro Tull, MOUNTAIN, Sergio Mendes-Brazil 66 AND Arlo Guthrie. S-every one's CALL/puts U in a tight corner. Critics out there!
c.davedelacroix, our man in where-ever, 2021, corozal-belize.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No:87: "CORTEZ!"
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 87: "CORTEZ."
WHERE WAS I LAST by HIGHWAY 666, MEANSTREETS, the DEVILS ROAD, that place, LONESOME, meant to BE, where was THE DUDE, yours truly, wallowing in some VACUUM of inert love/POVERTY, hanging out, the GREAT AMERICAN DISSAPOINTMENT - Photo-ed in Monument Valley mosey-ing in to CORTEZ-Colorado; the 50s DINER with table slot Juke-boxes; buck-a-pop, Everly Bros/song? "Let it be me?": Waitress, old school, pours coffee/re-fills over your head then suggests local motel owned by an EX-Malibu-Cal.-COP, luckily, whose PEOPLE I knew? Old MPD Guy. Retired from Cop shoot-out/his kin owned P.C.H restaurant. Now here! Small World? Anyhow, CORTEZ? It was NAVEJO USA BENEFIT CHECK NIGHT. Dark-thunderhead clouds; Town bars hoppin. Maybe SOME stories, till later, or drag an HOUR worth hanging like family photos, a recipe on a piece of your grandma's Chatellaine, that thing that makes mystery and that IN TIME you too will endorse? Such are Co-incidence/memories when they collide? .......When I was then by CORTEZ just off Highway 666, a devil's highway, in my USA travels, I had memories, like anyone, but IN CORTEZ I let my memories rest.
c.2021, davedelacroix. Cortez, Colorado, USA.
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 85: "When I died I saw your Joy."
OUR MAN in BELIZE, dave delacroix, No: 85: "When I died I saw your joy."
when I died I saw ya joy
when I died, I counted ya money
I saw your GOLD
and threw it on the street
When I died I gave
my Turkisk Robe,
got it fake
didnt matter, WE both looked ok
drinking weird coffee;
I tried to be respectabillo;
no one will ever know
the Enigma of our Paris-closet.
c.2021, dave delacroix
Our man in Belixe; dave delacroix: 85: "CAN ARABS fight for their GIG/IF NOT? ....."
Our Man in Belize, dsave delacroix: No: 85:
THE ENGLISH GENTILLe, the NON ARAB, who witnesses CHANNEL CROSSING; MUSLIM Refugee fighting THEIR good fight? Where/WHEN IS the BANKING, Jewish or ARAB assistance?
THE ENGLISH-GENTILLE. Shallom, IN ALLAh-shallah? Where ARE U...27 people DEAD, a floatation, life-raft drifts upon your shore?..
Your SHORE is your Soul!
TRAGEDY: WHY IS IT these PEOPLE dont FIGHT for THEIR GIG!!!??? ....Pussies!
c.davedelacroix, 2021.
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 84: "SONG for Song-Carver: David Sylvian."
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No:84: "SONG for Song-Carver: David Sylvian."
I QUIT the band when they didn't to know HOW to tune OPEN D, or OPEN G on a 6 string guitar or could spell: "FUCK MAH BRAIN". Education is everything. Back in HENRY VIII's time; Sir Thomas Moore had more MINIMALISM: Truth or Death? I may lose my...creative Head? THIS?
I quit the band when they...ALWAYS....HAD A YOKO. ...EVERY one legged RnR band has a YOKO.; oddly, not even desirable, just REFUSE-able? Every wastrel bass/drum player seems PRONE to a LAMIA? Reptile self-estime? WOG-STUFF!!!. ALIEN-6!
I QUIT the BAND/KICKED- OUT of the BAND. mostly, MY SOUL? That GIG still had to explore, the YEARNING that the AUDIENCE, still yearning for, a thing I could not share? Audience: A GHOST-STARE!!!
I quit the baND, i SAID HELLO ON stage. I quit the band. Solo. Forever? My name was David Sylvian.I was in a BAND called JAPAN.
c.2021, dave delacroix. ourmaninbelixe.
OUR MAN in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 82: "TITANIC SYNDROME."
EVERYBODY STINKS! EVERYBODY'S DEAD, everybody got COVID, nobody KISSES, EDVERYBODY ROTS and that includes the stand-UPS, Lovers, Loyal pals, Sweatin Lovers, Comedians? SOOOOooooo HARD to nail down BROS, FAM, Loyal SHAFT, that Saturday Night Honey; where did she go?
Everybody UN-MASKED, Masked, appointments CANCELLED, assignations UP the Spout? TEA for TWO? Bring ya own POT? WHO CRIES OUT!? -the Angels or the BARRISTERS! Be-wigged JUDGES run to Chambers, LAW & ORDER runs to the GHETTO, a jurisdiction over which they once pontificated now GREASES their Robes?
