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Friday, April 30, 2021

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix/IN BELIZE, No: 41: The Power Cut.

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix/IN BELIZE, No. 41: The Power Cut.

DO U KNOWS THE WAY to Corozal-Belize? Do U know the way to that GIRL? Do U know the way to IROKO, that Japanese gal, once my Love? Do U know the way, SO many roads that MAPMAKERS ask, Generation on Generation on the road of regrets, of tears that dissolve the Paper Tissues of repetitive heartbreak?

Do U KNOW, do u know, do u want TO know that crazy double-helix that wrings the MEMORY,  FLINGING your red blood Heart in a WHITE-painted room: Blood-splatter: how do U ZOOM from yesterday's love's BLOOD into tomorrow's LOVE,s vacuum, that MAE-WEST of a Song: He was Billy-Miner in dah Valley an I loved his ass jest so!? Left me a Pontiac dat don't drive?

Do U know the way to Corozal-Belize? The CRIME SCENE of Romance. Nobody wants to be the On-scene Detective? Crocs? Bull Sharks? Suspicious Chinese Super Markets. Lazy-ass GOV. institutions; the curry-favor or rancour U gather after Belizean Dark when Sea-winds whistle/drone, pipe-tunes into your Selective? Witchata linesman.

Yo! Gather Evidence. But do U know HOW to be a Teacher? Orange Park. CERROS. The MAYAN at the Bus Station?..The POWER CUT. In darkness U show your Face?


Monday, April 26, 2021

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No 34: ZIPPO LIGHTER.


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, No.34: ZIPPO LIGHTER.

When the ZIPPO lighter speaks CREOLE and your Smokeroni looks sphaghetti and the Crime scene takes U back to Puberty or a SITU with clean Under-shorts, don't U wish- back in Afghanistan shooting who-ever/the Military/said? It's always TOuGH to get out of KABUL. A Soldier., 

When U R ....your Thoughts....running down, outside the Green Zone.

A WHOOSHIT in ROME, absolutely NAKED, passed CARRIBINERRI who absolutely do not give a dam, HOW do U think about your Nakedness? 

U R OLD. Some BRAT walks by your CITADEL. By your PANTHEON. 

When the DEVIL kisses your GAL; How do U re-act? Do U roll over and DIE or do U say: "Hello!"?

When the ZIPPO Lighter fails to SPARK; quit smoking, go nuts, or just make a Curry!?

And in the CON-CUSSION/SHELL Shock of actual WAR how do U write THIS; a postcard? A ZIPPO Lighter and a Mind's eye.

c.2021, dave delacroix, belize.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, no 33: Corozal-CORRES (the hills) in aspic.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No.33: Corozal CORRES (the hills)  in aspic.

 It's aLWAYS TOUGH, your COLD-HEARTED gig., cheap-ass Curry Dinner on Gibson St/Glasgow, a Tak-a=Way, edinburgho, George St., and there is YOOO not wearing a KILT-sans-SPOWRON with NO get out clause looking for a quiet nite in Dunoon saying: "Hi!" to a USA Nuclear Submarine at the  dock of the Loch?

It's always REAL tough, non-tourists side of Lochie-Nessie, rich Cock-a-leekee Soups have splayed their Highland Kibbutz; views of NESSIE, Castle Alcharte/whatever it's called and from Fort to Fort, the repression of  in the name of Augustus and  William; both tyrants, what PRIZE to over see a deep Ice Age depression?

Do the PIPES play? The road to Tinnabrruick, a Scottish obscurity, is full of windes? Or Yucatan, Maya Priestesses; their Virginity? In ASPIC the phenomena prevails like bullshit, Politics, BITCOIN, or just how do U sell your latent Soul?

c2021.dave delacroix.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No.32: Corozal-Cigar.

 Our Man in Europe, IN BELIZE, No.32: Corozal-Cigar

WHO U GONNA LOVE IN CONSEGO, IN COROZAL who U gonna love/KISS in Corozal-Belize? WHO U GONNA...the REST is about finding a Vaccine/frantic masturbation/despair/the Swimming Pool U do not have, SINGING "SEY E SEY A COVID MANH!"

