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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ragazzimento No. 45: SISTA RAY

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ragazzimento No. 45: SISTA RAY

Sista Ray (HOWDY-DOODY-DANDY!) -blond, tall boned, a mouth to kill even the erection of Hercules...got the heck out of OKIE-CLAM-HOMA City, Oklahoma, USA and arrived in Italy (M.I.A. -Milan International Airport) with Beach Bags, Levis, IRON MAIDEN tee shirt, Cow-punk-straw Stetson ten gallon hat...and YELLED/twanged in the middle of the airport concourse:


The ENTIRE airport - apparently - was momentarily terrified (and/or perplexed?); Italian "Homeland Security" instantly descended upon her which included (1) a man in BLACK Armani suit sporting Ray bans, (2) two non-descript dudes who looked like garage attendants in their "Sunday-best", and (3) one member of the CARABINERIA, dressed like NAPOLEON, peacock hat and all, which, as all fans of this Blog know, carry a GLOCK 9mm but are only allowed ONE lone bullet which they must keep adjacent to said pistolero!

Anyways; Sista Ray, duly detained for freaking out an ENTIRE AIRPORT (...from America, brandishing a Violin case, might be from Chicago; we're not sure?) got a good yakking to!
Fortunately, some Italian ARISTO was on hand to assist in "suspected blond-bombshell NUCLEAR threat". He spoke ALL 3 languages: English, Italian and "Y'all!".
Diplomacy ensued, officialdom feathers unruffled, Sista Ray's USA passport was grudgingly stamped, then she and the Italian Aristocrat promptly hopped into an awaiting limousine and THEN I got the phone call:

"Yahoo, Dave!?" -Sista Ray's unmistakable husk.
"Yes. This is YAHOO Dave speaking?.."

The rest is Rock & Roll History. Sista Ray, arriving 2 days later than planned,  had  "some hassles"  at the airport, met (a) COUNT/owns some villas outside "some ville called Florence, we fell in love; ZAPPO! -I won't be arriving any time soon at the HOTEL DAVE (€35 per nite/big screen TV), so don't worry! Y'all have a good time now,  ya hear!?"

Folks? Fans? I have just invested my last Euro in a bag of TORTILLA corn chips and concocted some super hot/molto picante SALSA "con" onions, garlic, hot chilli's, oregano, etc....

Not a lot of people, north of the TEX-MEX border have this talent.
 Sista Ray?  -you betcha!!!...:)

c 2013/ourmanineurope/davedelacroix/lord borgo/piacenza-italia: finger lickin' good!...:)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

or frickin' man in East Berlin/ragaazo dave NNo. 44: YOU ONLY LIVE DICE...

Our man in Europe/davedelacroix/ragazzi-mento No. 44: YOU ONLY LIVE DICE...


Have you ever been to MURPHY? Do you know his name? Some gal says he's IRISH; she, too, is full of GUINNESS, just the same? But a lucky guy; they know him in Shanghai: "hello-hello: XIE XIE!!!" from RED China to you and I; his name is IP-PONG (nice kid/comes from a good family) he RE-invents the "I-CHING"; in your life?

You flip the dice?


OK. Buoana-fortuna, my Babee, like a girl I knew a long, long time ago? She stole my old guitar and left me in NASHVILLE, Tennessee, high and dry/didn't steal my STETSON!?
Ya goin' DOWN to "lonely-ville"  without a Guitar in your hand? Don't sweat it, SISTA I'm already there, reach out and hold my hand...Reach out and hold - where WE walk - my hand.


Don't EVER talk to me 'bout CHEYENNE, Wyoming, or I'll kick you in your - RAILROAD - ass! Has anyone seen ARON or Annie-Marie?:  Coupl'a kids from Connecticut-wilds, and, like most Americans, just wanted to spread their wings... and be FREE?
Meantime; dave's EURO psycho-therapy goes well  (in Switzerland!), surrounded by nice mountains/people with no0 brains//and VINO - in Italia, to the South?...
SAN PADRE ISLAND, Texas? Some "amico's" just bought a house down there; but come the next HURRICANE;  you'd better keep warm, get a life-raft, go North, or  COWBOY MOUTH!!!?...:)

3: "APRES DU MIDI UN FAUN (the afternoon of your focus)

Winter-time? It was a problem. I wore Mink, YOU wore ERMINE. We "assaulted" each other on a RE-cognition basis (We were the ONLY 2 people in the empty, VISCONTI, Palazzo boudoir!), so- sex - wasn't difficult; plus? -name-tags: "I'm SUZIE!... I'M DAVE?", plus, we had beer, cognac, etc. and "funny" cigarettes?