POLITICAL LOBBYISTS UN-lobbied, filthy LUCRE tainted; finally, will ECO-endangered Countries/Economies GASP A BREATH between the waves of the First World Monopoly, suddenly found in the "Titanic Syndrome" where/when...EVERYONE is FRICKED!?
WARNING of ICEBERG DANGER ignored that Rich Folks could HOARD the Communication Morse-Info waves; "See U. Happy! Wish U were here."
PLANET EARTH; Let's GO TO MARS, the Titanic-Principal, whilst Countries ROT or "prep" for WARS that cost only some Mother's Son, Chinese, European, American, possibly the Whole World: that ICEBERG of INSANITY.
Who stands on the Watchtower, MAN, BEAST or THEE!?
c.2021, dave delacroix, belize-corozal.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
OUR MAN in MALIBU: Dave Delacroix, No:81: ZUMA BEACH.
Our Man in Malibu: dave delacroix, No: 81: ZUMA BEACH.
All the ONE HIT WONDERS who LANQUISH IN L.A. (Los Angeles), ALL THE ACTORS, LITTLE BUZZ back home; all the Belladonnas, MALIBU in a Caravan, Point Dume, Point Magoo. A ready made SOUP from the CHI-CHI, Cross-Creek market outside where I Busk?
All the SOPA, SOAP Opera blondes who gave ME hitch-hike rides back to town; the harmonica players. Jewish harps, clinging to their Jewish Agents whim, the HOLLYWOOD DITCH on DITCH that ploughs the road to stardom or 12 CLAMS at Hendersons, Sunset & P.C.H.? ...
We dip fully clothed in the Santa Monica swell then laugh, shivering; our futures, hysterically hollyweird/poor on poor? Absolutely NO-ONE knows our limbs?
It's ONLY MONEY? (Car Radio)
TALK SHOW: "S-Why these bastards NEED it so much? The Holy Kibbutz? No HELL after? A Kaddish?.. My BEST Gentiles, mostly, boring. Belong to the "Attitude/English Class System"; Max-ATTITUDE." English DJ?
We towel ourselves off.
"Ask ANY BRIT, lord knows, he UNDERSTANDS the WORLD according to his "attitude"; you tell him your name he will immediately relegate U to some "Schoolyard" format; U have to BE put in your place. Living IN the USA for a few decades I really did not miss this. Should I?"
(DJ/Santa Monica Car Radio)
"LUCKED OUT? Couple a few upper-crust ENGLISH gals. Always a JOY to meet. Fellow School-folks. Not many. Bela at the Sandcastle-Paradise Cove (Jim Rockford Backdrop), ships in the night. Better be LIFE-bullet proof. U never get to see her again 'cept in a vision?"
(Marcie & I slump on the Beach side of her Auto)
"ALL THE ONE HIT WONDERS, last years "JET" Movie, "SLASHER" flik. Up in Decker Canyon we're still pouring cheap champagne over the rental Zodiac, leastways, I'm over by the BBQ pit watching a MOVIE'S human detritous, 20 nobodies, out of a job, heads spinning, most, camera-of camera-of the Camera Man long since back in L.A. and gals, who knows?"
(Marcie rolls 2 cigarettes)
"All the ONE HIT WONDERS. Being a SONG-CARVER I look back at Ken Carpenter, B-Movie Actor. He's hosting, background, this gig. His daughter Kid, oblivious of the hullabaloo is swinging ON a TREE swing."
(Marcie lights my Doobie.)
"At some point the BBQ catches ABLAZE. Too much for the One Hit Wonders. They politely FLEE. Nothing NEW for me in California, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Sicily, Holland."
(We towel Up. Neptune's Net Fish gig up by the Ventura County line seems too far away. The "House of Lee" in Pallisades gets our evening-repast vote.)
The Car Radio?...An echo of emptiness. Ourselves.
c.2021, dave deelacroix,november, corozal-belize....78 degrees at night.
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix: No: 80: "BOYCOTT QUATOR 2022 FOOTBALL WORLD CUP/WOMENS FREEDOM!
dedicato: SPORTS Professionals: ISLAM REPRESSION of WOMEN. Don't go there and play. U can PLAY elsewhere LADS!!! VOTE WITH YOUR FOOTBALL FOOT!!!
Dirge for 2022.
My DIRTY FACE, UNSHAVEN, MY LOVE fails to make an impression? My RAGGED CLOTHES, cast-off kids stuff/don't FIT, who CRIES for SAVILLE-ROW/ NO CHIPS for a CASIONO FELT, no Croupier to swipe my Riches/Penury in Baden-Baden, Berlin, a SPA town I have yet to discover?
MY SLUM ST. PETERSBURG, MY PUSHKIN that wants to rip off your DRESS and sell it to some EASTERN, HUNGARIAN; the bastaRDS WHO ARE WAITING TO invade wESTERN europe WITH THEIR adolf hitler psyche? hOW DO, TOMORROW, WE DEAL WITH THESE hISTROIONIC mis-foits; fORGET covid; these bastards ARE YOUR COLLECTIVE zazz!.
mY DIRTY FACE. tHEY JUST B OUNCED ME OUT OF nowhWERE.iN spain, France, where-EVER, they KICK you OUT on the desert road; EUROPE LAUGHS!!!..In England, composite? Give em a ROOF and a "Cup of TEA"; Refugees never had it so good?
