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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Our Dude in Europe/dave delacroix/ "..When love lies upon the Asphalt."

Our Man In Europe/dave delacroix/dave delacroix/ "When Love lies upon the Asphalt."

(dedicato: Dana Forbes)

When Love lies upon the asphalt at the Strip-Mall, a Rose will grow, twix the Pizza shop, Liquor store, Fruit & VEG Mini-Market, Chemist, in Cyber-space (Parking: no problemo!); a "Post", a "VIRAL", that utters beyond ...where your Love GROWS, dies, or is just "talked about"?

Where you Love lies BLEEDING, faithfully, traditionally, kissing its OWN "Spectre": open lips that - even now? -  will succour/invitation to BIG HUGS, then kiss -like "forever" (like?) conveyed; All the time: Yet UN-fathomed: Betrayed? A very, very, close friend?

Where your Love lies NOW forever:  that lonesome Island, that premature THROB, that heart-fatality - Are MEN so bold they have forgotten? - And YOU: An ACHE, listing between Darkness and its successor? And just Who's the Fox and WHO the Hounds? Who sings OUR Song!? Heavy Metal? Or Anacreon , Poet Laureate of ancient Greece?

Love lies UNDER that over-ridden FREEWAY: Cadillacs, Mercedes-Maserati or PO' Boy Porsche?

When love lies bleeding, yet leading? And the Asphalt in the Strip-mall "hums" all night long...uncannily, a Rose "may" grow...for a Boy and for a Girl........between the
 Pizzeria, Liquor Store, Fruit & Veg Emporium, the Pharmacy...and the Radio-Shack Taxi Cab....to get 'em "Out O'here!"...
(Our wishes? Our wishes?)

.....And so it goes.

c2017/davedelacroix/Sherman Oaks/Los Angeles/USA..

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "WHEN U get to die..."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "WHEN U get to Die..."

When U get to Die, it'll be "alright", the clock will strike, the bell will Toll whilst all your "Buddies" sigh? And WHEN U DIE don't worry 'bout making the Bed, take the pot off the stove, kissing loved ones goodbye, setting your Camels free; it's a NO-brainer, a Salute to the wind, a gesture, a drum roll whose end U will never - - or come? - to hear complete; the APPLAUSE, the tears, the remorse, the sycophantic sting?... No deviant drug to drag U ON in aches and pains, that UN-wished-for TATTOO of your declining years?.. And not a HOPE of retribution, vengeance, vendetta with  whom to SHARE the same FATE but that U have GONE before?...When YOU get to DIE wear flowers in your hair (assuming U are not bald?) and INTIMATE to your Gentle Mourners: "Suck it UP! Take ya LUMPS! (And with a smile?) Say, as one who knows: Don't Despair!..."

c2017/davedelacroix/Palazzo Delacroix/Sciacca/Sicily.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Our Man in Europe (O, how tired we are of U),dave delacroix, LORD BORGO, Sciacca, Sicily: "LUCIFER!!!"

Our Man in Europe (O' how  tired we are of You), Lord Borgo, ESQ., Sicilia, ITALIA:  "LUCIFER!!!"

LUCIFER, OLDE NICK, your Brothers keeper, a solitary light on a Moonless night, insistent; your Mother's WEEPER (?), Indolent, CORPULENT, your Father's METEOR and Sisters (U have?) of Mercy who SING in a vacuum of music-cum-silence or East and West or North and South on such a compound EVENT, a breeze in Time's flight, inclusive: a Bird's feather...?

A bird's feather,  into a hearth of hopes? -DESCENDING, twirling feather...to satisfy your PAGAN delight! INCINERATED, Burger-King, some sunny day? -Divesting (UN-clothed) , NAKED in Pagan delight, and hopes, wishes, fueled by latent desire? WHO sings your Song? Who BUILDS the Ovens of Negativity!?

RAVENS! OMENS! A Murder of Crows, surrounding "the FEW", a "Roncevalle" of IDEAS, hopeless-ALAMO, an Inner-Blitzkrieg, that UN-Deliverance, UN-freed, PRE-shackled, Under-spent, post-bankrupt, only AWARE of a severe Accounting: FORTUNE driven to its Sticking Post! Hung on its own Petard! A Poster Child! -"Woe to the Vanquished!?"

LUCIFER, OLDE NICK, kneels by your side as U PRAY to UN-entangle your supplement orientation? But CALL him by name!, as his shadow slithers across your bedstead, who's hand, just once in your LIFE, U did deign to GRASP or relinquish?

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Sciacca/Sicily

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "KOMBO!"

Our MMan in Erope/dave delacroix/ "KOMBO!"

