Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix/IN BELIZE, No. 41: The Power Cut.
DO U KNOWS THE WAY to Corozal-Belize? Do U know the way to that GIRL? Do U know the way to IROKO, that Japanese gal, once my Love? Do U know the way, SO many roads that MAPMAKERS ask, Generation on Generation on the road of regrets, of tears that dissolve the Paper Tissues of repetitive heartbreak?
Do U KNOW, do u know, do u want TO know that crazy double-helix that wrings the MEMORY, FLINGING your red blood Heart in a WHITE-painted room: Blood-splatter: how do U ZOOM from yesterday's love's BLOOD into tomorrow's LOVE,s vacuum, that MAE-WEST of a Song: He was Billy-Miner in dah Valley an I loved his ass jest so!? Left me a Pontiac dat don't drive?
Do U know the way to Corozal-Belize? The CRIME SCENE of Romance. Nobody wants to be the On-scene Detective? Crocs? Bull Sharks? Suspicious Chinese Super Markets. Lazy-ass GOV. institutions; the curry-favor or rancour U gather after Belizean Dark when Sea-winds whistle/drone, pipe-tunes into your Selective? Witchata linesman.
Yo! Gather Evidence. But do U know HOW to be a Teacher? Orange Park. CERROS. The MAYAN at the Bus Station?..The POWER CUT. In darkness U show your Face?