"WHEY DEY JA LIFE IN BELIZE/WHEE DIS LIFE da ma py in life Enhee U geeveevin Meesta Covod!? Mister Covid? Sing to Mee! A Corozal-Cigar.

c.2021/davedelacroix. Corozal-belize.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No.29: The Rider from Damascus.

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, No.29: The Rider from Damascus.

THE RIDER FROM DAMASCUS: That pale rider, that Cavilliere who tried to save his TIME; some whizz-kid riding on a Apocalypse stallion, swift a-foot UN-seeing the beauty of seconds, minutes, hours, days passing by; and a POEM, a Girl's Heart, a  shoreline, a sunset, a NATION's RAGE, a dying Wisdom imparted, all passing by, he PAUSED to check his Cell-Phone?

The Rider from Damascus who, YO! -Abandoned his herd of Camels/couple of Gals/and who pretty much - in advance - insulted DIABLO; pre Mohamed, incidentally, no body gave a Monkey's Uncle/usual retards just threw rocks at Pyramids/nobody minded/illiterate/no graffiti. Allah-akbah had yet to be articulated: In shah-allah?...

The Rider from Damascus, fevered, his horse, frothing-mouth, the way-side Inn-keepers, the Witnesses, the Whores, The Merchants, the Poets,  the diabolical journey's Night? Who SCREAMS? Who sits aside in WHISPERS: the road leads to Symarra where every one KNOWS except U ...Death and or Salvation awaits, even your HORSE is enrolling in a foreign language course? Your riding GHOST is your Immortality? Multi-lingual?

This Rider , that Pale, now succubus of an excuse... of a Man! Le Chevalier! Who wraps around his cloak, adopts a defiant posture, swears to GOD he still OWNS 20 Camels and ONE decent Credit Card as he strides into Symarra, his name is HAFIZ: lacking no illusions. He IS the Rider. From Damascus. And at last? He can look every son-of-a-bitch in the eye as no-one returns his gaze. At this point, HE, like the horse he road in on...crumbles into dust. 

...In the dust there are some Clothes, some Trinkets. No doubt the cleaning ladies will conclude a Stranger's Tale.

c.2021.dave delacroix. Corozal, Belize.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No.29: Belize-Corozal-Canzone: "We gone Swim!"

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No. 29: Belize-Corozal-Canzone: "We gone Swim!"

dedicato: Ampi Campos, Elisa Soto.

"WE GONE SWIM!"-bathin in dah Sea;. WE gone Swim, betta U GIV ME one Beer? How U Do? Corozal-Corazon-Belize?

WEE U GIVEN? Where R U going? SEE U tomorrow? WEE U given? Bathin in the Sea? We gone Swim! A see U....!!!!

WEE gone Swim, Elisa, Amita, Elisa! a sALUTE-REESPECTA> WE BATHING IN THE sEA. Friends taking a dip in Belize.

c.2021, davedelacroix, corozal-belize

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix,IN BELIZE, No.27: RILKE.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, in Belize, No.27: Rilke

 HOW I LEARNT to kill a Man, how I learnt to smoke a Cigar, how I learnt to ask U how to dance, how I learnt to watch PEOPLE die? How I learnt to travel, be conversant, all the willing  Virgins gone on by; who, if RILKE cried out, his angels echo?

WHO, if I conceived, conceptuously, concepts, bambinos in Harlequin hats, dancing through the fore-thought of your...cerebelum/skip dat ska beat? Who KNOWS your Genius footstep?

How U dance in FEVER, your INER Lamia that coils round my wanton Innocence over which, every weekend, I have no Control?

c.2021, dave delacroix. Corozal-Belize.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix, IN BELIZE: Weekend in Mecca.

Our Man in Europe, dAVVE delacroix/ IN BELIZE; No.26: Weekend in MECCA.