(GREEK CHORUS:) These Inter/Net/DOGS, these Intellectual CURR'S who now Rule "The Capistrano", the Dynamic, the Distinction, between You and NOW and the glorious PAST?... Let us sing of OUR GLORY and  demise:

"Lonely DICK, lonely SNATCH, lonely Gal; a Honey dude; civilization IS not "elective" or so the story goes?"
Last night in Marienbad, last night, a Germanic thing; Statues turned from Silver, went Bronze, then turned to GOLD?...Would U believe it!!!?    IDIOTS evolved? Talent Colour became B/W? BLOW-JOBS transmuted, love abounded, a battle of Waterloo, SPERMICIDES, Ideas  DIED, torrential rain: a NO WOMB SYNDROME, just the CHATTER, You and  ME,  Vecchio Fashionista-s, Palazzi, decandanzi, a Rustica Cavalinio and the tattered Bride of Poetry?

And SO we Sing. And lustre, gusto, and SHARP WHISTLE! - Sing! (Try to KILL da  Saxon Bastards, somehow!?)

(GREEK CHORUS:) Lonely Dick, lonely Bella,, Honey Ragazzo: lonely Vita? And psychological mischief abounding; Freud, Jewish Bloke,  (lived on Hampstead Heath with a P.H.D.)  wearing a Toga? KILL HIM! KILL HER!  Kill Progresses HOLY "ID"!...But where would we BE; making civilization's SOUP? And HEAR US O' LORD, east, west, central EUROPE, in Heaven...thy dwelling place? Who, if not YOU can speak out...ALL good FAMILIES, in reverence...?

(MEANDER'S FINGER:) Last night in Marienbad; an addiction, my OWN disgrace, wandering, aimless, too OLD to be a MISTAKE like a bad Martyr who got his own living carcass off some barbarian STAKE then... HOWLED at the moon and cursed Zeus, Juno, Jupiter and then DANCE-COMMANDED upon a wild horse, a mission in his hand and the WORLD to be his LAND not knowing North, South, and the other 2 "thingies", butts, tits and a rythme?

(GREEK CHORUS:) "Sing U DOGS. Sing U Men. The Time is NOW; no repeating!....Be MEN!" And so we learn?

Last night in Marienbad (God is good?), God lent me Wings - traveller that I am? -  so that I could glean, boys and girls in romantic twine and weaving the tapestry of Man's Eternity and gave me THIS dynamic: A song, from the land where I was born,  it came to mind: "Are U going to Scarborough Fair?" And nearby, on Scorby Mills, I sat in the coastal cold and damp... and could wish like a Child.....for something like Evermore.

c2017/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/Norman/Viking  Dude...:)

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Elenora..."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Eleanora."

...The antiquated, the antique, the insidious LIE; yes: Lie, and WHO dies on their Laurels, semi-unshaken, fallen, then who CRUMBLES like a Terrorists dynamic: "Allah Akbar-I really fucked Up!?" Survivors? The scarred and wounded?

Their Relatives; hands covered in blood with RACIAL HATE!? "U ASK me to be Forgiving? Let me KILL - for NO reason/Latent REVENGE!!! - your little DAUGHTER; bring her forth! NOW!!! BADDABOOM!....

Crazy young Ragazza (young Tunisian) lady, Eleanora, "Bussin'" tables with PMS; Growling - even at Me? - talks the Talk and walks the Walk!
TAKE A LOOK AT THE ODDS!!!? (The Gal is COOL! Got Tattoos, for Cris sakes!?)

WHO, in God's Immortal hand or eye gonna FORGE A CHANGE, UP-seat a Government...in the PROCESS of kissing your ASS "Goodbye"?... ELEANORA? YOU! Me? And IN the ADVENT, who amongst US, yes, US!!!... will Attack by Defending...and kiss her/his Ass...Arrivederci? (You get to swiftly die?)

The Antiquated, the Antique, these Time-Capsuled Mono-Cerrebal CLOWNS who shed the blood of fully grown, diverse, joyful people? In GOD'S NAME, in the NAME OF LOVE; ignorance is no longer an excuse and EDUCATION, now? -Our common zeal! Now UN-SEALED in all its ignorance!?... Some BACK STROKE of Thought?

Oh Generals! You?d better get Hi-Tech or hang on to those "Soccer Hooligans" (Cannon fodder)  because the REST of us ...ain't gonna Play!...Better still? Consult Eleanora, multi-tasking. Taking care of 20 Tables, single handed on a stinking HOT, Sicilian August  night?...! A Gem; a Nobility. The Few...

c2017/davedelacroix, sciacca, sicily.



Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ A Quick Study in Magic Mushrooms, assisted by Sunflower, Deep-Root, The Magician and...Peter Pan. Oh! And Butterfly?...:)

...kock A billy: kREUSSBERG..bERLIN.

.......Language, like deciphering Marlene Dietrich, a problem, so lover-s accounts, so the story goes this side of Paradise or some Drunks advice, U may know, what U gonna DO, ECLIPSE, "corona",KISS ya Gal : "Arrivederci!" or HOWL, and,, whatever U DO, like in COSTA RICA don- we off the FRICKIN- road...your Street?