Or in "Shah Allah"; my face is TOO dirty for my Oil Rich Tribe; Will they EMPLOY my SONS whilst they SHACKLE my DAUGHTERS as THEIR Mothers and MINE writhe in despair at their insidious GENDER-RACISM?
MY DIRTY FACE, Can I fuck your DAUGHTERS?...(Trading barter)....All my CAMELS are fertile?
RELAX! ALL Homo Sapien: World Soccer, Quatar: 2022. GENDER-SLAVERY PREVAILS! Boycott.
c.2021/davedelacroix, corozal-elize: .....I don;t imagine, UK Parliament/US Congress has such comprehension?
c2021, dave delacroix. corozal-belize.
Monday, November 22, 2021
OUR MAN in BELIZE: dave delacroix, No: 79: "I get to Die."
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No:79: "I get to Die."
dedicato: Michael de Yaonna.
I GET TO DIE, LIKE U... in a jail cell, on a Shoot out NYC BUS, a Civic Parade, in a MOSQUE, a Temple, a yamaka on my head? A Typist on the subway, I was late gettin on the PLANE but the JET went down or poisoned by PROPAGANDA, USA, CHINESE, RUSSIA; one of THESE organs of Government that ENFORCE my distaste of a Stranger, a Stranger I never met; never drank with, Rice Wine, Rice wine, never shot, a Vodka, never drank: a BUD/country AND Western in the backdrop; no culture to share say: YO BRO!? Or sat in the Jungle, Siberia, Manchuria, Minnesota-USA; Nobody had a GUN but JEEZE, Horseman-ship ruled the day? On the Steppes? In Siberia? Pride? WHO PROCLAIMS our ALIEN-ISTA, who makes STRANGERS of WE: we who worry bout food on the table, OUR kids Education and all the TOMORROWS they have a right to enjoy? Are they not JUST!!!?
I GET TO DIE, LIKE U. Who KNOWS another's bunioned mind, the CRUX of social-evolution, the slings & arrows that empowered, create your Hollywood ICONS or your Hitlers & Stalins?...And all the petty thieves.....volunteers-abound!... In-between?
c.2021, davedelacroix, corozal-belize.
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 78: "The Road to Belize City/Belmopan
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 78: The Road to Belize City/ Belmopan."
THE ROAD TO BELIZE CITY, new Belmopan, took me LONGER than I thought; a byway ravaged by CONQUISTADOR-COCOA-COLA swordsmen, EMPORERS from the USA-NORTH? 100 pick up trucks passed my hitch-hiking thumb?
I prettied the "landscape" in my INTELLIGENCE, little that I had? I HUMMED drum-based BEAT, shook the Shake-Rattle in my SINEW as I TREKKED. I silently sluiced by POLICE checks, carrying a mango or 2?...BEAT got me through?
I walked a HUNDRED MILES to BZ Cap, Belmopan City to see THE FAT living in opulent offices, shaking hands/being photographed with the OBEI, the "witch-dang" from which NO SOUL can ever return? A wilderness of smiling, photographic TEETH of greed?
I had a few dozen BZ Dollars. My Sandals were a scandal. Yet I asked for no assistance. BURRITOES & GRIT were my VALUES. BZ road travelers got me home? The ONE Highway!
It broke my heart when, eventually, I returned to my North Belizean village and I looked their FUTURE in their eyes, made WORDS and gave a blank stare?
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, 2021. Corozal-Belize.
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix: No:77: "Do not GO gently."
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix: No: 77: "Do NOT go Gently..."
DO NOT GO GENTLY WITHOUT VASELLINE to FWD your dance upon the Stage; MRS WORTHINGTON had warnings/NOEL COWARD, sodomite, wrote the Song? : FAGGOTS, PRAEDETORS, AGENTS (mostly), the Leading Man's whim, or LESBO QUEEN caressing your NIPPLES? Mostly, taken care of in Parent-CHILDHOOD Acting Academies, ROYAL or otherwise. If you WEREN'T a "carpet-crawler" in RODEAN (Public School) then you got "A LEG" with a local/outside Girl's Academy-Country loaf? WHY IS IT THAT..."ME TOO!?" came too late or NOW means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!? YOU are still, in cloisters, future STARLET...being FINGERED!?
