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Monday, December 31, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....MOUNT SINAI COWBOYS.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Mount Sinai Cowboys.

*for Gerry Franks. Jewish buddy who composed classic Jazz-tune, Metro-Girls.


I counted 347.
U R one short!
U wanna count them again...
U wanna waste my time...
I was just saying.

 We gotta get these-dem Steers Corralled.
Pretty much.
U wanna take the Rangy ones.
I thought we-d lasso the black and white Ones.
Leave the Colour-complex to the Gentile-Cowboys.
Pretty much.

c2018,davedelacroix, our man in the Kibutz, Sciacca-Sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix..... SOUTH on Sunday.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... South on Sunday.

Cruising-hanging-GROOVIN-getting loaded, UN-approved by the LAPD Over-seer-ers, the Tax-Payers-Fascist, Financed Dudes. BEEp-Beep! Think of a Rotund, swirling Flashing Ice-cream cone atop a black and white Sedan.

Don-t get excited U Misfits, badge and Gun ….COS I AINT there, your NEMESIS. White Boy, OR Black, going, WALKING, maybe ZIG-ZAG, but your Harmless mark!
And a great BOOG-A-LOO, San Francisco P.D. Your Rice-A-Roni big treat, soften the LUG in the drunk tank. What pours out of the Other-side, do U want a Lawyer or a Priest!

Neither SAN DIEGO, a tad inebriated, negotiating the Southern-end of the REAL EL CAMINO without speaking a Word of Spanish, on Interstate 5, wishing to DEFECT from Fiscal Tyranny to the Republic of Mexico.

Nope. None of those State-Nation-paid JACKALS can dis-abuse MY DIGNITY now...I pulled up my Pantaloons, and augmented my Sombrero. Went South on a Sunday. Said, Adios Amigoes! Arreverderci! Auf Weidershen! Au Revoir! CHEERIO!!! PARK A BANKSY SMILEY....And,  for better or worse, never looked back.

c2018,dec 31,ourman in Europe, dave Delacroix.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix..... Fortuna-Canzone, New Years Eve, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Fortuna-Canzone, New Years Eve, 2018.

He was DOWN on his Luck.
Could-a happened to anyone.
He was down on his luck,
nobody, nobody could-a predicted!
And on New Year-s Eve,
no Adam to bite
the apple of Fortuna.
He was down on his Luck,
a time, any time, any Joe.

SHE was down on her Luck.
Could-a happened to U or Me.
She was down on her Luck,
little fault, SHE, Life, either-way!
No kisses to give,
just innocent, God-s Glass Ceiling,
No bliss.
She was OUT  of the Game
sometimes, like WE.

And on New Year-s Eve
no Adam nor Eve,
outside of the Garden,
a Fortuna-Canzone, less we forget
Our Destiny...

HE was down. SHE too.
But ONLY this time...on New Year-s Eve.

c.2018, Dec.31. Ourmanin Europe-dude. Café Porta Palermo, Sciacca-Sicily.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...BABUSHSKA!.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Babushska!

By the the time I got to lake Bakyl, in Siberia, they told us to build Dachas. Freight trains arrived with Lumber but we DIDNT have Tools. At first it was a problem. Fortunately some of the LADS figured out how to construct a LATHE with local resources. ALL the time we were FREEZIN our butts off, NIGHT and Day. Day-time, of course, we shuffled around. There was a WOMENS Kamp-Lager, near-by. We never got to meet, just fantasized....


Thursday, December 27, 2018

Our Man in Europe, davedelacroix.....LOW PROFILE

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....LOW PROFILE.

She-s a Low profile GAL in the Dordogne, the one I love the most. and dosen-t BOTHER me, dont give UP her Inner Ghost, mine to HER or SHE to me, in Youth, Un-accountable,  except for the coldness of the over-seeing Clerk of Life with its tabled parchement and decisive Pen.

 She-s a Low Profile SISTA in Sicily,  who turns out to BE a MISTER when Times, Trouble, Yukky problems, an emergency, OMG!!!. Grazie Dio! MAIGRET!....She can figure it out! BASTA!!! A PERNOD, Monsieur, before I lose my mind!

I AM an Old Fashion Dude, in the USA,  walking Candle, white shamble suit, a Clochemerle-deranged, a sway into a personality, a Pipe, a glass of wine, a glance, an INNER idea, a kiss for your children, a salute for your Earth. POP Goes the Weasel! Nothing more or less, Me-thinks. But I am mostly loved.