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO, sciacca, Sicily..... Anybody know what time it is? Does it matter? Nope. Let me get back to U...:)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Desperado & Fast Gun Annie!"...(A Duet)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Desperado & Fast Gun Annie!"

DESPERADO...mixin', fixin' lovin', leavin', runnin' - temporarily - HIDIN' - from bills, bad credit, LOVE stuff; stuff like dat? Bianco, grande Sombrero,, Lamas Cowboy boots. Key chain on Hip, Rock mount stud checkered shirt, minimal elocution:  "Yah. Fuck my Dick, lend me $20, wanna shoot POOL; play Z-5: (jukebox) "Dwight Jokem!?"

Desperado: hot nights, WALL to WALL, hopin' da GAL "Saddles-UP", leaves, before a loving-connection...leading TO emotional servitude, a Creedence Clearwater HANGING; or  his INNER Soul: "Los Desperado" gets out his Six-String, gets STUPID and DOWN to write some Country Classic Song? And down in the DIRT...ain't that  just the way it goes?

Desperado, fish outta water! Chicago, Detroit, NYC or down town L.A.; only a misplaced wilderness that evaporates his prairie eyes in the Mall-strips, parking lots, the unpaid MOTEL rent on Ventura Boulevard, Guitar in hock for a bottle of JACK? (No song for a Heartbreak?)

Desperado! NO Wyoming, No Dakotas! No Nebraska domain, just that lonesome Greyhound Bus, TRAILWAYS, definition: Musician without Girlfriend: "Homeless", every day & night...tryin' to "check out" of the Hotel California...?

....As for Fast Gun Annie?

(In-sight-fully:) A SLIVER of Mediocrity slips into her Life: BITCH-new Gal, the NEW YOU, the new gal in town with an extended "Interest", a distinct NEW Credit Card?.... No church bell rang? -an UN-conscious TWITCH in her eye? A ring around the Roses: ATISHOO! ATISHOO!...but NOBODY don't... immediately die?

A SLIVER, a "hint" of her"LAMIAN" decline slips into place, a new wardrobe, a Chess piece, a MOVE later to be a KICK, an UN-wanted pregnancy; an internal Albatross that will drag her down, someplace, smiling, per Se? DANG! DANG! DANG! "Where gone that Man!?"

A Sliver, a blunt sword, a loaded gun, an ARGUMENT devoid of Reason..-KISSES HER, kisses her OFF: indefensible! UN-TRUE! And what she gonna DO? Clear OUT!? Join the PEACE CORPS? Marry the first Idiot who says: "I'll SUCK your pregnant concept? Become a Terrorist, re-discover her Aging Parents, plant a Vegetable garden...

....or maybe become a  "Waitress"...in a DINER ("More Coffee, Dick-Breath?), meet "People"?  And it's NOT the END, just "stuff", stuff  movin' ON: A kiss at Midnight - she polishes the .38 Special, place it under her pillow in the Trailer - under  her head - for a rainy day; a Duet, a  new SPECTACULAR SONG like the Desperado SAID "IN Believin'"...for the Desperado... who's lost his way? And his pretty head of hair in her shakin'  gun-sights...for that duet he would never write?


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "This side of Midnight (Osmosis bites!)."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "This Side of Midnight (Osmosis Bites!)."

(dedicato: Greg Alexander)

This SIDE of midnight, Osmosis Blues and ALL the world-s a Stage which U... Use without Me? So I  GOTTA act: ll...  on my own... this side of Paradise, this side of Midnight?

This side of Midnight; that WRONG that can make a RIGHT but, alas, OUT of sight 'cept for a Saxophone, carousing the night, "Osmosis-musically": Do we WAKE or sleep, technically, to OUR midnight? And if SO; who goes first? Dumb question?...

This side of Midnight; LOVE in the "Economy-Size", no GOOD for U or Me? The refrigerator's too small? Every second day "Fresh" goes to "Stale", a throw-a-way of how we BELIEVED things ought to be?

FACTOR IN the OSMOSIS BLUES and we become "empathic" in Love's latent servitude (a wreck less Gin and Tonic?) counting off the days: "Tick-Tock!, Tick-Tock!" ACT Ill: "Io Aspetto1" (I wait?)

This side of Midnight, exercising, uncharacteristically, PATIENCE enshrouded in the "Osmosis Blues"? Whose song? Yours or mine?

"Hey! Diddle-Diddle!
The Cat
And the Fiddle!
jumped over the Moon?
And all the kings horses
and all the king's Men
could not put
back together again!?"

(ALL emotional Minorities wonder?)

This side of midnight; some TERROR!?  And WHO can frame ITS' fearful symmetry; OSMOSIS BITES!!!?  Love's Forensics, DNA, a T.V. Series; blood on somebodies floor? And the WAILS of Yesterday's lost loves, forlorn?

c2017/davedelacroix/Palermo Aeroporto, Sicily.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The UN dead."

oUR mAN IN eUROPE/dave delacroix/"The UN DEAD."