HOW DO WE DIE like Casanova, Churchill, Pushkin, Stalin; do U get to pick that myriad-be-witching the dynamic, esthetic, physic, something in a BOTTLE, your grande illusion that makes MAN and WOMAN Free. How does that work in ISLAM where WOMAN are CHATEL?...WHY R MUSLIM MEN FRIGId....and -Impetous: SILENT....constantly-cerebral-masturbating? Can we somehow help these psycho-cripples/should we?...Allah akbah!...answers on a Postcard!....

C.2021/davedelacroix, belize. 

OUR MAN in Whoosit, dave delacreoix, IN BELIZE: No 24: Asteroid.


Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix, IN BELIZ, No.24:Astereoid.


I wandered lonely at the speed of Light like an Asteroid swinging by here, swinging by there wherever Societies gravity pulled me IN but never able to remain, trimmings/fandango, even BEAUTY could not absorb, devour, sucour my dynamic-gravitational pull like a Nano-eternal Life? Babee it's COLD out there!

I wandered, indeed WONDERED where ever I was REMOTELY copus-mensa/awake...like U R s'posed to be? An educational fallacy; SLEEP Mes Amis -my advice! It's an infinite UNIVERSE. Why build obstacles?

Unconsciously I wandered through a myriad of Sexual/BABE experiences in early School days/spendour-Country living in the Grass. Nobody ever smoked that stuff? 

Back to that UNIVERSAL rocketing through the Heavens? A lot of Clowns have a take on this; philosophical, Religious, Keep-fit merchants? Ignorance, Idiocy, Death all LOVE a CROWD. Whilst of ALL GREEK HEROES from Homer's Odysseus: The first great Western Story of Life, through a MYRIAD of Personality-traits: Courage/Treachery/Cowardice/blah-blah AND JUST how DO u EXPLAIN....your beauty...in my perception?.....ZIPPO!!!....I falllk at your feeet!...even when sober!

c/davedelacroix/65/dyin fast.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No. 23: Lost Weekend in Corozal-Belize. Parts 1 to 5.

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No.23:  Lost  Weekend in Corozal-Belize. Parts 1 to 5.

dedicato: Ester Rodriguez.

1) Just one BZ-CZL day.

DID U LOVE dat BOY by the REEF, did U shiver like a Mermaid, did your INNER FINN swish then languish in rock pools, wondering what to do?

Did U SPLISH-SPLASH, towel-OFF your Lamia, did U coil, yes-COIL inside wishing to crush your inner-scream; did it seem like?

2) KID with a Mask.

KID WITH A MASK on dah beach, GAL with a Mask saying U left her SHOES in Corozal!? KID with the tits and balls sayin; "Hey! Fashionista!", stuff-I ARRIBA! No wardrobe/I left my frickin CARAZON in Ciudad-Mexico-Grande/don't mean Crappola", in Cancun, Tulum, Corozal-Belize?.. Later at night; DEATH-Hard-SKA, JUMBI music if your Picante can absorb?


HER TALENT-Kiss, still pissing her orgasm in the Carribean like her MEMORIES? Just WHO devours her boulevard, her life's tryst that circum-navigates her frigidity; on dusty Belizian-UN-paved trails-staccato-bumps encompassed in an intolerable Jungle heat? Who Cries out!? !JAH!!!" And like the root of a Rainbow, just WHERE is her echo grounded?


Do U know the way to Orange Walk, do U know the around my Heart? Do U know the way to the SEA and IF U DO please do not thunder at my door? Do U know they way to YOUR Orange Walk; a preamble, sometimes your Heart? It signals your destiny.

5) BELIZE-2021

The Guns of BRIXTON, the GUNS of L.A., the GUNS of N.Y.C., the guns of someplace called BELIZE or Un quartier de PARIS? The GUNS of BERLIN when: "Alles nicht klar!?" or NAPOLI, Palermo to "Famiglia-tutte-Sempre!" The GUNS of the Favillas-BRAZIL, when  THE GIRL FROM IPANEMA no-longer "walks on by" but slices off your DICK with a Machette? The GUNS of Brixton, Belize, Mexico; the GUNS of History's-come-uppence rattle corruptions cage and demands an "auto da fe" for ravenous Caymans: a song, not too far away, to be Sung.

c.2021. davedelacroix. corozal-belize.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No.22: Corozal-Belize- Trio.