Vogue-Culture! We focus on Ourselves yet NOT the stones beneath our Geography... ASK!!! Then where-in OUR hearts...pathos-questioning! Love-s spleen-bleeding, a SPECIE of Casualties.. The best of US STOICS revert to Drink...as in Roman times....and KEEP a low WHASSIT!!!.....Fish Soup, optional..

Meanwhile... She-s a Low profile, sits lonely upon a hill in an ancient Villa in Albania, vineyards-surround, yet every Festa-Anniversay KIDS with garlands, a-traditione, gather round to salute HOW COOL Low-Profile can be.
A Picnic. Munchies! Dancing...as a Therapy in  presence, Undiagnosed. And in the surrounding fields.... the Lavender blooms.

She-s a Low profile GAL. Someone, in many places... I know all too well.

c2018,davedelacroix, vicola la manca….NO heat. GAZ Cannista arrive mattina...BRRR...YO!!

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...By the time I get to Phoenix...

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....By the time I get to Phoenix.

dedicato ….Joanie Block and Carol Anielo. Mi Grande Americano Belladonnas...

By the Time I get to Phoenix...

By the time I get to Phoenix
Love, gone soft on the ground.
A Motel I never heard of
..a new-long-lost love found.
EAST of Common Sense
and WEST of getting outta here....
blond hair and a CAMERO
to Evermore...

By the time the Wichita Linesman
gets off the line, his KID
figuring, her Pappy built all the bridges
on Interstate 135...
and there-s a Kansas Smokin,
a Missouri Brew,
blond hair and  a Ford MUSTANG
maybe head-in South,
down to New Mexico!

Weather kicks IN,
TWISTERS take OUT the Ranch.
Refugees, folks out-lying
huddle at the County Court house....

By the time I get to Phoenix
in the USA or ANYPLACE,
East of Common Sense
and West of Getting out,

I wrote a little Note to my MOM!!!!.
Didn-t do any good...She was a staying.

By the time I get to Arizona,
New Mexico, out in the YARDS
of All we Know,
I will STILL sing a song,
I won-t make it long,

East or West,
blond hair...an EL CAMINO-drive-babee!

...and that Guitar-Pickin Song for evermore,
by the time I get to Phoenix
for You, always for U.


Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.... Palermo Town!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...Canzone Sicilia.... Palermo Town!

*dedicato. Antonio Modica and Famiglia. Xmas Hugs!

U say Traipani,
I say Taomina!
U say Syracusa,
I say Agrigento.
...I-ll only LOVE U
in... Palermo town!

U Say Ragusa,
I say, oh-Sciacca!
U say Modica,
I say Messina!
...I-ll only LOVE U
in ...Palermo town!

I-ll ONLY love U,
a Siciliano canzone!...

c2018. davedelacroix,sciacca,sicilia.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Dane Law.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Dane Law.

*for Joanie Blok and Carol Aniello.

IT-S ONLY NICE with a big river, Orinoco, Nile, some Infestu HELL, mass-Tourista. It-s ONLY righteous with a Mountain, K-2, like Everest, polluted with Mountaineering paraphernalia..an Alpine TOILET!
It-s ONLY righteous, after a Dry Martini or 2, on New York City-s 5th Avenue....NOBODY LIVES THERE or IN London, PICCADILLY, the Champ es du Lyesee, the KU-DAM in Berlin. Even BERTOLDT BRECHT can-t RRRR around HERE to his next Whisky Bar in THESE Geo-Socio Metro Fuck-Ups!

It-s ONLY ...sweet Nice...when U sit inside your Hollywood bungalow with the LEGEND of Raymond Chandler-s Gumshoe ringing through your next, happy-hour  SCRIPT...

There-s Marlowe.
There-s Velma.
Sgt. Nalty.
Detective BREEZE.

Some Jewish drinkin buddy SLOMNE..I cant spell Yiddish...rose UP from his bar stool, takes a SING at me, folds, then asked me...I Did-nT SING him OUT... and HE yelled... U TAKE the DANE LAW....U TAKE the Dane GOLD!

….distant clarinet or saxophone.

I  AIN-T MARLOWE. But I tried, because, NEW in town, needed, in 1966, to ask him some questions-connections to the BEACH BOYS, music group.....Alas. He-d passed out! Which is WHY I ended UP in DECKER CANYON, Malibu, for the DANE Law. A JOY!...Who would have guessed it, I got Peace of Mind.... Naturally, One-s INNER-Marlowe has more to Say!