(dedicato: Sarah B. Solo.)

The UN Dead SIT in your face, like a DICK, a PUSSY, looking PALE... that somehow seems NORMAL, a SQUID, ready to KILL, your MACKEREL, love, lust, protest; a sense of Build and/or to Destroy?
The UN-Dead VOTE for your MAN, your WIFE, your LIFE then - sometimes -  penalize your KIDS for NOT being UN-DEAD?
The UN-Dead, technically, DIED at the first heartbreak, when daddy, in his fit of rage, crushed their TOYS, or Mommy-Dearest RIPPED out your  first Curling Irons: Oh Yes! The UN-Dead! That FIRST SLIP. THAT TERRIBLE SLAP!!!  A poignant kick in the CEREBRAL ZONE: FATAL.

"Was THAT when I died, Bobby-Rae?"
"YUP, Enola-Mae. Just like when Daddy took a SAW-BELT to me and thrashed me and my brothers for NO reason. And so he had to go?"
"Ya think?"
"YO Enola Mae. It's the WORLD some folks say? Boys and Girls in Teaching Schools, Governors of STATES, big time Politicians in WASHINGTON D.C., UN-dead, a PUMP of LIFE kept 'em GOING
working OUT and SURROUNDED by the UN-Dead?"
Enola-Mae asks: "How do they LIVE, Bobby-Rae!?"
Bobby-Rae answers: "Weee'll, I guess, like Corpses wrestling in the dark Earth, singing an UN-heard tune?"
"Are WE "UN-dead", Bobby-Rae?" asks Enola-Mae.
Bobby-Rae: "Not a DANG, Anola-Gay: ....by Asking!"...:)

c2017/davedelacroix/vitt. Emman. Cafe. Sciacca. Sicily. Bella Elenora: Head Waitress....:)

Monday, August 14, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "IL FALCONE!"...

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Falcon." (The Road to Palermo)

(Dedicato: Famiglia Falcone)

.....On the righteous road to Palermo where, sooner or later, an "AFFIFFI" (a murder) will SPLAY your sad Ass into an UN-shaven crumple, wept over, only by the FEW (No Spitfire Pilots)...?

On the righteous road to Palermo, U TRAMP determined, UPROOTED by Faith? A Family? A Tomorrow? A Tomorrow for the BAMBINI; on the righteous road to Palermo?... U just married off the first kid, your daughter. "This is Lucretia..... My Daughter... (to the groom) I don't like you.  I don't like your FAMILY; but for Lucretia? I kiss U."

And a different VIEW drains from your thin blood? YESTERDAY is not today ...Tomorrow will not come...SENOR!!!...in your mind or in your home: benvenuto: behind a painted smile: " I will welcome you: YES: You, please  stay? ...I will NOT disgrace my fathers, their fathers and their fathers NOBILITY....A glass of Wine?"

....that twirls, twirls, that twirls into a furnace, a cauldron, a Mount Etna. An eternity of SMOKE!...?

On the road to Palermo, you know,  HISTORY, bad things have gone down; just where the Cash is stashed, bodies buried, who is INSANE with grief... and who are  the SOUL-LESS; the ones who should be "put down"? And you decide, Fankula Omerta!:  "I will testify to Prosecutor Falcone.. I believe HE IS, he IS our Country's Future!?"...

"I will step out from the Darkness. I will step out into the Light!"...

.On the road to Palermo, happy thoughts of 3 snotty nosed kids. Bella wearing her Turquoise head scarf, grand-mama, always dressed for a funeral. Last glimpse at the CASA.  ON THE ROAD TO PALERMO :

"Gotta fix that god damn CASA  ROOF! East Side. Always, the East side!?... New tiles from Uncle Luigi, Nicola, Giuseppe can lend a hand?"
On the righteous road to Palermo, 20 kilometers out of town, a SHOT rang out!

No sheep stirred. Mountain goats bumbled, no Tourists, no eye witnesses; NO GOD!!!???
But up above, a FALCON, eyes so sharp, and talons, worthy
to WRENCH  the Evil from  Man...Circling.

Some decent SENOR came along. An ARTIST,  a breath of Fresh air. ON THE ROAD from PALERMO,
(Yakking to the local Radio Station 'bout his "singular" Life: Saying: " I don't paint Chairs, or Houses. I am like TURNER: I paint LIGHT!? "...and then, elaborated::
"I don't got much: I got 3 snotty nosed kids. A Bella in a Turquoise head scarf, and a Grand Mama...who always dresses for a funereal...but I'm a Painter!!"

.And the Sicilian, land of Man,  proudly advances... on the road to Palermo.

c2017/dave delacroix/LORD BORGO/Downtown Licata/ Sicily...:)

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "BEL-AIR SUN."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "BEL-AIR SUNSET."/"The Last Tycoon."