SMILE for the Hasselbach! (Camera)
DO NOT GO whoosit, better STILL, yak with MOMS & POPS do NOT GO THERE at all? Never mind RODEAN, the BOYS at HARROW, ETON who are NIGHTLY being SODOMIZED as we speak!?....Tradition, ol boy! Future TORY Members of Parliament? Expensive ARABS! AFRICANS! Bloody National GEOGRAPHIC/ PENIS IN THEE ASS. Tomorrow's Leaders, I swear?.. STOCK MARKET VASELLINE; out side of RIO TINTO ZINCE, RTZ, probably the best WAY to DESTROY CLIMATE/Social.....fill in your blanks. GREED in Retards hands. WHO OWNS all these smart buildings in London, Paris, Rome? Can we defrock them? Spread the WEALTH? Give them a Council house; give "something back" to the Nottinghamshire Kibbutz? Sure HOPe I dont get accused of being ANTI-DANE-LAW, offending a ROMAN EMPORER or WILLIAM the CONQUEre, OTHA the King?/////ya fuckers!
DO NOT GO GENTLY. Knight takes King, Queen takes Bishop!...Yamaka-City/Palestine aparteid! OK set up Chess pieces.
c.2021, dave delacroix. I have many JEWISH friends who AGREE. Gotta fix da Gig! RABBI-IMAN? It's NOT IMPOSSIBLE but it IS in your Hands?....ALLOW your PEOPLE to SHAKE HANDS?
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No:76: POSH on POSH.
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No:76: POSH on POSH.
ALL THE TWANG, BASS RIFF, stuttered drum kit SHAKING, Mic. stands swaying, alternate, BELA twistin and all that GYPSY; a million concerts in your INNER DELIVERY: the SONG? Paper-Pen/Cellphone/text?
All that SMOKE MACHINE, beads, heads-up GROOVY, or YAWK, BASTARDS, suck the floor ya walked IN on? COOL?
So hard to be Cool, poor? The PLAYERS got daddies Credit Card annexes, FORESKIN-extended? When YOU R in the gutter HE/SHE gets a LIMO out to the Shire. Henley-Regatta. They, lifestyle, don't drown. Paddle?
ALL THAT "Stranglers", the GIG, POSH on POSH, that "the Subterraneans" which might lend U a tampon or smoke to remind U that U really ARE a "belonging", a kind of: "Eh can I borrow your comb whilst we suck some DICK in the mirage of ALL THAT TWANG", that dissipation....?
PHWACK-PHWACK-PHWACK::Scarlet bottoms! Some ARISTO who decided to piss off his/her "Landed-Gentry" for a Season of "Fuck-Mater-Pater" and then there's YOU, wearing fashionista "cast-offs", looking for a crib on an English, cold Winter's night with only fellatio as a recourse on the King's Road, lowest Chelsea? No Hillary! No Stanford UNI oasis?
ALL the TWANG, the Judas songs resonate your Tomorrow, and tomorrow, perhaps on the Fulham Road? A Tattoo. A le recherche du temps perdu. A FUCK YOU to your yesterday. Just Posh on Posh.
c.2021, dave delacroix, Kings Road, Chelsea, London.
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No.75: RODEAN.
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No:75: RODEAN.
It's ALWAYS TOUGH to be a DROP-DOWN VIRGIN with raggedly schoolgirl skirt who made it to OXFORD UNIVERSITY; Nobody from Gal-Cattle-school RODEAN never gonna let U forget who U sucked: "Foreskin!", East to West, those Politicians who now, apparently, have THREE paying Jobs but won't STRIPEND your Career? Out of 1 to 10, what comes to mind? My RA-RA-Skirt? My VAGINA! See how it WAILS!...Retribution? Some day soon.
c.2021, dave delacroix.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 74: "Adonis in the Mirror."
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No:74: Andonis in da Mirror.
ADONIS in the MIRROR, ever absorbing, worm-holed into Ego transference that fleeces all memory, all tragedy.
Adonis, mirrored, visually DYING, lathering, drooping eyes, wrinkled into Dorian Gray?
Adonis in the mirror, genetical, sperm-donored into another's UN-suspecting psyche like "a day in the life" that erupts with human-seismic form!
Who determines? Who CAN? Or is it those waking dreams that villifie the reflection of all action, all emotion in your desperation, your mad existential waking hours?....
c.dave delacroix, Corozal-Belize:(spell-check some place.), november. 2021.
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Our Man in Belize: dave delacroix, No: 73: "Bourbon & Blue."
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 73: "Bourbon & Blue."
dedicato: Michael Cristol.
IT'S ALRIGHT WHEN we are Dead. It don't matter Babe? It's alright when WE are all good-damned and well-fed? So somebody says?
IT'S already when your "Make=Up" is "just fine", elevated shoes, all that "thingy"- U think is IN style, struttin on Union, Main or Broadway like I'd never find U, looking for that last long kiss before U said, "Got plans!"? Nobody wants my shoes. Yours? I DO like yours!?...Songs abound!
It's ALRIGHT when I can't find a tune. Nobody told BEETHOVEN, nobody. Guess I'm outta da loop on Union, Main, Broadway; got no tune except that Bourbon & Blue; S-what I OWE to me & U, this forget-able gig/my GUITAR don't ring: Songs? Who knows It's alright. Tennessee night. Tennessee Night alright with Me. Back in NYC were U masquerading as a Yellow Cab driver or was I just ......bourbon. Yup! & Blue!
c.2021, dave delacroix, No: 73: "Bourbon & Blue."
