Our Man/dude in Europe/BELIZE, dave delacroix: "Romulus & Remus."
dedelcato, sergei, r.i.p.
Romulus & Remus, founders of ROME; couple O Punks outta (?), ANNEAS, Trojan refugee never officially claimed paternity (Twins?); why would he? And heavenly signs? Tough BIRDS flapped ...in silencio...out of reverence, the LORDS of Island-Helene coughed, Virgins, as Virgins DO...frantic-masturbators are STILL being UN-earthed to give testament by Grave-robbers with College Degrees/motto: "Relax: Your trinkets R safe we US!"...their only purloined-mortal fame? But BACK to our Future! And WHO/where is CALIOPE (lend me your horn?), who sings of the SHE-WOLF, that eternal BITCH who succored 2,000 years of torture, slavery, continental holocaust, SPAS, Taxes & Civic Prudence? REMY & REMUS: No vaudeville act EVER had such historical ECHO or consequence...outside of ANY Man's 11t hour: The Emperor Marcus Aurelius dealing with those pesky Germanics, now todays Semantic Tribes in the Middle East, bereft of a Pied Piper to evacuate all their Children, away, to learn together to join & live in Peace? Bring me your horn Caliope, ARTORIUS (John Heath-Stubbs)? Lend me your Ear, (Shakes-dude), Romulus & Remus, the PLAY's the thing; a repeat of all known everything. Lions & Reptiles do battle.
c.davedelacroix/david mich oxley, poet-dude. chillin in Belize. oct. 2024.