(From the Song: Moon over Sunset)

"...Pretty Moon, that moon over Sunset Boulevard? It dies at HENDERSON'S FOR FISH (Clam City), end of Sunset... meets Pacific Coast Highway?
Something on my mind? But I forget.  Living with  SURF, TRAFFIC, the URGENCY, these things, I forget or are forgotten;  but I'll CALL U someday soon?

Pretty Moon?

A photograph, a page of BRAILLE, a memory, "a'la recherche du temps perdu", a KISS inside of U?
Did I DO it? Was I there? Do I need to sign some Papers, anything new?

Funny Moon.

Pretty Moon, using a shoe iron to put on my shoes? Shirts don't fit; PANTS, either too LARGE or fit for some Ballerina Dude; don't worry bout TEETH: had all them bastards pulled OUT long ago  unlike the sad liver, wheezing lungs, a brain that goes ZING-ZANG and that HEART: YABBA-YABBA-DOO!...?

Petty Moon?

And that Concept of a Garden? JESUS-MISTO-CHRISTO!!! Just WHY are we CULTIVATING English foliage in Los Angeles!? This IS A DESERT COMMUNITY for Christ-sakes!!!?

BLOODY, pretty moon?

Meantime? My Trailer-Weekend Park, up in Malibu, down on "Paradise Cove" needs a coat of paint?
And if you see me? And if you SEE me: maybe you would like to lend a helping hand?

Pretty Moon. Pretty Moon. Pretty Moon ...somehow over SUNSET.

c2017/davedelacroix/Lord Borgo/Palermo, Sicily. (Moon over Sunset. Song. On the CD: DEADBEAT SCROLLS...google/on U-tube.)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Seventh Seal."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Seventh Seal."

(dedicato: Jude de Luca...)

FOUR HORSEMEN (Apoca-LIPS-kiss?), the Seventh Seal, 3 distinct SHIPS come sailing IN (Carrying PLAGUE?)....

Never trust a Horse that pisses into the wind, the NUMBER THIRTEEN,, never-EVER trust a man that don't DRINK and keep a SERIOUS eye on the Non-Smokers, for in the lay of this concept and in the hands of BODY NAZIS and DIRT PIGS

(Pretty or greedy people who desire U conform, quit smoking, stop masturbating, sell them your Land for a song) ...lies the LEGACY of your Personal Freedom? Yet someday - wishing -  their ASS is GRASS?
Break out the MOWER!!!?

"Suck my Dick, Pretty Lady? I think U should smoke a Doobie!?"
TRUMP INCORPORATED?...I refer U to an earlier Statement!"

But it's COMPLEX...

MEDIA PSYCHOLOGY? Too MANY Jokes. A Joker? YO! - A demonic suicide case. NYC's "Potter's Field Cemetery" has a million GAGS! And THEY, who sings too many Blues? THEY - like Sister Teresa -  probably come from a Rich family or  Palookaville, Tennessee?...Where-as THEY, the "down at heel"? -Always WERE! /Like  that MUG on the T.V., that pair of Tits with a SMILE; Your Media Companion...

...Vampirella, sucking your MEAGRE, Civilization-BENUMBED Spirituality-like the FOUR HORSEMEN of the APOCA-LIPS....asking for latent-conceptual "Change"... for lonesome, homeless bastards looking for a "sympathy" , JUGULAR kiss, (legendary Dumpster-Divers!),

a negative,  a hit or a miss? Pick a number, HIGHWAY ONE, a lotto, put it in an envelope and address it to FAITH:  Freak out the BAMBINOS!  Or put it under your pillow, kissed, signed and sealed; for your dreams and some Biblical Seventh Seal (Carrying Plague.)!!!

And "What's to do??

...Whilst Four Horsemen, Pale Riders, before or when U die, travelling that road: travelling that road.
Travelling that Road......and how do you warn your Children?..

c2017/davedelacroix/thin man bar, sciacca, sicily.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Fool on the Hill."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Fool on the Hill."

THAT CRAZY DUDE, up there, living all alone, creating UN-necessary things, spouting Abstract concepts, wearing yesterdays clothes like a Fashionista; that Crazy Fool on the Hill who DIDN'T make sense, laughed when others cried, living the life of Reilly, UN-accountable, irresponsible (?), always SINGING OUT OF TUNE, far from the world of Nuclear threats, Neo-Nazis, Racism, environmental exploitation and destruction, the HATRED of his neighbours, UN-plugged, UN-DRUGGED, who never left his Hill...with panoramic views of Global carnage?... He just passed away and was carried OFF - by the Authorities in a pine box?

Maybe the Fool on the Hill wasn't such a Fool after-all?...

c2017/davedelacroix/Sciacca, Murphys Bar, Sciacca, Sicily.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ Festa Agosto!@

Our an in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Festa Agosto."

(Dedicato Loic V-L...the ONLY guy who can figure this out?)