It-s ONLY nice.

c2018, xmas day,sciacca,sicily.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix...The OUTSIDER Dude.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... The OUTSIDER Dude.

DESIGNER boots, latest APPS, Le Nuit-sans merci, kissin the Homeless Soiree, bags of Rags will never get U back to your INNER KID or long-lost Student days of sensual Anarchy!

NO Handouts, Poo-MWAH! -except from some Vecchio-Amore, maybe KEEP U from Kissin the Cold, that place, that gravitas, a Railroad of shunting LOCOS, night-filled with skeletal passengers vouching for their tickets, their Legitimacy, waved on fingers of pure bone....

 NO Dance OF THE DEAD, NO non-callusion. After-all, it don-t it make SENSE, I mean, deep down in your Gut!!!

And British ME and Malik, fellow Rockstar, maybe from Nigeria, professes to come from No-place, sucking on Guinness on a Sicilian-Straniere, cold Christmas Eve...inadvertently, and somehow conversant

with the Wisdom of the Universe, and the ghost, perhaps, of French author Albert Camus, smiling down....somehow.

c2018, dave Delacroix, ourmanineurope. Xmas Murphys pub, Sciacca-sicily...

Friday, December 21, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Chanson du Montparnesse.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Chanson de Montparnasse.

C-mon ca-va, ces-t soir
I-ll see U in the morning
C-mon ces-t ca...
C-mon Ca-va, ces-t soir.
I-ll love U till till Tomorrow
C-mon a e moi, et tu.

du tempes
Perdu, mon cheri,
a Paris
e toute-suite

C-mon Ca-Va, ces-t Soir
I-ll love U in the morning,
Allors! Ca-va, avec moi
avec tu.

PROBLEMS with Laptop VIRUS. FIGURE it out Kids.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....LAST CHANCE Studio 57 Disco Dance of the Dead.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....LAST CHANCE....Studio 57 DISCO dance of the Dead.

RUST LIMOUSINES, barely walkin, Wheelchairs, provided front-door, greeting M.C., strobe lobby-Saturday night.
M.C. provided Wheelchairs, pulsing Analogue, an NYC EAST-side Jive, bones, sinew, splatter on a long-since degraded mascara dance floor, a REVIVAL of the DEAD, misbehavin, UN-holy or plain jess gone South, silk scarves, flared pants, Marrionettes in Mini skirts. The depraved, the IN-different, lookin for handouts, SAME as it ever was, jess BOOGIE!!!

The Dance of the Devil, the UP=to-TRUMP!, that titillated, the l-ED ragazzi, North or South, Queens, New Jersey. Yet EVERYBODY, someday, sometimes, NEEDS to feel COOL. Alas, Until when the Doobie-doobie...comes tumbling down. Point Pleasant, maybe. Treasure Isle.

Gotta VIRUS on mah Laptop. Unable to SHARE....Like Zabrinski Point. A BLOW UP...……!

c2018, davedelacroix, murphys pub, frigid night, Xmas. A Dance of the Dead.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.....Hunting Song.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.....Hunting Song.

*I found this text in the Biblioteque, Bologna, Italy.

Hungarian Winter-s Hunting Song, composed c.1956. The translation from the German is mine.

Hunting Song....

Feodor by name and FIRE in my breath, my family HONEST-live on the tundra. The Cossacks, the Stalin's, the Nazis cut us to the few and then the Jews parlied what was left standing. We stand, walking RUGS, yet fashion abounds when a young Buck comes, my daughters, a courting. We sing of the FIRELIGHT we sing of our Fame, we sing of Tomorrow, sometimes Yesterday, but we never forget to KEEP all who we ARE, a GAETANO, a traveller, ever more....

c2018,davedelacroix,vicola la marca,sciacca-sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....BEIJING

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.....BEIJING.

*dedicato. Miss Chan ...and Lily. Both graduates of Peking University.

I was NOT in Warsaw when the Nazis STUKAS pounced! Not in CHINA-s NANKING when Man-s GENOCIDE Open-mouth,
Like in the WEST there are many VILLAGES. People like to figure out their GIG. U may be PERSIAN, VIKING or ZULU, fact is, IT is WHAT IT is....THAT thing, u iz WHAT u iz. Small gig. Some MOM weaves the Clothes. Some Grandaddy knows how to FARM or show the Kids, best place in the river to park a Float. And KNOW how to get the power of the WIND, the SUN, the Peace, under a full moon...but the lesser INTELLIGENT will Usurp for WANT, like an AUSTRIAN. Small Dick. Adolf Hitler.

