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Friday, August 28, 2015

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/our man in europe/ "Don't fear da Reaper!"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Don't fear da Reaper!"

.....Don't fear the Reaper, my sweet?
 Like the tomorrow, a rendezvous, uncertain;
 where-as I, in love, true, am declared.
 Don't fear da Reaper, my sweet:
 RUST, bone, death and decay
 swallows PASSION
 whilst imagination, sprinkled,
 confettis' Life and Death's nuptials:
 Ask any Suicide!

Don' fear the Reaper, my sweet.
 Ordained? -Certainly! PRE-ordained?
-In TIME's (thee actual GOD) hands,
 there are no prohpets: Romeo and Juliet,
 together in eternity? To BE like they are?

 C'mon, babee, don't fear the Reaper?
 Enjoined, cloyed sweat and twist
 in a caldera of bliss,
 and a Universe, eyed, that the mind is yet to see?
 C'mon, babee. C'mon, maybe?
 C'mon, babee: don't ya gonna fear da Reaper!...

c 2015/davedelacroix/LORD BORGO/Modica-Sicily.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The girl who lived in bushes."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The girl who lived in bushes."

Mamma was a Fascist! PAPPA? -a desperate drunk... The KID, the girl, aged 5 to 15 was wont to go (retreat) in the garden, sit behind the bushes.
She grew. Years later some local kid told her she was "hot stuff", gave her a ring; they got married,  had 3 kids; In times of trouble (her local boy turned out to be a drunk), she grabs the kids and with soda and snacks, they live/hide in the garden...behind bushes till the "All Clear."
She had 2 sons, 1 daughter. The daughter, she too, later married a local boy-idiot-drunk who she  (the daughter) finally kicked out of the house. Lastly? -She cut down all those god-damn bushes!...

c 2015/dave delacroix/modica-sicily.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ Too many Yoko's!

oUR mAN IN eUROPE/DAVE DELACROIX/ "Too many Yoko's."

...Don't wanna join your BAND:
 Too many Yoko's.

Don't want to hang with your Crowd?
-too many Yoko's.

Don't wanna go to Hollywood?
Too many Yoko's with DICKS.

And, YOKO? I don't wanna date.. with your
Siamese tricks.

EL DORADO? -leave it out!
 -too many Yoko's.

And I don't need a ride,
 this side of Paradise:

(ya got it!)

-too many Yoko's.

(drag me screamin' & kickin')

...too many frickin' YOKO ONO'S!

c 2015/davedelacroix/St. Pierre, Sicily.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Hot Springs Deluxe."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Hot Springs Deluxe."

"Only the Good die young?" -the older I get,  the expression's validity cold-steels thru. And my living like "Chauncey Gardener" is not without some pain and much confusion, being there.

TOMMY! -def, dumb & blind kid? NO WAY-JOSE! A "Sam Spade" actor... and Maitre'D at famed MAXIMES, Hot Springs-Arkansas' music venue landmark. And a BRO to ALL, passed away: "In memoriam"

...Son-of-a-gun cracked me up with his "No Country for Old Men" -Texas haircut. (lasted for 2 weeks). A "Pard", a fellow Thespian, BLOODY ROOM-MATES! -Tommy had a BO-JANGLES wit for life's every roadblock!

For the great State of Arkansas and the SPA town  of Hot Springs, from Modica-Sicily - a Hot Springs look-a-like - to TOMMY, I raise a jar...the best by far...in a Hot Springs deluxe.

c 2015/davedelacroix/our man in europe/modica-Sicily.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ PLASTIC MEN.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ PLASTIC MEN.

WE are da Plastic men,
 instant, applicable, a throw-a-way.
We are da Plastic dudes;
 hunger - pussy-crave! - like knaves,
 like a knave.

No kiss, no pout, no eyebrow raised?
 U need a friend? -Get a dog
...in the Economy size
who'll spread her legs on a Friday night,
 a plastic Baby-Doll'll do alright?

We are the Plastic men
 and VOTE if U choose;
 politico, War and Peace?
Plastc man forgot..so long ago?

WE are da Plastic MAN,
 resolute in stagnation,
 but at the slightest whisper
of a cold wind,
 the plastic shatters
 to hollow bone:
And so it goes. And so it goes.

c 2015/davedelacroix/our kid in europe/modica-sicily.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Rimini & the Grateful Dead."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ RIMINI & the Grateful Dead...

Never been? Never been?
 But in Winter?
 -U don't know WINTER,
 U ain't never LIVED when U say
 U ain't "got nuttin'" 'cept da Summertime Blues?