SWINGING up-side down from the (camera-grande) chamber's grandiose chandelier...proved to be a challenge (for me); for YOU? -no problemo, even when I WHIPPED her lightly (with a Spanish whip/apparently, they use op0n horses?) -she EXCLAMATED: "Oh! Oh! Oh!" with every LASH.
When the weals across her back and buttocks became evident? -I thought about JESUS C., a bar I knew in Modesto, California, DA VINCI's last Supper/BIG WHOPPER from WENDY'S fast  food!...?

...Someone, strung out, on the other part of the VISCONTI Palazzo (frickin' place has 500 rooms) had the good sense to blok the HIP-HOP music and switch to MALHER's Erde und Erde (songs of the earth/songs you want to play when your dog dies)
STILL!!! -the lashing - con whippo! - went on, almost symphonic: "Oh! Oh! Oh!
After a while ? (Sono vecchio) I retired to smoke a Water Pipe in thee convivial society (beer/whisky), yet, still? -Malhler, the composer, he GETS in your head: I know! I know!  -"I'm gonna SUE!"
...And, so, back to the LASH, Suzie, a bella-donna, music prevails;
 she (Suzie) 1 hour later...COMMANDS,
 and STILL by her "choice"
divines yet DEFINES;
... a  faun in the afternoon...?

"This way South"

Georges Simenon (famous French writer/like me) opened the Blue Room, a novelette; can you - like a SURFER see? His - the Blue Room - paragraph includes the following:

"Angie, naked, still on the ravaged bed, legs apart, a few drops of semen, clinging to her dark hair, shadowy, between her thighs..."
At which point, you would say: WAKE UP LITTLE SUZIE, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!....and, VIVE LA FRANCE!
Later, of course, a GORGON mouth, envelopes your E-mail mystery;
Georges Simenon/ Inter-state 95:
This way SOUTH.

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/You're NOT in Kansas anymore, Miss Lou!...:)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ragazzimento No. 44: Quatro Sedia, NO tavola! (Four chairs-no table!)

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ragazzimento No. 44: "Quatro sedia-NO tavola!...: (Four chairs, no table...)

1: "A touch of Brando"

A "touch" of BRANDO, under the light,
re-inventing divinity; come! Quick! Catch! CAN-CAN!...and dance through my life?
Paints and prints, a dress of finest Muslim, and
a CELTIC voice that ribs my souls?

Do you FLEX, perspire, in one sweet breath? -So! Strike me dead if I'm not your guest? BIEN-VENUTO! (Ciao-babee!) Arrivee!
A "touch of BRANDO, and I'll do the rest....:)

2: Death and Taxes

Death and taxes and the common cold
perennially arrive
in a Hearst, a black suit, or block up with traffic
on your Elizabeth, New Jersey, driveway.

Don't talk to ME! I've seen it a 1,000 times.
For every BEN FRANKLIN? -I gotta dime. 'Cept
THIS TIME, I'm listening to JOE GREEN
(Giuseppe Verdi) and I'm lost on the Vino, poetry, music and love.

Death, taxes and the common cold? You betcha life,
never fails to spill the nectar in our over-flowing cups!
-Shaddup, and die young....:)
So shaddup? -and die young.


May ALLAH give you good health. He saves the Wisdom till last.
I ought'a know; I have nine lives.

Babee? Did you ever go to TUSCON, Arizona?
I was only there for a day, met everyone, but
didn't/they wouldn't let me play (guitar)
on a sunset-dawn; still? -I was OUT
with the "kickers", roadies, TRUCKERS
and the Cowboy Angels, and
somehow? -we made it through.

May GOD give you good health. He saves your Wisdom
till last. ASK HIM!!!
I ought'a know? -I have nine lives.

Call me, if you're ever in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Phoenix,
Arizona, too. You can call me in L.A. (Los Angeles).
As for New York City? For god sake, please don't give my number away?
(That's a "baby" I do personally)

I was thinking of you TWICE, that day in Santa Monica.. And
MALIBU was all so nice.
Souvenirs? The price of AMORE?
Costs you more and more! Call 1-800 FRICKIN JESUS;
you'll be left, doubtless.

May God give you good speed to happiness;
May god give you good health. He saves the WISDOM
till last. I ought's know (I SHOULD know!)
A parting kiss; I -grazie DIO - have nine lives.


I LOST my heart, in San Diego.
That frickin' bitch?
She culled all of me.

In the GASLIGHT district;
Down by the sea;
If you ever split to Kansas,
thank your lucky stars!

I lost my heart
In San Diego;
Now I'm living, in a bar.