OUR MAN in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 72: "Song of OUR Time."
OUR MAN in BELIZE, dave delacroix, No: 72: "SONG of Our Time."
dedicato: Gerry Franks.
SONG OF OUR TIME, that "ditty" that curried our moment OR STIRRED our Courage, made mince-meat of enemy propaganda, made US knee-jerk on a Saturday Night, the one U remember, the one U cannot get out of your head?
SONG OF our TIME: Those Icons, VOCALS who inspired the Anti-Fascist Soldiers in MID-1930s in SPAIN (See epic POEM by GEORGE BARKER/I had honor to meet) that HOLLYWOOD never recorded, or the original "Lili Marlene"; who CARES who wrote it yet it became a battle song, subterranean?
SONGS OF our TIME; "Those were the Days." sung by 1960s Mary Hopkins/Welsh speaking Pop Star. Late teenagers craw-ring out of WW11-Europe's ruins which friends in AMERICA cannot understand, diet, health-care; all we HAD was the Beatles, mostly frugality!
CANZONE of OUR time. in PARIS, in ROMA. KIDS put on their ONLY CLOTHES and went out and DANCED. S-WHAT/HOW it was. Love amongst the RUINS. The birth of EURO Rock & Jazz?
SONG of YESTERDAY: La Marsellaise. (French National Anthem) The song 100 Jewish/Gypsy FRENCH GALS fiercely sung as they were forced into the NAZIS Aushwitz GAS CHAMBER. Less we forget?...Not much WOODSTOCK in those days. Song of our time? Which one!? THOSE were the Days. Never again. But IN Life and also in DEATH everybody had a SONG!? How-s YA VOICE?
c.2021, dave delacroix, corozal-belize....
OUR MAN in Belize, dave delacroix, No:71: "PUSHKIN."
OUR MAN in BELIZE, dave delacroix, No:71: "Pushkin."
dedicato: Sergei & John Hartman.
PUSHSKIN you DEVIL, Pushkin you SWINE you STILL owe me 10,000 KOPECKS! My patience is THIN. Like ice on the NEVA or lice in our hair; U break my desire for your GENIUS and I must find FOOD for my Babushkani!?
PUSHKIN my HERO I must find a way to KILL YOU less U kill me first? SWORDS are frozen; my "Seconds" worry about my ESTATE; I tell them that either you or I must die? Nobody is kidding, Manh?
PUSHKIN, my Nemesis! I am not WORTHY of death; it is YOU that holds the Queen of Spades, my extended Life and YOUR Immortality; the Song of Songs: Which of US drinks VODKA tonight!?...
c.2021, dave delacroix. Corozal-Belize.
OUR MAN in BELIZE, dave delacroix, No:70: "OLD ROCKSTARS never DIE."
OUR MAN in BELIZE, dave delacroix, No:70: "Old ROCKSTARS never DIE."
dedicato: Damon Wood.
OLD ROCKSTARS NEVER DIE, old SONGWRITERs; bastards are ETERNAL!!! Old Rockstars dust off their Guitars, drum kits, bloody BASS whoosit. Old Keyboards/Synths get dust UN-covered, microphones get doused in Vinegar; U sing "I feel Free" U get COVID.
OLD ROCKSTARS, still using the same BARBER/their Groupie Gal who decided on a worthless 3 Chord Security blanket with a knack for cooking LENTILS; What's an old AXE-Man-Momma gonna DO in upstate New York, outside of PARIS or London's "Home Counties", places the Underground never reached?
OLD ROCKSTARS never Die past the 27-Club; "How OFT" said SYD BARRET/Pink Floyd or Jeremy-whoosit from FLEETWOOD-MAC: " I could-a bin a contender/Lord knows I masturbated enough!?" TWANG!!!
OLD ROCKSTARDOES never bloody die; they just think of the "POWER & GLORY" that they failed to achieve, now living in leafy suburbs borrowing money off their Old Mum!
OLD ROCKSTARS never die. A new pair of skinny-pants; their very own TRIBUTE BAND that wails, now OUT of THEIR TIME resounding into perpetual obscurity. Like ME.
RAINER MARIA RILKE, early Rockstar: "Who if I cried out...would hear Me amongst the Order of the Angels!?"...Poor bastard never had any money?
c.2021, dave delacroix, corozal-belize./Zoot-Allors!.... MUSIC is FREE!
Thursday, November 11, 2021
OUR MAN IN BELIZE, dave delacroix, No: 69: "SUICIDE!"
OUR MAN in Belize, dave delacroix, No:69: "SUICIDE."
REAL SUICIDES NEVER LEAVE ADIOS NOTES. Real suicides never say "Bitch!" to fare Juanita. They just blow their bloody BRAINS out or forget their relatives? Nuttin! NO MANUSCRIPT leaving the house, farm or grazing cows. Lawyers PILLAGE and pick choice carcass.