Winter, cuore (heart)
 will sweep your empty soul
 and leave U
 - which  (Professors agree)
is good and bad,
 like a Nino Rota canzone (song)
 in a FELLINI movie.

 U GO to Rimini...and there's no-one there!
 And the tides gone out,
 hence: U, Venus in Furs,
wearing a  Russian capella (hat-thingy),
walking along the frigid, beach shoreline
...like a happy martyr.

Never been? Never been?

c 2015/davedelacroix/our dude in Modica/happy at last.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ BOB MARLEY

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/BOB MARLEY

DIZ morning, DAT morning, DEEZ days?... Kiss da Gals and make'em cry?... More like the other way around, hence: DA BLUES.

DIZ "mezza-giorno", death in the afternoon, can't come too soon for some?... Palm trees sway, "Reggae" ladies PRAY someday you'll come back soon, like a canzone, like a song, Bob Marley?

DIZ nite, this night? So many, lost in the promise of love-UN-requited; only left to hunger for the new day, that ever-illusive tomorrow.

Good morning! Buongiorno! Misty morning (can't see no sun)? The rhythm of the SURF speaks your name, your flame, and all the mornings yet to come.

c 2015/dave delacroix/ourmanineurope...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Our Man i8n Europe/dave delacroix/ "PANAMA HAT."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Panama Hat."

CHESTY-MORGAN (big tits), via Roma, Ragusa, pinches her "undies" under her skirt; don't ya just love this sticky arm-pit weather? And, vive Sicily, terra-paradisio: Every frick but ME, Chesty-Morgan too, in a Panama Hat!?
And , SPORTIFFE!!!? -some go CRUSOE, some SAM SPADE, some downright FEDORA, some look FILM NOIR and sharp as blades? But MOST, mostly, shuffle - under da Boardwalk? - and kiss the day when back in Manchester-England or "sweet" Chicago-USA, they can KISS dat frickin' Panama Hat..goodbye?
WOTS TA DO, dude!? What's to say? Fashionistas' bewail! And Critics abound: "De Rigeur?" "Schiess-befeil!?" Stick dat fricker on your TOP, for F-Book, Papparazzi, in need of a MIRROR: WHOOPEE-DOO, forget ya Blue Suede Shoes! ...The mind slumbers.
And if DA truth be known? MIO?... Ah wouldn't be seen DEAD in this life or the next... outside of PANAMA...wearing a Panama hat.

c. 2015/daved/fuck ooff and die young. MODICA-Sicily

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "DOMANI!" (Tomorrow)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/  "Domani!"  (Tomorrow)

Domani -in mah dreams?
Domani -in mah schemes?
Domani -in mah SCREAM!

Domani -in your embrace?
Domani -kiss your face?
Domani -will U ever WAIT
for tomorrow?

Domani -dat's her name
to fire Love's flame,
and if LOVE has a name/chiama?
It's Domani: DOMANI.

Domani -in mah dreams?
Domani -in mah schemes?
Tomorrow, She's mah QUEEN:

(...Singing da Blues
whilst da Lady Cats wail?

Domani, Domani, Domani.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "4 Shades of Blue."

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "4 Shades of Blue."

1) "Falling in love again..."

(Sing along:) Falling in love again
what am I to do?
It's a kind of Blue;
I can't help it.

Love has always been my game?
What am I to do?
It's a kind of Blue;
I can't help it.

Women flock to me
like moths around a flame,
when they hear my name,
am I to blame?
AM I TO BLAME? (sotto voce)
I can't help it.

Falling in love again,
GIADA, sister Sue,
Rachel or Kate,
Isabella, I love you!
I can't help it.

2)  "The Wanton."

...She was "tarred and feathered". They shaved her frickin' head and pelted her with yesterdays veggies! The PRIEST (There's always a Priest. A community necessity...to validate occasional outbreaks of civic insanity) "received" her Confession prior to her being burnt - to death! at the stake in the village piazza.
Most folks stood back. Them with DUCATS? -Ringside!
The "confession", known only to the Priest, Me, now You, ergo: the frickin World!