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/ragazzimento/piacenza/italia


Monday, April 8, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ragazzi-mento No. 43: "The night is long..."

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/prince of thieves/ragazzimento No. 43: "...The night is long."

(OK. Here we go:)

... The night is long
Your feelings and your song?
This dance of life?
It's yours.

The WORLD "is mine"
You speak it every time?
Come 'long and live with me;
I promise you'll be free.

No care and no demands, the night
is long,
The WORLD is mine;
your UN-sung song,
you FLASH with your eyes?

This dance of Life
Slices deep inside; and
The night is long,
...but the evening
begins with you....

c 2013/dave delacroix/lord Borgo/piacenza/italia...:)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix, esq./ragazzimento No. 42: "This Sporting Life"...

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix esq./ragazzimento No. 42: "This Sporting Life"...

"LEFTY" was the tallest of the (RUGBY) team. Steve Cousins - just back from Canada, age 13 - was the team's Captain star. We had Nigerian 3/4-back Leon Yawa, Derek Jones on Wing (both were frickin' greyhounds!), big Dickhead Starling on 2nd. row; Swallow-nest/Aston high school Rugger team, mid Sixties, positively unbeatable!.
I played Wing-forward, sometimes, Hooker... In a SCRUM? - you DO NOT "hook" the ball, you hook the OPPONENT'S shin/legs, and then...when he cries for his MOMMY? --you hook and back-kick the ball to your own team. Meantime, LEFTY, Steve Cousins and Dickhead Starling are pushing the SCRUM AGE opponents into the snow, slush and MUD.

This IMMORTAL game, heralded by my (West Riding), South Yorkshire team, all partaking; we exhausted our early TEENS with "home" games, "away" games, throughout ALL four seasons: We played - and WON - on fields of snow!
"Away" games, hosted at numerous celebrated institutions of Learning (Schools for Young Gentlemen in merry old England), we'd rugger-vanquish the FOE then Team-bus-it back to home base, drink SHANDY and sing every Brit-pop song we ever knew. Back to BRINSWORTH, back to ROTHERHAM, back to SHEFFIELD, exalted in hard won Pride (Our colors, incidentally, were Green and White)....

There were, WAS, IS, no shame in RUGGER pride.

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/ourmanineurope/april 5th./piacenza, italia, and that Sporting Life, so far away...:)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Our DUDE in Europe/dave delacroix/ragazzimento No. 41 : LIPSTICK POLICE!

Our BRO in Europe/ragazzimento, No. 41: "LIPSTICK POLICE!"

...Got busted, again, playing-busking on the street.
 THREE cops (major PIACENZA  emergency
-making noise-sump'tin to put on their working time sheets,
 "senza" GUNFIRE).
I demur ed.
THEY were safe. No-one got shot.
THREE cops. Two dudes, one gal,
 all "tangled up in Blue";
 pistols packing; -wotcha gonna-do?
The gal (cop) is sporting LANVIN No. 6 LIPSTICK,
which I thought, rather sublime?
 Her two colleagues, no matter;
 they just wanted to take me on down.
"It's Easter Monday!?", I pleaded,
 down on my guitar-knees?
 "Do ya know the MEANING of heart-break?...
Then lend me your gun: A-MAH SINGING DA BLUES!!!""
...Needless to say, I DIDN'T get a kiss, -from COP LANVIN -
  a handshake, from the boys in blue,
 who are only allowed ONE Barney Fife bullet: NO! OH NO!!!...
Just the LIPSTICK COPS saying: "Dave? VOI! VOI!"
..... (Go! Go!)

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/where the HELL is Brenda!?

Our Man In Europe/dave delacroix/ragazzimento No. 40: "RE-LOST GENERATION"

Our Man in Europe/davedelacroix/ragazzimento No. 40: "RE-LOST GENERATION"

Proudly, I say, exiled from America (Land of the Knaves & Home of the Dweebs),
I belong to the RE-LOST generation,
firmly implanted and thriving in Southern Europe (Italia)

where the CONCEPT of (alcohol) -an "OPEN CONTAINER LAW"
is not only considered PREPOSTEROUS,
but not considered AT ALL...?

...Talk to JUDGE ROY BEAN; better still? Ask Paul Newman -  if he still has a pulse? -
since the (USA) "town" got respectable,
the whores and yahoos have taken over and legislated
society/culture into nothingness.
(JEEZE! My fingers are NUMB!?)

If you go to SHEFFIELD-TEXAS you'll see what I mean.
There's NOBODY frickin' there!
They ALL got RE-LOST.

c 2013/davedelacroix/lord borgo/our man in Europe/happy Easter!...:)