. Real SUICIDES don't wear FASHIONISTA; mostly take off their GUCCI shades, .maybe leave several exotic condoms in the bathroom suite. Poor? Just a toilet cubicle. Graffiti on the wall. A neighbor grabs a bar of soap/loose change?
SOME Suicides write a POEM or WAIL a Song before their fateful day: Misery! Bloody worthless Poetic: "BITCH!" or, "BASTARDO! U CLEANED OUT MY BANK Account!!!"...It's always about Tomorrow not looking really good? Stolen Tuxedo! A family Icon! THEFT & Death, hand in hand? A Maigret! Easily solved?
REAL SUICIDES oddly, always have a WORD to say which is why NON-SUICIDE folks, mostly GERMANS, have much to DETAIL; German-nature. Hardly anyone commits suicide in Germany. Hungary and France are BIG in Suicide Socio-statistics. The U.S.A. of course is TRYING to get ahead? TEXAS-thingy? Austrian/German Suicide notes last longer than Kafka. Chapter 3, ya work it out! "Ich bin moder!".
S-why National Depression is so successfully NON rampant in BAVARIA. Invaded BELGIANS? Much the same. Can't get Em to kill themselves, any which way; Lagoons or Franco-whatever! Personally, I blame it on the excellent beer and rampant chauvinism? A MUSEUM of Suicide Notes? Who volunteers to be the Curator? Suicide-Tax-deductable?
REAL SUICIDES are whatever. Truth be known the RENAISANCE hosted maximus-suicides outside of WAR and the rampant PLAGUE; folks didn't want to hang around? And even I, now, born 1955, trespassing into the 2020's, witness my fellow Man's despair, Global/Eco disintegration and YOUTH's exasperation, a Covid mask?????????
There's STILL Beer of course.
c.2021/dave delacroix, corozal-belize.
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 68: "Today I Cried."
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 68: "Today I Cried."
TODAY I CRIED, god knows why? Today I cried, unsettled, dire, dirge-song mind that blacked out this Caribbean sun/blue sky? Today I cried; "I read the News Today"/ But maybe not that, just a melancholy, a spasm of fever, an aired Song, from out of the blue that made me think of U, U who never lived SO long and died amongst our own now dusty Yesterdays? Today I cried like a small boy ...still not quite knowing why, intoxicated by melancholy's spasm?
c. 2021, davedelacroix, Corozal-Belize.
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 67: "The Priest."
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 67: "The Priest."/Belize-Noir!
Everybody gets to die, everybody gets to KISS, everybody gets to LIE in the bed they make? Dead gal on a Belize City street:
I pretended to be a PRIEST, took Confession, THIS ONE, she didn't argue; I got the SMUCKS bank account number then sold it to the Chinese Mafia; they said it would help them invade Taiwan; I said, "whatever.". Invade with Incense sticks? Leave Belize alone?
Everybody gets to die, rich, worthless, Gringo-GAL trying to sell a cheap-ass Watch. I really wanted that Watch; my girlfriend also wanted one. I knew about her infidelity, HER dynamic, too and jealous husband so I blackmailed her for a weekend. She lived just across from the Belize river swing bridge and was out of Pearls? ...That's ME I guess?
Yet ANOTHER bozo? I finally gave her 2 tickets as recompense to keep her happy, out of my hair, for that ASTRO-thingy, flight tickets, UK, everything. We;d kind-a fallen in love?
She got killed in that famous concert, UK Crush? Her face was SO battered by stampeding concert-goers nobody bothered about her I.D. Belize gal. S-All they wrote!?
Everybody gets to die, unless it's MURDER. When it's Murder; it's Official!...Unless it's something else?
c2021, dave delacroix, Belize-Noir.
Monday, November 8, 2021
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 66: "Shampoo."
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 66: "Shampoo."
TODAY I WASHED my hair? Today I said HELLO to myself and looked out of a WINDOW. Bloody Palm trees! Caribbean sea.
Today I thought about YOU and all the things that U & I should DO, together? TODAY I thought about YESTERDAY and twined it into our Tomorrow, I washed MY HAIR! Definite Promise!
Today I washed my Hair, I shaved my FACE, I looked for an IDENTITY that I thought might ingraziate my ignobility: that "le je nais cest quoi"? The stranger in the bathroom mirror?
TOUGH GIG. Still? I washed my hair! Thought bout past Highs & Lows. Potential for writing a new Song? So get busy!
Today I washed my "locks". Song-dedications abound!!! Shampoo choices up the WAZZEE.!? Where was I?... I mixed myself a decent cocktail and wondered, maybe, just maybe you will come back to Me?... Made a mental note to buy more Shampoo.
c.2021, dave delacroix, our man in belize.
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No: 64: "All the Young Dudes."
Our Man in Belize, dave Delacroix, No:64: "All the Young Dudes."
ALL THE YOUNG DUDES now frayed-groovy, lost out on Beladonas, marooned in some Tropic, or Industrial backdrop. One, a Poet, one a Cornwall Painter, one a drunk? Wotchagonnado when the music ends and U got NO Chair?