(Italian) "Ferra.AGOSTO" we don't have to know, where we GO, where Paradise lies? Bambini ragazzo, punching me in MAH RIBS, puttin' flowers upon my head, a Street called Peace and Paradise, "Au befiehl";  "de rigeur", NO DAVE; no-one is all Alone?

FERRA.AGOSTO, Babee? It's only some ACTUARIES "twist & shout";; a Dream a truth, a KICK, or a lie: where Love goes? And where Love ought to be?

Agosto-FERRAL, my Dear, some wild S0ng, a punk head, a hunt, looking for a SLICE of Individuality, Today's Girl, an the BAD ASS I used to be;

Mid Summer RAZZI; we don't have to know. French Cafe. Zanzibar Tavern; Cafe Rendezvous des Amis? It ALL comes down to U AND me... And Festa Agosta, HIGH SUMMER....will conjoin our emotional Belief's,,,and THEN to somehow conceive?" aND ACHEIVE WHAT WE see.

c2017, davedelacroix/....:)

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Salami-Napoli"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Salami-Napoli."

A WHEEL of a Maserati, a SLICE of a VESPA, A Bugatti SOUP, a Minestrone?
A KICK of Armani? A KISS of Givenchy a prosciutto of LOVE; a Bonnano balsamo or a SIGH of Gran Parmessano? A BULBOUS Pomadoro, SMASHED in your face, a LINGUINE tied, throttling your neck, a Salami-Napoli KISS...like a Verdi Operetta, Caruso singing; but STILL I will not come home to U?...
CALAMARI, a Pesci, rucola insalata, ricotta....fill in Italian cheese thingies...a BAROLO, Chianti, Trebbia Sauvignon, a GRILLO, Nero Avila! A Veneto bianco, Cinzano, etc., STILL I will NOT come home to.....
(Wait a minute) O:K: Call me a Taxi. But I'm gonna hold out for the GRAPPA and that Bella...walking SO proudly in her new, white tennis shoes on the Piazza della Segreto?...

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/sciacca-Sicily/Summer Festival Day!....(Kids ALL dressed Up!)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "CHINATOWN: Summer COLDS? They're the WORST!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "CHINATOWN: Summer colds, they're the Worst!"

On the level, on da Straight, no Curve ball, no Strike OUT, no twist & shout, just Me and Anton, listening: Bossa-bossa, waiting for our Girls to show?

MY Civil rights, on da level, No-where, like Anton, from Belgique; we survived the HEAT WAVE and then DIED in the "breeze"... wishing for a Lover's Summer cold? And maybe our Summer Loves, not late, just dead?

On the NEAR horizon down South from, vertical views, for YOUR eyes only, some Inter-ception WITHOUT the Blues, cusses, kicks, my hues, frickin' SHOES: JESUS! Any sworn statement U demand I'll sign!!! ...Orientation? Move on UP!!!

Traffic comes. Traffic goes. Shunted. Enjoined, then SPEWED into who knows where?

In L.A. In Chinatown: Summer colds? Yup! They're the worst. And like the fella said: "On the level, straight as a Dye; lend me $20! I'll give U some advice: Only your fingerprints, innocent,  point naked to the sky?"


Our Man in Europe/dave Delacroix/ "Drugstore, Truck driving, -Muslim Man."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Drugstore, Truck Driving, Muslim Man."

"HE's a Drugstore, truck driving Musselman, a Muslim with his eldest Kid in the U.S. Marines; and when Summer comes rollin' around we'll paint and we'll Party this town!

An Immigrants Story he knows? Cos he sees it FOREVER on live T.V. shows? His Fashion is unique, his lady's kitchen, a dream, let's all get together: BBQ and shout OUT that USA Dream!

He's a Drugstore, truck driving Man, A Muslim Man... and reads the Quoran! His other kids in school paint pictures of ME and U and if YOU TRY ...U can see through kids eyes?

He's a Drugstore, truck drivin' Man? His Eldest, a master Sargent in the U.S. Marines!  In a Field Medic-Vac, waiting on a "dust off"; wounded, don't know what he knows?

So when Summer comes rollin'  around? -we'll paint and we'll Party this ol' town;  and when our Serviceman, Boys and Girls, get on back Home: U-BETCHA! .... we'll paint and we'll Party, this,  our good old Home town."


Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Don't SWEAT!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Don't SWEAT!"

(dedicato:  to  the 6 brewskies I put in the deep freeze: for GODSAKE don't let me forget!!!?)

Don't sweat the Small stuff
(Its ALL small stuff)
Don't sweat the Small stuff
(Its ALL small stuff)
Don't sweat the Small stuff
with ME now, Babee?

Don't CALL me "Babee"
(But U Mah Babee?)
Don't CALL me "Babee"
(But U mah BELLA!)
Just don't CALL me "Babee"
right now?
...And DON'T forget the
"Small stuff?"....(?)

(U could be Right?)
(U could be Right?)
Don't sweat the  "SALL" STUFF
And We'll, together BE
maybe later
and sing a Song.....?


