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Sunday, October 13, 2024

OUR MAN in EUROPE/now BELIZE: dave delacroix, a.k.a david michael Oxley: "The Boys by the Lake."

 Our Man in Europe/now BELIZE: dave delacroix: "The Boys by the Lake."

...The Boys by the Lake didn't give much of a hoot. JESUS!? A GIG is a Gig? Prophet numero 20/Life after Death? Gotta ring to it! Pool Guys, Fuller Brush Salesmen? Tele-sales? SPAM!? Always some clown knocking on your spiritual door? Mathew, Mark, Luke or John? Where DO they get these names? WORLD PEACE: The Hatfield's & the McCoys? Never in a month of Sundays! PETER (apparently) had a REAL job. Caught/sold fish. The rest of Em, hanging by the lake, Galilee, STONED, scrouging off the Villages, looking like dirt: who would-a guessed their claim to fame, right time, right place? (The BEATLES!) Nobody played electric guitar but there U have it: if your daughter had brought one home U'd-a gladly passed him on to the ROMANS, lion-fodder for THEIR theatrical games which, oddly is what mostly happened to these misfits. Funny how that worked out. The BOYS by the LAKE's sponging-lifestyle now embossed in the annals of history, the minds of a zillion believers, a chapter in the story of Homo-Sapien, a nano-universe encoring, awaiting the spiritual conveyance of the NEXT bunch, a wilder bunch (?), some crew by a lake, to cork-screw into sundry base, the be-deviled, determined, in the pursuit of the ownership & control of his fellow man's Soul? Cry, WAIL U chanting fools. Mother Nature's Love & kindness vanquishes All. Begone U Fishers of Men!

c. davedelacroix/david michael oxley ON FACEBOOK too. Oct. 2024.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

OUR MAN in EUROPE/now BELIZE, Dave Delacroix: UP-coming POSTS!

 Our Man in Europe, Dave Delacroix, UP-coming Posts!

1: "The League of POOL GUYS!"

2: "My favorite KIBUTZ!"

3: "My DIVA is Quick!"

4: "My GUINNESS is sweating!"

....watch this space.

davedelacroix, dealing with Throat Cancer-thingy. Will post-soonest. INTERNATIONAL HUGS; Y-all can FIND ME on my current Facebook Page: DAVID MICHAEL OXLEY for UP-dates on my PULSE!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

OUR MAN in EUROPE, now BELIZE, dave delacroix: "A Braid in Plaid."

 Our Man in Europe, dave delacroix: "A Braid in Plaid."

ARI'S always right when she quakes & googles, nobody's right,

she struts & frets delivering "plat du jour" SWANKS-hips!; 

gives U lip-service; better be kind?

ARIADNE too, RIGHT! Serving U TEA, lunch, diner,

a limousine? She UN-weaves-lets down from her tower, HAIR;, 

a braid in plaid expecting U to climb?

A KAREN in aspic: dat "jelly", tits-twibblin-tits, mouth, MOUTH

for-swear from she comes? (Horatio dances across a Ballet-stage?)

"My lawn is dead!" she screams. "Gotta BE somebody's fault!?"

c. aug. 2024, dave delacroix, corozal, belize.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

OUR MAN in EUROPE, now BELIZE, DAVE DELACROIX/david michael oxley: "A Guitar for a Year."

 Our Man in Europe, Dave Delacroix/David Michael Oxley: "A Guitar for a Year."

A KADISH for my Kibbutz, a prayer for U, that HOUSE of Soul, carried in trust,

God's gift from birth to Life's resound, that wheels thru Peace, War, Love, despair,

 life-long defiant in its fragility?

A Kadish for my Kibbutz, that Temple to your Soul, a Wailing-wall, a WELL of Souls

for ALL God's Children?

WHO tempers recognition with worldly desires, WHAT the Man, the DEVIL,

to dictate divinities synchronicity!?

A Kadish for my Kibbutz, now remembered, waxing in Eyes-fondness

passed clash-swords, spear, Glory or Shame: A Guitar in a Year

left fretting, SWEATING upon the stage of eternities' Yesteryear...


c. Davedelacroix, Aug. 2024; Old throat Cancer-NEW Painkillers. Yo!

Saturday, August 10, 2024

OUR MAN in EUROPE, Belize, Dave Delacroix/David Michael Oxley: "SUICIDE!"

 Our Man in Europe (famous=dude), dave delacroix/david michael oxley: "SUICIDE!"

Dropping DEAD, outright-SHOT/car-wreck in Bakersfield, CA., SHARK-ATTACK, FLA, MUSLIM-TERRORISTS at the Shoeshine, Paris-France? The dripping FAWCETT of Throat Cancer? U ever LOOK at an IMAN'S shoes or ask your landlord if he masturbates?

WHISKY libations, PRAYERS to INVISIBLE GODS whose LEGENDS, portrayed in Books, SCRIPTURES, hieroglyphics, MAYAN Jigsaws? 

ABOVE ALL, that GLINT, that OPTIC, that spark-EYED to fall in love, or dig deep into Man's survival DANCE, later to "morph": 

"I wondered/Wandered as a CLOUD, BELOW!!!.....a ship of Fools."

...my Suicide or demise was always a-waiting.

c. dave delacroix. 8/10/2024

Friday, August 2, 2024

OUR MAN in EUROPE/Belize, dave Delacroix/david-michael-Oxley: "Sweet Lorraine."

 OUR MAN in EUROPE/in Belize, Dave Delacroix, a.k.a. David Michael Oxley: "Sweet Lorraine."

COMPRESSED, discomfort, UN-channeled, SIN, a FEAR that riddles - Politic? - VOICES!/Chorus, most voices- CHORUS, a hollow cheer; most voices in the battles-rear, I write my love, sweet Lorraine?

USURPED, kidnapped, RUSSIAN-ROULETTE or Harpooned, the Ace of Spades, life-MADE: Nevsky-Prospect, St. Petersburg-sleigh, jingles my love, sweet Lorraine? Pushkin's fate?

DO I DARE break the CURSE of HISTORY/Love's eternal VERSE or trouble future Romeos? In dark/light, fear/flight who BREAKS, sweet Lorraine, God's mold of Man's formidable destiny?

c.davedelacroix. Aug2, 2024.

Saturday, July 20, 2024



OUR MAN in EUROPE, Dave Delacroix: "Greco-Hiroshima."

(dedicato. Brain Pavlik. Long time Amigo.)

"OH the HORROR, the FASCINATION!?" with our arms & legs, the visible skeleton, your intimate X-ray (B-ZZZZ!), info-consumed, EX-hummed in the latest Archeological DIG!?

A necklace, bracelet, cooking-pot, the ancient HOOD in wind-swept RUIN? Not a glimpse, less U invent it, of JOY de VIE, that last kiss before "Mano e ManO", bloodied, slain at your door?

Olianis, his blood spattered on the Ceramics. Kesha. Burnt alive. Her bones in the oven! Lycia-ravaged, aftermath, the VOLCANO eruption to seal the crime

then usurped by ALIENS who dissect the SANCTITY of our ending and enjoy, day's ending, at a nearby trattoria con Vino?

EONS fast forward. The Auschwitz Beer Resort. Hiroshima-Ground Zero Hotel. No volcanic gas to asphyxiate, but there will always be the "SEA PEOPLES", ...as WE, distracted, paint our own houses, temples, with visions of joy, the rictus-grin of greed-without!

c.2024. daveedelacroixdavid michael oxley, belize, consumate-groovey feeling. Herculaneum/Pompeii/Alexandria/all MINOAN, thera.