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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Ciao! bella Ciao!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Ciao-bella-Ciao!"

Ciao, Justine. Ciao, Janine? And Ciao Stephano; last Summer's Suicide?
Ciao Giarda, Ciao Francesca? Ciao Isabella,
your race is run.

Ciao bello, Natasha! Cioa bello Angelica!
Ciao Andrea, ciao Paulo;
ciao-bello ciao, ciao, ciao!?
talk to me, anyhow?

Ciao Anna, Ciao mon Amica, ciao
Katerina, Ciao, fratello and Sorelli;
Ciao bello, ciao-ciao-ciao...

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/lord borgo/milano-italia.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "...And Justice for All."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "...And Justice for All."

DA JUDGE: "So! To conclude? You - Felon-dude? -  verily admit/confess to da Crime, corpulently covered in da "Press.Populaire" as SLAUGHTER HOUSE -5?"
(Judge's Law Clerk:) "It was in McDonald's, your honor? Five bodies. Pancreatic, everyone of them?"
JUDGE: "...Whatever... HOW does da FOREGONE miscreant of a conclusive GUILTY verdict, pathetic waste of space; indeed! -a one-eyed trouser SNAKE, how does this peace of shit PLEAD? ...And be BRIEF!"
"CIRCUMSTANTIAL guilt-thingy." -da evil felon responds, under advice from his absent, alcoholic, FREE legal Councilliare: "Problem with PEANUTS!"
"TO DA FUNNY FARM!" bellows da Judge. "NO BACON AND EGGS!"
"Judge?", whispers the HEAD of a jury of 12 Cross-dresses and true? "This IS , THIS IS , "da funny farm. Judge: U were sent here for killing your wife; remember?"
DA JUDGE: "Ahem! Sure and true. Nothing like Justice. CASE DISMISSED! (thinks:) "Must be off mah Meds..."
JURY applauds!

c 2014/davedelacroix/famous dude, piacenza, italy; pls don't send anymore groupies/small apptmt.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "MOKO gon' down MOKO!"

OUR MAN in Europe/ dave delacroix/ "MOKO gon' down' JOKO!"!|"

...On da Perfume River...
I assumed your ZOOM (Ha-ha-ha!)
In the Palazzo of  "Yellow smells";
whad ya gonna DO
with the Perfume River!?

Is it Wednesday? Is is SHEFFIELD
Maybe by head?
Is there "A TAKE-A-WAY"
-does Bird's Nest Soup - FLEE
da Coop?

Is there a Kimono?
Is  there (Cantones)
Is there a "MEE-HOW!"
-that ain't
never there??..

Is there a "Jambo".
,a "Salaam-a-licum";
and the promise of Love
-on da Perfume river,
da Indus nite;
Marsala (Port of Allah)
I'll sail home to nite.....

c 2014davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/piacenza-Italy-.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ THE BEATLES!

Our MaN IN eUROPE/DAVE DELAcroix/ The Beatles?

JOHN sez: "It can't get much worse?"
PAUL: "Shaddup, Idiot! -we got a job?"
GEORGE: "Does anyone KNOW
how to string a SITAR?"
RINGO: "Let's go to the BAR!"

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourdudeineurope/haveu ever been to Crosby, in Liverpool? -PERINO-Italia.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "La Luna."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "La Luna..."

(Dedicato: Lucrezia B.)


DO U, under "la Luna", fall in love, kiss the misty morning, legs-a- tremble, like a fawn...and then succumb - leaves rustle! - feel a "belevedere" of magnificence, become INDOLENT; then awake to the stark terror of your Life?

DO U, under "da MOON"; DID U carve your name on a forgotten-childhood tree, like - for ALL TIME - you wished it to be, not caring just who came by, who would READ, not knowing the Harvest, only to Witness the Seed? DID U, under da Moon?

DID U, under "la Luna", crack that SOUL, that Shell, the Brittle, the Detritus? DID U kill the "thing" before the Start? -Unconsciously, out of sight of the Sun, in the DARK, where an eye could only glean a reflection?

DO U, under, "La Luna"?..

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/Sunday-happy-Sunday, Piacenza-Italy.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Alpha Gal!"

Alpha Gal?
Alpha Boy?
Alpha Kid?
Alpha Toy?

Lady EVE?
Desperate Dan?
Some girls will?

Sunday nite?
Saturday morn?
Come's da KISS
of ya "Alpha!"...

Lady EVE-
in the nest
where U writhe.
-a Lamia.

c 2014/dave delacroix/lord borgo, Lago Maggiore, Italia.

Our man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "I got da MOOD."

Our man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "I got da Mood."

I got the mood; feeling's, come true? I got DA mood;
I got the Mood, wake up at Night?
U got dat feelin',
something ain't right?

I got DA MOOD; I can't explain,
when all our Yesterdays
gone with the Rain?
I got da Mood
(Can't get too Blue?);
I got a feelin', U got it too?

I got DA MOOD,
I got da mood,
I got DA MOOD;
I got do Mo-ood,
...I got da mood.

c 2014/dave delacroix/lord borgo/PAVIA-Italia.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Steppin' Out!" (Avante Groovey!)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Steppin' out!" (Avante-Groovey!)

...Bloody GREY skies, December 6, 5 or 8? -WHO CARES!? "Il climate" -driving my mind in Circles? So I switched on DA COOKER (2 ring-thingy?):

1 - medium sized sauce-pan.
Aqua-vita, a dash of Olive - extra V. - olio.
1 veggie stock cube.
Piccolini FROZEN PEAS, Piccolini funghi-Champignon(s)?
A Palm-ful of Hamburger,
A grocer's dozen of PIACENTINI-Ravioli-con-Carne;
Oregano, basilicum and lots of Pepper-Nero...?
...Washed down with SIX "bichieri" of ORTUGA vino?
-I woz "steppin' out!"..

c 2014/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/one foot infront of the other!