Don't sweat the Small stuff
(Its ALL small stuff)
Don't sweat the Piccolini
(Its ALL Piccolini!!!)
Don't sweat the Small Stuff
and - right now? -
Don't CALL me Babee;
just kiss Me!.... OK.!
Just Kiss me Again!.....:)

(Smiley Dave)

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO Esq./On the Beach, Sciacca, Sicily...

Monday, August 7, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "On-Line."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "On-Line."

On-line, wishing, crying, dying...in that Cyber-space SOUP, under a canopy of anonymity, feeling MORE in control than just walking down the street, a feat, for the intellectually stymied; like a  puppy wagging its tail in an empty room?

On-line, a Face-less book, pouring out your significant misdemeanours, a'la confessional, where Truth is a limitation, a song UP- ended, entailing NO absolution, NO  harmony,  thus ill-qualified to pursue a sincere symphony?

On-line, jazzing, blues and highs and lows that bemoan corrugated intentions, a solo, a sad duet, an empty trio and/or a tragic quartet that CHOIRS into an eternity...like a Tomorrow, never to be understood... nor met?

On-line, wishing, crying, dying...in that Cyber-space Soup under a canopy of anonymity, feeling MORE in control than just walking down the street, like a puppy, wagging its tail in an empty room which then  - suddenly? - YELPS!!!

c2017,davedelacroix,lord borgo, san marco beach, sciacca,sicily.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Our Man in Erope/dave deacroix/ "5 Easy Pieces."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "5 EASY PIECES."...

(1)  .....

.....Hot Summer night, Fiori Cafe; Guisto, ANTON (bouncer), Bella-Rosella, her kids,  Nina: age 1, Lorenzo, age 4, already self reliant/could piss off da Pope, Giuseppe, IL PADRE, and family friend, NINO (photos/video), hot Summer night...that makes the World go round?


DAVE DELACROIX: "U-TUBE." Names!?  Francesca, Vivianna, Con-Cetta!? Some bellas' whose names, sometimes, bequeathed to obscurity, PLANE CRASH their hearts, later, into your Soul? EL PAso, THE sAN FERNANDO vALLEY; KIDS AND sISTAS UNTO u?


Hot, 104 degrees, Summer's Night, UN-worthy of  Sex, distant, or Love or French Kisses (somebody please explain what they are?); most MEN don't  KNOW/SHAVING off their primitive Intelligence; which is just as well? And ALL THAT Hot Honey U Butterflied for? In your Past/In your Past?
, Hot Summer's Day, now in the shade. now worthless, kissing-words, comes - not BLUE - home to U? Just a Gig, a change of GEAR, and that Kiss: "Bella-Arriverderci.".....?


.....which,  (U YAKKIN!?) gonna mean NOTHIN', sUN-DOWN, except "Be my Clown!", "Let's go to Town!", or, "Fuck off and DIE YOUNG!"
Like a cigarette burn...on your pristine....coffee table?... (U picky!?)


HOT, Summer Cafe;  a FREIGHT, a FRIGHT, something out of the night, BITES your NECK, grabs U , your   bare wrists: Solar-Inturo!  CROTCH ZONE!?...And U can "Whistle Dixie" like that hot Summer night an' it don't MEAN U get  to go home, whilst, self Inflicted, wounded,  semi- bloodless, flagging arms, U point, ,to  that In-between and... the kisses of  teenage Love and the Terror U NOW have found... sings YOUR song... to celebrate or lament...or words to that effect?

c2017/dave delacroix/LORD BORGO/Sciacca/Sicily.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "DEMENTIA."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "DEMENTIA."

DEMENTIA...and the ART of FORGETTING sometimes losers its WHIM, breeze? Or Gusto? Ask anyone who has forgot? Or; U can CALL/(GOOGLE)  "Who's Forgotten.com", if U REMEMBER the Website. Arrive there? YO!...FRICKIN BLANK, just like You, conferring, as U DO -affirmatory/an affirmation - on your Cell Phone? And hosting  APPS that have no meaning? (Pretty pictures, though?)

DEMENTIA...and the ART of Forgetting; antidotes? -Indulge your Kids, take an interest in your Garden/household plants? Or your old Surf Board, break out the WAX and STAY, religiously, with Inter-Net PORN: Priests in Love, Lesbian NUNS, Donald Trump-types caught in the Act;
It's O.K. to Vaseline your Mind for a better day; a Democrat Administration?

Only THIS night....I ran into an Old "Brother"; he introduced me to his quite cool German family and friends: "This is DAVE. Big Rock star! Co-wrote songs with David Bowie, Rolling Stones, Elton John,, etc., etc., but when he INCLUDED "Patsy Cline", I got to thinking: "Dementia."? If he had said "BUDDY HOLLY", maybe I too would have gone along for the ride, demented or no?