I am NOT Crazy. I am not even in Love. But for a song FOR Beijing, I sing....MEE-HOW, forgive my Basso-Mandarin...Zserche/Zserche.

SONG. I will always Love U in K.C.

I will always LOVE YOU
in Kansas City
Don-t give UP on Ol Shanghai...
I will always love U
in San Francisco,
Send my love to mah Babee
in old Hong Kong...

c2018,davedelacroix,casa vicola la marca,sciacca-sicily.

Our Dude in Europe, dave delacroix, in indes gallante.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix, SLANG!!!...in In des Gallante.

There was a Lipsticks SPOT=lipstick, somehow, a glow of ORWELL, beside the Vino Rhone, Rhine. Maybe the Gestapo marched up and down. BASTARDS!!! DrANK ALL THAR cOOL wEINRHEIN, FOR WHICH, aURva, Mio, gals of choice danced in the Rheingau, played Pink Floyd, bobby Dylan back in 1989.

c2018.dave Delacroix,infixiated-germanica, northside of Weisbaden...and ALL the Gals we once knew.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....MARLENE DEITRICH and D.D.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... Marlene Deitrich and D.D.

*dedicato. Jude de Luca

F-WALLING IN love again
WOT am I to do
always end in Blues,
mi vita!
F-WALLIN IN love again
got dah Xmas Song,
guitar WAILIN a Yule,

LOVE-s always bin mah game
a 2 step or a Rag
yet winning the LOTTO
I got it in the bag!

F-WALLING in love again
another Year of Grace,
still kickin UP a pace,
WOT am I to do,
I can-t help it.

GALS ALL flock to Me
like Woks round a flame
all I can DO is
give Em a straight name.

F-WALLIN in Love again,
I should BE so Blue,
Wot am I to DO,
I can-t help it!

c2018,davedelacroix,cafe porta Palermo, Sciacca-sicily.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....UNION Soldier Boy.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....A Union Soldier Boy.

*dedicato. Cynthia.

In the 1860-s, there-abouts, in the WAR of the...USA... Southern States, leftover battlefields, Appomatix, Manassas, 2 white dressed  bonny daughters from a Virginia  homestead, nearby, in their Love or Innocence, LAMENTED and prayed over a casualty of War. ...They found some Kid. Some Cannon-fodder. The body of a Negro-Union Soldier in his uniform. These TWO young GALS hitched up their DRAWERS And SKIRTS, dug a trench and after singing WE WILL MEET IN THE VALLEY, buried the UNknown Soldier-boy with full dignity.

*from the annals of....old book I found.... The War Of the Republic.

c2018,davedelacroix,vicola la marca,sciacca-sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....A matter of Life and DEF.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... A matter of Life and Def.

*dedicato. Christian. Fellow Rockstar.

A matter of Life and Def, BEACH-BABY Bongo, nothing lasts except the GROOVE that is salve, balm to your journeying Soul.

GREAT BONGO-BOO- GA-LOO!!! She loves U! She loves U NOT!

It-s just a phone Number that will be RE-placed on this spinning planet, someplace, in OUTTA space...in a matter, a matter of life or def.

S-whay it always WAS. No need to fathom, Senore!

c2018, davedelacroix, café porta Palermo, Sciacca-sicily.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix..... Dance Commander!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix..... Dance Commander!

*dedicato. TATUM O-NEIL.....Paper Moon.

in your DWEAMS, Schemes, beneath
your Cappodino, the SEX
within your SHEATH, aimlessly

I was the DANCE-DUDE
who clipped your WICK,
made it ejaculate,
other-people, made it stick
when your PARIS wardrobe
somehow, gave it UP!

I WOZ DEE Aristo
who stole your INNER Slave,
who spoiled  the Christian,
God-s given EVE

Just fornication,
leave ME alone, my Sweet,
alone, as you, when We meet.
and I will Command....

c2018,davedelacroix, vicola la mara, no place home.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.....Cell-Phone Assisted Brain.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix....Cell-Phone Assisted Brain.

*A song, Canzone for your Inner Siren.

ASK ME ANY question
NO worries.
Gotcha number!
Directions to EL DORADO
or the only VIRGIN left in town,
Sonny! Don-t U worry,
I got her Cell Number,
24 hour Pizza deliveries too!
I gotta Cell-phone assisted Brain.