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No.22: Corozal-Belize Trio.

1)......GAL from Corozal.

IF HER WALK SLOWS SHE's static in the midday heat? IF she answers your impetuosity U may as well wait, your ICE on a WHOOSIT...in a glASS; NO KISSES TILL u un-sOUL?...

iF u creole PREVOKE-JAMBO HER: EXPECT cAT'S cLAWS. u probably deserve it; Print dress, Dude with 10 Credit Cards/acne as a kid, looking for an A/C Unit but thinkin local ASS is what U REALLY WANT/didn't Bob Dylan already write bout you Debutante?...

If U ENCHANT her maybe she'll talk of her VILLAGE, her roots, down the Belize coast? Like YOU, DETROIT; I met my Love by the Factory Wall? As IN if U inspire her she MIGHT inspire U to GO BACK HOME? It happens?

DESIRE in the Sea, sometimes-free's U of your Alien dynamic? Olive Oil, Garlic & Ginger. Perhaps U will bring the Onion? In the CABANA kitchen we can ALL say, Gal from Corozal: HELLO.?

2).....NO SLEEP til' COROZAL!

"Where dah Speed-bumps MANH?"...on the Northern Belize Highway!!!? WHERE the NEON for SLIM'S BAR: Nice Music for Nice People!? Where's MY GRIT in ORANGE PARK, in CALCUTTa, WHO WILL define my roadside poverty, WHAT POLITICO will orgaNIZE, give my Kids a gig IN college whilst we plant TREES, suck Tourist-ASS and  no sleep til Corozal and the Free=Zone?

3)     FERRY ROAD, Corozal-Belize.

(Singing:) I met my Love on Ferry Road, DREAMED A DREAM, a path/a dust road piece of Nobodies Real-Estate/Gringo-Mansions elevate /cutting my Jungle down? Should I care?

I met my Love where WE now cannot walk/ a Gated Community/ U gotta talk The WALK.I actually KNOW a Guy-Security-Uniform; HE lets me IN: I met my Love on the Ferry Road all so long ago where now we no longer cannot go a Courting?

c2021.davedelacroix, corozal-belize, sweet April.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No: 20., Corozal Maid.

Our Man in  Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No. 20: Corozal Maid. 

THAnk u for the ice cream u left in the fridge? And thank you for your Prayers though WE never met? And thank U for the GIZMOS U left behind; the rotary phone, the CALculator, the WALKMAN trying to listen....sitting down?

Thank U for the JUNGLE, what little U left? Thank U...did ELEPHANTS roam here/and if not, why not? Somebody should explain? But thank U for the Coffee Can; Uncle John's ASHES within-reside. And thank U from my brother Jesus who U gainfully employed, now fishing by the river as if U never existed...

c.2021`, dave delacroix, corozal-belize.

Our Man in Europe/IN BELIZE, dave Delacroix, No.18: This side of Corozal.

 Our Man in Europe/IN BELIZE, dave delacroix, No.18: This side of Corozal.

EVERYTHING BUT YOUR soul, can WE dance? Everything? Can we dance? Can we romance? Everything? Do we GIVE? Boys and Girls feel so much pain?

EVERYTHING, but your SOUL, how do WE dance, our PASSION, our BITS  & BOBS, who decides; there's a high wind from Jamaica, in Belize!?

Everything! U R. This side of Corozal, when then the shops R closed/dusky lamps mellow the shoreline breeze, Cigar-incense, a splash of SPRAY as home alone I walk.

c.2021, dave delacroix

Friday, April 16, 2021

Our Man in Europe/ IN BELIZE, dave delacroix, No.17: PASTOR DON-BELIZE.