DEMENTIA...and the ART of Forgetting, Yesterday, Today, those SO STARK and SPOOKY dark Tomorrows?... But DO NOT fear the REAPER, only know "Fellatio", excluding Arthritis, emboldens  a declining Soul and , by all unsubstantiated accounts, infuses DRANO in your cerebral-erogenous Zone! (I'm convinced!?) Still; who, demented, is to judge? As for the UN-demented? THEY are not qualified! And your Wise men - Jethro Tull -  don't -actually KNOW how it feels...to be thick as a brick/NOR demented?

DEMENTIA...and the Art of Forgetting. Two old-love-doves,  Life-long Loves, sharing a room, and uncomfortable in their acknowledged, unforgiving,, sad  alienation: "WHO is that Woman!?,  she; "WHO is that Man!?.... And WHO is to the Rescue?

....HEAR US O LORD, in Heaven thy dwelling place?

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD...Some Dude.../Sciacca-Sicily.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Donatella and the bottled Trees."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Bottle Tree."

(N.B. There is a rotund, stemmed, leafy tree in these Sicilian parts. Hardy, lives longer than YOU but affords ....whilst U live... constant shade.  Here? It's called: Albero Bottiglia. The Bottle Tree."

"The Bottle Tree:

BRUTAL, Sicily, the leaden veil of the Sirocco; All is sweltering. An Inuit can get a TAN in 3.5 seconds!!!
But ,feverishly, I digress?

3 Bellas, in the shade of a Albero B. (Bottle Tree?),  bunny-bumming a Civic street bench?  Sooo God damn HOT!..
.At THIS time even the COSA NOSTRA (Umo-Umo!) are too "laissez-fair" to WACK anyone; let alone Me?...
Mezzo-Guigno, molto-caldi, Bravo-Ragazzi!..
.JEEZE! So god damn HOT: GUNS go off by themselves!!!?
And DOGS hide in Palazzo shades, CATS - smarter? - down in Wine cellars and WHAT shade the Bottle Tree affords, comes at the price of some TEEN/Punk telegraphing
VESPA fumes
on the way to his next Masturbation event?

At the BAR ODEON, (Mio; I hear?) some Old (Tanned-Sicilian/Dickensian) "BARSTED" calls out: "SALVE MARIA!!!?".....I thought it was a PLEA (to the Holy of Holy's?); but "NUTT'IN". It's Maria: Old Sicilian Comrade, joining a table. Whilst DONATELLA (My Heart-Throb-Waitress-Baristress) -"Babee, I got da Dehydration Blues; per favore? Anything COLD, anything COOL, LONG and/or SLOW, like those shadows, those silhouettes under those manicured Bottled Trees...and a Kiss to please?"

BRUTAL, Sicily, the leaden veil of the Sirocco; All is sweltering. An Irish WIT can run OUT of a Limerick in 3.5 seconds!!!
But, feverishly, I digress?

3 Bella-bunnies RISE, stretch, twist, and depart. Ceremoniously captivating. The Old Cafe Boy and "Salve-Maria" go off and share a "Siesta".... DONATELLA (!!?%£&!!!) is busy on her Cell phone (tutte APPS) which is WHERE we get to the TOUGH part...?

BRUTAL. Brutal. "Not in our STARS, dear Brutus, but in OURSELVES?"

The TIRED Tourists, under a (bottle) tree, wondrin' WHAT, WHY, HERE, wondrin' their "far away" NEED? Dressed Pastel PINK, over-CLOTHED, sweltering-brittle under a seemingly BRITTLE frickin' TREE, hating the "Trip", the Hotel, the DYNAMIC, airports, missing luggage,, no-one talks, ALL too busy on their Cell-phones... DESCRIBING their Plight, Joy, Sight-see-ing, VERBIAGE, posting Yesterday's "Selfies" for tomorrow's flagging Orgasm, some place by a Bottle Tree, a canopy, an ETERNITY... from under which, in the mezzo-guiorgno HEAT, MAD DOGS and Englishmen, and Angels fear to tread?

c2017/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Selunite-Sicilia.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "PAMPLONA!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Pamplona."

"DEM DAMN PEOPLE, dem nights, INKY, no light in sight, U walk the Walk, U talk the Talk; STILL: U SQUAWK -Damn dem Days that cannot come all too soon? ...

.Dem damn PEOPLE, dem dat Gal, pink GOA, lost, lost, in a Lava-Lamp under a cheap-ass chalice?....

Damn the Night: ELUSIVE! Or just God damn UN-DELIVERABLE; somebody, some FRICK! ..they "moved" dem tables and chains?

DEM damn Aficionados - this side of OLE! - who hang, glued, with whom they fornicate? It doesn't have to be your MOTHER, Freudian, or SEXUAL...

In Pamplona: there's a BULL involved?.

DEM DAT PEOPLE, dem, dat Gal; a ZODIAC, bizarre...that POINTS to...who else?

c2017/davedelacroix/lord borgo/sciacca/sicily.