ALIEN PLANETS, elementary!
Outta Space! My Cell-dimension.
No Walkie-talkie-masturbation/SPAM
or yesterday-s Dolce Vita
recipe Einstein-Nino!!!
I got your PROFILE, babe!

So just TEXT me
with a SELFIE,
no need to MEET, facia e facia!
See U at the Café,
take a SEAT
no need to SPEAK,
TWITTER me Babee
it-s SO neat!
My Cell-phone Assisted Brain
will suckle your Cyber-Nipple- Cerebral!...

Beep-Beep! Sorry! Gotta GO!

c2018, davedelacroix, murphys,sciacca-sicily.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix..... DIAMONDS are Forever.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix... DIAMONDS are Forever.

dedicato* William Houston, Count Danube, close associate of Lord Borgo, Comte di Sciacca, D.D.

Diamonds are forever.... U can=t beat the Hacker, any which way but lose, HE or SHE busy beating self-inflicted MEAT. U don-t understand this THING, this Hacker, a lonesome function, bass-cerebral, socio-dysfunctional....knows how to order a beer whilst locked into YOU, an Inter-net STALKER. Yup! THAT Guy! Maybe that GIRL!!!...Where U end is where THEY begin. Their FAVE SONG, Diamonds are Forever. James Bond soundtrack. Their Diamonds, alas, for what ever reason...better believe it.....are sometimes ME and YOU and, alas, without a Concealed Weapons Permit... And ON Parole in Michigan and Talkin-Walkin dah Strasse!!! JEEZE!! MUDDERS!!!...I keep my 38 in my Jockey shorts....just in case some Texan Wazoo gets too close to the Family jewels.

Bloody freezing! Just got done buskin.
Ran into Washington Jr, on Martin Luther Drive.
He jiving, DAVEY, U one crazy Mudder!
I say, Guitar-working!
Don-t U know we Niggers gave dat up a long time ago!....
I say. Maybe. But it STIll making money for Me.!
Diamonds are forever. U betch-a!

c2018. Altra-Lingue College. Sciacca-Scilia..

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Senore Houdini.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix.... Senore Houdini.

dedicato* Jason Eklund and Dan Case, fellow roving Minstrels...in the style of Woody Guthrie.

OH MAH GAWD!! The BELA who just WALKED ON BY. Holey-Moley, she left me long ago! OR some BIZ deal that Wall-Street-Crashed! My Blender! My Microwave! Bloody T.V., LAPTOP, re-possessed!....O sole mio.

 MURPHY-S LAW! Who could-a predicted!!! Not withstanding in the early morning mist... behind the Convent of the Carmelites... I DUELLED, drew first blood, MY GOODNESS, in a skirmish of Wits! NOW, the local Intelligentsia want my Prick on a Spit!

Where are the Songs of Spring! Aye, U-muddies! Where are they! And Fair-weather friends, now my pockets are empty, OU SANS les neige dantan in Today-s frigid constancy... whilst dead and gone, my BROS of yore...

OH MAH GAWD! The End. The Un-sweetened inferno of Tomorrow! Yet UN-like impassioned prose with a fouled TRUMP nose I DO NOT end it All. BUGGER SUICIDE!!!... But dodge judgement day, that Vampire-s Silver bullet... by just moving... to another Country.

c2018,dave Delacroix, café Porta Palermo, Sciacca-Sicily. December 8.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Our ManOur Man in Europe, dave delacroix....Navajo Gals!

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix..... Navajo Gals!

dedicato* Stephanie 2 Rivers....Native American.  Director, Colorado Film Institute, Colo.,USA.

It-s COOL to be Nobody. Cant afford Fashion but I don-t wear rags. .

Its Cool to be Nobody. Cant drive a Mustang down 666, the Devils Highway. Why would I James Dean!...

It-s Cool to be Nobody. I don-t WANT what U got.

 It-s Cool to be Nobody, no handle, no Jew, WASP, Helmut, Calogero, no Polanski, no Irish, no Scot!

And by Scottsdale, Arizona, the Navajo Gals weave blankets for Winter..

It-s COOL to be NOBODY in England or France.
There-s an essence, a lame existentialism that will give U a chance to drive or DIVE and come up either-side of yourself.

 One who will pay the bills, the OTHER, who will just call Daddy! It-s Cool to be Nobody. It-s Cool.