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "DA Spitfires!"

Our man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "DA Spitfires!"

The (Da?) -the Band, "The Spitfires" -in "formation"/3 Mini-Cooper-autos (Red, white and blue?), AHEM! -FLEW into ol' Piacenza, "abiding" a'la Big Lewbowski-style...at the HOTEL DAVE for 2 nites whilst they - ROCK-A-BILLY-Manchester - brought down the House at Piacenza's famed CO-OP (Pronounced KOOP). They jammed for two consecutive nites and as for their FANS? -I'd, largely/but with Love? -regard them as "DA FEW".
The "Spitfires" repertoire, incidentally, included:
"Goering to a GO-GO!"
"Da white Cliffs of Dover."

Watch out, Florence/Fiorenze?
They're on their way!...

N.B.: The (Da?), the Band, The NAKED CIVIL SERVANTS are scheduled to arrive (at the HOTEL DAVE) next week?
I think I'm gonna leave the keys in my mail-box...and get out of town!...

c 2014/davedelacroix/ouredudeineurope/still alive.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ XMAS BOX! (No prezzies for da Rezzies!)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ XMAS BOX! (No prezzies for da Rezzies!)

1)  Moon over Sunset (Blvd)

There's a moon over Sunset,
dolphins in the bay.
Joggers down St. Vicente:
Song of L.A.
Yeah, there's some Kids
down Hermosa?
-Basket-ball fame;
and there's some Cat
out of Westwood
who'll never go to school

...Any way U take this Free-way
it comes up, just the same?
There's a Girl and Boy
in a famous poise;
I hop it never ends?

Well, there's a Moon over Sunset
"Bag Lady" rhyme,
and there's some Big Wednesday surfers:
Malibu Jive!
And there's a KEY
to the City
hidden in the smog?
And there's some Hollywood heaven
where so many dreams get lost;

Any way U take this Free-way
it comes up, just the same?
There's a Girl and Boy
in a famous poise:
I hope it never ends?...

(Well?) There's a Moon over Sunset!
(Say'in I love you.)
There's a Moon over Sunset!
(Say'in I love you-you...)

2)  "Old Man's Song"

DEATH in Summer?
...Bunch of Angels,
dancing around
down on the Farm.

Death in Winter?
With Diablo!
-It's WARM!...


The UN-loved, the disgraced, the
UN-forgiven, without a Country
WEEP...it is ordained! No-one
knows WHY; a Doctor, a Missionary
- maybe -  even cares? And who
can delve into the Soul of Another;
wife, sister, brother or mother?

(Singing:) "To the SEA Me'boys!"
Onward! To that OTHER.
To wake up the mind
on a treasured isle.

...It's NOT what you take;
largely, it's not what you MAKE;
only the sweet kernel
-of ALL too rare Wisdom
spilt from the trembling hands
of your Maker? -as your sister,
brother, wife, your mother
...sing the song of the Earth.

(Singing:) "To the SEA Me'boys!"
Onward! -To that Other!
To wake up the mind
on a treasured Isle...

c 2014/dave delacroix/lord borgo/Pontefranco-Italy.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Because of You."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Because of You."

(Dedicato: Carol M. Aniello.)

Because of you?
Because...of you?
The world ain't no stew?
-because of you.

Because of  you?
Spring still got DAT THANG!
A Summer view (Roma!),
a belvedere?

Because of you
I got to be strong?
Because of you?
-taught me right from wrong;

Because of YOU,
this Boy don't "slide";
which is why...
I carve your name
(on this old Oak tree)
...with pride.

c 2014/dave delacroix/thinkin' ah woz in Brooklyn!? -piacenza-italia.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave dselacroix/ "DA CRAPS!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Da Craps!"

...The "CRAPS" (5-piece-all girl band) from POLAND showed up at the HOTEL DAVE.
I was boiling Fish.
Mandy, Randy, Sandy, Sue? -I dunno. And ROZ -their butch drummer.
They "sojourned", 2 nites at the HOTEL DAVE (€50 per nite/nothing/maybe some coffee in da morning), totally stripped me of my "latent" School-girl fantasies; bloody Mosquito's! YES! -Some of US had Sex (Mandy, or Randy?), anyways, (quickie-thingies?) FIVE AUDREY HEPBURN'S
in an enclosed place (Hotel Dave?): Wotcha-gonna-DO? And "Knowledge" IS Fear...as U look into the eyes of your partners' Orgasm,  and say to yourself,: "No Dice!?"

....Fagiola-Cannelli -


c 2014/dave delacroix/and All - my friends? -dat loves U!...:)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Summertime Fate" - (There's THAT!)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Summertime Fate" -(There's THAT!)

Well da Rich are gittin' rich,
da poor just gittin' Poor!
There's DAT!
There's DAT!

And if U swap these folks around
(one or the other?)
U bet either one will
smother the fact?
There's DAT!
There's DAT!

Well, I talked to mah Doctor,
he said: "Sorry, Son, ya gotta work late!
-And there ain't no cure for da
Summertime Fate...(?)
There's DAT!
There's DAT!

As the FAT are gettin' THIN
and the thin still gettin' poorer?
There's DAT!
There's DAT!

A'mah gonna take mah Jive
to da United Nations!
There's DAT!
There's DAT!

I talked to my Boss (at work?)
and HE said: "Sorry, Son.
Go see the Doctor!"
"I - frickin' DID!?" -I cried.
"And what did HE say?"
"There Aint No Cure for da
Summertime Fate!"
There's DAT!
There's DAT!...

(DANG! Guitar out of tune!!!)

c dave delacroix/lord borgo/St. Nicolo-Italia.