Our Man in Europe, IN BELIZE: dave delacroix, No.17: PASTOR DON- BELIZE.

....Pastor "Don"...he cures Junkies/word has?

CAN I SHOW U A CROCIDILE? It SWAMPS mini-culture RIVERS, deltas, looking for Cerebrals/Tourist still waters, floating Sombreroes, guilt, apoligetico.. after the FAX, no STEAKS left for a reptiles jaws?

Can I SHOW YOU the Belize-Cayman, PASTOR DON, PASTOR DON!!! Along with his Pyscho-Religious COHORTES; some Bitch, some SIDE-kick/BIBLE in ...JONES-TOWN...hand?...These FRICKS are amongst us?...Pastoral Predadors preying on Evil-s last Dollar Bill?...For WHA!!!? Only their Insidious beginnings? And the DOLLAR BILL.

Can I SHOW U Corozal-Belize-Alligator, twix HUNGER/reptile FEAR who, like a SNAKE, curling-twisting, who cannot EXIST within Mister PASTOR DON'S skin, without devouring ...some lonesome, some U; Maybe U  R outta Kansas!?...Great COMFY in your asphixiation.

c.2021/dave delacroix. WORD to SICILY, GERMANY, UK, USA, Italy: WE HAVE A FREAK HERE!!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Our Man in Europe, Dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No.16: THE SMOKERS.

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No.16: THE SMOKERS.

The Smokers, the FUCKS, en-circled by POT-heads/COKE-noses in a cauldron/cyclone of Social fragility? Virgin-intacta, busted-still bleeding?

Lil'O tip toe.

The Smokers repressed, missing shirt button, bitch-bar Sunday-best, vengeance-riches,/diamonds, the kid in straights?  U can't eat?  Not a chance of a date? Is this an Armani? Give me an opinion?

The  Smoker.

c.2021. dave delacroix,

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No. 14: HAFIZ/Miss Maverick/ BEIRUIT CANNIBALS!

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No. 14 In Belize: BEIRUT CANNIBASLS!!!

Miss Maverick. Poet HAFIZ.

....IT'S ONLY your Maverick, that MAV, thing U give-OUT when U got "Nuttin to lose", like Shoes in WEDNESDAY'S fit. Being ALONE...do not be Islam scared/

It's ONLY your MAN, that GIFT-that GARB, DICKS the price of TITS; who SECREAMS equalilbriun, who dictates my robe...and IF...U know his Name?

TITS and TEETH: What CEREBRAL - NEGAVATIVE FRONTAL LOBE - prevails in ISLAM, and all those OTHER stupid MEDITERRANEANE Countries where they treat WOMEN....like DIRT. Who HERALDS your PENIS, who heralds your sorgitity?

Small Dicks: No International Monetary Fund.

Is it  ONLY your Maverick. Try not to BREED The Male-scum that wish to embroil you Soul. U can INNER-wash the INNER walls of your SOUL to hang on washing lines: Blow UP BEIRUT!...Why should any one CARE when U R CANNIBALS!!!!.....?

c.2021.; dave delacroix., puking at age 65.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No. 13:: Franceska Mann Song.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No.13: Franceska Mann Song.

 Franceska Mann, Polish Ballerina, young, lithe, YOWSA, herded into some Nazi Death Camp; dis-robed-seductively, hypnotized the Polish/German guard, grabbed his gun, shot a few, fellow GAS CHAMBER victims joined her rebellion/all shot dead in retribution. In THIS instance nobody got to sing La Marsellaise. Yet where is her Memory? Where is her hallowed grave?


Get of the Railroad Cargo-Truck U have spent to DAYZ packed in with NO water, NO toilet facilities.


Don't worry bout your Suitcases. We will deliver them to U.


Ahead there is SMOKE from a Factory?

BALLERINA Franceska Mann already grasped this particular BLIND MAN'S POKER and KICKED OUT!!!!.. Kicked for her Life!

Where is this Ballerina? Where is her hallowed grave?