It-s Cool to go Surfing...where-ever, Hawaii or Costa Rica. And join the preceding flotsam in a Hullabaloo, a high-five beach-Crush, if ever U knew, the Palmyra Love that never came true, stuck in some Surfers hostel with bugs, your best friends.
It-s cool to be Nobody. It-s Cool.

It-s Cool to be a Writer in old N.Y.C. With Cockroaches as neighbors and a local Bartender who says FREEZE, no Credit KID, get ya Ass to Tomkin's Square and buck up a dollar or 2.

 And a POEM a Rhythm might catch U some grime, some bacon and eggs, 99 cents!

It-s Cool to be Nobody out on the Inter-State.....Maybe some day...you-ll pass by Scottsdale, Arizona...hear about those Navajo Gals, weaving blankets ...which U just might need for Winter!


Our Man in Europe, dave delecroix....BOAZ the Jew.

Our Man I n Europe, dave Delacroix...... BOAZ the Jew.

THE ANGELS SING the thyroid exceeds you veracity. The bursting SPLEEN which U serve with cream, the dynamic of your slit dichotomy. At 5 Cents a pop, make a profit, then call me when U get home. And BONGOS split and stream the night, I cannot see what-s fair or foul for Me...and you this side, this side of You.
ALTRUISM SINGS for One and All and righteous Schoolboys-Girls ARISE, one and All, do we fight to SAVE the ONE and ALL, yet is the One and All not worth Saving....!!!...RAH! RAH! RAH!

The Angels Sing... upon WHICH Choir, truth shall ring, the Militant Rabbis, Muslim Devout IMANS, then the working stiffs, or victims of the Holocaust, money-changers in an old Temple, MENTALITY prone to an ancient template....still yet, no Peace on Earth. COME Abraham! Come BOAZ!...Living MAN, like CYRUS, like SALADIN, a KURDISH KING!!!....Share the Keys to the TEMPLE, the Kingdom ...and let PEACE ring.....

In my travels, in the desert sands, I dropped my hand made cigarette. Some Arab kid stole it away. In Shah-Allah. 2 minutes later a Pasha invited me into his house for Coffee. Later, I changed some Currency at the house of Boaz.

c2018,davedelacrox, late at night, Sciacca-sicily.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix....A Room with a View.

Our Man in Europe, dave Delacroix...A Room with a View.

dedicato* Carole Maria Aniello.

A room with a view,
astray, azure!

A room with a view
within a hologram
that suggests an Umbilical
to All our senses.

A room with a view,
an Untoward, yet deciphered
in Codex
like a noble birthmark.

A room with a view
for Me, for You, just we two.

c2018,davedelacroix,ourmanineurope,vicola la marca,sciacca-sicily.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delcroix...SOMETHING WICKED this way comes.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacrix…..Something wicked this way comes...

MAY AS well be hung for a Sheep as a Lamb, my name, Juliez C., I annihilated ONE MILLION Gauls, but on the SENATE FLOOR, 13 Assassins!
May as well be HUNG for a Sheep or a Lamb, NAPOLEON, the millions who died in my name, notwithstanding, should MY GAL Josephine be tried the same, a TIT-Squeeze from Austerlitz!
My NAME, Richard Milhouse and NIXON and I, MIO, may as well be Electrocuted, a la fashion moderner, a SHEEP as a LAMB, Asian Holocaust, DE-forestation and 50,000 LADS and GALS +in their Graves! The Vietnamese, 10 times the losses!!!
Funny HOW messages, E-Mails, Volcanic eruptions, METEOR Cosmic-Earthquakes, arrive. But, once again, the PEOPLE ROAR, ALL is STUPID, by Man-s GREED, or Ignorance...and by the pricking of my thumbs, assured, no daunting, something WICKED this way comes.

May as well be HUNG, drawn and quartered as I am. Say WHA!!! Like the Veterans on EITHER side. Justice too late when we are....no more.


Saturday, December 1, 2018

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix.... The Outside of Being.

Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix... The Outside of Being.

The outside of Being, a vacuum of Space, no chatter, hardly any people, no traffic, War or Peace, just a pillow of existence...

The Outside of Being, entwined-Intertwined, like clouds passing by. Nor NO To-BE or not. No Hamlet-s poison sword or heartstrings to strum a path to dusty death...

Who or What challenges this Uncanny...beyond the grasp of seething greed...of Man-s History, below...

c2018,davedelacroix,vicola la marca,sciacca-sicily.