All the Young Dudes, haircuts NOW don't matter, no BOOKS on the shelf; a couple of ROXY MUSIC LPs on the kitchen table; a naked ashtray; smoking, by necessity, abandoned, HEALTH or fiscal?
All the Young Dudes, dance floor-fashionistas, MOTH EATEN wardrobes, a ring, a bracelet and all the Disco FAST-CHAT that accrued a number of illegitamat/Kids wondring who...git on DOWN!... PAPA was?
All the Young Dudes who once sallied under DISCO-GLISTENING-BOWL and tap-danced their destiny into OBSCURITY....Yet NOW who PRAYS for these bankrupt Predators; perhaps, their Successors? The Dance-Hall New-Wave with Date-Rape drugs; whose SPROGS are they!?
ALL THE YOUNG DUDES infected with HIV, Syphillis, Covid: Who cries for a howling Moon!? Whose cherished DAUGHTER, to put before Societies ravished SEWER against the Tomorrow of your Dreams?
All the Young Dudes? SONNY BOY? U take my kid on a date, I got a MACHETE!!! And I also know THREE GAY SEXUAL PREDATORS who now KNOW where U sleep at night!....OLA!....(usually works).No WOKE here Sunshine!
c.2021. dave delacroix
Our Man in Corozal-Belize, dave delacroix, No:63: "ELBA!"
Our Man in Corozal-Belize, dave delacroix, No:63: "ELBA."
"ERE, I saw death & the Maiden as SHE saw the KILLER BOY, that wave crashing over EMOTION, that confliction, the convulsion, that double helix of love-hate, intrinsic that spawns disintegration resulting in furniture, pottery, knick-knacks getting thrown across a bedroom, door-slamming!?
ERE I saw the BOY I loved, that Scam Artist who SODOMIZED my Virgin Soul, who dragged my noble carriage into UN-utterable Social depths then left my Bank Account bereft of fiscal escape to calmer climbs? And begging "friends"; Ya should had seen the LIGHT!?
ERE when I first saw ELBA ...I still KNEW I could become EMPORER of the World...!?
c.davedelacroix, our man in europe, 2021.
Saturday, November 6, 2021
Our Man in SHANGHAI, dave delacroix, No: 62: How to train a Hamster?
Our Man in SHANGHAI; No: 62: How to train a Hamster?
OK! 12/13 years old my buddy Steve Cousins/Rugby Capt. & I decided, god knows why, started a Hamster- farm--thingy in his parents backyard shed. We got some wood-thingies, netting, some plate glass, bought SEEDS and started a PET-DIARY. 3 weeks went by then, READ DIARY, 10 Sprog Hampsters bedding showed up!
Transpant me 50 years later? I would-a insisted on BIX BEIDERBECK on Soundtrack!!!
Sure hope those WISE MANDARINS in CHINA don't start WW3 over Taiwan? What I learnt was all those HAMSTERS; they just needed some space, their OWN. We passed 'em out to our Buddies. Collective joy I guess?
If I told You I still get loving E-mails FROM these Sprog Hamsters...? Well; let leave that to World Peace and Creative Fiction.
c.2021, dave delacroix.
Friday, November 5, 2021
62OUR MAN in Belize, No: 62: dave delacroix: "RUST."...The MOVIE!
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix: No:62: "RUST: The Movie."
U AINT FROM NEW YAWK. U aint from L.A. Maybe U some BELA from nowhere? Maybe U can tap-d., maybe U can SMIRK, GRIN, SMILE, look good when U fire a GUN, wobble ya BRA, recite a Shakespeare verse or Stunt-fall?
U ain't from CHICAGO but U might DO if we can Use U. Can U give us your RUSTIC TITS and fall over? WE NEED U; after-all, WE don't give a CRAP: We want U on this PUSSY SHOW.
There's at LEAST one important B-Movie ACTOR...he has the best AGENT/Wm Morris/some ya gotta blow-job the CAMERAMEN and dance NAKED infront of the B-Fricks in their TRAILER? No worries.
No worries: We'll get your Virginity in BEAST 3; put U a Credit. Show us ya tits!!!
c.dave delacroix.2021. HOW DO U THINK THESE PEOPLE GET THESE JOBS!!!!!!!????????
Our Man in BELIZE; dave delacroix, No:61: "Amy Winehouse."
Our Man in Belize, dave delacroix, No:61: "Amy Winehouse."
"AH-married a brown skin Gal in ENGLAND: didn't know it was OUT of bounds; I married a brown skin Gal...from INDIA...and she loved me. She was my Love. 1977.
Married she was dressed in WHITE, my MUM (from Yorkshire) and a London friend showed up at the WEDDING at Fulham, London, Register Office, nobody else in sight. Her Indu family SPAT on the floor I guess? Couldn't sell TICKETS to THIS baby?
