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Saturday, July 20, 2024



OUR MAN in EUROPE, Dave Delacroix: "Greco-Hiroshima."

(dedicato. Brain Pavlik. Long time Amigo.)

"OH the HORROR, the FASCINATION!?" with our arms & legs, the visible skeleton, your intimate X-ray (B-ZZZZ!), info-consumed, EX-hummed in the latest Archeological DIG!?

A necklace, bracelet, cooking-pot, the ancient HOOD in wind-swept RUIN? Not a glimpse, less U invent it, of JOY de VIE, that last kiss before "Mano e ManO", bloodied, slain at your door?

Olianis, his blood spattered on the Ceramics. Kesha. Burnt alive. Her bones in the oven! Lycia-ravaged, aftermath, the VOLCANO eruption to seal the crime

then usurped by ALIENS who dissect the SANCTITY of our ending and enjoy, day's ending, at a nearby trattoria con Vino?

EONS fast forward. The Auschwitz Beer Resort. Hiroshima-Ground Zero Hotel. No volcanic gas to asphyxiate, but there will always be the "SEA PEOPLES", ...as WE, distracted, paint our own houses, temples, with visions of joy, the rictus-grin of greed-without!

c.2024. daveedelacroixdavid michael oxley, belize, consumate-groovey feeling. Herculaneum/Pompeii/Alexandria/all MINOAN, thera.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Our Man in whoosits, dave delacroix, last seen in Belize., 2024 Belize: BUY ME A GUN!

Cancer-dude. OUR MAN IN EUROPE/BELIZE,  dave delacroix, BUY ME A GUN!

Buy me a Gun my Babee whispered, dewy eyes, 6 months, cancer-hugging, horror, but no-reprise. Buy me a GUN. Picky on that noun, English-by, Tenneses Belle, a daughter of ROBERT E. LEE, some aristo, the SOUTH, Cancer-bound. ON-COLOGISTS, never outta work. Buy me a Gun TOO, every 2nd day? ^* or 5 years old, That Caner-Gig don't GIG FACEBOOK; KIDS-welcome! By me a Gun. Show me where to point it.

.c.davedelacroix. our man in europe/belize, 2024


 Our Man in Europe/Belize, dave delacroix: Song of Solomon & Saladin.

...WOE TO THE VANQUISHED who will find NO Peace, to the SUB-cerebral, the wall-bangers, the fanatics, the insistent, the doctrine- raging for whom PEACE is not their objective? The Balled-cut indoctrinated, the MOM & POPS bereft, the collective ASS-HOLE pointing West, the racist diatribe that usurps all fresh thought, a testament of Religio-Chauvinism, WOMEN, children-un-worthy or alternative Thought?

WOE TO THE VANQUISHED, Soccer-Hooliganism Politics prevail now HERALDED by the HERALD, the MESSENGER, the MEDIA, far from the wisdom of SOLOMON, or far from the wisdom of Muslim SALADIN who shared the keys to a Christ's Sepulcher....for All?...Education. Health Care. For PEOPLE? Everything else is Cheap Whisky. Let them enjoy Life & live in Peace.

WOE TO THE VANQUISHED!!! SOLOMAN & SALADIN RULE: U spot GREED? Kick Em into the dirt!!!! WOE, if U fail.

c.davedelacroix. 2024,  Corozal, Belize.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

OUR MAN in EUROPE/BELIZE, Dave Delacroix: "Who GODS the GODS!?"


Our Man in Europe, Dave Delacroix: "Who GODS da GODZ!?"

...THE VAMPIRE AT YOUR THROAT that never let's go suckles your final "Mon-bots", swallows, deep-throats... that concept of twilight, night and day, then acrobats your tomorrows, boo-ga-loo like it has no WHA!? ...a flood of memories, shadowing past good deeds until they SWELL into the Borscht of a life-long Revolution. People died. Maybe. Nobody, no-longer hugs. Anti-SMOKING FASCISTS roam the streets, cafes, restaurants, poolrooms like NAZIS with impunity!

THE VAMPIRE KISS, succulating your naked, vulnerable -blood-pulses into a Strangers World-Kharma to be lost in translation, in TRANSLATION ever-more.  HISTORY? Yours? Mine? The KIDS on the Street? .....History's Umbilical screaming within its ecstasy, a universal hunger, the PILL for the rabid-divine, licking-chops, one last candle: "WHO Gods the Gods!? And THE VAMPIRE...at your throat. Where else? Simulation, lip-smacking, pretending to KISS? WHO PAYS his/her $$$ BILS and in the clear light of dawn, a "GO-FUND-ME" for a coffin; Allah, Jesu, Budda and their crews... Coin to count.

NIGHT FALLS like a CHARCOAL. Mahler music or that frick from SWEDEN, outlived the lot, slow, lumber some, a soundtracks blood-oozing from yesteryear veins, yesterday's wounds, WOLFSBANE fragments now on display in an OSLO or STOCKHOLM Museum. Debelius? Delirious-Dobee-DO! You can pay an admission fee. There's a Snack BAR too where once love, hate, violence, love & peace once prevailed; catch an Eddie-MUNCH painting on...ON your way out.

c.2024. belize. dave delacroix, 33 chemoes. still yakkin.