(The Confession)

"Yes, my daughter?"
"Yes, my daughter. Get on with it!"
"Padre? I fucked every one in town cos'  I wanted to feel I belonged? Ya follow?"
"Yes, my daughter."
"The men, boys, even the village hunchback, I slept with."
"The hunchback?"
"Si, padre. It was a Sunday."
 "They all just wanted FREE PUSSY but some how it gave me satisfaction; a service presented?"
"Yes, my daughter?"
"I could'a charged these fricks for money!"
"You did?... Tax deductible?..."
"Not on your Life, Padre! No. Money, as we both know, is an abstract science I wanted no part of. But  I BELONGED. I was .- though Spartan? - in this town, an asset; I was NEEDED. Like a Priest, perhaps? Like you?"

The Priest, who's name, probably like yours or mine, was/is lost to History But  at the "auto da fe"/public burning thingy, this noble man of the Cloth (the Priest) bade all spectators - Ducats or no - to close their eyes and bow their heads in supplication...with the threat of "eternal inferno/excommunication/serious law suit, and SWITCHED the "Wanton" for a "Guy Fawkes" dummy, who immediately and  conveniently combusted!
"Auto da fe" cognoscenti remarked "The bitch expired as fast as she fucked!" It was a No-Show. Street vendors cried foul!... But truth be known?...

The "Wanton" was smuggled to the sea, took sail with the Priest's purse and words: "Go EAST, my daughter. Enlightenment awaits!"

3) "I ain't gonna cry."

I ain't gonna cry
for the History of Man?
I ain't gonna cry
for dreams dat don't come true?

I ain't gonna cry
for what U meant to me?
Nor You!
Don't waste your tears.

I ain't gonna cry
for the living, nor the dead
and I ain't gonna cry
over words written or said?

"Il Grande Viaggio!"
In Peace or War? A Chronicle!
Who could ask for more?

-Nothing more than footsteps
of Time's shadow.

I ain't gonna cry. Nope!
Forgiveness is favored in Heaven?
But I will not cry. No.
Not today:


4)  Flatbush -New York City.

There was a sweet gal
from Flatbush, NYC?

There was a cool doll
from Flatbush, BROOKLYN

There was a true heart,

(Sing along!)

And I love her still,
ocean's apart,
and she done never did me wrong!

There was a great Lady
from Flatbush, New York City;
for her? -this song.

And I love her still,
ocean's apart;
and she done never did me wrong.

c 2015/davedelacroix/our dude in Sicily/MODICA-groovey 4 SHADES OF BLUE.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Our Man In Europe/dave delacroix/ "DIZ U DIZ!?" (Are U Guilty?)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "DIZ U DIZ!?" (Are U Guilty?)

Diz u diz
Diz u diz?
Diz u diz?

Did u Fizz!
Prosecco, POP!
Diz u cool;
pop, pop, pop!?

DO u mizz
da boy with da Fizz
viaggi Grande Navi

Bambino arrive
Sailor-boy returns
and NOW
U smile?

(famiglia:) IZ U IZ, Navi-Senor?
Bienvenuto famiglia-
salute! DIZ U DIZ!?
La dolce vita?..


(Pappa) "DIZ U DIZ
mio figlia?"

diz u diz?
Diz u diz
da Biz?...

(...and so it goes.)

2015/davedelacroix/our man in europe/modica/sicily/italy.

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "THE LEADEN VEIL:"

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "The Leaden Veil."

"Not a Sparrow shall fall!", -according to U? ARIZONA desert highway (no sparrows).
"I'm leavin' ya! Frick off and die Young!" -X-3... U flies at the walls of the  "Sad Pearl Desert Motel"; make your FIRE EXIT, stride out to US highway 666, but no TRAFFIC, dead desert heat, so U come back to the T.V., love-seat, mini-bar (I would too?); not a sparrow shall fall.
"Maybe, later Babee, when da sun goes down?"
T.V. chat-talk and the East TEXAS wind sing: "Not a sparrow shall fall"?

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Fontana di Visione." (Fountain of light)

Our Man in Europe/dave delacroix/ "Fontana di Visione"/Fountain of Light...

Fontana di visione, fountain of Light, quando conceptione? Domani -illuminati?
IERI, nero, ieri nero! Ieri, grande amore!? Fontana di visione!

Fontana di visione, the fountain of light? BULGAVI No.4 -lipstick, becomes U
in indigo-prima sera?
Fontana di visione, fountain of Light? Come live with me my sweet: Il
Diablo! Vai!

Fontana di visione, grande amore, il notte? NINO ROTA musica; il mondo
tutte bene.

Fontana di visione, fountain of light - grande amore!  Il PHOENIX transcendo;
dolce vita e buona sera...

(Tra-la-la!/can any body lend me $20?).......:)

c 2015/davedelacroix/ourmanineurope/modica/sicily/italia.