BAA-BAA-BAA! 2021....WORLD!?.....WOTCHAGONNADO!!!!!!!?.....

dave delacroix, 2021.Our man in the NUTZ world.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No.12: The ORGASM.


Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No.12: The ORGASM.

THE ORGASM, that switch-back CRY, ejecting SHRILL, that convulsion...in your EYES which every LECHER dreams when he passes U by: that active-SUBMISSION=proposition, that curly-wurly with which he might CONQUER you, your GIG, your Promenade, your SELF, your "condition", and Beach-baby-Beach, betcha INSHORE, heeled-high, WAR-cosmetics, who worships Lip-strike, dark eyes? Like the ORGASM in the Human Soul, OUTSIDE? An INNER Viper strike?.. 

Tempting? Temptation? Who looks to either side?

The ORGASM. The Joi da Vie, that under "SUPER Volcano", that RIDE ...which gives the lone Hitch Hiker, a destiny And...WITH LUCK?... a $99 cents, full  breakfast/Texas, Tucumcari, Truck-Stop!?...

c.2021, dave delacroixx. Corozal, Belize. Sober at least.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No.12: The SCREAM.

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix, IN BELIZE, No.12: The SCREAM

YO! Where does our YEARNING lie, when in tropic paradise we reside? Yo! When does our heart CEASE the ache of Yesteryear's SCREAM when it's not confounded by circumstance-confinement? WHO creates Mind's claustrophobia, that Devil's backpack of Memory bereft of a Generic-Kick? How do I pay for Tomorrow? The here-after? It's dark Whisper?

c.dave delacroix. Corozal-Belize.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Our Man IN Europe/IN BELIZE, dave delacroix, No.11: On the Beach.

OUR MAN IN EUROPE/In BELIZE, dave delacroix, No.11: On the Beach. 

WHO BLOGS< SCREAMS, yearns for Yesterday's Heart? WHO remembers her TITS, her Name? Carmen? Julia? Carol? And in which County, Shire, Country, Winter, Spring or SPAIN?

Who RECALLS that PUBESCENT gig; the one you URSURPED your GENETIC-DYNAMIC, and told your BEST FRIEND: Go piss off/get a Gig? DEMANDED LONELINESS so that YOU could be a TARRANTUAL in Love-s Game? ALL bets are OFF, all FRIENDSHIP foregone; all is foregone except the SATIATION of your Genetic Desire; whom, amongst us has not BETRAYED our History for a Stranger's heart? A new desire?

Who Blogs, now yearns for TIME-S reversal to RE-encapture those Virgin days? Now Raging, raging, raging for Youth's aspirations/mistakes and wanders into Life/s short Eternity? To sing a song that has no divinity?

c.3021, davedelacroix. Corozal-Belize

Our MAN, the DUDE, in COROZAL-BELIZE; the early years, No. 10: How to dodge the Fascist COPS whilst Masturbating-frantically, get BUSTED, then plead Not Guilty!

 Our Man in Europe/now BELIZE, No.10: 

I wandered lonely as an EVERGREEN CARGO SHIP, stuck in the SUEZ CANAL; my love woz gone! WORLD TRADE: a debacle! I was busy masturbating in the TANKERS many bathrooms; WIFI-Pornography/UN-Islamic. Like the EGYPTIAN Classic Movie: "CAIRO STATION", what COULD I DO? In my CULTURE, only swarve-coffee-night faggots, NO BABES, just the god damned Pyramids, eternal Masturbation and TOURISTS!!!...WHAz A POOR wanker, DRIVING A sUEZ-cARGO sHIP TO DO!!!!!????...lET=S BLAME IT ON SOME bitch/any!!!!!!!!! s'WHAT iSLAM ...,does/ IN SHA ALLAH; Suez RIVER-PILOT; "I got my FREEBIES from Ship's Capt. SLEPT, like a good Egyptian! OOPS! Where's my Bond Marlboros/Whisky!?

For the SUEZ...we tolerate these Cretins?

c.2021. dave delacroix.