I married a brown skin Gal, nobody, nobody's FRIEND did she have for marrying an English White boy; the romance, the cold life that we had, that RASCIST India or British side...eroded our Love. No AMY WINEHOUSE to sing our lonesome Song?
c.2021, davedelacroix.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Our Man in Corozal-Belize, dave delacroix, No: 60: "Wacky Races."
Our Man in Corozal-Belize, dave delacroix, No: 60: "Wacky Races."
1960's UK: We rarely KISSED, we hugged ELBOWS, most communication was by WALKIE-TALKIE, passin notes in the School classroom. Boy, Gals, Girls; senior boys checking out the new generation-Country-Gals. OURSELVES, new-boys were more worried bout who'd be the RUGGER-Captain whilst Soccer-dicks/retard-zealots had no ZEAL for these new school virgins; truth IS, we were abstractly... absorbed with...infantile minutae..and gambling weekly, on who would win on the TV Cartoon: WACKY RACES. I stuck my Sixpence religiously on Red/blue-Max, Penelope Pitstop mostly won. Good training. Gambling IS fixed! Blue-Peter & Top-of -the-Pops TV shows, The Hollies, Beatles, Jimi Hendrix on TV: 40 hours in the Classroom PLUS Homework! Still, the belles & I rarely kissed. School gig. THEN, School Play nite out thingy. Lots of kissing. ZING!!! Sometimes a House gathering/parents "away". Boog-a-loo. Always scared to "Consummate.", age 13. And then, "COUNTRY LIFE", something changed. Elder, 3 years, village Bela recruited me to her "Club."; The Beatles' "Hey Jude" was in the music top-ten. Out in England's green and pleasant fields we rarely kissed but fornicated till the cows came home. In THOSE days, a bicycle, you really COULD get around. Syd Barret/Pink Floyd wrote the song!....I ran into the Village "Bela" some years later riding alone upstairs on a Sheffield Bus. Our encounter was my first experience of love's despair. We sat side by side like cold strangers. Desultory conversation. We had lost our innocence. We had FUCKED our Childhood; adulthood lay ahead of us like a vast, barren, UN-emotional plain. The 1960s, YOUR 1960s will haunt. Enjoy!...
Our Man in Corozal-Belize, dave delacroix: No: 59: "Stazione/Gare du Montparnasse, PARIS"
Our Man in Corozal-Belize, dave delacroix, No: 59: "Station: Gare du Montparnasse Paris."
I ain;t NO BHWANNA, I ain't no SENORE, I ain't no DON CARLOS, I ain't no MISTER D? I ain't no COMMANDITERI or the DUDE, the kid who wipes up....I ain't NO SAHIB and I ain't NO WAITER, but if I was? ..."Service Compris!"
I ain't NO Minstrel, no livin-breathin JUKE BOX, no SATURATED Mister In-between, the CAT who cools down your MOOD or says, "Fuck U" for OTHERS blood on the street ...or a Magician who can conjure your DIABOLIC and turn it into BON-BONS?
I ain't NO Valet, Men's-MEN jades me as a vocation. Damned ROADIES! I'm a LADY's man. The Station Manager Gal, STARLIGHT MOMENT at the Gare du Montparnasse ticket/billet who warned my drunken SELF: "If U miss this last train to Bordeaux, U end up on a Whisky Bar floor!!!"
Wish I'd caught her name? Wish, romantically, SOBER, I'd fallen at her feet?
c.2021, davedelacroix.
Monday, November 1, 2021
Our Man in Corozal-Belize, Dave Delacroix: No: 58: "OUR ULYSSES"
Our Man in Corozal-Belize: dave delacroix, No: 58: "Our Ulysses."
ALL OUR HOARY goods, our yesterdays, all our flits and UP-skirts, our CHAPTERS UN-written/forgotten that lie now in the belly of SUB-conscious, all our TREACHARY, our betrayals of Self & fellow Man; our Ulysses, a life's carving of a Wooden Horse to spaghetti-umbilical-intestinal bile and Result?
ALL OUR MACBETH, the curdled dream of CRICKET GAME WHITES, on an English pastoral, smeared with red to browning BLOOD, a backdrop of Witches, NAY! NAY! FIE! -to upset cups of tea and cucumber sandwiches; a Knighthood or a a decapitation?
ALL OUR SERVITUDE that came to NUTS, the cow-towing, the presented stepping-stone, a CLOAK over a pool of Elizabethan MUD; Angels are pretty busy last I heard but not TOO busy to wink a Life's eye; and the UN-finished business of a Yesterday that NET to rebound a dishonest/Amoral Soul or Mind?
ALL OUR HOARY GHOSTS chatter, our COCK-SEEKING/PUSSY HUNTING by an inferno of rights, wrongs, does-don'ts... aside a candle over which man, beast or Spirit has no control? And in a Whisky bar's back room the ANGELS play "Texas Hold-Em"!?...A MONIED "inner-sanctum" and all the tales you have yet to PLEAD.
c.davedelacroix,our man in belize, 2021.